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Chapter 699: Follow me! Go get your stuff!

Chapter 699: Follow me! Go get your stuff!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 699 Follow me! Go get your stuff!

  While the port was crowded with people, a cargo ship carrying livestock next to the dock was also crowded with ragged people.

  They looked dull and numb, just like the two-headed bulls that filled the cargo ship next door.

  At this time, several men wearing exoskeletons boarded the deck.

  One of them used a plasma gun to cut the chain tied to the iron door, and the other walked in front of them, turned on the speaker of the helmet and said loudly.

  ”You are free.”

  The deck was dead silent.

  Facing the movement from the bow, those faces were indifferent, and they didn’t even look here.

  Lao Bai couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

  Several players next to him exchanged glances and whispered to each other.

  ”What did you think of.”

  ”The clones of the Legion.”

  ”Haha, we thought of the same thing.”

  Looking at Lao Bai who didn’t know what to say for a while, Fang sighed, walked to the side and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”You’re useless… Let me do it.”

  After saying that, he took a step forward, looked at the group of people squatting on the deck, and shouted in human language.

  ”We are an alliance, an alliance formed by the survivors.”

  Lao Bai looked at him in surprise.

  Fang Chang gave him a reassuring look, looked down at the drooping heads, and continued to speak in a louder voice.

  ”Before coming here, we met some of your fellow countrymen who were suffering. Their diligence, optimism and courage left a deep impression on us. No matter how bad the situation was, they never gave up… crowded and stuffy cabins, endless journeys, other people’s cold eyes, and everything you can imagine.”

  ”Later, we found a place to take them in. We gave them some unused wood and hay, and they soon built houses on the beach. We then gave them land and seeds, and they immediately turned the land into farmland and plantations. As long as we give them a hand, they will soon know where to go next.”

  ”I thought that since you are their compatriots, you would be a little bit like them, but when we stood here, you looked at me with the back of your head.”

  The voice was drowned in the rolling tide.

  Some people raised their heads, but after less than a second of eye contact, they quickly buried their heads again.

  It was as if their eyes were so dirty.

  Fang Chang looked at them with a bit of pity in his eyes.

  Similar things happened in Boulder City, but when the whip came, the people there would move. Even before the Alliance came, blood flowed in the casino again and again.

  That is why, even though Master Sid was extremely powerful, he did not dare to go too far. He still had to make up a pretext when necessary.

  But the situation in the province of Bora was completely different.

  When the rope was put around their necks, they not only accepted it with pleasure, but also placed their hopes on reincarnation in the afterlife, and even learned to breathe with their butts instead of their mouths.

  ”…The Empire enslaved your parents, brothers and sisters, wives, daughters and children, and sold you to mines, quarries, plantations, and all the places they didn’t want to go. And you just squatted there, staring at the sea like an animal.”

  ”Are you born to do this? Look into my eyes! If you don’t dare, look at the ship next to you, the pigs and cows in the cages. What’s the difference between you and them? A group of hyenas in human skin asked you to squat, and you squatted honestly. Do you know what we do in the Valley Province? We will peel their skins and stew them into soup!”

  ”Only animals are worthy of staying in cages. You should let them roll in instead of squatting on this broken ship for them!”

  ”Get up!”

  The roar was like a thunder, breaking the waves hitting the side of the ship and breaking the shackles entangled in their hearts.

  The buried heads finally raised up, and so did the pairs of knees touching the deck.

  The raised pupils finally stopped dodging.

  Some of them were written with astonishment, some were written with surprise, some were burning with anger, and some were still a little confused.

  But no matter what it was, it was better than the previous confusion.

  Looking at those pairs of human eyes and those people who stood up from the deck one after another, Fang Chang nodded slightly with satisfaction.

  ”Very good, it seems that you have some courage. Although it is not enough, we will lend you the part that is not enough.”

  As he said, he took out a pistol from his waist and threw it fiercely at the group of people who stood up on the deck.

  Some people dodged to the side in fear, some people squatted down again with their heads in their hands, but some people bravely reached out their hands.

  In the end, a man with short shaved hair and a strong body grabbed the gun.

  He held the gun tightly in his hand, raised it high above his head, and stared at the guy wearing an exoskeleton.

  Fang Chang was very satisfied with the look in this guy’s eyes.

  Generosity and courage are things that can be pretended, but subconscious reactions are not wrong. Among this group of useless people, there are still guys worth saving.

  ”Tell me your name loudly!”

  The veins on his neck bulged, and the man shouted with all his strength.


  Several players standing behind Lao Bai almost couldn’t hold back their expressions, but fortunately no one noticed because they were wearing helmets.

  Fang Chang looked at the man with his eyes piercing, and shouted loudly without changing his expression.

  ”Very good, Laxi! From now on, you are the leader of these people, the leader of the First Corps of the Avengers!”

  ”No need to wait until tomorrow! Right now! Let’s go and skin those hyenas and see what kind of ugly faces are hidden under the skin!”

  ”Follow me! Go get your guns!”

  ”Oh oh oh!!” Almost at the moment the voice fell, a deafening roar broke out on the deck, and pairs of turbid pupils were completely ignited by anger and desire.

  They looked at the man standing on the bow fanatically, as if they were looking up to their gods.

  Several players standing behind Lao Bai and Fang Chang exchanged glances in surprise and whispered in the communication channel.

  ”Good fellow.”

  ”What does Brother Fang do in real life?”

  Lao Bai looked at Fang Chang with a puzzled expression.

  ”Aren’t we here to rob people?”

  According to the original plan, it would be enough to drive these ships carrying slaves to French Fries Port. There are their compatriots there, and naturally someone will teach them how to start a new life.

  But giving them guns now is undoubtedly a fuss.

  Looking at the boiling group of slaves, Fang Chang smiled and said softly.

  ”What’s the point of taking these people to French Fries Port? Do we need slaves? With their miserable appearance just now, I would think 1,000 dinars is too expensive.”

  Lao Bai was about to say that he could actually use the method of the Refugee Home, but soon thought that the method was too slow for the situation here.

  Although practice has proved that the Refugee Home has indeed helped a large number of slaves who cannot take care of themselves to master a skill and reintegrate into the society of the Alliance, its operating method itself is destined, and its carrying capacity is limited.

  Moreover, there is a prerequisite for the implementation of that thing, that is, the local survivors have the willingness to save themselves and are willing to help others who are suffering like themselves.

  If you pick any one of the people here, they will think they are fine as long as they can survive. If you catch a half-dead guy, everyone else will think it is his own problem.

  Perhaps only by letting them bleed a little can there be a little hope to end this reincarnation.

  But only a little.

  Seeing that Fang Chang seemed to have an idea, Lao Bai continued to ask.

  ”What are you going to do next?”

  Fang Chang glanced at the ships next to him and narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”There are a few more ships there. After they are given guns, I plan to send a team to take them to attack the largest prison in this settlement.”

  Lowell Camp on Blackwater Street.

  According to Sis’s record in a continuously updated tourist post, the camp was once a shelter for thousands of survivors more than a century ago. Some locals even believe that it is the predecessor of the settlement of Jingalon Port.

  However, no matter what the camp was used for before, it has now become the private property of His Majesty the Emperor of the Xilan Empire, and is managed by the Governor’s Office.

  In addition to the Moon Clan members who were persecuted for inexplicable reasons, there were also a large number of bankrupt debt slaves and some prisoners with special identities, accounting for 5% of the entire settlement!

  A month ago, the concentration camp that the White Bear Knights captured and burned was just a “warehouse” for temporary placement of slaves, and its own defense was not strict.

  The Lowell Camp was the source of the slave trade in this settlement.

  Before implementing the laws of the alliance, they must first remove that place, otherwise no matter what they do, it will be a waste of expression.

  As a symbol of royal authority, the capture of the Lowell Camp is also of extraordinary importance in awakening the confidence of local resistance forces.

  Looking at Fang Chang, Lao Bai hesitated and asked.

  ”They haven’t received training yet. Is it too early for them?”

  ”If they start now, they will only face some jailers and the city defense forces that were beaten by us. It may not be the case if they wait a few days.”

  After a pause, Fang Chang continued.

  ”Before they receive training, what they need more is confidence. We have to make them realize that their enemies are actually vulnerable!”


  The slaves on the ship swarmed off the ship, and the merchants at the port looked anxious.

  Especially the big noses from the West Coast, seeing that the Alliance people actually drove the slaves off the ship, they immediately shouted anxiously.

  ”What are you doing! Those are my slaves!” A Willant merchant shouted angrily.

  Fang Chang, who walked down from the dock, happened to see the guy who was shouting indignantly, and threw the shackles he had just taken off into his arms.

  ”Go and catch it yourself.”

  The Willant merchant was hit on the chest by the shackles, and subconsciously took it with both hands. When he looked up, he saw the Alliance soldiers dragging wooden boxes filled with munitions from the warehouse, smashing the iron chains to take out the rifles inside, and directly distributed them to his group of slaves.

  The merchant’s face turned ashen, and he almost vomited blood.

  Of course he recognized those wooden boxes. They were the

  ones he delivered to the port warehouse yesterday in exchange for the payment for the more than one thousand animals. Looking at the monkeys holding their rifles, he gritted his teeth and finally swallowed his anger.

  He retreated into the crowd and dared not say a word.

  Facing the pairs of eyes staring at him, Fang Chang cleared his throat, raised his hands and continued.

  ”This is a conflict between us and the empire, and it has nothing to do with you. We fight our own battles, and you continue to do your business, and even… from now on, the port’s taxes will be halved.”

  ”Of course, I’m afraid that the slave trade can’t be done. We don’t recognize the ownership of people, and we don’t welcome any slave traders to come here.”

  ”But if you are willing to go to Silver Moon Bay to import a batch of the goods we need, we guarantee that you can make a lot of money.”

  ”We will pay with dinars or silver coins.”

  After throwing these words, Fang Chang ordered the players who were proficient in human communication to register the identities of all those who planned to pass through the dock, and then went to the next ship.

  At the same time as the identity registration was completed, the slaves who had flocked to the port also completed their arming, forming a team of 2,000 people.

  Although most of them were holding bolt-action ripper rifles, only a few were holding automatic firepower such as blade assault rifles and PU-9 assault rifles, and most of them had not received professional military training, their fighting spirit was as high as a flame at this moment.

  In addition to these 2,000 people, more people who were not given weapons also followed behind with sticks and fish knives, looking murderous.

  Except for the elderly, women and children, almost everyone stood up, holding back their anger and preparing to liberate their compatriots and families.

  Now they are completely relying on the rope twisted in one breath. If there is even a second of hesitation at this time, the taut rope may break.

  Looking at Laxi who walked in front of him with a rifle and his face flushed due to shortness of breath, Fang Chang patted his shoulder.

  ”Don’t be afraid, we will fight alongside you.”

  After saying that, he shouted to the Killing Dagger and more than a hundred brothers of the Burning Legion who were ready to go.

  ”Now! Cover our Avengers and move towards Camp Lowell! Go and liberate those imprisoned slaves!”

  The slaves carrying rifles roared to the ground.

  ”Oh oh oh!!”


  At twelve o’clock noon, with a cannon shot that broke the silence, the second phase of the Burning Legion’s offensive officially began, two days earlier than originally planned.

  The area currently controlled by the Burning Corps is mainly concentrated on the streets named after tulips near the port. It is separated from other urban areas by a ring road called “Knights Road” and uses the Governor’s Mansion in the northwest as a firepower fulcrum to monitor the large urban area north of King Gallen Port.

  In other words, the area currently controlled by the Alliance is like an irregular pentagon, and Camp Lowell is located on the northeast side of this pentagon.

  If Camp Lowell can be taken, the actual control area of ​​the Alliance will be able to extend at least one kilometer to the northeast, and form a pincer attack with the Governor’s Mansion in the northwest, drawing a control line parallel to the coastline on the map.

  At this moment, General Abinan, who retreated to the slums, had no idea of ​​the Alliance’s plan. He was still trying to gather the few remaining subordinates and the young men he had just brought in to plan a counterattack to rescue the Governor and the group of gentlemen living on Tulip Street.

  If he still wanted to survive, this was his only way.

  However, at this moment, a mortar shell suddenly “whooshed” and landed on the defense line that had just been built.

  With a loud bang, the sandbag wall piled in the middle of the road was instantly overturned, and several imperial soldiers squatting behind the sandbag wall fell to the ground.

  Before the 100-man team stationed on the street could come to their senses, whistling bullets flew over accompanied by the noisy gunfire, and then a deafening shout of killing rang out from the other end of the street.


  ”I’ll fight you!”


  Hearing the roaring shouts, the imperial soldiers hiding behind the bunkers were stunned.

  If they remembered correctly, there were less than a thousand soldiers landing at the port.

  However, listening to the shouts that made their eardrums hurt, why did it feel like tens of thousands of people were charging towards their positions? !

  General Abinan, who was in command, was also dumbfounded.

  He could see much more clearly than the front-line soldiers at the moment. Those cannon fodders rushing towards their positions were not from the alliance at all, but were clearly lowly Moon Clan slaves!

  Realizing this, his heart suddenly burned with anger, and he clenched his fists tightly.

  These despicable villains!

  They actually gave the Empire’s weapons to those lowly slaves!

  And those slaves were stupid and ignorant, and they didn’t understand what they were doing. They were willing to be cannon fodder for a group of bandits and stab the Empire standing behind them!

  ”Fire! Blow up these damn things!”

  He roared and ordered the gunners to fire, and he led the guards to retreat and temporarily avoid the fierce edge.

  The three 100mm cannons on the street instantly spewed out angry flames, and three thick tracers rushed towards the crowd, instantly blasting a bloody gap in the crowd.

  However, the bloody scene did not drive away the charging crowd. People have a natural sense of alienation towards death that is too close or too far away.

  Especially when the hot blood sprayed on their faces, looking at the enemy so close, the anger burning in their pupils became more intense.

  These guys never treated them as human beings. The labels hanging around their necks were not even as good as the two-headed cows.

  In this case,

  they naturally did not have to treat them as human beings.

  ”In the River Valley Province, we would skin hyenas and jackals and make them into stews! We would feed the dogs with soup made from their bones!”

  ”Charge! Let me see if you are worth saving!”

  The roar was silently drowned out by the noise of the crowd. In just half a minute, the angry Moon Clan slaves crossed the sandbag wall scattered on the ground.

  Their speed was even faster than the Alliance’s mortars. In just a few breaths, they stabbed the bayonets into the chests of the artillerymen who fired, and smashed their skulls one by one with the scimitars used to scrape fish scales, avenging the hundreds of compatriots who fell on the street.

  Looking at this group of angry beasts, both the city defense soldiers guarding the positions and the survivors watching were stunned.

  Abinan’s eyes were filled with fear, his hands and feet were cold, trembling and numb, and his lips were open and closed for a long time without saying a word.

  The adjutant who had withdrawn from the front line ran to his side in a panic, looking at General Abinan and said.

  ”Sir… those slaves have gone crazy! We are no match for them alone! Let’s retreat!”

  He was followed by several machine gunners who had escaped from the front line.

  Under the guidance of the drone, the mortars of the Alliance accurately shot away the machine guns they had hidden in the mud houses in the slums.

  Now they have less than 400 soldiers left, and the rest either fled or fell to the ground. There is no hope of counterattack.

  Abinan’s Adam’s apple moved up and down, and his wrinkled face was full of despair.

  ”Let’s retreat…” It took him a long time to squeeze out the word from his throat.

  At least he could keep his body intact if he was sentenced to death by His Majesty.

  If he was caught by that group of mobs, he would probably be chopped up and thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

  As the order to retreat was issued, the city defense soldiers who were fighting the mobs in the slums were defeated in an instant. They were so embarrassed that they threw away their armor and weapons and didn’t look like regular troops at all.

  Lacy, who led the slaves forward, was also shocked by the poor performance of these guys who usually looked like human beings.

  It turned out that they were enslaved by such a group of vulnerable things.

  ”Forward!” Looking at the scattered and fleeing city defense soldiers, Lacy shouted loudly to the group of liberated slaves behind him, “Forward to Lowell Camp!”

  He was responded by a deafening roar.


  At the same time as the city defense soldiers collapsed, Sunil, the warden of Lowell Camp, had seen this scene from the watchtower on the south side.

  He had been standing here since the sound of the cannon.

  When he saw the mobs crossing the roadblocks placed by the city defense soldiers on the main road, he was immediately furious and cursed.

  ”This stupid ass! He brags a lot when he’s talking nonsense, but when it comes to the real use, he can’t even handle a bunch of cannon fodder!”

  After cursing, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

  Because at this moment, he saw the mobs scattered in the slums gathering in the direction of Blackwater Street.

  It was obvious that those guys had set their sights on this place.

  This bunch of ignorant guys…

  actually dared to set their sights on Your Majesty’s pocket! The

  jailer standing by was trembling, with hot sweat all over his back.

  ”…Sir, what should we do?”

  There might be someone he had greeted among the mob, and he didn’t dare to let them catch him. If it weren’t for Lord Sunil watching, he would have sneaked away long ago.

  In fact, he was not the only one who thought so.

  When seeing the mob pouring out from the port, many clever people had already guessed something and had already slipped out through the back door.

  Sunil gritted his teeth, and a trace of struggle flashed across his fierce face, but in the end, the fear of authority prevailed.

  The nearly 50,000 slaves imprisoned here are all His Majesty’s property. Among them are not only the cheapest labor slaves, but also many valuable goods with good quality. Even if all of them are sold at a low price, they can be converted into 200 to 300 million dinars, which is almost equivalent to the total export volume of Golden Gallon Port in one year.

  If this money is lost, even His Majesty will be furious, and even if he is given a lighter sentence, his whole family will be demoted to slavery.

  Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Seeing that the mob had already killed him, Sunil shouted loudly.

  ”Prepare for battle!”

  A trace of despair appeared on the face of the jailer next to him, but facing the fierce pupils, he could only summon all his courage and shout with a sad face.



  Generally speaking, when a resident of Jingalon Port is unable to repay his debts even after selling all his property, and the creditors are pressing for repayment, the Governor will mercifully buy the “bad debt” in the name of His Majesty at a price acceptable to the creditors.

  If the debt-ridden survivor can repay His Majesty’s debts within the grace period, he can regain his freedom.

  If not, the infamous Lowell Camp will be his final destination.

  The “prisoners” here are more like a commodity that anyone can choose. Labor is usually sold wholesale to interested buyers at a uniform price, while some goods with special talents or decent looks will be marked with a slightly higher price for truly capable buyers to choose. The jailers here

  usually don’t abuse prisoners blatantly, and at most they will only impose necessary corporal punishment on some lazy slaves.

  However, it is certain that the guys who have not been sold will be treated worse and worse, and if they are not bought for a year, no matter what talents they have, they can only live in a pigsty or be sent to a mine where no one can come out alive.

  Therefore, whenever the camp gate opened, prisoners from all camps would tense up and rush to the iron gate in anticipation.

  However, unlike usual, the camp gate was tightly closed today, without any movement.

  … What happened?

  Almost everyone had this question in their mind until the deafening sound of cannons and gunshots rang out outside the wall.

  Teams of prison guards ran towards the wall in panic, stood behind the wall’s bunkers and fired at the street, but the firepower outside was as fierce as a tsunami. In just a few minutes, more than a dozen people fell from the wall, leaving a shocking blood stain on the open space in front of the door.

  The slaves in several camps near the door were frightened and hid away, while outside the camp at this moment, it was a scene of intense activity.

  The Moon Clan that besieged the Lowell Camp had left more than 200 bodies, and the casualties continued to increase.

  Their fighting power was not very strong. They only relied on their numerical advantage and temporary ruthlessness to defeat the city defense army that had been beaten down by the alliance.

  Although the prison guards in the Lowell camp were far less well-trained than the city defense army led by General Abinan, they were better in terms of complete organization and relied on favorable terrain to cause considerable casualties to the “Avengers First Corps” that attacked.

  Seeing that the mobs were just thunder and rain, Warden Sunil, who was lying on the sentry tower, finally regained his courage and shouted in the direction of Blackwater Street.

  ”Haha, you shameless betrayers! You actually tried to break through His Majesty’s fortress! I think you are still asleep! Wait, the Gray Wolf Army stationed on the Yongliu River is on the way here, and you will pay the price for your atrocities today!”

  Hearing the reputation of the Gray Wolf Army, many Moon Clan members subconsciously showed a trace of timidity on their faces, including Laxi, the head of the group.

  But that trace of timidity was only a trace.

  They had no way out after reaching this point.

  Looking at the camp that had been under attack for a long time, the Killing Dagger who was watching from a distance could not bear it

  anymore. He put down the telescope in his hand and said in the communication channel. “Are we really not going to help them?”

  According to this way of fighting, it is estimated that many people will die.

  A calm answer came from the communication channel.

  ”They need to complete this task by themselves. No one can help them… Give them the captured 100mm artillery.”

  Killing Dagger nodded.


  On the other side, at the corner of Blackwater Street, the Moon Clan warriors gathered behind the bunker and began to organize the third round of attack. Seeing that they had no way to do anything, Sunil, who was hiding in the watchtower, became more unscrupulous and shouted at the outside of the wall.

  ”It’s useless! Give up! You bunch of despicable slaves! You can’t even aim! Come and shoot at me! Come on! Bah!”

  Although he shouted, he did not show his head from the edge of the bunker. Only the 30-centimeter-thick concrete wall could give him enough sense of security.

  The wall of the Lowell camp is five stories high and is made entirely of concrete. The thinnest part of the wall is nearly two meters thick.

  There are as many as five hundred jailers stationed in the camp. Each wall can be assigned a team of one hundred, and a team can be left for flexible support.

  With the ammunition stored in the arsenal, he can stay here forever!

  Staring at this fortress that has been unable to be conquered for a long time, Laxi’s face is solemn.

  They have tried all the methods they can, including throwing Molotov cocktails filled with pine nut oil and phosphorus powder, assembling simple catapults, and even using smoke.

  Until then, several Moon Clan members carrying shovels pushed a 100mm cannon out of the narrow alley.

  ”The brothers of the Alliance gave us this thing!”

  Laxi’s eyes lit up and shouted to his comrades beside him.

  ”Who can fire the cannon!”

  Obviously, no one can.

  But after a brief hesitation, a dark and thin man raised his hand.

  ”I’ve seen the city defense army fire cannons! I can try!”

  Lacy didn’t hesitate, and immediately grabbed his shoulders, pulled him to the side of the cannon, and pointed at the gate in the distance.

  ”Leave it to you!”

  The man nodded nervously, picked up a pointed ammunition from the ammunition box, stuffed it into the barrel from the back, and then pulled the breech block. He

  called on the soldiers beside him to aim the cannon at the gate, picked up the fuse and quickly ran to the side, shouting loudly.


  As soon as the voice fell, he pulled the fuse hard, and the explosion flashed the entire alley, and even the houses next to it shook.

  A thick tracer instantly rushed towards the gate in the distance, leaving a large inward-concave hole on the iron gate!

  Covering his ears and standing firm, Lassi, who stood up from the dust, saw the iron gate in the distance that was pierced, and was immediately overjoyed.

  ”Another shot! Quick!”

  Without his order, the artillerymen who were ordered to take the shells out of the barrel and reload the artillery had already begun to think about moving the shells out of the gun barrel and reloading the artillery.

  Seeing the iron gate with a hole in it, Sunil, who was lying on the watchtower, almost peed his pants in fear, and his face no longer had the previous smugness.

  At this moment, the second cannon sounded, and another orange-yellow tracer rushed towards the closed iron gate.

  Then came the third shot –

  finally, after being hit by five consecutive shots, the iron gate finally fell backwards under the heavy load, raising a cloud of dust on the open ground.

  Seeing the gate destroyed, the Moon Tribe members, whose morale was shaky, immediately regained hope of victory and rushed towards the collapsed gate with rifles.


  The shouts like the waves even shattered the smoke.

  Seeing the thugs rushing in like a tide, the defenders on the wall finally couldn’t hold back the fear in their hearts and began to retreat.

  ”Hold on! Don’t let them in!”

  Sunil hurriedly fled from the watchtower and yelled at the retreating jailers, but he couldn’t stop the defeat.

  The jailer on the northeastern section of the wall tried his best to open the gate and fled towards the slums outside. He threw his clothes and guns on the ground while fleeing, letting the survivors who were watching the excitement go up to grab them.

  Looking at the thugs who came to him, Sunil’s face no longer had any arrogance or pride, only fear and pleading, stammering and even unable to say a complete sentence.

  ”I, I was forced… I was also following orders…”

  Before he finished speaking, a rifle butt hit his head, hitting him so hard that he fell backwards with stars in his eyes.

  ”Fuck you!”

  Everyone rushed up, stripped him of all his clothes, hacked him to death and hung him on the sentry tower where he had been squatting before.

  The cages holding the slaves were opened one by one. Facing those familiar compatriots, the expressions on the faces of the slaves were at a loss at first, but soon they joined them under the atmosphere. The

  surrendered guards were gathered in the open space and executed. No matter how those guys begged for mercy, no one listened.

  The Moon Clan members, who were blinded by anger, killed these lackeys of the emperor in the most cruel way to commemorate their compatriots who died in the siege. The cages

  that looked like pigeon cages were filled with inspiring cheers, and the slaves, whether they were from the Moon Clan or not, joined in.

  The Killing Dagger, who was standing in the distance and watching, once again reported the situation on the front line.

  ”… Camp Lowell has completely fallen. I think it would be better to take over as soon as possible. If they continue to make trouble, there may be a big mess.”

  Fang Chang’s voice came from the communication channel.

  ”… Well, this area is handed over to you. There is also the resettlement and training of the liberated slaves. We need them to have a certain combat effectiveness before the arrival of the regular army.”

  Killing Dagger made a helpless expression.

  ”You really picked an ‘easy’ job for me.”

  Fang Chang said with a faint smile.

  ”Do a good job, I’m optimistic about you!”

  ”I’ll try.”

  After hanging up the communication, Killing Dagger waved his hand and walked towards Camp Lowell with a group of brothers who were armed to the teeth behind him.

  This is an unorganized riot.

  They are not like the “Boers” in Boulder City, who have a workers’ union organization and a little picture book

  that can barely be called a guiding ideology. If it is not controlled, the violence that has nowhere to be released will soon be vented to the ordinary survivors around who are watching the excitement and are not afraid of trouble.

  After all, when they were enslaved, those people just watched coldly. Now that they have guns in their hands, it is hard to say that they will not vent their anger on those who are weaker than them.

  No –

  it is almost certain.

  Looking at the survivor named Laxi standing in the center of the camp, Killing Dagger walked up to him and handed him a cigarette.

  Laxi was stunned for a moment, and then saw that it was the friendly soldiers wearing exoskeletons. He grinned and took the cigarette and put it in his mouth.

  ”Thank you, brother, you will always be our brothers, and we will always remember your help to us today!”

  ”I hope you think so.” Killing Dagger took out a match to light it for him, and then lit one for himself.

  After finishing the cigarette quietly, he looked into the beast-like eyes and continued.

  ”You have achieved a phased victory. As you can see, the Empire is just a paper tiger. The Emperor’s subordinates are a group of spineless eunuchs, hyenas in human skin.”

  ”But even if they are a group of hyenas in human skin, it is still not easy for you to defeat them again and again. Remember, a hungry wolf can win once or even twice, but only humans can win all the time.”

  Laxi frowned.

  ”What do you mean.”

  Killing Dagger: “It means to restrain your subordinates. The slaves here are not your spoils of war, they are your compatriots… I don’t think I need to remind you of this.”

  ”Of course,” Laxi said without hesitation, “How can I be the same as those beasts.”

  ”It’s better to be so. I hope our investment is a correct transaction, at least it won’t bring us… some troubles of our own.” Killing Dagger reminded in the most tactful way possible.

  This self-defense counterattack is only authorized by the Alliance Constitution and the Player Manual. Players have the right to launch a limited counterattack against all “neutral forces outside the white list” that actively attack players.

  As for the limit of the counterattack, there is no clear definition of the provisions.

  The dog planner did not stop them, which means they did not violate the server regulations.

  But whether it violated the wishes of the administrator is hard to say.

  After all, this is a military action without the authorization of the administrator.

  The Alliance is not taking the “imperial route” after all, but to unite the suffering survivors. As for how to unite, the scale is in the hands of the players themselves.

  If nothing unexpected happens, the administrator should have received the report sent by the Niu Ma airship.

  At present, no one has received an order to stop the military action through the task system of the official website, which can only mean that the administrator is temporarily neutral about this action.

  They have to do as little as possible to disgust the administrator, whether it is an indirect result or a direct result.

  Laxi frowned.

  ”Okay… You tell me what to do, and we’ll do it.”

  His idea was simple.

  A man who eats someone’s food should be grateful, and a man who takes someone’s money should be soft-hearted.

  Everything they have is given by the Alliance, and there is a high probability that they will have to rely on the Alliance’s supplies for a long time in the future. There is nothing wrong

  with listening to their arrangements. Besides, he came here with a rage, and he actually didn’t have an idea in his mind, what to do next.

  Drive the emperor out of Tiandu?

  That place is too far from here…

  Killing Dagger nodded with satisfaction, and stuffed the remaining pack of cigarettes into the hands of the flattered Laxi.

  ”Now we are going to train you and help you establish a complete organization… In addition, we need a few photos, can you cooperate?”

  Laxi was stunned.


  Killing Dagger nodded again and looked at the pigeon cage with an open iron door.

  ”That’s right, I’d like you to pick some of the more pitiful-looking guys and have them stay in the cage for a while… just five minutes.”

  ”You may find it boring, but we need them to shut some people up.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode