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Chapter 691 The Coming Storm

Chapter 691 The Coming Storm


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 691 The Coming Storm

  The coast of the Seaside Province.

  It is completely different from the pleasant and bustling Silver Moon Bay.

  This blood-soaked beach only emits a more pungent stench than the fishy smell under the sun. There is no fertile soil flowing with milk and honey here, but only shocking fear and death.

  Near the Howling Rock next to the Death Coast, the cold and damp leeward side is now full of chirping noise.

  A group of blue-skinned humanoid creatures with scales and gills are reciting obscure eulogies and praying for the hunt that will begin today under the leadership of the priest.

  Two strong monsters walked to the cage half-submerged in the sea water, opened the cage skillfully, and pulled the dying man out of it. Soaked in

  sea water all day, the skin on his neck has ulcerated and sores, and the throbbing blood vessels seem to jump out from under the cracked skin.

  Two monsters carried him to the beach, threw him among the praying monsters, and then retreated to the side.

  Listening to the strange cries around him, the man tried to get up from the ground, but he had no strength at all, and his body parts felt like they were not his own.

  He had not eaten for three days, and was severely dehydrated. His trance mind could drift to another world at any time, and he couldn’t even make a sound to beg for mercy.

  Seeing the guy dying, the scaly monsters around him shouted excitedly and even danced.

  This showed that the ancestors who had escaped into the waves accepted their tribute. The surging waves swept away the spirit of the prey, and the weakness of the sacrifice was the best proof!

  And now there was only one last step left –

  ”…The dirty blood will be sprinkled all over the beach to comfort the souls of our ancestors.”

  Reciting the sacrificial spell, the priest with mud on his face walked in front of him, stretched out his skinny and powerful arms and grabbed him from the ground.

  Without waiting for him to react, it used a sharp flint to cut his throat and chest, letting blood gush out and spill on the dark beach.

  Those twisted figures were like the screaming devils in hell.

  They pounced on the corpse, smearing mud and sand mixed with blood on their foreheads and chests, as a symbol of receiving the blessing of their ancestors.

  If you are a survivor living in the Yunjian Province, you will definitely be familiar with these blue-skinned guys who are holding bloody rituals.

  They are the aquatic mutants that countless fishermen and sailors are afraid of! These

  guys who move along the coastline are even more difficult to deal with than their green-skinned compatriots. They are ferocious, barbaric, and cunning. When they encounter a lone wastelander, they rush up and tear him to pieces. When they encounter a tough guy, they turn around and run away without saying a word.

  Compared with terrestrial mutants, they have less human elements and more beast elements.

  It is precisely because of this that few aquatic mutants can form a large tribe of tens of thousands of people, and most of them live in scattered villages.

  Due to their wider range of activities and diet, their desire for mammalian flesh is not as strong as that of their green-skinned compatriots. Their attacks on humans are usually only out of hatred, as well as the need for sacrifice and reproduction.

  However, it would be a big mistake to think that they are more kind and docile than green-skinned guys. It is precisely because they do not regard humans as their main source of food that their talent in “wasting food” makes even the murderous greenskins frown.

  In fact, before the Torch Church set foot on this land, there were no aquatic mutants here.

  The militia of the Iron Tower Organization would patrol along the coastline and destroy any nests they found, even more actively than the military contractors in the Cloud Province who were paid to do things, so almost no aquatic mutants could gain a foothold in this area.

  However, everything has changed since the Torch Church came here.

  Those charlatans used the “Kingdom of Heaven” to manipulate ordinary humans who became captives of the Nago, and for those mutants who were not controlled by the Nago, they used the things that the latter desired as bait to sign a covenant with them.

  In just over a decade, the coastline of the Seaside Province has completely become a breeding ground for aquatic mutants.

  Especially the area around the Howling Rocks has almost become the world of these fish-scaled monsters. Even cargo ships from the east coast dare not easily approach this sea area.

  The priest who completed the ceremony stood quietly on the shore and put the blood-stained flint into a dirty cloth bag.

  At this moment, its pupils suddenly shrank and looked at the rocky beach.

  I saw a shadow bathed in golden light standing there, like a god walking out of the surging waves.

  The mutants around turned a blind eye to the existence of the golden shadow, as if they could not see him.

  This is also the case.

  Only the chosen person with the chip implanted can look at the indescribable existence.

  The old priest trembled and lowered his body and knelt on one knee.

  Looking at the ugly guy, Alzu spoke slowly.

  ”Do something for me.”

  The mutant priest said respectfully.

  ”Please give me your orders.”

  Arzu continued.

  ”Go west along the coast, and then go south. You will see a strait. There is a human village on the north bank.”

  ”Kill them all, leave no one alive!”

  Human village!

  Hearing this, a flash of excitement and bloodthirstiness flashed in the priest’s eyes.

  It bowed respectfully and pressed its forehead with wrinkled scales on the blood-stained beach.


  When it raised its head again, the pale golden light had disappeared, and only the surging tide and waves remained on the reef-covered beach.

  It stood up from the ground, looked at the tribesmen lying on the beach vying for the favor of their ancestors, and let out a shrill and sharp howl.

  The sound was like a war drum. Not only did the tribesmen crawling on the beach stand up, but also faces covered with scales appeared behind the Howling Rock.

  Blue fish scales gathered towards the beach, and in a short while there were thousands of them.

  The weapons in their hands were varied, including harpoons, fishing nets, wooden sticks with hooks, and shields made of turtle shells. In addition to these crude weapons, some elite members of the tribe carried harpoon guns, iron cannons, tubular mine launchers, and even assault rifles.

  Most of these weapons were captured from humans, and some were DIY by themselves using parts from shipwrecks.

  Looking at the increasing number of tribesmen, the priest let out a shrill roar again.

  ”Enemy! In the south!”

  ”Follow the coastline! We can find their village!”


  A pair of turbid pupils were lit up by the desire for blood, and the roar was answered by a more fanatical and bloodthirsty howl.

  ”Ah, ah, ah!”

  Looking at those excited young men, the priest’s face was filled with a fanatical and morbid smile, and his dry hands were trembling with excitement.

  Finally –

  the real sacrifice is about to begin!


  French Fries Port.

  On the edge of the golden beach, the emerald green palm leaves swayed gently with the sea breeze, a peaceful and peaceful scene.

  Under the mottled shade of the trees, in a simple shed made of hay and coconut shells, there were several black computer cases that were out of tune with the surrounding scenery.

  The fan of the case was humming, and the light blue holographic light and shadow were intertwined on the disc-shaped imaging device to form a constantly flickering three-dimensional image.

  At this moment, the holographic screen was showing the holographic structure of the “蟞” engineering armor designed by Shelter No. 100.

  This thing is currently the most advanced multifunctional land construction equipment in the alliance. Even the company that completed the grand project of Ideal City marveled at its exquisite design and praised it as “a miracle born in the sewer.”

  Although this title reveals an indescribable sense of superiority, there is no doubt that even the engineers of Ideal City were “slightly” shocked by this thing.

  Obviously, this shock was the same for the engineers of Coral City.

  Looking at the holographic image unfolding in front of him, the middle-aged man wearing plain glasses showed a surprised expression on his face, and then looked at Fang Chang standing beside him and asked.

  ”Incredible design… Is this made by your shelter?”

  His name is Zhou Zhehui, a survivor of Coral City, and also one of the designers of the “Electric Ray” underwater automatic welding unmanned boat.

  Since joining the alliance some time ago, he used the professional equipment and editing software provided by the scientific expedition team to copy a copy of the drawings of the “Electric Ray” unmanned boat to Meng Liang and others, and then joined the alliance’s scientific expedition team under the latter’s recommendation.

  The appearance of that thing is similar to that of a real electric ray, like a flat fan, which can move forward on the seabed hundreds of meters deep, grab building materials with the suction cups on its lower abdomen, and perform dangerous underwater welding operations instead of divers.

  According to the drawings he provided, the automated production workshop on the B7 floor of Shelter No. 404 tried out ten samples, which have now been sent to French Fries Port by the Niu Ma airship and put into the construction of the submarine fresh water pipeline from French Fries Port to the circular island.

  Judging from the feedback from the construction workers, this unmanned boat called electric ray is indeed easy to use, and the construction speed is more than three times faster than that of the cattle and horses of the power department.

  The manager quickly approved the production plan of 100 electric ray unmanned boats again, and made an exception to arrange it in front of the production queue. Soon, more electric ray unmanned boats will be airlifted to French Fries Port to participate in the construction of the port and submarine pipelines.

  At present, Mr. Zhou’s daily job is to guide the technicians sent by the alliance to master the use skills of the “electric ray” unmanned boat, including setting work goals and paths through the automated program installed on the terminal.

  Since this work did not take much time, he was idle most of the time and had nothing to do, so he could only wander around the settlement.

  It was while wandering that he happened to see the construction team on the French Fries Port shore installed with the 蟞-type engineering armor, and he couldn’t help but feel curious about the big guy with a unique shape.

  After learning about his interest, the alliance’s scientific expedition team did not hesitate to copy the drawings and usage tutorials for him to study. After

  learning about this from the scientific expedition team, Fang Chang quickly thought of his design experience in underwater engineering equipment, so he immediately came to him and asked him if he could make some improvements on the basis of the “蟞”-type engineering armor and design an amphibious engineering armor with similar operation and that can be used underwater.

  So Zhou Zhehui turned out the drawings that had been turned over many times and studied them again with a professional attitude. However,

  no matter how many times he looked at it, he couldn’t help but admire and be surprised.

  What kind of harsh and harsh living environment would give birth to such a simple and efficient engineering armor that is both bulky and flexible.

  After hearing his question, Fang Chang coughed lightly.

  ”No, it was designed by the residents of Shelter No. 100.”

  The creativity of the residents of Shelter No. 404 is mainly concentrated in the field of imagination.

  This kind of engineering equipment that has risen to the field of science fiction is still a bit too advanced for players whose knowledge level is still in the realm of reality.

  After listening to Fang Chang’s explanation, Zhou Gong’s expression was even more surprised.

  ”They also joined you? Shelter No. 100?”

  ”I guess… Do you know them?”

  Zhou Gong shook his head and said embarrassedly.

  ”That’s not the case. The only shelter that has intersected with us is Shelter No. 117, and it is mainly the blue jackets in Shelter No. 70 who are in contact with them. As for us, we have only heard of their existence, but we don’t know much.”

  After a pause, he continued to ask curiously.

  ”What kind of people are they? The same as the residents of Shelter No. 70?”

  Fang Chang said with a subtle expression.

  ”That’s a big difference… A lot of things happened to them, and the people who survived turned themselves into bionic people.”

  Zhou Zhehui was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to give an ambiguous comment.

  ”That… It’s a pity.”

  Fang Chang shrugged.

  ”Every family has its own problems.”

  Although most NPCs in “Wasteland OL” have reservations about whether AI can be equivalent to humans, most players are open to this.

  He is no exception, and even more open than the average person.

  After all, it’s a game.

  NPCs that are set as AI and NPCs that are set as real people, aren’t they all AI to people in the real world?

  Moreover, the AI ​​technology of this game has been advanced to the point where it is indistinguishable from the real thing.

  If he doesn’t deliberately think about those profound philosophical questions, he is used to treating them equally and treating those NPCs who only have one life as real people.

  Zhou Zhehui sighed softly and said.

  ”I really want to communicate with them if I have the chance, whether it’s academic or about our own affairs… I just don’t know how many human characteristics they have inherited after becoming androids. It always feels a bit strange to discuss the future of mankind with AI.”

  ”I feel that the difference between them and humans is not that big. You may be able to chat with each other,” Fang Chang coughed and reminded him after a pause, “Then… the modification.”

  Zhou Zhehui came back to his senses after hearing this reminder. He smiled embarrassedly and quickly put the topic back to the technology.

  ”I took a look. There is basically no problem. Their sealing design is very good. We just need to redesign the gas exchange system… Give me a week, or maybe three days. I will give you an improvement plan as soon as possible.”

  Hearing that it was so fast, Fang Chang’s face suddenly showed a surprised expression and said with a smile.

  ”Then please! By the way, what do you think is a good name for this improved model? I will use it when I make a budget.”

  Obviously, this NPC is not very good at naming. He scratched the back of his head and thought for a long time.

  But at this moment, his sight fell on the beach not far away, and he saw several players struggling to drag a mutant sea crab that was as tall as two people ashore.

  Inspiration instantly burst out from his mind, not only about the name of this set of equipment, but also more design details.

  He looked at Fang Chang with a sharp gaze.

  ”Since it is an amphibious engineering equipment.”

  ”Let’s call it ‘Crab’!”


  Since the players of French Fries Port reached an agreement with the Federal Patrol, the two sides have spent many days in peace.

  Although nothing worth mentioning has happened during this period, the changes in French Fries Port are not small at all.

  With the addition of engineers from Coral City, this settlement is changing at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye.

  Under the leadership of the engineer named Li Shihao, the construction team responsible for the port construction quickly invested in the port construction work.

  At the same time, with the assistance of the electric ray unmanned boat, the submarine fresh water pipeline from French Fries Port to the circular island has been advanced ten nautical miles.

  During this period, the Niu Ma airship went to Dawn City again.

  Not only did it bring fifty “electric ray” unmanned boats that had just been completed, but it also brought a batch of port-specific equipment produced by the Boulder City factory.

  Even though he was not optimistic about this “small fishing village” on the north bank of the Baiyue Strait, the governor of the Ring Island, Channing, had to admit that this water pipeline could indeed serve as an alternative to the desalination device to solve the urgent need for water for the residents’ daily life and industry on the island. What

  he couldn’t refuse was the price offered by the Baiyue Provincial Development Co., Ltd. It

  only cost 0.8 silver coins per cubic meter of tap water, and 800 silver coins for 1,000 cubic meters. The construction and maintenance of the pipeline were entirely borne by the Baiyue Strait Development Co., Ltd.

  Eight hundred silver coins were only the price of four LD-47 rifles. The residents of the Ring Island only used about 400 cubic meters of water a year, which was less than two assault rifles. The cost was even lower than before the destruction of the Ocean Current Power Station! Once

  the price of fresh water was reduced, it would not only mean that the residents of the Ring Island would no longer have to endure the tight life of taking a bath once a week, but also that a series of industries that had been closed due to the rising cost of fresh water would be restored, and food production that originally required subsidies to operate would also turn losses into profits.

  After easily calculating the account, Channing almost without hesitation signed a contract with Baiyue Strait Development Co., Ltd. for ten years.

  As for Baiyue Company, although the profit of this deal seems to be a bit meager, it is definitely a good deal in the long run.

  After all, the fresh water resources in Baiyue Province are almost unlimited, and it does not require any dark technology to send this fresh water to the island, and the maintenance cost of the pipeline is negligible.

  In other words, as long as they repair this pipeline, they can almost make money lying down in the future. Not

  only that, with this faucet in hand, French Fries Port will be firmly tied to the islands in the southern sea area!

  They will make the local survivors believe that they are here to solve the problem, not to bring destruction and disaster to this land.

  In addition to the projects centered on economic work, the alliance’s military base and logistics warehouse on the high ground northwest of French Fries Port have also been completed one after another.

  At present, this place is the garrison of the Burning Corps and the Jungle Corps, and other corps dispatched here may also be stationed in the future.

  In addition, players also deployed simple sentry towers and beachheads with machine guns and grenade launchers on the higher ground on both sides of the coast just south of French Fries Port to guard against possible threats on the coastline.

  The investigation of the ruins of the ocean current power station reminded the players here.

  The Torch Church may have cultivated some aquatic alien species that can move under the sea under the control of mind interference devices.

  The danger they face is not only from the rainforest in front of them, but also from the beach behind them.

  Today’s French Fries Port is like a busy construction site.

  From under the sea to the beach, and then to the rainforest that is close at hand, there are almost constant clanging and banging from morning to night.

  As for the Dolphin parked near the port and the residents of Coral City on the shore, the sailors of the federal patrol team also abided by the agreement and turned a blind eye, deliberately not seeing them.

  As a reward for turning a blind eye, Baiyue Strait Development Co., Ltd. will give them an extra “bonus” every month.

  Muda initially refused the bribe, and his refusal was righteous.

  He agreed to help the crew of the Dolphin escape not for money, but out of conscience and justice.

  However, Fang Chang finally persuaded him and handed the money, which made both parties feel at ease, to the upright patrol captain.

  ”… Just think of it as a reward for patrolling for us. We are busy with construction and have no time to keep an eye on the surroundings. If it is not troublesome, you can expand the patrol range to the west by another 100 nautical miles. If there are pirates or predators approaching, remember to remind us.” After

  a pause, Fang Chang continued.

  ”And, even if you don’t want this money, you have to think about your brothers. It is risky for them to follow you to do this.”

  Looking at the stack of banknotes in his hand, Muda was silent for a long time and said with a wry smile.

  ”Does this count as receiving two wages?”

  Fang Chang smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”How about just treating it as a part-time job? Wouldn’t it be better if you think that way?”

  Muda took a deep look at the guy who had made him sink deeper and deeper, and without saying anything, he stuffed the stack of money into his arms.

  Just as he was about to go back to the speedboat, he suddenly thought of something and spoke.

  ”By the way, there is something I need to tell you.”

  Fang Chang: “What is it?”

  Muda seemed to be hesitating whether to say this, and paused for a moment, and finally spoke.

  ”There will be a maritime patrol exercise the day after tomorrow, in the waters near the North Island, and patrols from all islands will participate.”

  Fang Chang raised his eyebrows with interest.

  ”And then?”

  Muda said with a complicated look.

  ”There is something very unusual. The Federal Ministry of Finance did not make any arrangements for the duty of each patrol area on that day, nor did it mention whether the Federal Navy would take over the patrol team’s temporary duty for one day…”

  Fang Chang said with a smile.

  ”That means we won’t be caught even if we smuggle that day?”

  Muda glanced at him.

  ”Don’t be like that.”

  ”Just kidding, we are all good people who abide by the law and only do legal business,” Fang Chang put away the smile on his face and looked at him solemnly and said, “Thanks, this information is very important to us.”

  Someone is planning to divert the federal patrol team from this area!

  It seems that something inconvenient for others to see will happen that day.

  Especially inconvenient for the people of the Southern Islands Federation to see.

  Retracting his gaze from Fang Chang’s face, Muda looked at the turbulent sea in the distance and said with a rather complicated look.

  ”I was just wondering if the federal navy was planning to conduct a surprise inspection of a patrol area, but it seemed a bit too deliberate. Regardless of whether we are suspected or not, you’d better drive that submarine away for the next two days.”

  Fang Chang nodded seriously.

  ”Okay, I’ll arrange it right away.”

   (Recommended a seedling “Alien King”. Synopsis: From the day he stopped taking psychiatric drugs, Lei Yue found that the whole world had become different.)


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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