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Chapter 669: The Ox and Horse Return with a Full Load

Chapter 669: The Ox and Horse Return with a Full Load


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 669 The Niuma returns with a full load

  ”Recently, the Niuma airship departed from Dawn City and successfully arrived at the eastern part of the Baiyue Strait, and established an outpost on the north shore to explore the Baiyue Province.”

  ”Currently, the outpost is stationed with more than 300 residents of Shelter No. 404. The local construction team has used a one-meter-wide trench and a three-meter-high earth wall to circle the outline of the camp, and has built sentry towers and machine gun firing points in various sections of the wall to ensure the safety of the camp.”

  ”In addition, the search team formed by the residents of the shelter has expanded its activity area from five kilometers along the shore to ten kilometers, and has included the “Old Site of Shilong City” adjacent to the coastline in the search range, looking for possible shelters or survivor communities.”

  ”Residents of Shelter No. 404 said in an interview that they will search for survivors and relics of the pre-war era in the local area, and radiate out from the shore outpost to restore local civilization and order.”

  ”If everything goes well, this will be the first recovery area of ​​the Human Rejuvenation United Front in Baiyue Province. The administrators highly appreciate this and sent the Jungle Corps and the Burning Corps to support the local recovery and construction work.”

  ”At the same time, the explorers voted unanimously and recommended that the outpost be named French Fries Port.”

  ”The South Islands Federation in the southern waters sent a congratulatory message to us. While extending sincere greetings to the administrators of the alliance, the President of the South Islands Federation, Mungo, also sincerely expressed the hope that the alliance could build more ports and settlements in the area.”

  ”The residents of French Fries Port said that they would not disappoint their neighbors!”

  ”… Dawn City TV reports for you!”

  Just three days after the South Islands Federation Presidential Palace responded to the French Fries Port telegram, this telegram returned to Dawn City along with the returning Niu Ma airship.

  At this moment, the waiting hall of the Dawn City Railway Station was bustling with people, and the TV hanging in the corner of the hall was playing the news at 8 o’clock that morning.

  A group of passengers carrying suitcases gathered in front of the TV, watching the announcer’s announcement of today’s news, with surprised expressions on their faces.

  The Alliance has added another settlement!

  And it is in Baiyue Province, more than 2,000 kilometers away!

  Although the players have discussed this matter on the forum for several days, it is still big news for the residents of Dawn City.

  Especially those survivors who just returned from other settlements, they all gossiped with other passengers around them.

  ”French Fries Port?”

  ”Are those the French fries that are sold with Coke?”

  ”Incredible… Baiyue Province, if I remember correctly, there is a tropical jungle there!”

  ”Have you been there?”

  ”No… I just passed by there on a boat once.”

  ”Wow, there are people who have been to such a far place!”

  ”I was going to the Borneo Province to purchase spices and animal skins, intending to transport them to the coastal settlements in the Yunjian Province. If I went by land, I would have to cross a large area of ​​wasteland, so I contacted the merchant ships in Silver Moon Bay and took the sea route… In short, all merchant ships traveling from east to west will pass through that waterway.”

  ”There is no settlement in such a good location.”

  ”Settlement? Haha, let alone a settlement, there is not even a living person to be seen there.”

  ”The entire Baiyue Province is an uninhabited area, and the nearest settlements are in the southern sea or Haiya Province. Speaking of which, there were some survivor settlements on the Death Coast before, but since the Torch Church arrived in Haiya Province, we have rarely heard of them.”

  Hearing the name of the Torch Church, many travelers who were originally interested showed taboos and even fear on their faces.

  Many residents of the Alliance fled from Jinchuan Province.

  In particular, some merchants who used to do business in Jinchuan Province have witnessed the countless crimes of the Torch Church in various parishes.

  If ordinary plunderers are just bad, those guys are bad with a sense of mission like a mental disorder.

  Few people can really understand what they want to do, and when they come to their senses, they have become their fertilizer.

  Baiyue Province is too close to the sphere of influence of the Torch Church.

  If the Torch Church intends to take action against French Fries Port, it may be too late for the Alliance to support the survivors there.

  However, despite the security concerns, most merchants are still very optimistic about the economic value behind the French Fry Port.

  It is said that the industrial zones of Dawn City, Dawn City, and Giant Stone City have made a lot of money thanks to the orders from the Niuma Group.

  The tank chassis of Factory 81 is dismantled of the armor plate and welded with the mechanical arm of Giant Stone Military Industry to become an excavator for digging earth.

  Goblin Technology inserted two floats next to the bomb dropper of the W-2 attack aircraft, which is a seaplane that can take off on the sea.

  These things sell very well in French Fry Port.

  In addition to these large equipment, there are also engineer shovels for digging earth, fishing nets for fishing, oxygen cylinders for diving, etc.

  And it’s not just these short-term benefits.

  If the alliance can open up the maritime trade route between the east coast and the west coast of the Central Continent, the economic value behind it cannot be measured in currency!

  At present, there is only one airship flight operated by the Niuma Group from Shuguang City to French Fries Port. However, the airship route is not very efficient in terms of capacity and efficiency, and will definitely be replaced by other modes of transportation in the future.

  Many businessmen have been thinking about how to open up new trade routes from the Yuema Province in the east or the Luoxia Province in the west.

  For example,

  the No. 4 Oasis will be incorporated into the railway network of the alliance.

  In this way, the goods produced in the Shuguang City Industrial Zone can be loaded at the port of Yinyue Bay and transported along the west coast of Baiyue Province to the Alliance Port located in the Baiyue Strait. The

  freight cost of railways and shipping is much smaller than that of airships, and the capacity they can provide is much greater than that of the latter…


  While the passengers in the waiting hall were talking about it, the airship inflation station located in the suburbs of Shuguang City was also very lively. A

  similar situation happened a few days ago.

  At that time, the place was crowded with players who bought tickets to go to the new map, and now, a few days later, it is filled with the shouts of hawkers.

  ”Take a look, seafood from the Baiyue Strait! Cold chain air transport! Guaranteed fresh!” Not far from the airship unloading point, a player dressed as a fisherman moved a small stool to sit and hawk, and next to him was a long row of foam boxes filled with ice and seafood.

  The pungent fishy smell made passers-by walk around, but many people who liked it gathered around.

  Of course, the Niu Ma airship brought back to Dawn City not only the friendly greetings of the survivors in the southern sea area, but also the gifts from the sea and the rare and exotic animals on the shore.

  Most of the specimens that were caught alive were sent to the zoo in Dawn City or Shelter No. 79, which specializes in studying wasteland species. As for those that were not caught alive or died on the way, they naturally became cheap foodies in Dawn City.

  Pulling her second sister Shuangxue to squeeze next to a stall, the little guy Shuangye squatted on the ground curiously and poked the frozen starfish with his index finger.

  ”Boss! What is this!”

  Seeing that there were customers, the player immediately introduced enthusiastically.

  ”Starfish! My brother Shaoqiazi caught it!”

  After hearing this strangely pronounced name, Shuangye remembered that the uncle always fished by the Ling Lake and occasionally distributed the fish he caught to residents living nearby, so he looked up and looked around, but didn’t see that person.

  ”Where is the uncle Shaoqiazi? Why isn’t he here?”

  Looking at the pair of big eyes full of curiosity, the player selling fish coughed subtly.

  ”Well, that guy is staying in the shelter. He probably won’t come out until tomorrow, so let me help sell it first.”

  Shuangxue gently pulled her sister’s sleeve and scolded her softly.

  ”Shuangye, don’t ask about the residents of the shelter. It will cause trouble for them.”

  ”I’m just curious…”

  Shuangye turned his head away with his cheeks puffed up, but he was still very sensible and didn’t continue to ask, and put his attention back on the starfish as big as a washbasin.

  ”Is this really edible?”

  ”Of course! We let the intelligence department taste it first, and we will sell it only if there is no problem!”

  As he said, the player picked up a starfish that was frozen as hard as a stone, took out a knife and gestured on it twice.

  ”Right here, when it thaws, use a knife to scratch it, it’s all yellow inside, dip it in soy sauce and it’s delicious! Or stew it in soup!”


  Facing her sister’s eyes full of desire, Shuangxue made a helpless expression and took out her wallet from her pocket.

  ”Then…give me one.”

  ”Okay! I’ll pack it for you!”

  The player skillfully picked up a starfish from the foam box, weighed it, packed it, and handed it to the NPC lady in front of him.

  ”26 silver coins for you!”

  26 silver coins are not cheap, but for the residents of Dawn City who are not under much pressure to survive, it is no problem to buy it to try something new.

  As early as the beginning of this year, there were no jobs in Dawn City that paid less than 1,000 silver coins a month, not to mention that she worked in the Merchants Guild, which had a fairly good income.

  Frost counted out 26 silver coins from her wallet and handed them to the stall owner. Looking at Frost Night who happily hugged the starfish in his arms and cheered, Frost Snow couldn’t help but smile and reached out to rub the little guy’s head.

  ”You can’t play with food, put it away, sister will make soup for you when she goes back.”

  ”Yes!” Shuang Ye nodded excitedly, holding her two little hands tighter, “I will take good care of Mr. Starfish before I stew it into soup!”

  The two were planning to go to other stalls to see if there were any other novel gadgets, but just two steps away, they heard a shout from the fish-killing stall next to them.

  ”Boss, why is there a sock in the belly of your fish?”

  The player holding the shoe in his hand was also puzzled. He scratched the back of his head and threw it into the trash can beside him, and said something casually.

  ”Uh… Maybe it was worn by other fish?”

  The customers who were buying seafood around were shocked.

  ”Fish in the Baiyue Strait also wear socks?”

  Before the player could speak, an old man holding a plastic bag next to him smiled and answered before him.

  ”Yes, I saw a pair of pants cut out of the belly of the fish at the stall I passed by just now.”

  The people around the stall were amazed and said it was incredible.

  Frost Night, holding the starfish, had sparkling eyes, full of curiosity and longing.

  ”The fish in the sea… are amazing!”

  Frost Snow pulled her sister’s arm with a subtle expression, and walked away from the seafood stall with her.

  ”Let’s go somewhere else.”

  Just now she thought 26 silver coins were a little expensive.

  Now it suddenly seems not so expensive…

  Not only seafood is sold in the open space near the airship inflation station, but also all kinds of strange underwater salvage, as well as waste picked up from the old site of Shilong City, which is of unknown use.

  Although the traces of civilization in the Baiyue Province have been completely wiped out, there are still some unusual things that have survived for various reasons.

  These objects are like fossils, recording what happened on that land in the early years of the Wasteland Era. Not only do they have certain research value, but the baptism of time has also given them unusual collection value.

  The Alliance’s scientific expedition team and Camp 101 took a part of them first, and the remaining part that was not taken away was taken by the players to the market to set up stalls for sale.

  Ordinary wastelanders have no interest in these things that cannot be eaten or used. After all, this kind of garbage is everywhere in the wasteland, and it is sold by kilograms at the waste collection station.

  However, for those extraordinary wastelanders, these garbage in the eyes of ordinary people are extraordinary.

  For example, the explorers and researchers who came to Qingquan City because of the cooperative research agreement signed between the academy and the alliance.

  In the eyes of these archaeological experts, even if it is the same garbage, the garbage picked up in different regions cannot be generalized.

  Especially those seabed salvage.

  Considering that the Tianting space station crashed in the southern sea area, it is possible that there are wreckages of the Tianting among them!

  If some aerospace materials with relevant data loss can be analyzed from it, it can be written into a paper at least!

  Not only those experts who know the business, but also some collectors who know only a little bit are full of interest in those salvages.

  It is precisely because of this that the stalls selling salvages are even more lively than the stalls selling seafood, crowded with customers who pick and choose and people who watch the excitement.

  Whenever an inconspicuous piece of junk was sold at an outrageous price, it would cause an incredible exclamation among the crowd.

  The scene was exactly like an antique market!

  In a corner of the market,

  a tall and thin man stood in front of an inconspicuous stall, picking and choosing among the piles of junk scattered on the stall.

  Perhaps because of the blue jacket that marked his status, or perhaps because of the frameless glasses on his nose, he looked like a knowledgeable person who knew everything, and maybe even served in a scientific expedition team, so there were many people following him waiting to pick up bargains.

  The guy didn’t care about the large group of people following him. He just looked around the stalls as if nothing had happened.

  At this moment, he suddenly frowned and picked up a horseshoe-shaped plastic plate from the stall. He fiddled with it with interest for a while, and then looked at the owner behind the stall.

  ”Where did you pick it up from?”

  The player said with a fluent human language.

  ”It’s in the sea area near the port. I don’t remember where it is exactly. Why don’t you buy it back and ask someone to take a look? What if it’s a treasure that fell from the Tianting space station? I think it looks like a welding ring of a spacecraft, so I salvaged it.”

  Hearing that it might be a treasure that fell from the Tianting space station, the collectors following behind him were all stunned.

  Especially the researcher in the blue coat, he touched his chin with an undecided look on his face, and asked the price directly without doubting whether it was true or not.

  ”Interesting…how much?”

  The player said straightforwardly.

  ”You look like a man of talent and culture! I’ll take 1,000 silver coins from you.”

  Hearing this offer, the researcher hesitated for a while, but finally gritted his teeth and took out the money, buying back the useless junk in front of everyone.

  The other players who were watching saw this scene, and their eyes suddenly glowed green.


  A junk can actually be sold for 1,000 silver coins!

  This NPC’s money is too easy to make!

  What made them even more incredible was yet to come.

  Not long after the researcher in the blue coat walked away, the local tyrant NPCs rushed to the stall like crazy and robbed it.

  Can the garbage that fell with the Tianting space station be garbage?

  No matter whether it is useful or not, buy it first, anyway, they don’t lack this little money, it’s not bad to hang it at home as a decoration and brag to others.

  In the blink of an eye, the salvaged items on the stall were sold out, and the stall owner who was counting the money was so happy that he couldn’t close his mouth. Forget

  about the air tickets this time.

  I’ve earned the money for a hundred plane tickets!

  ”You guys… this is a scam.”

  Looking at the stall that was sold out not far away, Jiang Xuezhou squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Shi who was standing next to him and couldn’t help but complain.

  ”No matter how you look at it, that thing just now is just a toilet seat!”

  How can you use plastic as a welding ring!

  This doesn’t require any professional vision. Do these guys really have no basic common sense at all?

  ”Well, how can this be called a scam? At most, it’s a little clever… And this is not arranged by us. Don’t always talk about you. Even if we are all residents of the shelter, there are decent people and non-decent people.”

  I didn’t expect to see such an old-fashioned method in the 23rd century. Ye Shi also felt a little embarrassed, especially when he was seen by outsiders, so he coughed and explained.

  In a corner of the market not far from the two of them, he saw the “researcher” who had spent a lot of money to buy the toilet seat quickly took off the blue coat that marked his identity as a resident of the shelter, and returned the clothes to its real owner.

  Although he didn’t know the player, he could guess with his toes that this guy was definitely in the same

  group as the stall owner! Jiang Xuezhou rolled his eyes at Ye Shiyi and continued to walk forward, but after walking around the stalls for a long time, he didn’t find anything worth buying.

  Logically speaking, this shouldn’t be the case. With

  so many scraps salvaged from the seabed, there shouldn’t be anything worth studying in depth, right?

  She didn’t expect to dig up something that would impress her mentor, and she would be satisfied if she could write a paper that met the standards of a D-level researcher.

  However, after walking around for a while, she found nothing, and Jiang Xuezhou couldn’t help but complain in a low voice.

  ”Why is there nothing?”

  Ye Shi looked at her strangely.


  ”Just… the kind of things that are really worth studying, why didn’t I see any?” Jiang Xuezhou couldn’t help but complain, “By the way, how did you successfully avoid all the valuable research projects? This luck is too good, isn’t it?”

  Hearing this low-pitched complaint, Ye Shi immediately understood what she was complaining about, and then smiled and said.

  ”Well, that’s normal. The things that are really worth studying have already been picked up by our scientific expedition team. Isn’t it a waste of time for you to look for that?”

  Speaking of which, it seems that Yin Fang was also a D-level when he left the academy?

  And that was a long time ago.

  In this case, that guy should be considered her senior brother.

  Jiang Xuezhou stopped and stared at Ye Shi for a long time, and her cheeks gradually turned from white to red.

  ”…Why didn’t you tell me earlier!”

  Looking at Jiang Xuezhou who gritted his teeth for a long time before he could say a word, Ye Shi stared at her with a strange expression for a while.

  ”You didn’t ask me…I thought you came here to buy souvenirs.”

  Jiang Xuezhou glared at him fiercely, but after thinking for a long time, he really couldn’t think of a reason to blame him, so he could only stomp his feet in anger, turn around and leave.

  It would be a waste of time to continue shopping.

  And there are too many routines here, she doesn’t want to stay here any longer.

  At the same time, Yin Fang, who was fiddling with the scraps he had just found from the Niuma airship in the laboratory, suddenly sneezed without warning.


  ”…Who is scolding me?”

  Rubbing his sore nose, Yin Fang muttered, and then threw the insignificant matter aside, looking at the fragments lying on the instrument again with shining eyes.

  It was a palm-sized wreckage.

  Its surface was shining with a bright metallic luster, and the shiny surface looked like it had been carefully polished with a polisher.

  What was surprising was that no one had polished this fragment. When the players of the Niuma airship found it on the seabed, it looked like this.

  At present, Yin Fang could not determine what specific technology was used for this material. He could only analyze it through elemental spectroscopy and concluded that it should be a metal-ceramic composite material used in spacecraft.

  This material not only has extremely strong heat resistance and hardness, but also has amazing toughness and resistance to mechanical shock that is not inferior to steel.

  If he could continue to dig deeper into this material, based on his experience, he could at least recover a C-level materials science technology!

  The Niu Ma airship brought back more than just this treasure from the southern seas. There were a lot of interesting samples in the warehouse waiting for him to study.

  Yin Fang’s eyes were filled with enthusiasm, and he kept muttering,

  ”This time I really found a treasure!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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