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Chapter 697 Capture the Governor’s Mansion!

Chapter 697 Capture the Governor’s Mansion!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 697: Capture the Governor’s Mansion!

  ”Confirm the impact point!”

  ”Damn, it’s ten meters to the left!”


  ”Loading completed!”

  Inside the wall of the Governor’s Mansion, the towering gun barrel spewed out a thick tongue of fire and fired a 100mm high-explosive shell at the street near the port.

  Stepping over the shell thrown out of the barrel, the loader skillfully stepped forward to complete the loading and closed the breech block. At the same time, the gunner also calibrated the shooting parameters and was preparing for the next round of firing.

  However, he had just run away with the fuse, and before he had time to pull the fuse, he was slapped on the back of his head.

  ”Are you fucking crazy?! Fire at Tulip Street?!” The officer who came over with big strides grabbed his collar and cursed him.

  That’s Tulip Street!

  No one who can live there can afford to offend him!

  The gunner was scolded and said in a stammer.

  ”But, but they are right there…”

  ”That’s not even possible—”

  Before he could say the word “OK” stuck in his throat, three whooshing sounds came whistling

  through the air. Before he could react, the flames of the explosion, along with the shrapnel, pierced him into a sieve, and flew into the sand pit ten meters away along with the scrapped 100mm artillery wreckage.

  Looking down at the artillery position covered by the explosion dust through the drone, the intelligence player standing next to the mortar position shouted excitedly.

  ”Direct hit! The artillery is destroyed!”

  ”Well done!”

  The morale of the strength beasts squatting next to the mortar was greatly boosted.

  According to the coordinates provided by the observer, a group of gunners quickly corrected the shooting parameters and continued to provide support firepower to the friendly forces stationed in the outer area of ​​Tulip Street.

  Shells fell from the sky one after another, spreading flickering flames at the end of the street, raising rolling dust and gravel.

  Facing the mortar bombardment, the defense troops of Kinggallon Port who were attacking the Burning Corps’ defense line were beaten so hard that they couldn’t raise their heads.

  Without the support of their own artillery fire and heavy weapons to use, they didn’t even see the enemy’s face clearly, and left hundreds of bodies behind.

  Tracers pierced through the smoke rising from the craters, jumping and shuttling freely in the streets. Every flash of sparks was a fresh life falling in a pool of blood.


  ”Put the bayonet into their throats!”

  ”Wash our streets with their blood!”

  Soldiers squatting behind bunkers and roadblocks kept falling. In order to maintain the shaky front line, the centurion squatting on the front line shouted at the soldiers behind him, urging them to go forward and fill the front line.

  Listening to the boiling gunfire and the continuous roar of mortars, the soldiers leaning behind the bunkers could no longer bear the fear in their hearts and shouted loudly at the centurion.

  ”Sir! The firepower of those looters is too strong! We need heavy firepower–!”

  He was interrupted by a roar before he finished speaking.

  ”No such thing! What are the guns in your hands for! Damn it, don’t fire at the upstairs! I told you to aim at people, not the house–”

  Looking at the new recruit with the muzzle of his gun raised, the centurion yelled and reached out to grab his gun barrel and pressed it down.

  However, at this moment, a bullet “whoosh” flew over and shot the centurion’s forehead on the spot.


  With his pupils dilated, the centurion fell heavily to the ground.

  The scattered brain matter and blood on the ground scared the new recruit holding a rifle next to him, who dropped his weapon on the spot and ran to the back.

  Seeing that the commander was killed, the soldiers could no longer hold back the fear in their hearts, and they abandoned their positions and ran to the back.

  Just like that, a full-strength team of 100 men began to collapse in less than ten minutes after they were deployed to the front line.

  Seeing the friendly troops behind them fleeing, the soldiers who were left on the front line and unable to move could no longer suppress the fear and despair in their hearts. They

  were going to die anyway, so they put their bayonets on the barrels of their guns, roared to dispel the fear in their chests, and rushed forward recklessly.

  Facts have proved that this is no different from suicide.

  A 10mm machine gun mounted on the third floor of a street-facing house is enough to block the entire street. The thick tracers instantly pressed the soldiers who rushed forward with bayonets to the ground.

  The battle was a completely one-sided massacre.

  The total of 2,000 Jingallon Port City Defense Forces had more than half of their casualties in just a quarter of an hour, and most of the remaining half were also injured.

  On the other hand, their enemies, the group of guys who never revealed their identities from beginning to end, did not retreat an inch from the beginning of the gunshot, and still firmly occupied several streets near the port.

  Looking at the mess scattered on the street and the bodies that almost filled the craters, the face of the city defense commander Abinan Qianfu was full of fear.

  The fighting power displayed by the other side was completely beyond his expectations.

  If the trend continues, the two thousand men under his command will probably all be defeated here!

  This can’t go on any longer!

  He shouted loudly to the soldiers in front.


  ”Everyone retreat!”

  The voice was like a sweet rain after a long drought.

  Finally waiting for the order to retreat, the soldiers of the Xilan Empire who were struggling behind the roadblocks and bunkers finally breathed a sigh of relief, abandoning the bunkers and fleeing to the streets behind.

  Seeing the imperial army begin to retreat, the alliance did not continue to pursue, but stopped firing and watched them disappear in the direction of the slums.

  On the other side, the battle near the Governor’s Mansion was also coming to an end.

  Nihak, who was squatting in the study on the top floor of the Governor’s Mansion, trembled, listening to the gunshots outside getting smaller and smaller, but his heart was becoming more and more panicked.

  He knew who those people were. Even if they didn’t reveal their identities, they were definitely from the Alliance!

  But he couldn’t figure out how they got here.

  Did the Alliance know about the upcoming attack at Port of French Fries when Dirang left Port of Golden Galleon, so they sent people to wait in the Borneo Sea?

  Where did the news leak from?

  The port?

  Or… Tiandu?

  Impossible –

  Nihak’s brain was in a mess because of fear.

  This fear was much stronger than the one a month ago when a group of guys who called themselves the White Bear Knights made a fuss in Golden Gallon Port.

  He could feel that the invaders of the port this time were not some civilian organizations, but regular troops! And they were the kind that fought back and forth with the remnants of the expeditionary army of the Eastward Expansion of the Legion in Luoxia Province!

  He did not expect the alliance’s counterattack to be so fierce, and he did not expect the counterattack to come so quickly that he did not even have time to move from the Governor’s Mansion to a safe place.

  He groaned in pain while holding his head.

  ”Damn… This is the idea of ​​Duke Galava. Why are you looking for me! Go find him! That idiot is in your Dawn City!”

  The gunfire outside had almost stopped.

  Nihak’s panic became stronger.

  He stretched out his index finger with a trembling hand and opened a small gap in the curtain. Just as he was about to take a look at the situation outside, the door behind him was kicked open roughly.



  ”Don’t move!”

  A group of people rushed in, shouting in a language he couldn’t understand. In the blink of an eye, the muzzles of guns were already against his forehead.

  Nihak raised his hands in horror, screaming at the black exoskeletons that crowded into the study.

  ”I surrender! Don’t! Don’t kill me!”

  A player wearing an exoskeleton walked in front of him, took out a tablet and took a picture of his face, and confirmed his identity as the governor of this settlement. Putting

  away the tablet, Bai Ge Dai Sniper looked at him and said.

  ”Governor Nihak of Jin Jialun Port, we suspect that you are related to the attack that took place in French Fries Port the night before yesterday. According to the testimony of the thousand-man commander Dijan and relevant insiders, the thousand-man team that attacked us was on a ship in Jin Jialun Port. Please cooperate with us in the investigation.”

  Nihak’s face did not show any blood, and he couldn’t even say a word of rebuttal.

  Seeing that he had nothing to say, Bai Ge Dai Sniper was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and directly waved his hand.

  ”Take him away!”

  Two players strode forward, picked him up from the ground, handcuffed him and took him out of the door.

  The battle downstairs was over.

  More than a hundred players who occupied the Governor’s Mansion began to search the mansion carefully, not missing any details here.

  To be honest, the luxury here is simply amazing.

  Whether it is the magnificent gate, the marble floor tiles, or the reliefs on the supporting columns, all of them show the ultimate luxury.

  And it’s not just luxury.

  The electrification rate of the entire Golden Gallon Port is less than 1%, but here it has reached an astonishing 99%.

  There are not only double-door refrigerators, artistic lamps, elevators connected to each floor, and digital central air-conditioning, but also viewing rooms and conference rooms equipped with holographic systems.

  It’s hard to imagine.

  These industrial creations actually appeared in a settlement where most survivors are still struggling to make ends meet.

  However, this doubt did not last long. After the four players entered the kitchen, they quickly solved the case.

  ”…Wow, it’s actually made in Dawn City?” Looking at the trademark under the corner of the refrigerator door, the player with a rifle hanging on his chest showed a surprised expression on his face.

  His nickname is Yinchayangcuo, and his sequence is the famous version of abandoned power beast.

  The three teammates following behind him are [Stepping into the Sky], [Half-year-old Cuotu] and [No Family]. Like him, they all obtained the closed beta qualification on the eve of the Yellow Sands expansion pack. Now their levels are all 25 or 26, which is considered the backbone of the server.

  ”The villain is actually me?” No Family whistled with a hint of ridicule.

  It’s not just the refrigerator.

  There are also ovens and microwaves here, which are actually produced in the Dawn City Industrial Zone. The trademarks left on them have not even been torn off.

  These industrial products that ordinary people can’t afford obviously have not improved the lives of local survivors, and may even make their lives worse.

  After walking around the kitchen, Half-year-old Cuotu touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

  ”It is estimated that it was exported to the Hump Kingdom and then sold here from Silver Moon Bay.”

  No Family suddenly had a sudden thought and asked.

  ”How many slaves do you need to buy a refrigerator like this?”

  Yibudengtian: “… Ten? Twenty?”

  Bansuicuo: “Too many. After all, a refrigerator can’t be sold for more than ten thousand dinars… I guess seven or eight should be enough.”

  In Dawn City, a refrigerator is only about 800 to 1,000 silver coins, which is equivalent to the price of 4 to 5 assault rifles. Most residents can buy one with half a month’s salary. Even if calculated according to the minimum hourly wage, it is enough for a little over a month.

  But if you think about it this way, the survivors living in this settlement are really pitiful, even worse than a refrigerator.

  The four left the kitchen and walked along the corridor into the basement, coming to a warehouse that probably stored the Governor’s personal collection.

  Looking at the locked door, the four players showed excited expressions on their faces.

  ”You stand back, I’ll do it!”

  Finally waiting for the opportunity to show off, he took a step forward by accident, spat into his palm, and then kicked the closed door hard.

  Relying on the driving force of the exoskeleton and the power of dozens of points, this kick actually kicked the door several meters away.

  Strength skills are most useful at this time.

  Yincha Yangcuo raised his eyebrows and was about to show off, when a scream suddenly came from the room behind the door. Several people quickly raised their rifles and rushed in, only to find two trembling women hiding here and hugging each other.

  They have beautiful faces, and the thin pajamas can’t cover their curvy figures at all. Large areas of snow-white skin are exposed. I think they must have been in a hurry when they hid here, so they didn’t even have time to put on a coat.

  Looking at the uninvited guest who broke into the room, the woman with long flaxen hair shrank back and asked in panic.

  ”You, who are you?”

  Several players looked at each other, not knowing how to deal with it. Yincha Yangcuo reported the situation here to the centurion, then looked at her and said.

  ”We haven’t decided yet. We’ll let you know when we do… Are you the Governor’s wife?”

  ”No… I, I…” For some reason, the woman suddenly hesitated and couldn’t say a complete sentence for a long time.

  Fearing that she would offend the people in front of her, the sister squatting next to her immediately sold her out.

  ”She is the wife of Director Bihari… The director of the Port Guard Bureau.”

  Half a Year Wasted: “?”

  Step up to the top: “???”

  By mistake: “……?”

  No family was also stunned, but soon the focus turned to other places, and they looked at the woman who spoke curiously and asked.

  ”What about you? Are you the governor’s wife?”

  The woman looked a little embarrassed, and hesitated for a long time without speaking.

  But the director’s wife who was exposed glared at the sister in anger, gritted her teeth and said hatefully.

  ”She is the wife of the director of the tax bureau, Gu Lamanji.”

  The two looked at each other, and their eyes almost sparked. If there were no one watching here, they might have fought on the spot.

  The four players looked at each other again, exchanging confused glances.

  After a long time, Ban Sui Cuo Tuo sighed and said with emotion.

  ”These guys are playing quite changeable. Too…”

  No family nodded in agreement and spoke in a critical tone.

  ”Please take me with you next time.”

  By chance: “…”


  The discovery in the collection room of the Governor’s Mansion was just a small episode. The two were temporarily sent to stay with Governor Nihak’s family and servants.

  Compared with the wives of the Director of the Security Bureau and the Director of the Tax Bureau, the collections of Governor Nihak in the collection room were more interesting to the players present.

  As a suspect in planning and attacking French Fries Port, his property will be confiscated to make up for the ammunition lost in French Fries Port that night.

  As for the extra, of course, it will be distributed to the players who participated in the action as a mission reward.

  However, to the surprise of all players, the collection of this governor was not a pile of gold, silver and jewelry, but some strange objects.

  Some of them looked like artifacts from the pre-war era, such as a well-made magnetic levitation car shell, another example is a bionic man produced in the 85th year of the prosperous era, and even a relatively well-preserved vending machine and a card-swipe public coffee machine.

  In addition to these large items, there are also some strange small items, as well as a large number of pre-war holographic cartridges and game memory cards.

  The reason why there are so many things from the Prosperity Era here may be the hobby of Governor Nihak himself.

  However, it is puzzling that such a guy who is obsessed with the Prosperity Era does not have the slightest yearning for that era in his heart.

  Players can only try to understand.

  Perhaps this Governor is obsessed with those magical technologies that are like magic, but he doesn’t care at all about where those technologies came from.

  Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why they are framed here.

  But in any case, it is definitely a pleasant surprise for the Burning Legion to be able to harvest so many well-preserved pre-war artifacts.

  The scientific expedition team will be interested in these things.

  Whether for the purpose of sociological research or engineering research, the price offered by Boss Yin Fang for valuable Prosperity Era antiques is often not low.

  The players who searched the entire villa gathered in the lobby, and Bai Ge brought a sniper to briefly explain the current situation and the next battle plan.

  ”The brothers of Team 1 have already crippled the city defense forces of Kinggallon Port. Those weaklings have now retreated to the slums to organize a defense line and wait for reinforcements. The first phase of the offensive has been successfully completed.”

  ”A new mission has been issued. The command intends to change this place into a temporary base so that we can monitor the urban area in the north of Kinggallon Port. We will be active in this area for the next few days. In order to ensure our control of the area, we now have to do two things. One is to strengthen the defense here, and the other is to evacuate the local survivors nearby.”

  ”The command’s opinion is that we can give the locals a sum of money and ask them to move away from this area as soon as possible to avoid accidental injuries in the fight later.”

  There is no international law in the wasteland, but civilian casualties must be avoided as much as possible, both for the reputation of the alliance and for the smooth operation of their operations in the local area.

  An intelligence player raised his hand.

  Bai Ge Dai Sniper looked at him.


  The man said immediately.

  ”Where does the money come from?”

  Bai Ge Dai Sniper continued concisely.

  ”Of course it comes from our enemies’ pockets. I was just about to say this. The largest bank in this settlement is on Tulip Street and is currently under our control. Dinars and Cr still have some recycling value for us, but those Xilan coins are just waste paper. In short, we now have a budget of about 100 million Xilan coins to do this.”

  Everyone took a breath of cold air when they heard this.


  ”One hundred million?!”

  ”It would be great if it were silver coins.”

  Bai Gei, who was wearing a sniper, coughed lightly, interrupting everyone’s surprised discussion.

  ”Don’t dream, let’s talk business. There are about 500 houses that need to be demolished. It’s quite troublesome… Which team is willing to do this?”

  As soon as he finished speaking, hands were raised one after another.

  ”Me, me, me!”

  ”Look at me, boss! I’m not afraid of trouble!”

  ”I’ve demolished my house before, I’m familiar with this job!”

  ”Damn! You want to pretend too?”

  Everyone was vying for it. In real life, there was no chance to experience the feeling of drawing characters for others, but in the game, there was a chance to have fun.

  Seeing that everyone wanted to do this mission, Bai Gei scratched his head with a sniper and simply poked the VM screen with his eyes closed.

  ”…By chance, you take your team members and get the job done as soon as possible.”

  Seeing the envious eyes of the crowd, Yin Cha Yang Cuo chuckled and didn’t forget to show off.

  ”Brothers, I’m ordered to go first!”

  Seeing his bear-like appearance of getting an advantage and still acting cute, the players next to him couldn’t help but roll their eyes.

  ”Get out of here quickly.”

  ”Be careful of being shot by your fellow villagers.”


  Unable to bear the sight of this stupid captain who was attracting hatred there, Ban Suicuo bit the bullet and dragged this guy away from the crowd.


  It is still difficult to occupy the entire settlement of millions of people with only 500 people.

  The densely packed slums are like a complex ant nest, and the undulating terrain makes this ant nest a three-dimensional maze.

  If you rashly send troops in without being familiar with the terrain, it is very likely that you will fall into the dilemma of being attacked from both sides because the troops are too dispersed.

  So before the battle began, the players of the Burning Legion discussed the strategy of the entire operation on the forum – shrinking the battle area to the streets near the port. The

  most critical facility of the entire Golden Gallon Port is the port.

  As long as the port is in their hands, they can move freely and obtain a steady stream of supplies from the sea.

  Not only that, because the most valuable area of ​​the entire settlement is controlled by them, the Empire’s army will be hesitant even if they want to attack them.

  And compared to the mud houses in the slums that can be kicked down with one foot, the houses on several streets near the port are much more reliable as shelters. At

  the same time when the port area of ​​Golden Gallon Port changed hands, the Imperial Tiandu, far away on the west coast of the Borneo Province, was full of joy.

  Stepping on the morning sun, the convoy of the envoys from the Legion passed through the north gate of Tiandu, and headed towards the direction of the Imperial Palace under the welcome of the survivors.

  There is the palace of His Majesty the Emperor.

  It is both his resting place and the place where he meets with his ministers.

  Sitting in the armored off-road vehicle, McLen looked out the window boredly at the people cheering and celebrating along the way, but still smiled and waved at them.

  He didn’t pull the window shade until he was tired, and complained to the adjutant beside him.

  ”Why are there so many people here?”

  The dark crowd of heads was endless.

  The adjutant said softly.

  ”After all, this is the capital of the Xilan Empire, so it’s normal to have a lot of people.”

  McLen curled his lips.

  ”I know it’s their capital, but so many people are too outrageous… Are these guys all rats?”

  The adjutant coughed lightly and reminded kindly.

  ”They are our partners… At least for the time being, I still hope you can pay a little attention to respecting them, not like you did in the Falcon Kingdom.”

  The Boro Province is considered the sphere of influence of the Triumph City Civil Service Group. The Legion’s diplomatic posture in the region is mainly to win over, which is an instruction made by His Majesty the Marshal himself.

  The civilian officers of the legion have been operating here for many years. They have exchanged many hardworking servants for Triumph City with the equipment that the military officers are tired of playing with. They have also sent a large number of useful vassal troops to the western front. Even the Xilan Empire is one of their political achievements.

  He doesn’t want this military officer with a brain full of muscles to mess things up.

  McLen said impatiently.

  ”Got it.”

  The adjutant looked at him in surprise.

  This is the first time they have worked together. He thought that General McLen would be more difficult than he imagined, but he didn’t expect that this guy was unexpectedly easy to talk to?

  This is completely different from what he heard from his colleagues.

  McLen ignored this guy and leaned back in his chair to close his eyes and rest.

  Since he was imprisoned in the alliance for half a year, he seemed to have changed like a different person, from arrogant and domineering to gloomy and restrained.

  Especially after hearing the news of General Griffin’s death.

  I don’t know if he was frightened by the cruelty of factional struggles or what, he has been in a state of self-exile since returning to Triumph City, wandering outside the core of power.

  Even though there were always factions offering him olive branches, he ignored them. Over time, he became a marginal person in Triumph City and has not been appointed as a new airship commander until now.

  And he was still a two-star captain.

  Until this time, the civil service group, which was also outside the core of power, invited him to cooperate and asked him to be a military advisor to the strategic ally of the legion.

  Perhaps he wanted to come out to relax, so he agreed without much hesitation, but he had a sullen face all the way here.

  The convoy stopped at the gate of the Heavenly Palace.

  The officer who got off the co-pilot opened the door for the two people sitting in the back, and a towering tower soon came into the eyes of the Willant people.

  The tower was flat in shape, like a rectangular block with sharp edges, and the walls were steep like a mirror. But the most shocking thing was not its magnificent outline, but that it was like a flat book, floating ten meters above the ground in a suspended posture, with only a man-made marble staircase connected to it.

  There is only one possibility to keep this magnificent building away from the constraints of gravity.

  Looking at the towering “palace” in front of him, McLen narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”Anti-gravity device?”

  The adjutant nodded slightly and said softly.

  ”Yes, its core is a cargo starship. You should be familiar with that thing.”

  McLen snorted noncommittally.

  ”It’s really a luxury to use this thing as a palace.”

  ”After all, this four million square kilometers of peninsula is the only ‘reservation’, and the desert and mountains have blocked too many things for them. You will know what’s going on after staying here for a while. Being born here is both a blessing and a misfortune…” The adjutant said softly, and at this time an officer suddenly trotted to his side and whispered a few words hurriedly.

  The adjutant’s face changed immediately after hearing it.

  Sensitively capturing the change in his expression, McLen slightly raised his eyebrows.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”Nothing, there’s a little problem in the east of the province of Boro… But it’s not a big deal, you don’t need to worry, we will solve it through diplomatic channels.” The adjutant’s expression was a little awkward, and he answered evasively.

  McLen frowned even more tightly, staring at him intently.

  ”What is it? I order you to tell me immediately.”

  A higher rank can crush a higher rank, not to mention that there are so many ranks between them. The adjutant couldn’t stand the pressure after all, and said it with a stiff upper lip.

  ”The soldiers of the Alliance landed at the Port of Golden Gallon–”

  Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw McLen turn his head and walk towards the direction of the convoy.

  The adjutant was shocked when he saw this, and he didn’t expect this guy to react so strongly, so he quickly went up and grabbed his arm.

  ”Wait, General McLen, you… what are you doing?!”

  Turning his head and staring at this guy, McLen cursed with an angry face.

  ”What are you doing? You said that I came here to train the soldiers of the Empire, but you didn’t say that I should fight with the Alliance!”

  He was not afraid of the group of blue rats.

  But he didn’t even have a decent army at hand. He had to rely on this bunch of cannon fodder to fight the alliance. It would be useless even if he gave away all his lives. He might as well surrender directly.

  Holding McLen’s arm tightly and not letting go, the adjutant hurriedly explained with a smile on his face.

  ”You, don’t get excited. They only landed a thousand-man team, and they are at the easternmost part of the Borneo Province. We are in the west… and we haven’t heard that the alliance has officially declared war on the Xilan Empire. There must be some misunderstanding!”

  McLen stopped and looked at him suspiciously.

  ”Are you sure? Only a thousand-man team?”

  The adjutant nodded quickly.

  ”I’m sure! Our intelligence network is spread all over the peninsula. I can assure you! Things are definitely not what you think…”

  A thousand-man team.

  It’s difficult to occupy the Golden Gallon Port, let alone fight here.

  Realizing that he seemed to have overreacted, McLen couldn’t help blushing, shook off the hand that was holding his arm, and coughed hard.

  ”Next time, finish your words at once, don’t be like squeezing toothpaste.”

  You didn’t give me a chance to finish…

  The adjutant smiled bitterly and complained in his heart, but he gave the captain some face and kept silent.

  At this time, surrounded by a group of ministers, a man in luxurious clothes stood on the stairs leading to the Heavenly Palace. A

  hearty and generous smile came with an overjoyed welcome.

  ”Welcome! Friends from the North!”

  ”You are finally here!”

  (I recommend my most black brother’s new book “Part-time Artist”. The author is an old driver. Friends who like entertainment can collect it. If you don’t like it, you can beat him up.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode