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Chapter 666 Divorced

Chapter 666 Divorced


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 666 Divorce

  ”Yeah.” Gu Pandi nodded.

  ”I’ll get a coat and we’ll leave right away.”

  Xu Xiuwen went back to the room to get his coat, then went downstairs with Gu Pandi.

  Then he drove Gu Pandi to the county hospital.

  On the way to the county hospital, Gu Pandi told her about the situation.

  After listening, Xu Xiuwen comforted her, “Aunt Gu, don’t worry. Fainting may be caused by tiredness, not necessarily illness.”

  ”I hope so.”

  Gu Pandi actually had a bad premonition in her heart, but she didn’t say it.

  People’s sixth sense is often like this.

  The good ones don’t work, but the bad ones do.

  After driving for nearly two hours, they finally arrived at the county hospital.

  They came to the ward where Gu Pandi’s mother was.

  Gu Pandi’s brothers and sisters also arrived.

  Gu Pandi’s father was very old and had gray hair.

  When he saw Gu Pandi arrived, he immediately pulled her out of the ward.

  Standing outside the ward, he told Gu Pandi the reason why her mother was in a coma.

  It turned out that there was a tumor in the intestine.

  Surgery is needed immediately.

  After Gu Pandi knew about her mother’s condition, her face was full of worry.

  She was very worried about her mother’s condition.

  On the other hand, the other brothers and sisters

  were able to laugh.

  The female brothers and sisters of Gu Pandi gathered together to chat about family matters and didn’t care about the old man’s condition at all.

  After Xu Xiuwen sent Gu Pandi to the county hospital,

  Gu Pandi’s mind was on her mother and she didn’t talk to him.

  Xu Xiuwen followed her into the hospital.

  He accompanied her throughout the whole process

  . At this

  time, a younger man in a shirt who looked very gentle came out of the ward.

  He walked up to Gu Pandi and said, “Sister, you are finally here. Go and pay our mother’s hospitalization and medical expenses. I will advance 1,000 yuan first, and you will pay it back for me later.”

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned when he heard this.

  What is hospitalization and medical expenses? Let Gu Pandi pay for it?

  He almost couldn’t help asking, “Hospitalization fee, you are the son, don’t you pay? Why should Aunt Gu pay for you?”

  But after all, considering the other party’s identity, Xu Xiuwen held back and didn’t say anything.

  Gu Pandi didn’t seem to think that much, or maybe she had long been accustomed to it.

  She nodded and said, “I know, one thousand yuan, I’ll give it to you later.”

  Hearing Gu Pandi say this.

  Xu Xiuwen frowned immediately.

  But after all, it is someone else’s family affairs.

  He couldn’t intervene.

  Gu Pandi’s father walked into the ward at this moment.

  Gu Pandi then asked her brother, “Chengzhong, what is the condition of our mother’s body? Is it really that serious? Did the doctor say whether it is benign or malignant?”

  The man, that is, Gu Chengzhong, told her mother’s condition in detail.

  Knowing that it was benign and had not spread.

  Gu Pandi was obviously relieved.

  But when she heard Gu Chengzhong repeat it, saying that the doctor recommended surgery as soon as possible.

  ”Then hurry up and do the surgery.”

  Gu Chengzhong hesitated and said, “What about the surgery fee?”

  Gu Pandi knew what Gu Chengzhong wanted to say, and said directly, “I’ll pay for it, as long as the surgery is done as soon as possible.”

  Hearing Gu Pandi say that she would pay,

  Gu Chengzhong nodded and said, “Okay, then I’ll go and tell the doctor right away and ask them to do the surgery as soon as possible.”

  After saying that, Gu Chengzhong walked towards the doctor’s office.

  Only Xu Xiuwen and Gu Pandi were left outside the ward.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help asking, “You’re not a son, why do you have to pay for everything?”

  Gu Pandi was stunned when she heard that.

  She looked at Xu Xiuwen seriously for a while, then looked away, “It doesn’t matter who pays, I’m their eldest sister, and their conditions are very difficult, so I’ll pay for it.”

  Xu Xiuwen had nothing to say.

  At this time, the door of the ward opened again.

  Another young man walked out. He was

  also around 30 years old.

  But compared to Gu Chengzhong just now, this one was dressed much more luxuriously.

  He also wore a nice-looking watch on his hand.

  Xu Xiuwen thought to himself: With this dress, he doesn’t look like he’s in a difficult situation, right?

  But he didn’t speak.

  The man walked quickly to Gu Pandi and shouted, “Big sister.”

  Gu Pandi saw the man and hummed, “Chengguo.”

  The man, Gu Chengguo, first glanced at the side of Gu Pandi and asked, “Where is my sister’s wife?”

  Gu Pandi’s face froze and her eyes flickered, “He has something to do and can’t come.”

  Gu Chengguo asked again, “Then who is he?”

  Xu Xiuwen also looked at Gu Pandi curiously.

  I want to know how she will introduce him.

  Gu Pandi hesitated.

  She wanted to say that he was the son of my neighbor in the community.

  But when the words came to her lips, she changed her mouth.

  She said, “He is my friend and drove me here.”

  Hearing Gu Pandi say this, Gu Chengguo did not doubt it. He

  just a little surprised that Gu Pandi’s friend was so young.

  But I heard that she was driven here.

  Gu Chengguo’s eyes lit up.

  This shows that Xu Xiuwen has a car.

  He has a car at such a young age, even if it is a cheap car, it means that his family conditions are good.

  In addition, Xu Xiuwen is handsome and talented.

  Gu Chengguo looked at Xu Xiuwen with even higher regard.

  He immediately smiled and stepped forward to greet, “Hello, I’m Gu Chengguo, I’m my eldest sister’s second brother. Thank you for sending my sister here, I’ll listen to you eat later.”

  Xu Xiuwen was very curious about how Gu Pandi would introduce him.

  Even if Gu Pandi said he was Ning Wanqiu’s son,

  he wouldn’t be surprised.

  But when he heard Gu Pandi say he was her friend,

  Xu Xiuwen was a little surprised.

  He couldn’t help but look at Gu Pandi more, trying to see what she was thinking from her face.

  At this time, Gu Chengguo greeted him.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t forget to respond.

  He stretched out his hand and shook hands with Gu Chengguo, saying a few polite words.

  Then, Gu Chengguo looked at Gu Pandi, hesitant, and had something to say.

  Gu Pandi asked, “What do you want to say?” Gu

  Chengguo said, “Sister, I have two friends who drank too much last time and made some mistakes. Can you talk to my brother-in-law and find someone to let them out?”

  Hearing this, Gu Pandi’s brows were already tightly furrowed.

  ”What did they do?”

  Gu Chengguo hesitated after hearing this.

  ”You still want to hide it from me at this time? Then don’t look for me.”

  Gu Chengguo was anxious when he heard it, and hurriedly said: “I say, sister, they were drunk and accidentally touched the buttocks of a woman next to them. It turned out that the other party was a policeman, so they were arrested. I guarantee that they were really accidental and definitely not intentional.” Hearing this


  Xu Xiuwen almost laughed out loud.

  Eating and drinking in a restaurant, accidentally touched a woman’s buttocks.

  Whether it was accidental or not, I won’t comment for now.

  And it happened to be a female police officer.

  You don’t have to think about it to know that she must be in plain clothes.

  If she was wearing a police uniform.

  Even if they were given more courage, they probably wouldn’t dare.

  I have to say, this luck can go buy a lottery ticket.

  Gu Pandi obviously had the same idea as Xu Xiuwen.

  Her face turned serious, and she asked in a deep voice: “Do you have anything to do with this?”

  Gu Chengguo waved his hand and denied it quickly, “No, it has nothing to do with me.”

  ”Then why are you involved?”

  ”They are my good friends. That female police officer was too cruel and didn’t give me any face. I had no choice but to ask my brother-in-law to come forward. Otherwise, I really don’t want to trouble my brother-in-law.”

  Gu Pandi didn’t say anything. Gu Chengguo

  said: “Sister, please talk to my brother-in-law for me. The wives and children of my two friends at home are almost dying of anxiety. Just think of it as a plea from you, okay?”

  Gu Pandi said coldly: “I can’t help you with this matter, you figure it out yourself.”

  After Gu Pandi finished speaking, she was about to pass him and enter the ward to see her mother.

  But she was blocked by Gu Chengguo.

  Gu Chengguo pleaded, “Sister, if you don’t help me, I really can’t find anyone to help me. Please help me talk to my brother-in-law. It’s just a piece of cake for my brother-in-law’s sake.”

  Gu Pandi was so angry that she laughed, “Mom is sick and unconscious, and you still have the mood to worry about your group of bad friends. I won’t care about it this time. If you have the ability, go find him, don’t come to me.”

  After Gu Pandi said this.

  Gu Chengguo, who had a pleading look on his face just now, suddenly became anxious.

  ”You dare not help me? Try it if you don’t help me!”

  ”Get out of the way! I won’t help!”

  ”Sister, don’t force me to do it?”

  This sentence surprised and saddened Gu Pandi.

  She looked at Gu Chengguo with wide eyes in astonishment and asked, “You still want to hit me? I’m your sister!”

  Xu Xiuwen was also worried that Gu Chengguo would really hit someone, so he took a step and rushed between the siblings.

  Blocked Gu Chengguo.

  He said in a low voice: “I advise you to calm down!”

  Gu Chengguo’s face was red and his neck was thick.

  He yelled at Xu Xiuwen and Gu Pandi, “I have already made a promise with my friends. If you don’t help me, aren’t you trying to embarrass me? How can I get along with my friends in the future?”

  Gu Pandi didn’t know whether she was disappointed or convinced.

  Unexpectedly remained silent.

  Xu Xiuwen could not help it.

  ”Your promise is your own business, why do you ask my sister Gu to help you! If you have the ability, go find Uncle Jiang… Brother, don’t embarrass my sister Gu.”

  Gu Chengguo originally thought that Xu Xiuwen was from a wealthy family and promising at a young age, so he wanted to build a good relationship with him to see if he could get some benefits from him in the future.

  After hearing what Xu Xiuwen said, he became angry and said, “It’s none of your business. I’m talking to my sister, what’s your business?”

  Xu Xiuwen said calmly, “Sister Gu is also my sister, and I have the responsibility to protect her from being bullied by anyone. I’m here, don’t force Sister Gu to do anything!”

  Gu Chengguo became even more annoyed.

  But he took a closer look at Xu Xiuwen.

  Although the latter is young, he is tall and strong. He

  also has his own aura.

  It’s not easy to mess with him at first glance.

  He was a little scared.

  Gu Chengguo looked at Gu Pandi and said, “Sister, look at who you brought here. We are talking to each other, and he is meddling in other people’s business here, and he wants to hit people. Are you just going to watch him bully your brother?”

  Xu Xiuwen was speechless.

  ”Who do you say is meddling in other people’s business? Sister Gu is my sister, and her business is my business. Do I have to watch you bully her and do nothing? I am not like some ungrateful people who want to fight with my sister. They are really beasts.”

  Gu Chengguo could hear Xu Xiuwen scolding him.

  His eyes were swollen.

  Gu Pandi was grateful that Xu Xiuwen spoke for her.

  But she also felt that Xu Xiuwen had gone too far.

  Especially here was the door of the ward.

  If they really quarreled, it would attract others to watch.

  It would not look good.

  So Gu Pandi quietly pulled the corner of Xu Xiuwen’s clothes from behind, signaling him to stop talking, but she did not verbally dissuade him.

  It seems that she also has a lot of opinions about Gu Chengguo.

  Xu Xiuwen received Aunt Gu’s reminder, so he naturally shut up and said no more.

  However, Gu Chengguo saw that Gu Pandi and Xu Xiuwen were silent.

  Instead, he became excited.

  Gu Chengguo suddenly said, “Sister, if you don’t help me, I will go and tell mom now and let mom tell you.” ”

  Nonsense!” Gu Pandi immediately scolded, “Mom is sick, and you still bother her with such things? Do you have a brain?”

  ”I don’t care, if you don’t help, I will go and tell mom. Humph, my elder sister is married now, and she doesn’t care about us brothers and sisters. No wonder they say that a married daughter is like spilled water, which is really true.”

  This shameless face.

  Xu Xiuwen really wanted to go up and punch him.

  How could there be such a shameless person?

  He actually threatened his sister with his sick mother.

  And said such cruel words to his sister.

  Xu Xiuwen regretted it now.

  He shouldn’t have shaken hands with such a person just now.

  He dirty his hands.

  Gu Pandi was also confused at this moment.

  She didn’t expect that her own brother, who had always loved and cared for her since childhood, would say such things to her one day.

  You know, when she lived at home before getting married, she gave all the delicious food to her brothers and sisters.

  After getting married, she often gave money to the family.

  Jiang Teng had quarreled with her about this.

  She had never told her brothers about these things.

  She just didn’t want them to worry.

  Gu Pandi suddenly felt that the care she had given to her brothers before was all for the dog.


  It was the local dog raised at home.

  It also knew how to be grateful.

  Gu Pandi was hit too hard.

  She felt a little dizzy for a while.

  Her body trembled. She

  almost fell down.

  Fortunately, Xu Xiuwen found out in time and reached out to support her.

  Gu Pandi grabbed Xu Xiuwen’s arm tightly to keep herself steady and not fall down.

  She closed her eyes and was silent for a while. She

  opened her eyes again, looked at Gu Chengguo and said, “It’s not that I don’t want to help you, I can’t help.”

  ”You are lying, your brother-in-law listens to you so much, as long as you tell him, he will definitely not refuse.”

  Gu Pandi said with a stiff face, “He is not your brother-in-law anymore.”

  ”What?” Gu Chengguo shouted in surprise.

  Xu Xiuwen was also very surprised.

  He turned to look at Gu Pandi, suspecting that he had heard wrongly. He

  had planned to keep it a secret from everyone.

  Now that it had been said, Gu Pandi did not plan to keep it a secret any longer.

  Her eyes became firmer, “He and I have already divorced. Even if I go to him, he will not help. Just give up on this idea.”

  Gu Chengguo was really panicked now.

  In the past, relying on his brother-in-law’s identity as a policeman, he could ask his brother-in-law to solve many problems.

  Now his eldest sister is actually divorced from her brother-in-law.

  Who will he go to in the future?

  ”Sister, are you out of your mind? How can you divorce your brother-in-law? No, I don’t agree. You should remarry your brother-in-law as soon as possible. If you are embarrassed, I will help you talk to him.” She

  originally thought that she would tell her younger brother that she was divorced.

  Her younger brother should feel sorry for her and at least care about why she divorced.

  As a result, her younger brother didn’t care why she divorced at all.

  He just wanted her to remarry.

  He also scolded her

  for being out of her mind. Gu Pandi’s already wounded heart was stabbed again.

  ”You… don’t go find him. I can’t remarry him!”

  ”Sister, how can you be so selfish and make your own decisions without even discussing it with us?”

  It turns out that people will laugh when they are extremely sad.

  Gu Pandi laughed.

  Xu Xiuwen was finally sure that he had heard it right.

  Aunt Gu really divorced Jiang Teng.

  But he didn’t know it.

  No, it should be said that Aunt Gu actually hid it from him.

  And his mother Ning Wanqiu didn’t tell him.

  Xu Xiuwen secretly guessed the reason why Aunt Gu and Uncle Jiang divorced.

  He guessed if it had something to do with him.

  But no matter what the reason was.

  Xu Xiuwen had to admit one thing honestly.

  That was after hearing the news of Aunt Gu’s divorce.

  Although he felt sorry for Aunt Gu, he was more happy.

  That’s right.

  He was very happy that Aunt Gu was divorced.

  Xu Xiuwen always felt that Uncle Jiang was not worthy of such a good woman as Aunt Gu.

  And Uncle Jiang had cheated.

  Aunt Gu could actually forgive him.

  This was also something Xu Xiuwen had always found unbelievable.

  Now it’s good.

  Aunt Gu and Uncle Jiang are divorced.

  Xu Xiuwen is very interested

  in the details of their divorce.

  But this is not the time to care about the details.

  Hearing Gu Chengguo’s words, Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help but said, “Who is selfish? How can you have the face to say such things? Sister Gu must be very sad about the divorce. As her brother, don’t you know how to comfort Sister Gu? Are you Sister Gu’s biological brother? I even doubt whether you were picked up?”

  Gu Pandi’s heart was naturally warm when she heard Xu Xiuwen speak for her like this.

  Listening to Xu Xiuwen calling her Sister Gu.

  This was a joke between the two of them before.

  But now, she has a feeling.

  Xu Xiuwen is more like her own brother.

  And the Gu Chengguo in front of her is a complete ungrateful person.

  Gu Pandi was sad and disappointed.

  Gu Chengguo’s face turned red and white after being told by Xu Xiuwen.

  He asked again, “Sister, are you not going to remarry your brother-in-law?”

  Gu Pandi said firmly, “Yes.”

  Hearing this, Gu Chengguo suddenly said, “Gu Pandi, you are really useless. You can’t make money, and you finally married a good husband, but you can’t keep him. You divorced your brother-in-law, do you think you can find a better man? You’re dreaming.”

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  Gu Pandi was also stunned.

  Gu Pandi suffered too much of a blow this time.

  Even with Xu Xiuwen’s support, she couldn’t stand steadily.

  Fortunately, Xu Xiuwen reacted quickly and hooked his hand around Aunt Gu’s waist in time.

  Gu Pandi’s waist is plump and slender.

  Plumpness and slenderness should not exist at the same time.

  But they are not contradictory on Gu Pandi’s body.

  Gu Pandi’s waist was firmly held in Xu Xiuwen’s arms.

  He barely stood firm.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at Gu Chengguo coldly and said, “Even beasts can’t say such words as you. Why did Sister Gu and Uncle Jiang divorce? Because Uncle Jiang cheated! You don’t know anything, but you dare to say such words to Sister Gu? If it wasn’t for Sister Gu, I would slap your mouth right now.”

  Xu Xiuwen was tall and strong, with a cold face and glaring eyes.

  It was really scary.

  Gu Chengguo was scared.

  He was afraid that Xu Xiuwen would really hit someone.

  He snorted coldly, “It’s the same. It’s useless if you can’t keep an eye on your man.”

  After that, he seemed to be afraid of angering Xu Xiuwen, and immediately turned around and went into the ward.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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