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Chapter 689 I am now a member of the alliance, try to touch me?

Chapter 689 I am now a member of the alliance, try to touch me?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 689 I am now a member of the Alliance, try to move me?

  Before boarding the dock, Chen Jianhong had never felt so deeply that life was so beautiful.

  Especially when he had just finished showing off a plate of barbecue and then drank a large glass of ice-cold beer, he was so moved… or the tears that hurt at the back of his head were about to fall out of his eyes.

  Sure enough, this is what it means to be alive!

  Those unlucky days are finally over!

  At this moment, Chen Jianhong finally understood why Sun Yuechi didn’t become the manager.

  If he had known that life in the Alliance was so comfortable, he would not have become the captain!

  But understanding is understanding.

  When he has the chance to meet again, he still wants to punch that guy in the face.

  To avenge the two and a half months of hard days!

  Although it is morning now, it is just the right time for the Dolphin crew who have reversed day and night to have dinner.

  Just after showing off a plate of barbecue, the girl in a waiter uniform brought another plate.

  Looking at the plate of greasy barbecue, Chen Jianhong couldn’t help but ask curiously.

  ”What kind of meat is this?”

  The player at the same table said with a chuckle.

  ”The tail of Junk-kun!”

  Chen Jianhong was stunned.

  ”? What is that?”

  Another player next to him patted the back of the head of the talkative guy.

  ”He doesn’t understand what you said, ahem… this is just an ordinary lizard tail.”

  ”Oh oh…”

  Listening to the explanation of the resident of the shelter, Chen Jianhong nodded blankly, then reached out and picked up a skewer of barbecue, put it to his mouth and wiped it.

  Although it sounds a bit strange, it is normal compared to the food they had some time ago…

  The whole beach was filled with the aroma of barbecue, all kinds of strange ingredients, mushrooms and berries picked from the rainforest, and some leaves with strange fragrance.

  The survivors and crew members who came down from the Dolphin caught the barbecue and beer and feasted wildly. The way they ate it was like a starving ghost reincarnated, which made people feel distressed.

  ”Thank you so much!” A haggard middle-aged woman held Sisi’s hand with tears in her eyes, and her choked voice was full of sincere gratitude. “Until yesterday, we all thought we were dead. If I hadn’t met you, I really don’t know how long I could have held on…”

  ”It’s okay, it’s over.” Sisi patted the back of her hand gently and said softly.

  In fact, judging from their threshold of endurance of suffering, the survivors of the Southern Islands Federation were indeed not bragging.

  Before this war, they did end the wasteland to a certain extent and lived a rich and civilized life in a relatively closed environment.

  In contrast, the wastelanders in other parts of the Central Continent were much more miserable.

  For example, Qingquan City.

  Before the Alliance came, most of the survivors there had never eaten decent food for a few times in their lives. Nutritional paste and green wheat paste were the daily life of most people. Only slave owners, profiteers, mercenaries and villains could live a life like a human for a few days.

  But she would not accuse them of being hypocritical.

  No matter which kind of suffering is real, it may be different in degree, but there is no distinction between which one is more noble and which one is more despicable.

  At least that’s how she saw it.

  Looking at the survivors who were eating voraciously, Wei Tail raised his right hand and looked into the distance, with a satisfied smile on his face.

  This eating show is so relaxing to watch.

  ”Oh! Everyone, eat more, you’re welcome! It’s Brother Fang Chang who’s treating you anyway!” Fang Chang, who

  happened to be passing by, glanced at this guy and reminded him kindly.

  ”You’re welcome, anyway, it’s the Baiyue Strait Development Company’s money.”

  ”Giao?!” Wei Tail looked at him in surprise, “I thought it was your treat!”

  Fang Chang smiled faintly.

  ”How is it possible? Am I the kind of person who would use my own money to do good things?”

  Wei Tail looked at the guy who said this without blushing in surprise.

  ”Huh! Ruthless man, how did the lovely Miss Dolly fall in love with you!”

  Fang Chang thought seriously for half a second.

  ”Maybe… she has better taste?”

  Wei Tail looked at him in surprise, his mouth open but unable to say a word.

  Good guy!

  Is this a strong man?

  How can he pretend to be so natural?


  In just a dozen minutes, most of the barbecue piled on the long table was eaten.

  As for the scallops, conchs and oysters, no one cared about them and piled them aside. No one touched them at all.

  It was no wonder.

  In the past two months, they had eaten the most of these things from the sea. Now they were afraid that they would vomit when they saw seafood.

  After eating and drinking, the people sat on the beach. Some people looked at the sea and sang, some people lay in a big letter shape, and some people simply took a nap on the beach.

  After being busy for a while, the boss Yiren finally brought the signature dish of Yiren Tavern – French fries – before the guests fell asleep.

  He was seen holding two rattan baskets in his hands, running to the beach with a happy face, and pouring the French fries on the long table where a pile of barbecue had just been cut like feeding pigs.

  ”French fries are here!”

  Smelling the tempting aroma of carbon water, everyone looked at the golden hills, with a hint of desire in their curious eyes.

  This thing tastes better than barbecue!

  But they really couldn’t eat any more, and many of them sat on the ground and couldn’t even move their legs.

  Chen Jianhong, the only one who was still reserved, also cast a curious look at the pile of golden strips of food.

  ”What is that?”

  Fang Chang, who walked next to him, said with a smile.

  ”French fries, a special delicacy here, try it?”

  As he listened to him, Chen Jianhong had already reached out, picked up one and put it in his mouth, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

  After a long while, he wiped his greasy hands on the tablecloth, looked at Fang Chang with emotion and said.

  ”Unbelievable… How did you think of making so many kinds of food?”

  Fang Chang said with a smile.

  ”That’s just a little bit. When you go to Dawn City, I promise you can have three different meals every day for 365 days.”

  Chen Jianhong had a look of disbelief on his face. But seeing the determined look in the eyes of the guy

  in front

  of him, and thinking of someone who was happy in Dawn City, he unconsciously believed it a little.

  At this moment, there was a commotion in the direction of the beach in the distance, followed by a cry.

  ”Boat!” “From the east!”

  ”Federation patrol boat! Damn it!”

  Hearing the cry, the people who were still relaxed a second ago climbed up from the beach in panic, and even had no time to pick up their shoes, limping towards the beach.

  It can be seen that the Navy of the Southern Islands Federation has tortured them so much during this period that a speedboat can scare them like this.

  Seeing Chen Jianhong reaching for the gun reflexively, Fang Chang quickly grabbed his shoulder and patted him.

  ”Leave it to us.”

  After saying that, he gestured to Tail, then got up and walked towards the pier.


  The speedboat quickly docked at the dock, and compared to the Dolphin submarine next to it, it was like a light leaf.

  And it was the kind that landed at the feet of an elephant.

  As Muda boarded the dock, he noticed that the people on the shore stood up in panic and fled with their backs to him.

  Among them were the drunken rebels of the Dolphin and the residents of Coral City who were taken hostage by the rebels.

  Recognizing the identities of those people, the sailor following Muda was stunned at first, and then shouted loudly towards the shore.

  ”Get away from those rebels quickly, we are here to rescue you–”

  If we can mobilize those survivors, we may be able to subdue the group of rebel crew members!

  However, before he finished speaking, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

  ”Enough, it’s useless.”

  Facing the surprised eyes of his comrades, Muda shook his head and retracted his hand on his shoulder.

  ”Who do you think they are hiding from? The group of rebels sitting with them?”

  The sailor was speechless for a moment.

  At this moment, a roar echoed his previous words from the shore.

  ”Who asked you to save them!”

  ”It was you who cut off the power supply to Coral City! Stop pretending to be innocent!”

  ”You murderers!”

  ”Get out of the Alliance’s territory!”

  As if realizing that there were only three federal soldiers on the shore, the people who were still running a second ago stopped and looked at them standing on the dock with unfriendly eyes.

  ”Keep calm.”

  Muda gave his two subordinates a look, then looked at the group of people walking towards the dock and shouted straight to the point.

  ”Someone asked us to deliver something–”

  He just said half of his words, and suddenly stopped talking, and the whole person was stunned.

  The two girls who disappeared near the wreckage of the ocean current power station were actually walking towards this side on the beach not far away. The one with short hair waved his arm to greet them.

  ”Oh! Long time no see!”

  Not only Muda, but also the two sailors behind him had an expression as if they had seen a ghost.

  When the group approached, Muda stared at the two of them, swallowed his saliva and said.

  ”What’s going on with you?”

  Wei Ba smiled.

  ”It was almost gone, but luckily I got a ride… By the way, where are the things?”

  He stared at this guy for a long time before looking at the speedboat behind him.

  ”…Under the speedboat, we hung it with a fishing net.”

  ”Oh! Thank you so much!”

  Mission accomplished!

  Wei Ba excitedly ran to the direction of the speedboat, and couldn’t wait to hand in the mission.

  Without stopping her, Muda looked at Fang Chang and Captain Chen Jianhong standing in front of her, as well as Si Si and other players who came to watch the fun, and said after a pause.

  ”We agreed before that the ships of Shelter No. 70 are not allowed to get supplies from you… I need an explanation, what’s the matter with this submarine and these people?”

  ”We didn’t violate the agreement,” Fang Chang continued with a smile, “This Mr. Chen, and those people on the beach, they are now citizens of the alliance.”

  Muda was stunned.


  Without waiting for Fang Chang to speak, Chen Jianhong, who was standing aside, looked at the guy in front of him provocatively and said arrogantly.

  ”That’s right, I’m now a citizen of the alliance, try to touch me?”

  Mu Da didn’t look at him, but stared at Fang Chang beside him, and said word by word.

  ”They are criminals. What you call ‘suffering survivors unite’, is it to shield these criminals so that they can escape trial?”

  Fang Chang looked at him and asked.

  ”Then what crime did they commit?”

  Mu Da stared at him intently.

  ”War crimes, they have to pay for the twelve cargo ships they sank and looted and the crew members who died in the sea-”

  ”Stop spitting blood!”

  An angry roar interrupted his words, and Chen Jianhong stepped forward and stared into his eyes, gnashing his teeth and continued.

  ”Sink twelve cargo ships? Use this submarine? Tell me, how can we sink these twelve cargo ships? Use the bow of the ship to hit them?”

  Before Muda could speak, the sailor beside him took out a wanted order from his arms.

  ”This is the evidence–”

  ”This is not evidence. It’s just a piece of waste paper with some nonsense written on it and stamped with a steel stamp.”

  Fang Chang glanced at the paper, looked at the sailor holding the wanted order and continued.

  ”Occasionally, there will be wastelanders who escape to our territory and hide their identities, and then their enemies will come to seek revenge. For the sake of fairness, we will allow both parties to sue in court. This is better than them fighting on the streets.”

  ”If the plaintiff’s evidence can indeed prove that a citizen of the Alliance committed serious crimes against humanity in a distant land before obtaining citizenship, we will give him two choices, serving his sentence as a citizen of the Alliance to atone for his sins, or depriving him of his identity as a citizen of the Alliance and leaving the country within a time limit… However, the premise of everything is that we have to talk about evidence.”

  ”What weapons sank those twelve cargo ships? What are the coordinates of the attacks? What days and times were the attacks? You need to at least submit these evidences to us and make sure they are real and effective, not just some aggressive nonsense.”

  The sailor wanted to say something, but was stopped by Muda.

  ”He’s right, we do need these things.”

  At first he didn’t think it was important, but now he changed his mind.

  Not only the sea monsters that appeared under the ocean current power station and the signals from the mind interference device, but also the unusual reaction of the officer who questioned him… It

  was hard not to suspect whether there was a conspiracy behind this.

  The sailor stared at the commander blankly, then looked at the people in front of him, and could only stuff the wanted order back into his arms indignantly.

  Fang Chang looked at the NPC named Muda twice in surprise.

  It seems that there are reasonable people here, not all of them are stubborn, so he then looked at Captain Chen Jianhong.

  ”In order to convince our neighbors, can you take them to visit the submarine? We will act as third-party witnesses and take photos of the ‘weapons’ they pointed out for evidence. Of course, it’s okay to refuse, after all, you have no obligation to prove your innocence.”

  ”No problem,” Chen Jianhong looked at the three people in front of him with sarcasm in his eyes, “You can visit at will, and I am also curious, is it our toilet plug that overturned your cargo ship, or is your eye on your buttocks.”

  The two sailors stared at him angrily.

  Ignoring the guy’s provocation, Mu Da looked at Fang Chang and nodded seriously.

  ”Thank you.”

  Si Si, who was standing next to him, put down his arms and raised his right hand.

  ”I’ll be a witness.”

  In addition to her, several players who were watching the fun also raised their hands with interest.

  ”Take me!”

  ”Me, me, me!”

  ”Brother, come together!”

  In a blink of an eye, more than 60 notaries gathered at the scene, more than the crew on the Dolphin.

  Although they were not interested in the dispute between the Federation and Shelter No. 70, they were still very interested in visiting this free nuclear submarine.

  There were some half-baked professionals among them who planned to observe with a learning mentality.

  Fang Chang was not stingy and simply waved his hand.

  ”Leave it to you.”

  Just like that, the captain of the Federation patrol and the captain of the Dolphin submarine returned to the submarine surrounded by a large group of players.

  This work did not take too long.

  After all, as Captain Chen Jianhong showed, this is just a cargo submarine. At most, the power system is more advanced, and there is no offensive weapon installed at all.

  Following behind Chen Jianhong, the more Mu Da looked down, the heavier his mood became, and he simply kept silent.

  It’s not just him.

  The two subordinates who have been following him are the same.

  Especially the sailor with the wanted order, after seeing the place where the survivors cultivated seaweed and synthesized nutrient paste, his face showed a stunned expression.

  Is this the underwater ghost claimed by the Federation Navy?

  They found neither weapons nor loot in its belly, only a group of Coral City residents and traces of struggling to survive in a harsh environment…

  Who made these poor people live such a miserable life…

  Muda clenched his fists involuntarily, and the vacillation in his eyes turned into uncontrollable anger.

  Anyone with a little conscience can see that there is no crime here that the Federal Navy accused, but it is full of evidence of another group of people.

  He took these photos, then took a deep breath and looked at Captain Chen Jianhong next to him, and said solemnly.

  ”I apologize for what I and my men said before. You are victims of this war, not war criminals. At least I can’t see any evidence that can prove the so-called evidence stated in the wanted order.”

  ”I can apologize myself, you don’t have to speak for me, sir…” The sailor next to him muttered, took a step forward, and looked at Captain Chen reluctantly but sincerely, “I’m sorry, but I can’t help it. I just follow the orders of my superiors… I don’t understand what those damn guys are thinking.”

  ”Let the past be the past. I am now a citizen of the alliance.” Chen Jianhong shrugged and stopped condescendingly mocking them.

  He could actually understand that these people in front of him were not the initiators of the war, but ordinary people like himself who were innocently involved in this dispute.

  Looking at Muda who was lost in thought and the confused sailor who lowered his head, Sisi put down his arms and slowly opened his mouth to continue.

  ”It’s not hard to understand. Some people want this war to continue. They must have a reason to continue. For example, an escaped attack submarine, a ghost of death lurking on the seabed… Its existence is enough to make the majority of people who don’t understand the situation panic, and become silent accomplices in this war under the instigation of panic, and at the same time help them cover up some things that are inconvenient for people to know.”

  When she said this, she paused and continued in a half-joking tone.

  ”In fact, before you came here, I was wondering if you would hand over the detector to the Federal Navy… I bet that if you really did that, I’m afraid we would never see you again, and you wouldn’t have the chance to see these things.”

  Muda was silent for a while, and said with a complicated expression.

  ”If it was yesterday, I would probably refute you, but now I really don’t have the confidence… Maybe you are right, there are indeed some problems within us.”

  To be honest, he did have similar feelings before.

  Especially when he realized that there might be a ghost in the navy, he vaguely felt that he and the other two subordinates might be killed because they knew too much.

  That is why he asked the two people behind him to collude in confession, concealed some clues, and sent the detector here as soon as possible.

  Looking at Muda with a complicated expression, Sisi continued to speak.

  ”How about a negotiation?”

  Muda looked at her.

  ”What to discuss?”

  Sisi continued.

  ”This area is the sea area you are responsible for patrolling. The sailors performing tasks locally are your people. They listen to you more than the Federal Navy Command, right?” ”

  Of course, they are all guys from the roundabout island. We are all from the same settlement.” Muda answered without hesitation, and then looked at her puzzledly, “Is there any problem with this?”

  Sisi curled her lips and continued.

  ”Since the existing evidence is enough to prove the innocence of these crew members, how about you just turn a blind eye to the existence of this submarine and these crew members who came ashore? Just pretend you didn’t see it.”

  Muda was stunned for two seconds, looking at her with a smile.

  ”Such a large submarine, with nearly 600 people, how can you ask us to turn a blind eye?”

  ”It’s very simple,” Sisi said with a slight smile, “usually we sink the Dolphin to the bottom of the sea, and we won’t let it float up unless necessary. Oh, by the way, if the Federation Navy comes, remember to say hello to us in advance, we will drive it a little further away, and let the residents on the shore pay attention.”

  According to the existing intelligence, although the South Islands Federation does not have a decent army, it has at least a dozen warships cruising in the southern waters.

  At present, the alliance’s foundation in the Baiyue Strait is not solid. Although it has a strong army, it does not even have a reliable anti-ship weapon. Even if it wins in a real fight, it may end up in a fight that will hurt both sides, and instead push the survivors in this sea area to the Torch Church.

  In contrast, they have a better option, which is to let the guns originally aimed at Shelter No. 70 be aimed at the Torch Cultists in Haiya Province.

  In fact, from the attitude of those charlatans towards the local survivors, it can be seen that the strength of the Southern Islands Federation is not weak, and it is even enough to pose a threat to the Torch.

  Otherwise, those people would have directly reached in with great fanfare like they did to the survivors in Jinhe City, and would not have taken the means of infiltration.

  Muda stared at Sisi intently and frowned slightly.

  ”I don’t understand… why don’t you let me take this opportunity to help them clear their names?”

  In his opinion, this is a good opportunity.

  If more people can know the experience of more than 500 survivors on the Dolphin, at least they can win the support of the 30,000 Coral City survivors scattered on various islands.

  By then, even the president will have to respond.

  However, when he heard his words, Sisi just smiled faintly.

  ”So, how are you going to clear their name? Post these photos on the newspaper or throw them on the table of the Federal Navy Command? It’s useless to do so. Even if it can prove that the Dolphin was a misunderstanding, it can’t prove that the Ocean Current Power Station has nothing to do with Shelter 70, and it can’t make those who intend to turn to the Torch Church stand on our side.”

  The latter is the key.

  There are people in the Southern Islands Federation who can see the truth, but this doesn’t mean they will definitely stand on the side of the facts.

  Haiya Province has the technology, resources, land, and everything else they need in the southern seas.

  To win over the survivors in the southern seas, it takes more than just one piece of evidence, but also to make the Baiyue Strait an acceptable alternative.

  Whether it is on economic issues or on the issue of “slime mold” governance, if the alliance can do better than the Torch Church, most people will re-align even for the sake of interests.

  This is the whole plan.

  Muda looked at her blankly, took a deep breath and said.

  ”Then what are you going to do?”

  Sis said.

  ”We should do it step by step. Before we show the evidence, we must first attract as many people as possible to our chariot.”

  Muda asked seriously.

  ”For example?”

  Sisi: “For example, the place closest to us, such as your hometown… the roundabout island that is troubled by fresh water. We promised the governor there before that we would help them solve the problem of fresh water supply. Now it’s time to give him an answer.”

  Muda looked at her with a strange expression.

  ”You solved it? That’s a settlement of 100,000 people… Do you know how much fresh water is needed there?”

  Sisi said with a smile.

  ”I know, but so what? We are now standing on a piece of land, a land that you once gave up and thought could not be conquered. Let alone 100,000 people, even if it’s 10 million people, 100 million… we have a way to supply it.”

  Muda swallowed.

  ”Then how are you going to send the fresh water over? By boat?”

  Sisi shook her head and said slowly.

  ”That’s too much trouble. We prefer to build a 200-mile-long water pipe… We didn’t have any good ideas before, but now the situation is different. We have the Dolphin and more than 500 experts who are good at underwater construction. They have rich construction experience.” She

  patted the hard cabin beside her and continued with a bright smile on her face.

  ”You just need to turn a blind eye to them and help us keep an eye on the Federation fleet!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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