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Chapter 682: The Wrath of the Empire

Chapter 682: The Wrath of the Empire


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 682: The Fury of the Empire

  At the same time that the Rourou, carrying more than a thousand Moon Clan survivors, arrived at the French Fries Port, the Niuma airship also returned to the flying port of Dawn City with the survivors of Shelter No. 70.

  Because of the opening of multiple routes, this airship hydrogenation station has become a port.

  The Niuma Group contracted a part of the berths for renovation, and the market near the warehouse area that specializes in selling imported goods also spontaneously established a market management committee, which not only raised money to renovate the roads, but also made the sanitation here in good order.

  Coming down from the elevator, Huang Guangwei looked around blankly, amazed at the prosperity and bustle here.

  Before coming here, the man named Fang Chang told him that Dawn City was just a settlement of 100,000 people. He thought it was a place like a circular island or a northern island, but it was just located on land.

  However, when he saw it now, the prosperity here made him drop his jaw.

  How could this be a settlement of 100,000 people?

  Even 200,000 people – or even 300,000 people, he would believe it!

  After walking down the stairs, he was at a loss as to which direction to go, when a familiar face suddenly appeared in the crowd not far away.

  The man was wearing a loose leather jacket and jeans, and his figure was a little fat. His face was wrinkled with smile lines, and he opened his arms enthusiastically.

  Huang Guangwei stared at him blankly, his eyes were covered with water, and his dry lips trembled slightly.


  This guy didn’t go to the Great Rift Valley! ?

  He never thought that he would meet him here!

  His legs unconsciously moved forward a step, and Huang Guangwei seemed to have found the direction. He moved his stiff legs step by step, and his staggering steps became more and more firm and determined.

  Looking at the pitiful appearance of his compatriots who had suffered so much, Sun Yuechi felt ashamed. Although his face was still enthusiastic, his smile was a little loose, and his eyes slowly drooped with his slightly bent arms.

  ”Huang… ahem, my dear friend, I heard about you. You’ve been wronged during my absence… and the guys in the shelter. But no matter what, I’m relieved to see that you’re okay. I’m glad you’re okay…”

  ”By the way, you haven’t eaten yet, have you? There’s a good pork trotter rice nearby. The soup on the rice is simply amazing. I’ll treat you! Let’s sit down and eat while we eat…”

  When talking about the pork trotter rice, Sun Yuechi raised his eyes with bright eyes, but he didn’t expect to be met with a ruthless fist.

  In his confusion, he only had time to move his neck to avoid his fragile nose bridge, and instead used his face to take the old fist that flew across thousands of kilometers.

  ”Fuck you!”

  The intermittent echoes hit his ears.

  Before he could come to his senses and what happened, Sun Yuechi, who was punched in the face, fainted in confusion.

  Seeing this, the people around him rushed forward and pulled the man riding on him away from him.

  Huang Guangwei, whose arms were held, thrashed his legs unwillingly, looking at the guy lying on the ground, roaring with grief and indignation.

  ”Let me go!”

  ”This is our own business, leave it alone! Let me beat him! I’m going to kill this bastard!”


  Although the Alliance rarely interferes in the family affairs of outsiders, this is on the Alliance’s territory after all.

  No matter what the reason, beating people in the street will be locked up in a small dark room.

  The guards who came from nearby took him to the guard room, and the unconscious former manager of Shelter No. 70 was carried on a stretcher by medical staff and sent to a nearby medical station.

  The people who were picking and choosing in the imported goods market gathered around, looking at the noisy scene and whispering curiously.

  ”What happened just now?”

  ”I don’t know… those two people suddenly started fighting.”

  ”I seem to have vaguely heard… uh, pig’s trotter rice.”

  ”Pig’s trotter rice??”

  Facts have proved that NPCs are not inferior to players in gossip.

  The rumors became more and more outrageous, and in the end, a tortuous and bizarre story of love and hatred was drawn around the pig’s trotter rice.

  Coincidentally, the moment when the fist and the face came into close contact was captured by the reporter of the Goblin Observer.

  In Dawn City, anything related to the word goblin must be out of touch with the word reliable.

  And the fact is indeed so.

  This newspaper sponsored by goblin technology is indeed not a reliable place. Even the boss who invested in this newspaper did not intend to make money from this thing.

  The photo was quickly sent to the editorial department of the newspaper, with a line of scribbled headlines, and it became the headline of the extra printing page that day –

  [Shock! The manager of Shelter No. 70 was knocked down by a subordinate who came from afar, and the cause was actually a bowl of pig’s trotter rice! ]

  Because the picture and the headline were too explosive, it attracted countless people to buy it, so that the sales of the Goblin Observer on that day even exceeded the Survivor Daily!

  To everyone’s surprise, the photo boosted not only the sales of Goblin Observer, but also the pig’s trotter rice that was mentioned in passing.

  What kind of delicacy was it that made the manager of Shelter No. 70 abandon the entire shelter and ignore it?

  Almost everyone who read the headlines couldn’t help but feel curious.

  Driven by this curiosity, long queues formed in front of fast food restaurants selling pig’s trotter rice.

  Even some restaurants and taverns that originally did not sell pig’s trotter rice could not resist the temptation of profit and temporarily changed their menus.

  The pig’s trotters in the entire Dawn City were sold out that day, which was a pity for the pigs who had just taken the train from the farms in Luoxia Province to Dawn City. They were driven into the slaughterhouse without eating a single bite of feed…


  ”Hahahaha!” In

  the lobby of the Highway Town Hotel.

  Duke Galawa, who was sitting at the table eating, looked at the Goblin Observer in his hand, and the goatee under his nose trembled, and his stomach hurt from laughing.

  He was the ambassador of the Xilan Empire and the lord of White Elephant City. Not only did he have the noble blood of the elephants flowing in his veins, but his family also owned a large area of ​​fiefdom from the Everflowing River to the White Elephant Tower, making him one of the most prominent in the Xilan Dynasty.

  Originally, the emperor had given him the task of going to the Lion Kingdom to demonstrate the majesty of the empire, but the desert residents followed the alliance’s lead, and he was annoyed and curious about the alliance in the east.

  What kind of empire was it that had so many supporters?

  So he came here with his envoys.

  As luck would have it, the envoy of the most important ally of the Xilan Empire, Captain Bennot, was also here, and was participating in a cooperative organization called the “Slime Community”.

  When he learned that Ambassador Bennot was having a headache because the negotiations of the slime community were isolated and helpless, Duke Galava immediately smelled an opportunity to show off. On the one hand, he sent a messenger to report to the Emperor that this was a godsend opportunity for the Weilantes to owe a favor, and on the other hand, he patted his chest and told Ambassador Bennot that the Xilan Empire was willing to participate in the negotiations of the slime community and share the pressure from the Eastern world for the legion during the negotiations.

  Perhaps moved by his sincerity, after a brief surprise, Captain Bennot shook his hand enthusiastically, and in the next few days, he overcame all objections and pulled the Xilan Empire into this world conference that determined the future of the wasteland.

  This task was much easier than expected, as long as he followed Ambassador Bennot’s vote.

  Moreover, Duke Galava found that the situation was not as serious as he imagined.

  For example, the Free State, although it was the enterprise that pulled it into the negotiations with the Sticky Community, it was secretly on their side. In simple terms, they also agreed to the vote that the Legion and the enterprise agreed to. If the Legion opposed the vote that the enterprise agreed to, they would play dead. If the Legion opposed and the Alliance agreed, they would vote against it without hesitation.

  Of course, this also depends on the attitude of the enterprise. If the enterprise agreed firmly, then they would continue to play dead.

  In fact, Galawa looked down on such fence-sitters. Those cunning people were so smart that they thought they could please both sides, but in the end, neither side benefited. He had seen Bennott curse those profitless profiteers in private gatherings more than once.

  Whenever this happened, he would be secretly happy in his heart.

  The Xilan Empire was different. They had been the most loyal allies of the Legion from beginning to end. The people of Willant would remember their help today, and His Majesty the Emperor would remember his contribution.

  However, this task was too simple after all, and he didn’t even need to look closely at what the agenda was.

  It was for this reason that he had recently explored all the shops worth trying in Dawn City.

  Every day, he either attends meetings or wanders around the settlement, observing the customs and habits of the alliance.

  After laughing heartily, Duke Galava straightened his appearance, licked his tongue elegantly, and looked at the photos in the newspaper as if he were looking at monkeys in a zoo.

  ”These barbarians must have seen so little of the world to be so rude for a mere plate of food.”

  Ni Yang, his follower standing beside him, quickly flattered and echoed.

  ”…The food in the southern sea area is all provided by the Camel Kingdom. The people there are as thin as monkeys in the Baiyue Province. How can they compare to us who have all the benefits of the Yongliu River.”

  Hearing this, Duke Galava showed a satisfied expression on his face.

  This Ni Yang is his favorite servant, as well as his personal secretary and life assistant. He usually speaks the most pleasantly. The only flaw is that his blood is a bit low, he is a ratman.

  Even the loyal wolf guards standing behind him have much nobler blood than this guy.

  Compared with other guests in the lobby, the aura and temperament of this table of guests can be said to be completely different.

  One person sat down to eat, and more than a dozen people stood to watch.

  But this is a wasteland after all, there are even talking lizards and bears. Compared with those weirder guys, these guys who talk to themselves are not so eye-catching.

  In comparison, the headline of the Goblin Observer is more worth gossiping about.

  But Duke Galava doesn’t think so. In his opinion, he is the focus of everyone’s attention wherever he goes, not to mention that he deliberately sits in the center of the lobby.

  Those whispering barbarians are undoubtedly talking about him at this moment. It is precisely because of this that he is always paying attention to whether his appearance is decent and elegant.

  Lisa came over with a tray of food, and looked at the line of bodyguards standing behind his chair with some confusion, but did not ask much, just put down the tray in her hand and whispered politely.

  ”Sir, your pork trotter rice… please enjoy.”


  Duke Galawa snorted back, threw the newspaper in his hand to Ni Yang who was standing by and waiting, looked at the dish of pork trotter rice that was popular in the city on the table in front of him, picked up the knife and fork to cut off a small piece and tasted it.

  The chewy and tender taste was really good, and the soft and rotten taste melted in his mouth, which made his eyes light up involuntarily.

  Although this alliance is a small country, and the few settlements cannot catch up with the size of his territory, it must be said that these guys are really good at eating.

  The only thing that made him a little uncomfortable was the tableware here, which was a bit too particular.

  In comparison, he still prefers to grab it with his hands.

  Of course, it would be better if it was the white jade fingers of a young girl.

  When he was in White Elephant City, he never had to do it himself.

  Unfortunately, he searched the entire Dawn City and couldn’t find a restaurant that provided this service.

  Looking at the girl who put down the plate and nodded to leave, Duke Galawa suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of imperceptible greed flashed in his eyes.

  Especially when he noticed the marks on the wrist.

  ”You are from the Western Continent… a slave from Triumph City?”

  That word was like a scar that could not heal.

  Lisa stiffened when she heard that. She pursed her lips and looked at the guest in surprise, then lowered her head and hurried into the kitchen.

  Looking at the fleeing figure, Duke Galava tutted his tongue lightly.

  ”What a waste…”

  Although slaves are a specialty of the Borneo Province, especially those of inferior races who are mostly hardworking and loyal, and are deeply loved by the small nobles in the legion, there are too many of them, and the main focus is on cost-effectiveness, so they are often not sold at a very high price. In

  contrast, slaves produced in the legion, especially those from Triumph City, are more precious.

  Those slaves with brown hair and thin noses are like purebred dairy cows in the alpine pastures on the banks of the Solat River. Although they are not so expensive that only the captains of ten thousand men can enjoy them, they are not blessed without some military merit.

  These slaves are usually consumed by the Weilants themselves. Only in very rare cases will they enter the market, and in even rarer cases will they be bought by foreigners other than the Weilants.

  The princes and nobles of the Xilan Dynasty have an almost fanatical obsession with the culture of the Weilants, and he, as a duke, is no exception.

  However, this is the territory of the Alliance after all, and he does not want to cause trouble for himself. It would be bad if it delays the cooperation between the Empire and the Legion.

  So he just said it was a pity, and concentrated on enjoying the food on the plate. He picked up the tablecloth and wiped his mouth elegantly, then took the unfinished newspaper in Niyang’s hand and continued to appreciate the scandal of Shelter No. 70.

  These high-ranking residents of the shelter are not good things.

  Arrogant and arrogant.

  Shelter No. 70 is like this, and so is a certain three-digit shelter.

  Ending the wasteland?

  Opening a new era?


  A bunch of psychos.

  He has lived in the Borneo Province for so many years, how come he didn’t feel that it was a wasteland?

  How ridiculous!

  With the mood of watching a joke, he slowly read the first page of the newspaper.

  However, the moment he turned to the second page of the newspaper, the gentle smile on his face disappeared instantly.

  ”French Fry Port welcomes new residents! One thousand Moon Clan refugees landed smoothly!”

  The distorted expression at that moment was as ugly as eating a booger.

  And it was the booger that bounced out from his fingers, flying back with a wall of dust.

  ”What nonsense!”

  He clenched his right fist, shouted angrily and slammed it on the table, shaking the plates on the table.

  Hearing the movement in the center of the lobby, the drinkers sitting around and talking and laughing all lowered their voices unconsciously, and cast surprised and curious eyes over there.

  There are indeed people in this settlement who go crazy every now and then, but who would go crazy in the place with the most residents in this shelter?

  Noticing the gazes from all around, the wolf soldiers standing behind the Duke of Galawa narrowed their eyes dangerously, responding to the naked covetousness with warning eyes.

  However, they obviously had the wrong target.

  This is the River Valley Province with a tough folk custom, and the people sitting here are the wastelanders who lick blood on the blade. They don’t even frown when pointed at by guns, so who would be scared by the eyes?

  Those pairs of warning eyes were like the provocation of babies. Everyone was just curious to look over, but they were glared at for no reason, and they all glared back with their eyes open. Who

  is blind? Who are

  you looking down on?

  Old Hook, standing behind the bar, looked at the table in the middle with an expressionless face, and his index finger was already on the alarm button under the counter, ready to call for reinforcements at any time.

  He didn’t like these guys.

  Not only because more than a dozen of them ordered a bowl of pork trotter rice, but also because the guy with two goatees made the lovely Lisa cry.

  She was not just the poster girl of the Highway Town Hotel, but was regarded as his own daughter by him who had no children.

  He would not allow anyone to bully her, no matter if it was the ambassador of the empire or the emperor of the empire.


  Niyang, who was standing next to Duke Galawa, bowed and whispered.

  ”It is meaningless for us to lose our temper here. Even if we beat them to a pulp, it would not solve any problems, and it would show that we have no tolerance and broad-mindedness… We should summon the managers of the alliance and send them a warning from the empire, so that they would stop slandering us and taking in those despicable Moon Tribe people.”

  After hearing Niyang’s suggestion, Duke Galawa finally calmed down a little. While putting down the newspaper in his hand, he persuaded himself to calm down.

  ”You are right, Niyang… Babulu, let your men be low-key. Elephants do not need to care about mice and ants at their feet. We do not need to bother with these lowly people.”

  ”Yes, sir.” The iron tower-like man behind him nodded slightly and glanced at his subordinates silently.

  The guards retracted their murderous gazes from the surroundings and stopped making eye contact with the barbarians.

  Seeing that these wooden guys were no longer provocative, the crowd also lost interest in adding fuel to the fire and turned their eyes away from them with a pout.

  However, after such a commotion, the focus of the topic shifted from the headlines of the Goblin Observer to these strange guys.

  ”Who are those guys?”

  ”I heard they were the ambassadors of the Xilan Empire.”

  ”Oh, I thought they were someone else, but they turned out to be beggars.”

  ”In the past two days, you can pick up a brick and throw it out in Dawn City and hit an ambassador.”

  ”Xilan? Smashed?”

  ”Haha, they really gave themselves a good name!”

  ”Keep your voice down, don’t let anyone hear it.” “If

  they hear it, they will hear it. If we meet in the wasteland, I will not only let them hear it, but also let them go down to send a message to my dead father.”


  The voices of those people became louder and louder, and they became more and more undisguised. After all, they did this in the wasteland.

  The Duke of Galawa’s eyebrows twitched, his teeth clenched, his elegant demeanor became more and more tense, and his rapid breathing exposed his soaring blood pressure.

  Those pairs of teasing eyes made him feel uneasy.

  In the final analysis, his mind was not as broad as he claimed. After all, he was not a real elephant, and those sounds did not really come from the mouths of mice or ants.

  However, for the sake of the empire, he chose to endure.

  Pretending to be calm, the Duke of Galawa took out a hundred-dollar silver coin and threw it down, deliberately letting it fall on the greasy plate.

  ”No need to change.”

  The lard soaked the alliance emblem on the front of the banknote just right, just like their consciences covered by lard. This was a detail he carefully designed.

  Everyone present was humiliated.

  Even if the humiliation was not so obvious.

  Old Hook, who was standing behind the bar, glanced at the backs of the group of people with annoyance, moved his index finger away from the alarm button, and shouted perfunctorily.

  ”Welcome to come again next time.”

  God of the Great Horned Deer, please don’t come again next time.

  Watching the group of people leave, Old Hook moved his leg with a gunshot wound and walked over, picked up the bill and wiped it, and then took the plate away.

  After returning to the bar and putting down the plate, he opened the cashier drawer, deducted the money for the pork trotter rice, counted out a few change and coins, passed through the door curtain of the back kitchen, found Lisa squatting in the corner and quietly wiping her tears, squatted down and comforted her softly.

  ”The group of guests left, they… asked me to apologize to you, these are their tips, you can use them to buy some desserts or beautiful clothes.”

  Lisa, who was hugging her knees, raised her head and looked at the old man squatting in front of her with tears in her eyes. Her lips trembled for a long time, but she couldn’t say a word.

  It can be seen that she was crying very sadly.

  Maybe it was related to the things that happened before.

  Old Hook probably understood her feelings and knew why she couldn’t say it, so he spoke to himself.

  ”When we were in Highway Town, we often saw guests from afar. We could tell who was a slave and who was a master at a glance. It wasn’t because of who was wearing shackles or who was carrying a gun, but because of their eyes…”

  ”Anyway, a person who earns his living will never be anyone’s slave.”

  ”As for those boring guys, it’s their business to label whoever they want and say whatever they want. We can’t control the parrot’s mouth, we just do what we want.”

  Lisa’s breathing gradually calmed down, and her mood seemed to be better.

  With red and swollen eyes, a reassuring smile bloomed on her face.

  ”Thank you…”

  ”You’re welcome,” Old Hook grinned and stretched out his hand to rub the little girl’s hair, “I have to ask you to watch the front desk for a while, it’s my turn to rest.” “Okay

  ! Leave it to me!”

  Lisa nodded enthusiastically, raised her arm to completely wipe the tears on her face, and ran out of the utility room in the back kitchen like a gust of wind.

  Looking at the little girl who disappeared behind the door curtain, Old Hook did not get up, but sat on the ground with a grin, pressing his right hand on his leg.

  When this person relaxes, his bones rust, and he felt so painful after squatting for a while.

  Back then, he was also a tough guy who carried a shotgun and fought against the marauders, but now all he had left were the wounds he got when he was young.

  In the past, the blue jackets always called him “Hook with an arrow in the knee.” Although he didn’t understand what that meant, the manager told him that it was a respectful title, expressing recognition of his old age and strength, so he didn’t care about it, and after a while he liked the title.

  But later, since he opened this hotel, his leg really seemed to be shot by an arrow, and it became less and less obedient.

  Old Hook smiled bitterly and shook his head.

  ”…I’m old.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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