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Chapter 693: Thank the ancestors for their gifts?

Chapter 693: Thank the ancestors for their gifts?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 693: Thank you for the gift from the ancestors?

  Under the rolling waves, a group of blue mutants with fish scales whizzed by with the ocean current. From a distance, they looked like a blue mudslide surging under the sea.

  They howled to intimidate the aliens who tried to approach, and used harpoons to open up a path forward, heading west along the coastline, and then heading south.

  Under the guidance of the will of the ancestors, they have been drifting for a whole week, and only rested a few times in the middle. When they were hungry, they caught some sea fish, shellfish or seaweed to fill their stomachs. Wherever they passed, it was like a swarm of locusts, and it was a turbid mess.

  However, even though they were starving, their morale did not decrease at all, and the fighting spirit burning in their pupils became even higher. The

  temporary hunger was just to free up their stomachs for the upcoming banquet. They would soon have a full meal with the gift of the ancestors and indulge in the cries and wails of their prey.

  As they were about to reach their destination, the leading mutant suddenly thrust his body upwards, stepped against the current and stopped swimming forward.


  The blue-skinned mutants following him scattered one after another, and thousands of them stood on the rocky seabed, like a ghostly seaweed forest.


  It opened its mouth and let out a shrill scream, looking up ahead, and then looked at the coastline on the right with uncertainty.

  The human village predicted by the priest was to their northwest, but a few kilometers to the west, two cargo ships were heading straight towards them.

  It straightened its chest and took a deep breath of the cold sea water, and a string of dense bubbles rolled out of its cheeks.

  As if it smelled something, its eyes gradually released a bloodthirsty light.



  ”So many!!!”

  Soon it was not just it, but thousands of turbid pupils were imprinted with that bloodthirsty light and the desire for killing.

  As if it sensed the desire for killing boiling in its blood, it opened its throat and let out a shrill scream.

  ”Sink them!”

  The hoarse scream was like a horn of attack, and it was answered by screams of cheers like crushing shells.


  Thousands of blue-skinned mutants rushed forward again at a faster speed like unbridled seahorses.

  The mutant carrying the torpedo was the first to leave the team, and heavily inserted the firecracker as thick as a bucket into the bottom of the seabed, and then pulled out the fuse.

  A string of dense bubbles floated upwards, and the blue-skinned mutant covered his ears and kicked his legs, running away from the torpedo that was ready to go.

  With a muffled “gulp”, a thick white bubble column rushed obliquely to the sea surface, and hit the huge torpedo straight into the front cargo ship.

  This civilian cargo ship was not equipped with professional underwater sonar, and the people on board did not sense the attack from underwater at all, and were hit hard without knowing it.

  The shock wave of the explosion caused the momentum of the entire cargo ship to pause. As the milky white bubbles dissipated, a concave hole appeared on the side of the bow, and even a few unlucky humans fell into the water.

  Looking at the slowly capsizing cargo ship, a group of blue-skinned mutants screamed excitedly, hitting the shields made of turtle shells or the reefs beside them with weapons, like a group of savages knocking knives and forks waiting for dinner.

  Just as they expected, as the cargo ship slowly tilted, more and more crew members jumped into the sea like dumplings.

  And the huge number was completely beyond the expectations of all the mutants present.

  Usually, they sank a ship, and at most they would get 20 to 30 prey.

  But now, just one cargo ship has dropped hundreds of prey, and the number is still increasing.

  The mutants were like seeing heaven, and their cloudy pupils suddenly glowed green.

  Praise the ancestors!!

  Before they could thank the ancestors for their gift, the blue-skinned mutant in the lead spit out the bubbles in his mouth, let out an excited cry, and then rushed forward with a harpoon.


  Under its leadership, the mutants lurking on the seabed kicked out their legs and rushed to the group of drowned chickens in the water with the weapons in their hands.

  It was like a wolf rushing into a flock of sheep!


  Before the imperial soldiers floating on the sea and choking on water could come to their senses, they were pierced through the chest by harpoons and crossbows.

  The sea surface was stained red with blood, a shocking and hideous scene.

  Screams and wails rose and fell with the waves on the sea, like hell on earth.

  In just a few breaths, nearly a hundred people died! The rest of the people who survived by chance had no idea what happened, and could only paddle desperately towards the shore.

  Obviously, for the imperial soldiers who had just stepped out of the Borneo Province for the first time, these blue-skinned monsters were still too “advanced”.

  The same was true for the mutants who were feasting on them.

  The flavor of these humans with their own condiments was also unique, completely different from those they had eaten.

  But it didn’t matter. It

  made no difference to them who had been hungry for a week. They just wanted to indulge in this feast of death and killing! The

  Xilan Empire soldiers who had not yet jumped off the boat saw clearly what was swimming in the water, and fear was printed on their faces.

  Those blue skins looked very much like the coats of the residents of the shelter.

  They looked like humans but not humans, like fish but not fish, waving harpoons, sticks, and even fishing nets in their hands, making sharp and shrill cries and laughter, and quickly harvesting lives that fell into the water one after another. In

  just a few breaths, corpses were floating everywhere on the sea, and every wave that hit the bow was stained with shocking scarlet.

  What was even more terrifying was that the monsters did not seem to be satisfied with simply executing their opponents.

  Sometimes they would pull the soldiers who had fallen into the water out of the water, and without waiting for them to breathe, they would push them back into the water, until their prey was exhausted, dying, and no longer struggling, and finally they would cut their throats and enjoy their flesh and blood.

  Listening to the wailing of the soldiers in the water, the soldiers who were crowded on the side of the ship and had not had time to jump into the water turned pale, with fear and helpless despair in their eyes.

  They either shouted at the people who had fallen into the water, trying to pull them onto the sinking cargo ship, or raised their rifles and fired at the surging waves, and threw grenades into the water.

  Unfortunately, everything was in vain and had no effect at all…

  Just when Mogawi was getting anxious, he suddenly saw the captain named Dirang and several of his guards dragging a kayak out of the cabin.

  While the mutants were still feasting in the sea and had no time to deal with them, they threw the kayak into the sea without saying a word and paddled towards the shore with all their strength.

  Seeing the hope of survival, Mogawi rushed into the cabin and found several spare rubber boats and wooden boats lying in the corner of the cabin.

  Knowing that he was not strong enough, he did not drag these survival tools out immediately, but ran back to the deck and shouted at those guys who had not yet entered the water because they could not swim.

  ”There are lifeboats in the cabin!”

  ”Hurry up and pull them out!”

  Hearing his call, everyone rushed forward in a hurry to grab the few life-saving straws, and he took the opportunity to get on one of them, and finally escaped before the cargo ship sank completely.

  The sea was in chaos, and from time to time there were cries of death and struggles of resistance.

  Looking at the small boats and even bathtubs passing by overhead, the soldiers who fell into the water stretched out their hands desperately trying to grab something.

  However, most of the only dozen “small boats” were already full and could not accommodate the nearly 1,000 people who fell into the water.

  Some kind-hearted people saw familiar faces and still couldn’t bear to kill their compatriots. They tacitly allowed them to hold their hands on the side of the ship and would not stop them as long as they didn’t get on board.

  Some ruthless guys totally ignored the friendship of their compatriots. Seeing that their speed to the shore was being slowed down, they used rifle butts, bayonets and even boot soles to get on the shore, just to get rid of these burdens and get on the shore quickly so that they could survive.

  Witnessing this scene of purgatory on earth, Mogawi was terrified and curled up in the boat, fearing that these people would throw him down and replace his compatriots who fell into the water.

  However, to his surprise, those vicious guys did not do so.

  Perhaps because the people standing next to him these days were all big shots, these low-ranking wolf tribesmen also “loved the house and the dog”, and instinctively regarded him, a kidnapped outsider, as some kind of big shot.

  In short, thanks to these people’s disregard, he was able to leave the waters full of blood and death without any danger, and was stranded on the shore with the boat.

  Using all his strength to climb out of the boat, he rolled and crawled forward for more than ten meters, and then rolled over and lay on his back on the muddy beach, gasping for fresh air, his muddy face full of shock. At

  this time, he heard a familiar voice from the side and immediately looked over. He

  saw a man soaked to the ground, leaning on a rifle, with shocking scars on his shoulders, limping to the shore.

  That man was Singh, a guard under Captain Achim, and the first person to respond to the order of the centurion and abandon the ship and jump into the sea.

  I didn’t expect him to be alive!

  Mogawi couldn’t help but write a trace of surprise on his face.

  Especially when he heard the first words of the guy after he came ashore, he almost dropped his jaw.

  ”… Damn, I was tricked by these blue rats!” Singh cursed with gritted teeth, spitting blood on the beach.

  This group of unethical guys!

  I didn’t expect that the blue gophers only looked honest on the surface, but they were very cunning and treacherous behind the scenes, and had seen through the empire’s plan long ago!

  But that’s okay…

  Since the forces of those blue ghosts are all tied up at sea, the defense on the shore must be empty, and the land happens to be the home of the Xilan Empire.

  As long as I can reorganize the troops that have escaped to the shore, even if there are only one or two teams of one hundred people, I will be able to fulfill my mission and take down the French Fries Port!

  Seeing that mentally ill guy walking towards him, Mogavi quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be dead, but before he waited two seconds, he was pulled up from the ground by the collar.

  ”Get up! I know you are not dead!”

  Mogavi opened his eyes tremblingly, and before he was fully awake, he saw the face that was twisted like a demon.

  ”My lord…”

  Singer stared at him with a ferocious look, squeezing out a word from between his teeth.

  ”Take me to the Alliance camp! Now!”

  Mogavi opened his mouth wide, looked at the soldiers lying on the beach like dead dogs, and then looked at the guy who was grabbing his collar. He was about to ask him “Are you crazy?”, but because his mouth was too wide, his joints were dislocated and he couldn’t speak.

  Fortunately, he didn’t need to speak.

  Less than two seconds after Singer finished speaking, a gunshot came from the distant forest.

  It was the sound of the Ripper’s rifle!

  At the same time as the gunshot, the sound of gunshots like raindrops rang through the beach and the forest, and a fierce exchange of fire was about to break out!

  Singer immediately let go of his hand and threw Mogavi, who had just sat up halfway, back to the ground. He loaded the rifle in his hand and shouted at the soldiers who were struggling to get up from the beach.

  ”Prepare for battle!”


  Time went back to half an hour ago.

  The beachhead on the northwest side of French Fries Port was dark and silent.

  If you don’t look closely, you probably won’t be able to see the helmets hidden behind the sandbags and earth pits, and the gun barrels hidden under the camouflage nets.

  There were fifty people guarding the position at first, and they changed shifts several times. At night, there were only about thirty left.

  Lying next to a fixed “Whirlwind” grenade launcher, a player wearing an exoskeleton couldn’t help yawning and muttering quietly.

  ”Damn, did those mutants go to Antarctica?”

  ”Why haven’t they been seen for so long?”

  It was already 8 o’clock in the evening in the game time, and it was time to get up and have breakfast in real life.

  Another player squatting next to him made a helpless expression.

  ”Who knows, it’s not certain whether the ones coming up are mutants, maybe just a few crabs.”

  Hearing that there were crabs to eat, the yawning man suddenly became energetic and swallowed his saliva and said.

  ”That’s good, just a good meal.”


  The player next to him who had been silent almost couldn’t hold back his laughter, and his shoulders shook.

  Seeing that the discipline of these newcomers was getting more and more lax, the team leader who had been staring at the beach couldn’t stand it anymore and patted the silly guy on the back of his head.

  ”Keep your voice down! You’re laughing like a silly turtle. Are you afraid that others don’t know there are people here?”

  What if those guys heard that there were people here and didn’t come up from this beach?

  How could he get the heads then?

  The player who was hit on the helmet smiled awkwardly, and everyone felt embarrassed and restrained themselves, returning their attention to their respective positions.

  At this time, a head with a haystack on its head popped out from the foxhole nearby.

  He vaguely heard someone calling his name, and the player looked over here in confusion.

  ”Captain, you called me?”

  The team leader: “…”

  This time it was not just the guy with a low sense of humor, but all the newcomers buried their heads and shook their shoulders.

  The guy with a low sense of humor was even more direct, knocking his head against the sandbag and simply going offline to laugh.

  Looking at the fool who was peeking out, the team leader was about to scold him, but a serious voice came from the communication channel.

  ”No. 4 position, what’s the situation over there?”

  Hearing the inquiry from his superior, the team leader’s face became serious, and he glared at the haystack that had shrunk back, and hurriedly reported in a low voice.

  ”Report, no situation for the time being!”

  Killing Dagger: “… Got it, keep alert, we will change shifts in a few minutes, brothers, hold on a little longer.”

  The captain replied awkwardly.


  There are not many old players in French Fries Port. Most of them are players between levels 10 and 20, and some are new players who just passed level 10 and came here to try their luck. It is normal to be a little dull occasionally. The

  game atmosphere of “Wasteland OL” has always been good. Most old players are more tolerant of new players. After all, everyone has come here this way.

  The battlefield has returned to silence, which is in sharp contrast to the ups and downs at hand.

  However, looking at the peaceful and peaceful waves, Fang Chang, who was holding the telescope, couldn’t help but frowned, with a worried expression on his face.

  It has been two hours since nightfall.

  Do we really have to wait until the afternoon?

  Or is the so-called attack just his overthinking?

  ”…Is it not coming?”

  Just as Fang Chang was muttering in his heart, the sound of sesame paste suddenly came from the communication channel.

  ”…This is the reconnaissance team. We heard gunshots coming from the sea southwest of us.”


  Hearing the report, Fang Chang was excited and opened the VM map without saying a word.

  However, when he saw the green dot flashing on the west side of the camp, he was slightly stunned.

  Still going west?

  Where is it going?

  In the short second when he was stunned, another communication request suddenly popped up on the VM screen. This time it was sent by Chen Jianhong, the captain of the Dolphin. After

  instructing Zhimahu to wait nearby, Fang Chang immediately pressed the answer button, and Captain Chen’s voice soon came.

  ”…Our sensors detected two consecutive explosions in the waters near you. I’m not sure if you noticed. Are you in any trouble?”

  Fang Chang frowned slightly.

  ”Explosion? We didn’t see anything, but someone heard gunshots. Can you determine the approximate location of the explosion?”

  Chen Jianhong: “It’s to our east, about five kilometers to your… uh, it should be west. I’ll send you the coordinates.”

  Fang Chang: “Received. You continue to remain silent and don’t contact us unless necessary.”

  Chen Jianhong: “Understood.”

  After hanging up the call, Fang Chang switched back to the VM map and soon saw the coordinates synchronized from the Dolphin.

  It even came with an estimated explosion equivalent.

  The two flashing question marks were about five kilometers west of the French Fries Port, and almost stuck to the shore of the north bank of the strait, so that Fang Chang couldn’t help but be stunned.

  Good guy.

  Are these mutants planning to play tactics with me?

  But it’s useless to go around to the west…

  The Burning Legion and the Jungle Legion are stationed on the high ground northwest of the camp, with a wide view of the surroundings. With the help of the agility and perception players to search for enemies and report points, a few machine guns and mortars can kill those beasts on the beach. There is still some hope if they come up from the dock in the south.

  Although only a little.

  It happened that at this time, the Killing Dagger, who had just handed over the defense zone to the friendly forces on duty, was walking towards this side.

  Without waiting for the guy to speak, Fang Chang immediately looked at him and said.

  ”Killing Dagger, take people to the west to have a look.”

  Killing Dagger was stunned for a moment, holding back all the questions in his mind about whether those mutants would come or not, and looked at him in confusion and asked.

  ”West? Where?”

  ”There was an explosion in the waters about five kilometers to the west. I have updated the approximate coordinates on your map. You just go west along the coastline.”

  While speaking, Fang Chang pointed his index finger at the screen and completed the editing of the mission path.

  Seeing the serious expression of Brother Fang, Killer Dagger suddenly became energetic, and the boredom on his face was swept away.

  ”Got it!”

  He responded without saying a word, and hurriedly ran to the team members who had just disbanded, and reorganized the team of more than 30 people.

  ”Brothers, there is a job! Follow your father to the west, and I will show you the world!”

  When they heard that there was a job, the people who were listless a second ago suddenly became excited, picked up their weapons and followed behind the more than 30-level big man, walking outside the position, while chattering and asking questions.

  ”Boss! Who is the enemy?”

  ”Is it a mutant?”

  ”I heard it’s a blue-skinned one!”

  ”Are the materials dropped valuable?”

  Seeing that these newcomers had never seen the world, Killer Dagger laughed.

  Coincidentally, he hadn’t seen it either.

  But it doesn’t matter, you will see it soon.

  ”Stop talking nonsense. There were two explosions five kilometers to the west of our position. No matter what happened, we will make those idiots regret coming to us!”

  After running along the edge of the rainforest, the group finally arrived near the coordinates and saw the group of guys climbing ashore in a panic.

  Seeing the group of soaked guys in the distance, Murder Dagger didn’t even need to ask, and had already guessed what happened.

  These guys must have passed by the strait, and they happened to run into the mutants who came to cause trouble for them.

  This luck is too damn good!

  Conscience prevailed in the end. Killing Dagger held back his laughter and shouted to the beach not far away.

  ”Fellow villagers in front! Get away from the shore quickly, we are here to save you!”

  Climbing onto the shore with an embarrassed look on his face, Dirang heard the shouts coming from the woods and instantly became alert. He looked at the nearby jungle and raised his rifle.


  Killing Dagger shouted again: “We are from the Alliance!”

  Alliance! ?

  Hearing this word, the face of the centurion Dirang suddenly changed, and he opened the safety of his rifle while roaring.

  ”It’s the Alliance!”

  ”Prepare for battle!”

  The guard standing next to him reacted faster than him. He raised his rifle and fired a shot at the dark forest, and then went to the bunker beside him to cover the officer next to him.

  Startled by the “pop” of the gunshot, Killing Dagger saw the bullet flying to his side and thought that the guys had accidentally fired, so he shouted quickly.

  ”Fuck, we are human, it’s the mutants who are going to kill you, not me, you better look carefully and turn off the safety–”

  But the group of people didn’t listen to what he said.

  Before he finished speaking, there was another gunshot, and this time the bullet flew in the direction of his voice and hit the tree trunk next to him directly.

  As if receiving an order, the beach was crackling with gunshots.

  The forty or fifty people who rushed to the shore opened fire and quickly dispersed to both sides.

  They either lay down on the spot to dig out foxholes, or rolled behind the reef to find cover. Regardless of their own embarrassment, they took an offensive posture and fired suppressive fire at the players in the forest.

  The various gunshots were from the Eviscerator rifle, the Legion’s standard “Blade” assault rifle and the PU-9 assault rifle.

  This time, Shabi finally understood that these guys were not accidentally firing, but were deliberately looking for trouble with them.

  More and more soldiers who fell into the water swam to the shore, or landed in escape boats. They were like landing on the beach, not caring who was chasing them, not even brushing off the mud on their pants, and just hitting the shore.

  Killing Dagger, who was originally ready to help them, suddenly got angry and didn’t care about any misunderstandings.

  These guys were all carrying guns, with ammunition bags on their backs and engineer shovels on their waists. It was too far-fetched to say that they were just passers-by. They

  were not good people at first glance!

  Seeing that more and more people were landing on the shore, there must be one or two hundred people. Killing Dagger immediately yelled at the more than 30 brothers behind him.

  ”Damn it!”

  ”Not only did these idiots not appreciate it, they dared to fire at us!”

  ”Beat them up hard!!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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