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Chapter 673 There really is gold everywhere here!

Chapter 673 There really is gold everywhere here!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 673 There is really gold everywhere here!

  In most areas of the wasteland, the reputation of the Alliance is good.

  Especially the Alliance’s army, the image of strict discipline is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It has never been heard that any caravan or settlement was robbed by the Alliance’s soldiers.

  Therefore, Mogawei was not panicked at all. He only took two agile mercenaries to board the inflatable boat and urged the man who drove the boat to speed up and head towards the beach. After

  sailing for two or three kilometers, the inflatable boat quickly docked.

  ”Park the boat! Come to me as soon as you are done!”

  Mogawei ordered the two mercenaries to drag the inflatable boat ashore and run it aground, while he hurriedly walked towards the camp on the shore.

  The beach is not like the sea.

  Their inflatable boat is coated with tree oil refined from black ironwood, which can emit a rotten smell to drive away the alien species in the sea, but it depends on him to get ashore. He

  hurriedly walked out of the edge of the beach, and when his soles stepped on the soft mud, he was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him and widened his eyes.

  On a platform made of logs, furs of different sizes and colors were stacked like stacked cards.

  Probably to save space, they were tied into tofu blocks with hemp ropes and tightly stacked together, and the only protection was a simple shed made of straw.

  These raw hides were probably just peeled off from the prey not long ago, and the surface was still stained with blood and grease that had not been washed clean, emitting a slight stench under the effect of high temperature.

  ”Spirit of the Sand Sea…”

  Mogavi opened his mouth so wide that an egg could almost be stuffed in.

  What shocked him was not the cruelty of the scene in front of him.

  As long as no one in the wasteland was full, no one would have sympathy to sympathize with any alien species. What

  really shocked him was the barbarity and rudeness of these people!

  They actually treated these priceless treasures so badly, piling them here like rags!

  Aren’t these guys who waste heaven’s resources afraid of being punished by God! ?

  ”Spirit of the Sand Sea! Pure blood mink fur! Wait, is this a mutant cheetah?! Emerald python, mutant rhino skin…”


  ”You just pile these treasures here and let them rot in the high temperature!? You might as well give them to me!”

  The noisy voice quickly attracted the attention of nearby players.

  Some players who were working at the slaughter point put down their work and gathered around him curiously.

  ”Oh my god, an NPC is here?”

  ”There’s a cargo ship parked over there, and this guy seems to have gotten off that ship.”

  ”What is he talking about?”

  ”Who knows, I turned on the translator too late.”

  After wiping the blood off the boning knife, Qingdeng Gujiu, who was wearing a leather apron, stared at the NPC, squinted his eyes, and spoke in non-standard human language.

  ”Who are you?”

  The man quickly looked at him, hurriedly took out a wet business card from his shirt, and handed it out with an excited look.

  ”I am Mogawi! A merchant from Silver Moon Bay! Are these furs yours?”

  Without answering his question, Qingdeng Gujiu took the business card, looked at it, and casually put it in his pocket, and looked at the guy again.

  ”You know these goods very well?”

  Mogawi nodded quickly, forcibly suppressing his excitement.

  ”Of course! You name a price, I want all these goods!”

  Let alone the blood mink fur he saw just now, if handled properly, made into fur coats and shipped to the province of Borneo, at least a hundred slaves can be exchanged! And if it

  goes a little further west and is sold to the port near Triumph City, it can at least be exchanged for 100,000 dinars!

  Not to mention that the blood mink fur is just the tip of the iceberg of this pile of goods.

  And for the mutant rhinoceros and mutant cheetah, which are not rare species, although the fur cannot be sold at a very high price, but the advantage is that the demand is large. No matter which port, there are people rushing to buy it, and there is no need to worry about the goods not being sold and being stuck in your hands.

  It is no exaggeration to say that the profits from his entire shipload of goods are not as much as the few piles of furs piled here.

  After all, he could not earn 1,000 dinars from a whole container of iron ore, but a relatively complete fur here could easily sell for that price!

  Thinking of this huge profit, Mogawi’s heart was pounding, and even his breathing became rapid.

  There is gold everywhere here!

  Praise the spirit of the sea of ​​sand!!

  Looking at the merchant in front of him asking for the price anxiously, Qingdeng Gujiu couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows with a strange expression.

  Is this guy doing business for the first time?

  He almost wrote the four big words “Come and kill me” on his face.

  With his eyes slightly turned, he spoke.

  ”…These furs have not been processed yet. We plan to sell them after we process them.”

  Mogawi said with great sorrow.

  ”It’s too late. With your method of handling it, even a piece of wood will rot! Don’t disbelieve me, at most tomorrow morning, if there is still half of this batch of goods left, I will lose!”

  Qingdeng Gujiu was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously retorted.

  ”How can it be so fast!”

  Are you kidding?

  It’s not the first time for him to be a butcher. Before, in Dawn City, people would buy it even if he peeled the skin off and threw it away for two or three days before processing it.

  How could it rot in one day?

  Looking at this guy who didn’t realize the seriousness of the problem at all, Mogawei said with a smile.

  ”Are you kidding? This is the tropics! You don’t think the speed of decay here is the same as your hometown, right? I just got ashore and I can smell the stench from a long distance!”

  Qingdeng sniffed subconsciously. Maybe he got used to the smell here, so he really didn’t smell anything.

  But he understood what this guy meant, and his expression gradually became less calm than before.

  ”Then name your price.”

  Hiding his inner joy, Mogawi stretched out five fingers, pointed at the pile of goods next to him, and said sincerely.

  ”Since we are destined to be together, I can pay you 50,000 dinars for this pile! I want all five pieces!”

  A total of 250,000 dinars,

  including those “inconspicuous” blood mink skins.

  Mogawi thought that this price was quite sincere.

  After all, if he left these goods alone, they would only rot on the beach, and he would not be able to sell them for a penny.

  However, to his surprise, after hearing his sincere offer, the brother in front of him rolled his eyes without hesitation and refused without thinking.

  ”Get lost! Don’t lie to me, I don’t know the price of dinars? There are at least 200 pieces in this pile, 50,000 dinars? What a joke!”

  Mogawei was stunned and said with a bitter face.

  ”My friend, this is raw hide that has not been processed. More than 200 dinars per piece is already very sincere. Even if you drag it to Silver Moon Bay now, there will be no more generous buyers than me.”

  Qingdeng Gujiu shook his head like a rattle.

  ”Don’t even think about it. At most, I can handle as many pieces as I can. If you are sincere about buying, one pile will cost at least 50,000 silver coins.”

  ”50,000 silver coins?!” Mogawei widened his eyes, “What a joke?! This is enough to buy a truck!”

  Qingdeng Gujiu laughed and said without hesitation.

  ”Guess how many trucks I can get by taking them back to Dawn City?”

  Mogawi looked at him with a smile.

  ”You can’t take them back at all. With the way you handle them, all of this batch of goods will definitely rot on the way!”

  Qingdeng Gujiu curled his lips indifferently.

  ”Come on, the temperature here is high, but won’t it be lower in the sky? We have packed a thousand furs. When we take them back to Dawn City and process them a little, we can sell them for at least 500,000 silver coins. We can even transport the seafood here, let alone a few furs.”

  To be honest, his words were a bit of bluffing. After all, air transportation is not without cost.

  Moreover, the Niuma airship is not a special cold chain transportation tool. It is okay to transport some foam boxes filled with seafood. The residents of Dawn City may buy some for novelty, and it is not a problem to earn the air ticket money.

  However, these furs are different. They are all traded in bulk. Not to mention the problem of whether there are refrigeration tools, even if they are transported back by weight, it is still unknown whether the cost can be earned back.

  However, on the other hand, the price of 250 dinars per piece was something he absolutely could not accept. The price of those prey was more than that.

  If he really sold them at this price, he would have to pay 250.

  Mogawi shook his head and planned to leave, but he saw that no one stopped him, so he stamped his feet and turned back with gritted teeth.

  ”Forget it, since you have helped us before, I will lose a little more… Even if there are 1,000 pieces here, a total of 130,000 silver coins, I want them all!”

  There is no stable exchange rate between silver coins and dinars. In some places, it can reach 1:3, and in some places it can reach 1:10. This is related to the distance from Triumph City and Dawn City, and whether the slave trade in the nearby area is prevalent.

  Although the dinar is a precious metal currency, in fact, it is not gold that anchors the value of the dinar, but slaves and the output value that slaves can create.

  But one thing is beyond doubt.

  In most areas, the purchasing power of silver coins is stronger than that of dinars, even if the circulation rate is not as good as that of dinars, at least in the east of the Great Desert.

  When Qingdeng Gujiu heard the price, he was immediately tempted.

  130,000 silver coins!

  An average of 130 silver coins per piece!

  This price is not great, but it is much better than 250 dinars!

  However, he was tempted, but he still hesitated.

  ”130,000… This price is still too low. I have to discuss it with others.”

  Hearing this, Mogawei’s eyes widened and he almost spit out blood.

  Good guy.

  It turns out that this guy has been bargaining for a long time, and this batch of goods is not his!

  Understanding the murderous eyes of the NPC, Qingdeng Gujiu smiled awkwardly, and felt a little embarrassed, and said with a dry cough.

  ”… Most of it is mine, most of it is…”

  Without giving this guy time to regret, Qingdeng Gujiu immediately ran to the slaughter point nearby, gathered the life professional players who opened the slaughter stalls together, and then told them everything.

  Including that an NPC took a fancy to the batch of unprocessed raw hides piled at the port, including that he had negotiated with that person for several.

  ”…I calculated that the price of 130,000 silver coins is still acceptable, and it saves us the shipping cost of bringing it back to Dawn City and the labor cost of handling the raw hides, as well as the possible losses during transportation…If we really bring it back to Dawn City to find a way, we may even lose money. It’s better to sell it directly to that guy. Everyone can make a lot of money by sharing the money.”

  Several life professional players thought about it and it seemed to be true.

  This alien species pounced on wave after wave, and the prey piled on the stalls was almost full. I don’t know when I can free up my hands to deal with those furs.

  Someone is willing to buy them all, which is convenient for them.

  As for Brother Qingdeng’s character, they also trust him. There is no such thing as saying one price on the surface and another price in secret.

  ”You decide.”

  ”Brother trusts you.”

  ”It’s better to make less money by wholesale. It’s good to get rid of it quickly. It’s a pity to let it rot on the beach.”

  Seeing that so many brothers trust him, Qingdeng was also moved in his heart. He looked at them with a moving expression and said.

  ”Good brother! Thank you for your trust. I, Qingdeng Ancient Wine, will never let you down!”

  ”Well, what are you thanking me for? You helped us negotiate the sales channel. We should thank you,” a professional player smiled and patted his shoulder.

  Another player suddenly had an idea and suggested.

  ”By the way, there will definitely be NPCs coming here to collect furs in the future. Otherwise, we can also register an organization association or something. In the future, we can agree on the price and sell them together. We can set different prices for different types of furs. We will definitely make more money than the same price. And it can also prevent those NPCs from looking for us one by one, defeating us one by one, and lowering the price.” As soon

  as this idea was proposed, it was immediately recognized by many people.

  ”Good idea!”


  ”We can’t let NPCs cut our leeks!”

  Qingdeng also came back to his senses immediately. Why did the NPC almost turn his face after hearing that the batch of goods was not all his.

  After all this time, there is still this trick.

  But now is not the time to discuss this.

  After coughing twice, he motioned everyone to look at him and continued.

  ”Listen to me, let’s take a long-term view on this matter. We can go offline and discuss it in detail on the forum. Now let’s deal with this batch of goods first.”

  The player who made the suggestion earlier also nodded.

  ”Indeed, let’s deal with the goods first.”

  After getting everyone’s permission, Qingdeng returned to the pile of goods and found Mogawi pacing back and forth.

  This time, with the support of his brothers, he also had the confidence to bargain and argued with Mogawi.

  In the end, after a lot of arguing, the total of 1,131 furs were finally sold for 140,000 silver coins.

  Although it did not reach the 150,000 silver coins he expected, it seemed that this price was the limit that the NPC merchant could accept.

  When the word “deal” came out, the guy seemed to be hollowed out, with a miserable look of his pockets being squeezed dry.

  Although this guy is an NPC, there is basically no difference between the NPC in this game and the real person, and Qingdeng Gujiu is embarrassed to squeeze this guy to death.

  He still hopes to keep this business going for a long time.

  In exchange for the 140,000 silver coins, the players in French Fries Port need to help deliver the more than 1,000 packaged furs to the deck of the “Northwest Wind” cargo ship.

  Without a dock, it was not easy to load these 10-20 tons of cargo onto the ship, but Qingdeng Gujiu readily agreed.

  ”As you wish, 140,000 silver coins! I have to go to the cargo ship to get the money… You transport the goods to the deck, and we will exchange the money and the goods.”

  After making a verbal agreement, Mogawei walked to the south of the camp, stopped beside the fence gate and looked at Qingdeng Gujiu and repeatedly reminded him.

  Seeing this guy look like he had lost money, Qingdeng smiled and waved his hand.

  ”Got it, you go back quickly and tell your captain to stop the boat. We will send it to you soon.”

  ”It’s a deal…”

  Mogawei didn’t want to continue to dawdle on the beach, so he turned around and walked towards the direction where the inflatable boat was stranded. At

  this time, two mercenaries with guns on their backs walked over here, and they were stunned when they saw the boss walking back in a hurry.


  ”What… is going on?”

  ”It’s done!” Mogawi patted the shoulder of the mercenary walking in front of him and hurriedly urged, “It’s time to go. Time is money. We have to get back to the ship quickly.”

  The cargo piled on the cargo pile is now his. Every minute he delays here, a fur may be damaged.

  This is something he can’t stand no matter what.

  Especially the blood mink skins he has his eyes on, which are tied together with a pile of mutant rhino skins for leather making. Looking at the blood and grease stuck on the beautiful hair, his heart was twitching with pain.

  What a bunch of losers!

  Hearing the boss say that he was going back, the two mercenaries almost vomited blood. They

  grunted and struggled to drag the speedboat ashore and stranded it. They were originally thinking about going to the Alliance settlement to have a drink, but they were urged to go back before they even touched the door.

  ”Why are you looking at me?” Seeing the two mercenaries standing there stupidly, Mogawei glared at them, “Why don’t you go quickly!”


  After all, not daring to offend their employer, the two mercenaries finally suppressed their temper and turned back to the direction of the inflatable boat.

  In order to get back to the deck quickly, Mogawei didn’t care about the sea water getting his trouser legs wet, and followed the two mercenaries to push the inflatable boat.

  The three of them struggled for half an hour and finally got the speedboat back to the anchored cargo ship.

  The two speedboats parked next to the cargo ship did not leave. The captain of the patrol team was smoking impatiently at the bow, as if he had been waiting for them for a long time.

  Mogawei didn’t waste a moment and quickly grabbed the ladder and climbed onto the deck.

  Seeing his employer returning to the deck, Song Haining immediately walked up and asked.

  ”What’s the situation on the shore?”

  ”The prophecy is true! The land is full of gold! Hahaha! I really encountered it!” Changing the depressed look when he was dealing on the shore, Mogawei was excited and incoherent, grabbing Captain Song’s shoulders with both hands.

  Song Haining was stunned for a moment, confused by these words, and after a long time he came to his senses and spoke.

  ”What do you mean by gold everywhere…”

  ”I bought a batch of goods from them. You wait here for a while, they will deliver the goods soon, and I will prepare the money.”

  As he said, Mogawei walked towards the cabin. Song Haining immediately reached out and grabbed his arm, and asked hurriedly.

  ”Wait, what goods? Delivered to the deck? How do they deliver it?”

  He had no plan to dock here, not to mention that there was no dock for them to dock.

  If they were transported by small boats one by one, when would it take to deliver?

  If he was targeted by the submarines of Shelter No. 70, he didn’t think that the two patrol boats could protect him.

  Looking at Captain Song who was asking anxious questions, Mogawi smiled and patted his hands.

  ”Don’t worry, they said it will be quick, it won’t take long, we just need to wait for a while.”

  Song Haining stared at him and said.

  ”We can’t wait too long, the federal patrol is still waiting for us, without their guidance we can’t pass the minefield. And there are also people from Shelter No. 70-”

  ”Then please tell them for me and ask them to wait a little longer! Two speedboats… I can pay them an extra 2,000 dinars!”

  Looking at Mogawi who broke free of his arms and hurried towards the cabin, Song Haining’s wrinkles were squeezed together with worry.

  At this moment, a sailor ran down the gangway and said to him anxiously.

  ”Captain, the airship on the shore! It’s approaching us!”

  Airship? !

  Song Haining was stunned, subconsciously looked at the north bank of the strait and raised his head, only to see the hovering airship hanging with a string of ropes, slowly flying towards him.

  Looking at the thing hanging on the rope, his eyes almost popped out.


  This works?!

  Mogavi, who came out of the cargo hold with a suitcase, was also shocked by the Alliance’s operation.

  But he was not surprised for long. In less than a quarter of an hour, the airship had floated directly above the cargo ship and slowly stopped.

  The sea breeze was blowing, and the “tofu blocks” hung by the ropes swung like pendulums. It took several attempts to put them on the deck firmly.

  Seeing this thrilling scene, Song Haining felt his heart being pulled to his throat.

  Especially when the “pendulum” swept towards his Mistral, he was so scared that his face turned pale.

  Fortunately, everyone was lucky, and this series of outrageous operations did not cause any deaths.

  A man in a leather jacket jumped down from one of the piles of “tofu blocks”.

  The man looked around and soon saw Mogawei standing next to the cabin in amazement. He walked forward with a smile and bright eyes.

  ”The goods have been delivered, where’s the money?”

  After a long time to come back to his senses, Mogawei closed his open mouth, gave a thumbs up in submission, and then handed over the briefcase in his hand.

  ”140,000 silver coins are all here.”

  Qingdeng Gujiu took the briefcase and glanced at it. Seeing more than a dozen bundles of 100-yuan bills neatly arranged, he closed the lid with a smile.

  ”Happy cooperation.”

  ”Happy cooperation… I will come back here in a few days. When you have good things, remember to keep them for me,” Mogawei looked at the captain who was staring at him, and said with a dry cough, “Also, you… you should find a way to build a dock as soon as possible. I’m afraid there will be no ship willing to take me on the way back.”

  Qingdeng Gujiu’s eyes lit up.

  ”That’s easy. I’ll introduce you to it!”

  Mogawei was stunned and looked at him strangely.

  ”You… have a boat?”

  ”Of course!” Qing Deng said with a smile, “If you need anything, you can find a guy named Tail when you get to the Ring Harbor. She’s on the boat with the white bear flag.”

  Mogawei nodded: “I’ll go and see if I need anything… By the way, how are you going to get back?”

  ”That’s easy, I’ll go back the same way I came here, see you later!”

  Qing Deng smiled and gestured, turned back to the pile of goods, then untied the ropes that hooked the piles of furs and hooked them on himself.

  Everyone just watched this guy holding a suitcase, being lifted off the deck by the airship, and swaying towards the shore.

  Watching the guy’s figure disappear from sight, Song Haining swallowed his saliva and stared at Mogawei on the side.

  Knowing what he wanted to say, Mogawei coughed awkwardly and explained.

  ”Actually, these guys are pretty nice, much easier to get along with than most of the survivors in the settlement… they just act a little reckless sometimes.”

  ”I don’t care about recklessness, don’t even think about dragging me into it, this ship has been with me for twenty years!” Song Haining stared at him intently and continued, “This is the last time… I will never stop the ship near here when I go back, don’t even think about it!”

  Mogawei nodded with a smile.

  ”Okay… okay!”

  It’s impossible not to stop here.

  The money earned from the previous transaction is almost catching up with the profit of his ship’s cargo.

  Not only does he have to come back, he also has to stay here for a while.

  Maybe when he arrives at the port of the roundabout island, he can ask the tail recommended by the cargo owner to see if that guy is willing to take this deal…

  But then again.

  Why does this name sound so familiar…

  Mogawei always feels like he has heard of it somewhere.


  (Thanks to “Anhuixue” for the leader’s reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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