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Chapter 689 TT saved Xu Xiuwen

Chapter 689 TT saved Xu Xiuwen


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 689 tt saved Xu Xiuwen.

  Xiao Youran was about to go up and say hello, but suddenly thought of something.

  Didn’t Song Siyu go to the school hospital?

  Didn’t Xiao Xu have something to do in the afternoon?

  How could the two of them be together?

  And where were they going?


  The three of them witnessed Xu Xiuwen and Song Siyu walking into the hotel together.

  If she had just had a little doubt, she was not sure, and she was unwilling to believe it.

  But when she saw the two of them walking into the hotel with her own eyes.

  Even a fool would understand that Xu Xiuwen had cheated again.

  And this time, the target of the cheating was her good sister, Song Siyu.

  Xiao Youran’s eyes went dark, and her heart seemed to be squeezed by a pair of big hands.

  She was almost out of breath.

  Fortunately, An Shishi next to her supported her in time.

  An Shishi saw Xu Xiuwen and Song Siyu walk into the hotel, anxious and speechless.

  She thought to herself: “Why don’t you go anywhere else to get a room? Why do you have to come to the hotel next to the north gate?”

  But in fact, Xu Xiuwen can’t be blamed for being careless.

  Because the north gate is actually the gate they least come to.

  He didn’t know that the three of them would pass through the north gate.

  It was a coincidence.

  After shopping, the three of them were supposed to return to school from the East Gate.

  But the hot pot restaurant happened to be closer to the North Gate.

  So the three of them went through the North Gate.

  An Shishi is very panicked now.

  She only thinks about how to help Xu Xiuwen explain and get away with it.

  ”Youran, don’t worry, there may be some misunderstanding.”

  Cheng Lu also saw this scene.

  I don’t know why.

  This time she didn’t seem very angry.

  Is it because it’s not the first time she has seen Xu Xiuwen cheating, so she’s used to it?

  Or is it because of different identities, so the feeling is different?

  Cheng Lu couldn’t help but glance at Xiao Youran beside her.

  I want to know how she feels now.

  Her boyfriend secretly went to the hotel with her best sister behind her back.

  She should find it difficult to accept this.

  Compared with what Xiao Youran experienced.

  Cheng Lu suddenly felt that what she had experienced at the time was nothing.

  After all, she had actually been mentally prepared for the relationship between Xu Xiuwen and Xiao Youran.

  In addition, her relationship with Xiao Youran was not good at that time.

  But it’s different now.

  Song Siyu and Xiao Youran have such a good relationship.

  Betrayed and deceived by a good sister.

  Xiao Youran should be even more angry and sad.

  Cheng Lu did not gloat over her misfortune.

  She noticed Xiao Youran’s expression.

  That look of despair and sadness was no less than hers at the beginning.

  Instead, she felt sorry for Xiao Youran.

  Cheng Lu was right beside

  An Shishi’s words

  Naturally, she heard them.

  She couldn’t help but look at An Shishi more.

  At this time,

  An Shishi was still helping Xu Xiuwen explain.

  She suddenly doubted the relationship between An Shishi and Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen could even do something to Song Siyu.

  Then when she was with Xu Xiuwen,

  An Shishi was also her good sister.

  Could Xu Xiuwen control himself from seducing An Shishi?

  Cheng Lu suddenly recalled the many scenes of the three of them together in the past. She

  became quiet for a while.

  Xiao Youran’s heart ached.

  She was almost unconscious.

  If An Shishi hadn’t supported her in time,

  she might have fallen down.

  And An Shishi’s words.

  Although Xiao Youran was reluctant to doubt the two,

  she saw them coming to the hotel with her own eyes.

  What else could it be?

  For a moment, the atmosphere fell into a strange silence.

  None of the three women spoke.

  After a while.

  Cheng Lu jumped out of her thoughts.

  She first glanced at An Shishi and frowned slightly.

  Then she looked at Xiao Youran and said, “Youran, whether it is a misunderstanding or not, you can call him now and ask where he is, and you will know.”

  Cheng Lu’s suggestion was very good.

  Xiao Youran was already at a loss and panicked.

  Now after hearing Cheng Lu’s words.

  She seemed to have grabbed the last straw to save her life. She hurriedly took out her mobile phone and prepared to call Xu Xiuwen.

  An Shishi was very anxious when she saw this scene.

  But there was no way to stop it.

  He could only hope that Xu Xiuwen was smart enough to notice that something was wrong.

  If it was another situation, she could do her best to help Xu Xiuwen get away with it.

  But now.

  She had no choice.

  The call was made.

  Cheng Lu reminded: “Press speaker.”

  Xiao Youran, who was already panicking, naturally did it immediately.

  After the hands-free function was turned on, the three women all heard a clear beep.

  At this moment, the call was connected.

  ”Hello, Youran, what’s wrong?”

  Xu Xiuwen’s voice came from the phone.

  His tone was very calm and natural, and there was no sense of guilt.

  If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes,

  even Xiao Youran himself would not have noticed anything wrong.

  She bit her lip subconsciously, and couldn’t help but wonder: Did Xiao Xu often lie to her in the past?

  She didn’t know why, but she suddenly remembered the two times in the library.

  The two of them would disappear together for a while each time.

  Although they all had suitable reasons.

  But disappearing for so long

  always made people feel something was wrong.

  She was even more suspicious now.

  Did the two of them do something to offend her behind her back at that time.

  ”Hello? Can’t you hear me?”

  Xu Xiuwen asked again because he couldn’t hear the voice for a long time.

  Cheng Lu saw that Xiao Youran was distracted, and immediately touched her to remind her that the phone was still connected.

  Xiao Youran barely focused.

  She glanced at Cheng Lu, then at An Shishi, and then asked nervously: “Xiao Xu, where are you now?”



  ”I just came to the hotel with Siyu.”


  Xu Xiuwen actually took the initiative to admit that he and Song Siyu came to the hotel?

  The three women were very surprised.

  Including An Shishi.

  Is Xu Xiuwen going to confront Xiao Youran?

  She felt a little sour in her heart for a while.

  You know, she has been with Xu Xiuwen longer than Song Siyu.

  But Xu Xiuwen never mentioned telling Xiao Youran or Cheng Lu about their relationship.

  Why? When it was Song Siyu’s turn

  he was ready to show his hand.

  Was her position in Xu Xiuwen’s heart not as high as Song Siyu’s?

  An Shishi could accept that she was not as good as Cheng Lu.

  An Shishi could also accept that she was not as good as Xiao Youran.

  But she could not accept that she was not as good as Song Siyu.

  First of all, she felt that she was better than Song Siyu in terms of appearance and figure.

  Secondly, she and Xu Xiuwen had been together longer, and their relationship should be deeper.

  So why was she not as good as Song Siyu?

  The latter just had longer legs.

  But what’s the big deal.

  Although An Shishi said that she didn’t mind underground relationships.

  But who doesn’t want to be with the person they love openly?

  At this moment, An Shishi felt very jealous.

  Cheng Lu was also surprised when she heard Xu Xiuwen’s active admission.

  But then she looked at Xiao Youran with even more heartache.

  When she was Xu Xiuwen’s girlfriend before,

  Xu Xiuwen and Xiao Youran, at least, didn’t dare to be open and aboveboard, but only dared to sneak around.

  Now Xiao Youran has become his girlfriend.

  Xu Xiuwen even dared to admit it to her face.

  It can be seen that Xiao Youran’s importance in his heart is not as important as her own at that time.

  She felt sorry for Xiao Youran and felt that this simple girl was too wronged.

  Xiao Youran had a different feeling.

  Hearing Xu Xiuwen’s active admission.

  Her first reaction was, Xiao Xu is going to break up with me!

  It must be like this.

  He must be preparing to break up, so he admitted it.

  Otherwise, he should have kept it from her.

  Although Xiao Xu cheated and was betrayed by his good sister, it was a great blow to Xiao Youran.

  But it was not as big as the blow that Xiao Xu wanted to break up with her.

  Xiao Youran couldn’t accept it at all.

  Her eyes went dark and she felt that the world was dim.

  At this moment.

  The three women saw Xu Xiuwen coming out of the hotel.

  ”I’m going back now.”

  At the same time, his words came over the phone.

  After Xu Xiuwen walked out of the hotel gate, he turned and walked towards the parking lot.

  The three women were all stunned.

  Things changed too quickly, catching the three women off guard.

  Shouldn’t Xu Xiuwen have already booked a room with Song Siyu and started doing that kind of thing?

  Why did he suddenly come out dressed neatly?

  And what did he mean? Is

  he going back now?

  Xiao Youran suddenly felt a warm current in her body, and her body regained some strength.

  She asked anxiously: “Xiao Xu, are you going back now?”

  ”Youran, what’s wrong with you? Your tone is weird. Of course I have to go back. Should I stay and live in the same room and sleep in the same bed with Siyu? I don’t mind. Will Siyu agree? Hehe.”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed at the end, but it didn’t make people feel obscene.

  At this moment, Cheng Lu and Xiao Youran realized that the situation might not be as they thought just now.

  After all, An Shishi was right. There might really be some misunderstanding.

  An Shishi reacted.

  It turned out that it was not a showdown.

  She was not so jealous at first.

  At the same time, she could not help but be surprised at Xu Xiuwen’s cleverness

  . She did not make any sound to remind him from beginning to end.

  How did he find out that something was wrong?

  And his reaction was too fast. He

  actually thought of an excuse in such a short time?

  Especially the last joke, which was the finishing touch.

  Even after hearing it, she had to doubt whether it was a mistake.

  Xu Xiuwen did not come to get a room with Song Siyu today.

  It was for some other reason.

  But she knew it in her heart.

  It must not be for other reasons.
He just

  came to get a room.

  An Shishi was not so jealous at this moment, and naturally she hurried to help Xu Xiuwen get through the matter.

  She immediately asked: “Master, why are you with Siyu? And why doesn’t she go back to the dormitory, but goes to the hotel?”

  On the surface, she was asking Xu Xiuwen.

  In fact, she was giving him a chance to explain.

  Xu Xiuwen understood what she meant and immediately replied, “I finished my work in the afternoon and ran into Siyu when I returned to Jiaotong University. She seemed to be sad. I comforted her for a long time before it had some effect. I was going to send her back to the dormitory, but she said she didn’t want to go back and wanted to be alone tonight, so I sent her to the hotel to get a room. I just saw her staying there and I’m about to go back now.”

  Although this paragraph sounded cumbersome, it also explained the whole story.

  After hearing it, the three women still had different reactions.

  Xiao Youran breathed a sigh of relief.

  Cheng Lu seemed to believe it, but she didn’t question it.

  An Shishi tried hard to hold back her smile.

  The stinky husband’s ability to lie is really amazing.

  From the time I received the call to now, he actually thought of this kind of rhetoric in such a short time.

  I really don’t know whether I should admire him or not.

  Not only is his brain quick, but the key is that he is thick-skinned enough.

  If it were someone with a thinner skin, it would be impossible to lie so calmly and naturally.

  If she didn’t know about Xu Xiuwen and Song Siyu.

  She almost believed it.

  An Shishi noticed Xiao Youran’s expression.

  The latter was indeed relieved.

  It seems that he believed it.

  Cheng Lu next to him was still frowning, obviously not completely believing it. This

  can also be seen from this point.

  In the dormitory 301.

  The most innocent person is Xiao Youran.

  At this time, Xu Xiuwen’s voice sounded again.

  ”Youran, are you back? Do you want me to pick you up?”

  Xiao Youran came back to his senses and said, “No, we can go back by ourselves. Xiao Xu, you… go back and rest early.”

  ”Well, it’s nothing, I’ll hang up first, I’m going to drive.”


  Under the gaze of the three women, Xu Xiuwen opened the car door and got in, then drove the car out of the parking space, immediately drove onto the road, and drove away.

  When he could no longer see the figures of the three women in the rearview mirror.

  Xu Xiuwen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  He was really lucky today.

  Xiao Youran almost found out that he and Song Siyu had checked into a hotel.

  Some people may want to ask how Xu Xiuwen reacted so quickly and made up such a reason.

  This is what happened.

  Time goes back to a few minutes ago.

  After Xu Xiuwen threw Song Siyu on the big bed, he was about to pounce on her.

  But Song Siyu suddenly said, “Did you bring that?”


  ”That!” Song Siyu’s face turned red.

  ”What is that?” Xu Xiuwen was confused. Song Siyu

  had to bite the bullet and said, “Condoms!”

  Worried that Xu Xiuwen would not agree, she quickly added, “You didn’t wear it twice before, aren’t you afraid that I’ll get pregnant?”

  Song Siyu’s words reminded Xu Xiuwen.

  The previous two times in the library were special circumstances and there was no way.

  But now it is obviously not possible to mess around.

  Just like An Shishi.

  Song Siyu can’t get pregnant yet.

  Xu Xiuwen resisted his temper and got off the bed, “I’ll buy it now.”

  He walked behind the door and suddenly remembered something, turned around and said, “You can take a shower first and wait for me to come back.”

  Song Siyu certainly knew what taking a shower meant.

  She pretended to be impatient and said, “You are nosy.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled faintly, and without saying anything more, he turned around and opened the door to go out.

  Coming down from the second floor.

  There is a very long corridor connecting to the front desk.

  Facing the hotel gate.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t pay attention at first, and accidentally glanced at the distance.

  He has good eyesight.

  He immediately saw the three women outside the hotel, across the street.

  When he saw the three women, he was stunned.

  His first reaction was to hide quickly and not let the three women see him.

  But he immediately thought of one thing.

  He had only been in for a while.

  Could it be that the three women had actually seen him and Song Siyu come in to get a room?

  Xu Xiuwen was not sure, but he had to prepare for the worst.

  Sure enough.

  The next moment.

  He saw Xiao Youran take out his mobile phone and start calling.

  Then his phone rang.

  In the short time before answering the call.

  Xu Xiuwen’s mind turned quickly.

  He thought of a solution almost instantly.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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