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Chapter 7 If you want to be rich, first pull down trees

Chapter 7 If you want to be rich, first pull down trees

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 7 If you want to be rich, you must first cut down trees

  . There is no order without rules.

  Especially for players who are keen on making trouble, you must not be soft-hearted.

  [Shelter Residents Manual Version 1.0.]

  [1. The manager’s orders are above all else, and all residents of the shelter must obey unconditionally.]

  [2. For residents who violate the rules, the manager will reserve the final means of “forced hibernation” and “confinement”. (Note: Forced hibernation is equivalent to forced kicking out of the game, and confinement is the banning of login permissions.)] [

  3. The manager has the final right of interpretation of all the above terms.]

  Violators will be kicked out of the game, which is no longer a power possessed by ordinary NPCs.

  Seeing the notes behind the second article of the Shelter Residents Manual, the players completely understood that the NPC in front of them is not only an NPC, but also has some of the GM’s authority, and can “ban” people who affect other players’ gaming experience. There

  are few people now, and the rules are temporarily these three. If there are still places that need to be supplemented later, Chu Guang will consider launching version 2.0 or even version 20.0.

  For example, the rules for contact between players and players, between players and “NPCs”, and prohibited matters in the game, etc.

  Half of the reason for conducting a closed beta test before the A test is for this.

  The space in the shelter is not large. There are more than 20 rooms, which looks like a lot, but each one is very small, and is filled with four culture chambers.

  The previous manager seemed to be afraid that he would not work and live off the land, so he moved the entire B1 floor clean and left nothing good for him.

  Chu Guang did not stay in the shelter for too long. After explaining the rules, he took the four people and Xiao Qi to the elevator leading to the outside world.

  These four closed beta players were quite obedient and gave him face as a manager, but their curiosity was a little too strong.

  From the moment their feet stepped on the ground, they were like Granny Liu who entered the Grand View Garden, touching and looking left and right along the way, wanting to touch everything.

  There was not a single cell in their body that could stay idle!

  The elevator stopped steadily.

  Looking at the sunlight shining through the broken window and onto the elevator, the four players all exclaimed in surprise.


  ”This light! This wall! This, this, this, this…”

  ”This is awesome!”

  ”The sunlight shines through the cracks in the concrete ruins, onto the grass that has grown out of the floor, and visible dust floats in the light beams… Every frame is art, and every second is a waste of money!” ”

  Awesome! Brother Ri is still cultured !”

  ”Get out, call me Brother Fang!”

  ”Okay, come on, Brother Ri.”


  A group of guys who have never seen the world…

  Chu Guang found it a little funny, but he could understand it, so he pretended not to hear anything, fulfilled his duties as an NPC, and took them to the outside of the sanatorium.

  Looking at the tools on the ground, Chu Guang turned around and faced them.

  ”As you can see, the nuclear war has ended for two hundred years.”

  ”We are now in the far northern suburbs of Qingquan City, far away from the nuclear bomb crater. Unless we encounter ‘luminous rain’ or visible radioactive clouds, there is no need to worry too much about excessive gamma values.”

  ”The shelter can’t protect us forever, and our civilization can’t hide under the ruins forever. Remember, we are the vanguard returning to the surface, and there are thousands of people behind us waiting for our good news. There is no time to waste.”

  ”The first thing we have to do now is to repair this sanatorium under our feet and build an outpost on this ruin.”

  ”It will become our bridgehead for returning to the surface.”

  ”I’ll give you a task. Pick up the axe on the ground and go outside to chop some wood.”

  ”Before winter comes, we must store enough fuel, and at the same time repair these broken walls around us.”

  ”Remember not to go too far, don’t act rashly when you encounter alien species, retreat immediately.”


  Chu Guang originally thought he would need to waste some time talking.

  Unexpectedly, these players were more obedient than he had imagined. They picked up their axes and went out to work.

  The quick movements seemed as if they were eager to finish what he said, fearing that they would delay his work.

  ”Master, are these guys really okay?” Xiao Qi, who was following beside him, expressed his concerns. He always felt that these clones were not in their right minds.

  ”That’s why I asked you to come out with me,” Chu Guang looked up at the sanatorium behind him, paused for a moment, and continued, “You go to the north window on the third floor and watch. If they encounter any problems or go too far, remind me.”

  As for himself, he had to check the rewards for completing the task first.

  The wastebasket next to Chu Guang did not move.

  After a while, Xiao Qi spoke in a low voice.


  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”Well, I don’t have legs.”

  The moving wastebasket circled around Chu Guang’s calves and demonstrated its way of moving. It was not until then that Chu Guang noticed that this guy had always been sliding on four pairs of pulleys.

  ”…Okay, I’ll carry you up.”

  He sighed.

  Chu Guang squatted down and carried it on his shoulder.


  It’s quite heavy.


  Crack –


  The tree, as thick as a thigh, slowly fell down and hit the ground with a dull sound.

  ”I don’t think this place is like the wasteland.”

  ”What does it look like?”

  ”More like a forest… I’m talking about “The Forest”. I don’t know if you’ve played it. In it, you chop down trees like this and build houses.”

  ”Of course I’ve played it, and not only that, I built my house into the sky. But building a house there is much easier, just click the mouse, unlike here… Damn, the axe is quite heavy.”

  ”Speaking of the setting, I think it’s quite real. I remember watching a documentary before, about returning to Chernobyl. Forty years without human disturbance, a new ecosystem has evolved there, with buildings surrounded by vines and trees taller than houses… The setting of this game is two hundred years after the wasteland, which is not impossible. I even feel that the situation in the city will be more exaggerated than here.”

  Looking at the mess behind him, Lao Bai wiped his sweat and smacked his tongue.

  ”If this were put in reality, I’d probably end up in jail for life.”

  They were busy for two hours.

  Although the efficiency was not high, and the wooden blocks left behind looked like they had been gnawed by dogs, they had chopped down more than a dozen pine trees as thick as thighs, and countless thinner ones.

  However, the manager didn’t say how many he wanted, and no one could decide whether these were enough.

  ”To be honest, this game is too real… Whether it’s the dull feeling of the axe hitting the tree, or the flying sawdust and the sunlight shining through the leaves, it reminds me of–”

  ”Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense.”

  Interrupting Fang Chang’s sigh, Ye Shi leaned on the axe with his arm, looked at the scattered branches and autumn leaves on the ground, and panted.

  ”Since you can chop trees, building a house and farming shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

  The physical athletic ability in the game is much stronger than the body in reality.

  In reality, Ye Shi is the kind of person whose body has been hollowed out by nine years of compulsory education, but in the wasteland, he can barely squeeze out two biceps.

  Of course, the most exciting thing is the fleeting time-that is, Old White.

  Although this guy’s character doesn’t look good and has a mouth full of stubble, he looks very strong when he rolls up his sleeves.

  ”If we want to farm, I suggest we can set a fire and turn the ashes into the soil. When winter is over, it will be fertile soil in the spring of next year… Of course, the premise is that this game is really that real, otherwise it would be a waste of expression.”

  ”Speaking of which, I have always wondered why Lao Bai’s muscles are so strong as if he has practiced, but I have trouble holding an axe.”

  Kuangfeng panted.

  His character is probably the one with the closest physical fitness to reality among all the people. He can’t do it after exercising for a while.

  ”Each character’s attributes must be different… Although I don’t know how this thing is determined.” The abbot touched the back of his head and thought for a moment, “But I have a guess.”

  ”What guess?”

  The three players were very interested in his discovery.

  Everyone who has been in the Niu Ma Club for a while knows that this guy is a member of the strategy group for several single-player games and has the largest inventory of steam games in the group.

  Whether it’s FPS, RPG or SLG, there is no genre he doesn’t play.

  ”You should have noticed that we woke up in a silver-white jar. Considering the theme of this game, there are two possibilities in the setting. One, we have slept from before the war to now through cryo-hibernation technology. Two, we are all clones.” ”

  Of course, I personally think the latter setting will be more convenient. After all, the problem of resurrection is easy to explain in this way. Just use the DNA stored in the incubator to re-synthesize a body.”

  Looking at the players who looked at each other in bewilderment, Fang Chang continued.

  ”I estimate that attribute panels and levels will be added later, and our difference in physical fitness may be the foreshadowing!”

  ”I still look forward to the production team developing a unique game mechanism, such as… combining DNA and career systems, distinguishing between power players and agility players, and formulating different attribute growth curves. This can not only ensure freedom, but also enrich the gameplay.”

  ”It’s a pity that the characters are random. It would be great if I could decide the initial attributes myself.”

  Fang Chang finally stopped talking with a dry mouth.

  ”No more nonsense, I’ll go offline and talk to Brother Guang later.”

  I remember Brother Guang said that he was the planner of this game. It would definitely be better to talk to the planner directly about this issue than to discuss it here.

  At this time, Ye Shi, who was staring into the distance in a daze, suddenly spoke up.

  ”You guys think, how big is this map?”

  ”I don’t know.”

  ”You think if I keep walking in one direction…”

  Looking at Ye Shi who was eager to try, Kuang Feng, who was resting on the side with an axe, hesitated and said.

  ”It’s probably an air wall, or it could be a plot kill… But no matter which one it is, I suggest you don’t do it.”

  ”Have you forgotten? The manager told us not to go too far away from the sanatorium.”

  ”Damn, he’s just an NPC, and you listen to him?”

  ”But he can make us go offline, and even confiscate our closed beta qualification.” Kuang Feng reminded. Fang

  Chang also reminded him from the side.

  ”Yes, and I speculate that with the intelligence of the NPC in this game, there may be a hidden setting such as favorability. You can actually notice that its attitude towards each player is not exactly the same. There must be a hidden algorithm logic in it.”

  ”Okay, okay, I won’t try it anymore.”

  After hearing this, Ye Shi, the most dishonest, also became honest.

  There is no way.

  This statement is too lethal.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see the value behind this game.

  Fully immersive virtual reality…

  Once this technology comes out, it will have a subversive impact on the entertainment methods of the entire modern society – even the lifestyle!

  Even if you don’t want to play games, who would mind playing 12 to 8 hours more a day than others?

  According to Brother Guang in the group, the time spent in the game world is equivalent to sleeping in the real world.

  In other words, even if you stay here all night, it will not affect the work of the next day!

  It is really hard to imagine that such a game that is destined to make a sensation around the world was launched in such a “sloppy” and even silent way.

  Doesn’t that company need to make money?

  But no matter what, since this opportunity has been in their hands, no one is willing to give it up easily.

  Just when Ye Shi gave up the urge to explore the border of the map and was ready to continue chopping trees honestly, a strong sense of crisis suddenly enveloped his whole body. His

  hands and feet were cold.

  Cold sweat oozed from his back.

  He didn’t know where the sense of crisis came from, but it seemed as if he had foreseen his tragic death –

  his legs softened, and Ye Shi staggered back, but it was this stagger that allowed him to avoid the black shadow that fell from the sky.

  Tear -!

  Wood chips flew.

  The tree trunk next to him was printed with three half-foot wide scratches!


  Like a ghost howling!

  The swooping bird missed the attack, and with the reverse thrust of kicking the pine tree, it flapped its wings to pull up again and disappeared into the treetops.

  Looking at the falling black feathers, Ye Shi, who was slumped on the ground, was completely dumbfounded, and subconsciously touched his head.

  What the hell?

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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