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Chapter 696 Landing, control, street fighting!

Chapter 696 Landing, control, street fighting!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 696 Landing, control, street fighting! At

  four o’clock in the morning, the sun had not yet risen, and the sea was still gray.

  The Golden Gallon Port lying on the coastline was like a sleeping bull. The concrete docks that stretched out were its horns, and the urban area lying on the edge of the coastline, densely packed with large areas of houses of different heights, was its bloated and fat belly.

  This settlement located on the Yongliu River and on the impact plain is the largest settlement of the Xilan Empire on the east coast, and it is also the largest port.

  According to the posts updated by Sisi on the forum, there are an astonishing one million people living here, even more than the people of the Hump Kingdom combined.

  If you only look at the scale, whether it is the port of Silver Moon Bay or the port of the ring island, it can only be regarded as a flea compared to it.

  However, when it comes to living standards, just looking at the densely packed houses and shacks like ant nests, it is not difficult to feel the suffocation and hardship that comes to your face.

  Of course, if it is said that there are only shacks here, it must be a slander against the empire. After all, anyone who lands at this port, as long as he is not blind, will not ignore the straight concrete docks and the blocks with street lights.

  Although the incident that happened a month ago has left the nobles living near the port with lingering fears, it still does not affect the fact that this is the most expensive place on the entire Yongliu River. A brick here can even buy a nearby city district.

  Of course, no matter how expensive the house here is, it has nothing to do with Palu who is standing guard here.

  First of all, he is a horse tribe member. Only the noble sun tribe members, cattle tribe members and outsiders are qualified to buy a house here. Moreover, the transaction does not accept Xilan coins that change every day, but only pure gold dinars that can be exchanged for slaves.

  No matter which one, he dare not even think about it. He can only donate more incense money and pray for a good rebirth in the next life.

  In fact, there are only a thousand gods protecting this place, which is not a lot. Maybe he will become a sun tribe member or a cattle tribe member in the next reincarnation?

  It is not impossible.

  Looking at the silent coast, Palu, who was daydreaming, couldn’t help but yawn and tightened the fire-stick-like rifle in his hand.

  It wasn’t because this thing could bring him much sense of security, but purely because the sea breeze was blowing here, and he was always worried that it would be blown away if he didn’t hold something in his hand.

  This time was too early for most people in this settlement. Only the dung pickers carrying wooden barrels and the patrolling guards were awake by the port.

  If you accidentally fall into the sea, you might drown and no one would notice.

  ”…Isn’t it time to change shifts yet?”

  Palu muttered softly, looking around in an irritable mood, always feeling that the time for the shift change had passed.

  Damn it.

  Could the person ringing the bell have fallen asleep again?


  At this moment, Palu didn’t know that the guard in charge of ringing the bell was not asleep, but was knocked unconscious by a club.

  The bell tower was the highest point in the area, right next to the Port Guard Bureau. If they took it, they could at least overlook half of the port area.

  It wasn’t just the bell ringer.

  During the time that Palu was yawning, the gate of the Port Guard Bureau was also controlled by force by a group of guys wearing exoskeletons.

  The guard on duty was gagged and thrown under the table of the guard booth. An intelligence player quickly released the four-rotor drone he was carrying, and used the neural access device to operate the drone to fly around the entire guard bureau twice, marking all escape routes and places where people might be.

  The team leader, the corner old six, immediately issued an attack order, and then twenty soldiers wearing “type five” exoskeletons broke through the front door of the guard bureau openly, and split into two groups and went straight to the main building and dormitory.

  Many snoring guards were pulled out of bed before they woke up, and then they saw a pistol with a silencer inserted pointed at their foreheads.

  Looking at the index finger tapping the lips, no one dared to speak. They all honestly accepted the fact that they had been captured. They were escorted by these uninvited guests into the prison cell of the Security Bureau and stayed with the prisoners who had not yet woken up.

  At this moment, even a blind man could see that this group of people were obviously not ordinary pirates or plunderers.

  They were well-trained, their actions were clean and neat, without any drag, and they were quick, accurate and ruthless, and they hit the vital points directly, not giving the “victims” any chance to react.


  They are all regular troops!

  And both their equipment and tactics are professional!

  When encountering such a tough guy, even if you resist, it is useless, it is better to surrender honestly.

  What’s more, being captured by the regular army is nothing to be ashamed of, and their superiors will not blame them for not resisting.

  It’s just that everyone in the entire Security Bureau can’t figure out one thing.

  How did they get involved with this group of plague gods?

  The whole operation took less than fifteen minutes, and there was no communication throughout the whole process. The Port Guard Bureau of Jingalon Port has been suppressed.

  This sleeping bull has been blindfolded.

  The Union submarine can surface openly beside the dock and transport the personnel and equipment in the cabin to the shore, strangling its neck with a rope.

  In the office of the director of the Security Bureau.

  The corner old six, who has completely controlled the building, stretched out his index finger and pressed on the helmet, reporting the current situation to the temporary combat command in the submarine.

  ”… This is the advance team. We have successfully suppressed the port security system. There has been no exchange of fire. You can land at any time.”

  After the rustling sound of electricity, Lao Bai’s voice came from the other end of the communication channel.

  ”Received, continue to suppress, and stand by at the same place.”

  Corner old six: “Understood.”

  At the same time as the communication ended, a giant black submarine slowly emerged from the sea at the edge of the dock on the southernmost side of the port.

  The black hull quietly pushed away circles of waves, revealing the wide deck and the huge curved bow.

  The crew standing on the deck threw out the cushioning air cushion and guided the submarine to slowly approach the edge of the concrete dock through the intercom.

  When the submarine came to a stop, a row of black exoskeletons stepped in neat steps through the hatch connected to the deck and boarded the dock through the extended gangway.

  Following them to the port were a row of Y-2 butterfly knife drones with guns hanging from their muzzles, and twenty “Hellhound” unmanned vehicles loaded with ammunition. In

  just three minutes, a battalion of troops had been deployed, and it was the most elite battalion in the alliance.

  Not only were all of these players second awakeners with genetic sequences above the third stage, they were also armed to the teeth with mechanized equipment.

  Seeing the army suddenly appearing at the port, the nearby patrolling guards were so shocked that they froze in place, and for a moment they lost their movements and their voices.

  Facing this group of completely different guys, they only felt that the ripper rifles in their hands were like small water pipes in the washbasin.

  Not to mention raising it to aim at those people, they didn’t even have the courage to load the rifles, so they put down their rifles and raised their hands.

  After all, they were just a group of ordinary survivors with a meager salary. They were neither the noble Imperial Army nor the private soldiers of the Governor’s Mansion.

  They had neither the ability to rush up and fight desperately, nor the courage to do so.

  The leading player did not fire at them, but just gathered them to a place where they would not get in the way, arranged two drones to watch, and then continued to carry out the task of occupying the port.

  At this moment, Palu, who was standing on duty at the northernmost end of the port, didn’t even notice what was happening. The control of the port had fallen into the hands of the Alliance.

  The deck of the submarine.

  Looking at this port that fell into their hands without firing a shot, Fang Chang, who was wearing the “Type 5” exoskeleton, couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”Now I understand how those guys made such a mess of this port with only four people.”

  Before landing, he estimated that there would be at least one fierce exchange of fire in the port area, just in time for a rehearsal for the landing battle in the southern sea area and Haiya Province.

  After all, they had always landed from the sky before, and had never encountered a landing from the sea. If the Southern Islands Federation suddenly turned against them, it would be a bit difficult for the coastal defense capabilities of French Fry Port to deal with the bombardment of the federal fleet’s naval guns. The best solution is to use submarines to break through and exchange homes.

  In any case, always be prepared for the worst.

  However, this huge settlement with a population of one million was completely beyond his expectations. The defenders here seemed to be asleep, and they were shot down without firing a single shot.

  Lao Bai, who was standing next to him, glanced at him.

  ”Are you talking about Awei and the others?”

  Fang Chang shrugged.

  ”Has anyone else been here?”

  Seeing his speechlessness, Lao Bai smiled and said.

  ”Don’t underestimate them. It’s hard to say how strong they are, but they are very good at making trouble.”

  Although the probability of success is not high, it often works wonders when it succeeds.

  As for the time when it failed, I’m probably too embarrassed to talk about it on the forum.

  Looking at the still sleeping settlement, Fang Chang sighed softly.

  ”I didn’t underestimate that guy, but I just felt a little…”

  After a pause, he thought of an appropriate wording.

  ”I overestimated this ’empire’ a little bit.”

  Only the locals themselves know whether the population has exceeded 100 million or whether the wasteland era has ended, but it is true that the entire Borneo province has been unified. Fang Chang

  didn’t know how they did it.

  The Alliance has not yet completely ruled the administrative divisions of the entire prosperous era. Although they don’t seem to have deliberately played this map coloring game, it is actually quite difficult to implement it.

  In the provinces east of the River Valley Province, the number of survivors is so small that people don’t know how to unite them. There are only thirteen or twelve civilizations left by the War Construction Committee, such as the Stone City and the Singularity City, and its tentacles can never reach as far as the Borneo Province.

  Perhaps, as the Xilan people said, there are indeed thousands of gods who are watching over them…


  On the other side, the Port Guard Bureau office.

  Looking at these uninvited guests who communicate in a language he can’t understand, Mandar, who is sitting behind the desk, trembles and dares not breathe.

  However, the guy wearing the exoskeleton still noticed him, strode up to him, and looked down into his eyes.

  ”Are you the director here?”

  Mandar subconsciously nodded, but soon came to his senses and shook his head, stammering.

  ”Yes, no… I’m not, I’m the duty director.”

  The corner Lao Liu continued viciously.

  ”Where is your superior? Where is he now?”

  ”He lives on this street nearby…” Mandal was so anxious that he almost cried, his lips trembling.

  The sixth man in the corner did not embarrass him. He picked up a notebook from the table, tore off a page and threw it in front of him, and pointed with his index finger.

  ”Write down the house number and street.”

  ”Yes, yes!” Not daring to resist at all, Mandal hurriedly reached out and grabbed the pen, and quickly wrote down a long list. The

  sixth man in the corner picked up the note and took a look. He tapped his helmet twice with his index finger. While taking pictures through the tactical eyepiece, the offline program on the VM recognized and translated the content on the paper.

  Unfortunately, there was no satellite positioning, so they could only use the images taken by the drone to make simple terrain mapping.

  The sixth man in the corner took a tablet from the intelligence player next to him, stuffed it in front of the trembling Mandal, and pointed to the address on the previous note.

  ”Is it here?”

  Mandar quickly glanced at the aerial map on the tablet and quickly saw the luxurious three-story house. He nodded hurriedly.

  ”Yes! Door 003 of Tulip Street 1, it’s here!”

  Seeing the NPC’s cooperation, the corner old six nodded with satisfaction, and while sharing the coordinates with his teammates outside, he continued to look at him and said.

  ”In addition to your superior, I also need you to provide the address of the governor of this port, as well as the lord here, and other senior officials in the settlement and the port.”

  ”The governor is in the governor’s mansion… As for other officials, I really don’t know, sir,” Mandar was sweating anxiously, and was worried that the man in front of him would be dissatisfied, so he hurriedly explained, “No, but don’t worry! Except for the governor and the city lord in their own mansions, most of the people you mentioned are in the streets behind this port! You can definitely find them out by asking one by one! I, I’ll circle them for you!”

  As he said that, he squeezed out a cordial smile from his face, then took the tablet with both hands, and tremblingly drew a circle on the map with his fingers, circling the street lights near the port.

  ”It’s all here!”

  Good guy.

  Is he so cooperative?

  Seeing this attentive guy so sensible, the corner old six looked at him twice in surprise, and then reported the situation here to the submarine’s combat command.

  After understanding the situation at the port, Lao Bai immediately formulated a capture plan. The 100-man team that landed at the port first would quickly go to the neighborhoods near the port to cut off traffic and capture important figures in the settlement. The task of capturing the Governor’s Palace would be carried out by the 200-man team.

  Looking at the group of people standing in the office who had not yet left, Mandar could not help but be frightened and asked cautiously.

  ”Who are you? When did we offend you?”

  The old man in the corner grinned.

  ”You have to ask your governor.”

  Mandar opened his mouth blankly, his face full of confusion.

  He was not the only one who was confused at the moment. Bihari, the director of the Port Guard Bureau, who was kicked open and pressed on the bed in his bedroom, was also the same. He was shocked and angry at the group of thugs wearing exoskeletons, and roared like a pig being slaughtered.

  ”Let go! Do you know who I am?! If you don’t let go, I will send you all to jail!”

  Looking at the pale woman lying next to him, the murderous dagger picked up a piece of clothing from the closet beside and threw it on her.

  ”We have something to discuss with your husband. Please go to the living room.”

  The woman nodded palely, put on her clothes hurriedly and got out of bed, and left without daring to stay here for a moment.

  Looking at Chief Bihari who had stopped shouting, Killing Dagger took out his tablet and confirmed that he was the same person as the one in the photo, then looked at him and said.

  ”Chief Bihari, you’ve been captured.”


  The second half of the sentence choked in his throat. Bihari quickly glanced at the murderous guys in the room, and seemed to realize something. Cold sweat gradually seeped out from his forehead and dripped onto the precious satin sheets.

  Swallowing his saliva, he asked tentatively with a trembling tone of disbelief.

  ”You…are you from the Alliance?”

  Opening the visor of his helmet, Killing Dagger grinned and whistled at the man who was pressed on the bed.

  ”It seems that there is finally someone who knows about it?”

  Looking at the half-smiley eyes and the assault rifles that were almost on his forehead, Bihari shivered and almost wet the bed.

  If he remembered the calendar correctly, at this time, Captain Dirang and his subordinates should have just arrived at French Fries Port.

  How did the Alliance appear out of thin air in the Golden Gallon Port 2,000 kilometers away? !

  But at this moment, he had no time to think about these things.

  Looking at the guy wearing an exoskeleton, he was terrified and stammered out everything he knew.

  ”I, I don’t know anything… I’m telling the truth! I just saw the group of people from the Gray Wolf Army boarding the ship at the port, and happened to hear where they were going. I can’t be involved in this matter. I’m just a small port guard bureau chief. How can I influence the decision of the governor! By the way, you have to go to Governor Nihak. That’s his order!”

  Looking at Director Bihari who was about to pee his pants, the murderous dagger continued slowly.

  ”Don’t worry, our brothers are on the way to the Governor’s Mansion to find him, so you don’t have to worry about it. All those involved will not escape the “judgment.”

  Hearing this, Bihari had already vaguely guessed that this port might have completely fallen into the hands of the Alliance, and he couldn’t help but let out a painful groan.

  ”What do you want to do? Go to war with the Empire?”

  Killer Dagger shrugged.

  ”It depends on what your emperor thinks, but no matter what that guy thinks, we will do it our way.”

  Bihari swallowed nervously.

  ”…your way?”

  Killer Dagger nodded.

  ”First, we have to find the mastermind who planned the attack, teach them a lesson and collect some interest from him. In addition, we think that Jin Gallen Port is a potential breeding ground for “plunderers”. In order to prevent similar things from happening again, we have to do something big here.”

  Bihari asked tremblingly.

  ”Big thing?”

  Killer Dagger said two words lightly.


  Bihari thought he had heard it wrong at first, but later found that he hadn’t. He stared at him in amazement and slowly opened his mouth.

  ”…This is impossible, you can’t do it.”

  Killer Dagger chuckled.

  ”What’s impossible? We have your help.”

  Bihari’s eyes widened even more, like a cow.

  ”Me?! Are you crazy? Not to mention that I am the director of the Security Bureau, even if the Sun-carrying Bull stood here, it would be impossible. Do you know how many slaves there are in this settlement?!”

  And why did he do this? !

  Not to mention that his house needs slaves to clean, without those slaves, who will do the work that was originally done by slaves?

  In less than a week, this settlement will be flooded with sewage!

  However, the man in front of him didn’t listen to what he said at all, or he didn’t take it to heart after hearing it, but smiled and said.

  ”That’s great, this means that we have a lot of work to do. From now on, you are the chief of the Golden Gallon Port Guard Corps. I grant you the power of law enforcement and temporary arbitration. You need to rule on all matters in this settlement according to the constitution of the alliance during your term of office.”

  Just kidding.

  They are not here for charity.

  Abolition and trial are just means. Does it matter whether they are done in the end?

  Bihari stared at him in panic, muttering to himself.

  ”You must be crazy. You can’t even raze this settlement to the ground. No… I can’t be the sheriff. Go find someone else. The security of our settlement is under the jurisdiction of the city defense chief. How about you go find him?”

  Ignoring the guy’s pleading, Killer Dagger said with a grin.

  ”Not? Are you sure? Really not?”

  Bihari shook his head like a rattle.

  He understood it.

  These guys came here to cause trouble on purpose.

  They made a mess here and left, but he had nowhere to go and would be settled in the future.

  He didn’t dare to take such a head-losing job.

  Seeing that he was determined not to cooperate, Killer Dagger didn’t waste any words and directly loaded the rifle in his hand and put it against his head.

  Feeling the cold air transmitted from the muzzle of the gun, Bihari’s face instantly lost color, and his face changed faster than a traffic light.

  ”I will! I will!! The position of sheriff belongs to me. More than 90% of the nobles in this settlement live in my jurisdiction. I know the details of each of them. This job is most suitable for me! Please give it to me!”

  ”That’s right.”

  Patting the chameleon’s shoulder with a smile, Killing Dagger took a hat from the hanger beside him and put it on his head.

  ”From today on, you are the sheriff of Jingalon Port. We hope that you will enforce the law impartially and in accordance with the constitution of the alliance. Do a good job and don’t let us down. If there is a chance, we will let you be the sheriff of Xilan Empire.”

  After saying that, regardless of the expression of the frightened guy, Killing Dagger took out a printed copy of the Alliance Basic Law from his arms and threw it on the bed sheet in front of the poor guy.

  ”Take a look first.”

  Bihari hurriedly took the bound stack of printed paper and pretended to flip through it seriously, although he couldn’t read a single word.

  Killing Dagger didn’t care about him. As planned, he left two people to watch him, and then took the rest of the team away from the mansion.

  It was still dark outside, and a group of men and women were already standing on the street.

  They were all residents of Tulip Street No. 1. Not only did they have noble blood flowing through their veins, but most of them held important positions in this port and settlement. Some were completely free nobles, as well as foreign merchants doing business here. There

  were even two Willant people among them.

  However, their appearance at the moment was completely incompatible with the word noble.

  Some of them were wearing coats, while others simply wore thicker pajamas. Their faces were full of panic and embarrassment, and their eyes were at a loss. They had no idea what had happened, and were taken out of their homes by a group of soldiers with guns and live ammunition.

  Knowing that there must be innocent people among them, the Killing Dagger did not embarrass them. He clapped his hands to signal them to look over here, and then spoke in a loud voice.

  ”I’m sorry to disturb you all, but I appreciate your cooperation.”

  ”We are a group of soldiers who cannot reveal their identities. We were attacked by a group of people who cannot reveal their identities. We learned through interrogation that they were from Golden Gallon Port, so we followed the clues and found this place. Our goal is to find out the mastermind behind the scenes and use our methods to make this settlement normal.”

  ”Please rest assured that we will not hurt any innocent people, and of course we will never let go of any of the guys involved. If anyone can provide clues, we will be very grateful and even give the informant a portion of the property of the person involved.”

  ”In addition, we advise the person involved to surrender as soon as possible and strive for our forgiveness. If they are caught by us, it is hard to say what will happen.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”There may be a fight here in a while. Please follow us to the temporary resettlement point in the port area for refuge.”

  As he was speaking, a gunshot suddenly came from a distance, followed by crackling gunshots from the adjacent streets.

  Everyone on the street was startled by the sudden gunshots. Some hugged each other, and some screamed and squatted on the ground.

  Hearing the sudden gunshot, Killer Dagger was not panicked at all. Instead, he raised his eyebrows excitedly and said to himself.

  ”Good guy, finally the hard dish is served.”

  The port made such a big commotion. It seems that the defenders of Jingalon Port finally found something wrong and started a firefight with the players who went to cut off the traffic.

  Although this reaction was a bit too slow.

  Without any hesitation, Killer Dagger pulled the bolt to load the gun and shouted to the teammates behind him who were eager to try.

  ”The mission panel has been updated. Team A will send the ‘VIPs’ to the warehouse!”

  ”The rest of the brothers, follow me!”

  The players shouted excitedly.


  Almost at the same time as the voice fell, a shell whizzed into the building on the street, blowing out a skylight that opened to the outside of the three-story house.

  Large pieces of stone and dust fell from the upper floors, rolling and rolling on the brick-paved streets, making clanging noises amid people’s screams.

  A group of players sought shelter and followed the route found by the reconnaissance drones to reinforce the exchange of fire in front.

  At the same time, the mortar positions deployed by the alliance in the port area also began to fire, and under the guidance of the drones, they launched a counterattack against the source of the fire.

  The silence at dawn was completely torn apart.

  This counterattack spanning 2,000 kilometers finally officially started at this moment…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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