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Chapter 706 Jiang Qin Calls Me Baby

Chapter 706 Jiang Qin Calls Me Baby


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 706 Jiang Qin called me baby.

  As the sky gradually darkened, the drizzle in Shanghai gradually stopped.

  Yuan Youqin brought the nanny Aunt Zhou back to Villa Chanti from the maternity training center.

  At this time, Mr. Xianhui’s car also drove to the door and delivered a batch of fresh organic vegetables, which were special ingredients provided by the boss’s wife.

  The two took over the food boxes, talked about what they learned today, and went into the kitchen to get busy, preparing meals for Feng Nanshu.

  Although Aunt Zhou is very experienced in making meals for pregnant women, Ms. Yuan is always afraid of making mistakes in a hurry, so she always has to help. She has been in Shanghai for four months. Seeing Feng Nanshu’s belly slowly bulge, she is looking forward to having a granddaughter no less than Jiang Qin.

  Of course, the price of this expectation is the instant noodles in the cupboard of the old man squatting in Jeju.

  Jiang Qin had just taken a shower and came down from upstairs. He couldn’t help but stand at the door of the kitchen and look for a long time: “Is this the pregnant woman’s meal for the little rich woman tonight? It looks delicious.”

  ”Hey, you’re back?”

  ”Didn’t I call at noon?”

  Yuan Youqin was stunned for a moment: “Look at my brain, I remember too many things and forgot about this.”

  Jiang Qin pointed to the pregnant woman’s meal he was making: “Make me one to try.”

  ”Why do you want to eat everything? Are you grabbing Nanshu’s too?”

  Jiang Qin pouted, thinking, what’s wrong with grabbing the little rich woman’s? In a few months, I dare to grab Jiang Ainan’s!

  Thinking of this, he suddenly lost interest in the pregnant woman’s meal for the little rich woman, and was very interested in Jiang Ainan’s rations.

  ”Where’s Nanshu?”

  ”In the room, Xitian called to report on her work, and she went to deal with it.”

  Yuan Youqin held the spatula and said: “You go and see if Nanshu is done, and ask her to come down for dinner.”

  Jiang Qin nodded, walked upstairs, and went to the master bedroom.

  With the prosperity of commercial complexes and the rise of group buying and take-out, more and more competitors have joined the current milk tea market. Although Xitian has been famous for a long time and has a very high valuation, with the increase in competition, the market’s involution has gradually taken shape. The

  milk tea economy itself is weak and has low risk resistance. At present, the blue ocean is gradually turning into a red ocean. Every decision of the brand may affect future development, so there are many things that need Feng Nanshu to make the final

  decision. The little rich woman is serious and serious when working, and she is quite similar to Qin Jingqiu.

  She had a brand planning meeting with Xitian’s management before, and suggested that Xitian launch several unique seasonal limited editions, which can be gorgeously packaged, extremely delicious, or extremely unpalatable, and then supplied seasonally, and immediately removed from the shelves at the end of the season, and restarted next year.

  This measure can ensure that Xitian has marketing hotspots in every season.

  ”Spring is here, and Xitian’s super delicious milk tea is back on the shelves today!”

  ”Summer is here, and Xitian’s super unpalatable horror milk tea is back!”

  ”Autumn is here, and Xitian’s limited edition goddess cup will start taking reservations tonight.”

  There are not many business tactics in the milk tea market, which are mainly reflected in appearance and marketing. If you can keep enough hot spots all year round, you can ensure the sustainable development of the brand.

  Jiang Qin was standing in the back and listening at the time. He was shocked after listening, thinking, are you so smart?

  Feng Nanshu lied to him with a bluff face that she learned it from her husband, but Jiang Qin didn’t believe it at all, thinking, I can not only be sure that you are smart, but also that you are really good at coaxing your husband.

  Later, Jiang Qin opened the door and saw the little rich woman sitting at the desk with warm light, holding up her mobile phone and nodding gently.

  But when she saw Jiang Qin sticking his head out, she couldn’t help showing a bit of silliness, and her nose wrinkled slightly.

  ”It’s time for dinner, baby.”


  Feng Nanshu was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes: “Brother, if you have the guts, call me that again.”

  Jiang Qin smiled: “It’s time for dinner, little rich woman.”

  ”That’s not what you called me just now.”

  ”That’s what I called you.”

  ”You called me baby.”

  ”Oh, that’s so corny, I never call you that.”

  ”Call me baby quickly, or I’ll cry.”

  Feng Nanshu hit him twice in the face with a threatening look on her face, but was reluctant to use too much force. In the end, she was angrily led downstairs by Jiang Qin’s hand.

  Yuan Youqin and Aunt Zhou came over with meals for pregnant women and some home-cooked dishes: “Where are Wenhui and Haini? It’s time for dinner. Where did they go?”

  ”They went out to play. It’s dark now. I don’t think they plan to come back for dinner. They must have seen me come back and were afraid that I would ask them for food expenses.”

  ”They came all the way to accompany Nanshu, and you’re asking them for food expenses? Do you want to taste the saltiness of the manure cart at the door?”

  Yuan Youqin hit him with chopsticks, then looked at Feng Nanshu: “Nanshu, why are you unhappy?”

  Feng Nanshu pursed her lips: “Jiang Qin called me baby just now.” Yuan Youqin

  glanced at the two of them: “Don’t you like him calling you baby?”

  ”I like it, but he won’t call you baby if I ask him to call you that again.”

  ”That’s easy. After our little Ainan is born, you should first teach her to call mom, grandma and grandpa, but don’t teach her to call dad.”

  Feng Nanshu opened his eyes wide, as if he had learned something good, and nodded seriously.

  Jiang Qin dropped the chopsticks in his hand, thinking that this was too cruel. Not letting Jiang Ainan call him daddy would be more painful than killing me.

  When dinner was over, Yuan Youqin accompanied Aunt Zhou in the kitchen to wash the dishes and disinfect them at high temperature, and she heard her son’s strong voice coming from the living room.

  ”Jiang Ainan must be the first to call daddy, don’t force me to beg you.”

  ”Feng Nanshu, as Jiang Qin’s favorite baby, you can’t be so unreasonable!”

  Yuan Youqin was washing dishes in the kitchen and laughing, and heard Aunt Zhou say: “Mr. Jiang is not the same as when he was on TV.”

  After the taxi war entered a new track, Didi’s swift move attracted a lot of media attention. Jiang Qin often appeared on TV during this period, and Aunt Zhou also saw a lot of it.

  But from her perspective, the one on TV and the one at home don’t seem to be the same person.

  Yuan Youqin stopped what she was doing: “What’s the difference?”

  ”He seems very steady on TV, but he’s like a child when he gets home.”

  ”He likes to make trouble with Nanshu. I noticed it before. If he really doesn’t like her, he wouldn’t have time to care about her. He’s like this now, like an idiot.”

  Yuan Youqin wiped the water off her hands and walked out of the kitchen with a smile. She saw Feng Nanshu sitting in Jiang Qin’s arms again, and she solemnly promised that when Jiang Ainan is born, she will be the first one to teach her to call daddy.

  Seeing this scene, she couldn’t help but sigh softly.

  Gao Wenhui was right. Nan Shu in their family was spineless and could be coaxed. She was a complete husband slave.

  At this moment, two sweet and sticky voices came from outside the door. Yuan Youqin turned around and saw Gao Wenhui and Wang Haini carrying bags into the door.

  ”Have you eaten?”

  ”I have, Auntie.”

  Jiang Qin has been brought up by Feng Shihua and has developed a habit of drinking tea in the evening. He had just made some tea and couldn’t help but ask Gao Wenhui and Wang Haini, “Aren’t you two beauty hunters? How was your harvest tonight?”

  Gao Wenhui sat on the sofa expressionlessly, “The bar is still a bit smoky.”

  ”I said that only the library can be deceived!”

  Feng Nanshu couldn’t help but speak, and then glanced at Jiang Qin, “I mean meet.”

  Wang Haini patted Gao Wenhui on the shoulder, “Xiao Gao wants to find pure love, probably the same kind as you guys, but it’s really hard to meet a man as bad as President Jiang. I’ve been through hundreds of battles and haven’t found a similar one.”

  ”Are you polite?”

  ”This is a compliment to you, President Jiang.”

  Gao Wenhui suddenly nodded in agreement, “I didn’t feel anything when I was in school before, but Jiang Qin, it’s really hard to meet a man like you. I’m not talking about money.”

  Jiang Qin picked up the teacup, “I understand, you’re talking about appearance. There are indeed… only two Yanzu in the world.”


  ”Love is still a matter of fate. What is meant to be will always be there. I suggest you don’t rush. Work hard at Xitian first, from nine to five, never be late or leave early, rain or shine, and wait until the brand value of Xitian becomes higher and higher…”

  Gao Wenhui leaned forward slightly: “Can I meet pure love?”

  Jiang Qin grinned: “I can give you a bonus, and you can become a top member of a dating website!”

  Gao Wenhui was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, she immediately picked up the pillow and made a fierce expression as if she was about to throw it.

  Jiang Qin hummed a song and took his little wife upstairs.

  The next morning, the faint morning light shone through the windows and gauze curtains. After breakfast, Jiang Qin left Xiangti and arrived at the company, waiting for the technical team from Gaode.

  Didi’s subsequent development direction has been confirmed, specifically in the upgrade of security supervision and service optimization, which requires the participation of LBS service providers. The team leader this time is Gaode’s CTO Yu Yongjie.

  At that time, Alibaba intended to acquire Gaode, but Pintuan was the first to hand over the contract. Yu Yongjie was inclined to Alibaba at that time.

  Although Pintuan at that time had the aura of a king in the future, it was still completely incomparable with a large company like Alibaba.

  In their view, Alibaba has strong capital and is the biggest thigh in the Internet market. If you want to hug something like a thigh, you have to hug a big one.

  But the founder Cheng Jun at that time considered Pintuan’s dependence on the map industry and chose to join hands with Pintuan against all odds.

  Three years have passed in a flash. Looking at this huge industrial park, Yu Yongjie couldn’t help but sigh.

  Pintuan’s current valuation is now rapidly approaching the first echelon. After several national battles without a single defeat, it has become the most promising Internet company in 2013.

  At the end of the year, a financial newspaper said that Pintuan, Alibaba and Tencent should be the companies with the most hope to impact the Fortune 500.

  Jiang Qin took Sunai and Dong Wenhao out to greet them, and smiled calmly at their expressions.

  Envy? Dogs come.

  ”Mr. Yu, welcome.”

  ”Mr. Jiang, Mr. Su, Mr. Dong, long time no see.”

  ”It’s been a long time indeed, thank you for your hard work.”

  ”It’s all my duty, but I didn’t expect it to be so cold in Shanghai recently. I regret not bringing a sweater.”

  As Yu Yongjie spoke, he looked around and was attracted by a sculpture in front of the main building.

  The sculpture is made of metal and its shape is very artistic. To put it simply, it is incomprehensible.

  From his point of view, the sculpture looks like a roll of scrap metal that has been smashed and twisted together, and the surface is even specially treated with rust.

  Well, “like” is a polite term, and it might be more appropriate to remove it.

  He has been to Alibaba’s campus, where there is a Taobao mascot, Taobao doll, in front of their main building. He has also been to JD.com and seen the little white dog in front of their main building. He really doesn’t understand the group buying thing.

  ”Boss Yu, let’s go to the conference room to discuss the later work arrangements. We have to make three updates before May Day, and time is tight.”

  ”Okay, Boss Jiang, everything is up to you.”

  Yu Yongjie walked forward with several executives in the team. When he passed by the sculpture, he couldn’t help but glance at it, and his scalp was instantly numb.

  The name of the scrap iron roll was very unique, “Friends”.

  Jiang Qin also saw his distraction, and his eyes couldn’t help but fall on the sculpture: “What’s going on? Didn’t I ask someone to deal with it before? Why is it still like this? What if the media takes a picture and uploads it to the Internet?”

  Dong Wenhao heard the voice and said: “But boss, you said before that this sculpture is very interesting, and the property management was unsure, so they didn’t dare to move it.”

  ”What’s the point of moving it away? I asked them to remove the name on the base. Some things, we just need to know in our hearts.”

  ”Oh, so that’s the case. I immediately asked them to remove it.”

  Yu Yongjie glanced aside, pretending not to hear, but his heart was beating.

  You know, when Gao De was making a choice before, he almost threw himself into Alibaba’s arms and became a friendly competitor of group buying.

  Before he knew the name of the metal sculpture, Yu Yongjie didn’t feel anything special, but after seeing the name, he instantly felt involved.

  Afterwards, Yu Yongjie was taken into the conference room by Jiang Qin for a three-hour meeting.

  Didi changed the taxi market with private car operations, directly refreshing the entire track, but in fact it has not yet done its best.

  The entry of Gaode’s technical team into the group-buying industrial park is actually the signal that Didi is officially making efforts.

  Subsequently, Didi quickly made its first update, the interface became much more beautiful, and the operation began to be simplified. The main interface no longer displayed large maps and where there were cars, but directly entered the taxi-calling interface.

  This does not actually mean much for the actual business war, but the point is that Gaode app has also been updated, and Didi’s taxi-calling entrance has been officially connected.

  Users who use Gaode map navigation do not need to jump to the software, and can directly call a taxi with one click during the process of using map navigation.

  You must know that as a technology provider for group-buying to store, Gaode’s users have actually been increasing rapidly during the period of rapid development of group-buying.

  You may have never used a taxi app, and are used to taking the subway, bus and other modes of travel, but no matter what kind of travel you do, you must have used Gaode to check the travel route.

  And this wave brought a crazy increase in new users.

  As the only two choices that still stick to Shanghai and Kyoto, the number of Uber users has not been hit hard, but its market share has continued to shrink.

  ”Fenton, when are you going back to the United States? I’ll let Anna take you to the airport.”

  ”I… don’t want to go back for the time being.”

  In March, Uber had the upper hand. He had invited Peter Fenton to watch a grand final battle. Now Uber is being pressed step by step, but Peter Fenton’s idea has not changed.

  He still wants to watch the grand final battle.

  China’s economy is taking off and has now become the world’s largest market. Peter Fenton is a venture capitalist. How could he miss such a good opportunity to understand the working style of Chinese companies?

  When Travis heard the answer from his friend Peter Fenton, his left eyelid twitched wildly.

  Good news, my friend said he wanted to watch it and it was not a polite remark. Bad news, I became a victim.

  After the first update of Didi, Pintuan immediately followed up with a showmanship, which was the preview of the 3.0 version update on Friday night.

  In the current software market, updates are basically silent, and I have never seen a preview.

  For Travis, the words written on the preview seemed to be a death sentence. He knew that Jiang Qin wanted him to watch the update of Didi.

  At this time, Kang Jingtao, the head of the operations department, appeared in the corridor, went to the tea room to make a cup of coffee, and hummed the tune of “Gu Jian Qi Tan”.

  Listening to the sound of the piano, I can’t forget it. The world has trapped my youth.

  After he was really sure that it was Jiang Qin who took action, he was not panicked, because the ending was already doomed and he couldn’t survive.

  When it was Friday night, Didi was updated again.

  This time, the Pintuan database, which has been continuously improved and updated from the group buying era to the takeaway era, was connected to Didi.

  All the stores on all streets, even a small restaurant, can be successfully located in Didi Travel by entering the name, with unparalleled accuracy, and even the narrow paths are clear at a glance.

  One of the difficulties in operating private cars is that some car owners do not have the familiarity of the roads as drivers, especially part-time drivers. When they go to work, they go back and forth between two points every day. They may not know the next street, let alone the next district.

  Gaode’s LBS service plus the group-buying database completely solves this problem and lowers the threshold for operating private cars.

  Gaode is like an intermediate software, building a bridge between group-buying and Didi.

  I opened the group-buying, bought a coupon and prepared to go out for dinner. When navigating, I found a one-click taxi. At this time, my wallet suddenly had a taxi discount coupon exclusively for Cloud Flash Pay.

  Group-buying, it’s great.

  At the same time, Bibi and Kuaidi are doing private car market in Shenzhen and Hangzhou, and have launched special car and carpooling functions, and have also organized an energy-saving and emission reduction activity. They originally planned to return to Shanghai and Kyoto to compete for the market during the May Day holiday, but after seeing the updated Didi, they felt a little more afraid.

  Gaode is already a leader among LBS service providers, and with the database of group-buying, it directly raised the technical threshold.

  Outside the threshold are Bibi, Kuaidi and Uber, and inside the threshold is only him.

  Or, wait a little longer?

  Okay, then wait a little longer.

  They are not the most anxious ones, the most anxious one is Uber.

  This alien species is not like them, there is no place to hide, and now that Didi is close to them, they should be very anxious.

  He believes that Travis should rack his brains to think of a response strategy and will not let Didi hit them so hard. If they wait until Uber starts to fight back and fight with Didi, they may be able to reap the benefits.

  Sure enough, not long after Didi version 3.0 was launched, Uber was almost squeezed dry, and the entire user data began to decline.

  Travis felt that he was not facing an opponent from this world, but from a higher dimension.

  But before he could fall asleep, he completely suffered from insomnia.

  After the 3.0 update, Didi announced another update, and version 4.0 will be officially launched next Saturday.

  ”We must take measures, Anna, please invite Mr. Trott for me.”

  ”Okay, Mr. Travis.”

  When Kang Jingtao heard that Travis wanted to meet him, he knew that Travis must be panicking.

  Jiang Qin could have updated everything in one step, but he insisted on updating it three times, maximizing the publicity efforts and deepening the shadow in the hearts of competitors. Foreigners have never seen such a dog trick.

  ”Mr. Trott, Uber is in trouble now. You have dealt with Jiang Qin before. Do you have any suggestions?”

  Kang Jingtao sat on the sofa: “Do you know what is the most terrifying thing about Jiang Qin?”

  Travis shook his head.

  ”The most terrifying thing about him is that he will calculate everything and then form his own development rhythm. After he comes on stage, he will pull everyone into his own rhythm, and he is invincible in his own rhythm.”

  ”It’s mysterious, can you make it simpler?”

  ”Mr. Travis, you might as well think about it. Before March, the rhythm of the entire market was under the control of Uber. Didi ended up joining our rhythm, but gained nothing until it got the permission from the Transportation Commission.”

  Kang Jingtao patted his thigh: “That day, all of us fell into his rhythm and couldn’t win, so Uber’s only chance was to find its own rhythm.

  Travis fell into thinking, and then in the next few days, he kept tossing Kang Jingtao’s words.

  Didi relied on private cars to turn the tide, and its biggest weakness is still private cars, because it still belongs to the gray industry…

  If the Transportation Commission can temporarily stop Didi’s private car operations, the rhythm of the market will return to Uber’s hands, and everything will be fine.

  So how to get the Transportation Commission to stop Didi’s private car operations? This is very simple, as long as it has an accident, it will be fine. As long as it has an accident, all low-carbon and environmental protection will be useless. Travis kept sorting it out, and gradually sorted out the logic and thought of a solution.

  ”Anna, help me find a driver who is tight-lipped and very short of money. I need to arrange for him to work part-time for Didi.”

  ”Okay, Mr. Travis.”

  Anna quickly found the person Travis needed and gave him a generous reward.

  That’s right, Travis planned to artificially cause an accident to Didi when Didi 4.0 was launched and the limelight was at its peak.

  Why did he wait for him to update? It was because only when the popularity and public opinion were big enough could he achieve the effect he wanted.

  So after arranging everything, the entire Uber was waiting for Saturday to come, but what Travis didn’t expect was that things developed as he thought, but not completely. On

  April 26, the new version of Didi was launched on time, and Travis was in a hurry to arrange someone to do it, but as the employees of the Uber technical department actually experienced it, a voice that gave people a strong sense of security suddenly appeared from the voice prompt of Didi.

  ”Hello, I am your travel customer service, employee number 0036. Your trip will be monitored by me and the xx Municipal Public Security Bureau throughout the journey to ensure your travel safety. ”

  ”If an accident occurs, you can use one-click alarm. I wish you a pleasant journey.”

  Travis was stunned for a second: “Fuck!”

  Kang Jingtao was also stunned on the spot. Is this your fucking rhythm? He never expected that Didi would take the initiative to hand over the supervision power and even open its own database to relevant departments.

  This update has caused heated discussions on the Internet. The theme is that Didi is really safe, and countless people who have experienced the new function have applauded.

  At about the same time, an employee of the Public Opinion Department suddenly broke into the conference room. He looked a little panicked and almost kicked over the trash can at the door when he entered.

  ”Oh no, Mr. President, Uber has an accident!”

  ”What happened?”

  ”A video was uploaded to the Internet. It was an Uber driver who was sexually harassing a female passenger.”

  ”On which platform? Find the person in charge of the website to remove it, and then find the person responsible!”

  ”I saw it on Tonight’s Headlines.”


  Kang Jingtao suddenly lowered his voice: “Tonight’s Headlines is also a software under Pintuan. ”

  Travis looked at him blankly, and immediately understood that he did it on purpose, he did it on purpose, and this news was intentional!!

  No matter whether Uber has this driver or not, and no matter whether there is really this victimized female passenger, they will all become fuel for Didi to upgrade its safety system.

  Because of Uber’s sexual harassment incident, Didi’s safety monitoring has become even greater.

  Three updates took twenty days. In fact, in the dark corners, Cheng Wei of Bibi and Chen Chuanxing of Kuaidi had been looking forward to Travis’s counterattack, but when they saw the news about Uber, they were disappointed.

  ”I don’t know if Travis is still willing to buy out 60% of my shares at the original price. I kind of want to cash out and leave…”

  (I don’t know if there are many typos in this picture… Please give me a monthly ticket, or2)

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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