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Chapter 699: Didi’s End

Chapter 699: Didi’s End


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 699: Didi’s

  End After the ceremony, the wedding banquet officially began. Yuan Youqin and Jiang Zhenghong were moved to tears, and his aunt’s eyes were red. The atmosphere became warmer, and blessings were heard everywhere.

  The photos of the scene were also shared on WeChat Moments, Spaces, and Weibo, and were circulated to various places.

  The reporters who had been waiting in the banquet hall also followed the sound and came to the backstage of the wedding banquet. They had been waiting since the ceremony began, and finally caught a gap at this moment, and surrounded Jiang Qin to start the interview.

  ”Mr. Jiang, how do you feel today?”

  ”Happy, joyful.”

  ”Based on the layout of Pintuan in 2013 and what you just said at the wedding, are you planning to focus on your life? Because there are rumors that Mrs. Jiang is pregnant?”

  Jiang Qin pursed his lips: “I hope to balance work and family. If there is a suitable project, Pintuan will be willing to try it.”

  At this time, a girl in the group of reporters tiptoed and handed over the microphone: “Mr. Jiang, what do you think of the current taxi market?”

  ”The competition is fierce, and it has far exceeded the scale of group buying and takeout at the beginning.”

  ”Then is Mr. Jiang interested in this market? After you get married to Mrs. Jiang and get your energy back, will you take any action in the taxi market?”

  Jiang Qin faced the camera: “That depends on what my wife thinks.”

  The female reporter couldn’t help laughing, and continued to ask: “Mr. Jiang is the CEO who is best at Internet business wars. He has won many large-scale business wars. Which platform do you prefer?”

  ”I’m not sure, but it definitely won’t be Uber.”

  ”Thank you, Mr. Jiang.”

  Jiang Qin nodded and arranged for someone to distribute wedding candy to the reporters. Then he saw Dong Wenhao walking over with a middle-aged man in a blue plaid shirt.

  Seeing this, Jiang Qin immediately went up to him and said, “Director Liu, thank you for taking the time to attend my wedding. It’s such an honor.”

  ”Director Jiang is too polite. To be honest, we don’t have much in common. I was quite surprised that you asked Manager Dong to go to Linchuan to invite me.”

  ”It’s like this, Director Liu. In addition to attending the wedding banquet, I have something else I want to ask you for help. Let’s find a place to talk?”

  ”Okay, Mr. Jiang, lead the way.”

  Jiang Qin stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, and took Director Liu to the next room.

  Tan Qing was busy seeing off the guests at this time. Seeing this scene, he couldn’t help but walk up to Dong Wenhao and said, “Who is that person?”

  ”The director of the Linchuan Transportation Bureau.”

  After a long time, Jiang Qin and Director Liu left the reception room, and Director Liu had a joint development plan in his hand. He said goodbye to Jiang Qin and looked through the plan, frowning.

  He was a little hesitant when he heard Jiang Qin’s words just now. After reading the complete set of plans, his hesitation increased instead of decreasing.

  However, before he could think carefully, he was called over by the senior leader of Linchuan City for a drink, and the plan was taken with him.

  ”Jiang Qin wants us to give him a green light, but this matter… is a bit dangerous.”

  ”The teacher said before the transfer that if there is a chance to keep Jiang Qin, we must keep him. Go ahead. I will be responsible if something goes wrong, and if this thing is done, it will also help our work.”

  ”Okay, then I will go back tonight and discuss it with the people in the bureau and draft a red-headed document.”

  Jiang Qin spent half a month preparing for this wedding, and during this half month, the taxi market changed dramatically.

  With Uber’s increased capital investment, the battle became more and more intense. Bumblebee finally couldn’t hold on and finally chose to merge with Kuaidi.

  Because Bumblebee itself is the one with the least capital among the three companies, during the stage when Bibi and Kuaidi were fighting each other, it still had a chance to rely on guerrilla warfare, but under the capital suppression of Uber, it had no chance at all.

  During the wedding, Uber and Baidu teamed up to advertise everywhere, and Bibi’s market shrank severely, and the whole team was anxious.

  The most important thing is that because of Uber’s high subsidies, drivers flocked to this foreign platform, so that the response speed of Bibi and Kuaidi vehicles dropped sharply.

  Various bad reviews also came one after another.

  In order to curb this situation, Bibi designed a pop-up window in the background. Once it detected that the mobile phone was connected to Uber, it would pop up a prompt “Do you want to uninstall Uber?”

  But the result was that Bibi found that its daily active users began to plummet, so it quickly stopped. Kuaidi

  thought of a better way, which was to publicly report Travis’s remarks on the foreign Internet through domestic online platforms.

  ”Chinese people are the most vain.”

  ”Chinese companies are children who never grow up.”

  ”It’s easiest to make money from Chinese people.”

  When these remarks were exposed, they did cause a fierce resistance from the onlookers, and Uber was immediately scolded on the Internet.

  This is a basic link in the business war, the war of public opinion.

  But then, Chen Chuanxing found that Uber’s business volume did not decrease as a result.

  You can get scolded if you want to on the internet, but in reality, people who need a taxi will still use it.

  At this time, Uber’s market share has reached 60%, and Beep and Kuaidi combined have less than 40%.

  Cheng Wei was so anxious that he wanted to curse, but at this time he received a call from Travis, inviting him to a business meeting.

  The market was lost, but the aura could not be timid, so Cheng Wei arrived as scheduled and met the founder of Uber who had defeated him.

  ”Mr. Cheng, market competition cannot be separated from funds, and the Internet war can only be won by those who can come up with more funds. This is a truth.”

  ”In this case, Beep cannot beat Uber. I think you and I are very clear about this fact.”

  ”You have tried all kinds of methods in recent days, but nothing has been achieved, right?”

  ”You exposed my speech on Facebook through the media, thinking that this would affect Uber’s business, but what happened?”

  ”My evaluation of Chinese consumers is not wrong. They don’t care what I say. Even if I belittle them, they will still stay because of the discounts I offer.”

  ”But Mr. Cheng, how much money does Bibi have left? If you continue to burn it like this, you may end up with nothing. So this time, I want to make a win-win proposal for both parties.”

  ”I am willing to acquire 60% of Bibi’s shares and merge the business.”

  ”Mr. Cheng, think about it carefully. This is very tempting, but if you don’t agree, we will increase our investment in the Kyoto market, and you will really lose everything.”

  Travis looked at him, his tone full of threats.

  The money spent on acquiring Bibi’s shares is much less than the market money-burning war, and the results will be more and the development speed will be faster.

  Travis hopes to end the occupation and unify the market as soon as possible and transform to a profit model.

  To put it bluntly, even international companies are a little trembling with such a huge amount of money. He wants to quickly unify the industry, merge his company, and then raise the taxi price, lower the driver’s commission, and harvest the market.

  The industry ecology of the Internet is like this. If you are the only choice in the market, then you will become the one who sets the price.

  What kind of early discount is just bait for cutting leeks.

  And when he met with Chen Chuanxing, the CEO of Kuaidi, he said the same thing.

  Travis fully demonstrated what prejudice and arrogance are. Although he said it was for your own good, the meaning of his expression was very clear, either lower or die.

  He looked at Chen Chuanxing as if he was looking at a country bumpkin, and his tone of voice when talking about the acquisition of equity was like giving alms to a beggar.

  And this foreigner’s evaluation of Chinese consumers has not changed. He is hypocritical and loves to take advantage. He really wants to make money here while slandering and insulting.

  After the end of this business meeting, the content was passed on in all directions.

  Many people were stunned after listening to it, and they didn’t understand how this foreigner could be so arrogant.

  But there are more people who feel helpless, because the market will not change because of this. Uber has indeed stepped into the threshold of victory, and Beep and Kuaidi have no power to fight back.

  You can’t beat them, and there is no use getting angry. This feeling makes people very angry, but also really cowardly.

  ”You can’t win by fighting hard. In fact, Travis is right. It’s not good for anyone to continue to burn.”

  ”If this goes on, the taxi industry will be monopolized by foreign companies.”

  ”Mr. Cheng, don’t listen to Travis’s nonsense, kill him!”

  Cheng Wei swiped the messages on his mobile phone and looked at this group of people who were watching the fun and didn’t mind making trouble. He couldn’t help but smile bitterly. He

  didn’t have as much money as others, and his technology was not as good as others. What could he do to him?

  At this time, Peng Sheng, the investment manager of Tencent, also called and asked Cheng Wei if he wanted to go down. If he wanted, he could make another investment.

  But adding is adding, but everyone knows that the amount that Tencent can take out will never be able to affect the outcome of the battle. They may be able to fight a war of attrition with Uber, but it will only make it harder for him to win.

  If the key to breaking the deadlock does not appear, Uber will achieve a key victory in 2014, and other taxi apps will die one after another.

  Cheng Wei felt trapped in an endless darkness, and he had a vague idea of ​​quitting.

  Night fell quickly, and Cheng Wei did not even go home. He sat in front of the French window in the office, struggling repeatedly.

  At this time, the LED advertising screen opposite the office building suddenly flashed, which caught his attention. He walked a little closer and found that the LED that originally said group buying suddenly changed to “Didi Taxi, efficient reservation, high-quality service, one-click travel”.

  Cheng Wei was stunned for a moment, rubbed his eyes, and put his whole face against the window, and then he heard the WeChat notification sound one after another behind him.

  ”Fuck, Pintuan and Gaode are going to join forces to end the game!”

  ”The dog is coming, the dog is coming!”

  ”Why so sudden?”

  ”The wedding is about to end, so you take some time to come and do something?”

  ”No, it’s the second half, Travis is about to open the champagne, it’s not wise for Pintuan to come at this time, is he going to start from scratch? How could Uber give him a chance?”

  ”Jiang Qin is a god and he can’t win at this time…”

  Everyone looked at the news on the headlines tonight and fell into confusion.

  That’s right, this is already the second half of the taxi race.

  If Bibi and Kuaidi agree to merge into Uber, then Uber will quickly sink and bloom in the territory where there is no opponent.

  If they don’t agree, then Uber will increase its capital investment and quickly end the battle. Pintuan’s end at this time is completely inconsistent with basic business logic.

  But Cheng Wei’s feelings are different from theirs, not because of anything else, but because of the name Didi.

  When he first planned to make a taxi app, he wanted this name the most, but after checking, he found that this name had been registered half a year ago, and he couldn’t find anyone to buy it.

  In other words, did Jiang Qin have this idea half a year before he wanted to develop a taxi-hailing app?

  If so, he must have considered it very carefully before making the decision, but Cheng Wei had no idea how group buying could withstand the attack of Uber.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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