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Chapter 684 From a Solo Tavern to a Beautiful Tavern

Chapter 684 From a Solo Tavern to a Beautiful Tavern


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 684 From the One-Man Tavern to the Yiren Tavern

  The Weilante camp.

  The tent in the center of the camp.

  Bennot, the captain sitting at the long table, frowned as he looked at the “Survivor Daily” in his hand, and muttered in a low voice after a long pause.

  ”What tricks are these blue gophers playing again…”

  Since coming to Dawn City, the “Survivor Daily” has become his daily newspaper.

  Especially when he found that the information that he had to ask around to obtain was all written clearly on those pages, he changed the first thing he did after getting up every day from brushing his teeth to reading the newspaper.

  Recently, he has been paying attention to the situation in French Fries Port. The “Survivor Daily” will update a few photos on it every now and then. He almost watched this port from a bare land with nothing to the present small fishing village.

  To be honest, it is quite shocking to look at these photos together.

  Although the Legion often helps the natives build camps, the beauty and comfort are not as good as the achievements of the blue gophers in less than half a month.

  Now, this village is not small anymore, especially with the influx of a new batch of immigrants, this small fishing village has become a thousand-person community.

  No matter where it is placed in the wasteland, it can be regarded as a large survivor settlement.

  However, it is precisely because of this that Benoit has become a little alert.

  The minimum threshold for the recent meeting of the Sticky Community is one thousand people.

  As long as there are one thousand people, the survivor settlement can participate in the vote to decide the affairs of the province and influence the voting results of the province in the conference agenda.

  The number of votes in different provinces is different, and some special provinces will even be counted separately, but there is a minimum basic vote of one vote.

  As we all know, alien species will not vote. As the only settlement in Baiyue Province, French Fries Port will monopolize this precious vote that “represents the resolution of all survivors in Baiyue Province.”

  This will make the situation of the Legion, which already has few allies, even worse at the Sticky Community meeting.

  Realizing this, Benoit couldn’t help but clench his fists.

  There is no doubt that this is a blatant cheating!

  He had gone to great lengths to drag the Xilan Empire into the Nie Community, and only then did he get votes from the Boro Province for the Legion.

  If the Alliance intends to use this sneaky way to canvass votes for itself, he would never agree to it!

  ”We have to find a way to fill this loophole…”

  Just as Benoit was lost in thought, footsteps suddenly came from outside the tent.

  A guard rang the doorbell, lifted the curtain and walked in, bowing to report.

  ”Sir, the envoy of the Xilan Empire wants to see you.”

  Benoit said impatiently.

  ”Let him in.”


  The guard nodded and stepped out of the door.

  After a while, the iconic two goatees came in through the curtain with a strong smell of spices.

  His face was filled with a warm smile, and the beard under his nose trembled.

  ”Dear Captain Benoit, I’m sorry to bother you at this time, but when I came here yesterday, you were out, so I had to come earlier.”


  Benoit remembered that he seemed to have had a meal with the foreign minister of the Free State. He was not in the camp, so it was normal that he did not see him.

  But then again, couldn’t this guy make an appointment before visiting every time?

  ”It’s okay, my friend, Mr. Duke, you are welcome to come and visit at any time,” Benoit touched his nose and put on a silly smile on his face, “So what brought you here today?”

  He was not very good at being polite. After all, the Legion never needed to be hypocritical with anyone. If they didn’t agree, they would just do it.

  If it weren’t for the ongoing negotiations of the slime mold research community, he would not bother to

  pay attention to this pretentious guy. But what happened was that the Duke was as professional as him. Not only did he not see through the perfunctory in his lame smile, but he regarded his greetings as a gesture of goodwill from the Legion.

  This is no wonder.

  Most people in the province of Boro, especially the nobles, look at the Willant people with a deep filter, and this filter is enough to block all unfriendly interpretations.

  Seeing the smile on the face of the captain, Duke Galava was moved, as if he had found a soulmate.

  Without hesitation, after hearing Benoit’s question, he immediately made an indignant expression and complained.

  ”I don’t want to trouble you for such a small matter, but the Alliance is really bullying! I have never seen such a shameless guy. They don’t admit what is written in the newspaper, and they pretend to be deaf and dumb and don’t care about it… What’s the difference between this and robbery!” Is there

  any need to say this?

  Benoit had no objection to this.

  The Iron Heart was floating in the sky on the outskirts of Dawn City. Nothing could better prove the shamelessness of these guys. He asked the Alliance for it more than once, but those people had no intention of returning it at all, and even showed it off as a trophy.

  ”Indeed,” Benoit nodded in agreement, and couldn’t help cursing, “Those uneducated barbarians don’t know what courtesy and humility are… So, my friend, what did they do to you?”

  Duke Galava clenched his fists in anger.

  ”They took in the Moon Tribe!”

  ”…Moon, Moon Tribe?” Benoit was stunned and asked subconsciously, “What is that?”

  In his cognition, there are only the Weilants and others in this world, plus at most an unintelligent clone that grows eight times faster.

  What are the Moon Tribe?

  Survivors on the moon?

  Understanding the confusion on the face of Captain Benoit, Duke Galava patiently explained.

  ”The Moon Tribe are the sinners of the Xilan Empire. The Moon God they believe in conspired to kill the Sun-carrying Bull according to the prophecy of our prophet, causing the scorching sun to fall into the end of the Eternal Flowing River, and light has since sunk in the land of the Borneo Province… All of them owe sins for the next life, and must pay them back with suffering in this life. Only in this way can they enter reincarnation with a new identity in the next life.”

  ”You should have seen those people. Most of the slaves sold from Borneo Province to the West Coast are Moon Tribe…”

  Bennott was confused by the first half of the story, and it was not until he heard the latter part that he suddenly realized as if he had just woken up from a dream.

  It turned out to be those guys.

  He had seen those slaves with thin noses, and even kept two in his manor.

  Although the skeleton is smaller than that of the Willant people and the body is not as good, it is quite interesting to drive…

  ”Mr. Benoit?”

  Seeing that Benoit seemed to be distracted, Duke Galava kindly reminded him.

  Immediately realizing the loss of his expression, Benoit quickly recovered from his distraction and coughed.

  ”So… they took your slaves? What a bunch of unreasonable bastards!”

  ”That’s right! These unreasonable bastards!”

  Duke Galava looked at him with sharp eyes, clenched his fists, and continued indignantly.

  ”I must say that these guys who call themselves the Alliance are simply a cancer on this planet. They robbed everywhere and did all kinds of evil, but they shamelessly shouted that the survivors should unite… We can’t let them continue to make trouble. We must join hands to do something! Eradicate this cancer once and for all!”

  Benoit’s expression was quite happy, but when he heard the last sentence, he almost choked to death by his own saliva.

  Some things can be said behind closed doors. If they really start fighting, it’s no joke.

  Although he has no doubt that the Legion has the strength to wipe the alliance off the map, it’s hard to say how the academy and the enterprise will react.

  Except for those crazy people who support the eastward expansion, few people are willing to fight a war that has no benefits, especially this war may drag them into an abyss that is bottomless.

  What’s more, the marshal sent him here to seek cooperation, not to let him turn the table.

  Looking at the Duke of Galawa with a gleaming look, the captain Benoit, who was still fanning the flames a second ago, suddenly felt that he should pour some cold water on this guy’s head.

  Don’t make this guy so crazy that he forgets his last name.

  ”Mr. Galawa, I admit that these blue coats are undoubtedly the cancer of this planet. If they die suddenly one day, it will be an honor for all mankind… However, it is not the time yet. Before resolving the secondary contradictions, we must first resolve the main contradictions.”

  Looking at the Duke of Galawa, whose face was flushed and gradually turned into confusion, Benoit coughed lightly and said.

  ”… And it’s just a few slaves who escaped. Why bother with them? Just treat them as lost.”

  In his impression, slaves in the province of Borneo were very cheap, maybe only 1,000 dinars, or even less than 1,000.

  Even if a thousand were stolen, it would only be a million dinars. What’s the point of this

  little money? Seeing that the captain obviously didn’t understand the point of the problem, the Duke of Galawa became anxious, and his two mustaches trembled up and down with excitement.

  ”Wait, Mr. Benoit, it’s not a matter of a few slaves! Those guys are the face of the empire! And if we don’t let the escaped slaves receive the punishment they deserve, won’t everyone follow their example in the future!”

  Benoit looked at him with a smile and said.

  ”My friend… Duke friend, you are known as the Thousand Clan Thousand Gods, so what if you let them be?”

  Looking at the Duke of Galawa who wanted to say something, he continued to speak without stopping.

  ”Of course, the face you mentioned is indeed a problem. If the gun is not straight, the waist cannot be straight, but these are actually easy to deal with. They lack respect for you, isn’t it because you are too weak… Please forgive me for speaking more directly, but you also know that those guys are robbers, and the nature of robbers is to be soft and afraid of hard. If you want them to respect you, you must be tougher than them!”

  Upon hearing this, the Duke of Galava was immediately unhappy.

  What a joke?

  The Xilan Empire at least owns the territory of a province. How can a mere alliance compete with them?

  ”Mr. Benoit, are you kidding? I admit that we are sometimes more restrained, but we are by no means weak, at least we are definitely not comparable to an alliance with a little bit of a booger!”

  Seeing the unconvinced expression of the Duke of Galava, Captain Benoit grabbed his shoulder and said earnestly.

  ”I know, I admit that you are very brave, but whether you believe it or not, this is the fact. But it’s not your fault. After all, they have the support of enterprises and colleges, while you have nothing. It’s not fair to compare you.”

  Looking at the still unhappy Duke of Galava, Benoit suddenly changed the subject and continued.

  ”But it doesn’t matter. You could only rely on yourself before, but now we, the Legion, are standing behind you! We can also give you the help that the college and enterprises give them, and I believe that with our help, you will soon have the strength to stand on equal footing with the Alliance. It’s not very difficult.”

  Hearing this, the Duke of Galava’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he excitedly shook Benoit’s hand.

  ”Thank you so much… My friend, it’s our honor that you are willing to stand with us! I can swear to the God of White Elephants that we will do our best to cooperate with you! So… How are you going to help us?”

  Looking at the grateful look of the Duke of Galava, Benoit showed a happy smile on his face.

  He had actually thought about this matter a long time ago, but he just hadn’t found the opportunity to bring it up.

  And now, there is no doubt that this is the golden opportunity.

  ”We can introduce you to a man, a captain of ten thousand men from a famous family, his name is McLen. Unlike a civilian like me, he is a real officer, and he is the kind who came from the battlefield.”

  ”More than that, he has a grudge against the alliance just like you, and he hates the blue gophers more than anyone else. As long as you have this idea, I can help you make a connection and let him go to the Borneo Province as a military advisor to help you build a strong and combat-ready iron army according to the standards of the legion! We can even donate you some equipment that we don’t need for the time being!”

  Anyway, the Eastward Expansionists don’t need those equipment.

  If those scraps can be used, it would be a good thing.

  And Benoit can be sure that McLen will not refuse, and he may even take the initiative to volunteer to go to Borneo Province to be the instructor.

  The Duke of Galawa was overjoyed when he heard this, and excitedly shook Benoit’s hand tightly.

  ”Thank you! Thank you so much!”

  Benoit smiled and shook his hand back.

  ”You’re welcome. You are our important trading partner and strategic partner. I like your female—ah, spices very much! May our friendship last forever!”

  Duke Galawa laughed.

  ”May our friendship last forever! I’ll send some to your house later!”

  After some polite words, Benoit finally sent this troublesome guy away, turned around and took a tissue from the table and wiped his hands with disdain.

  What bad luck.

  He was a captain of ten thousand men, but he had to shake hands with a goat that appeared out of nowhere.

  At this moment, a sigh came from behind, causing Benoit’s neck to stiffen involuntarily. Then he turned around angrily, staring at the direction of the door with an unhappy look.

  ”Even if you are the Marshal’s guard… you shouldn’t eavesdrop on my conversation with the imperial envoy.”

  Standing at the door of the tent, Quick looked at Benoit indifferently, not taking his emotions to heart at all.

  As a guard, he was only loyal to the marshal and was only responsible to the marshal. Regardless of his rank, he did not need to bow to anyone.

  ”It took a lot of effort for the Eastward Expansionists to behave themselves. The marshal will not be satisfied with your approach.”

  Benoit’s expression was a little stiff. Although he did not want to explain more nonsense, he still spoke patiently when he thought of the identity of the adjutant.

  ”McClan is not a fool. He has been in the Alliance for half a year. He knows very well that those guys are not easy to mess with, and what to do and what not to do. I think he knows his limits… All we need to do is to arm our allies, not to let them really fight the Alliance. Don’t you want us to have more bargaining chips? Or do you want to see us being led by the nose by the Alliance?”

  Quick asked calmly.

  ”What if he can’t grasp the limits?”

  Benoit replied bluntly.

  ”Then let him roll back. What can he do as an instructor? That idiot is not Griffin. He is a waste with high aspirations but low skills. At best, he can sleep with a few girls in the harem of that emperor. Can he turn the province of Boro upside down?”

  Hearing the name Griffin, Quick frowned slightly, his eyes were a little complicated.

  However, that hint of complicated emotions was only for a moment.

  He stared at Benoit intently, with a hint of warning in his solemn tone.

  ”His Majesty the Marshal attaches great importance to this meeting. I hope you know this anyway. Especially when it comes to the issue of the ‘main contradiction’, you’d better not mess it up.”

  Facing the pair of turbid pupils, Benoit couldn’t help but feel a little panic in his heart, although that panic soon turned into annoyance.

  Why should he be afraid of a centurion?

  ”I will always be loyal to His Majesty the Marshal, and you don’t need to remind me!”

  Quick shrugged his shoulders, without making any comments, and just turned to the door.

  However, just as he reached out to lift the curtain and was about to leave the tent, he suddenly stopped and threw down a meaningful sentence.

  ”Everyone of you said so.”

  ”I really hope you really think so.”

  Benoit was stunned.

  When he came to his senses, the adjutant named Quick had already left…


  On the north bank of the Baiyue Strait, the thriving French Fry Port, the warm sea breeze blew the waves onto the beach, and was divided into two halves by a pier extending to the deep water area.

  In the sea not far from the dock, the power animals sitting on the small wooden boats were working hard to drive aluminum alloy pipes as thick as their arms into the seabed.

  These pipes were just pulled from Dawn City by the Niu Ma airship and used to build a fence to separate the beach from the deep water.

  After that, they would pour sand into these aluminum alloy pipes and pull a net made of devil silk between them to encircle the waters near the port.

  As if they had sensed that their living space was being deprived, the alien species active in the sea began to stir, attacking the small boats floating on the water from time to time, and people fell into the water every now and then.

  But even so, it still couldn’t stop the determination of these animals.

  ”Brothers, work harder! For the bikini in the sun!”


  Looking at the sea in the distance in amazement, Rourou opened his mouth blankly, and it took a long time for him to squeeze out a sentence without a beginning or an end.

  ”…Are these guys crazy?”

  Tail, who was standing aside, hugged his arms and nodded his chin with a look of deep approval.

  ”Oh! She must have gone crazy.”

  She was forced to wear a maid outfit for three days, and she almost got a heat stroke from the long skirt that looked like a bed sheet.

  These days, she finally changed into shorts with a small vest, and she felt alive again.

  Perhaps the aliens in the sea were attracted to the small wooden boats of the power-type animals, so that there were almost no aliens on the beach. On

  the reef beach not far away, some Moon Clan girls carrying baskets were collecting oysters attached to the reefs with daggers and awls, while others were squatting by the faucet not far from the beach to wash clothes.

  Speaking of which, time flies so fast.

  If it weren’t for the Niu Ma airship that came back, she wouldn’t even notice that a week had passed since the Rou Rou docked at the French Fries Port!

  It is worth mentioning that although Wei Wei felt that this week seemed to have passed in a daze, a lot of things did happen in this ever-changing settlement.

  First of all, the interior of the camp.

  The large piece of land that was originally empty in the east has now become a row of wooden shacks.

  Although these crudely built houses lacked in appearance, they could provide shelter from the wind and rain.

  In addition, smoked fish and drying furs were hung at the door of every household.

  Helping players deal with prey and fish has become the main source of income for most Moon Clan girls

  in French Fries Port. Some girls who are good at farming contracted farmland in the northwest of the South District under the leadership of Granny Sangru.

  Baiyue Province Development Co., Ltd. will be responsible for ensuring the safety of farmland, clearing the rainforest, and providing farmers with seeds of high-yield crops and some auxiliary farming equipment.

  And the price they need to pay is only half of the output of farmland and orchards.

  For them who have never owned their own land, this condition is so generous that many people did not believe it at first.

  It was not until they learned that the tail who led them out of the cage was also a member of the board of directors of Baiyue Company that they put aside their concerns and pressed their fingerprints on the contract.

  In addition to engaging in agriculture and handicrafts, some young, beautiful and well-built girls have entered the service industry, doing jobs that most players are unwilling to do.

  Thanks to this, the originally empty camp has become bustling.

  Not only have save points, stalls and shops added interactive NPCs, but the “one-person tavern” criticized by countless players has finally become the “Yiren Tavern”.

  Not only are there a group of hot and pleasing waiters here, but the boss Yi’s hands have been completely liberated.

  And the customers who are God no longer have to work part-time as tea servers, water servers and dish washers…

  The sun sets from the east to the west, and another fulfilling day has passed in the blink of an eye.

  As usual, watching the setting sun, Yiren asked the girls in the tavern to put the tables and chairs on the beach, ready to start today’s business.

  However, just when everyone had just moved the chairs out, they saw a speedboat with a federal flag parked at the dock.

  The NPC named Muda jumped off the speedboat first and walked towards the tavern with two sailors.

  I haven’t seen this guy for a long time, and Yiren couldn’t help but feel a little strange. She looked at the three people approaching and shouted with a smile.

  ”Do you want anything?”

  Muda didn’t say much nonsense. He reached out and took out a telegram from his arms and took a look. After confirming that this was the place, he looked at the boss-like man in front of him and asked.

  ”Is there someone named Sisi here?”

  Yiren was stunned for a moment, but she had heard of this name.

  ”What do you want to see her for?”

  Muda continued to speak concisely.

  ”She asked me to meet here, and now I’m here, please tell her for me-”

  Before he finished speaking, a not-so-familiar voice came from not far away.

  ”I’m here.”

  The three of them immediately looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a girl carrying a rifle and a bazooka walking from the direction of the camp.

  The sea breeze blowing in their faces brought a smell of blood, and her coat was covered with a few tufts of animal hair and blood that had not yet dried.

  Not only did Muda look at her strangely, but even the two sailors beside him were shocked.

  But Boss Yiren was no longer surprised by this scene, and instead smiled and greeted.

  ”A good harvest today?”

  ”Not bad, I didn’t expect there would be mutant brown bears in this tropical rainforest,” Sisi replied casually, leaning the rifle and bazooka on the table next to him as a seat, and then gestured four fingers to Boss Yiren, “Two bottles of beer and two bottles of orange juice, with ice cubes. My teammate went to hand in the materials and will be here soon.”

  ”Okay.” Yiren made an OK gesture and turned to the direction of the open-air bar.

  Listening to the language that he couldn’t understand at all, Muda was about to ask what the telegram meant when a clean and tidy envelope was handed to him.

  Looking at the envelope, his eyebrows slightly raised and he reached out to take it.

  ”What is this?”

  Sisi said concisely.

  ”Someone asked me to give you a letter.”


  ”You’ll know after you read it.”

  Muda glanced at Sisi and opened the envelope doubtfully.

  And almost at the moment he looked at the contents of the letter, the face that was peeling due to the sun immediately became serious.

  Holding the letter in his hand, he stared at the woman in front of him and asked word by word.

  ”Where is he?”

  Sisi said nonchalantly.

  ”Dawn City.”

  Hearing this answer, Muda was stunned.

  ”River Valley Province?!”

  Looking at this stunned NPC, Sisi nodded and continued in a very soft voice.

  ”Yes…Commissioned by that gentleman, we plan to restart the investigation of the ocean current power station incident in the southern waters.”

  Hearing the words “ocean current power station”, Muda showed a surprised look, took her to the side, and lowered his voice to a level that only the two of them could hear.

  ”…Ocean current power station? What’s the point of investigating that thing now? It’s been more than two months. Even if you find something, it can’t change the current situation.”

  Sisi smiled faintly.

  ”How do you know if you don’t try?”

  Muda stared at her for a while, and after a long time, he slowly spoke.

  ”What do you need me to do?”

  ”It’s very simple. You just need to cover me to get there. We will handle the rest of the work ourselves.”

  Muda’s expression gradually became strange, and he glanced at the freighter parked at the dock.

  ”Cover you? How are you going to get there? Drive that thing?”

  ”Of course not, follow me.”

  Sisi smiled mysteriously, threw down this sentence, and turned to walk towards the camp not far away.

  Muda glanced at the two sailors standing not far away, signaled them with his eyes to wait for him at the door of the tavern, and then followed her alone.

  With this NPC into the camp, Sisi went straight to the warehouse area not far from the beach and came to a warehouse made of iron sheds.

  ”It’s here.”

  Muda narrowed his eyes and followed her footsteps into the warehouse.

  And when he saw the drum-shaped submarine parked in the warehouse, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

  ”Have you been in contact with the people in Shelter No. 70?”

  Sisi looked at him nonchalantly and said, not caring about his right hand that unconsciously touched the holster on his waist.

  ”So? Have you changed your mind?”

  Muda was silent for a long time, and finally moved his hand from the holster and spoke slowly.

  ”… At ten o’clock tonight, you follow under my boat and I will take you there.”

  Hearing this promise, Sisi finally showed a happy smile on his face.


  ”You’re welcome. That’s all I can do.”

  As he spoke, Muda took another look at the submarine parked in the warehouse.

  The scratches and wounds on the metal shell were obviously not left by the depth charges and torpedoes of the Federation Fleet.

  Although he didn’t think the truth was of any use, his intuition told him that he might be able to find out something this time…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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