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Chapter 703: Vacuum of Order

Chapter 703: Vacuum of Order


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 703 Vacuum of Order

  Lowell Camp.

  The heavy rain that had just ended washed the blood stains left in the mud into the puddles on the street. The fragrance of the soil was accompanied by a hint of blood.

  However, the people here seemed to have long been accustomed to death, so that the blood that dyed the streets red seemed to have been shed in vain. In

  front of the gate that was previously opened by the 100mm artillery, a circle of poor people gathered to watch the excitement.

  Among them were people living in the nearby streets, slaves who had just been rescued, and the militia of the First Corps of the Avengers who were standing guard at the entrance of the camp.

  At this moment, ten militiamen were standing in the middle of the crowd.

  Their arms were tied with white gauze for identification, and their hands were tied behind their backs with plastic strips. However, the expressions on their faces were different. Some looked angry, some were indifferent, and some had faces that showed dissatisfaction, or anxiety and hesitation with a premonition of something bad happening.

  Not far from them, two bodies, a man and a woman, were lying.

  The man looked to be in his early thirties, and the woman was about twenty-five or twenty-six. They should be a couple. The former’s abdomen was cut open by a bayonet, and the latter had a bloody hole on her forehead. Both of them had obvious bruises and scars on their bodies, and they seemed to have suffered a lot before they died.

  Next to the two corpses, two disheveled girls were wrapped in a blanket that barely covered their bodies, curled up in the mud and shivered. Their expressionless faces were filled with fear and dull tears, as well as muddy stains.

  The two seemed to have forgotten how to cry, and only made intermittent sounds, like fish stranded on the shore.

  Looking at the disarmed militia patrol, the corpses lying on the ground and the two girls wrapped in blankets next to the corpses, the murderous dagger who had just come out of the camp gate guessed what had happened with his toes, but still looked at the four players standing next to the two girls to confirm.

  ”What happened.”

  Shanhe Rumeng took a step forward, put away the eyepiece of his helmet, glanced at the group of disarmed guys, and reported the situation truthfully.

  ”…We were taking shelter near Blackwater Street when we heard a gunshot. We came out and saw those guys coming out of a house.”

  The video of the operation has a complete record.

  He didn’t want to describe the situation at the time in detail. He could only say that these guys did everything that animals couldn’t do.

  From the expression on the player’s face, he had roughly guessed what happened. The Killing Dagger looked at the militiamen with white strips tied on their arms.

  Although he couldn’t understand what these iron men were talking about, the militiamen could understand the murderous look.

  The leader immediately panicked and shouted, trying to defend himself.

  ”That man! He is a prison guard at Camp Lowell! We found the Empire’s rifles and prison guards’ clothes in his home!”

  ”Can you prove that his guns and clothes were not picked up? And who allowed you to enter their house!” The Killing Dagger stared at him intently, “Even if he is a prison guard, even if he did something unforgivable, what does it have to do with his family?”

  Those people were obviously unconvinced, and even looked at him with a hint of incomprehension.

  The leader didn’t say anything, and the one standing next to him took a step forward.

  ”We went in to take shelter from the rain! And… didn’t you go in too? I saw them coming out of a civilian house!”

  As he said that, the man turned his head and looked at the four iron men who had disarmed them, with an indignant expression on his face.

  Killing Dagger looked at Shanhe Rumeng.

  The latter’s expression froze, and he explained awkwardly.

  ”We did go in, but we really just went in to take shelter from the rain… and I also gave money, and the family can testify for us. No, if you don’t believe me, I can turn on the action recorder, I turned it on the whole time.”

  Ling Chong’s face changed.

  What the hell?

  If this is left here, wouldn’t he be unable to clear himself even if he jumped into the Yellow River? !

  Fortunately, Brother Killing Dagger didn’t do that, but just reached out and touched the VM twice, probably discussing with other players how to deal with it.

  Seeing that things seemed to be getting interesting, the crowd around watching the excitement gradually increased, and they all pointed and talked about this side.

  The Iron Man and the slaves with guns had an internal quarrel.

  They were just curious about how this farce would end.

  And the man lying on the ground seemed to be known to someone, and several survivors who lived nearby were whispering excitedly.

  ”It seems that Abshik is indeed the jailer of Camp Lowell. I heard someone say that before, and it seems that he said it himself.”

  ”Why did I hear that he was a shoe shiner?”

  ”Come on, that guy is just a porter, and he is also a boastful drunkard. Maybe he will become your Majesty’s guard tomorrow.” ”

  He still has money to buy wine?!”

  ”Where does he get the money? Every day he squats on the dock to pick up the leftovers of the sailors. Last time I saw someone urinate on a bottle for him. He took a sip and drank it all. He came back and told us that the wine of the Willant people tasted strangely sweet.”


  ”It’s a pity for his two daughters. They have suffered misfortune with their father. Tsk tsk.”

  ”The face looks pretty good, but it’s a little dirty.” ”

  After suffering so much injustice, he must need comfort, hehe.”

  At this time, a horn sounded behind the crowd, and a wheeled off-road vehicle with a machine gun welded on the roof and painted in desert color drove over.

  The crowd avoided it.

  The car door opened, Fang Chang jumped out of the car, ignored the crowd, and walked straight to the murderous dagger.

  ”I already know the situation, where is Laxi?”

  As soon as he finished speaking, the man with a flat head came from the direction of the camp gate and nodded respectfully.

  ”Sir, are you looking for me?”

  His arm was wrapped in white gauze, and he carried a “Blade” assault rifle on his back. There was a scar on his cheek that had not yet scabbed, which seemed to be left in the battle yesterday.

  Fang Chang narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at him intently.

  ”My brother asked you to restrain your subordinates, and this is the result of your restraint?”

  Laxi’s expression was stunned. He looked at the corpse on the ground, then at the guys with their hands tied behind their backs, and finally looked at Fang Chang.

  ”I heard that they killed the soldiers of the Empire.”

  ”I heard that he was killed in his own home,” Fang Chang sneered, “and their bayonets were on the belts of their trousers?”

  Laxi was slightly stunned.

  Then, he walked to the ten disarmed militiamen and pointed with his chin at the two bodies on the ground and the two girls wrapped in blankets.

  ”You did it?”

  Those eyes were like the eyes of a wild animal, without any emotion. It was even hard to tell whether he was angry at the atrocities committed by his men or sympathizing with the plight of the two poor girls.

  Stared at by those pupils that seemed to be able to suck away the soul, the centurion’s breathing became rapid, and finally he looked away.

  ”…I was wrong.”

  Lacy nodded, as if accepting this statement, turned and walked away a few steps, but suddenly turned around and opened the safety of the rifle. The

  sudden change scared the onlookers. Including the ten militiamen who were pointed at by the gun, they were all dumbfounded and forgot to beg for mercy for a while.

  Lacy had no intention of listening to their pleas for mercy, and did not even give them time to explain their last words. He pulled the trigger without hesitation.

  There was a burst of gunfire, and the ten militiamen with their hands tied instantly fell into a pool of blood like balloons being punctured, shaking like they were electrocuted.


  Seeing the bloody scene, the crowd screamed and retreated, and the two girls who were slumped on the ground also looked over there like they had lost their souls.

  Lacy threw the magazine of the rifle on the ground after emptying it, pulled out the pistol on his waist, and emptied the remaining magazine at the guy who was still alive.

  The scene was dead silent.

  Whether it was the militia standing at the gate of the camp or the players standing aside, they were speechless when they saw this mad dog-like guy.

  Fang Chang narrowed his eyes slightly, and he didn’t know what he was thinking in his heart. He neither stopped his behavior nor praised him for being right.

  The murderous dagger stared at Lacy with wide eyes, held his breath for a moment, and suddenly took a step forward and shouted at him.

  ”What the hell are you doing!”

  ”Calm down, brother, they ruined the matter, and now they are dead.”

  Laxi was forced to take a few steps back by the aggressive gaze, but there was no fear on his face, and he continued to speak with reason.

  ”If you are still not satisfied, I can pull out the guys in the same 100-man team as them and shoot them.”

  The Killing Dagger widened his eyes.

  ”Are you crazy?!”

  Laxi looked at the guy who was yelling in confusion, and after a long silence, a sentence suddenly jumped out of his mouth.

  ”Isn’t this enough?”

  The Killing Dagger stared at this guy in a daze, unable to speak for a while.

  In a sense, this guy solved the problem neatly, but it seemed that he didn’t solve any problems.

  But it was just as he said.

  People were killed and their lives were paid.

  Isn’t it enough?

  The dead people were originally slaves, and they were free men for at most one day. They had nothing else to pay except their lives.


  Fang Chang suddenly spoke to break the stiff atmosphere at the scene.

  Walking in front of Laxi, he patted the mad dog’s shoulder, patted the tense face, and smiled to ease the atmosphere.

  ”Good killing, it is indeed necessary to kill, but the method is too sloppy. You have to set up rules and tell your subordinates what they cannot do and what kind of punishment they will receive if they do it, instead of dragging them all to the square and shooting them, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the people.”

  Laxi nodded respectfully.


  The respectful and obedient look was impeccable. Fang Chang glanced at the bodies on the ground and spoke slowly.

  ”Take a few people to bury them.”

  Laxi nodded and turned back to pick up the rifle and put it on his back. He shouted at a few men to come over and carry the bodies to bury them.

  The problem of being difficult to convince the people did not seem to exist at all.

  The soldiers did not feel dissatisfied with this leader because he shot his own people. Instead, they looked at him with more awe and obedience.

  All this did not surprise Fang Chang.

  They were just released from the cage and were not complete human beings. The beasts who believed in the law of the jungle were naturally more inclined to follow the more ferocious one.

  Looking at Fang Chang who was leaving Laxi, Killing Dagger hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn’t help but speak.

  ”I think those people should at least be judged by law. This is actually a good opportunity to use them as propaganda-”

  ”Come on, the people are dead. Is there any point in trying those corpses? The one who should be judged the most is still hanging on the watchtower.”

  Interrupting Killing Dagger’s words, Fang Chang narrowed his eyes and looked at the warden hanging on the watchtower and being pecked by crows, and continued patiently.

  ”What you said is too advanced for them. They are still in a relatively primitive jungle society and do not need it for the time being. Don’t forget, before we let the survivors of Qingquan City have clean clothes to wear, when did we waste time trying those looters? That was after they were well fed and clothed.”

  ”At this stage, I only have one requirement for them, just listen to us, that’s the only requirement. In this way, even if their discipline is extremely bad, it is definitely much better than the emperor who can send 5% of the population to concentration camps.” ”

  As for the rest, don’t be too anxious.”

  On the one hand, the atrocities of the militia were a retaliatory rebound after the oppressed suddenly straightened their backs, but more of it was the inevitability caused by the vacuum of order. The

  aftermath of this riot is far more than just these few typical cases that were caught.

  The rebels will be restrained because of the attitude of the alliance, and the thugs who picked up weapons from the defeated soldiers will only be more cruel and unscrupulous.

  At this moment, there is no telling how many tragedies have occurred in that dark alley.

  In order to fundamentally solve this problem, a new order must be established locally to replace the old order during Nihak’s tenure as governor.

  He is actually doing this now.

  Chief Bihari is taking over the city’s police affairs with his lackeys, and the training of the militia is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

  They are not doing very well, but it is enough.

  When the new order is established, they only need to ensure that the local survivors have enough food, clothes to wear, and houses to live in… so that they can live a little more dignified than during Nihak’s time. Naturally, this new order will gain enough legitimacy in the minds of the locals to maintain their rule.

  This is actually not very difficult.

  A certain unjust emperor left them a large sum of money that can be used to do this.

  It would have been a bit unkind to move all the money back home.

  After deducting the compensation, the money will be “borrowed” in the name of Baiyue Company and invested in the locals. Not only can it earn a good reputation for the Alliance and French Fries Port, but it can also make another fortune.

  ”What about them? How to deal with them?” The Killing Dagger glanced at the two girls slumped on the ground, and then looked at Fang Chang.

  No matter how many solutions there are to those macro problems, they need to solve the current problem.

  At least he thinks it needs to be solved.

  All the eyes around were watching.

  Fang Chang was silent for a long time and sighed.

  ”Give them two tickets…”

  Maybe the survivors of French Fries Port can help them start a new life, just like the survivors of the refugee home.

  In addition to giving them financial compensation and sending them away from this place of right and wrong, he can’t think of a better way for the time being…


  As the bodies at the gate of Lowell Camp and the two poor victims were taken away, the survivors who were watching the excitement at the gate of the camp also dispersed one after another with a lack of interest.

  Although the “white gauze men” were completely unable to stand up to the “iron men”, which made everyone feel a little bored, they still saw blood in the end.

  The guy named Laxi was a ruthless person. He killed his own people without blinking an eye. He shot them all clean like killing chickens.

  The guys who were shot were really miserable. It was not a big deal. At most, they would have to pay two pigs, but they happened to hit the muzzle of the gun.

  And –

  it turns out that being shot will not kill you immediately, but you will flutter in the blood like a fish for a while before you die.

  Everyone was very happy. It was worth it for them to watch the excitement for so long.

  As for the two girls covered in blankets, their fate was also worrying.

  Some people said that they were favored by the group of iron men, otherwise there would be no reason for the iron men to take them away, and they could just let them go home by themselves.

  Others said that they would be dealt with secretly. After all, the white gauze men gave the iron men such a big face, and the iron men had to do something in return.

  Everyone was racking their brains to explain the incomprehensible strange things in their own way.

  At least they tried their best.

  Watching the riot outside the window subside, Han Mingyue pushed open the car door and walked down. She just glanced at the blood on the ground and continued to walk to the entrance of the camp indifferently.

  Fang Chang, who was waiting there, looked at her twice more with a little surprise.

  ”Aren’t you afraid?”

  In his impression, except for the group of “blackened” disciples of the Enlightenment Society, most of the blue coats in the wasteland have extraordinary moral cleanliness.

  He was even prepared to be complained by the NPC, but the expected things did not happen at all.

  Instead, he became the one who made a fuss.

  ”Do you think the Great Desert is a peaceful and good place?” Han Mingyue teased nonchalantly, “Besides, I am studying here, how can I not know what the survivors here are like.”

  It seems so.

  Fang Chang understood it in an instant.

  This guy looks at the people here, I am afraid that there is no difference between the way Heya looks at Xiaoyu.

  After entering the Lowell Camp, Ms. Han looked around, her eyes sparkling with interest.

  ”Sure enough, it’s here…” she muttered.


  Fang Chang glanced around.

  There was nothing special about this place except for the layers of pigeon cages and rows of open iron gates.

  But Ms. Han obviously had a different opinion.

  After taking a photo of the surrounding layout, she continued with a look of emotion.

  ”…According to the information I collected in the Great Desert, this was once a scientific research station. During the three-year war, a battalion-level combat unit belonging to the People’s Alliance Army escorted a large number of refugees to retreat from the southern industrial zone here, and maintained order for a long time in the early Wasteland Era.”

  Fang Chang suddenly became curious about the strange place.

  ”Is Lowell the name of the battalion commander? Or the name of the scientific research station?”

  Han Mingyue said.

  ”It was the battalion commander. His name was ‘General Lowell’. I found some dissatisfaction and accusations against him by the survivors at that time in the cache data of a signal repeater, and even included a request for the People’s Union authorities to replace him. Until the end of the three-year war, similar complaint messages never stopped, but it seemed to be of no use.”

  ”According to the time information signature in the server, the last message was sent by General Lowell himself. It seems that he intended to report to the Post-War Reconstruction Committee, or to defend himself. But unfortunately, the Post-War Reconstruction Committee did not receive this message, and at that time it was unable to take care of the survivors in the distant Borneo Province.”

  ”In that message, General Lowell mentioned that in addition to the necessary compulsory measures taken for survival, he took some special measures to allow the local survivors to fill their stomachs, including forcing researchers to study how to make the soil edible, including forcing some survivors to be guinea pigs to taste it.”

  ”But surprisingly, the scientific researchers under his command actually used the equipment of the scientific research station to synthesize a single-cell organism that can degrade biomass debris. After being treated by this microorganism, the soil will appear reddish-brown and can be eaten with simple filtration.”

  ”Unfortunately, the project was only halfway through when a riot broke out at Camp Lowell. The rebellious survivors buried General Lowell, his researchers, and their research results in the wasteland north of Camp Lowell, near the Yongliu River… It should have been a frozen land at the time, and they spent a lot of effort to dig a large enough pit. If my guess is correct, there should be a piece of red land to the north of Port Jingallon.”

  Fang Chang asked in confusion.

  ”Why did those survivors oppose him?”

  Han Mingyue said casually, looking at the mud cakes spread out on the stone slabs in the open space not far away.

  ”Matter will not be created out of thin air, it will only flow from one cycle to the next cycle. Why don’t you guess where the organic matter that synthesizes the ‘red soil’ comes from?”

  Without waiting for Fang Chang to guess, she continued.

  ”People need to constantly fill the red soil with organic debris such as corpses and feces. Only in this way can the red soil continue to ‘grow’, or they can only wait for it to grow slowly.”

  ”From the perspective of carbon fixation, this is actually not more efficient than farming. The only advantage is that it saves trouble. General Lowell did not solve the problem fundamentally. He probably read some books from the old times, and then did something he thought was a good thing with a simple wish. In the end, he was blown away by the first generation of survivors who had not yet gone crazy.”

  Oh my god.

  Soil for burying corpses? !

  Fang Chang’s Adam’s apple moved, and his stomach churned just by listening.

  However, the researcher was calm and even had a meaningful smile on his face.

  ”… But the irony is that although General Lowell seems to be a fool with great ambitions but little talent, and is a bit stubborn, the descendants of the survivors are obviously more stupid than him, and have thrown away the reserve of civilized people. His whimsical method matches a group of even more stupid guys, which makes them live a happy life.”

  ”Then do you think there is a better way?” Fang Chang was a little curious about what good ideas a sociologist could have.

  Han Mingyue said with a slight smile.

  ”I think your method is very good. Your manager is a very good person. Do the right thing at the right time. Don’t dream of reaching the end in one step… As for specific ideas, what I study is more theoretical. I can only give you reference suggestions, but I can’t give you direct solutions.”

  After a pause, she looked around and continued.

  ”I have to stay here for a few days. Although most of the original buildings have been demolished, I should still be able to find some useful clues… Can you guarantee my safety?”

  Fang Chang suggested kindly.

  ”I suggest you live in the port. The area we actually control is there, and it may become the front line at any time.”

  Han Mingyue nodded simply.

  ”Okay, I’ll listen to you.”


  On the second day after the Dolphin delivered the second wave of supplies and researchers from the scientific expedition to French Fries Port, Duke Galawa, who was far away in the First Hospital of Dawn City, finally woke up from his bed.

  Before he could fully open his eyes, the exclamation full of eager expectations “fluttered” to the side of the bed.

  ”My lord! Are you awake?”

  The memories before fainting poured in like a tide. Duke Galawa looked at the servant Ni Yang who was kneeling by the window, stretched out his trembling hand, and grabbed his arm.


  He was like a drowning parrot, trying to speak the words that were swallowed in his throat.

  Ni Yang understood the expression on his face in seconds and said quickly.

  ”Don’t worry, sir! I have asked someone to send a letter to His Majesty about the matter of Golden Gallon Port! If nothing unexpected happens, he has now arrived in Silver Moon Bay. We can use the radio station there to contact the scouts on the east coast of Borneo Province. Your Majesty will know the situation here tomorrow at the latest!”

  Duke Galawa breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

  The city defense army of Golden Gallon Port is really useless, but the army of the empire is more than just a city defense army. Those drunkards are not even cannon fodder.

  As long as His Majesty knows about this, the Gray Wolf Army stationed on the banks of the Yongliu River will be dispatched to drive the people of the Alliance into the sea in minutes.

  He admitted that he made a mistake this time and was caught off guard by the Alliance. He suffered a loss both on the map and morally.

  But it doesn’t matter.

  As long as they can take back Golden Gallon Port, they will have the initiative in the ceasefire negotiations, and everything will be easy at that time.

  With a relieved smile on his face, Duke Galawa slowly nodded and released his hand holding Niyang’s arm.

  ”You did a good job… At the critical moment, you are still reliable.”

  It’s a pity that his status is a bit low.

  Otherwise, he would have thought of reusing this smart guy, such as giving him a powerful job or something.

  Niyang smiled shyly and said in a flattering manner.

  ”It’s all because of the good education of the Duke.”

  Galavan nodded slowly, then looked at the white ceiling, was silent for a long time, and slowly spoke after a while.

  ”Where is this?”

  Niyang said hurriedly.

  ”The First Hospital of Dawn City, this is the best hospital nearby.”

  Seeing that Niyang stopped talking, Babulu, who was standing aside, finally waited for the opportunity to interrupt and added in a muffled voice.

  ”The doctor here said that there is a problem with your heart. If you want to cure it, it is recommended that you replace the bionic heart. For this purpose, they provide two sets of quality solutions, one is the Giant Stone Military Industry, and the other is the Ideal City-”

  In fact, there is a third set, implanting biological prostheses.

  However, that plan is too avant-garde, and it seems that only the residents of Shelter No. 404 or the mutant slime mold infected can be vaccinated, so the doctor only mentioned it.

  However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a scolding.

  ”Shut up!”

  Ni Yang said aggressively, staring at this guy with wide eyes, “You want the Alliance to cut open the Duke’s stomach?! What’s your intention!”

  Babulu opened his mouth and looked at Ni Yang in confusion.

  He didn’t have any intention at all, he just fulfilled his duty as a servant and honestly repeated the doctor’s original words.

  However, he was tongue-tied, and when he was anxious, he panicked. He hesitated for a long time and couldn’t say a word. Sweat broke out on his head, which made him look suspicious.

  The Duke of Galawa, who was lying in bed, twitched his mouth unconsciously.

  He was a little tempted when he heard that it could cure his old heart disease. Anyway, he didn’t need that little money. But when he heard that he had to cut open his stomach, he was immediately afraid.

  That was operating on the body, no joke.

  God knows whether the Alliance doctor will take the opportunity to do something to him.

  What if Chu Guang gave him a hint with his eyes, and the doctor here understood and stabbed his aorta, then there would be no place to reason!

  Seeing the concerns on the Duke of Galawa’s face, Ni Yang approached him intimately and whispered in his ear.

  ”…Sir, I’m worried that the alliance will take the opportunity to do something with your heart. As long as you pay attention to conditioning and take medicine on time, your illness will be fine, but if the people of the alliance control your heart, it’s hard to say when it will not obey.”

  ”Oh, I expected it a long time ago… These insidious and cunning guys, how could I fall for this lame trick.”

  Thinking of a close call in his heart, the Duke of Galawa glared at Babulu who was standing beside him, then looked at Ni Yang, calmed down and continued.

  ”Did anything happen during the days I was away?”

  ”Nothing happened yet, sir. Foreign Minister Cheng did come to visit you once, but you didn’t wake up at the time, and he left after staying for a while.”

  When he said this, Ni Yang suddenly remembered something.

  ”By the way, I bought you the newspaper you asked me to buy!”

  After saying that, he grabbed the neatly folded copy of the Goblin Observer on the bedside table and handed it to the Duke of Galava.

  This was the edition from a few days ago.

  The Duke of Galava’s complexion had recovered a little, but as soon as he saw the exaggerated headline, his sallow face instantly turned red.

  《Dirang, the centurion of the Grey Wolf Army of the Xilan Empire: I’m crying. I just touched you once, and you chased me for two thousand kilometers? !》

  […The Burning Corps landed at the Golden Gallon Port. In just one morning, the city defense army was beaten and fled. The port area and the Governor’s Mansion both fell. ]

  These bastards…

  are simply too much!

  Galawa felt his eyes go black, the world spun, his shoulders fell backwards, and the back of his head, which had just left the pillow, sank into the pillow again.

  Babulu and other wolf guards saw it and hurried forward to snatch the newspaper from his tightly grasped hands.

  ”My lord! My lord!”

  ”Quick, quick artificial respiration!”

  ”Are you a pig! We are in the hospital! Go call a doctor!” Ni Yang pushed Babulu away who came up to do artificial respiration and shouted at him.

  The latter ran out of the door in a panic, not caring about who made the Duke faint, and shouted loudly towards the corridor.


  At the same time when the doctor rushed to the ward, a roar also rang out in the majestic palace of Tiandu, far away on the west coast of Borneo Province.


  Wu Tuo threw the telegram in his hand fiercely at the steps of the palace, his face burning with murderous anger, and his two mustaches trembled under his nose.

  The boundless power of heaven pressed on the shoulders of the ministers, and everyone crawled and trembled, not daring to make a sound.

  The content of the telegram was the original copy of the “Goblin Observer”, which recorded in detail what happened in Jinjialun Port a few days ago.

  However, what made Wu Tuo angry was that the alliance troops landed in Jinjialun Port a few days ago, and he, the emperor, only knew about it now!

  If his delegation was not in Dawn City and sent this newspaper urgently, I am afraid that he, the emperor, would still be kept in the dark!

  Wu Tuo’s heart was like a knife, and his teeth were almost bleeding.

  Governor Nihak was his confidant, and the foreign exchange he earned for him was hundreds of millions of dinars every year, but now he has become a prisoner of the alliance.

  Not only that.

  The hundreds of millions of dinars he deposited in the Golden Gallon Port Bank have now fallen into the hands of those robbers!

  Very good!

  Wu Tuo gritted his teeth.

  He originally only intended to teach those people a lesson, but he didn’t expect that these guys were so bold and dared to set their sights on his pocket.

  Clenching his trembling fists, Wu Tuo let out an uncontrollable roar at the ministers who were crawling on the steps.

  ”Pass my order!”

  ”Immediately, the entire Gray Wolf Army will march to Golden Gallon Port!”

  ”Tell General Alayyan that I don’t care what method he uses! No matter how much it costs! I want to put the double sword flags back on the roof of the Governor’s Mansion!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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