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Chapter 665 Have we met somewhere before?

Chapter 665 Have we met somewhere before?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 665 Have we met somewhere

  before? As soon as he returned to the camp, Benoit’s smiling face immediately collapsed, and he squinted his eyes and threw a sentence to the guard who was following him.

  ”The slaves who just went out of the camp to watch the excitement will be rewarded with fifteen lashes each.”

  The guard nodded and was about to execute the order, but suddenly remembered something and asked again.

  ”Where is Ms. Sistiel?”

  Hearing the name of the old woman, Benoit’s face became even darker.

  ”Give her thirty lashes!”

  Damn it.

  I can’t deal with the alliance, so can’t I deal with you guys?

  When he thought of the eyes of the onlookers looking at them, Benoit’s heart was full of anger, and he wanted to catch the ignorant centurion and whip him together.

  It’s a pity that the officers in the legion have a higher status, and the faction has always been united. Even if that guy is just a centurion, he has no legitimate reason and it’s not easy to do it.

  As for the slaves, there is no such thing.

  At this moment, Benoit suddenly thought of something again, and reached out and grabbed the soldier who was about to execute the order.







  He did not hear the


  of the whip and the mourning of the slaves in the camp. It seems that the mixed balls


  the east expansion are still too light to beat these



  It is worth mentioning that although the Legion’s two expeditions to the East failed to move the border forward an inch and suffered countless casualties, under the overwhelming exaggeration of “Triumph City”, these two expeditions still ended with the Legion’s great victory.

  Benoit did not completely believe in “Triumph Newspaper”. After all, his daughter worked there. He had been dealing with the propaganda department for many years and knew very well how much nonsense those guys could talk.

  However, he had no doubts about the conclusion of “Triumph Newspaper”. No matter how stubborn the barbarians east of the Great Desert were, the Legion’s victory was beyond doubt.

  They would not lose to a group of wastelanders. It was just that the cost was a little more expensive due to the intervention of enterprises, the Great Rift Valley and the Academy.

  It was for this reason that His Majesty the Marshal did not hold a triumphal ceremony for those fools who wasted people’s money and labor. After all, there was nothing to boast about.

  At this time, footsteps were heard outside the tent, and then someone shook the bell hanging next to the door curtain.

  Looking at the figure at the door, Benoit frowned slightly, cleared his throat and said “Come in”.

  The door curtain was opened.

  Seeing that it was Pangolin standing at the door, Benoit relaxed his brows a little, leaned back in his chair and said.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  Changing his usual taciturn image, the battlefield guy acted angry and said in a deep voice.

  ”Sir, why should we bow to them? If they are not convinced, just fight them again, and beat them until they are convinced.”

  Hearing this stupid speech, Benoit curled his lips.

  ”You rough guys, you keep talking about fighting and killing all day long, but things are not that easy! If fighting can solve all problems, why didn’t you solve the problems last year? We are here to discuss cooperation with them, not to fall out with them!”

  Although Benoit used a scolding tone when he said this, he felt much better after saying it.

  Looking at the superiority of that guy hanging on the corner of his mouth, the battlefield guy couldn’t help but secretly admire the spring water who gave him bad advice.

  This guy is still a bit of a thing.

  ”But… are we just going to put up with it and let them ride on our heads?”

  ”It was the Marshal’s idea to cooperate with the Alliance on the mutant slime mold issue. Compared to this matter… other conflicts can be put aside for the time being.” Benoit narrowed his eyes slightly and continued slowly, “Of course, these guys are a little too arrogant. I will teach them a lesson and suppress their arrogance, but not now.” The

  battlefield guy’s heart moved and he asked happily.

  ”What are you going to do?”

  Benoit glanced at him.

  ”Don’t ask about it. I naturally have an idea of ​​how to arrange it. By the way, don’t tell others what you said just now, especially Quick.”

  Quick was his adjutant, and his military rank was only a captain of a thousand men. However, many people in the delegation were in awe of him, even more than Ambassador Benoit.

  Although the status of officers in the legion was higher than that of civilians, it was not to the extent that the captain of ten thousand men had to salute the captain of a thousand men first.

  Thinking of Benoit’s fearful attitude towards the adjutant, the warlord couldn’t help but ask curiously.

  ”Master Benoit, speaking of it… what is the situation with that Quick? Why do you seem to be afraid of him?”

  ”Afraid of him?” Benoit curled his lips and said without any taboo, “That’s not the case, but his identity is indeed unusual. He is a member of the Royal Guards.”

  Having never heard of this term, the warlord was stunned and asked.

  ”Royal Guards?”

  He had only heard of the Youth Army.

  The Alliance’s staff officer Vanus seemed to come from there.

  Not surprised by the warlord’s surprise, Benoit said concisely.

  ”You haven’t been to Triumph City, it’s normal that you haven’t heard of that thing. They usually only operate in Triumph City and will not leave there without the order of the marshal. In short, they are the eyes of the marshal, you only need to know this.”

  Although the matter about the Royal Guards did not seem to be a sensitive topic, Benoit still seemed not to plan to talk about it.

  The ambiguous attitude made the battlefield guy curious. Just when he was about to ask in a roundabout way, Benoit suddenly waved to him, motioning him to come closer and whispered.

  ”By the way, you are here, go and do something for me.”

  Seeing the task triggered, the battlefield atmosphere team looked serious and said immediately.

  ”Please give me your orders, sir!”

  Benoit said softly.

  ”I heard that the envoys of the Free State are also in Dawn City. You find their location for me… and ask them to come to our place to talk.”

  The Warlord was delighted when he heard this.

  Good guy.

  Just now he was thinking about sneaking out after everyone fell asleep in the middle of the night!

  With Benoit’s mission as the captain of ten thousand men, it would be convenient for him to find those excuses.

  Secretly noting Benoit’s instructions, the Warlord nodded and agreed without hesitation.


  Benoit nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand.


  Watching the pangolin pass through the door curtain and leave the spacious tent, Bentno had a faint smile on his face.

  Although it was not convenient for him to knock the alliance himself, he could find an ally who also hated the alliance to do this job for him.

  However, at this moment, neither Benoit, who thought everything was under control, nor a traitor who walked out of the tent openly noticed that a pair of eyes were watching them not far away.

  Standing at the entrance of the camp, Quick smiled faintly and turned back to his tent…


  After leaving the camp, the Battlefield Man did not immediately inquire about the Free State envoy’s station, but walked around in the alley.

  After confirming that there were no pursuers, he immediately followed the map he had checked on the official website and went all the way to the nearest player save point.

  All settlements under the Alliance have such a facility, which can only be entered by players and staff hired by the shelter.

  There are not only hibernation capsules for saving, but also storage spaces for rent, and NPC stores selling “restricted purchase equipment”.

  Those equipment with contribution point thresholds are one of the benefits provided by the shelter to players. Here you can even buy a set of power armor for one million silver coins.

  If it is really sold at the market price, adding a retail price is considered a bargain. Naturally, it is impossible for just anyone to buy it.

  Looking at the Battlefield Atmosphere Group coming towards him, the staff on duty glanced at his arm and yawned sleepily.

  ”…Shelter residents?”

  The Battlefield Man nodded.

  ”ID: Battlefield Atmosphere Team, I don’t have my VM with me, biometric information recognition.”

  The staff member was not surprised by the strange-sounding ID, and he skillfully took out the dusty iris scanner from the drawer.

  ”Look at the camera.”

  The Battlefield guy leaned his face closer and looked at the camera.

  The signal light jumped twice.

  Looking at the six zeros displayed on the screen, the staff member who was originally bothered by the trouble suddenly showed a surprised expression on his face.


  Apprentice Knight!

  Only when the contribution points reach 100,000 can you get the contribution level of Apprentice Knight, and every resident of the shelter who reaches this level is a hero who has fought for the alliance!

  In just a moment, his eyes looking at the Battlefield Atmosphere Team changed from routine to deep admiration, and the original sleepiness was swept away.

  ”What would you like to order?”

  Feeling a little embarrassed by the passionate eyes, the Battlefield guy smiled and said.

  ”A set of K-10 ‘Iron Wall’ exoskeleton with full protection system, do you have it in stock?”

  ”Yes! Please follow me!”

  After handing the workstation to another colleague on duty, the staff member enthusiastically took him to the warehouse nearby.

  Following the staff member’s footsteps, the Battlefield guy who entered the warehouse picked a K-10 exoskeleton of the right size and put it on.

  Standing in front of the mirror and putting on the helmet, he made sure that he was covered tightly enough, then he paid the money with satisfaction and left the “Player Service Area”.

  Crossing the bustling streets, he went straight to the trading post in the north. When the Battlefield Atmosphere Group appeared in the hotel lobby, the players sitting near the bar suddenly quieted down.

  The first one to recognize this guy was I’m the darkest.

  I saw this brother’s eyes widened and he jumped off the bar stool.

  ”Fuck! Wear–”

  Before the surprised cry fell, a gust of wind blew to his mouth, pressing the name back.

  ”Fuck! Don’t you dare yell? I’m still on a mission!” Battlefield Man had a panicked expression on his face, tightly covering the guy’s mouth.

  Big Eyes Debt, who walked to the side, patted his shoulder with a playful smile, winking and saying.

  ”What does it matter? My brother Zuihei speaks Mandarin, and those NPCs can’t understand it… Seriously, what are you thinking?”

  Confused by this sentence, Battlefield Man was stunned for a moment, and let go of my Zuihei who was struggling desperately.

  ”What do you think?”

  Big Eyes Debt glanced to the side.

  Battlefield Man followed his line of sight and saw a girl holding a tray in both hands, standing by the bar and looking at him.

  She was not tall, with a very small white nose bridge, fluffy light brown long hair tied in a ponytail, and looked lovely and well-behaved.

  She didn’t look like a player. She

  looked familiar, but I couldn’t remember where I had seen her.

  Glancing at his smiling brothers, the warlord subconsciously switched to human language and asked in a somewhat restrained tone.

  ”…Who are you?”

  Hearing the low and slightly stumbling human language, Lisa couldn’t help but open her eyes wide, with tears of disbelief in her eyes.

  ”I…I’m Lisa.”


  The warlord looked at her blankly. He had never heard of this name, but the more he looked at her, the more familiar she looked, so he asked in an uncertain tone.

  ”Have we met somewhere before?”

  Lisa nodded hurriedly, staring into his eyes, her cheeks gradually flushed, and finally she mustered up the courage to speak.

  ”Yes, it was…at Fallen Leaf Ridge, when General McLen rewarded me and others to you. So, so, I…I’m yours!”


  Hearing this explosive speech, the warlord almost choked to death on his own saliva.

  Especially when his peripheral vision caught a glimpse of the spring water and the expression of my darkest who was almost injured by holding back his laughter, his toes almost dug through the ground.

  Seeing Mr. Pangolin suddenly coughing for some reason, Lisa quickly went to the back of the bar to pour a cup of hot water, then hurried over to him and handed him the cup with both hands.

  ”Please have some water.”

  ”Thank you…”

  Taking the water cup from the little girl, the warlord put it to his lips with an embarrassed look, but it hit the helmet on his head and splashed all over his face.

  He only then remembered that he was wearing a full-protection iron lump, and the mask of the helmet was not untied.


  Looking at the embarrassing appearance of the warlord, I can no longer hold my expression, holding my stomach and laughing out loud. Even Lao Bai, who has always been good at facial expression management, grinned knowingly.

  Lisa, who didn’t notice the reactions of others and had only pangolins in her eyes, hurriedly wanted to help him take off his helmet, but was gently stopped by the former.

  Looking at Lisa with a confused expression on her face, the warlord, who couldn’t stand the eyes of those dogs, put the water cup on the bar.

  ”Come with me.”

  After throwing down this sentence, he walked to the wooden door on the side and took Lisa to the courtyard between the main building and the annex.

  There were not many people in the yard, nor were there bright lights. There was only a flower bed with some flowers and plants and a row of washbasins for sobering up. It looked very empty.

  Seeing Lisa looking at him anxiously, Battlefield glanced in the direction of the main building of the hotel, took a deep breath and took off his helmet.

  ”It was inconvenient to talk just now. To make a long story short, I am carrying out a very important mission. Pangolin… uh, that’s my code name. When I sneaked out, you can just call me Battlefield. That’s my real name.” After

  holding it in for a long time, he still didn’t dare to say his full name, nor did he say the nicknames given to him by other players.

  Staring into his eyes, Lisa nodded seriously and carefully wrote down the name.

  ”Yes! I remember it.”

  ”Thanks for your cooperation… By the way, are you a survivor of the Fallen Leaf Camp? I said that when I saw you, I felt like I had seen you somewhere before,” the Warlord smiled embarrassedly and continued to ask, “Are you the only one here? Where are the others?”

  ”They are here too, some are still in Dawn City, some have gone to other places and have started a new life…” Lisa whispered, telling him what happened before.

  Including the fact that the Stormtroopers took over the camp after he left that day, and that the owner of the hotel, Grandpa Hook, gave her a waitress job, etc.

  After listening to the end, the Warlord showed a relieved smile on his face.

  ”Yes, I’m glad that you all have a normal life. This is the best result, and my efforts are not in vain… What about you? Are you satisfied with your current job?”

  Lisa nodded her head vigorously, her cheeks flushed slightly, and her bright eyes looking up were filled with the bright moonlight.

  ”Well! Everyone is very nice and takes good care of me… and everyone told me that you went on a long trip and it would take some time for you to come back, but as long as I wait here, I will definitely see you. So, I have been…staying here.”

  ”Uh, why are you waiting for me… ah, if it is the order of that guy McLen, then there is no need. You are now a citizen of the Alliance and do not belong to anyone, and of course not to me.” Looking at Lisa’s incoherent speech, the battlefield man explained with a bit of laughter and tears.

  For him, it was a side quest from a long, long time ago.

  On the way here, he had seen the Fallen Leaf City located on the land where they had shed blood on the airship.

  The people there lived a normal life, and life was getting better day by day.

  At least for him, the expansion pack had achieved a satisfactory result.

  ”It’s not because of anyone’s order…”

  Lisa puffed up her cheeks and was about to speak, but soon as if she remembered something, she lowered her head and whispered.

  ”I… I just want to say thank you, thank you for giving me a new life.”

  Battlefield Man smiled when he heard that, and reached out to touch the little head that was buried.

  ”You’re welcome. We came out of the shelter to do this… This is our job and our mission.”

  I didn’t expect that branch line to have such a follow-up.

  It seems that I have changed the lives of many people without knowing it.

  Looking at the little girl in front of him, Battlefield Man suddenly felt a slight warmth in his heart, which he had never felt in other games.

  Perhaps it was because this game was too real.

  The warmth that touched the depths of his soul was even more exciting than silver coins and contribution points.

  And perhaps, this was the real reason that prompted him to continue the undercover mission with an absurdly long cycle without regrets…

  Feeling the warmth above his head, Lisa gently raised her head, with a slight reluctance in her eyes, and whispered.

  ”… Can you come to see me often in the future? I’m always here.”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group said with a smile.

  ”No problem! But if you come often, you have to wait until my mission is over. Maybe I have to go somewhere else in a while.”

  Hearing this promise, Lisa’s face finally bloomed with a happy and satisfied smile, and she nodded vigorously.

  ”Yes! It’s an appointment! I’ll wait for you to come back!”

  At this moment, next to the back door of the hotel lobby, several heads gathered together, staring at the two people in the dark yard.

  Eating melon excitedly, Ya Ya’s mouth couldn’t stop muttering.

  ”It can’t be, brother Zhandi won’t be such a beast…”

  Teng Teng, whose neck was sore from being squeezed, raised her head helplessly.

  ”Why do I always feel like you seem to be looking forward to him becoming a beast.”

  Ya Ya smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Hehe, I bet 100 silver coins… Although, don’t you think this is very interesting? The cute Lisa has been waiting for him for a year, this is definitely true love!”

  Looking at this guy’s increasingly gentlemanly smile, Teng Teng’s expression subtly moved aside a little and distanced herself from her.

  Big Eyes in Debt clenched his fists nervously, muttering to himself.

  ”Damn! Why doesn’t this bastard kiss me? Is he a coward?”

  Seeing that the silver coins he betted were about to fly into someone else’s pocket, he wanted to reach out and press the guy’s head.

  I’m the Darkest yawned and said indifferently.

  ”So who won in the end?”

  The commander of the fountain smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”Haha, it looks like a draw! It’s time to go, that guy is coming back!”

  The people gathered at the back door dispersed.

  Looking at the people who slipped back from the door and sat down, and the two figures, one tall and one short, who came back shortly afterwards, the old white face who had been sitting at the bar from beginning to end couldn’t help but smile.

  He probably guessed what happened.

  Looking at the Warlord passing by the bar, Old White said with a smile.

  ”Don’t you want to have a drink before you go back?”

  ”No, I still have a mission to do, and I have to go back to report it later.” He

  stopped by the bar, watched the petite figure returning to the kitchen, and then paused and continued.

  ”The Legion’s envoys intend to get involved with the Free State. Benoit asked me to invite the envoys of those people to the camp to talk… By the way, tell the manager for me to pay attention to Benoit’s adjutant. I heard that guy is the Marshal’s guard, probably similar to the Guards Corps. I didn’t ask the details.”

  Old White nodded seriously and said softly.

  ”I’ll tell him.”

  Retracting his gaze from the direction of the kitchen, the Warlord suddenly glanced at the guy sitting leisurely at the bar in silence.

  ”It’s just this little thing, and you’ve kept me in suspense for a whole year. Is it interesting!”

  Old White laughed and glanced at him teasingly.

  ”Don’t you think it would be more interesting to discover these Easter eggs hidden in the side story by yourself? And even if I tell you that an NPC wants to say thank you, you probably won’t have any idea.” The

  Warlord rolled his eyes at the guy through his helmet, but he didn’t deny his statement, just casually said something.

  ”I’ll treat you to this drink next time.”

  After watching the broad back disappear at the end of the toasting, Old White slightly raised the oak cup filled with beer towards the door of the hotel and said with a smile.

  ”I remember.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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