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Chapter 70 Surrounded by fat sheep?

Chapter 70 Surrounded by fat sheep?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 70 Surrounded by fat sheep?




  These emotions may appear in anyone.

  But they can never appear in the players!

  They may not be well-trained soldiers, but they must be natural warriors.

  The threat of death is meaningless to them. The sound of gunfire not only does not bring them any fear, but ignites their desire for battle, experience, and spoils.

  Taking off the mask of civilized people, they are the real disaster at this moment.

  Just like the undead who are not afraid of death!


  Fuck him!

  After so long in the server, there are finally some exciting activities!

  ”Free fire! Repeat, free fire!”

  ”Attention, all teams, you are facing the most vicious and evil people in this wasteland. The rules and methods of civilized people do not apply to them. Don’t show mercy! Use all the means you can think of, and beat them hard!”

  ”Beat them until they kneel on the ground and beg for mercy!”

  In this battle, Chu Guang mobilized 34 reservists.

  And this is almost all the people near the base at the moment!

  Fifteen revolver rifles, armed thirty people.

  Two people were in a group, sharing a rifle and 15 rounds of 7mm bullets, while the other person was holding a bow and arrows and throwing objects to support in the back row.

  If a teammate fell to the ground, the substitute would take over.

  If the ammunition was used up, close combat!

  Thirty players were divided into fifteen teams, breaking up into two groups from the east and west gates, and then outflanking the north gate.

  Since there was no radio command, they agreed to blow a whistle as a signal.

  The other four players with the highest current contributions were led by Chu Guang himself, carrying the newly purchased 7mm and 9mm bolt-action rifles, each still carrying 15 rounds of ammunition, and outflanking the group of predators from the west gate.

  When the whistle sounded, the whole forest was filled with gunfire. Only bullets whizzed in the sky and explosives banged, and it was impossible to hear what each other was saying.

  But it didn’t matter!

  For the players who were not affected by morale, the more chaotic the battle was, the more excited they were, and the more advantageous it was for them. More than 30 people fought with the momentum of 60 people, surrounding only 10 predators.

  If they were not exempted from the death penalty and had to consider the resurrection CD, they would have pulled out their javelins, axes, and small stools and rushed in.

  ”Pull the gun line, pull the gun line, don’t stand still and shoot, let’s push from south to north. It’s noon now, they are against the light, we have the advantage!”

  ”Let’s flank on the left and shoot smoke on the right, they will think they are surrounded!”

  ”Are you not afraid of being heard by shouting so loudly?”

  ”Listen to bullshit, they won’t understand!”

  ”Fuck, it makes sense!”

  ”Oh my god, isn’t this much more exciting than the squad.”

  ”Fuck, I seem to have been shot… Eh? It really doesn’t hurt at all?”

  The predators in front of the north gate were completely stunned.

  They were not a regular army, but just a bunch of guerrillas. The people they had met before were all soft persimmons, the kind that would break at a pinch. They had never seen such a tough guy who became more fierce the more

  they were beaten. “How many people are there???”

  ”I don’t know! Damn, is this really a survivor base with only 30 people?! Why do I feel… there are more than 30 people surrounding us!”

  ”Damn, why do I feel that they are more like bandits than us!” They

  only had time to retreat 50 meters.

  The looters who had just dispersed were pinned to the ground and lay behind the bunkers without daring to move, and could only fight back reluctantly.

  Bullets flew past their scalps, accompanied by the fire and smoke of explosives, and occasionally arrows, stones, and javelins that penetrated the smoke.

  The air was filled with a pungent smell of sulfur.

  They couldn’t even tell which direction the bullets were coming from, they just felt that there were gunshots and people everywhere.

  ”The enemy is on our two wings! Damn it! They are trying to surround us!”

  ”What the hell?! These cowards dare to surround us?!”

  ”Fuck, how dare they come out of the wall!”

  The centurion named Badger was stunned.

  It was obviously our side that took the initiative to attack, so why were they surrounded by the other side?

  There were at least five survivors’ strongholds that he had led his team to plunder. Among them, there were a few households and nearly a hundred households, but he had never seen such a tenacious and outrageous one.

  Good guy.

  Is this a national army? ?

  Badger could feel that the opponent’s shooting skills were very poor and the equipment was not as good as his side, but the momentum of his side was suppressed by the opponent. The

  ominous premonition became stronger and stronger, and he had already begun to retreat in his heart.

  But these people obviously did not intend to let them go.

  The gunshots were obviously moving towards their side and rear, and getting closer and closer. If they don’t find a way to fight out, they will soon face encirclement and suppression from three directions.

  Realizing this, the blood in Badger’s heart was also ignited.

  His eyes were red, and he clenched his teeth as he attached a bayonet to the iron rifle in his hand.

  ”Fuck! Fight them!”

  However, just as he was thinking this, a strange figure suddenly appeared behind the bunker not far away.

  In the man’s hand, he was holding a strange-looking big thing. Its overall structure was composed of a wooden barrel and an iron pipe, like… a large spray bottle?

  The man put the thing on the ground, set up a wooden bipod at the mouth of the pipe, and aimed the nozzle at him, while mumbling something in his mouth, accompanied by an almost crazy weird laugh.

  Badger naturally couldn’t understand.

  But the nearby players heard it clearly, and consciously avoided this madman.

  ”Hahahaha! Feel my heat!”

  The narrow fire snake sprayed out from the mouth of the iron pipe and poured into the center of the predator’s position.

  Although this rain of fire did not drench anyone, it ignited the surrounding dead branches and leaves, forming a sea of ​​fire that divided the battlefield.

  Thick smoke billowed up.

  The burning ground was scalding!

  There was smoke everywhere, making it almost impossible for the marauders to aim.

  Brother Mosquito only had time to spray a burst of flames before he immediately dropped his “Hellfire 0.2” and ran away.

  He had to run.

  This thing was quite pleasant to spray, but the pressure was not enough, so the fire burned back along the fuel and set himself on fire.

  Brother Mosquito had not run far before his “Hellfire 0.2” exploded with a bang.

  Fortunately, the surrounding players had dodged early and did not hurt their own people.

  Although he only had time to spray a burst of flames, it was obviously effective.

  The boiling flames on the battlefield and the almost scorched air around them became the last straw that broke the psychological defense line of the predators.

  The loud whistle sounded again, which was the horn of the charge. The

  players who formed a siege had almost used up their bullets, and the ground was full of smoke and fire, and they were even more bloodthirsty.

  After hearing the whistle, they all rushed out of the bunkers, howling as if they had taken stimulants, picking up javelins, axes and even bricks, and launched a charge under the cover of shouts and smoke.

  The surrounded predators had never seen such a scene before. They always charged at others, but never at themselves. Their

  morale was completely broken.

  These mobs began to collapse from the outermost edge and finally fled.

  One of the three hounds was bitten to death by the garbage man, another was directly scared away by the green-skinned lizard, and another was shot to death while running away.

  Looking at his teammates falling one after another, Badger was desperate, trembling and dropping his weapons, kneeling on the ground and raising his hands.

  ”Stop! I beg you!”

  ”We surrender!”


  In principle, predators rarely surrender. After all, they have never treated prisoners well, and no one will treat them well.

  But the blue coats on these people gave Badger a glimmer of luck in his heart.

  Who wants to die if they can live?

  They themselves were not people with firm beliefs.

  The battle lasted less than fifteen minutes before it ended.

  Hearing the gunshots from the base, nearby players kept coming to support and joined the encirclement of the predators tacitly.

  As a result, the number of Chu Guang’s team increased, from the initial 34 to 45, and morale was getting higher and higher. After the battle

  , Chu Guang led the players to put out the open fire in the forest, then cleaned up the battlefield and counted the casualties.

  He had originally planned to use the active substance reserves, but he didn’t expect the performance of these players to be beyond his expectations.

  Although seven were injured, none of them died.

  The most seriously injured was a physical system, who was shot in the thigh during the charge.

  Fortunately, the bullet went straight through, without injuring the artery or the bone. Due to the shielding of the super-limit pain, by the time he realized it, the wound had stopped bleeding, and he didn’t even need to bandage it.

  As for the predators, it can be said that it was quite miserable. Among the ten people, five were killed on the spot, two were seriously injured and bled to death, and the remaining three were slightly injured and captured.

  The only flaw was that more than 200 rounds of bullets were consumed, which directly consumed the amount of bullets for a trade, which made Chu Guang feel painful for a while.

  These players really didn’t save him any money, and they wanted to use up all the bullets they gave him.

  Especially since this revolver rifle is semi-automatic and has a high rate of fire. If you shoot a few times in a row, you will be shot out without paying attention.

  There are only ten people on the opposite side!

  Is it difficult to shoot when you see someone? What

  Chu Guang can’t complain about the most is that among the seven dead people, four were killed by javelins, bows and axes, and only three died from gunshot wounds.

  One of them was shot down by him with a gun.

  ”We have to find a chance to let these players practice shooting!”

  No, it’s better to let them buy the guns themselves and raise ammunition by themselves!

  This style of fighting was really fierce and tough, but just one battle consumed nearly half of the outpost’s ammunition inventory.

  With the current logistics of the shelter, it was really a bit too much.

  Fortunately, the gains from this battle were not small, which was a comfort to Chu Guang.

  There were a total of ten guns, nearly eighty bullets of different calibers, a Molotov cocktail that had not been used in time, and two dirty syringes.

  ”What is this?”

  Chu Guang glanced at the captive who was squatting on the ground with his hands on his head, and pointed at the syringe in his hand.

  The captive raised his head and quickly buried it in fear.


  ”Is it useful?”

  ”Uh, it should be okay.”

  No matter how useful it was, Chu Guang didn’t dare to try it on himself, so he threw it together with the pile of spoils. Maybe some players would be interested in buying it for research one day.

  Then, Chu Guang ordered several players nearby to tie the hands and feet of the three injured captives together and tie them to the wooden stakes at the north gate.

  There is no prison at the outpost yet, so the people can only be kept like this for the time being.

  To be honest, Chu Guang hasn’t figured out how to deal with the three captives.

  I heard that some of the survivors were hanged directly in the settlements, some were sold to slave traders or mines, and some were more curious about removing their organs and selling them individually.

  After all, bionic organs are usually expensive and most people can’t afford them. In comparison, tissues removed from slaves or clones are more economical.

  But Chu Guang couldn’t do such an anti-human thing.

  Besides, he didn’t have the conditions to perform that kind of surgery.

  At this time, Fang Chang, carrying a bow and arrow, walked over from not far away.

  When the battle broke out earlier, the cattle and horse squad was hunting in the nearby urban area. When they heard the gunshots and rushed back, the battle was basically coming to an end.

  It can be said that they had no sense of participation in this battle.

  ”Dear administrator, the northern predators have discovered us. My suggestion is that we should seize the opportunity to pursue them! Don’t give them any chance to breathe, and end this mystery once and for all!”

  ”That’s right!”

  ”Kill them!”

  Looking at the players around him who were eager to try, Chu Guang thought for a moment, and finally shook his head.

  ”We don’t have the conditions to take the initiative now.”

  Forest combat and urban combat are two completely different concepts. The former is our home ground, while the latter is the home ground of those predators.

  Pulling these players into the city to fight street battles with those predators and rush into minefields is basically the same as giving away heads.

  The CD for resurrection is at least three days, so we still have to be cautious.

  According to the intelligence obtained by Garbage Jun several times, the size of the predator tribe located in the abandoned tire factory is at least more than 50 people. Combining the intelligence of the Lister caravan, it is estimated that the number is around 60 to 70.

  If the other party had not misjudged the strength of our side, they would not have sent only a team of ten people.

  Now the only thing to be thankful for is that these ten people have been kept by me. The other party cannot figure out the strength of our side for a while, and may not even know whether the people sent out to collect money are dead or alive.

  According to normal people’s thinking, they will first send a few scouts to gather intelligence, and then plan the next round of attacks.

  Of course, maybe they don’t play by the rules.

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang then looked at the players beside him.

  ”Our enemies have rich experience in street fighting. They have been active in this area for a long time and are much more familiar with the terrain in the city than we are. It is not a wise decision to rush into their home ground without an absolute advantage in numbers and equipment.”

  ”At present, our strategy is still to focus on defense, supplemented by harassment. In a protracted war, we will wear down their manpower and force them to give up their advantages and enter our home ground.”

  ”I have a strong feeling that the upcoming heavy snow will provide us with a perfect opportunity.”

  ”Before that, what we have to do is to use time to exchange space and do our best to develop.”

  ”Everyone, the war has begun!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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