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Chapter 67: Trouble with Appearance

Chapter 67: Trouble with Appearance


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 67: Trouble caused by appearance

  Two days later, Sunai’s technical team was recruited.

  There were four people in the group, two sophomores, Chen Wenxing and Yang Shuai, and two juniors, Wen Jinrui and Dong Miaomiao.

  At about the same time, Dong Wenhao’s content team was also formed, including the serial author Shi Miaomiao, five content creators, Lu Feiyu, Duan Yan, Ma Yubao, Ding Yuzhen and Lu Yingying.

  In addition, there were external editors Pang Hai and Lu Xuemei. There

  were two girls from the part-time club, Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing.

  Jiang Qin took these sixteen people to an empty classroom and held the first regular meeting.

  The content of this regular meeting was very simple, just to pave the way for the school belle selection competition.

  Dong Wenhao was responsible for leading the pace, directing all the topics of the forum, attracting forum users to discuss the theme of school belle, and causing debate.

  Sunai, with his technical team, created a traffic page and voting app during this process. When the debate on the topic reached its peak, the campus beauty contest was officially launched. Users could get flowers by signing in daily, posting and attracting new users to support their favorite goddess.

  In addition, Lu Xuemei, as the contact person of the design department, was fully responsible for poster design and front-end pictures. Pang Hai, as her master, provided guidance behind the scenes.

  Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing had been working part-time for a long time and were familiar with the market, so they were responsible for soliciting sponsorship. It didn’t matter whether they could get advertising fees or not. The important thing was to test whether the surrounding merchants could accept forum advertising.

  ”This is the first battle of our forum. I hope everyone will be very alert and take it seriously.”

  ”If this model is successful, we will copy it to each university town one by one, build a campus network, and transform it from a point to a line, and then connect it into a piece, and use it as a foundation to face the whole society.”

  ”Sunai, you will be my CEO in the future, Wenhao will be my COO, and the others will be my various officials!”

  ”When we go public in the future, I will take you to the United States to ring the bell.”

  Jiang Qin painted a beautiful blueprint for everyone, but the people in the audience looked at each other, and the reaction was mediocre, without any excitement or joy.

  ”Sunai, take everyone out to eat and sing tonight, and the expenses will be paid from the funds.”

  ”Yeah! Long live the boss!”

  ”The boss is mighty, the best in the world!”

  ”The boss is a good man, I love him so much!”

  Jiang Qin gritted his teeth and thought that this makeshift team was really amazing, and there was no awareness of becoming bigger and stronger!

  After the meeting, it was already 1:50 in the afternoon. Jiang Qin returned to the dormitory and found that Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang had already gone to the playground. Only Cao Guangyu was left in the dormitory. He was updating his simple and unpretentious life of the rich second generation with a somewhat happy expression.

  Jiang Qin did not disturb his thoughts. He quickly changed into the military training uniform. When he passed by the mirror, he could not help but take a look.

  Wow, he just finished discussing the “listing” business and he had to go to military training again.

  In one word, absolute.

  When he left the dormitory, it was already 2:15. He was definitely late. When he thought of this, Jiang Qin slowed down his pace. Being late for ten minutes is almost the same as being late for half an hour. The number of laps he had to run was the same, so he didn’t need to be so anxious.

  But what he didn’t know was that the instructor didn’t come this afternoon. Instead, a group of seniors from the Finance Department Student Union came.

  The leaders were President Zhu Feng, Vice President Ma Mingjiang, and several officers.

  They stood in front of the square formation of Finance Class 4, scattered in a group, surrounded by Feng Nanshu, who had a clear and cold look in his eyes and a silly and cute expression.

  ”Junior sister, tomorrow is the military training review ceremony. You are so beautiful, why don’t you want to hold the flag for the School of Finance?”

  ”Yes, junior sister, the review ceremony is for the whole school. If you can stand in front and hold the flag, I guess the eyes of the whole school will be on our School of Finance.”

  ”Think about it. This is an honor. Not everyone can have the opportunity.”

  Feng Nanshu shook her head gently in response to their invitation, her eyes full of resistance.

  She was afraid of scenes with a lot of people. Military training was already the limit of her tolerance. Going to the review ceremony? Standing in the front row? Facing thousands of spectators? Ordinary people would feel weak in the knees, let alone someone like her who is socially anxious.

  The little rich woman looked at the next team, but did not find Jiang Qin’s figure, so she clenched the edge of her hat with both hands and pursed her rosy lips. After

  persuading her, Student Union President Zhu Feng couldn’t help it and turned to look at Gao Wenhui and Fan Shuling: “Aren’t you her good sisters? Persuade her, this is a good thing.”

  ”Ah, we can’t persuade her. Nanshu has a very stubborn temper.” Gao Wenhui waved her hand to refuse.

  Zhu Feng had a headache: “Who can persuade her then?”

  Fan Shuling glanced at the team of Class 3: “The person who can persuade her hasn’t come yet.”

  ”Who? Your counselor?” Zhu Feng asked.

  ”Even the counselor can’t persuade her, only that person can persuade her.”

  After listening to this, Feng Nanshu pulled Gao Wenhui aside: “I won’t go even if Jiang Qin persuades me.”

  ”Nonsense, if he persuades you, you will definitely go there.” Gao Wenhui has studied Feng Nanshu thoroughly.

  While they were talking, Jiang Qin walked in from the gate of the playground. Everyone in the team turned their heads and looked over, shouting “Here they come.”

  Everyone present knew that Feng Nanshu was very attached to Jiang Qin, and it was estimated that she would only go if Jiang Qin persuaded her, so everyone was looking forward to the next development of the matter.

  ”Old Jiang is pretending to be cool again, I’m so envious!” Zhou Chao was so sour.

  Ren Ziqiang was slightly stunned: “Why are you pretending to be cool?”

  ”The people from the student union have been persuading you for a long time but it’s useless. When Jiang Qin comes over later, he will make the fairy girl agree with just one sentence. Isn’t this pretending to be cool?” Zhou Chao seemed to have seen through everything.

  Ren Ziqiang couldn’t help but put himself in his shoes and felt a chill all over his body: “Fuck, he is really pretending to be cool!”

  ”Alas, Jiang Qin has to smear his face again. He hasn’t washed it off from the past few days!”

  At the same time, the people from the student union also looked over and found that it was a late student, so they didn’t pay much attention. There are always a few troublemakers in the new students every year who like to be late and are free and undisciplined. They, the old students, have seen too many of them, so they continued to focus on Feng Nanshu.

  But Jiang Qin approached and found that Feng Nanshu was in the crowd, so he came uninvited and squeezed into the fourth class’s team: “What’s wrong? What happened?”

  ”These are seniors from our School of Finance. They want Feng Nanshu to hold the flag in front of the team.” Gao Wenhui explained the situation in two simple sentences.

  Zhu Feng frowned: “Students who are not important should go to the military training on their own initiative, don’t join in the fun, this matter has nothing to do with you.”

  ”Report to senior sister, Feng Nanshu only listens to him.” Gao Wenhui suddenly spoke.

  Feng Nanshu nodded seriously after listening: “I only listen to Jiang Qin.”

  The male staff at the scene changed their faces, and couldn’t help but take a closer look at Jiang Qin. Such a fairy girl has a boyfriend as soon as she enters school? This is unscientific, and this person is obviously ordinary, what right does he have?

  ”Are you her boyfriend? Then you should persuade her to help our School of Finance hold the flag during the inspection tomorrow.” Zhu Feng pointed at Feng Nanshu. Jiang

  Qin waved his hand and refused directly: “Senior sister, forget it, she is more timid than peanuts, you should change someone else.”

  ”Are you unable to persuade her?” Zhu Feng’s provocation method is extremely skillful.

  ”I can’t persuade her even if I want to. I know she listens to me, but I still have to persuade her to do something she doesn’t like? What kind of dog stuff is that?”

  Hearing this, Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao’s faces turned pale. Damn, they didn’t get slapped in the face, but they felt scolded, but they couldn’t find any evidence.

  Is this the difference between them and Jiang Qin?

  At the same time, Song Qingqing and Jiang Tian couldn’t help but look at each other, with infinite sighs in their expressions, and even their eyes were flashing with envy and longing.

  Some people who seem to be unintentional are so unexpectedly gentle.

  In the end, the students’ union had no choice but to go to other teams to find someone. After all, the School of Finance is the school with the largest number of people in Linda. They can’t find someone of Feng Nanshu’s level, but there is no shortage of good-looking people.

  After a while, Jiang Qin returned to the team. When he looked up, he found that Feng Nanshu was turning her head to look at him, and her beautiful eyes were full of joy.

  Jiang Qin suddenly had a feeling that the little rich woman believed that he would definitely refuse, so she was relieved to give him the right to choose. She is not stupid at all. Anyone who underestimates her will regret it.

   Seeing that many readers are guessing the names of places and schools, I advise you not to waste your energy, hahahaha. The author has been to Beijing and Shenzhen, and is familiar with the customs and urban environments of various places, so the places and schools are a mixture of various places, and have no correspondence with reality. The names are purely random, and I picked up a book and picked up a name by looking at a word, so don’t over-substitute.


  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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