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Chapter 687: Small Boat for Big Boat

Chapter 687: Small Boat for Big Boat


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 687: Small Boat for Big Boat

  The submarine in Shelter No. 70 has a strong stealth capability, but it is not completely invisible after all.

  As Muda expected, after the destroyer of the Federal Navy arrived, it quickly locked the submarine under the sea and salvaged it.

  However, what Muda did not expect was that there was no one on the submarine.

  All signs indicate that the two pilots abandoned the submarine after the power system of the submarine was damaged.

  Logically, they should not be able to run far.

  The destroyer of the Federal Navy immediately sent a frogman team to embed in the deep sea search.

  But what puzzled everyone was that they searched for a full hour but found nothing.

  The two pilots seemed to be dissolved by the sea water and completely disappeared in this area of ​​water…

  ”There is something I need to know from you.”

  On the deck of the destroyer.

  An officer walked up to Muda, took out a recorder and opened it in front of him, and tapped the table in front of him with his index finger.

  ”Routine, cooperate.”

  ”Understood, ask.” Muda nodded and pulled out a chair to sit down.

  The officer also pulled out a chair and sat opposite him. At the same time, he took out a booklet from his pocket, opened it, took a look and asked.

  ”First of all, I want to know, this sea area is not your patrol area, why are you here?”

  Having thought of the excuse in advance, Muda answered calmly and calmly.

  ”I was on duty at the time. When searching the patrol area, I tracked an abnormal sonar signal. I followed that signal to this area. Regarding this, the brothers on duty in the nearby waters can testify for me. I applied for passage from them and reported the situation.”

  ”We have learned about it. It is indeed as you said… But there are still some doubts here.”

  The officer raised his sharp eyes and glanced at him, and continued meticulously.

  ”When we retrieved the communication records, we noticed that the friendly ships on duty nearby had proposed reinforcements to you in the communication. Why did you refuse?”

  Without revealing any flaws because of the suspicion in his eyes, Muda just shrugged his shoulders casually and said as a matter of course.

  ”Is there any need to ask this? Because we are not sure what it is. What if it is just a piece of garbage washed by the ocean current? If it were you, would you request reinforcements before figuring out the situation?” There

  is nothing wrong with this statement.

  No one wants to become the laughing stock of friendly troops because of a piece of garbage.

  The officer could not find fault, nodded, and continued to ask.

  ”So you used two 100-kilogram depth charges to confirm?”


  ”What a luxury… Why didn’t you report the situation to the nearby friendly ships before opening fire?”

  Muda sighed and said patiently.

  ”The enemy is right under your nose. If it were you, would you shoot first or report first? Could you please not ask such inexplicable questions? If you suspect that I have a problem, please point out my problem directly.” ”

  No, no, no, I don’t mean that, Lieutenant Muda, we don’t suspect you, you know this is just routine,” the officer waved his hands quickly, smiled and said to ease the atmosphere, “Then the last question… So you have confirmed that the submarine belongs to Shelter No. 70?”

  Muda stared at him meticulously and said seriously.

  ”I don’t need to confirm. At this time and this place, it appeared in our patrol area without any authorization and rejected our communication request. So we dropped bombs until they stopped completely… Fortunately, we were lucky. It only took two bombs to make them anchor. Unfortunately, you were still a step too late and let the people on top run away.”

  The officer sitting opposite him nodded and suddenly spoke.

  ”Do you know why they stopped?”

  ”I don’t know, and I’m not interested,” Muda looked at him expressionlessly, with a hint of impatience in his tone, “Besides, didn’t you say this was the last question?”

  ”Of course… I have asked all the formal questions, and the question just now was just out of my personal interest.”

  The officer put away the recorder and the booklet in his hand, smiled and stood up from the table and stretched out his right hand.

  ”Thank you for your cooperation.”

  Muda also stood up, shook his right hand and then let go.

  ”You’re welcome, did my answer pass?”

  ”Pass? You misunderstood, Mr. Muda, we didn’t doubt you. I said at the beginning that this was just a routine…” Putting the recorder in his pocket, the officer pointed to the booklet in his hand and said with a smile, “If there is any new situation, I will contact you again.”

  Muda nodded.

  ”Remember to bring my medal next time.”

  The officer laughed and patted his shoulder.

  ”That’s for sure! In addition, congratulations, this is at least a second-class merit!”

  After saying that, the officer turned and left.

  Watching the man turn away, Muda smacked his lips with a little regret.

  Only second-class.

  But –

  the merits and such don’t really matter.

  He just hopes that he won’t be fixed on the pillar of shame in history.

  Unsure who the traitor is and to what level of the federal authorities he has infiltrated, he finally chose to conceal part of the truth and didn’t tell everything.

  Including the radio communication with the submersible.

  Including the spherical detector that was hanging on the bottom of the speedboat with a fishing net, etc.

  He didn’t know if his choice was right, but he hoped that his future self would not regret today’s decision…

  At the same time, on the deck of the destroyer, a black single-rotor helicopter slowly landed on the spacious apron.

  Under the escort of two exoskeleton bodyguards, the Chief of Staff of the President, Navy and Chief of Staff, Chalas, stepped down from the helicopter and walked towards the oncoming captain of the destroyer with a serious expression.

  ”Mr. Charas? What brings you here?” Looking at the confidant beside the President, the captain extended his right hand from a distance and greeted him with a smile.

  ”What else could it be? Such a big thing happened, why didn’t you tell me immediately!”

  Seeing Charas’ unhappy expression, the captain put his hand back awkwardly and tried to explain.

  ”It’s just a submarine used for scientific research. Although we found some traces of modification on it, the modification was very crude and it’s not a big deal.”

  In his opinion, the chief of staff was really making a fuss.

  It was just a submarine from Shelter 70, not an offensive submarine, so there was no need to panic.

  Not to mention that there were no strategic facilities in the sea area where it appeared, only the ruins of an ocean current power station.

  This was even less worth panicking about.

  Charas narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the captain standing in front of him.

  ”Just a submarine?”

  The captain was slightly stunned, looked at him strangely, nodded and said.

  ”Of course, the submarine has been found, and our people are planning to dismantle it… Do you want to go to the scene to take a look?”

  ”Take me there.” Charas’ eyes moved slightly, nodded, and then followed the captain’s footsteps, moving from the apron to the stern of the destroyer.

  I saw a drum-shaped submarine being hung on the plywood by a hook.

  Several sailors wearing exoskeletons were holding a series of tools such as welding torches and cutters, ready to dismantle this guy.

  Seeing the thoughtful expression on the chief of staff’s face, the captain standing beside him couldn’t help but ask curiously.

  ”What is the submarine from Shelter 70 doing here?”

  Charas didn’t look at him, but just said casually.

  ”Who knows… Maybe it’s to cover up the evidence, or maybe it’s to take away something forgotten here.”

  ”This is a bit strange,” the captain looked at the submarine thoughtfully, “If they intend to cover up the evidence… Why did they destroy it with great fanfare at the beginning? What’s the point of covering it up now? No one will believe them at all.”

  Logically speaking, this does make sense.

  What’s even stranger is that they found the body of a giant sea monster near this submarine.

  The shape of that guy is stranger than all the aliens they have seen, like a giant starfish, but it has more tentacles than an octopus.

  Based on the identification of the scars on the outer shell of the submarine, they can confirm that these injuries were left by the sea monster.

  As luck would have it, the depth charge dropped by the federal patrol on the submarine actually saved the lives of the pilots on the submarine.

  The bomb did not hit the submarine, but hit the sea monster chasing after the submarine.

  According to the patrol captain and the other two sailors on the speedboat, they did not know what the bomb they dropped hit.

  At present, the federal navy cannot determine whether the sea monster appeared in this sea area by chance or stayed there for some human factors.

  If it is the latter, it is a bit intriguing.

  As we all know, due to the fact that some damaged motors are still working, there are very few alien species active near the ruins of the ocean current power station.

  There is only one possibility to force alien species to stay in that area…

  a mind interference device.

  Only that thing can do it.

  However, to confirm this, the body of the alien species needs to be salvaged and dissected.

  Charas glanced at the captain indifferently, and then cast his eyes on the bumpy submarine.

  ”You have to ask Shelter No. 70. Maybe they thought they could win, but they found out halfway through that they overestimated themselves, so they decided to whitewash themselves and find a cheap scapegoat to take the blame. I don’t care what reason our enemies have for attacking us. I only care about how to send them to hell. And you, just do your job, Mr. Captain.”

  The captain stared at the chief of staff in a daze.

  Although he didn’t know why the chief of staff suddenly used such a serious tone, his intuition told him that the gentleman was not interested in the topic he raised, so he quickly ended the topic tactfully.

  ”Okay, I just find it strange… Please don’t mind it.”

  Charas looked at the captain meaningfully, said nothing, and turned back to the helicopter in the latter’s confused eyes.

  Two bodyguards wearing exoskeletons sat opposite him, saying nothing.

  ”Go back to North Island.”

  Throwing a word to the pilot, Charas leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes as if to rest.

  No one knew.

  The moment he closed his eyes, his consciousness was instantly pulled out of his body and escaped into a milky white space.

  An old man in a gray robe was standing in the center of the spotless white.

  His shoulders were bathed in holy light, and a soft power blurred the contours of his facial features, making him both majestic and friendly.

  To this guy who did not show his true face, Charas nodded slightly and offered his false piety.

  He was not one of those ignorant wastelanders, and he would not believe in those tricks.

  Strictly speaking, he did not believe in anyone, and he only believed in himself.

  But he had to admit that Torch did have some good things in his hands.

  For example, this “holy temple”.

  He only needed to close his eyes to communicate with his allies in the Seaside Province anytime and anywhere, and obtain necessary intelligence and other support from them.

  And the most important thing is that, unlike the previous “holy land” that only the dead can have, the “holy temple” as the second holy land can obtain eternity in it without giving up the human body.

  This means that as long as he can get his own temple, he can realize the eternity of the gods as a human!

  In front of the power of the gods, the power of mortals is too small.

  He longs more than anyone else to have that power and to obtain eternal power as an eternal person.

  It is precisely because of this that he, who has never had any faith, has become the most devout believer of the Torch Church in the southern waters, and loyally and firmly assists all the great plans of the Torch Church in the southern waters.

  ”Dear Mr. Pioneer… I have confirmed that it is just a submarine from Shelter No. 70. Our ships have intercepted it. You can rest assured.”

  After saying that, he stopped talking and waited quietly for the bishop to speak.

  Looking quietly at the old man in front of him who was not much younger than himself, Alzu pondered for a long time and slowly spoke.

  ”The guard is dead.”

  Having learned this from his subordinates, Charas answered respectfully.

  ”Don’t worry, we will deal with its body and no one will discover its secrets.”

  Alzu nodded slowly and continued.

  ”Shelter No. 70 is not worth mentioning, but you must be careful of the Alliance. Those people are not easy to deal with. I have seen a Forerunner fall in their hands… Unlike me who is attached to the flesh, that is a real Forerunner.”

  The Forerunners without entities are not reliable, but he must also admit that those invisible guys are different from himself. They are almost impossible to be physically eliminated.

  He does not think that the Alliance has the ability to shake his ideals. He is not the kind of person who changes his mind every day.

  But at the same time, he must admit that those guys are indeed not easy to deal with, even more difficult than enterprises and colleges.

  However, unlike Alzu who was afraid, Charas, the chief of staff of the federal president, just smiled faintly and said indifferently.

  ”Please rest assured, I have been keeping an eye on them. Those people chose to camp in the Baiyue Strait. No matter what they are thinking, their fate is almost certain.”

  ”I hope so. We will have a battle with them sooner or later, but the later the better,” Alzu, wearing a gray robe, paused and continued, “I need your people to continue searching for the pilot of the submarine… Whether they find anything or not, they must be left in the sea.”

  Charas bowed and nodded again, and promised softly.

  ”Yes, sir.”


  Just as the Federal Navy expanded the search range and carried out a carpet search within a radius of ten nautical miles, a nearly 200-meter-long nuclear-powered submarine was slowly sailing underwater in an uninhabited area about one hundred nautical miles away from the wreckage of the Ocean Current Power Station.

  Unlike the boiler-burning nuclear submarines of the 21st century, this “Dolphin” nuclear-powered submarine uses the second-generation controlled fusion technology, using helium-3 and deuterium that can be captured in the ocean as fusion fuel to provide cruising power.

  Although at the end of the prosperous era, the second-generation controlled nuclear fusion technology has almost been replaced by pure helium fusion with a simpler energy structure, but today, two centuries later, this technology is still quite advanced, at least much more advanced than the synthetic oil power system commonly used by the South Islands Federation Fleet.

  At this moment, neither Charas nor the more than 100 sailors on the destroyer knew that the person they were looking for had already escaped.

  And he slipped away from under their noses…

  The buffer room of the Dolphin submarine.

  The filled seawater gradually emptied out.

  Then the walls on both sides sprayed atomized detergent, and the extended spray gun blew out high-pressure airflow, washing away the algae and dust hanging on the deep-sea diving suits of the two visitors.

  Looking at the signal light above his head jumping green, Sisi and the tail beside him exchanged glances, and passed through the open gate one after the other. Opposite

  the gate was a narrow room of less than ten square meters. The long strip of partition window on the left side could see the unexpectedly spacious interior of the submarine.

  On both sides of the spacious space were suspended escalators and corridors, and in the center were long containers.

  Above the dome were hooks connected to the tracks, and several workers in work clothes were walking on the suspended corridors.

  Sis couldn’t help showing a hint of surprise on her face.

  She had never seen such a strange submarine, which completely overturned her inherent impression of submarines as a closed and narrow means of transportation.

  In the near distance, two men wearing exoskeletons stood on both sides of the door at the end of the room, holding assault rifles of the same model as the Federal Navy.

  However, the exoskeleton with a thick humerus structure did not look like a military model, but was somewhat similar to the exoskeletons used by the loading and unloading workers at the roundabout port. The temperament of these two people did not look like professional soldiers, but more like temporary security guards.

  In the middle of the two people, there was a man in a blue coat, who looked a bit majestic in his appearance and demeanor.

  Looking at the two divers coming towards him, the man simply introduced himself and extended his right hand.

  ”Welcome to the Dolphin, my name is Chen Jianhong, and I’m the captain of this submarine.”

  Sisi took off her helmet and tucked it under her armpit. She gently shook her messy hair and shook the hand that the man stretched out.

  ”Sisi, the one next to me is Tail. We are all residents of Shelter 404.”

  ”Oh! You can call me Awei!” Tail also took off his helmet and looked around with a curious look on his face. He couldn’t help but say in surprise, “Giao! I thought you didn’t have weapons… I didn’t expect you had such a powerful big guy!”

  Looking at the two people with unique temperaments in front of him, the captain named Chen Jianhong was obviously stunned, but it was only for a moment.

  ”You mean… this submarine? This is indeed not a weapon, just an ordinary cargo submarine.”

  ”Cargo submarine?!”

  Tail had never heard of such a strange concept before, and his eyes widened in surprise, “Ah… Why do you use submarines to transport goods? Isn’t it troublesome?”

  Chen Jianhong shrugged and continued.

  ”I think so too. Although this thing was originally built to facilitate the logistics and transportation between the underwater settlements and the surface settlements, it is obviously much easier to build a straight up and down elevator than to use submarines to transport things. But now I am only glad that the original designer had foresight, otherwise we and the more than 500 Coral City residents on the submarine would have been buried in the sea… Before you ask us, shouldn’t you explain your own affairs first?”

  Tail looked at him in confusion and asked.


  ”Huang Guangwei,” the captain stared at this guy intently, then looked at the woman named Sisi, and said unkindly, “The biometric information registered on the submersible is called this name, but the person we found on it is you. I want to know where the original owner of the submersible is, and… Is he still alive?”

  The atmosphere at the scene was a little stiff for a while.

  But it was only for a moment.

  ”Of course he’s still alive and doing well, otherwise we wouldn’t be the ones suffering here now.”

  In order to prevent Ah Wei from saying something unnecessary, Si Si quickly took over the conversation before she spoke, looking at the captain who was looking at him and continued.

  ”He is now in the Alliance, staying with your shelter director Sun Yuechi.”

  Hearing this, Chen Jianhong was stunned again, and then in less than half a minute, a surprised expression suddenly appeared on his face.

  ”… In the Alliance? Wait! Alliance?! Our administrator is there too? But this… How is this possible! Didn’t he go to the Great Rift Valley?!”

  At this moment, he finally realized where the sense of disharmony in his heart came from when he heard the guy named Wei Ba say that just now.

  Until the entrance of Shelter No. 70 was blocked by the South Islands Federation warships, the news including the whereabouts of the administrator Sun Yuechi and the locking of the weapons depot were the biggest secrets of Shelter No. 70, and only a few people knew about it!

  However, these guys seemed to know about it!

  ”His original destination was indeed the Great Rift Valley, but when he passed by Dawn City, he changed his mind and handed over the administrator’s authority to us…”

  Looking at the stunned Captain Chen and the two soldiers beside him who also looked surprised, Sis spent a full half an hour patiently telling him the whole story.

  Including how Sun Yuechi came to Dawn City and how he forced the administrator’s authority to their administrator. It

  also included how Huang Guangwei was stranded on the north bank of the Baiyue Strait and how they happened to pick him up and brought him back to Dawn City…

  After listening to her statement, Chen Jianhong stretched out his index finger and pinched his eyebrows, feeling that his chest was full of complex emotions and he couldn’t say a word for a long time.

  He couldn’t accept it.

  Their administrator would rather pin his hopes on an outsider he had never met than choose someone he was familiar with. What made

  him even more unacceptable was that when they were hiding in the sea, playing hide-and-seek with the federal fleet with their lives as a bet, that guy had actually started a new life in Dawn City? !

  What a joke!

  ”So… that guy is living a good life with you guys now?” He took back the index finger pinching his forehead and squeezed out these words from his mouth in a trembling voice.

  Not wanting to hit the diligent captain in front of him, Sisi’s expression was a little subtle, but he still nodded honestly.

  ”Yes… Including Huang Guangwei, the owner of the submarine. Before he boarded the airship to Dawn City, he gave the submarine to us for disposal-” ”

  These bastards!”

  An angry curse interrupted her mid-sentence. Chen Jianhong clenched his fists, unable to suppress the emotions in his heart, and said with gritted teeth.

  ”We are suffering from claustrophobia here, avoiding the search of the federal fleet, and living a frugal life with a little pitiful supplies! And the culprit who caused all these mistakes is enjoying life on land! Doesn’t this guy have a little guilt in his heart!”

  What a joke!

  This is so unfair!

  Sisi coughed lightly.

  ”I think… your manager should feel guilty, so he entrusted us to investigate the wreckage of the ocean current power station.”

  Chen Jianhong said indignantly.

  ”What’s the point of investigating that thing! Except for those idiots on the island, everyone here can see clearly that it was obviously done by the Torch people! If he still has a bit of backbone, he should come back to take charge of the overall situation, or at least open the door of the armory!”

  Looking at this guy who was blinded by anger, Sisi didn’t know how to comfort him for a while, and a helpless expression appeared on her face.

  Turning 180 degrees immediately after making a fatal mistake may not be the best remedy, and it may also produce another more fatal result.

  The war against the Torch Church needs the support of the survivors in the southern seas. Watching the survivors here kill each other is not in the interests of the alliance.

  What they need to do most now is to put the brakes on this out-of-control train, rather than letting the scale of the war continue to expand.

  So she didn’t tell the captain in front of her that at this moment she was holding the key to open the armory door.

  It’s not time to use it yet…

  Just as Sisi was thinking about what to do next, Wei, who had been standing next to her for a long time, suddenly spoke up.

  ”Oh! Anyway, your managers are all with us, why don’t you just go to our place too!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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