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Chapter 685 The Truth That Sinks to the Bottom of the Sea

Chapter 685 The Truth That Sinks to the Bottom of the Sea

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 685 The truth of the sinking to the bottom of the sea

  The night was deep, and the sea was turbulent.

  Muda, standing on the bow of the speedboat, was staring at the red and green light spots in the distance that rose and fell with the waves, and his eyes were filled with memories.

  About two months ago, it was still a peaceful and tranquil scene there. The orange-yellow drums rose and fell with the waves of the ocean currents, emitting sparkling light in the sun, just like the wheat fields growing on the sea. The waves that rose and fell were its swaying golden color.

  But now, the magnificent golden color has become history, just like the disappeared city of Shilong.

  The scattered metal parts and burst pipelines sank into the sea together. The generators were like wild horses that had broken free from their reins, and were washed to pieces by the surging waves and disappeared in the endless sea.

  Sometimes, Muda couldn’t help but think.

  Perhaps humans are just such unrepentant animals, constantly repeating the mistakes they have made more than once, repeating the cycle of destruction and rebirth again and again, and finally missing the good old days after everything is irreversible.

  Perhaps –

  the Torch Church’s claims are not entirely wrong.

  If you want to eradicate the bad roots in human nature, you can only delete those despicable traits from your genes, so as to ascend to another higher creature.

  Thoughts drifted away with the sea breeze, and Muda estimated that the time was almost up, so he took out the walkie-talkie and pressed the button.

  ”This is the marine patrol, we are about to pass through the blockade area… request to be released.”

  A noisy electric current sound came from the walkie-talkie, and a rude voice followed by a long yawn.

  ”Patrol? What are you doing here?”

  Muda said concisely.

  ”We tracked an abnormal sonar signal. Just in case, we came over here to take a look.”

  ”Okay, do you need reinforcements?”

  ”Not necessary for now.”

  ”Okay, then keep in touch. If you need reinforcements, we’ll be there soon.”

  Echo in the communication channel had a relaxed tone, and was even crunching potato chips. He had no doubts about what he said.

  It seems that after more than two months, the brothers patrolling in this area have finally relaxed.

  But it’s no wonder.

  This ocean current power station has been destroyed. There is no need for the submarines in Shelter No. 70 to launch another attack on a facility that has already been destroyed once.

  After a short exchange, Muda, who was relieved, hung up the communication, wiped the sweat on his forehead, then switched the communication channel of the walkie-talkie and said in a low voice.

  ”…The target is just below the buoy in front. This is all I can help you with. You’d better not stay too long. I can only wait for you for fifteen minutes at most.”

  A moment later, Echo came from the walkie-talkie.

  ”Got it, thank you.”

  ”You’re welcome, good luck.”

  After saying that, Muda waved his hand, signaling the driver in the cabin to continue heading northwest and cruise around the buoy not far away.

  The sailor standing behind Muda, carrying a rifle, hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn’t help but speak.

  ”…Why should we help them?”

  This kind of thing is not without risk.

  If the Federation Navy finds out that they are covering a Shelter No. 70 model submarine into the wreckage of the ocean current power station, then no matter how they explain it, they may not be able to explain it clearly.

  Staring at the dark tide, Muda actually didn’t understand why he agreed to help.

  The Federation has already defined the attack, and the conflict between the survivors of the islands and Shelter No. 70 is far more than just a power station.

  Even if those guys from the Alliance find some new clues, he doesn’t think those clues can change anything.

  It’s just a fuse.

  But –

  he still wants to know what the truth is.

  Maybe there is another possibility of one in ten thousand.

  After a long silence in the noisy sea breeze, he slowly spoke.

  ”This is not just to help them.”

  ”It’s also to help ourselves.”

  The sailor looked at the officer’s back blankly, not knowing what to say for a long time…


  At the same time, directly below the speedboat, a drum-shaped submersible was turning its propeller and slowly moving towards the facilities sunk on the seabed.

  This submersible was the one that Huang Guangwei had stranded on the beach before.

  The researchers of the scientific expedition team not only helped to repair the damaged power system and simplify the operation module, but also installed harpoon launchers, underwater grenade launchers and other underwater weapon systems that were airlifted from Dawn City to French Fries Port at the request of Sis.

  Since they have not been tested in actual combat, even the researchers who installed these weapons on the submersibles are not sure whether these things can work.

  However, considering that this mission may encounter attacks from aquatic mutants lurking under the sea, Sis chose to bring them.

  At the same time, she was praying silently in her heart-

  hoping that these guys would not be used in this mission.

  ”It’s really spectacular here…”

  Sitting in the cockpit, Sisi turned on the searchlight of the submersible, followed the camera’s movement, and carefully examined the metal wreckage that was close at hand.

  I saw a ring with a diameter of more than ten meters deeply embedded in the seabed. In the middle of the ring was a huge metal impeller. At this moment, these impellers, like the metal brackets outside, were entangled by out-of-control cables, like a sunken ship dragged by seaweed.

  This should be the submarine turbine generator of the ocean current power station, and the floating generator floating on the sea surface, which is now washed away to an unknown place, should belong to a different power system.

  There are more than a dozen similar turbine generators nearby, and this is just the part she can see at present.

  Countless metal wreckage is scattered on the rocky seabed, and colorful fish occasionally pass through under the dark shadows.

  This place doesn’t look like the wreckage of a power station, but like an underwater city sunk to the bottom of the sea.

  Looking at the area illuminated by the searchlight, the tail sitting in the co-pilot seat opened his mouth in surprise, and occasionally let out an incredible cry.

  ”Oh my god…”

  Such realistic light and shadow effects!

  Such flowing texture details!

  And this CG-level scene modeling!

  It’s simply amazing!

  It was a pity that VM had no signal, otherwise she really wanted to share the scenery here with Zhimahu and Rourou who stayed on the shore, as well as everyone on the forum.

  ”A weak current was detected outside the submersible. It seems that a few generators are still working… No wonder no alien species were seen here.”

  After taking a look at the alarm jumping on the central control screen, Sisi operated the searchlight and camera to move to the left side of the submersible, and quickly locked onto an area where there were no fish activities.

  That was probably the source of the leakage.

  Marking the area on the map, Sisi pointed at the screen with her index finger while comparing the machine-translated instructions, re-set a safe route, and controlled the submersible to carefully bypass the area and continue to move towards the target.

  According to the information provided by the resident of Shelter No. 70, the NPC of the scientific expedition not only helped to draw a three-dimensional model of the wreckage of the ocean current power station, but also prepared the exploration path and data collection plan in advance, greatly reducing the amount of manual operation.

  After arriving at the target area, she only needed to make some improvisational fine-tuning of the route according to the situation on the scene.

  This task was actually very easy.

  So much so that she was thinking that after exploring the ruins, she could go to the coordinates of the sinking of the “Golden Coast” research vessel.

  Unlike Sisi, who always has something to do, Wei, who is sitting in the co-pilot seat, is looking out the window of the cockpit with excitement, as if he wants to weld his face and nose to the window.

  She doesn’t look nervous at all, she doesn’t look like an investigator on a stealth mission, but more like a tourist who comes here for sightseeing.

  It wasn’t until the submersible drove under a turbine generator that she suddenly remembered the ongoing mission and looked at Sisi excitedly.

  ”By the way, Si! How do we investigate next?”

  Sisi took a deep breath and said, staring at the three-dimensional map model on the central control screen and the green dot indicating the current position of the submersible.

  ”It’s very simple. Arrive at the designated area on the map, release the detector, wait for data collection, and then recover the detector.”

  ”Huh?!” Wei Ba looked at Si Ba in surprise, “Is it that simple?”

  ”Not really, there are a lot of dangers here… Isn’t it a good thing to keep it simple? Why are you so disappointed?”

  Si Ba glanced at Wei Ba hastily, looking at this guy with a face full of regret, he couldn’t help but make a helpless expression.

  Meeting that helpless gaze, Wei Ba scratched the back of his head with his hand, and smiled embarrassedly,

  ”No way! Keeping it simple is of course a good thing, but if that’s the case… wouldn’t we even need to leave the cabin?”

  Si Ba said after thinking for a moment.

  ”Probably not.”


  Wei’s face showed a deeply shocked expression. He looked at Sisi pitifully and repeatedly confirmed, “But… is it really okay if we don’t check it carefully? What if there are any clues hidden in the belly of the fish or behind the reefs-”

  ”How could there be such a thing?” Looking at this whimsical guy, Sisi couldn’t help but complain, “Do you think this is a crime scene in a detective novel?”

  For nearly two and a half months, the South Islands Federation must have conducted a careful investigation and search of this sea area.

  In this case, it is unrealistic to expect to find any new clues that were missed by the Federation Navy. The most likely clues are those that seem ordinary.

  For example, the operating data of the power station, etc.

  The alliance’s scientific expedition team is best at digging out clues from massive amounts of data. If there are any suspicious clues, they can see them at a glance.

  After learning that there was no need to go out of the cabin to investigate, Wei suddenly sat listlessly in the co-pilot seat like a deflated ball.

  Sisi glanced at her with his peripheral vision and couldn’t help asking.

  ”… After all, this is more than a hundred meters deep in the sea. Aren’t you afraid at all?”

  Wei Ba looked at her strangely and tilted his head.


  ”For example…thalassophobia or something.”

  Looking at Si Si who was staring at the central control screen, Wei Ba seemed to have guessed something vaguely, and a mischievous smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  ”Oh! Wei Ba understands! Si Si’s weakness is the seabed!”

  ”What kind of weakness is this? And how is it possible… What’s there to be afraid of?”

  Si Si was stunned for a moment, and the rebuttal almost came out of her mouth, but the motionless eyes glued to the central control screen seemed unconvincing.

  It was rare to see a good friend showing such an embarrassed look, and Wei Ba’s teasing smirk on his face became more and more obvious, and the corners of his mouth were raised more and more unconcealed.

  ”Then take a look out the window!”

  Si Si refused immediately without thinking.

  ”I don’t want it, it’s the same as looking at the screen.”

  ”Just take a look!”

  ”Okay, okay… stop messing around, Awei, we’re here, it’s time to get down to business!”

  As she spoke, Sisi glanced at the parameters in the upper left corner of the central control screen and hurriedly pressed the button to launch the detector.

  A metal ball the size of a basketball was ejected from the belly of the submersible, and flew towards the metal wreckage more than ten meters away with a fuse.

  The metal ball was getting closer and closer to the interface, and it was about to get close.

  However, at this moment, something embarrassing happened.

  The metal ball floating forward suddenly stopped and was pulled by the stretched fuse.

  Sisi’s expression froze, and she hurriedly looked at the parameters on the central control screen, and said in her heart, “Oh no.”

  The distance is still a little short…

  Just when she was about to operate the submersible to get closer, a sudden surge of ocean current blew the detector with the data cable upwards and hung on a propeller blade that was tilted on the metal wreckage.

  The detector with the lead attached to it was like a pendulum, making several circles on the propeller blade, and the lead attached to it was completely entangled on the blade.

  This time it was more than just a little bit off.

  Noticing the gradually solemn expression on Sisi’s face, Wei put away his joking expression and asked carefully.

  ”Si, what happened?”

  ”Nothing, a small problem. I made a mistake just now and the detector got stuck on the blade. Someone has to go and take it off the blade… Wei, wait here for me.”

  After all, you have to clean your own butt

  . After taking a look at the deep darkness outside the cockpit, Sisi swallowed his saliva and reached for the seat belt with gritted teeth. It

  ’s actually not that scary…

  She muttered to herself, trying to convince herself that everything around her was just a game model, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

  Just when she finally made up her mind to unbuckle her seat belt, she saw that Tail had stood up from her seat, opened the metal cabinet in the cockpit, and took out the fully enclosed deep-sea diving suit inside. It

  took less than a minute to put on the diving suit, and Tail gave Sisi a thumbs up with full enthusiasm.

  ”It’s OK to remove the detector from the blade, right? Leave it to Tail!”

  The guy was like he was in a hurry to go swimming, and it was no problem to replace his decompression diving suit with a lifebuoy.

  Sisi stared at her blankly, and after a long while, he whispered.

  ”…Are you okay?”

  Tail grinned.

  ”It’s a small matter!”

  After saying that, she backed into the buffer tank, made a salute playfully, and closed the gate of the buffer field neatly.

  The seawater pouring into the cabin filled the buffer tank, and then the outer door slowly opened outward.

  Exhaling a long string of bubbles, Tail, wearing a thick diving suit, stood by the hatch and kicked his legs, slowly floated out of the cabin, and approached the detector wrapped around the turbine blades.

  This job is really not that difficult.

  It can even be said that you can do it with your hands.

  However, Sisi, who was sitting in the cockpit, couldn’t help but sweat for Awei.

  The deep darkness was like the bloody mouth of a monster. I don’t know why this thick-skinned guy is not afraid at all.

  Just as she was thinking so, a full of energy voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Oh! It’s been untied… Si! What’s next?”

  Sisi came back to her senses from her daze and quickly stretched out her index finger and pointed at the central control screen.

  ”Ah, just move the detector to the interface. I sent you the location.”

  ”Got it!”

  After confirming the location of the interface through the visual window of the helmet eyepiece, Tail clamped the detector under his elbow, and then started the small propeller installed on the back of the diving suit with a whoosh, and swam towards the marked position.

  It was a terminal welded on a metal bracket.

  The screen was out of order, but the wiring was still intact.

  Tail moved the detector closer, and soon two mechanical arms stretched out from the side of the metal sphere, grabbed the terminal, and fixed themselves on it like a spider.

  Next, just let it do it on its own.

  Tail let go of his hand and floated back a short distance, watching the little guy connected to the terminal operate and connect the wire that was originally connected to the terminal screen to his round body.

  Sisi, who was sitting in the cockpit, breathed a sigh of relief and said as he looked at the progress bar on the central control screen.

  ”Data transmission is in progress… It will take about 5 minutes, Awei, how is your situation?”

  Tail, floating next to the detector, waved his arms vigorously towards the bright searchlight, and then a dull voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Oh! Everything is normal, and it’s so quiet here!”

  Sisi said worriedly, always feeling that there was something bad hidden in the dark waters.

  ”The detector is connected… Ah Wei, why don’t you come back first?”

  ”Don’t worry, I’ll wait for the data to be transmitted. What if something unexpected happens?”

  ”It shouldn’t be that serious.” Sisi swallowed unconsciously while speaking.

  However, the subtle pause was heard by someone on the other end of the communication channel. A

  mischievous smile suddenly appeared on his face, and Wei said with a mischievous smile.

  ”Eh? Could it be that Sisi is scared?”

  Sisi was stunned for a moment, and his face flushed the moment he reacted.

  ”What are you talking about, me, what am I afraid of!”

  Weisi, who touched the heavy decompression helmet with his right hand and leaned against the metal bracket, rubbed his chin with his index finger.

  ”It’s a bit strange, Sisi, who works in the morgue, is actually afraid of something!”

  ”What morgue! I’m in the pathology department!”

  Listening to the voice coming from the communication channel, Sisi explained with a smile, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a sudden alert cry.

  ”Si! There’s something under you!”

  Sisi was slightly stunned, and quickly sat up from the chair.

  ”Are you kidding? Don’t joke at this time!”

  ”No, I’m serious, it seems that there is really something there… Also, look around with your searchlight, don’t keep it on me!”

  Almost at the moment when Ah Wei’s voice fell, a slight tremor passed through the bottom of the submarine and climbed up to her ankles from far to near.

  Sisi was suddenly startled, and she seemed to realize that this mistake should not have happened. She quickly pressed the searchlight and shone it directly below the submarine.

  The beam of light was like a sharp sword piercing through the darkness, piercing into a dark abyss.

  Just when she illuminated the abyss, she found an amber pupil hidden in a huge rock basin, staring at her intently.

  The eye was as big

  as a truck. Gray-black tentacles as thick as buckets floated behind it, like vines wrapped around a wall, crawling all over the rocky seabed.

  When did this guy move here? !


  it has always been there!

  A bone-deep chill climbed up Sisi’s back.

  The fear of the deep sea and the tentacles overlapped, causing her heart to stop beating for a moment.

  The tremors coming through the cabin became stronger and stronger, and the seawater around the submersible seemed to be boiled.

  She knew –

  that was the silent roar of this deep-sea monster!

  ”My giao! Tentacle monster?!”

  The sound of the tail startled Sisi suddenly, and she shouted loudly almost as a conditioned reflex.

  ”Awei! Protect the detector!”

  As she said this, she decisively cut off the towing rope between the submersible and the detector, regardless of the progress bar that was already halfway through.

  Facts have proved that her judgment was correct.

  Almost at the moment she cut the towing rope, a whistling black shadow lashed the side of the submersible.

  The submersible hovering next to the wreckage instantly rolled out like a golf ball that was hit, and only stopped when it hit a metal bracket heavily.

  The metal bracket was bent by the collision, and the creaking sound of being overwhelmed came through the wall of the submersible, along with the muffled sound of falling on the top of the submersible.

  Shaking her groggy head, Sisi barely woke up from her coma, and with her remaining consciousness, she adjusted the output power of the power system to the maximum, and drove the submersible away from the dangerous area before the alloy structure above fell.

  Almost less than ten meters away, rolling mud spread not far behind the submersible, and the collapsed metal fragments slowly and firmly buried the reef below.

  If she hadn’t reacted quickly enough, I’m afraid she would have been in danger.


  Sisi leaned on the seat and panted, her chest heaving violently.

  Without time to hesitate, she stared at the central control screen with the signal light jumping wildly, and the searchlight and camera she operated quickly scanned the seabed below. While circling the north side of the ruins, she hurriedly searched for the trace of the sea monster.

  The guy seemed to have disappeared, and there was no trace.

  But Sis knew very well that the guy was definitely still nearby, and was hiding somewhere near the ruins of this power station!

  ”… Tail! Are you okay?”

  There was no answer in the communication channel.

  Scattered metal debris was everywhere, and there were cables floating around the turbine generator, forming a natural shielding field.


  Sis clenched her teeth and punched the armrest of the chair, then stretched out her index finger and tapped on the screen, resetting the route back to the center of the ruins.

  The data transmission has not been completed yet, and the original data is still stored in the detector.

  If it is transported bit by bit through the small water pipe of wireless transmission, the huge amount of data may take a long time to be transmitted.

  Not to mention the possible packet loss!

  The only way now is to get the detector back.

  As if sensing the movement on the seabed, at the same time she rushed back to the center of the ruins, the NPC named Muda sent a communication request.

  While staring at the dark seabed vigilantly, Sisi reached out and pressed the connect button.

  Almost as soon as the communication was connected, the roar of Zha Mai reached her ears.

  ”What are you doing?! Testing nuclear weapons?!”

  There was no time to talk nonsense with this guy, Sisi took a deep breath and said the key points.

  ”Monster! There is a…sea monster with many tentacles here! It’s somewhere under the ruins of the ocean current power station!”

  The other end of the communication channel was stunned for half a second.

  ”Sea monster?! How is it possible! Large alien species will not approach that area at all, and there are turbines working there-”

  Sisi: “That’s the problem! Because of the electric current, ordinary fish will not enter the ruins at all, but something forced the big guy to stay in it. I suspect it is almost starving to death… I think it is mental interference, what do you think?”

  Muda exclaimed.

  ”Mind interference?! How is it possible!”

  Sis: “No time to explain… The thing that controls that thing should be nearby. Do you have a way to locate other mind interference devices? If you can, it will be a great help!”

  Muda roared and shouted: “Don’t worry about the mind interference device first, just get up quickly!”

  Listening to the anxious voice of the NPC, Sis said calmly.

  ”My teammate is still down there, I can’t abandon her. And the detector… I must get that thing back, I have to get it back even if I die!”

  ”Are you crazy?! That’s our war! It’s ours! You don’t have to risk your life for it!”

  Muda, standing on the speedboat, widened his eyes, holding the walkie-talkie tightly in his right hand, and roared with all his strength.

  However, there was no echo on the other end of the communication channel, only deathly silence.

  The noisy waves were like rapid drumbeats, drowning the white foam that kept pouring out of the sea.

  He couldn’t understand.

  What on earth are these guys fighting for?

  The time they have known each other for less than half a month in total!

  And this short half month was not very pleasant.

  I don’t know how many people are waiting to see those people laugh at them, and I don’t know how many people wish they would get out of here immediately and go back to their wasteland.

  Muda gritted his teeth and tightly grasped the echoless intercom in his hand.

  What do you mean by ending the wasteland…

  Who the hell cares about that kind of thing!

  At least here, no one cares at all!

  After taking a deep breath, Muda suddenly seemed to have made up his mind and turned back to shout in the direction of the cockpit.

  ”Turn off the mind interference device!”

  The sailor standing in the cockpit was stunned.

  The mind interference device is their tool to drive away the aliens.

  If they turn off that thing, they are at risk of being overturned at any time.


  The sailor tried to dissuade him, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was shouted back by the chief.

  ”I said! Turn it off! Now!”

  ”Yes!” Facing the murderous gaze of the chief, the sailor did not dare to hesitate, and could only hurriedly turn off the mind interference device, and silently prayed in his heart that no aliens would target them.

  Muda walked into the cabin quickly, pushed him aside, and stared at the screen of the terminal.

  After the mind interference device was turned off, there was silence on the screen, as if it was broken.

  Muda held his breath and waited anxiously.

  At this moment, a barely detectable ripple suddenly appeared on the calm screen, just like a dragonfly flying over the water.

  The moment he saw the ripple, his heart flew to his throat.

  That was the signal of the mind interference device –

  really? !

  Not only Muda was shocked, but also the sailor standing next to him, with an incredible shock on his face.

  The only mind interference device within a radius of dozens of miles was on their speedboat.

  Where did the signal come from? !

  ”Lock its position!”

  Throwing down this sentence, Muda pushed open the door and walked out of the cockpit, shouting loudly to another sailor on the speedboat.

  ”Prepare depth charges!”

  Realizing the seriousness of the problem, the sailor swallowed his saliva and nodded quickly.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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