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Chapter 674 Brother Fang’s Big Picture

Chapter 674 Brother Fang’s Big Picture


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 674 Brother Fang Chang’s Big Picture

  It turns out that hanging people like cargo under the airship and swinging them around is not a good idea.

  At first, there were more than ten tons of cargo hanging below, and the swing of the towing rope was not too exaggerated.

  Later, when the cargo was unloaded on the deck, the hanging rope immediately began to swing restlessly. As soon as the Niuma airship took Qingdeng off the deck, the latter felt like flying. Fortunately,

  the pilot of the airship was quite skilled. After several attempts, no one was killed. Qingdeng, who was holding the suitcase, was safely returned to the camp. His

  feet finally touched the ground. The first thing he did after landing was to squat on the ground and sip a lot of sex.

  Walking to the side of this man, Fang Chang smiled and said with concern.

  ”Brother, how do you feel?”

  ”It’s okay…”

  It took a long time to recover. Qingdeng, who was sitting on the ground, couldn’t help but continue to sigh.

  ”This game… the physics system is… quite realistic.”

  ”Haha, as long as you are happy,” Fang Chang said with a smile, “I’ll pay the freight.”

  ”Oh yeah, I almost forgot,” Qing Deng slapped his head, opened his suitcase and counted out ten hundred-yuan bills, and handed them over with an embarrassed smile, “Thanks, brother.”

  ”You’re welcome.” Fang Chang took the bills and put them in his pocket, looking at the direction where the cargo ship was leaving and squinting his eyes with a smile, “Happy cooperation.”

  One thing is one thing.

  Although it is a piece of cake, there is fuel expenditure for the start and stop of this airship.

  Even if he doesn’t care about this little money, he has to consider the collective interests of Shelter No. 404, the largest shareholder of the Niuma Group.

  At present, the net assets of the Niuma Group are the top 1 in the entire server. Counting the business in Ideal City, it is even higher than the second and third combined. In contrast, the rigor of its financial audit is also among the best in the server.

  If it is a general game behavior that does not generate economic benefits, it is fine. Once it generates economic benefits, it is a business behavior. It is not worth playing tricks for this thousand silver coins. Therefore, he must accept the money, and he will have to record it in the VM account book later.

  Retracting his sight from a distance, Fang Chang looked at Daoxialiuren who was following him.

  ”…Speaking of the loading and unloading method of this airship lifting, I think it is still not very reliable. If you are not careful, you will lose both your money and your life. Let’s build a dock as soon as possible.”

  Daoxialiuren sighed.

  ”I am considering this matter, but building a dock is much more complicated than the construction sites on the shore. The alien species in the shallow sea area are also a problem. Those things are different from those on the shore. They can’t be enclosed by a wall. It will definitely be a trouble when construction is carried out.”

  If it is in the River Valley Province, there are only a few types of alien species. The big alien species are driven into the deep mountains and forests by the players. The three mutant cockroaches, rats, and hyenas can be directly dealt with by using the mind interference device.

  But Baiyue Province is different.

  There are many alien species at sea, especially in the shallow seabed of the Baiyue Strait. Many marine alien species active in shallow water like to move around in this area.

  The band that the mind interference device can set is limited, and it is impossible to drive away all alien species.

  In fact, the mind interference device installed on the ship by the Southern Islands Federation is only used to drive away a few alien species that are easy to capsize the ship.

  As for soaking a large amount of black iron wood in water like Silver Moon Bay, although it is also a good method, the loss of materials is too great.

  Black iron wood is a temperate plant and cannot be introduced to tropical cultivation. If they follow the practice of Silver Moon Bay, they can only import a large amount from Oasis No. 4.

  From an economic point of view, this is obviously not a good idea.

  Fang Chang frowned slightly.

  ”Where is the purse seine?”

  Daoxialiuren said with a wry smile.

  ”Do you think it is the small fish and shrimp in reality? What kind of net can stop alien species…”

  Qingdeng Gujiu, who heard the conversation between the two, patted his pants and got up from the ground, interrupted casually.

  ”How about the devil’s silk? I saw that the people who farm split-claw crabs and warship shrimps in Xizhou City use that stuff to make nets. It’s better than iron wire and won’t rust. By the way, those fishermen used that stuff as fishing lines. I heard that even if the pole broke, the rope didn’t break. Even if the boat capsized, the net was still intact.”

  Hearing this, Daoxialiuren was stunned.


  The devil’s silk is a specialty of Shuguang City!

  He touched his chin and thought about it. The more he thought about it, the brighter his eyes became, and he muttered to himself.

  ”I’ll think about it… Shit, maybe it’s possible! At least it shouldn’t be a problem to stop those mutant turtles and crabs!”

  ”Don’t think about it. When I go offline, I’ll ask Ye Shi to place an order with Dawn City. First, order a batch of devil silk blocking nets. When the next flight comes back, we’ll try it directly! If it works, even if we don’t repair the dock, it’s good to take care of the safety of the shore.”

  After saying this, Fang Chang smiled and patted Qingdeng Gujiu’s arm.

  ”Okay, brother, your idea is good! Next time if you have any good suggestions, remember to post them on the forum, and we’ll use them directly!”

  Seeing that his opinions were so useful, Qingdeng Gujiu was flattered and smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Really?! Then I won’t be polite.”

  Fang Chang said with a smile.

  ”Why be polite, we are all family members.”

  1,000 silver coins are small money, and 140,000 silver coins are also small money, but the economic value of “a port with an average daily cargo throughput of tens of millions of silver coins” is not a small amount.

  Baiyue Strait Development Co., Ltd. is engaged in “platform economy”. Only when customers are served comfortably can it be convenient to cut leeks in the future.

  For example, port fees, loading and unloading fees, handling fees, storage fees, trimming fees, barge fees… and so on can be copied from reality.

  Won’t it be profitable to lie down at that time?

  That’s right.

  Considering that the people doing business in the wasteland are all ruthless people who kill and rob part-time, two coastal defense guns will have to be built on the shore to keep the place in check.

  For some reason, looking at this old man with a gentle and easy-going smile, Qingdeng Gujiu always feels a little creepy.

  Maybe it’s an illusion…

  Qingdeng coughed and changed the subject.

  ”By the way… Speaking of which, isn’t Ideal City also on the seaside? I remember it was the outlet of Tianshui? Do they have construction ships at the dock or something? If the price is right, we outsource it to them. It feels much easier than airlifting equipment from Shuguang City.”

  Fang Chang touched his chin with interest and nodded.

  ”That’s a good idea. I’ll ask around later.”

  To be honest, he, the first player to arrive in Ideal City, almost forgot that Ideal City is on the seashore!

  They may not have to purchase everything they need from Dawn City.

  The Alliance and the enterprise have signed a currency swap agreement, and the Niuma Group has some unsettled foreign exchange to use. It is not a bad option to bid directly in Ideal City to build a port for French Fries Port.

  Speaking of which, Li Shuyue’s Ruyue Group seems to be a subsidiary of Ideal Group, the largest “property” in Ideal City?

  Fang Chang had heard about it a long time ago. That guy’s identity is not simple, and he seems to have the background of the Ideal Group’s board of directors.


  I can ask her to help find out.


  Just when Fang Chang was hesitating whether to fly to Ideal City specifically for this matter, at the entrance and exit of the northern section of the wall of French Fries Port, two tracked vehicles with bulldozers on the bumpers were escorted by a hundred fully armed players and were advancing into the depths of the jungle.

  These hundred players are all ruthless people with high combat power rankings in the server, half of them are brothers from the Burning Corps, and half belong to the Jungle Corps.

  The K-10 “Iron Wall” exoskeleton armed most of the players to the teeth, and the first few of them were wearing power armors of models such as “Sunshine” and “Dragoon”.

  The two tracked vehicles with bulldozers were even more unusual, they were replicas of the “Reindeer” tracked vehicles that were standard for the college’s elite team!

  The Burning Corps had previously seized this “mobile scientific research workstation” from the college’s Beacon Squad and copied it within the technical scope.

  However, due to the limited technical conditions of the alliance, the design units involved in reverse engineering could only simplify it drastically.

  Not only was the height reduced to 3.5 meters and the length reduced to 6 meters, but the original various weapon platforms were also reduced to a remote-controlled weapon station that “integrated a 20mm machine gun, a short-barreled grenade launcher, and a tank-like smoke generator.”

  At the suggestion of Yin Fang, the head of the scientific expedition team, this “armed scientific research vehicle” assigned to the scientific expedition team was finally named “Husky”.

  It is not difficult to see from this malicious name that the researchers of the scientific expedition team do not have much hope for the reliability of this guy.

  However, even though this simplified version of the “Reindeer” tracked vehicle is incomparable to the genuine “Reindeer”, the tracked vehicle is still equipped with scientific research equipment.

  For example, a sample library that can provide an ultra-low temperature environment of nearly minus 273 degrees, a cryo-hibernation chamber that can operate in harsh environments for at least 20 years, and a mobile workstation equipped with a quantum processor and various precision sensors, etc. Any of

  these equipment is worth millions of silver coins.

  And this is also thanks to the scientific research cooperation agreement that Chu Guang negotiated with the representatives of the academy, allowing the alliance to purchase a batch of scientific research equipment from the academy’s research department at an agreed price denominated in silver coins, otherwise many of these things cannot be bought with money.

  Although the alliance always finds new ways to save money on weapons and equipment, its investment in scientific research has never been ambiguous.

  As long as there are good things, Chu Guang will definitely try his best to use them for the researchers of the alliance and give them the maximum support.

  It is for this reason that in order to live up to the expectations of managers, the scientific research institutions of the alliance are full of high enthusiasm for work from top to bottom, both at the grassroots and at the top.

  The “Explorer” airship carrying scientific research equipment had just stopped at the French Fries Port, and the staff of the Biological Research Institute and the scientific expedition team immediately formulated an action plan.

  Two “Husky” tracked vehicles were deployed on the north side of the camp one after another. After the security personnel were in place, the two groups of people rushed into the lush rainforest like a race. The captain of

  the dispatch team of the Alliance Biological Research Institute is Chen Yutong, whose outstanding performance in the relevant subjects of Jinchuan Province was recognized by Heya.

  The captain of the scientific expedition team is Meng Liang, a former resident of Shelter No. 401. His resume is also not simple. He once served as an explorer with the Iron Heart and participated in the investigation of “Shelter No. 0”.

  It is worth mentioning that both captains are “cross-border” talents.

  When Chen Yutong was an E-level explorer in the academy, her major was AI, and biotechnology was only her hobby. After she joined the Alliance, she officially took bioengineering as her main direction.

  Meng Liang’s previous shelter, Shelter 401, was studying mind interference technology, and the research he was engaged in was mainly related to the biological field. It

  was not until he was rescued from the hands of the predators by the Alliance that he became interested in archaeology and followed Yin Fang to do grave digging.

  At this moment, on the tracked vehicle at the end of the team.

  Chen Yutong, sitting next to the bioanalyzer, was staring at the leaf pinched between her fingertips, her expression was lost in thought.

  This leaf was picked from a nearby tree when she got off the airship.

  At first glance, it seemed to be no different from an ordinary tropical green plant, but her intuition told her that this thing was definitely not as simple as it looked.

  Especially just a few minutes ago, the local construction team of the Alliance reported to her some unusual phenomena here.

  The local forest seemed to have some kind of strange self-healing property, which could recover the “damage” at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Moreover, this extraordinary self-healing ability is not reflected in a single species, but a collective presentation across species.

  For example, if you cut down a palm tree, what grows next day is a royal bamboo grass and a ramie…

  Staring at the leaf at her fingertips, Chen Yutong couldn’t help but show a hint of interest in her eyes.

  Although the main reason she came here was to avoid the increasing number of college people in Qingquan City, she became more and more curious about the secrets of this land after learning about the local situation.

  ”…The analysis results are out.” A colleague’s voice came from the direction of the bioanalyzer, interrupting Chen Yutong’s thoughts.

  Putting the leaf aside, Chen Yutong immediately got up and walked to the terminal next to her, staring at the data on the screen and asked.

  ”What is the result?”

  ”Very strange…” The researcher sitting in front of the terminal said with a puzzled expression, “The Naguo strain we collected in Jinchuan Province cannot infect the vegetation in this area. We tried a total of seven groups of samples and all failed, even if we adjusted the temperature to a temperature suitable for the growth of those strains.” ”

  But the experiment done in Qingquan City was successful.” Chen Yutong said thoughtfully, “All twelve groups of samples were infected by the J-number Naguo strain.”

  ”Yes…” The researcher nodded, with a puzzled expression on his face. The

  so-called J-number Naguo strain is a strain collected in the Jinhe City area of ​​Jinchuan Province. Its characteristics are suitable for growth in subtropical to temperate humid areas.

  Compared with the original strain “B” collected from Baiyue Province, the “J” that integrates the Qingquan City mother nest genome shows extremely strong aggressiveness, and this is also the truth of the “heaven” that permeates the Haiya Province.

  Shelter No. 79 simulated the climate environment of Jinchuan Province and Baiyue Province respectively, and mixed the plants collected from Baiyue Province with the J-type Naguo strain in culture dishes of different sizes. The final result was that the plants collected from Baiyue Province were corroded and assimilated by the Naguo fungus.

  Later, the researchers of the Alliance conducted further observations and found that when the B-type strain appeared in the culture dish, the growth rate of the J-type strain was significantly inhibited, but this inhibitory effect disappeared after only 48 hours. The

  Alliance Biological Research Institute had previously speculated that the original strain of Baiyue Province, that is, the B-type strain, could inhibit the growth of the J-type strain artificially cultivated by the Torch Church.

  However, what is puzzling is that they did not observe any phenomenon in the laboratory that could support this conjecture.

  In order to find out why the Naguo strain of the Torch Church did not spread to Baiyue Province, the Alliance Biological Research Institute approved the experiment in the area.

  However, surprisingly, they had not even added the B-type strain to the culture dish, but had just set up several control groups that mixed the plants of Baiyue Province with the J-type strain, and observed the incredible inhibitory effect.

  The same experiment in Baiyue Province yielded completely different results.

  The strain J introduced into the petri dish not only failed to erode the plants in the petri dish, but even shrank – as if it was not used to the soil.

  The researchers in the car whispered to each other.

  ”Could it be a problem with the soil?”

  ”Obviously not. Several groups of experiments we did in Shelter No. 79 used soil sampled from Baiyue Province.”

  ”Could it be that the original strain B is not what inhibits the growth of strain J?”

  ”This possibility cannot be ruled out…”

  ”That’s strange.”

  Chen Yutong did not speak, but stared at the screen and fell into deep thought.

  She actually agreed with another point of view put forward by her colleagues, that the factor that inhibited strain J was not the original strain B, but something else.

  Something that only exists on this land…

  what could it be?

  At this moment, the voice of the No. 1 crew came from her headphones.

  Meng Liang: “…This is the scientific expedition team. We are going to search for an underground ruin at the old site of Shilong City. What about you?”

  Chen Yutong came back to his senses from his contemplation. He glanced at the map hanging in the car, raised his index finger and pressed it to his ear.

  ”We plan to continue to move north for three kilometers… The signal feedback from the life signal detection device there is abnormal. There may be samples we need.”

  Meng Liang said with a smile: “It seems that we have to act separately. I wish you good luck.”

  Chen Yutong curled the corners of his mouth.

  ”You too.”

  The two teams parted ways.

  The crew of the Union Biological Research Institute continued to move north under the escort of the Burning Corps, while the crew of the scientific expedition team advanced towards the old site of Shilong City under the escort of the Jungle Corps.

  Looking at the friendly forces continuing to move north, the players of the Jungle Corps cast envious glances.

  Just an hour ago, most of the players in the nearby area received reminders of the regional mission to search for the mother nest.

  Finding that guy will not only unlock the limited title, but also reward you with one million silver coins and ten thousand contribution points!

  What is the concept of one million silver coins?

  It’s more than a house in a first-tier city!

  It’s obvious.

  It’s more likely to complete this task by following the people of the Biological Research Institute, and following the scientific expedition team will just find some old copper and iron.

  ”Brother Ji, can we exchange with them?” Turning to look at Midnight Killing Chicken, the model worker said eagerly.

  Midnight Killing Chicken made a helpless expression.

  ”I can’t do anything. The Biological Research Institute specifically asked for them.”

  He was embarrassed to say that in fact, the scientific expedition team also specifically asked for the Burning Legion at the beginning, but Lao Bai took care of their game experience and didn’t accept the task, so this task came to them. There’s

  nothing we can do about it.

  Those ruthless people are really awesome, no matter their battle record or sequence level, you can’t say it. Believe it or not, just look up and take a look at the Iron Heart floating in the sky of Dawn City and you will understand.

  However, understanding is understanding, and a group of power-type animals still couldn’t help but make a noise.

  ”I suspect there is probably some unspeakable PY transaction behind this.”

  ”Brother Ji, why don’t you go and trade too?”

  ”Please, Brother Ji!”

  Listening to the chatter of these guys, Midnight Killer rolled his eyes.

  ”Get lost, go by yourself if you want to!”

  The model worker: “Damn it!”


  The expedition team’s convoy was still heading towards the old site of Shilong City, and the “Husky” of the Institute of Biology arrived at the destination first.

  ”All teams, disperse and be on guard!”


  Looking at his teammates making the OK gesture, Lao Bai, who was wearing the Dragoon power armor, waved his hand, signaling the team members to spread out around the tracked vehicle as the center, and be alert to possible threats in the jungle. There

  are many alien species in this jungle.

  Just on the way here, they encountered four or five waves of attacks.

  The sample collection work needs to be carried out by researchers from the institute, and during this period they must ensure the safety of these NPCs. At

  this time, Chen Yutong, who was wrapped tightly in a protective suit, jumped out of the open car door with a tool box in his right hand.

  Seeing that it was someone he knew coming down, Lao Bai couldn’t help but walk up to him and ask.

  ”Why did you come down?”

  Hearing the worry in that tone, Chen Yutong couldn’t help but curl the corners of her lips, but she had no intention of returning to the car, and just said it as a matter of course.

  ”I’m the most experienced person here, and I’m in charge of the entire project. If I don’t come down, who will?”

  Lao Bai sighed and said patiently.

  ”The situation here is a bit special. The alien species in the entire forest have never stopped attacking us. I think… you’d better be careful.”

  ”I know, it will be done soon.” As she spoke, she had already spread the tool box on the ground and took out the sampling tools and test tubes from it.

  Chen Yutong was squatting on the ground busying herself. Lao Bai didn’t want to disturb her, but seeing that she had been busy for a while without any results, he couldn’t help but ask.

  ”How long will it take?”

  ”At most fifteen minutes… What? Are you scared?”

  ”I’m worried about you.”

  ”I’ve even been to Jinchuan Province. It’s not more dangerous here than there.”

  Lao Bai made a helpless expression.

  ”It’s hard to say.”

  There are no mutants or predators here, but there are countless alien species, and each one is more brutal than the other. He is not sure what he will encounter next.

  Chen Yutong, who was squatting on the ground, suddenly raised her head and blinked at him.

  ”But I believe you.”

  ”…” Lao Bai looked at her in astonishment and didn’t say anything for a while.

  And in the moment he was stunned, the collection of a sample was completed.

  After carefully inserting the test tube into the groove of the tool box, Chen Yutong closed the box neatly and stood up, looking at him with a smile and said.

  ”Let’s go, let’s go to the next place.”

  ”…Don’t run around, send me the coordinates, and you follow me.”

  Hearing the serious voice, Chen Yutong couldn’t help but smile.

  ”I know, don’t worry, I won’t cause trouble for your work.”

  While saying this, she stretched out her index finger and clicked twice on the VM, and the coordinates were quickly synchronized to Lao Bai’s VM.

  Confirming through the tactical eyepiece of the helmet, the coordinates are about 20 meters away from here. Lao Bai gestured to his teammates to follow on both sides, and he walked in front to clear the way. The

  rustling in the jungle made him tense up involuntarily, but Chen Yutong, who was following behind him, didn’t seem to be afraid at all, and shared his discoveries along the way with him on the communication channel.

  ”I heard that the forest here has self-healing properties… This is basically consistent with the results of our biological research institute’s analysis. As we predicted, this tropical rainforest is not a simple forest, but a creature produced by the fusion of species from the planet Gaia and species from the earth.”

  Lao Bai: “Fusion?”

  ”That’s right.”

  Looking at the dense woods on both sides and the sunlight that came through the gaps, Chen Yutong narrowed his eyes slightly with curiosity and continued in a brisk tone.

  ”…There are no similar examples in the ecosystem of the Earth. We speculate that this is an ecological phenomenon unique to Gaia. Species share their gains in evolution, rather than the widespread competition in the Earth’s ecosystem. This may be because they evolved from the same primitive cell, and another possibility is not ruled out – they were originally an extremely developed civilization, and finally achieved ascension in the sense of species based on their own civilization concepts and understanding of life.” Lao Bai looked back at

  her in confusion.

  This paragraph again appeared a concept he didn’t understand.

  However, Chen Yutong did not stop to explain, but continued in a brisk tone.

  ”The only thing we are not sure about now is whether this tropical rainforest has autonomous consciousness, just like the mother nest of Qingquan City.”

  ”From the time I entered this forest, I had a hunch that the key to solving the Naguo crisis was here. I don’t agree with setting the entire Haiya Province on fire. Since it is a problem in the biological field, we should find a solution from the perspective of biology… Believe me, I can find the key, give me some time.”

  Trying to understand the meaning of these words, Lao Bai thought for a long time but had no clue, but finally gave up and shook his head.

  ”I don’t understand what you said, but if you need help, you can tell me… Also, just like when we were in Jinchuan Province, you must follow me closely when you are on duty, and don’t act on your own.”

  Chen Yutong curled the corners of his mouth.

  ”I know, I will follow you closely… By the way, did you record everything I said just now?”

  Lao Bai was slightly stunned.

  ”The action recorder? I always have it on.”

  Nodding with satisfaction, Chen Yutong smiled and said.

  ”That’s good, I’m afraid I’ll forget it one day, so you can remember it for me first.”

  Understanding that free and easy smile, Lao Bai shook his head, turned around and continued to walk in front.

  ”Remember it yourself.”

  ”I won’t let it be used.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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