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Chapter 680: A Familiar Dilemma

Chapter 680: A Familiar Dilemma


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 680 A familiar dilemma

  The beach south of French Fries Harbor.

  Because the temporary dock was too narrow, Sis tried several times to stop the boat.

  The long planks fell from the deck and slanted on the newly laid wooden planks on the dock.

  Standing on the shallow beach where the waves were beating, pairs of expectant eyes stared at the deck in the deep water in the distance.

  At this moment, a young face poked out from the edge of the ship’s side.


  Gooseberry, standing on tiptoe, grabbed the guardrail with both hands and looked eagerly at the golden beach not far away. The timid eyes were full of curiosity and desire.

  Sister Misa said that after getting ashore, they would not have to stay in the narrow cabin.

  Although she was very grateful for the cargo ship that took them away from hell, she still preferred to live in the sun. Especially when the sun shone on her, her body was warm and her mood became better.

  And when she was looking at the people on the shore, everyone was looking at her.

  Although it’s still cute…

  but where’s the maid outfit? !

  In less than a minute, more and more Moon Clan girls walked onto the deck, excitedly gathered at the side of the ship, looking at the destination of the journey and the people on the beach.

  Under the metal-textured skeleton was a shirt soaked by the sea water. Looking at the sturdy figures and handsome faces, many unmarried young girls blushed and pretended to look at the scenery and avoided their sight.

  On the contrary, the married girls were enthusiastic and unrestrained, not at all shy to open their eyes to appreciate, and even pulled their companions beside them to whisper while watching.

  The shelter not only preserves the knowledge and ideas of the pre-war era, but also preserves the excellent genes of the pre-war era.

  Not to mention that the DNA used by the clones in Shelter No. 404 is excellent genes that have been screened layer by layer. As long as the human aesthetics do not undergo major changes, there is naturally nothing to say about the appearance.

  Otherwise, when the Frostspear tribe first arrived at the Ling Lake, they would not have taken a fancy to them at first sight, and even made such an outrageous request as to borrow some seeds.

  To be honest, it is hard to say who was taken advantage of in this situation.

  ”Ahaha, sorry, everyone–”

  With a smile on her face that she had messed up, Tail scratched the back of her head and walked down from the deck.

  However, before she could stand firmly on the dock, angry voices surrounded her from all directions, almost scaring her into falling into the sea.

  ”Fuck! Where is the maid costume you promised?!”

  ”Why is it the original skin!”


  ”Give me back!”

  Looking at the angry crowd, Tail jumped back like a cat seeing a cucumber for the first time, but still stepped forward and explained in a guilty whisper.

  ”This… this is purely an accident, Giao! I, I’ll let Rourou show you guys, okay?”

  Everyone: “#@#&!”

  Looking at the noisy beach, Misa, who was standing by the side of the ship, looked back at Zhimahu in confusion and asked curiously.

  ”What are they… talking about?”

  ”This is the alliance’s special way of expressing welcome, don’t worry about it…” Zhimahu laughed vaguely and quickly got past this inconvenient topic, “Let everyone get off quickly, don’t stand by the side of the ship, it’s very dangerous.”

  Misa nodded blankly, then remembered something, held Zhimahu’s hand, and said gratefully.

  ”Thank you… When I was taken to that camp, I thought I was dead. If it weren’t for you, we might have…”

  ”You’re welcome.”

  Zhimahu showed a soft smile on his face and shook the cold and thin little hand back.

  ”I hope you can start a new life in this new world.”

  Misa’s eyes flashed with hope, and he held her hand tightly and nodded vigorously.

  ”Yes! I will!”


  For players who can come up with new things every day, the maid costume incident can only be regarded as an episode that cannot be any smaller.

  Although it is a pity that I didn’t see the ladies wearing maid costumes, most of the players who play this game are not petty people, and they will not take such a small matter to heart.

  As long as the apology is sincere, everyone will still accept it.

  In order to show the sincerity of reflection, and as a punishment for deceiving the feelings of the power-type animals, Weiwei finally chose the least shameful one among a long series of shameful plays that even Brother Guang shook his head after seeing it – wearing a maid costume for three consecutive days.

  Compared with other explosive options, this less embarrassing option is quite mild.

  What’s more, there is no branch of the Teng Teng Hut on this broken beach, and there is no place to sell maid costumes at all.

  Therefore, when making this decision that goes against her ancestors, Weiwei had already made up her mind and was sure that it would be okay even if she chose it.

  However, to her surprise, when she checked this option, everyone’s faces suddenly showed a smirk.

  ”I knew you would choose this!”

  After a while, the hardworking man came out with a row of hangers full of maid costumes, and he smiled and made a generous gesture of invitation.

  ”Pick whatever you want, you’re welcome.”

  Seeing the row of artworks of different styles, the sly and proud Tail a second ago suddenly couldn’t hold back his arrogant expression.

  ”Giao! Wait, wait, do you really want me to wear this?! Me, me, me?!”

  ”What else?” The power beast standing next to him rolled his eyes, “Should I wear it?”

  Another player also shouted in agreement.

  ”That’s it!”


  Seeing that this guy dared to cheat in front of him, everyone started to make a fuss again.


  Tail looked at Sisi for help, looking pitiful.

  However, what she didn’t expect was that Sisi, who had always doted on her the most, was out of character at this moment. Not only did he not stand on her side, but he also had an interested smile on his face.

  ”Well… after all, I promised someone, it’s not good to break my promise. It’s okay, Awei, just change clothes, it will be fine in a while… I can help you.”

  As he spoke, his smile gradually became darker. He

  rarely showed a scared expression, and he shrank his neck, as if he had shrunk a circle, and trembled and whispered.

  ”Si, Si… your expression is so scary.”


  Sisi extended her index finger and touched her cheek, but she didn’t know that the action made her smile look even more evil.

  Seeing that the situation was not right, Wei quickly glanced at the gap in the crowd and prepared to slip away.

  However, before she could find a way to escape, her dearest friend saw through her.

  ”Rou Rou, catch Awei!”


  Almost at the same time as the voice fell, a pair of furry bear paws had already wrapped around Awei from behind, pulling her feet off the ground like pulling a carrot.

  ”Giao! Rourou, stop it! Don’t~!”

  ”Oh! The criminal is caught! Hehe, useless Awei, get ready to accept the punishment!”

  The fluttering figure, along with the broad and furry back, gradually walked away in the direction of the cargo ship.

  After leaning over the row of clothes racks full of maid costumes and selecting for a while, Sisi’s eyes suddenly lit up and she chose one of her favorite ones.

  Then she caught up with Rourou and entered the cabin together. After

  about ten minutes of tossing and turning, the two people and the bear returned to the beach again.

  Seeing the brand-new Awei, almost all the people standing on the beach watching the excitement showed surprised expressions.

  ”Good guy.”

  ”What the hell?! This is Awei?!”

  ”There is no sense of disobedience!”

  ”I thought it would feel the same as Mosquito’s female clothes…”

  Listening to the rude ghost screams, Taiwei’s face turned red like a monkey’s butt, and he instantly widened his eyes in anger.

  ”Fuck! What do you mean! What do you mean by the same as a mosquito!”

  Several of the power animals who had the loudest voices earlier scratched their heads with red cheeks, and slipped away a little embarrassedly.

  I didn’t expect this guy to look so good in women’s clothes, so that the expected show effect was completely lost.

  Forget it, let this guy go this time.

  This time, just pretend that I didn’t see anything…

  Holding the skirt that was dragged to the ankles and got in the way, Taiwei jumped off the dock with a sad face, stamping his feet and shouting in self-abandonment.

  ”Damn it! Why are there maid costumes in this place where meat doesn’t shit!”

  ”Yes, why are there maid costumes in this place.”

  Rourou, who was almost laughing so hard that his stomach hurt, suddenly discovered the blind spot and looked puzzled. He touched his chin with his bear paw and looked at the model worker who pushed out the row of hangers.

  Seeing that everyone was looking at him with strange expressions, the model worker was stunned for a moment and waved his hands to explain.

  ”Don’t look at me, I pushed it out from the warehouse behind the tavern of Brother Yiren… I saw it when I went to the warehouse to get beer a few days ago.”

  At that time, he was still curious about why there were a lot of women’s clothes in the warehouse.

  However, because he was in a hurry to join in the fun, he only took care of moving the beer out and didn’t ask much about other things. After that, a lot of things happened, so he simply forgot about it.

  Hearing this, a pair of eyes looked at Yiren, who was standing next to him and eating melon seeds to watch the fun.

  Being watched by a pair of eyes, Yiren, who was eating melon seeds, looked confused.

  ”Why are you looking at me?”

  Unable to resist his curiosity, the murderous dagger asked the first question.

  ”Why do you have these clothes? And there are so many?”

  Yiren was stunned for a moment, and the melon seeds in her hand fell on the beach. She stammered to explain.

  ”Yes, they are uniforms in the store… for commercial purposes.”

  ”Oh, that’s it.”

  Killing Dagger nodded, indicating that he understood, but he always felt that something was wrong.

  What is this guy nervous about?

  The model worker next to him scratched the back of his head and muttered.


  He remembered that the maid costumes sold in the Teng Teng Hut seemed to have to be ordered?

  How did this guy buy so many at once…


  With the Rourou docking at the French Fries Port, the originally deserted settlement finally had a little more people.

  Facts have proved that a settlement without NPCs is incomplete, just like “Minecraft” without villagers, no matter how many houses are built, it will still seem empty.

  With the arrival of this group of immigrants, no matter what value they have created, at least the players’ enthusiasm for production has increased a lot.

  After counting the number of people, Fang Chang drew a living area for them on the east side of the camp, reserved a commuting road and a fire escape, and allocated them some of the materials collected during the land reclamation.

  These mainly include some light wood, coconut shells, banana leaves, etc., which can never be used up on the material pile, just enough for them to build a thatched house to shelter from the wind and rain.

  Before the dormitory is built, they need to build a shed to shelter themselves from the wind and rain.

  At first, a group of players including Daoxialiuren were worried that they could not do this job, but they soon found that they were overthinking.

  These Moon Clan girls are more capable than they thought, and they actually built a lot of tents before the sun went down.

  Actually, think about it.

  The Borneo Province is a wasteland like the Valley Province, but of a different type. Even if some people’s facial features look a little weak, they have never been flowers grown in a greenhouse.

  They may be weaker in combat experience and will than the tough river valley residents, but their attainments in planting, handicrafts, odd jobs and even DIY construction are stronger than the wastelanders formed by the river valley.

  Another is hard work.

  The characteristics of faith give them extraordinary tolerance for suffering.

  Although this is not something to be proud of, it can indeed be called an advantage in adversity.

  After all, facing the same degree of difficulties, Xia may have given up, but they can persist and always remain optimistic about tomorrow.

  Although those crowded tents are still a little unsatisfactory, they are much better than when they were in the cabin.

  Life will not be so good at the beginning.

  But it will always get better day by day…

  In the camp.

  Looking at the noisy camp in the distance, Chen Yutong, holding a tablet in his hand, asked with interest.

  ”Are those girls from the Borneo Province?”

  ”Yes,” Lao Bai nodded, looked in that direction, and said with a smile, “With more people, this port finally looks like a port.”

  Chen Yutong curved the corners of his lips.

  ”You guys really like the hustle and bustle.”

  Lao Bai narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

  ”Don’t you like it?”


  Chen Yutong joked with her index finger, brushing away the hair that was blown to the tip of her nose by the sea breeze, “If I hated the hustle and bustle, I wouldn’t have slipped out of the Wandering Swamp.”

  Lao Bai grinned, and seeing that she was holding a work tablet in her arms, he took the initiative to speak.

  ”Is there anything I can do for you?”

  ”Well,” Chen Yutong nodded, and continued in a pleasant voice, “I have some clues that I need to trouble you to send back to the Alliance Biological Research Institute through the shelter’s dedicated line… Can I ask you?” The

  so-called dedicated line is actually the official website of “Wasteland OL”.

  Some important scientific research units such as the scientific expedition team and the biological research institute probably know that there is such a special network in the shelter, which can transmit information to the shelter at the fastest speed under absolute confidentiality.

  As for what technology the network is based on, only the managers of the shelter know.

  Lao Bai nodded, his expression became serious, and his index finger pressed on the VM.

  ”Go ahead.”

  Taking out the tablet from her arms, Chen Yutong raised her index finger and tapped the screen twice, clearing her throat and speaking.

  ”There are two main aspects. One is the investigation of the mother nest of the ‘Baiyue Province’, and the other is the investigation of the ‘self-healing’ of the local forest commissioned by the port area… Where is your friend named Fang Chang? Let him come and listen.”

  As luck would have it, as soon as she finished speaking, Fang Chang walked over from the direction of the next camp, holding up the map in his right hand.

  ”I’m here. Have you got any results from that investigation?”

  He was just making the final confirmation of the roads in the eastern camp, and distributing food and a batch of fuel for fire and daily necessities to the Moon Clan members who settled in the camp.

  There is also the work of identity registration.

  After careful consideration, he decided to temporarily issue them the identities of the supervised persons, and introduce the management methods of the refugee home here.

  Although he had often teased NPCs for copying homework when he was talking before, when he really started to manage a settlement, he realized that it was really not easy for the brother Guang in the game.

  Managing more than a thousand people is much more difficult than killing more than a thousand monsters, even if it is a gentle and hardworking girl from the Moon Clan.

  And what he has to do is not only to take care of the lives of the residents, but also to solve the problems faced by the settlement.

  For example, the “self-healing property” of this rainforest.

  If this problem cannot be solved, the land they have reclaimed with great difficulty will be reoccupied by this “alive” rainforest if they are not careful…

  ”Well, let’s talk about it one by one. First, it is about the mother nest of Baiyue Province.”

  Looking at Fang Chang who was walking over, Chen Yutong nodded, then looked at Lao Bai who turned on the action recorder, and continued to talk directly to the point.

  ”The investigation of Baiyue Province verified some of our previous conjectures about ‘Gaia’. Opening the channel for the exchange of genetic information between organisms is the essence of His ability.”

  ”This forest is the phenomenon that ‘He’ merged with the earth’s ecosystem without human interference, or with only limited interference.”

  ”And the series of problems we are troubled by at this moment are almost exactly the same as the problems encountered by the colonists when they first set foot on the planet Gaia…”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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