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Chapter 701 I want to get to know Mr. Xu up close!

Chapter 701 I want to get to know Mr. Xu up close!


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 701 I want to get to know Mr. Xu up close!

  In the afternoon.

  Xu Xiuwen went to the company.

  When he passed the front desk, he saw Liu Xinran and paused.

  He turned around and prepared to go upstairs, but halfway through, he turned back.

  ”Does Mr. Xu have any instructions?” Liu Xinran raised her head and asked with a smile.

  The smile on her face was not the kind of smile that subordinates flatter their bosses.

  Her smile was very natural.

  It made people who saw her feel happy.

  She was different from other employees in the company.

  Others would be more or less nervous and unnatural when they saw him, or flatter him.

  But Liu Xinran was very relaxed and indifferent.

  Xu Xiuwen knew her family background, so he didn’t find it strange.

  He pondered, “Liu Xinran, come to my office in half an hour, I have something to say to you.”

  Liu Xinran blinked and smiled faintly: “Okay, Mr. Xu.”

  Xu Xiuwen turned and went upstairs.

  After arriving at the office.

  Xu Xiuwen waited for Lu Xinyao to come to report on his work.

  As a result, Lu Xinyao was not seen for a long time.

  He took the initiative to make a phone call.

  However, he was told by the staff that Lu Xinyao had taken leave since yesterday and had not come to work.

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned

  When he came to his senses, he felt strange.

  Why did Lu Xinyao take leave for no reason?

  And why didn’t she tell him?

  Xu Xiuwen thought about it and decided to meet Lu Xinyao in the evening.

  He also knew that he cared less about Lu Xinyao.

  With the lesson of Li Haimei this time,

  Xu Xiuwen reflected deeply.

  Even if he was too busy and couldn’t be with every woman every day,

  at least the phone care and contact were necessary.

  Otherwise, anyone would get emotional.

  Because he didn’t see Lu Xinyao, Xu Xiuwen asked Liu Xinran to come over.

  A minute later.

  Someone knocked on the door outside the office.

  ”Come in!” Xu Xiuwen said calmly.

  Then the door opened and Liu Xinran walked in.

  She turned around, closed the door, and slowly approached.

  Xu Xiuwen took the initiative to say, “Sit down and talk.”

  Liu Xinran said lightly, “Thank you, Mr. Xu.”

  After Liu Xinran sat down.

  The two were facing each other.

  No one spoke first.

  In the end, it was Xu Xiuwen who spoke first.

  Xu Xiuwen had never been a boss in his previous life

  , it was not uncommon for bosses to fool their subordinates.

  First, he pretended to care about the work and life of the employees, then praised the employees’ recent performance, and finally painted a rosy picture to stimulate the employees’ work enthusiasm.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t go on just after using the first two tricks.

  Because from beginning to end, Liu Xinran had been looking at him with a smile.

  Although she didn’t say anything.

  But that look seemed to see through everything.

  Xu Xiuwen felt embarrassed and had to stop.

  Liu Xinran was still quite considerate.

  Perhaps she noticed Xu Xiuwen’s embarrassment and took the initiative to speak.

  She smiled and said with a relaxed look: “Thank you, Mr. Xu, for your concern. I feel good and have met some interesting friends.”

  This greatly eased the awkward atmosphere.

  Xu Xiuwen stopped beating around the bush.

  He asked directly: “Do you still plan to stay in the company?”

  Liu Xinran asked back: “Why not? Mr. Xu wants to drive me away?”

  Xiuwen waved his hand, “No, that’s not what I meant.”

  Liu Xinran said with a smile: “Mr. Xu, I heard that your relative is sick, and Qian Jian asked someone to transfer you to xx hospital?”

  Xu Xiuwen was even more embarrassed when he heard this.

  How did Qian Jian get this line?

  Xu Xiuwen knew it better than anyone.

  Liu Xinran’s words were obviously reminding him not to burn bridges after crossing the river.

  Xu Xiuwen was afraid that Liu Xinran would misunderstand, so he waved his hand again to explain: “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to drive you away, and I’m not the kind of person who burns bridges after crossing the river.” Liu Xinran

  secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

  She was really afraid that Xu Xiuwen would regret and drive her away.

  She knew very well that as long as she returned to Fei City, she would not be able to escape the fate of listening to her family’s arrangements to marry someone else.

  Maybe staying here will not change her family’s mind in the end.

  But one day is one day.

  Liu Xinran asked, “What does Mr. Xu mean? I have been in the company for so long, and you seem to have never talked to me alone.”

  Xu Xiuwen then told him his purpose.

  ”It’s like this. I did think that you, a young lady, would not last long if you were just trying to experience life, so I arranged for you to work at the front desk.”

  At this point, he noticed Liu Xinyao’s eyes.

  Three parts of smile, three parts of annoyance, and three parts of ridicule.

  Xu Xiuwen blushed, “I admit that I underestimated people, and you don’t look at me like that. If you change to someone else, it’s inevitable that they will think the same way as me.”

  Liu Xinran stopped looking at him like that.

  She straightened her face and continued to listen to the following.

  Xu Xiuwen continued, “After all, you are a top student who has returned from studying abroad. I can’t always let you stay at the front desk. It’s a waste of talent. I plan to change your position. What do you think?”

  I thought Liu Xinran should be very happy.

  As a result, he saw that Liu Xinran’s face turned cold.

  Liu Xinran said, “No, there is only one position in this company that I want to do. Apart from that, I am not interested. It’s better to continue to be a front desk and muddle through.”

  Dare to admit in front of the boss that he is muddling through.

  Liu Xinran is the only one like this!

  Hearing her words, Xu Xiuwen was slightly startled.

  He immediately guessed what position she was talking about.

  It must be his secretary.

  After all, Liu Xinran had been his secretary before.

  Xu Xiuwen thought to himself, “Why do you all want to be my secretary? Is my secretary so attractive?”

  He thought he was just thinking about it.

  Unexpectedly, he said what was in his mind without paying attention.

  He didn’t realize it was wrong.

  Until Liu Xinran explained, “A attractive? I don’t understand what Mr. Xu means. The reason why I want to be Mr. Xu’s secretary is very simple. I want to get to know Mr. Xu up close!”

  This sentence has a bit of ambiguity.

  If a man says this to a woman, it can even be regarded as an obscure confession.

  Xu Xiuwen was also shocked.

  There are already enough girls or women around him.

  It’s hard to take care of everyone.

  But he dare not have more.

  He suddenly regretted it in his heart.

  If he had known that he should not have flirted with Liu Xinran in the bar, he should not have flirted with Liu Xinran.

  He felt that his performance at the time was not outstanding. He

  never thought that Liu Xinran not only came to the company, but also wanted to be his secretary and get to know him up close.

  How close is close?

  Is negative distance enough?

  But Xu Xiuwen did not refuse directly. Instead, he said after thinking for a while, “I’ll think about it. You go back first.”

  Liu Xinran smiled and said, “Okay, Mr. Xu, I’ll go back first.”

  After staying in the company for a while, Xu Xiuwen left early.

  He went to Lu Xinyao’s residence. He

  came to the door.

  He knocked on the door, but no one answered.

  He had to take out the key to open the door himself.

  After entering and looking around, he didn’t see Lu Xinyao or the nanny.

  Xu Xiuwen took out his mobile phone again and called Lu Xinyao.

  Still couldn’t get through.

  Xu Xiuwen already had a bad premonition at this moment.

  He hurriedly called the nanny.

  He got a piece of news from the latter.

  This news was both good and bad.

  The good thing was that Lu Xinyao went home.

  The bad thing was that her parents came to pick her up in person.

  It turned out that Lu Xinyao’s parents knew that Lu Xinyao was pregnant.

  Although it was unknown how they knew it,

  they both came to the door immediately.

  Their daughter was pregnant, but the parents were unaware of it.

  Anyone would be anxious.

  Lu Xinyao’s parents asked Lu Xinyao whose child it was.

  Lu Xinyao refused to say it.

  So she was taken home by force by her parents.

  When Xu Xiuwen learned the news, he was a little surprised and had a headache.

  He held back his anger and asked, “Auntie, why didn’t you tell me such a big thing? If I didn’t find out, did you plan to never tell me for the rest of your life?”

  The nanny was also shocked when she heard it, and she apologized quickly, explaining that it was Lu Xinyao who asked her not to say it.

  The latter also told the nanny that she would go home, persuade her parents as soon as possible, and then rush back.

  After listening to the nanny’s explanation, Xu Xiuwen didn’t say much.

  Xu Xiuwen was originally worried that Lu Xinyao didn’t come to work because she had an accident or something happened.

  Knowing that she was taken home by her parents, he felt a little relieved.

  After all, her parents would never hurt her.

  At this moment, he was mentally prepared to face Lu Xinyao’s parents.

  He felt that Lu Xinyao would speak out under the pressure of her parents.

  How to comfort Lu Xinyao’s parents at that time would be the real problem.

  Because the phone call could not be connected, Xu Xiuwen had to send a text message to Lu Xinyao.

  The content was: “Don’t insist on it. At worst, just admit it. I will take care of anything. And you must take good care of yourself.”

  After sending the text message, Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help but think of the conversation with Liu Xinran in the company just now.

  Lu Xinyao is now three months pregnant. Even if she can return to the company, she will have to take leave soon.

  So it seems feasible to transfer Liu Xinran from the front desk to his side as a secretary to temporarily replace Lu Xinyao.

  But Xu Xiuwen has not made up his mind yet and still needs to think about it.

  In the evening.

  Xu Xiuwen did not go to Li Haimei again.

  He indulged himself all night last night.

  First An Shishi, and finally Li Haimei.

  The kidneys also need time to rest.

  Although he did not go to Li Haimei, he could not do without the care he should have.

  Otherwise, he just slept with someone the night before, and then ignored her the next day.

  Anyone would think he was heartless.

  The next day.

  Xu Xiuwen drove back to Langya to see Gu Pandi early in the morning.

  Aunt Gu’s mother recovered well after the operation and planned to be discharged from the hospital to continue recuperation at home.

  The main reason was that it was too expensive to stay in the hospital every day.

  And someone was needed to accompany her.

  Aunt Gu’s father didn’t intend to trouble Xu Xiuwen.

  But Aunt Gu’s sister called Xu Xiuwen.

  So Xu Xiuwen knew that Aunt Gu’s mother was going to be discharged from the hospital.

  And he didn’t hear any news from Aunt Gu.

  It can be seen that Aunt Gu deliberately concealed it from him and didn’t tell him.

  Maybe she didn’t want to trouble him.

  After returning to Langya, Xu Xiuwen went directly to the door of Gu Pandi’s house and knocked on the door.

  After the door opened.

  Gu Pandi was surprised to see Xu Xiuwen standing outside the door.

  Xu Xiuwen also took the opportunity to look at Gu Pandi.

  After not seeing her for a few days.

  Aunt Gu seemed younger and more beautiful.

  Today she wore a blue-green knitted sweater on her upper body and a skirt of the same color on her lower body, revealing half of her slender calves.

  She also wore flesh-colored stockings.

  This combination is both beautiful and elegant.

  Gu Pandi wears it well, and it doesn’t make people feel that she is pretending to be young, nor does it make people feel that she is old.

  It suits her very well.

  This can also be seen from Xu Xiuwen’s shining eyes.

  Xu Xiuwen was also not stingy with praise, and immediately praised: “Aunt Gu, you are so beautiful today, and you look so young and especially elegant.”

  Gu Pandi came back to her senses from her surprise.

  She rolled her eyes at Xu Xiuwen, and then took a pair of men’s slippers and handed them to him.

  Xu Xiuwen took it and changed into slippers. Gu Pandi

  turned and walked towards the living room.

  He quickly followed.

  Walking to the living room.

  Gu Pandi stopped, turned around and looked over, and asked, “Why are you here?”

  Xu Xiuwen blinked, “Are you going to pick up your aunt with you?”

  Gu Pandi knew that Xu Xiuwen was taking advantage of her again.

  But she was used to it, so she didn’t argue with Xu Xiuwen.

  She snorted, “My sister is really a worry. I told her not to tell you.”

  After that, she looked at Xu Xiuwen again and said, “You don’t have to go. I can go by myself.”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head, “How can that be? Auntie likes me so much. If I don’t go, she will definitely be disappointed. In order not to disappoint Auntie, I must go this time.”

  Gu Pandi rolled her eyes at him again.

  She also saw that she couldn’t persuade Xu Xiuwen.

  She simply gave up persuading him.

  But she still reminded him with worry, “You can go, but don’t say anything when you see my mother. If she knows about our relationship, I will never forgive you in my life.”

  Xu Xiuwen’s eyes lit up and he immediately asked, “Auntie Gu, what is our relationship now?”

  Gu Pandi was stunned for a moment.

  She knew she had said something wrong, so she simply pretended to be deaf and dumb and ignored Xu Xiuwen’s words.

  She said to herself, “I’ll get ready and we’ll go.”

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help laughing when he saw Gu Pandi’s self-deception.

  After Gu Pandi was ready, she suddenly thought of something and asked, “Have you eaten this morning?”

  Xu Xiuwen immediately shook his head: “I got up early this morning and didn’t have time to eat.”

  Gu Pandi hesitated for a moment, and finally asked: “There is nothing left at home, and there are still some noodles left. Do you want to eat? If you want to eat, I will cook it for you now.”

  Xu Xiuwen immediately smiled and nodded, “Eat, I like the noodles you cook the most.”

  Gu Pandi said lightly: “Then wait a moment, I will go to cook it now.”


  Then Xu Xiuwen turned on the TV and sat on the sofa to watch TV.

  Ten minutes later.

  ”Okay, come and eat.”

  Gu Pandi walked out of the kitchen with noodles and said to Xu Xiuwen who was sitting on the sofa.

  Xu Xiuwen turned off the TV, got up and walked towards the dining table.

  He sniffed the air with his nose, and then said with a smile: “Wow, it smells so good. How can the noodles you cook, Aunt Gu, smell so good? Just smelling it makes my mouth water.”

  ”Stop talking nonsense, eat quickly, we have to go to the hospital after eating.”

  Gu Pandi rolled her eyes at Xu Xiuwen.

  But there was a smile in her eyes.

  It seems that she is in a good mood.

  Women always like to hear compliments.

  Whether it was sincere or just sweet talk.

  Then Xu Xiuwen sat down and started eating noodles.

  While he was eating, he praised the noodles for their good taste.

  Gu Pandi sat aside and watched him eat noodles.

  She couldn’t help but think of the scene before they divorced.

  She had also made breakfast for Jiang Teng many times.

  But she rarely heard words of praise.

  In life, Jiang Teng is a relatively taciturn person, and he is also stingy with praise.

  Although he doesn’t have any serious problems.

  He is also upright.

  But being married to him for a long time is boring.

  Xu Xiuwen and Jiang Teng are two completely different people.

  He is thick-skinned, rogue, talkative, but sweet-mouthed, and very caring.

  Even his body is younger and better than Jiang Teng’s.

  At a certain moment.

  Gu Pandi even had such an idea: It should be very happy to be Xu Xiuwen’s wife.

   The previous chapter was posted yesterday afternoon, but it was flattened because it involved h. It was revised once and failed, and it has to be revised again. But you can only apply once in 48 hours, so you have to wait 48 hours before you can apply again. Sorry.


  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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