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Chapter 694: It is impolite not to reciprocate

Chapter 694: It is impolite not to reciprocate


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 694: It is not polite to not return the favor

  ”Charge! Put the barrels of your guns into their nostrils! They are not even enough to form a team of 100 men. Use your titanium steel will to defeat them!”

  Just as the Killing Dagger ordered to open fire, the centurion Dirang shouted and gave the order to attack. In an instant, gunshots rang out on the beach, and boiling bullets shot into the woods like raindrops.

  He could feel that there should not be many blue gophers hiding in the woods, only a dozen or twenty people.

  Otherwise, they would not pretend to distance themselves from the group of blue-skinned guys in the sea, and pretend to come to save themselves, and just show their weapons and fight.

  If it were him, he would definitely do this!

  Although most of his men were exhausted and their morale was low, now was the best time to defeat the alliance in one fell swoop!

  Once the monsters in the sea caught up and formed a pincer attack with the group of blue gophers on the shore, they would no longer have any chance of winning!

  It was for this reason that Dirang roared desperately and urged the soldiers to charge forward.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that the firepower that erupted from the forest was far beyond his expectations.

  Tracers blew towards the beach like raindrops, and the dust and gravel that were splashed formed an airtight wall, pinning all the soldiers who tried to rush into the rain forest to the beach. No matter how he shouted, he couldn’t get the soldiers to move forward.

  The whizzing bullets were like free money, and the imperial soldiers lying on the beach were completely stunned. What

  was even more deadly was not the whizzing bullets, but they felt that the rifles in their hands were like fire sticks, which were useless to those guys who were armed to the teeth with exoskeletons.

  Are these guys really the alliance that was established less than three years ago? !

  Why is it completely different from the propaganda posters…


  The beach is about 600 to 700 meters away from the battlefield.

  Standing on a reef, Rourou, holding a telescope, looked at the beach in the distance where gunfire was raging and was stunned. It took a long time for him to say something.

  ”Are they crazy?”

  She clearly saw that it was a group of blue-skinned mutants with fish scales that overturned the boat of those guys. They stared at the people on the shore who tried to save them. What was going on?

  ”That may not be the case. Maybe they are coming for us. It’s just that something unexpected happened…”

  Sis said casually while setting the coordinates on the VM, comparing the outline of the coastline.

  Moving his eyes away from the telescope, Rourou looked at her in confusion, with an expression of incomprehension written all over his furry face.

  ”… Coming for us?”

  Sis nodded and said concisely.

  ”How could a normal cargo ship carry so many soldiers? Aren’t they transporting goods? I can only think that they don’t have a simple purpose at all.”

  It must be said that these guys really picked a good time. They ran into the mutant troops sent by the Torch Church to find trouble in the sea, but they were fed in advance.

  Tail, who was holding the telescope, suddenly shouted excitedly.

  ”Oh! The sound of the Ripper rifle! Could it be the Legion’s friends?!”

  Sis said with a subtle expression.

  ”…I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be. I feel that the Willant people shouldn’t be so weak, and they should have no reason to come to us. It is possible that the Xilan Empire has this problem.”

  Zhimahu, who was standing next to her, glanced at the VM on her arm curiously.

  ”By the way, what did you write on the VM just now?”

  Sis: “That, it’s the artillery coordinates…”

  Rourou looked at her curiously and asked.

  ”Is it necessary?”

  While they were talking, the battle on the shore was over.

  Facing the machine gun fire and grenade blasts from the jungle, the one or two hundred scattered soldiers lying on the beach were no match at all. They were beaten so hard that they couldn’t even raise their heads.

  After all, they were not an amphibious combat unit. Many of them couldn’t even swim. They barely swam to the shore with the help of a small boat and a bathtub.

  In addition, the “Ripper” rifle was not designed for amphibious combat. After soaking in the water and rolling on the wet beach, the failure rate was almost full.

  The soldiers had to clean the receiver while firing. Facing the automatic firepower of the Alliance, they were beaten without even a chance to fight back.

  At first, they had a little bit of courage to fight with the confidence they didn’t know where it came from, but in less than five minutes, the courage to swell their faces and pretend to be strong disappeared completely.

  Many people even took off their pants that were wet by the sea water on the spot, raised them above their heads with the barrels and bayonets, and begged for a ceasefire, completely losing their ferocious posture just now.

  To be honest, they didn’t seem to be here to cause trouble, but rather to be funny.

  Sisi raised the telescope and looked into the distance.

  ”…It’s delayed firepower, not for them. The people in the sea are almost dead, and those guys with scales should also go ashore.”


  On the other side, the front line of the exchange of fire.

  Looking at the pants rising from the beach in the distance, Han Bagui, who was holding the machine gun and shooting, released his finger on the trigger, looked at the captain not far away and shouted.

  ”Boss, they surrendered!”

  Glancing at the beach in the distance, Killer Dagger also put down his rifle and gave a look to the power animal next to him.

  ”Go and tell them that our artillery has been aimed at their position. If you don’t want to be hit by the 155mm, throw your equipment on the beach and roll over to surrender!”

  The power animal nodded and said okay, then ran to the front excitedly, and shouted at the beach a hundred meters away according to the sentence translated by the VM.

  ”Listen, people in front! You have been surrounded by us!”

  ”Those who don’t want to be bombed should immediately drop their weapons and ammunition, raise your hands above your head and surrender!”

  ”Otherwise we will treat you as accomplices of the mutants and kill you together!”

  Hearing this, the soldiers on the beach panicked, but even so, no one dared to climb out of the bunker. On

  the one hand, they were worried that the alliance was cheating, and on the other hand, they were worried about being set on fire by their own people.

  At this moment, a shell “whoosh” landed on the beach, and the blast blew the dust dozens of meters away, leaving a shocking deep pit on the ground.

  It was a calibration shot from the Union artillery position, not a real bombardment.

  But even so, the thunderous roar still frightened the drowned people lying on the beach. They could no longer hold back their fear. They dropped their weapons and bags, raised their hands, and ran desperately towards the rain forest in front of them.

  ”Come back! Damn it! You cowards! You are a shame to the wolf clan!”

  Di Rang stared at the soldiers who threw away their armor and ran towards the enemy’s position, his eyes bloodshot.

  This bunch of useless animals!

  There are obviously only 20 or 30 people on the opposite side. What if they have exoskeletons? Even if it is a power armor, it will still break down if it is hit by too many bullets!

  If they were a little braver and rushed over with their weapons instead of running away like they are now, they would have taken down the opposite position long ago!

  The guards lying on the side looked at the commander tremblingly.

  ”My Lord… those cowards betrayed us.”

  ”We have no one left. Should we continue to fight them?”

  They were not afraid of death.

  But this could not be called a war at all.

  Everyone they met along the way told them that the Blue Gophers were just a group of weak guys who relied on others’ power. They were chased all the way to the River Valley Province by a branch of the Legion. They barely survived with the protection of the enterprise and the side of the academy.

  However, the people standing in front of them at this moment were obviously not that kind of people. They were even more terrifying than the Willant people with gunpowder flowing in their veins.

  Looking at the group of terrified guards, Dirang knew that the cowards had retreated. His muddy face was full of anger and his teeth were clattering.

  He was an officer awarded by His Majesty the Emperor himself. His bravery was the pride of the Grey Wolf Army!


  He would rather die here!

  However, at this moment, he caught a glimpse of the blue ghosts rushing towards the coastline, and a chill that penetrated his bones instantly climbed up his spine.

  He saw his soldiers being held in the water by those guys, their stomachs cut open, their hearts and livers taken out and eaten alive.

  If he had a choice, he would rather be executed by the Alliance than be caught by these guys.

  ”… Meaningless sacrifice is not loyalty. The Wolf God will forgive our temporary humiliation.” He gritted his teeth and said this.

  Hearing this, the guards finally breathed a sigh of relief, dropped their weapons, helped the commander climb out of the bunker, and limped towards the woods ahead.

  Everyone was glad in their hearts that the commander agreed…

  otherwise they would have to tie him up.

  Seeing that their commander had surrendered, the few remaining imperial soldiers who were still resisting also gave up resistance, dropped their weapons and walked out of the bunker.

  A group of prisoners were quickly incorporated and pointed at by three players with guns and taken to the edge of the battlefield.

  More than a hundred people squatted in a row in the woods with their hands on their heads. Whether officers or soldiers, they all looked dusty.

  The team was originally full of 1,000 people, but now the few people left can’t even make up a company. It’s a miserable sight.

  Looking at this group of bear-looking guys, Hanbagui, who had a haystack on his head, couldn’t help but curse.

  ”Damn, why don’t I feel any sense of accomplishment after defeating these guys.”

  The player named Blastoise shook his head.

  ”Too weak.”

  Anyway, he felt it was boring, so Squirtle slung the LD-47 rifle across his chest and walked to the front of the group of prisoners and posed as if he was standing guard.

  He glanced at the guy with a show-off face and Hanbagui asked.

  ”What are you doing?”

  Squirtle urged.

  ”Don’t talk nonsense, take a picture for your dad quickly, and make me look handsome.” ”

  Fuck, are you interested?”

  Although he complained, Hanbagui still clicked on the screenshot function of the tactical helmet action recorder and took a close-up picture of this guy.

  Looking at the photos uploaded to his VM, Squirtle liked them more and more, and said with a smile.

  ”What do you care if I’m interesting or not? I just think it’s interesting!”

  Three people captured a team of 100 people.

  He’ll post it on the forum to show off later!

  The Blastoise on the side looked at it with envy, and couldn’t help but walked over and posed.

  ”Damn, take a picture for me too!”

  Probably understanding what these guys were doing, the captain Derang felt the veins on his forehead bulging, but he could do nothing but look aside in humiliation and hold his anger.

  At this moment, he didn’t know that because his expression was too delicious, the guy who took the photo also took a close-up of his face.

  Even if he couldn’t make the headlines of the “Survivor Daily”, it would be no problem to make the headlines of the “Goblin Observer”.

  On the other side, the blue-skinned mutant who had eaten about 70% full finally solved the prey in the sea, and killed it to the shore with the ferocity aroused by the blood, and chased it in the direction of the rain forest.

  They saw with their own eyes that the prey fled into the forest. They would not allow the prey to escape without killing them. At

  this moment, Killing Dagger and his teammates finally showed some serious expressions on their faces.

  They would not take it lightly just because these guys were poorly equipped.

  The technology of mutants is half a singularity level, and its lower limit has exceeded the limit of ordinary humans.

  As biochemical soldiers, they have extremely strong vitality and resilience. In other words, they are weapons themselves, so it doesn’t matter whether the weapons they use are simple or not.

  Even if they hold a branch in their hands, no one dares to be careless.


  With Killing Dagger’s order, more than 30 gun barrels sprayed out flames.

  Hit by the bullets, the chest of the mutant who rushed to the front suddenly exploded with a string of blood mist, but he did not stop running.

  Several mutants who were shot through the head fell on the beach, but were soon drowned by the mutants who rushed to the shore like a tide.

  Watching the increasing number of mutants, Killer Dagger felt his scalp tingling.

  At this moment, deafening cannon shots suddenly pierced through the rustling jungle, and the flying shells fell on the beach in front of him like raindrops.


  The dust from the explosion rushed into the sky, and the blue-skinned mutants running in the front fell down instantly, and their broken limbs and arms flew into the sky along with the broken reefs.


  Seeing the brutal scene, the players cheered excitedly and blew whistles to cheer for the gunners who hit the target.

  The Xilan Empire soldiers who were squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands also witnessed the scene of artillery fire. Their faces lost color and there was a dead silence.

  They were just glad that they didn’t stay on the beach to die.

  Looking at the officer who instigated them to die, they only had hatred in their hearts, and no longer had the slightest desire for the trophies and honor that didn’t exist at all…

  The blue-skinned mutants who were bombarded by a round of artillery fire had a clear stagnation in their offensive momentum.

  Many guys who were not directly involved in the artillery fire were also stunned by the deafening roar.

  At this time, the second round of artillery fire soon followed.

  However, this round of artillery fire did not cause many direct casualties, nor did it set off the devastating fire. Instead, palm-sized discs fell like raindrops on the beach washed by the sea.

  This is the latest artillery mine developed by Goblin Technology, which is fired by a 155mm artillery.

  Facts have proved that apart from those unreliable brain holes, Mosquito can occasionally come up with some useful things when there are real examples to refer to.

  At this moment, the mutants who were still rushing to the shore did not know that their retreat had been completely blocked by the dense mine array.

  And just after two rounds of artillery coverage, the 30-man team led by the Killing Dagger also received the order to retreat, evacuating to the north with more than 100 prisoners, and putting the group of mutants into the rain forest.

  Before the mutants cheered for breaking through the defense line of their prey, the gunshots from all directions quickly solidified their ugly smiles on their faces.

  At some point, the two hundred-man teams had circled to their two sides, one on the left and one on the right, like a pair of red-hot iron pliers, fiercely clamping their vital points.

  At this moment, the elite of the alliance – the Jungle Corps – was the offensive vanguard!

  The mutants who were under concentrated fire clearly felt that the pressure on them was more than doubled. The human soldiers who came to reinforce them were much stronger in both firepower and accuracy than the thirty or so people who tickled them just now.

  And what was shooting at them was not just the 7mm small water pipe, but also the 19mm armor-piercing bullets for the bolter!

  It was not just a matter of making a hole when that thing hit the body, but how much would be left.

  Their bodies were far less sturdy than those green-skinned guys in Jinchuan Province. In order to maintain mobility, they did not wear thick armor. Almost as soon as they made contact, they dropped hundreds of corpses.

  With more and more casualties, expressions of fear finally appeared on those faces covered with fish scales.

  Facing this group of guys who were more cruel than them, they finally got scared.


  I don’t know who shouted, and the blue-skinned monsters who swarmed to the shore fled towards the coastline again.

  The sea is their home!

  As long as they escaped to the sea, no matter how powerful those iron lumps holding chainsaws and gun barrels were, they would never be the opponents of them who were protected by their ancestors!

  At this moment, they did not realize that their retreat route had been blocked by landmines.

  The first mutants who escaped to the beach did not even smell the fishy smell of the sea water, and were blown off their calves by the sudden flames. They fell to the ground in pain, holding half of their knees and rolling and wailing.

  Looking at the tragic situation of their dead companions, a group of blue-skinned mutants hurriedly stopped their steps, looking at the beach painted red with blood in fear, and dared not take another step forward.

  More than 500 monsters with fish scales were crowded together on the beach.

  At the same time, the jungle corps, divided into two teams, stepped out from the edge of the rainforest unhurriedly.

  The K-10 exoskeletons painted with green paint were like iron towers, and the grenade guns on their waists formed a steel wall that condensed the aura of killing.

  The brothers of the Burning Legion hadn’t even made a move yet.

  They alone were enough to crush these scum.

  Looking at the group of beasts with despair written all over their faces, Midnight Killer showed a grim smile on his face, ejected the bolt bullets from the 19mm barrel, and turned the saw blade of the chainsaw welded to his arm.

  The remaining scum were already trapped in the jar, and there was no need to waste precious ammunition.

  For these beasts who had given up being human, only the most cruel death was worthy of them.

  ”It’s time to kill!”

  The two steel walls pushed forward together, bringing the suffocating death, giving the group of poor people blocked on the beach the final blow.

  Those blue-skinned mutants were either split in half by the chainsaws like greatswords, or their legs were broken by landmines when they fled in panic.

  Looking at the pieces of meat and blood foam that were split by the chainsaw and thrown into the sky, the thousand-man commander Dirang, who was squatting on the ground with his head in his hands, turned pale and his lips trembled constantly.

  He felt like a child.

  Not only were they weak, but they were also ignorant, and they actually tried to use a branch to trip the giant’s legs.

  The final result was obvious. They were hit half to death by an unintentionally extended toe before they even touched the giant’s legs…

  He had already begun to regret accepting this mission from his superior.

  But it was too late to say anything now…


  From the first gunshot to the last, a full hour had passed.

  And Mogavi also maintained a face-down posture, lying on the beach pretending to be dead for a full hour.

  Fortunately, the beach he was on was not the center of the battlefield.

  Neither the first thousand troops of the Gray Wolf Army who were rushing to reincarnate, nor the mutants who chased the smell of blood and howled into the rain forest later, noticed him lying on the beach pretending to be dead.

  Just like that, after an unknown amount of time, footsteps were heard beside him, and a hand grabbed the back of his collar and lifted him up from the beach like a chicken.

  ”Don’t kill me! I, I’m not in the same group with those guys!”

  Feeling that this face looked familiar, Qingdeng Gujiu turned on the flashlight and shone it on his face which was mixed with mud and water. He was suddenly shocked when he saw the pair of eyes.

  ”What? Are you the… profiteer who sells skins?”


  Looking at the man in front of him, Mogawei opened his mouth blankly, and was so surprised that he couldn’t speak for a while.

  He didn’t expect to run into an acquaintance by such a coincidence. Qingdeng Gujiu was also surprised. After pulling him up from the ground, he let go of his hand and patted the sand on his shoulder.

  ”Hey, do you still remember me?”

  Mogawei nodded nervously, and then asked him with a confused look on his face.

  ”Wait, I remember you… aren’t you a butcher? Why are you here?”

  Qingdeng Gujiu looked at him strangely.

  ”Isn’t it normal to have three professions at level 20? I’m not just a butcher. Isn’t it basic to have a main profession and then a soldier profession to take on missions?”

  Mogawei: “……?”

  Seeing the NPC’s confused expression, Qingdeng Gujiu quickly remembered that he was not from the Alliance, so he suddenly came to his senses and patted his shoulder.

  ”I almost forgot that you are not from our place, don’t mind… By the way, didn’t you go to Silver Moon Bay to buy goods? Why are you hanging out with those idiots?”

  Upon hearing this, Mogawei suddenly felt a sense of grievance in his heart, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

  ”… Do you think I want to? I was kidnapped by them.”


  Qingdeng Gujiu looked at him in surprise, then looked at the guys who were tied up like dumplings squatting at the edge of the woods in the distance, and continued to ask with a strange expression.

  ”By those people?”

  Mogawei nodded nervously.


  Sensing that there seemed to be something else going on tonight, Qingdeng Gujiu suddenly became interested.

  ”Can you tell me what happened?”

  Mogawei looked at him with a wry smile.

  ”That’s a long story.”

  ”It’s okay. Anyway, we’re done fighting. We have plenty of time. Just tell me.”

  Qingdeng Gujiu said with a grin. The other players who were cleaning the battlefield nearby saw the situation here and gathered around curiously.

  Seeing a pair of eyes looking at him, Mogawei suddenly felt that this might be a good opportunity for revenge.

  So he swallowed his saliva, sorted out his thoughts for a moment, and spoke slowly in a sad tone.

  ”It was a sunny morning. I had been drinking all night and was about to get up to pay the bill when a group of imperial guards knocked on the door of the tavern and pulled me up from my chair…”


  Just as Mogawi was complaining about Captain Achim’s arrogance and kidnapping, Captain Dirang and his beaten bodyguards were still pretending to be calm and stubborn.

  At first, they even refused to admit that they were soldiers of the Xilan Empire, and they claimed that they were from Silver Moon Bay and were just passing by.

  It was not until the players brought a girl from the Moon Clan that his poor acting skills were exposed.

  ”He is a wolf! He and his men are the running dogs of the Japanese and the Oxen!”

  The girl gritted her teeth and squeezed out these words. She didn’t care about Di Rang’s warning. Then she looked at Fang Chang who was standing beside her and said respectfully, “Sir, I can be sure that the Empire must have sent them here!”

  ”Very good, thank you for your identification. Go back and rest. Leave this to us.”

  After giving the girl a reassuring look, Fang Chang sent her to the door, then looked at the centurion who was still stubborn and continued.

  ”I advise you to tell the truth. We are not unreasonable people. I ask you again, why did you open fire on us? And who ordered you?”

  ”How many times have I said that I thought those mutants were in the same group with you! Who asked me to meet them on your territory? I admit that I was wrong, but you are not without responsibility!” Di Rang still held on to that set of rhetoric and refused to explain anything.

  Fang Chang narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”Do you think I’m stupid? More than a thousand people, full of weapons and ammunition, and two weeks of dry food. Are you going to the southern sea to feed the fish?”

  ”…” Di Rang kept his mouth shut and tried to avoid interrogation with silence.

  Fang Chang’s eyebrows twitched slightly.

  Just when he was thinking about whether to do something tough, there was a knock on the door, and then the Killing Dagger pushed the door open and walked in.

  ”We found a survivor on the beach. His name is Mogawi. According to him, he was tied here by this group of Xilan Empire soldiers. In addition, he also confessed a lot of interesting things, including how he was tied to the ship by Captain Achim, and that the guys we captured were the 1,000th team of the Grey Wolf Army of the Xilan Empire.”

  Hearing the name Mogawi, Di Rang’s eyes widened immediately.

  That guy is still alive?

  Fang Chang’s face also showed a trace of surprise, but it was because of something else.

  ”Why does this name sound a little familiar?”

  The Killing Dagger said with a smile.

  ”That guy came here before and made a fortune from those professional players. He was the one who took a few bundles of furs.”

  Fang Chang showed a look of realization.

  ”It turned out to be that guy.”

  The Killing Dagger continued.

  ”According to his account, this group of 1,000 people boarded the ship at Jinjialun Port in Borneo Province, and joined Achim’s warships in the Borneo Sea, and then sailed to the Baiyue Strait. Their target is the French Fries Port, and they are coming for us just like those guys with scales.”

  Fang Chang asked with a strange look on his face.

  ”When did we offend them?”

  Crossing the entire Borneo Sea, crossing 2,000 kilometers just to give a head.

  How big is the hatred?

  The Killing Dagger made a helpless expression.

  ”I don’t know. Mogawi couldn’t explain it clearly. He only remembered that Captain Achim mentioned that the Empire wanted the Alliance’s administrators to pay for his arrogance and rudeness, and wanted to collect some interest from his settlements, and also held a seven-day and seven-night party at the port…”

  ”Of course, when they do bad things, they will pick a leaf to cover their eyes and claim that they are plunderers. In this way, no one will know who did the bad things, and even if the Alliance wants to get angry, they can’t find anyone to get angry at.”

  At the end, Sha Bi himself couldn’t help laughing.

  Hearing that humorous statement, Fang Chang almost couldn’t hold it back, and then looked at the only guy in the room who couldn’t laugh with a smile.

  Being frightened by that look, Di Rang swallowed his saliva and subconsciously defended himself.

  ”It’s not seven days and seven nights, it’s… three days… No, I didn’t say that, that guy is completely talking nonsense!”

  Fang Chang smiled faintly.

  ”So what you mean is that the phrase ‘The Empire will make our administrators pay the price’ was said.”

  A drop of cold sweat ran down Dirang’s forehead, and he swallowed again, feeling his scalp tingling.

  He always had a bad premonition, but he couldn’t tell what it was.

  Walking up to the trembling centurion, Fang Chang patted his shoulder and said in a comforting tone.

  ”Don’t worry, we won’t teach anyone a lesson just because they said a few stupid and rude words. Feel lucky, you are not worth it.”

  Hearing this, Di Rang breathed a sigh of relief.

  However, before he could completely relax, the guy who patted his shoulder changed the subject.

  ”But you came all the way here, and got beaten for no reason. It’s really pitiful to see.”

  Looking at the centurion who was looking at him blankly, Fang Chang had a malicious smile on his face and continued slowly.

  ”How about this, it’s rude not to reciprocate.”

  ”Since you are on the ship from Kingalen Port, we will reluctantly make a trip and send you back there.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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