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Chapter 664: Tang Weiwei, Long Time No Seen

Chapter 664: Tang Weiwei, Long Time No Seen


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 664 Tang Weiwei, whom I haven’t seen for a long time

  Song Siyu immediately shook her head and said, “No, if I wear Youran’s clothes, she will see it immediately.”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head and said, “Am I that stupid? I mean Shishi’s clothes.”


  Song Siyu was stunned when she heard the name.

  Then she remembered.

  Before, when Cheng Lu was still Xu Xiuwen’s girlfriend.

  An Shishi brought a lot of clothes here.

  Song Siyu hesitated and said, “This is the only way.”

  Then Song Siyu came to An Shishi’s room, came to the latter’s closet, and began to look for suitable clothes.

  Just like Cheng Lu last time.

  Song Siyu was also very embarrassed.

  The clothes in An Shishi’s closet are all skirts, and they are all novel and fashionable styles.

  It doesn’t match her usual dressing style.

  But there is no better choice.

  Song Siyu can only bite the bullet and choose a skirt.

  At this moment, An Shishi, who was on her way to the classroom, suddenly sneezed.

  Cheng Lu asked with concern: “Shishi, do you have a cold?”

  An Shishi shook her head, “No. Is there someone who is talking about me behind my back?”

  After thinking for a while, she couldn’t think of anyone.

  An Shishi smiled and said, “Forget it, don’t think about it. Lulu, Song Siyu didn’t return to the dormitory last night?”

  Cheng Lu raised her eyebrows, “I know, but what does it have to do with me?”

  An Shishi blinked, “Do you really not care? Don’t you want to know where she went? Is it possible that she went to see Xu Xiuwen?”

  Cheng Lu frowned slightly, “Shishi, don’t mention him in front of me in the future.”

  Seeing the coldness in Cheng Lu’s eyes.

  An Shishi knew she was serious. She

  sighed softly in her heart.

  These days, she has been helping Xu Xiuwen to test Cheng Lu’s mind.

  Is she really going to ignore Xu Xiuwen in the future?

  After the two girls came to the classroom.

  Xiao Youran came later.

  Seeing that it was almost time for class.

  Song Siyu finally came late.

  The moment she saw Song Siyu.

  An Shishi’s pupils shrank immediately.

  She recognized at a glance that the clothes on Song Siyu were the ones she bought.

  Her words really came true.

  Song Siyu really went to see Xu Xiuwen last night.

  She should have stayed there overnight.

  Seeing Song Siyu’s bright and beautiful appearance.

  An Shishi couldn’t help but wonder if she and Xu Xiuwen had done something?

  Cheng Lu naturally noticed Song Siyu’s arrival.

  After seeing the skirt on Song Siyu.

  She was also slightly startled.

  Last time, she borrowed An Shishi’s skirt and wore it.

  She had opened An Shishi’s wardrobe before.

  She still had a vague impression of the style of the skirt inside.

  So she also recognized that the skirt on Song Siyu was from An Shishi’s wardrobe.

  Although she said that Xu Xiuwen had nothing to do with her.

  But seeing Song Siyu wearing An Shishi’s clothes.

  She couldn’t help but think: What happened last night?

  Why did Song Siyu even change her clothes?

  On the other side.

  Seeing that Song Siyu finally came.

  Xiao Youran breathed a sigh of relief.

  Song Siyu walked over to Xiao Youran and sat down.

  As soon as she sat down, Xiao Youran couldn’t wait to ask: “Siyu, what did Xiao Xu say? Does he hate me? Does he want to break up with me?”

  Song Siyu saw Xiao Youran’s face.

  After all, she had sex with Xu Xiuwen last night.

  Facing Xiao Youran, she naturally felt guilty.

  Her eyes flickered a few times before she whispered: “Don’t think too much, Xu Xiuwen doesn’t want to break up with you.”

  Xiao Youran was relieved when she heard that.

  Then Xiao Youran began to ask about what happened last night.

  Song Siyu told Xiao Youran, but concealed some things.

  Xiao Youran nodded while listening.

  At this time.

  Xiao Youran suddenly noticed the clothes on Song Siyu.

  She hesitated for a moment and asked: “Siyu, the clothes on you are not yours, right?”

  Just on the way to the classroom, Song Siyu considered going back to the dormitory to change clothes.

  She was worried that Xiao Youran would see it.

  But on the one hand, time is tight, and going back to the dormitory will be late.

  The teacher of this class is more demanding.

  Lateness will also be deducted points.

  Secondly, she thought Xiao Youran would not recognize that the clothes were not hers.

  If Xiao Youran really asked, she would say that she went back to the dormitory to change into another set.

  But she didn’t expect Xiao Youran to see it right away.

  So Song Siyu was a little embarrassed.

  Song Siyu thought for a while and said, “Well, this dress belongs to Shishi. I borrowed it to wear.”

  ”Ah? Why?” Xiao Youran’s expression became nervous.

  Song Siyu smiled faintly and explained, “Youran, Xu Xiuwen got drunk last night and vomited all over me. I can’t wear the clothes I wore yesterday.”

  ”Is that so.” Xiao Youran was relieved after hearing this.

  ”Siyu, Xiao Xu is drunk. I apologize to you on his behalf. Please don’t be angry with him, okay?”

  ”Don’t worry, I’m not such a petty person.”

  Xiao Youran smiled when he heard this, “Siyu is the best.”

  Song Siyu had nothing to say.

  In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

  At Jiangling College.

  The three girls in dormitory 601, Tang Weiwei, Shen Minyao and Su Yanyan, went to the cafeteria to have lunch together.

  The three girls ordered noodles.

  Shen Minyao ordered seafood noodles without chili.

  Tang Weiwei ordered Chongyu noodles, slightly spicy.

  Su Yanyan ordered Nanhe noodles, medium spicy.

  The three girls sat together eating noodles and chatting.

  It is worth mentioning that

  the three girls sat at a table.

  Shen Minyao and Su Yanyan sat on one side.

  Tang Weiwei sat alone on the other side. There

  were two beautiful girls at their table.

  Among them, Tang Weiwei was the number one school beauty of Jiangling College.

  Since they sat down,

  the boys around them have been paying attention to this place.

  Naturally, there are also bold boys who come forward to chat and even ask for numbers.

  The ending is naturally ruthlessly rejected.

  In the past, some shameless boys wanted to sit at a table with the three girls to eat.

  In order to avoid this situation,

  the three girls’ schoolbags were placed on the empty chair.

  In this way

  , others will naturally know that they do not welcome others to sit together.

  However, at this moment,

  a figure really walked to the seat next to Tang Weiwei.

  This person directly picked up the schoolbag on the seat and sat down on his own initiative.

  Tang Weiwei is not good at rejecting people, or even chasing them away.

  In the past, Shen Minyao did this more often.

  This time, Tang Weiwei still sat still, waiting for Shen Minyao to chase her away.

  But Shen Minyao didn’t say anything this time. Su

  Yanyan was also silent.

  Tang Weiwei had been eating noodles with her head down.

  Seeing that the two of them didn’t talk, she had to come by herself.

  She turned around and was about to say to the person who came, “Excuse me, can you sit somewhere else?”

  But when she turned around and saw the person’s appearance clearly,

  she was stunned.

  Because the person who came was none other than

  Xu Xiuwen

  During this period, Xu Xiuwen came to the classroom to attend classes most of the time.

  But Tang Weiwei and Xu Xiuwen didn’t have many opportunities to contact each other.

  It can be said that there were almost no opportunities.

  Because there were two people in the classroom, one sitting in the front and the other sitting in the back.

  After class,

  Tang Weiwei rarely took the initiative to find Xu Xiuwen.

  And recently Xu Xiuwen rarely looked for her.

  So the two didn’t have much contact.

  But this doesn’t mean that Tang Weiwei doesn’t want to see Xu Xiuwen.

  She just doesn’t want to disturb Xu Xiuwen’s business.

  And that’s her personality.

  She obviously wanted to see Xu Xiuwen, but she would not ask Xu Xiuwen to make time to see him.

  Instead, she would let it go.

  Tang Weiwei actually missed Xu Xiuwen in her heart.

  Now that she really saw Xu Xiuwen,

  Tang Weiwei was a little surprised and shy.

  At this moment, she understood why he sat down and Shen Minyao and Su Yanyan didn’t say anything.

  Because it was Xu Xiuwen.

  Tang Weiwei asked in a low voice: “Why are you here?”

  Xu Xiuwen handed the schoolbag to Shen Minyao and Su Yanyan.

  The two girls also took the schoolbag and hung it behind them.

  As for Tang Weiwei’s bag.

  Xu Xiuwen still put it on his lap.

  He smiled and asked back: “Don’t you want to see me?”

  ”That’s not what I meant.” Tang Weiwei immediately became nervous.

  Xu Xiuwen laughed when he saw this.

  Tang Weiwei is still cute.

  It’s fun to tease her.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Because I missed you, and you don’t usually look for me, so I had to come to you.”

  Tang Weiwei saw that Xu Xiuwen was making the same mistake, so she didn’t refute him and explained in a low voice, “I was afraid of disturbing your business.”

  ”What business can be more important than you?”

  Although she knew that this was said to cheer her up,

  Tang Weiwei was still somewhat happy.

  Shen Minyao was a little unhappy when she saw Xu Xiuwen ignoring her and only talking to Tang Weiwei.

  She stared at Xu Xiuwen and said, “Xu Xiuwen, can you please not only focus on Weiwei? We are also living people, okay?”

  Xu Xiuwen then took the opportunity to glance at the two women and said with a smile, “Yanyan, Minyao, hello.”

  Su Yanyan smiled and said, “Hello, Master.”

  Shen Minyao also nodded. Xu Xiuwen

  glanced at the table and asked knowingly, “What are you eating?”

  Su Yanyan immediately said, “Master, I’m eating braised noodles. Do you want to try it?”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head, “No, Yanyan, I can’t eat anything too spicy. Eat it yourself.”

  Su Yanyan was skeptical and said, “Okay.”

  Shen Minyao looked at Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Well, the seafood noodles are too bland. I can’t get used to it.”

  Shen Minyao pouted.

  At this time, Xu Xiuwen turned his head to look at the bowl in front of Tang Weiwei, and said with a smile: “I think Weiwei’s bowl of noodles looks the most to my taste.”

  Tang Weiwei said: “Then I’ll buy you a bowl?”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head, “But I just want to eat your bowl.”

  ”Then you eat it, I’ll buy another bowl.”

  Tang Weiwei’s cheeks blushed slightly, and she pushed the bowl in front of her to Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen was really rude, he took the chopsticks directly and started eating.

  Tang Weiwei saw that Xu Xiuwen didn’t even change the chopsticks, and directly used the ones she used, and her face became even redder.

  felt numb in her heart.

  She didn’t know how to explain to Shen Minyao and Su Yanyan. She

  hurriedly got up to buy noodles.

  After Tang Weiwei left.

  Shen Minyao saw Xu Xiuwen using Tang Weiwei’s chopsticks without any scruples and eating the noodles that Tang Weiwei had eaten.

  She felt a little sour in her heart.

  She couldn’t help asking, “Xu Xiuwen, have you been very busy recently? I don’t see you.”

  Xu Xiuwen looked up at her and nodded, “Very busy.”

  ”Busy for what? Are you busy flirting with beauties again?” Shen Minyao said sourly.

  Xu Xiuwen’s heart skipped a beat.

  Speaking of flirting with beauties,

  there really is one.

  It was Song Siyu last night.

  But that didn’t count as flirting.

  After all, it was Song Siyu who took the initiative to send him back to his residence.

  Xu Xiuwen was eating noodles and keenly noticed the sourness in Shen Minyao’s tone.

  Looking at the hidden brilliance in Shen Minyao’s eyes,

  Xu Xiuwen sighed in his heart.

  Recently, he has been involved with the girls in 301.

  He almost forgot that there is another Shen Minyao in his class.

  There are still eight left in his ten-kiss appointment with Shen Minyao.

  Xu Xiuwen is a person.

  Although he is not a bitch,

  he is indeed a bit hypocritical.

  Shen Minyao was his wife before his rebirth.

  In this life, Shen Minyao also likes her.

  In his heart, Shen Minyao is not absent.

  Logically speaking, even if he doesn’t want to be with her wholeheartedly,

  it would be reasonable to at least accept her.

  But Xu Xiuwen, this hypocritical guy,

  insisted on making a promise of ten kisses with Shen Minyao.

  After kissing Shen Minyao ten times,

  how could he bear to let go of Shen Minyao?

  So isn’t this a waste of time?

  Do you think he is hypocritical?

  But hypocrisy also has its advantages.

  In this push-pull process,

  Xu Xiuwen has a lot more room for maneuver.

  Let’s get back to the point.

  After hearing what Shen Minyao said, Xu Xiuwen smiled and asked, “Where did the beauty come from?”

  Shen Minyao seemed to sense that her tone just now was too sour.

  Her heart beat a little faster, and she was worried that Su Yanyan next to her would see something.

  She lowered her head and took a bite of noodles before saying, “You were in the limelight at the Jiaotong University Welcome Party a while ago. Who knows if you have met any beautiful junior school girls?”

  Xu Xiuwen chuckled and said, “I have met some junior school girls, but they are not as beautiful as you, Shen Minyao. If I want to hook up with someone, I will hook up with you. Why would I hook up with a junior school girl?”

  Shen Minyao’s heart beat faster after hearing this.

  But she was not fooled by the sweet talk.

  She asked seriously, “What have you been busy with recently?”

  ”The winery…, the coffee shop in Shanghai…, the company’s new drama started filming…, and there are some meetings to attend.”

  Hearing Xu Xiuwen talk about what he was busy with during this period,

  Shen Minyao obviously believed it.

  Knowing that Xu Xiuwen was not outside to hook up with beautiful women, she felt much better.

  ”Then why didn’t you tell Weiwei?”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Weiwei is not a suspicious person. It doesn’t matter whether I say it or not.”

  This was clearly a satire on Shen Minyao’s suspicion.

  Shen Minyao immediately rolled her eyes at Xu Xiuwen.

  At this time.

  Tang Weiwei also came back.

  So Shen Minyao said no more.

  Tang Weiwei came back with another bowl of Chongyu noodles.

  The four of them sat together to eat noodles.

  Xu Xiuwen finished the noodles in the bowl in front of him in just a few bites.

  In fact, Tang Weiwei only ate a few bites of the bowl that Tang Weiwei gave him.

  But Xu Xiuwen had a good appetite.

  After eating, Xu Xiuwen held his chin and tilted his head to look at Tang Weiwei.

  His sight went from Tang Weiwei’s eyebrows, to the bridge of her nose, to the delicate little mouth that opened and closed, and finally to the perfect chin.

  The more Xu Xiuwen looked at Tang Weiwei, the more he liked her.

  Not only did she have a good personality,

  but she was also so beautiful.

  Even if she did nothing but quietly eat noodles, she

  almost took away half of Xu Xiuwen’s life.

  Compared with her,

  Shen Minyao is indeed very beautiful.

  But I have been looking at her for many years after getting married.

  Even if Shen Minyao is younger, more moist and more youthful now,

  she will not give Xu Xiuwen such a feeling.

  Of course, it may also be because he has not eaten Tang Weiwei yet.

  Things that have not been eaten are always more tempting.

  Tang Weiwei naturally noticed Xu Xiuwen’s gaze.

  At first she wanted to ignore it.

  But she couldn’t stand Xu Xiuwen’s fiery gaze.

  She finally stopped, glanced at him, and begged in a low voice, “Don’t look at it (haha).”

  Tang Weiwei’s cheeks turned red.

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and asked, “My own girlfriend, can’t I look at her myself?” The

  three women all knew that Xu Xiuwen’s nominal girlfriend was Cheng Lu before and Xiao Youran now.

  But none of the three women refuted.

  Tang Weiwei said, “You’re looking at me, I don’t know how to eat noodles.” Xu

  Xiuwen laughed, “Okay, I won’t look, you eat quickly, I’ll look at others.”

  He turned around and looked around.

  What’s more,

  he really found a beauty.

  In front of his right.

  There was a girl sitting there quietly eating.

  The girl was quiet and beautiful, not inferior to Shen Minyao.

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  When did such a beauty of the school level appear in the school?

  And it was too coincidental.

  He rarely came to the cafeteria.

  He just happened to run into her.

  Shen Minyao also noticed Xu Xiuwen’s surprised look at this moment.

  She followed Xu Xiuwen’s line of sight.

  Seeing the girl eating, her heart suddenly soured.

  She said in a deep voice: “Does it look good?”

  Xu Xiuwen subconsciously said: “It looks good.”


  A sour hum came out of Shen Minyao’s mouth.

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head and saw Shen Minyao’s mood.

  He chuckled, “I just took a casual look.”

  Shen Minyao was still a little unhappy.

  At this time, Su Yanyan also noticed the girl and introduced, “Big brother, I know this girl.”

  ”Oh, you know her?”

  Su Yanyan nodded, “Well, her name is Du Qingling, a freshman in the English Department.”

  Du Qingling, a pretty nice name.

  Xu Xiuwen asked Su Yanyan with a smile, “How do you know so clearly?”

  Su Yanyan smiled, “Du Qingling participated in the school’s welcome party this year and sang a song on stage, which was very popular. Everyone was talking about her privately, so I knew.” Su Yanyan

  added, “I heard that she is a loner and not sociable, and her relationship with her classmates is not very good.”

  No wonder she eats alone in the cafeteria.

  But he didn’t believe it all.

  After all, many so-called “loner and unsociable” girls are actually just because they are good-looking and popular with boys, so girls don’t like them.

  As for the truth, Xu Xiuwen didn’t care.

  Because Xu Xiuwen noticed that Tang Weiwei had put down her chopsticks.

  Xu Xiuwen asked, “Are you full?”

  Tang Weiwei nodded.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly said, “Weiwei, I’m not full yet.”

  Tang Weiwei was stunned for a moment, then said, “Are you not full yet… Do you want to eat my bowl?”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said “hmm”.

  She had only eaten less than half of her bowl of noodles.

  Tang Weiwei pushed the bowl in front of Xu Xiuwen, “Then you eat it.”

  Her face was a little red.

  But Xu Xiuwen suddenly shook his head and said, “No, I can’t eat it by myself?”

  ”Ah?” Tang Weiwei didn’t understand what he meant.

  Xu Xiuwen opened his eyes wide, looked at Tang Weiwei and said, “I want you to feed me.”

  Tang Weiwei’s face turned red all of a sudden.

  ”You… Can you eat it yourself? There are so many people watching.”

  Shen Minyao frowned and looked at Xu Xiuwen.

  Su Yanyan looked like she was watching a good show.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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