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Chapter 690 Don’t Splatter My Blood

Chapter 690 Don’t Splatter My Blood


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 690 Don’t let the blood splash on me

  After getting off the submarine, Muda took two of his men back to the speedboat and headed back to the roundabout.

  They had been in French Fries Harbor for too long, and if they didn’t go back to hand over the shift, it might arouse suspicion from others.

  And before handing over the shift, he had to talk to the brothers of the next shift and make some appropriate adjustments to the scope of the patrol area.

  He couldn’t arrange such a big thing in one day, and he needed enough time to do ideological work for his men.

  Recalling the conversation on the submarine just now, the men standing next to him hesitated again and again, and finally couldn’t help but speak.


  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”We… Is this considered collusion with the enemy?”

  This is not just a question he cares about.

  The patrol brother standing in the cockpit also looked towards the deck, waiting for the chief’s answer.

  Looking at the rolling sea in the distance with a complicated expression, Muda pondered for a long time, shook his head, and said firmly.

  ”Not counted.”

  ”But…” The expression on the sailor’s face was still a little hesitant, but this time Muda looked back at him with a much firmer look.

  ”The real enemy is the guys who drag us into the abyss of no return for their own ambitions, not the ones who would rather risk their lives to pull us out of the abyss. They are different from the believers from the Seaside Province. They really intend to end the wasteland on this planet. Perhaps this is why Mr. Sun Yuechi wrote that letter for them.”

  ”We have never betrayed the survivors living in this sea area, not now, and never in the future.”

  The two sailors exchanged glances with each other. Although there was still confusion and confusion about the future in their eyes, they felt a little better in their hearts.

  Regardless of whether this is considered betrayal or not, they are already on this pirate ship. They

  can only keep the ship going…

  I don’t know who changed the subject first, and the other person took over tacitly and talked about other things in a relaxed mood.

  ”By the way, what are they eating on the beach? It smells really good.”

  ”I saw barbecue and beer… and that golden thing seems to be what they call French fries?”

  ”Damn… they eat better than me.” The sailor who was driving the boat smacked his lips enviously, feeling that the glutton in his stomach was aroused.

  After so many things happened, he had already worked overtime all night, and now he just felt hungry and sleepy. Muda, who

  was leaning against the side of the boat, yawned and said casually.

  ”You are so curious, let’s go to their port some other day.”

  ”Boss, do you have their silver coin?”

  ”Aren’t they planning to do business with the settlements on the circular island? Then why not exchange them with the federation coins?”

  ”Good idea!”

  Unknowingly, the patrol boat of the Southern Islands Federation drove farther and farther towards the rising sun in the east.

  No one noticed that the Islands Federation, which was held together by conspiracy, had quietly developed a crack…


  On the other side, the official website of “Wasteland OL”.

  After visiting the submarine, the players immediately brought the news back to the forum and shared it with those idiots who had never seen the world.

  Killing Dagger: “I tell you! That submarine is really awesome! It’s more than 200 meters long, like an underwater aircraft carrier.”

  Debt Eyes: “What the hell?! It’s true?!”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “The sun is rising from the west, and Awei is not bragging?!”

  Tail: “Giao! Don’t add random settings to me, when did I like to brag! (ノ`Д)ノ”

  Night Ten: “Shocked, when did Brother Guang become so generous!”

  French Fry Port is not connected to the Internet for the time being, so the photos taken cannot be transmitted back to the shelter in real time, and there is no way to synchronize them to the official website.

  Fortunately, technology is advanced now, and there are good hands who extract the key points based on the few words described by those players who have seen the world and send them to AI drawing software. Through continuous training, a CG picture that looks like it was really produced.

  Looking at those fake CGs generated by AI, everyone had a feast for the eyes in advance, but soon new arguments emerged.

  Master Zhang from the shipyard: “Wait, you said this thing can dive?!”

  Drinking foot washing water: “Bullshit!”

  The fishmonger from Hulu Island: “I’m just curious about how such a large diameter pressure hull is made!? And what is the welding process!? This thing can dive 100 meters in reality, I’ll eat it!” Midnight with an umbrella

  but no knife: “Brother, you are crazy, this is a game!”

  Hungry forces: “Well, you accept a 500-meter-long iron airship, so why can’t you accept a submarine of more than 200 meters?”

  Bow to the hungry forces: “That’s right! We can even weld a starship of thousands of kilometers, but we can’t weld a 200-meter submarine. Submarine?”

  Ward’s foot who Levin: “Hiss… To be honest, maybe it’s really possible! Isn’t the Celestial near the entrance of Shelter No. 70? Most likely, their welding technology was recycled from the Celestial space station!”

  Yaer I want to go to the toilet: “Oh my god… When I think about it, Shelter No. 70 is a damn good start!” ”

  Keep your voice down, Braum: “How the hell did they play such a good hand like this? !”

  Thinking of the fact that other people’s shelters gave away research points and population as soon as they opened the door, and thinking about how they were beaten by predators and mutants as soon as they showed their heads, a group of A-test players burst into tears and sighed.

  At that time, picking up a fire stick could be used as a magic weapon, unlike now when even Gauss sniper rifles can be bought with money.

  To be honest, it’s not just these A-test players who sighed, even Chu Guang, who was sitting in the shelter and peeking at the screen, was full of emotion.

  Strictly speaking, this group of A-test players came out later, and he was the first one to crawl out of Shelter 404.

  At that time, there was no firewood stick. At the beginning, there was only a dog, and it had two heads and chased him and bit his butt.

  Fortunately, the survivors of Bet Street were quite good to him, and Xiaoyu’s family especially took care of him, otherwise it would be hard to say whether there would be so many things later.

  ”To be able to play such a good hand like this, he is really a talent.” Looking at the map of the southern sea area, Chu Guang was also full of emotion.

  Although he was not at the scene, based on the chats of the players on the forum and the general binding book that Xiaoqi helped him make, he could roughly understand the whole context of the matter.

  Although Sun Yuechi was reluctant to admit it, Shelter 70 had become the de facto “inner city nobles” in the southern sea area.

  Their advantage is probably that they are not as extravagant as the nobles in the inner city of Boulder City, and most of them are senior engineers and experts who have received elite education, with knowledge, experience, lofty ideals and vision far beyond the average wastelander.

  As for the disadvantage, they may be more detached from the masses than the nobles in the inner city, after all, the former often go in and out of the latter.

  Even at this point, Huang Guangwei and Captain Chen both believe that things have developed like this because of the stupidity of the survivors in the southern sea area, not because they lack real communication. If

  they had been willing to put down the arrogance of the Enlightenment in the past century and give a little power to the ordinary survivors who have grown up, there would not have been a “federation” that completely excluded the shelter. The

  Coral City, which was nurtured by the residents of Shelter No. 70, was the first to be torn apart in this dispute.

  Their embarrassment is not only because of their dependence on the ocean current power station, but also because they are caught between two divided groups.

  Staring at the blue ocean, Chu Guang felt sorry the more he looked.

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the pen holder at the corner of the table, swung his legs leisurely, resting his chin on his hands, staring at Chu Guang’s profile, and suddenly asked curiously.


  Chu Guang looked away from the forum and looked at Xiao Qi.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Xiao Qi blinked and said.

  ”Since the southern sea is so important, why don’t you take over it directly, but let the players do it themselves?”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”They are in the local area, and they know much more about the situation there than I do sitting here and can’t leave. Letting them do it is the best choice.”

  ”What’s more, I hope they can spontaneously change this wasteland and maximize the creativity and enthusiasm of the players. If they can resolve the crisis in the southern sea with their own strength and unite the survivors there, it will be more useful than how many expansion packs I release.”

  ”And we only need to give them enough support when necessary.”

  Of course, he didn’t leave all the work to the players.

  As the manager of the alliance, he also has his own work.

  Not only the ongoing sticky community meeting, but also a series of cooperation that the alliance is currently carrying out with the Hump Kingdom.

  A railway from Fallen Leaf City to Petra Fortress has begun construction. After the project is completed, the Hump Kingdom will also be incorporated into the Alliance’s land trade network.

  The embassy in Silver Moon Bay has been negotiated, and the embassy staff and a group of hibernation capsules for players are on the way to Oasis No. 4.

  As the save points extend outward along the Alliance’s railway, more and more players will appear on the route from Dawn City to French Fries Port.

  Most of these players’ game behaviors will have a positive effect on the development of French Fries Port.

  And all of this is his behind-the-scenes work that ordinary players cannot see…


  Just as the players were talking about the Dolphin nuclear submarine and the suspected upcoming new version, the distant Silver Moon Bay was also bustling at this moment. The

  morning bell had just rang, and seagulls had already circled on the chimney and mast of the steam sailing ship.

  The boilerman carrying a shovel yawned and walked onto the deck. The dock stevedores with towels hanging on their shoulders were unloading boxes of goods from barges of various shapes and styles, handing them over to the ground staff and transporting them to the harbor storage area or the trade market one kilometer away.

  There is everything here, including precious wood and gorgeous silk, spices with strange smells, boxes and bundles of gold and silver treasures, or secret treasures left over from the prosperous era. The

  ships moored in the port are also different. There are fishing boats that can circle a circle in a dozen steps, and there are also giant tankers that take a minute to run from bow to stern.

  As the port with the largest cargo throughput in the entire Luoxia Province and even the entire Central and Eastern Region of the Central Continent, not only ships from the East Coast and the West Coast often appear here, but even ships from another continent occasionally unload here.

  It is precisely because of this that the busyness here usually lasts from the moment the sun rises to the moment the sun sets.

  Whether it was the stevedores on the dock, the pedestrians coming and going on the nearby streets, or the hawkers shouting and selling along the street market, everyone was trying their best to make the jingle of the coins in their pockets louder.

  However, in this port where wealth myths are born every day, the story of getting rich overnight is often irrelevant to the busy majority of people.

  For example, Mogavi, who had just made a fortune, got drunk in the tavern early in the morning and boasted to the drunkards who were also hungover all night.

  ”You guys who have never been to sea in your life will never imagine how amazing the situation there is! Boxes and bundles of gold are spread on the beach and no one picks them up. The price of an assault rifle can be exchanged for a priceless blood mink skin!”

  Listening to the dry and hoarse voice, the drunkard sitting at the table next to him took a sip of alcohol diluted with water and laughed and teased.

  ”Brother, we don’t need to go to sea.”

  ”That’s right!”

  Another drunkard also took over the conversation and said with a smile.

  ”I have five shops at the port of Silver Moon Bay, all rented to merchants from the Alliance. The rent they pay me every month has to be packed in sacks. I can sit here and drink all day without worrying about running out of money.”

  ”Just like you, I raise thousands of dairy cows and tens of thousands of pigs on my farm at Oasis No. 9. I can make as much money as those blue coats eat.”

  Mogavi stared at those guys with his eyes wide open.

  Good fellow! You

  ’re even more boastful than me!

  The boss sitting behind the bar couldn’t stand it anymore, slapped the cleaned cup on the table, and couldn’t help but say.

  ”Since you are so rich, why don’t you pay the bill first? I’m going to close here in two hours.”

  The drunkard who raised tens of thousands of pigs waved his hand.

  ”We are so familiar with each other, let’s follow the old rules, put it in the account first–”

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the boss’s glare.

  ”Don’t even think about it! You already owe me 1,147 gold camels. If you don’t pay today, I’ll sell you to the dock to do hard labor to pay off your debt!”

  The drunkard’s face twisted into a bitter gourd, begging.

  ”Oh, please, don’t send me there! I will definitely pay it back in two days!”

  Looking at the wailing drunkards, Mogawi stretched out his index finger and pinched his eyebrows, then punched the table hard.

  ”Damn… It’s so unlucky!”

  These poor guys!

  It’s a waste of time to talk to them!

  He had been sitting here all night, bragging all night, almost blowing the French Fries Port, which was not much bigger than a fishing village, into a gold mine full of gold. The reason

  why he advertised so hard to those people was certainly not out of kindness to help others or to repay the kindness of those generous people, but purely to attract investment for his next business.

  The port was on the edge of the Baiyue Strait. Even if he didn’t reveal where it was, someone would find it sooner or later.

  What’s more, there were so many sailors and mercenaries on the deck at that time. He didn’t expect those guys who were paid to do things would keep any secrets for him. After all, he didn’t share the money he earned with them.

  Maybe in a drink, those guys would sell out the secrets of their wealth.

  Since the French Fries Port would be discovered sooner or later, it would be a smart thing to take advantage of the time difference and information gap to expand the business as much as possible before others trampled the threshold of the port.

  And to do this, the little money he had was obviously not enough. He needed to get some stupid and rich guys to join.

  It would be best if some prince or noble took a fancy to his business and gave him a large sum of money to buy a fleet directly, or even simply lent him the royal fleet to transport goods.

  In this way, at least he would not have to look at the faces of those captains.

  Unfortunately, his business has just started. Although the goods can please the princes and nobles, he is not qualified to appear at their banquets without any status. He can only try his luck in the tavern near the port.

  Just as Mogavi shook his head and was about to pay the bill and leave, two men in black robes walked in from outside the tavern.

  The owner of the tavern looked at the door and thought they were here to drink, so he said politely.

  ”Sorry, sir, we are closed here and are cleaning up the mess now.”

  The leading man did not speak, but just glanced around at the drunkards sitting here drinking, and then his eyes stopped on Mogavi’s face.

  The two exchanged glances, one of them walked to the door, and the leading man went to the bar, took out a hundred-dollar bill and threw it on the table.

  ”I’ll pay for his bill.”

  The tavern owner was stunned, and quickly took the money and put the change on the iron tray.

  However, the man didn’t even look at it, but just walked straight towards Mogawi.

  Mogawi had been observing them quietly since the two men entered the door.

  Especially when he saw the man took out a hundred-dollar bill and readily paid for him, and walked towards him without even looking at the change, his throbbing heart almost jumped to his throat.

  Good guy!

  After searching everywhere for a long time, it came without any effort!

  This man’s rich sponsor finally made him wait!

  Looking at the black-robed man who stopped in front of him, Mogawi cleared his throat, pushed away the chair, stood up, and extended his right hand in a friendly manner.

  ”Excuse me, what is the name of this boss?”

  The man in the black robe looked at him expressionlessly, shook his outstretched hand, and then let go and said.

  ”Singer, someone is interested in your business. I wonder if Mr. Mogawi is willing to do you a favor.”

  Mogawi was stunned.

  He didn’t expect that the person in front of him was not the real boss, but was hired by someone. However, it was after discovering this that the eagerness in his eyes not only did not diminish, but became even stronger.

  ”Excuse me, who is your boss?”

  The man named Singer continued in a calm tone.

  ”He is staying nearby. Please follow me.”

  Looking at the man who turned and walked towards the door, Mogawi didn’t think there was any problem at all, and followed him eagerly.

  The group left the tavern and walked south along the bustling street for a while. They passed by luxurious hotels several times. Mogawi thought they had arrived, but they saw that the two people had no intention of stopping.

  Especially when one of them slowed down and walked behind him, he couldn’t help but feel a little alert in his heart. But

  he still suppressed the doubts in his heart.

  After all, this is the territory of Silver Moon City. Even if the public security here is not excellent, kidnapping on the street is still very rare.

  Besides, the two men didn’t look like bandits, but more like retainers of nobles. As he often dealt with royal servants, he was very confident in his judgment of people. After

  walking for about half an hour, the group came from the bustling market to a corner of the port area.

  Two warships with double-sword flags were parked at the dock. On the shore stood a dozen muscular men with rippers on their backs.

  The entire dock seemed to be contracted by these two warships. Other ships stayed far away from here, and even dock workers and patrolmen didn’t come here.

  At this moment, Mogavi finally panicked.

  After glancing at the man following closely behind him, he looked at Singer who was walking in front of him and asked in a trembling voice with a hint of panic.

  ”You, who is your boss?!”

  Singer smiled faintly, stopped, and pointed at the ship in front with his chin.

  ”Lord Achim is on the ship ahead, let’s go up and talk.”

  Hearing this, Mogawi’s heart instantly fell from his throat to the bottom of the valley, and he cried out in his heart, regretting that he was blinded by the benefits.

  The man in the black robe stood motionless behind him, obviously not intending to let him go.

  Not only that, the dozen soldiers with rifles on their backs near the dock also stared at his face intently.

  Looking at the menacing posture, I’m afraid that if I dare to turn back or move a step, those guys will rush up and tear me apart without hesitation.

  Seeing that he stood there and did not move, the man named Singh politely reminded him with a slightly impatient tone.

  ”Mr. Mogawi, please get on board.”


  Being stared at by the sharp eyes, Mogawi smiled bitterly, and could only take his leaden legs and bite the bullet to walk towards the direction of the flagship’s gangway.

  These guys are from the Xilan Empire.

  These people are well-known throughout the Silver Moon Bay for their unreasonableness. Even the Governor of Silver Moon Harbor and the Lord of Silver Moon City can’t do anything about them. They can only hope that the protection of the Alliance will make them restrained.

  Mogavi never thought that he, who is doing business honestly, would provoke these plague gods, and he didn’t expect that they would kidnap people directly from the downtown area without following the rules!

  Of course.

  He also admitted that part of the reason was his own. If he hadn’t been greedy, if his brain hadn’t been paralyzed by alcohol, he wouldn’t have fallen for such an obvious trick.

  After a while, Mogawei finally boarded the deck and met Captain Achim in a luxuriously decorated captain’s room.

  The bearded man raised his nose slightly, stared at him with the attitude of interrogating a prisoner, and spoke casually.

  ”Have you been to French Fries Port?”

  Mogawei didn’t dare to hide it and nodded nervously.

  ”…Yes, sir, I just came back from there.”

  Hearing this, Captain Achim narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes were like the tongue of a poisonous snake.

  Mogawei felt a chill on his back, and when he was about to ask the lord in front of him for advice, Captain Achim slowly spoke.

  ”I need you to do something for me.”

  That was the tone of command.

  Obviously there was no intention of negotiation.

  Mogawei, who was thinking about how to get out of here, nodded quickly.

  ”Please go ahead.”

  Captain Achim continued slowly, satisfied with the attitude of the merchant in front of him.

  ”I will give you two cargo ships. You take them to French Fries Port. As long as they can dock successfully at the port, the rest will be left to us. It’s that simple.”

  Mogawi asked tremblingly.

  ”What are the cargoes of those two ships?”

  Achim looked at him expressionlessly.

  ”You don’t need to know.”

  Probably guessing what might be on the ship, Mogawi swallowed his saliva, forced a smile to cooperate, and nodded flatteringly.

  ”Okay! No problem, sir! I am very familiar with those guys in French Fries Port. No matter what cargo you want to transport there, it will be no problem… But this journey is not short. Can I go back and pack my luggage before leaving?” He


  As long as he was allowed to return to the downtown area, he would definitely run away without saying a word. I believe that the Alliance embassy should be very interested in this information, and may even arrange two bodyguards for him.

  However, Achim just glanced at him lightly and said with a smile.

  ”Do you think I will let you go?”

  Being looked at by the sneering eyes, Mogawi felt a chill on his back, and immediately forced a smile on his face that was not much better than crying.

  ”I… I won’t go down. So, sir, when are we leaving?”

  ”Now, two ships are waiting in the Borneo Sea, I will personally send you off.” Achim took out his diamond-studded pocket watch, took a look, and threw it into the drawer.

  Suddenly noticing the smile on the face of the small merchant that was uglier than crying, his eyes moved slightly, and he smiled and walked forward, patting his shoulder in a friendly manner.

  ”Don’t worry, we are just going there to take back what belongs to us. Follow me and work hard, and I will definitely not treat you unfairly after the matter is done.”

  Mogawi looked at the confident guy in front of him with a smile and tears, thanking him profusely, but cursing in his heart.

  These short-lived ghosts!

  Not only are they tired of living, but they also want to drag him down with them!

  He now only hopes that these guys will stay away from him when they die, and that their blood won’t splash on him…


  (Thanks to the leader “Yan Xia ycl” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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