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Chapter 67 Gao Dang: I advise you to be sensible

Chapter 67 Gao Dang: I advise you to be sensible


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 67 Gao Dang: I advise you to be sensible

  Xu Xiuwen thought that his reply was polite and decent.

  But he didn’t know what nerve he touched.

  Then he received a message.

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”You don’t even give me a chance to have an interview? Do you look down on our company?”

  Xu Xiuwen saw these two messages and instantly didn’t want to talk to the other party. How stupid must he be to think like that?

  He planned to delete the friend, but after thinking about it, there was no need to do so, so
he just closed the chat window.

  But what he didn’t expect was that less than an hour later, he received a strange call.

  After the call was connected, a man’s voice immediately rang out, “You are Xu Renshan! I sent you so many messages, did you see them but didn’t reply, or did you pretend not to see them?”

  Xu Xiuwen frowned, “Who are you?”

  ”I’m Gao Dang!”

  Hearing the word Gao Dang, Xu Xiuwen immediately knew who the other party was.

  He didn’t tell the number in the novel or in the Penguin group. The only possibility is that the other party got his mobile phone number through the website.

  Xu Xiuwen had clearly stated that he would not sell the copyright. The other party’s persistent attitude made him very unhappy, not to mention this condescending attitude.

  He was not in a good mood and started to curse, “You are mentally ill, I said I won’t sell the film and television copyright, don’t call me again!” Then he hung up the phone.

  In less than a second, Gao Dang called again.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t answer, but it was a pity that mobile phones these days couldn’t set blacklists.

  The other party kept calling several times, but Xu Xiuwen hung up all the time.

  In the end, he was so annoyed that he turned off his phone.

  Gao Dang, the head of Zhongyi Company, completely ruined Xu Xiuwen’s good mood.

  After turning off his phone, he could not help but curse, “You can be the person in charge of anything. No wonder I’ve never heard of Zhongyi. With people like you around, it will go bankrupt sooner or later.”

  Wang Juncai in the dormitory was playing games with headphones on and did not hear Xu Xiuwen’s curse. Liu Zhihao heard it and asked, “What’s wrong, Xiuwen?”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “I met a lunatic!”

  ”Oh, if you meet a lunatic, just ignore him. When you say lunatic, it reminds me that there was a guy in the school recently. He was walking around the school in a down jacket on such a hot day. Do you think he is sick?” ”

  Is this true? Is it true?”

  ”Of course it’s true. Many girls in our class saw it.”

  ”Find the school security and ask the school security to kick him out.”

  ”I heard they found them, but it was useless. When the security wasn’t paying attention, he sneaked back. But the other party is just a little stupid and didn’t do anything dangerous, so the security ignored him after chasing him away a few times.”

  ”Okay, if the school security doesn’t care about this kind of thing, we can’t do anything about it either.”

  After chatting with Liu Zhihao for a while, Xu Xiuwen’s anger subsided a little, but he was still very unhappy. After thinking about it, he turned on the computer again and logged into Penguin and deleted the friend directly.

  This made him feel much better.

  In order to avoid being harassed by the other party’s phone calls, Xu Xiuwen didn’t turn on his phone all night. He didn’t

  turn it on until he woke up the next morning.

  After turning on the phone, Xu Xiuwen received a lot of text messages.

  Among them were text messages from Xiao Youran and a girl from the plumbing department.

  Of course, there were also text messages from Gao Dang.

  It seemed that the call could not be reached, and the friend was deleted from Penguin, so the only thing the other party could think of was to send a text message.

  After a night’s rest, Xu Xiuwen’s anger had completely subsided, so he clicked on the text message to see what the other party wanted to say.

  As a result, as soon as he opened the text message, he saw the first message, “Your book is shit. If our company is not willing to support newcomers, do you think I am willing to buy the copyright of your book?”

  The second message: Buying your copyright is a sign of respect for you. Do you think there is anyone else who will buy your copyright besides us?

  The third message: I advise you to be sensible, otherwise our company will ban you, and you will never sell the copyright of your novel again!

  There are more than a dozen messages behind.

  Xu Xiuwen did not read them one by one.

  Reading three messages was enough.

  The other party was so crazy that Xu Xiuwen could not help but wonder, did he do anything rude yesterday?

  Not at all!

  That only shows that this man named Gao Dang is a mad dog.

  People don’t care about dogs.

  Xu Xiuwen deleted the text message, then replied to Xiao Youran and explained a few words.

  Since singing to Xiao Youran last night, the girl has become more clingy than before. She

  sent messages in the morning and evening, with the content of “Good morning, remember to eat breakfast.”, “Good night, don’t sleep too late.”

  It gave Xu Xiuwen a feeling that Xiao Youran was a female licker.

  This is no longer a resemblance, but it is exactly the same.

  In addition to Xiao Youran, Song Siyu also sent him a text message, but the content was to ask him what Wang Juncai was doing?

  Xu Xiuwen thought, if you want to know what Wang Juncai is doing, why don’t you send a text message or call to ask?

  But the other party is his roommate’s girlfriend after all, so it’s not easy to ignore, so he can only reply “playing games in the dormitory.”

  Xu Xiuwen did not hide this for Wang Juncai.

  Because Wang Juncai really loves playing games, every day except for training, eating and sleeping, the rest of the time is playing games.

  Xu Xiuwen also knows that the game Wang Juncai is playing is called World of Warcraft.

  This game was so famous in the previous life that I don’t know how many people are addicted to it.

  Of course, at the time of 2005, World of Warcraft was indeed a very good game.

  So Xu Xiuwen said that he could understand Wang Juncai’s behavior.

  The military training time of Jiangling College is the same as that of Jiaotong University, which is uniformly fifteen days.

  The instructor of the Department of Plumbing Engineering is still the serious instructor, but the students of the Department of Plumbing Engineering have gotten used to it. The daily training tasks have not changed, but no one complains like at the beginning.

  On the contrary, as time gets closer to the end of the military training, some girls even feel reluctant to part with their instructors.

  To be honest, although the instructor is not as handsome as Xu Xiuwen, he is still much more handsome than the boys in the Department of Plumbing.

  First of all, as an instructor, he has a strong aura, and then he has a wheat-colored skin from long-term training, which is very manly, not to mention that the instructor himself is good-looking and his figure is even better than the boys in the Department of Plumbing.

  Most women are born to admire the strong and are more emotional, so it is easy to understand why they are reluctant.

  Most of the boys can’t wait for the military training to end.

  For example, Wang Juncai can’t wait for the military training to end and stay in the dormitory playing games every day.

  After inviting Tang Weiwei to dinner last night, when they met today, Xu Xiuwen thought that the other party would say hello

  to him. The situation was exactly the opposite. Tang Weiwei not only did not respond, but turned around and ignored him.

  Because Shen Minyao was standing next to the girl, Xu Xiuwen couldn’t go up to ask, so he could only continue training with doubts.

  After the military training ended at noon, Xu Xiuwen still didn’t have the opportunity to talk to Tang Weiwei.

  Shen Minyao and Tang Weiwei were almost never apart.

  Military training continued, but after the training ended in the evening, Xu Xiuwen would go to the auditorium of the Jiaotong University next door and practice alone in the instrument room.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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