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Chapter 679: “Art” is the primary productive force

Chapter 679: “Art” is the primary productive force


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 679 “Art” is the first productive force

  Shelter No. 404, B4 floor.

  Sun Yuechi walked through the movable door into the browsing room and looked at Chu Guang sitting on the sofa with a confused expression.

  ”What’s the matter so late?”

  Since coming to Shuguang City, he has completely adapted to the life here. He works from nine to five on weekdays and wanders around the streets of Shuguang City on weekends.

  In his own words, the prosperity of Shuguang City is no worse than that of the North Island in the southern sea area. Obviously, the richness of products is far less than that of the equatorial circle, but the people here have made a lot of fun with limited materials.

  Especially in terms of food.

  After eating pig’s trotter rice once, he wanted to show off this thing three times a day, and lamented that he had eaten pig food for the past thirty years.

  In his opinion, the only flaw in this settlement is that the foundation is a little weak. Perhaps because of the rapid expansion, many supporting infrastructures have not kept up.

  As he was an expert in the field of communication engineering, he simply found a job in a local communication company as a technical consultant, doing the work of laying communication base stations and channel planning, which was also a contribution to the reconstruction of civilization.

  As for Chu Guang, he had been planning the “Slime Mold Research Community” these days, dealing with the three parties of the Enterprise College Legion and a group of small shrimps clamoring for help from the big guys. He had no time to take care of the distant southern seas, and had no intersection with the resigned manager of Shelter No. 70.

  Looking at Sun Yuechi, who was sitting opposite the sofa with a confused look on his face, Chu Guang took out a holographic computer pen and put it on the table, and clicked on the azure holographic image.

  It was a bust drawn by Xiaoqi based on the clues reported by the players.

  It has to be said that it is still a bit like the real person.

  ”Do you know this person?”

  After staring at the image for a while, Sun Yuechi frowned and suddenly looked at Chu Guang in surprise.

  ”Huang Guangwei?”

  As expected, he knew him.

  Chu Guang looked at the former manager of Shelter No. 70 in front of him, and his expression suddenly became subtle.

  Unable to figure out the expression on Chu Guang’s face, Sun Yuechi asked in confusion.

  ”What’s wrong with him?”

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

  ”He… found our settlement in the Baiyue Strait area, told us something about the southern waters, and then asked to meet you.”

  Sun Yuechi looked at him blankly.

  ”Why did he meet me…”

  After studying the expression on his face for a moment, Chu Guang suddenly spoke.

  ”Do you know that Shelter No. 70 and the Southern Islands Federation are at war?”

  ”Ah?!” The moment Sun Yuechi heard this, he was stunned on the spot, with his mouth wide open, as if he was speechless for a while.

  That confused expression didn’t seem to be pretended.

  But think about it.

  Chu Guang thought that if he heard that Shelter No. 404 and the Alliance had started a fight, he would probably be shocked and couldn’t figure out how these two things started fighting.

  In addition, the southern waters and Dawn City are separated by a straight-line distance of more than 2,000 kilometers, so it is normal that the news cannot be transmitted here. The “Survivor Daily” only reported on matters related to French Fry Port and did not make detailed reports on the southern waters.

  ”Anyway, that’s what happened,” Chu Guang extended his index finger and lightly touched the computer pen, shrinking the light blue light above the pen tip, “However, our people feel that there may be some doubts behind this war, and more clues need to be further investigated.”

  ”Wait, how could they fight?!” As if he suddenly came to his senses, Sun Yuechi opened his mouth in surprise, and his face turned from rosy to pale, “I, I didn’t authorize the use of the arsenal when I left, why would it be–”

  ”Maybe it’s because of this,” Chu Guang interrupted him, staring at him and continued, “According to Mr. Huang Guangwei, when they were attacked by the Southern Islands Federation, they were completely suppressed unilaterally. Except for a few submarines scattered in the vast sea that are still fighting on their own, most of the personnel in the shelter have completely retreated to Shelter No. 70.”

  ”Where is he now?!”

  Sun Yuechi sat up straight from the sofa, raised his head and stared at Chu Guang intently.

  Chu Guang looked into his eyes and continued.

  ”He will leave from French Fries Harbor early tomorrow morning, and you will be able to see him in two days.”

  For some reason, Sun Yuechi, who was eager to see his compatriot a second ago, became uneasy after hearing that he would be able to see him in two days.

  Chu Guang sighed and said, probably guessing what he was uneasy about.

  ”He is your compatriot after all, I think it would be better for you to meet him. And I heard from my people that they picked up that guy on the beach, and he was half dead.”

  Sun Yuechi’s Adam’s apple moved slightly, and he couldn’t say a word.

  His pupils were full of complicated emotions.

  After a moment, he slowly spoke.

  ”The people who attacked him… were they from the Southern Islands Federation?”

  ”I don’t think so,” looking at the pair of eyes that were ablaze with hope, Chu Guang continued in a very light voice, “According to his description, the people who were chasing him were a group of blue-skinned amphibious mutants. Those guys were active in the northern part of the southern sea area–”

  ”It must be the Torch!” Sun Yuechi’s eyes widened, and he clenched his fists on his knees. His voice trembled with anger, “Those guys… They are the only ones who cooperate with mutants without any scruples! This war must be them behind the scenes!”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”I think so too, but it is not easy to persuade the warring parties to cease fire, especially when one of them has a clear advantage.”

  Sun Yuechi looked at Chu Guang pleadingly.

  ”Please, please help us! I have given you the authority of the shelter–”

  Chu Guang looked at him sharply and interrupted him unceremoniously.

  ”If I had known it would turn out like this, I would have preferred you not to do it. At least half of the reason for the chaos in the southern seas today is because you left and prematurely shouldered the responsibility that should have belonged to you.”

  When Sun Yuechi heard the second half of the sentence, a painful expression appeared on his face, and he put his hands together on his nose.

  Chu Guang did not continue to embarrass him, but continued in a soothing tone.

  ”Now things have to be solved one by one. The fuse of the war was the bombing of the Ocean Current Power Station. At present, both sides have their own opinions on this. We first need to determine whether this is a self-directed act by the Federation or the Torch Church instigated behind the scenes. Do you have anyone you trust among the senior officials of the federal authorities? We hope to investigate the real reason for the destruction of the Ocean Current Power Station.”

  Sun Yuechi said bitterly.

  ”When I left, the situation was far from deteriorating to this point… Although those settlements formed a federation to put pressure on us, that’s all. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gone this far.”

  Seeing this guy not knowing anything, Chu Guang couldn’t help but hold his forehead.

  He really couldn’t help but scold this guy. How does the manager do his job?

  The navy of this federation can’t be conjured out of thin air, right?

  Since the survivors in the southern waters had already divided into two factions on whether to introduce Naguo before this guy left, it should be clear which of the two factions is the loudest, right?

  Just when Chu Guang was having a headache, Sun Yuechi’s eyes suddenly lit up as if he remembered something, and he spoke.

  ”Wait, there’s someone… who may be able to help you.”

  Chu Guang asked immediately.


  ”Muda! I’ll write it to you!”

  As he said that, Sun Yuechi picked up the pen and note on the coffee table and hurriedly wrote a line of words on it.

  Not just writing down the person’s name.

  He also wrote a letter of introduction, briefly explaining the situation and expressing his hope to assist in investigating the destroyed ocean current power station.

  Chu Guang took the note from him, stared at the words on it, and asked hesitantly.

  ”Who is this person?”

  Facing Chu Guang’s inquiring gaze, Sun Yuechi said sincerely.

  ”Before I left, he was the captain of the South China Sea Maritime Patrol. He was a pretty good guy. On the issue of the Torch Church, his position was centrist, or he was not very interested in whether to introduce that Nago.” ”

  I’m not sure what he is doing now… but if he is still in the patrol, he should be able to help you!”


  Early morning.

  The port of the roundabout island.

  Director Stilwell, with a beer belly, yawned with his hippo-sized mouth open. He fumbled on his belt for a long time before finding the key, and turned it twice to open the door of the port office.

  He had just sat down at his desk when the sound of the whistle outside the window disturbed his unfinished dream. He

  looked out the window blankly.

  When he saw the freighter with the white bear flag moored at the port retracting its anchor chain, Director Stilwell was stunned for a moment, then he opened his mouth in surprise and jumped up from his chair in delight.


  The nougat who refused to leave the port actually retracted the anchor? ! Without

  saying a word, he picked up the hat on the table, hurriedly stepped over the door that had just been closed for less than half a minute, and went down the stairs outside the port office to the port.

  There were many people standing by the port, most of whom were stevedores at the dock, and some were passers-by.

  Looking at the leaving Rourou, many young men showed regretful expressions on their faces.

  What a pity.

  They didn’t even have time to ask the name of their dream lover before they had to say goodbye to the ship.

  Not far away, a short-haired girl was standing on the side of the ship, waving vigorously in the direction of the port.

  ”Oh! Goodbye! Friends from Roundabout Island! Thank you for your hospitality during this period. We have caused you a lot of trouble. Our Rourou has remembered this favor!”

  Rourou, who was lying on the railing, quickly turned his head to look at her.

  ”Giao! Why did I remember it!”

  Weiwei winked playfully.

  ”Hey, don’t worry about these details.”

  ”Hey, hell!”

  Although he didn’t want to see this guy again, Stilwell still pretended to be friendly and waved his hat in a hypocritical voice.

  ”Bon voyage, come often when you have time!”

  But please don’t come again!

  Weiwei, who had escaped from Rourou’s bear claws, shouted excitedly with a loud voice without hearing the unwelcome in the voice.

  ”Oh! Definitely!”

  The cheerful voice gradually faded away with the long whistle of the cargo ship.

  Looking at the cargo ship going away, Director Stilwell happily put on his hat on his head.

  Thank God!

  Finally, these plague gods have been sent away!

  Shortly after Rourou left the port, Mogawi, who was standing on the deck of the Northwest Wind cargo ship, looked at Captain Song Haining standing beside him and said with a smile.

  ”Captain, let’s set off too!”

  Song Haining didn’t say much, but just shouted to the back of the deck.

  ”Weigh anchor!”

  The Northwest Wind, which was docked at the dock, also sounded the whistle.

  Three days have passed since the cargo ship arrived at the port.

  During these three days, the Moon Clan girls on the Rourou cargo ship not only helped him deal with the more than a thousand furs, but also cleaned the Northwest Wind cargo ship inside and out for him. The deck was so clean and bright that it looked like it had been waxed!

  Now there is no smell of rotten meat on the cargo ship, but instead there is a faint fragrance of a young girl.

  Maybe it’s a psychological effect!

  Facing the brand new Northwest Wind, Captain Song Haining can no longer find fault.

  Thanks to this, the relationship between Mogawi and the old captain has also eased, and it is no longer as tense as it was three days ago.

  The old captain did not yell to drive him and his cargo off the ship, but reiterated that he should not throw unwrapped fresh food on the deck.

  Now the cargo on the Northwest Wind cargo ship has changed from iron ore and coal to several piles of precious furs and more than a dozen boxes of pearls, shells, corals and other aquatic products, as well as some industrial products that the Hump Kingdom just lacks.

  When the ship docks at Silver Moon Bay, the journey will be considered complete.

  However, this journey is not over yet, and he has already started planning the next one.

  The Feng Shui treasure land called French Fries Port is stuck at the eastern outlet of the Baiyue Strait, and it will be discovered by other passing merchant ships sooner or later.

  When a stable route is formed and other competitors get involved, it will be difficult to make a fortune like last time!

  Like Mogawi, looking at the sea in the west, Captain Song Haining, who was standing on the side of the ship, suddenly spoke.

  ”It would be great if the port could be built earlier.”

  Mogawi looked at Captain Song Haining standing beside him with a surprised look on his face, and said in surprise.

  ”My friend, have you finally changed your opinion of them?”

  ”I have always had a good impression of them. At most, I was wary of them when we first met. What I really hate is people who don’t keep their promises.” Song Haining stared at him meaningfully.

  ”Okay, my friend, I’ve cleaned it up for you. Let’s just forget about it.” Mo Jiawei smiled awkwardly and touched his nose awkwardly.

  Retracting his gaze from his face, Song Haining looked back at the direction of the Baiyue Strait.

  ”To be honest, they are really serious about their work. If they are still there in the future, maybe I will go to their place to wash the boat next time.”

  How about opening a boat washing company?

  This idea suddenly came to his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was a good idea. It was

  already a bit difficult for him to continue sailing at his age. He even had to put a chair in the cab when he was steering and sit down to rest from time to time.

  It happened that he had been working on the sea for so many years that he knew a lot of captains, including young guys and old guys like him, and they all had good relationships.

  If you really open a ship-washing company, you won’t have to worry about customers…


  Just like that, under the sunshine of the early morning, a Rourou and a Xibeifeng, two cargo ships, led by the patrol boat, avoided the minefield and headed towards the east entrance of the Baiyue Strait one after another.

  At the same time, to the south of French Fries Port, a team of power animals wearing exoskeletons were carrying nearly ten-meter-long tropical teak with branches cut off, walking towards the coastline.

  As one of the woods with the smallest deformation coefficient, teak has the best bending resistance. It is not only very wear-resistant, but also has good resistance to humid environments because it grows in the rainforest. It is a very good substitute when there is no large amount of steel and cement available.

  The only disadvantage that is not a disadvantage is probably the weight of this thing.

  Among these logs, even the lightest one weighs nearly one ton. Even if you wear a miner’s exoskeleton to carry it, the burden on your body is not small.

  However, this is only for ordinary people.

  For a strong animal, this load is just moderate.

  But the beach can’t bear their feet. When they step on it, the soft sand can cover their calves. After

  several tossings and turnings, the lines of footprints left on the beach are like a field plowed by an old ox.

  At this moment, at the end of the lines of footprints, there are neatly arranged wooden piles fixed on the beach.

  These wooden piles are the base of the dock.

  Lay wooden strips vertically and cover them with wooden boards horizontally, and it can be regarded as a simple dock.

  Although the shareholders of French Fries Port have decided to hire the construction team of Ideal City to build the dock, the project of tens of millions of Cr is obviously not something that can be finalized in one or two days.

  From bidding to bidding, to designing and finally starting construction, there are a long process to go through, and before that, French Fries Port can’t just watch the cargo ships slip away from its eyes.

  Therefore, everyone unanimously decided to build a few wooden docks extending to the deep water area on the beach to the south before completing the formal port construction.

  When the concrete port dedicated to freight is built in the future, this wooden dock will not be wasted and can be directly transformed into a yacht berthing area and a passenger port for tourists to get on and off the boats.

  Although there is no sign of the port yet, the players of French Fries Port have already planned the future tourism industry.

  Now, after nearly three days of construction, the dock extending to the deep water area has been roughly outlined by the players who are working on it.

  Although there are still some difficulties in loading and unloading goods, if you are careful, there is basically no problem for one person to walk.

  In the absence of either engineering ships or professional dock construction equipment, this construction speed is already quite outrageous.

  However, this construction team of all awakened people is probably the only one in the wasteland.

  After that, they will get some large stones from the nearby hills and pile them near the dock base to reinforce the dock base.

  By then, not only will there be no problem getting on and off people, but also loading and unloading goods.

  Daoxialiuren, who was wearing an exoskeleton and carrying a pile hammer on his shoulder, raised his arm to wipe the sea water that hit his face, and shouted to his brothers who were working hard.

  ”Everyone, work harder! Let’s finish the dock today!”

  ”Oh, oh, oh!” The players working on the beach with hammers shouted in uneven response, but they didn’t have the enthusiasm they had when they drove the first pile three days ago.

  But this is inevitable.

  The players’ sense of freshness is always a parabola.

  Although the construction team pays a high salary, doing the same repetitive work all the time will more or less affect the enthusiasm for production subjectively.

  Usually, the loss of morale can be compensated from other aspects.

  Including material rewards and spiritual satisfaction.

  For example, when working in Dawn City, you can not only get rewards equal to your labor, but also receive shouts of “awesome” from the onlookers. However,

  working here, surrounded by your own people, it is still a bit boring after a long time.

  ”Brother Dao! When will NPCs appear in our port?”

  ”Will they not appear?”

  ”The idiot planner didn’t seem to say that people would definitely come after the building?”


  Listening to everyone’s complaints, Daoxialiuren coughed dryly and said something like a cake.

  ”Don’t panic, brothers! Maybe NPCs will appear after the dock is built!”

  As luck would have it, just as he finished speaking, there was movement on the sea in the distance.

  A sharp-eyed power player raised his head and glanced in the southeast direction, and suddenly shouted as if he had discovered a new continent.

  ”Brother Dao! There’s a ship coming from the east… Oh no, it seems to be two!”

  As soon as the voice fell, Brother Dao hadn’t reacted yet, but a group of players around him got interested first, stopped what they were doing, and looked in the direction that the brother pointed out.

  ”What the hell?”

  ”Is it true?”

  Daoxialiuren also looked up and saw the increasingly clear shadow of the ship.

  Seeing the flag, he was stunned at first, then his eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted immediately.

  ”It’s the tail boats!”

  Hearing this, the group of animals who were a little tired a second ago suddenly became excited.

  It’s not because of the tail boats.

  It’s because of the more than 1,000 beautiful ladies in maid costumes on the tail boats!

  Why are they working so hard?

  Isn’t it just to make the French Fry Port lively as soon as possible!

  ”Oh my goodness, the NPCs are finally going to spawn!”

  ”Tieju, try harder! Our dock is almost there!”



  ”Fuck, you guys are too real!!”

  This time, there was no need to shout “Save the people!” The group of power-type animals became excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

  With everyone’s desperate efforts, the dock, which originally looked like a construction site, was instantly paved towards the shore at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Not only was Daoxialiuren stunned, but even Sisi, who was standing on the deck holding a telescope, was stunned.

  Looking at the group of guys howling like wolves and ghosts, her lips unconsciously opened and closed, and she muttered in a daze.

  ”What are they… so excited about?”

  While speaking, she subconsciously turned her head to look at Awei on the side. Her intuition told her that this guy should know something.

  Obviously knowing why Sisi was looking at her, Weiwei looked aside with a subtle expression and blew a whistle to get away with it, but it didn’t work after a long time.

  ”Ahahaha…hahaha…” Looking at the beach in the distance, Zhimahu smiled with some worries.

  Her hearing was different from that of ordinary people. Facing the sea breeze, she could hear what her friends were cheering.


  let’s just pretend that she didn’t hear it.


  (Thanks to the leaders of “Nanlang Beidang” and “Linhaixueyuan Changye Yujin” for their rewards!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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