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Chapter 677 Help me, since we are all residents of the shelter!

Chapter 677 Help me, since we are all residents of the shelter!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 677 Help me, for we are all residents of the shelter!

  The sunset sank into the seabed, and the night of the port of the roundabout island was quiet, but the French Fries Port, two hundred miles away, was very lively.

  Fires flickered in the forest, explosions and gunshots came one after another, and the communication channel was filled with noisy shouts, accompanied by the roars and cries of alien species from time to time.

  The remote weapon station on the top of the “Husky” tracked vehicle continued to fire and strafe, pouring 20mm caliber warheads towards the dark jungle. The grenade launcher hanging on the side made a bang from time to time, and burst a series of fire mixed with smoke and dust in the jungle. The

  convoy of the scientific expedition team that was investigating the ruins of Shilong City was under siege.

  Half an hour ago, they arrived at the site of a signal receiving station and prepared to recover the coordinates and identification codes of the astronomical observation satellite stored in the hard disk of the local server.

  If the satellite can be reconnected, the access records and historical IP addresses stored in the satellite storage can be recovered, thereby lighting up a large area of ​​high-value targets worth exploring on the map.

  For the excavation of the ruins of the entire city, this signal receiving station is equivalent to the key to open the first door of the maze.

  However, what no one expected was that when the advance team of the Jungle Corps entered the signal receiving station, what was waiting for them was actually a huge mutant ant nest!

  In fact, when they saw the one-meter-diameter passage, they had a bad premonition in their hearts. And when they entered the database, that bad premonition soon became a reality. The

  dark green mutant aphids filled the entire passage with almost no place to stand. This place has been transformed into a pasture for breeding aphids by mutant ants!

  A mutant soldier ant as high as a knee soon discovered them, and the two sides started a fierce fight in the narrow passage.

  The three players risked their lives to rush into the database filled with sticky bugs, disassembled the chitin-covered chassis according to the prompts in the eyepiece of the exoskeleton helmet, and pulled off the motherboard with the hard drive inserted.

  Only five of the ten players who entered the ruins first came back alive, and one of the remaining four lost an arm.

  The tribe’s pasture was destroyed, and the angry ants surged out of the anthill like a black wave, rushing towards the people near the tracked vehicle.

  These insects are much stronger than those little guys in Shelter No. 100.

  Especially the soldier ants in the tribe.

  Not only do they have sickle-like thick and sharp jaws, but they also have the vitality to survive several bullets and the strength to bite off a tree trunk.

  Under the command of the queen ant, they stepped on the bodies of their fallen counterparts and rushed towards the tracked vehicle one after another.

  Even if the alliance’s firepower is fierce enough, the number of these guys is too exaggerated, and it seems endless.

  ”MMP! This is much more powerful than the green belts in Jinchuan Province!” The ears were buzzing from the continuous gunfire. The model worker on the ground tensed his nerves and suppressed the continuous shooting of the light machine gun while shouting loudly.

  ”Reload! Cover me!” Pressing down the hot and red barrel, the Piltover paratrooper beside him knocked off the empty drum, took out a new one from his back and hastily inserted it.

  At this time, an RPG with white smoke flew out from above his head, and the falling sparks and thick smoke covered his face.

  ”Fuck! You fucking——” Before he finished his words while coughing, the rocket hit the tree trunk only more than 20 meters away from him. The

  instantaneous explosion of the thermobaric bomb spread a ball of fire and white smoke, shaking the surrounding bushes. Dozens of mutant ants were like being hit by a heavy hammer, screaming and being pressed to the ground by the hot air wave.

  Everyone got a moment to breathe, but before they could rest for a while, the ant colony like a tide surged up again.

  ”There are too many of them!” A player shouted loudly in the communication channel, pressing his index finger on the helmet.

  Just when everyone was about to give up, the long-awaited order to retreat finally appeared in the communication channel.

  ”…The hard drive has been recovered, and each team retreats according to the predetermined route!”


  The model worker holding the machine gun folded up the bracket, stepped on the fluffy grass and branches with heavy steps, and retreated in the direction of the tracked vehicle.

  Several people fired at the ant colony alternately, and retreated in groups of three while fighting, and finally retreated to the vicinity of the “Husky” tracked vehicle.

  The vehicle, which was as tall as a bulldozer, had turned around and retreated in the direction it came from with the fire support provided by four teams of ten people.

  Looking at the wreckage scattered on the ground, a player had a reluctant expression on his face, and reached out to grab some materials to take back and ask, but he was almost bitten off his arm by the mutant ant that was still alive.

  Fortunately, the team leader on the side saw this and directly sent the ant that was still alive away with a shuttle, pulling this unlucky guy back from the brink of death.

  ”You’re really going to die!” The captain couldn’t help but curse at the idiot holding the corpse of a mutant ant in his hand, “It’s time to touch the corpse!”

  The player laughed and touched his helmet.

  ”I just want to take one back to study it…”

  Too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy, the captain pushed the guy’s shoulder in the direction of the tracked vehicle and shouted.

  ”Hurry up! Put the vehicle on, we’re leaving!”

  The Alliance had no aircraft deployed in this area and could not provide air support, but fortunately during the day, the brothers of the Burning Corps built a temporary artillery position near the camp, and the support weapons transported from Dawn City this time included 155mm artillery.

  Borrowing the radio of the tracked vehicle, Midnight Killing Chicken quickly contacted the friendly forces in the rear and reported the situation here.

  ”This is the Jungle Corps, we are besieged by dense ant colonies, coordinates 1091, 1222… Request to extend fire support to the north!”

  A rustling electric sound came from the headset, and soon the friendly forces responded.

  ”Received! The 155 artillery position is in place, give us one minute!”

  ”Hurry up!”

  After shouting at the communication channel, Midnight Killer, who had hung up the communication, immediately swung the chainsaw welded on his left arm prosthesis and chopped at the mutant ants that pounced on him.

  With a creaking scraping sound, the carapace covered with ginger-colored mucus splashed under the heavy blow of the chainsaw, and a mutant soldier ant half a person’s height was cut in half from the middle!

  Without stopping the movement of his hands, looking at the mutant soldier ants biting from the side, Midnight Killer raised the barrel of the explosive gun welded on his right arm and fired a shotgun.

  Only a thick and long tongue of fire flashed, and the 19mm shotgun shell hit the mutant soldier ant’s forehead firmly, shooting the huge head and mouthparts into a sieve.

  Standing in the ant colony, he was like a killing god, and his large-scale attacks had taken down countless “heads”.

  Looking at the teams that had already started close combat with the alien species, he shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Hold on! Fire support is coming soon!”

  Inspired by the roar, the tough guys of the Jungle Corps burst out with the momentum of hacking and killing mutants, pulling out the engineer shovels and woodcutting axes hanging on the exoskeletons, and engaging in close combat with the mutant soldier ants that rushed to the nearby area.

  A strength player threw the broken woodcutting axe aside, picked up the pebbles on the ground, and smashed the mutant soldier ant riding on him into a pulp with brute force.

  Another newbie who had just joined the group was even more fierce. After his legs were cut off by the mouthparts of the mutant ant, he directly picked up the half of his calf that fell to the ground with the flesh and blood, and smashed half of the head of a half-human-high ant with a fierce blow.

  The battle finally entered the melee stage that the Jungle Corps is best at.

  Stimulated by the blood, everyone was bloodthirsty.

  For a moment, it was hard to tell which side was human and which side was beast.

  ”Crazy! Completely crazy!”

  The model worker yelled, threw away the machine gun with an empty magazine, picked up the axe and rushed forward to chop like minced meat. In

  just one minute, the total casualties of the team of fifty people were close to 30%!

  Although the ant colony also suffered heavy losses, these guys were insects who didn’t know what death was after all, and the word retreat didn’t exist in their dictionary.

  Just when everyone was in a critical situation, the artillery bombardment called one minute before the midnight chicken killing finally arrived at the battlefield.

  Almost on time.

  A series of flashing flames flew into the sky with a thunderous roar, and a moment later, they whizzed like raindrops and hit the dense forest in front of the jungle corps.

  The bursting flames and thick smoke were like the blooming man-eating plants in the rainforest. The mutant ants with bared fangs and claws fell down in groups like cutting wheat, and were torn into pieces in the explosion fragments and hot air waves. The

  first round of artillery bombardment was just a prelude.

  Before the mutant ants could recover from the explosion, the second round of bombardment followed.

  The roaring artillery fire extended a full 500 meters in the north direction, blasting the entire rainforest into a mess, with broken branches and vines all over the ground, and black mud turning from the surface to the treetops.


  ”Well done!”

  After dealing with a few mutant ants that survived by chance, everyone put away the woodcutting axes covered with mucus and the red-hot gun barrels, and cheered for their survival.

  The researchers on the tracked vehicle also breathed a sigh of relief.

  Except for Meng Liang who had followed Chu Guang to the battlefield, most people here were returning to a place so close to the front line for the first time.

  Hearing the clang of the shells falling on the roof of the car, many people’s hearts were in their throats.

  Wiping the sweat off his face, Meng Liang pretended to be relaxed and looked at his subordinates beside him, squeezing out a comforting smile to those researchers.

  ”See, I told you… it’s not that scary.” He shook his legs proudly while saying this, hiding the weakness in his calves.

  Everyone looked at this brother Meng with admiration, thinking that he was indeed a man who had seen the world with the manager.

  But they didn’t know.

  Although this guy did go to the front line with the manager, the so-called front line was only limited to the bridge of the airship.

  It was the first time for him to see the warheads flying around.

  It would be abnormal not to panic.

  The battle outside was over.

  The mutant ant colony suffered heavy damage under the bombardment of the 155 artillery and had completely stopped.

  In this rain forest filled with night, the ground was full of mutant ants that were missing arms and legs and could not stand up, flapping their remaining legs in the pungent smell of gunpowder.

  As if realizing that chasing prey had become impossible, some mutant worker ants with slightly smaller mouthparts began to pour out of the nest and dragged the injured mutant soldier ants back to the nest.

  However, at this time, they have become the favorites of other predators in the forest. Many alien species that smelled the fragrance of food sensed the opportunity to have a full meal and looked over here eagerly.

  Obviously, the bloodthirstiness and cruelty of this rainforest are not only aimed at outsiders. The cold jungle law equally favors every creature that sets foot on this land.

  For the mutant ant tribe entrenched in the underground of the signal receiving station site, tonight may be particularly long and difficult.

  But for those players who accidentally broke into this place, it is no longer important…

  ”Damn… I actually survived.”

  Pushing away the half corpse pressing on him, the lying model worker shook his drowsy head vigorously and climbed up from the ground.

  Picking up the machine gun he had thrown away before, he limped back to the rear with the help of his teammates and left the battlefield following the tracks of the tracked vehicle.

  After traveling two kilometers to the southwest, each team counted and reported the casualties.

  Including the unlucky guy who wounded himself after being seriously injured, a total of 20 players died in the operation, and most of the remaining 30 were also injured.

  This battle can be described as tragic.

  However, in contrast, their achievements were equally amazing.

  The data stored on the hard disk was basically intact. Now they just had to wait for the experts from the scientific expedition team and Camp 101 to decipher the contents of the hard disk and retrieve the data from the satellite tens of thousands of kilometers away.

  This would not take much time.

  When everything was done, they could synchronize all the research facilities within a radius of tens of kilometers that had data associated with that satellite on the map.


  The night was deep, and darkness enveloped the rainforest. On the silent coastline, there were only scattered campfires in the port and mottled moonlight floating on the waves.

  Stepping on the edge of the campfire, the tough guys of the jungle corps, who had been making a fuss in the woods all day, returned to the French Fry Port on the coast with their arms around each other.

  The exoskeletons were covered with scratches, pits, saliva and blood of alien species, and several of the bitten pitted wreckage had lost their owners.

  Looking at the wounded warriors and the intact crawler, the researchers of the expedition team who were sorting samples at the entrance of the settlement cast surprised glances at them, and then each pair of eyes was more or less impressed.

  Thanks to those respectable people, they can focus on their work without worrying about death that may come at any time.

  Death has always existed in this wasteland and has never left their side.

  It’s just that someone has taken it all for them…

  Infected by the tragic atmosphere, several researchers standing near the recycling point silently raised their right fists to their left chests and saluted the alliance military salute to the slow-moving backs.

  What a respectable group of guys!


  At the same time, to the south of French Fries Harbor, not far from the beach, is the only tavern in the port.

  The name of the tavern is quite unique, called “One-person Tavern”. As the name suggests, there is only one boss from the bar to the kitchen, so sometimes customers have to pour their own drinks, or even go to the sink next to them to wash their cups.

  However, most players don’t care. After all, even if they care, they have no choice. There is only one tavern in the entire settlement.

  Even if it is an open-top.

  The boss here is called [Drunk Sleeping Laughing Beauty], a professional player who got a helmet in the B test. His specialty is fried fish and chips.

  In his own words, these two dishes can be cooked with hands, or even without hands, which is more suitable for players like him who have a hand-clumsy cooking skill of about 0.

  As for the taste…

  I’ve come here to drink, why bother about the taste?

  Drunk people will only fight against disconnection, and as for the taste of the food in their mouths, they don’t really care.

  A group of players sat on the beach, drinking beer and eating fried fish and chips, while exchanging information obtained during the day’s adventure.

  ”Damn, there’s a group of mutant lizards living on the high ground in the northwest. At first glance, I thought they were dinosaurs! Fortunately, my perception system discovered it first, otherwise I would have missed out on my plane ticket!”

  ”Did you accept that exploration mission?”

  ”Yeah! The mission difficulty is written as E, and the recommended level is LV10. I believed it!”


  ”Your luck is amazing!”

  ”I heard that submitting a battle video can seem to re-classify, and encountering three A-level or one S-level threat-level alien species seems to reclassify to A. The silver coins and contribution points rewarded by the mission will increase a lot.” ”

  Is it true? I’ll try it later!”

  ”By the way, we should find Trash. This is his home ground.”

  ”That’s a good idea. Maybe it can help our Trash brother solve the problem of dating.”

  ”Haha! You want to make your father laugh to death.”

  ”By the way, what has that guy been busy with recently? I haven’t seen him in Dawn City.”

  ”That guy hasn’t come back from Jinchuan Province. It seems that he and Qiangren Suonan have become addicted to being charlatans in Jinchuan Province.”

  ”Good guy.”

  ”It’s okay to be a charlatan.”

  Everyone was discussing in surprise, and at this time a group of jungle corps tough guys who had unloaded their equipment came over here in a noisy manner. It was

  completely different from the state when they just returned to the camp. These guys didn’t look like their teammates had died at all. Their faces were full of joy, as if they had just won a close game. For

  the tasks issued by the scientific expedition team, the scientific expedition team will reimburse 70% of the equipment losses. If individuals also purchase additional insurance for their equipment, the compensation rate can even reach 90%.

  They can spend money freely, anyway, someone will pay for the consumption in the end.

  The reward for the task will be calculated comprehensively based on the actual difficulty, the battle loss-to-return ratio, and the completion of the branch tasks.

  Encountering the ant colony is an emergency situation beyond the intelligence, and they successfully brought back the hard drive despite the accident.

  This mission is also rated A+. After deducting the equipment and ammunition losses outside the reimbursement amount, it is not a problem for each person to share a four-digit bonus!

  ”MMP! Today’s mission is so fucking exciting!”

  ”It’s so cool!”

  ”I hope we can do it more often!”

  ”Haha, you’re having fun, but Brother Guang is at a loss!”

  ”It doesn’t matter! It’s all about having fun!”

  Looking at Old White who was drinking with several brothers from the Burning Legion, Midnight Chicken Killer walked up to him and smiled and stretched out his fist.

  ”Old White, you guys are really good at firing cannons!”

  With a grin, Old White raised his fist and bumped it with him.

  ”Of course! Those guys who fire cannons are all professionals.”

  Pulling a stool and sitting next to him, Midnight Chicken Killer asked with a smile.

  ”What about you? How was your harvest today?”

  Before Old White could speak, the prop master sitting next to him interrupted with a grin.

  ”It’s OK, that’s it. Today’s task is mainly to be a light bulb and accompany Ms. Chen to appreciate the flowers.”

  The hardworking man: “Hahaha, being a light bulb is OK!”

  ”Don’t listen to this guy’s nonsense, it’s a serious sampling task. We will go back after collecting the samples.”

  Facing a pair of teasing and gossiping eyes, Lao Bai coughed and continued.

  ”…We also encountered several waves of attacks on the way, but the intensity was average. We also brought back some game and are roasting it over there.”

  As he said that, he pointed his chin at the beach not far away.

  I saw the Killing Dagger and a few players there surrounded the fire with pebbles, and next to them was a mutant cheetah that had just been skinned.

  The cheetah was much larger than the one piled on the cargo pile during the day. It was probably some special species that evolved in this rainforest.

  Irena, who was sitting on the stool next to her, swallowed her saliva, her eyes full of desire.

  ”Good boy, it looks good.”

  Although the fire hadn’t even started, the French fries and fried fish on the plate were no longer fragrant just by looking at the raw meat covered with marinade…

  Seeing that everyone was looking over here, Lao Bai smiled heartily and said with a big hand.

  ”Take whatever you want to eat, bring your own knives, forks and beer!”

  He rushed to the bar first and took out a few bills and slapped them on the table.

  ”Boss, two boxes of beer! And… ten plates of French fries!”

  ”The beer is in the warehouse, help me get it.” Yiren, who was busy frying French fries, didn’t even raise her head, staring at the things in the oil pan nervously.

  It was like staring at a grenade with the fuse removed.

  ”Fuck! I’ll fuck you!”

  Seeing his perfunctory look, the Fudi Laomo fiercely gave him a middle finger, but still ran into the warehouse to move the beer.

  Walking to the bar and pouring himself a glass of lemonade, the Piltover paratrooper looked at Yiren who was too busy and said jokingly.

  ”Brother, you should hire a few waiters and let the customers serve themselves and wash dishes. I have never seen a boss as arrogant as you.”

  Yiren looked up and said with a smile.

  ”Do you think I don’t want to?”

  There are only a few NPCs in this camp.

  As for the players, don’t even think about it.

  These guys couldn’t even afford the 600 silver coins for the plane ticket, so it was obviously impossible for them to come here to help him.

  And those newbies who were willing to help were mostly newbies who hadn’t even unlocked the VM. Not to mention that they couldn’t get the 600 silver coins for the plane ticket, they didn’t even reach the level threshold to take the airship to the new map!

  The model worker worked twice and finally moved two boxes of beer to the beach and distributed them to the guys waiting for the fire to start.

  Not long after, the Killing Dagger and the Kidney Fighter finally lit the fire.

  Several tough guys from the Jungle Corps came up to help, and put the mutant cheetah weighing two or three hundred kilograms on the temporary support.

  Everyone moved their stools to the fire and sat down, enjoying the sea breeze and drinking beer, while grilling and cutting the bloody meat.

  Smelling the intoxicating aroma of barbecue and watching the sizzling oil on the fire, Lao Bai couldn’t help but squint his eyes in satisfaction.

  Beach, beer, barbecue…

  this is adventure!

  In comparison, life in Dawn City is a bit too comfortable. Although it is also quite interesting, whether it is the people or the things there, it always feels that something is missing compared to when the server was launched.

  However, after arriving at French Fries Port, he suddenly realized what the missing thing was.

  They set foot on this land as residents of Shelter No. 404, vowing to end the wasteland era and restore civilization.

  Now the wasteland of Qingquan City has ended, and the abandoned city that was originally full of death has become a training ground for newbies to practice operations… There are no tasks that can provide more game experience for these high-level players.

  Although this is of course good, I still feel lonely occasionally.


  only life on the road all the time is the most suitable for these players.

  I don’t know if he is thinking about the same thing. The elf king Fugui, who was sitting next to him, looked up at the clear night sky and the brilliant stars in the sky, and suddenly said melancholy.

  ”Speaking of which…if this trend continues, sooner or later all wastelands will end, right? What are you going to do then?”

  Irena said with a funny look after taking a bite of the crispy brown leg meat.

  ”Why think about something so far away? Besides, isn’t there a pie 5 light years away?”

  Elf King Fugui looked at him and asked.

  ”What if the wasteland 5 light years away also ends?”

  ”Then let’s go to a farther place to have a look!” Looking up at the bright stars in the sky, Old Na laughed and said, “Then buy a spaceship and go out to see how big the map of this game is!” The

  hardworking model joked.

  ”Maybe it’s all textures when you fly over there.”

  Irena said with a smile.

  ”Haha! Maybe it’s possible!”

  Everyone was eating and drinking, talking and laughing. The French fries ordered half an hour ago were finally served on the table. Yiren clapped her hands and was about to go back to fry fish, but was pulled down by the guys who were already 70% full to sit and drink together.

  The model worker burped, stood up and stretched, and suddenly saw that there seemed to be a black oil barrel on the beach.

  To be precise, it was something shaped like an oil barrel, about the height of a person, and the length of three or four people lying flat.

  ”Is there something washed up on the shore?”

  Hearing his voice, everyone looked towards the coastline at the same time, and saw the strange-looking guy one after another.

  Just at this moment, an arc-shaped door opened on the side of the cylinder, and it seemed that a person rolled out from it.

  He staggered up from the beach, as if he wanted to leave the beach, but before he could stand firmly, a half-person-high wave hit him and pressed him to the ground again.

  Fate seemed to be playing a joke on him.

  In addition to him, a mutant sea crab that was shaking its head was also washed ashore.

  The crab shook its huge shell and was about to move back to the sea, but suddenly saw the guy lying on the beach and thrashing around, and suddenly couldn’t move his crab legs.

  Seeing this scene from a distance, Lao Bai narrowed his eyes slightly and put down the bottle of wine in his hand.

  Smelling the smell of the branch line, the murderous dagger sitting next to him suddenly became interested and put down the half-gnawed leg meat without saying a word.

  ”I’ll go help him!”

  Regardless of Lao Shen’s objection, he wiped the oil on his good brother’s clothes, then picked up the assault rifle next to him and took a few steps forward. He fired two shots on the beach, forcing the mutant sea crab that changed direction back a few steps.

  Taking advantage of the mutant sea crab’s momentary daze, he fired to attract its attention while rushing up and pulling the unfortunate drowned chicken back from the beach.

  A brother of the jungle corps skillfully picked up an absurdly large grenade gun, put it on his shoulder and pulled the trigger.

  The recoil caused his shoulder to shake, but the 19mm bolt bullet that burst out of the chamber was unambiguous and hit the crab’s head accurately. The

  hot metal jet immediately sprayed out from the back of the beast’s head, and the guy fell to the beach without a word.

  ”Brothers, we’ve got some! We’ll grill the crabs later!” The player laughed, shook his shoulder that was about to be dislocated, picked up a fishing net and ran up.

  At the same time, the man who was soaked in sea water was also lifted back by the murderous dagger on his shoulder. As soon as the latter let go, he collapsed on the ground as if he had lost all his strength.

  ”Hey, go slower.” ”

  Thank you… Thank you…”

  The man who was lying on the ground looked thin, his lips were blue, and he curled up on the ground, trembling and repeating words of thanks, regardless of what others said. His

  hair soaked in sea water stuck to his forehead, and he was panting with a frightened expression on his face. His embarrassed look seemed to have encountered something terrible.

  Facing the confused gazes of the crowd, he seemed to be blind, his cloudy pupils wandered around on their own, and finally fixed on the greasy barbecue on the fire.

  His Adam’s apple rolled up and down, as if he was swallowing the little saliva left, and his desperate eyes gradually showed his desire for food.

  Lao Bai walked up to him and squatted down, handing him a piece of steamed bun that Boss Yi had not had time to fry and a cup of hot lemon water.

  ”Eat something first.”

  The man nodded desperately, but as soon as he grabbed the steamed bun, he threw away what he had just agreed to and ate it voraciously.

  When he finished eating the steamed bun and swallowed it with water, Lao Bai stared into his eyes and asked.

  ”My name is Lao Bai, what about you? What’s your name?”

  The man panted and trembled.

  ”Huang… Huang Guangwei.”

  Lao Bai continued to ask.

  ”Where are you from?”

  For a moment, the man looked at Lao Bai warily, then quickly glanced around, tightly shut his mouth, and didn’t say a word.

  Seeing the vigilance in the man’s eyes, Lao Bai smiled lightly and continued in a relaxed tone.

  ”Don’t be afraid, we are from the Alliance. If you haven’t heard of the Alliance… maybe you have heard of Shelter No. 404.”

  As he said that, he showed the VM and clicked twice to start the screen.

  Looking at the light blue startup screen that appeared on the VM, the man was obviously relieved, and the vigilance in his eyes was also eliminated.

  Seeing his reaction, Lao Bai had already guessed it in his heart. He took out the headset he carried with him and hung it on his ear, pressed his index finger and said.

  ”Fang Chang, come to the one-person tavern here. There is an NPC who may be from Shelter No. 70.”

  After a moment of waiting, Fang Chang’s voice soon came.

  ”I’ll be there soon.”

  Just as Lao Bai expected, the distraught guy in front of him slowly spoke.

  ”I… am from Shelter 70…”

  He grabbed Old White’s arm and looked at him pleadingly.

  ”Help me… Please, since we are both residents of the shelter!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode