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Chapter 69: Is the dog planner up to something?

Chapter 69: Is the dog planner up to something?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 69: Did the dog plan to do something?

  12 deerskins are all the stocks in the shelter, and 3 of them were obtained by Chu Guang from the Yu family after he dug into the old leech.

  The quality of the deerskins was impeccable, both in terms of fur color and integrity. After thinking for a while, Liszt finally nodded reluctantly.


  The two sides exchanged supplies.

  Before leaving, Liszt shook hands with Chu Guang and squeezed out a pleasant smile from his face.

  ”Goodbye, friend. If we can meet again, the next time should be in spring.”

  Chu Guang also smiled faintly.

  ”We are always here, take care.”

  ”You too.”

  Suddenly remembering something, Liszt continued.

  ”By the way, I heard that there is a predator tribe to the north of the elevated road out of the city. It seems to be called the Blood Hand Clan, with about 60 or 70 people. It is not a good idea to settle down here. Even if they are more likely to plunder to the north, it is only a matter of time before you are discovered by them… In short, it is better to be careful. See you later!”

  Leaving this sentence, Liszt left with his caravan.

  Chu Guang watched the caravan disappear into the woods, and turned back to the wall of the outpost.

  Of course, he knew that this place was not a good place to stay.

  If there was a choice, Chu Guang would definitely find a place to settle down, preferably one that was suitable for farming and mining, and there was no dangerous Feng Shui treasure land around.

  Unfortunately, this is not “Civilization”. If you can’t see 3 luxury and 2 mines within three grids, you can directly reopen in the upper right corner. The shelter was built two centuries ago, and it’s too late even if you want to regret it.

  Go back to the wall.

  Chu Guang looked at Yu Hu, took out a white chip from his pocket and handed it to him.

  ”Thank you, you helped me a lot.”

  Seeing Chu Guang take out the chip, Yu Hu’s face changed and waved his hand quickly.

  ”No, no, what are you doing? I can’t take it.”

  As he said, he suddenly remembered something, rummaged in his pocket for a while, and found a piece of aluminum foil the size of a thumbnail.

  ”By the way, my eldest brother’s illness has been cured. My father asked me to return the remaining medicine to you–”

  Seeing that this guy was unwilling to accept it, Chu Guang sighed and took back the chips.

  ”Okay, since you insist, I won’t be humble with you. But you can keep this medicine. I don’t need it.”

  It took some time to finally convince this honest young man. Watching him disappear in the forest, Chu Guang thought that he should probably draw more medicine to sell.

  According to rumors, other large and medium-sized shelters seem to do more medicine business?

  After all, slightly larger shelters will have a pharmacy room, and it is said that some are even equipped with a huge medicine warehouse.

  Of course, the rumors in the wasteland are just for listening.

  Even in the era of information explosion, the authenticity of every piece of news cannot be guaranteed, let alone here?

  These days, the players have been quite diligent, and they can accumulate 5 to 7 reward points on average every day, which is 22 points.

  After handing over the task of assembling the generator to the players, Chu Guang turned around and returned to the shelter.

  When he opened the system and entered the [Administrator Log] page, a light blue pop-up window appeared in front of him.

  [Side quest completed.]

  [Reward: Reward points +100.]

  Faced with this sudden reward, Chu Guang was stunned.

  Good guy.

  This side quest has been delayed for so long that he only remembered that the outpost was still short of a generator, but forgot about the quest reward.

  ”I’m rich!”

  Chu Guang was excited. Before he could stand firmly in the shelter, he turned around and walked out.

  ”I have to go outside to wash my face first!”

  Advanced blind box!

  This thing can’t be taken lightly!


  About 1.7 kilometers north of Linghu Wetland Park.

  A group of men dressed in animal skins, with red and black paint on their faces, and dressed wildly, were heading south along the ruins of the elevated road out of the city.

  They held strange-shaped iron pipe rifles in their hands instead of carrying them on their backs. They looked like they were ready for battle and were coming with great momentum.

  The mutant rats on the road fled one after another. Occasionally, a few mutant cockroaches as big as puppies rushed over, but they were also stepped on to death or had their heads smashed with gun butts.

  However, this also made a lot of noise.

  In addition, the discipline of this group of people was really not satisfactory. The gibberish along the way could be heard from a long distance.

  Several players who were transporting stones from the construction site soon discovered them, and immediately abandoned the mine cart on the side of the road and hid themselves, and the people followed suit.

  ”Who are these guys?” Looking at the group of people in the distance nervously, [Construction Site Boy and Brick] whispered, “Ten people, and three dogs… I always feel that they are not good people.”

  ”I feel the same… They are a bit like predators.” [Edge Paddling] also looked nervously and tightened the knife in his pocket.

  Although this did not bring him much sense of security.

  ”Fuck, is there really a siege event?! Did the idiot planner buy a house on the forum?”

  ”Analyze rationally… He has heard what you said.”

  ”My planner dad!”

  ”Shh, stop talking,” [Big Eyes in Debt] glanced at the two teammates beside him and said in a low voice, “Old Brick, go report the news.”

  ”Fuck, why not you?”

  ”I’m an intelligence department! Who the hell can I outrun? You better be careful, the strength department is still good at long-distance running.”

  ”Then why not just slack off?”

  ”He’s a perception department! Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, there is a reward for reporting valuable intelligence, have you forgotten?”

  Hearing that there is a reward, the construction site boy and Brick finally moved. With

  his heart beating hard, he hid behind the advertising stand and walked a full two hundred meters until the group of people disappeared from his sight, then he ran wildly into the forest.

  When he arrived at the outpost, the new players were chopping trees, the veteran players were carrying their prey back, and some were setting up stalls at the market entrance, thinking about making lunch.

  It was a leisurely scene.

  He ignored his pounding heart and rushed to the construction site boy and the brick and shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Predators! Predators are attacking!”

  Hearing his shout, the people near the wall were all confused, not understanding what was going on.

  ”What? What predators?”

  ”Where’s the manager! Hurry, go and tell him!” The young man supported his knees with his hands, panting and speaking intermittently.

  ”I’m here,” Chu Guang, who came out of the door with tears on his eyebrows, looked at the players in front of him seriously, “You mean the predators?”

  ”Yes! They have a team of people, ten to be exact! They are coming towards us along the north elevated road, each of them is carrying a gun and leading three dogs!”

  Chu Guang’s face changed slightly, and he didn’t care about the lottery, and immediately ordered the players beside him.

  ”Let all residents near the outpost come back! Go!”


  Several players ran away excitedly, without any worried expression on their faces, but rather a little excited.

  Siege war!

  Unexpectedly, the planner gave them a big job! However,

  they didn’t know that at this moment, a certain planner had a bigger headache than them.

  Walking to the weapon shop with big strides, Chu Guang picked up the dozing weapon shop owner and carried her on his shoulders, and picked up her two crutches with his left hand.

  ”Ah! You, what are you doing, in broad daylight–” Frightened by this sudden action, Xia Yan, who had just woken up from her sleep, blushed and struggled a few times, but Chu Guang ignored her.

  ”Shut up.”

  After carrying this guy to the elevator on the first floor of the sanatorium and putting him down, Chu Guang returned the crutches to Xia Yan who was standing against the wall, staring at her confused face and said seriously.

  ”If you hit the door later, you go into the elevator and wait, I will come and take you down. If I don’t come, don’t make a sound, hide quietly.”

  The elevator to the underground requires the authorization of the administrator to start, and Chu Guang temporarily locked the elevator. After all, this is the way out he left for himself.

  Xia Yan nodded violently, but she was not too panicked, at least not as panicked as when facing him.

  ”I know… Wait, who hit here?”


  Before he finished speaking, a gunshot was heard from afar, followed by two more gunshots. Judging from the sound, it was about two or three hundred meters away.

  Chu Guang’s face was stern, and the blood began to flow faster.


  Here they come!


  Outside the north gate.

  Predators scattered in a line, holding guns in their hands, chattering loudly, advancing towards the north gate, shooting at the fleeing survivors.

  The weapons in their hands were varied, some were revolvers picked up from merchants, some were semi-automatic rifles snatched from mercenaries, or simply iron barrel rifles that they DIYed.

  No matter what kind of weapon it was, it was not so easy to hit in this jungle terrain, firing from two hundred meters away.

  And the fact was indeed so. After a few gunshots, no one fell to the ground. The few survivors by the wall hid back into the door in a flash, and only a few wooden stalls at the door were damaged.

  However, the victory or defeat of a battle does not lie in how many people are killed in the battle, but in making the other side give up resistance completely.

  These looters are well aware of this.

  The art of fear has been played to the extreme by them.

  The dense gunfire and the resulting fire suppression have almost devastating effects on the morale of non-professional soldiers.

  A survivor base of 30 people can only be used as a combat force for one-third, and at most only one-half.

  There is no need to kill the fleeing survivors on the spot. These rats will flee everywhere, bring the plague of fear back to their nests, and completely destroy their will to resist.

  Generally, in the small survivor communities they looted, less than one-tenth of the survivors actually died in the gunfight.

  Perhaps these people will muster up the courage to hide behind the bunkers and symbolically fire a few shots in return, but it won’t take long for their morale to collapse and escape from other doors.

  At that time, the elderly, children, and women will be left behind, and the fleeing young and middle-aged people will not be able to outrun the hounds they brought. The

  final fate of such survivor bases is often only one.

  Either they are slaughtered.

  Or they are enslaved!

  ”Hahaha! Look at those cowards, they run away like rats when the gunfire sounds!”

  The strong man with bare arms held a 9mm iron barrel rifle in his hand, laughing loudly while firing, his ferocious face was printed with red light.

  As the centurion of the Blood Hand Clan, his name is Badger, which is a name given by the leader himself. Most of the nine people under his command are his relatives or confidants.

  The bloodline of the plunderer tribe is usually very chaotic. They do not produce, advocate violence, and make a living by looting and extortion. Therefore, there is no traditional concept of family, let alone the concept of husband and wife or spouse.

  Take the Blood Hand Clan as an example. If a newborn is born, the strong male baby will be accepted as a member of the tribe, and the rest will be slaves, either engaged in labor or used as a reproductive tool, so there are often half-siblings or half-mothers.

  These relatives often act together like jackals, and the bravest among them will be appointed as the centurion by the leader. Their relatives will also get some benefits, becoming veterans or elites of the plunderers, and gain more rights to control their own spoils.

  ”Hey, blue jackets again? Looks like there’s going to be some fun in there!”

  A tall and thin man responded with a strange laugh, and at the same time loaded his shotgun and continued to fire at the bunker on the wall.

  ”Old rules, kill all the old and young, cut off the index fingers of the men and tie them up.”

  ”Boss, where are the women?”

  ”The first one to enter the door will be picked first. We will only stay for two hours, and those who are still alive after two hours will be taken away.”


  Fifty meters away!

  The other party still hasn’t fought back!

  Badger’s mouth curled up into a cruel smile.

  He knew what these survivors were thinking, it was nothing more than waiting for them to come out of the forest, and then using the bunker to fire back.

  As expected, those people were already holding guns, lying behind the bunker on the wall waiting.


  would he be so stupid to let his men rush up?

  ”Let’s light a fire to cheer them up!”


  The predator who rushed to the front crouched and lit the Molotov cocktail in his hand. Under the fire cover of his teammates, he took a run and threw the Molotov cocktail out.

  The flame drew an arc in the air and fell squarely on the bunker with a three-meter-high wall.

  Sparks shattered, and the rusted bunker quickly caught fire and was roasted hot by the flames.

  Then came the second and third fires. The fires on the walls quickly became one, leaving few places to step.

  However, to the surprise of the looters, the expected screams did not sound, and no one fell from behind the bunkers.

  It was as if… no one

  had been in these bunkers from the beginning?

  Badger frowned, feeling something was wrong. Did

  these people give up even resisting?

  Not really, right? At

  least they could fight back symbolically…

  That trace of confusion quickly turned into contempt.

  However, just as he was about to command the men to move forward and break open the wooden door with explosives, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded in the forest.

  It was like a signal for some kind of attack!

  Almost at the same time, dense gunfire sounded like raindrops from both sides.

  The “swoosh”, “swoosh” flying bullets almost touched his scalp, and Badger was so scared that he quickly lay down behind a relatively thick tree stump.


  It doesn’t exist.

  But people are made of flesh and blood, and no matter how powerful they are, they are afraid of being shot to death.

  He shouted almost hoarsely.

  ”Everyone take cover!”

  ”Scatter and retreat 100 meters and regroup!!”


  (Thanks to the leaders “Please call me Little Bean Bun”, “Kevin with a Broken Leg”, and “Capable Man” for their rewards~~~~~

  Brothers, our first order has exceeded 10,000!! Love you guys!

  I will work hard to write! I am still a little uncomfortable with the sudden evolution from the 2K Party this time. It’s not that I don’t want to explode, it’s really that there is not a drop left QAQ.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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