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Chapter 706: The Elite Forces Collapse at the First Blow

Chapter 706: The Elite Forces Collapse at the First Blow


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 706: The “elite” who collapsed at the touch of a button

  Kapil is a member of the wolf tribe.

  He remembered that since he could remember, his parents had repeatedly told him the teachings of the wolf god, telling him how the wolf pack was united, how fierce and brave, how tireless, and how invincible. There was a time when the wolf pack running on the wasteland was the main threat faced by the survivors of the Borneo Province…

  In the end, the survivors won, but they did not win easily. In order to commemorate this respectable opponent and to inherit their bravery, they planted a totem for their gods in the City of Thousand Pillars, hoping to inherit its grace and blessing.

  From that moment on, the wolf god had its first batch of people.

  And those who were blessed by the wolf god were not only natural warriors, but also the pride of the empire. They were born to fight, kill and plunder.

  For this reason, Kapil was always proud of his identity as a wolf tribe member, and he worked hard to become an imperial soldier all the time.

  Hard work pays off. With adequate nutrition and the influence of his childhood, he stood out from tens of thousands of his peers who signed up for the army. He was first selected to enter the recruit camp for training, and then because of his outstanding performance in the recruit camp, he was assigned to the Gray Wolf Army directly under His Majesty and trained as a reserve officer.

  Not all wolf tribe members have the opportunity to join the Gray Wolf Army, and not all wolf tribe members can become officers in this ace division.

  He is the pride of his parents and the pride of his tribe, and the person who gave him this honor is the great Wu Tuo Xilan – the supreme emperor.

  He vowed to bring glory to His Majesty to thank the emperor for his great grace, and to make more military achievements, and even become a general above ten thousand people.

  Now, he has finally waited for this opportunity – to offer his loyalty to His Majesty with his wolf-like fighting will!

  However, at this moment –

  the scene that came into his eyes made his eyes imprinted with despair.


  The ears deafened by the shells gradually faded away from the deafening sound, replaced by the officer’s hoarse roar, chaotic footsteps, and the tide-like shouts and screams.

  The situation in front of him was not only beyond his expectations.

  It was beyond everyone’s expectations.

  The crowded and narrow slums on the map seemed to have disappeared. The mud houses and shacks were demolished, leaving only broken bricks and tiles on the ground.

  He didn’t know what magic those iron men used, but he knew that they only took more than a week to move away thousands of buildings that belonged here.

  From the nearest bunker to the Governor’s Mansion standing on the high ground, there was nearly 600 meters of open space.

  This open space was like an insurmountable natural chasm, with nothing but broken bricks and construction waste on the ground.

  If you want to bypass this natural chasm from both sides, you either have to face the pincer attack from the direction of Lowell Camp, or you can only swim from the farther coastline.

  That was even more unrealistic than rushing through the 600-meter distance.

  Besides, they were already standing here.

  There was no choice but to move forward.

  The shouts urging the battle rang out again, and the soldiers holding rifles launched assaults on the unreachable Governor’s Mansion again and again, and then fell down in pieces like wheat being crushed without suspense. The

  rain of bullets was like the rolling saw blades of a chainsaw. Looking at the battlefield with blood and flesh flying everywhere, Kapil felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat. It

  was the first time he felt that life was so insignificant, and it was also the first time he saw the fear he had never seen on the faces of his comrades beside him.

  This was not a battle at all –

  this was simply a suicide mission!

  In a blink of an eye, a team of 100 people had been wiped out.

  The friendly troops lying on the rotten brick ground were pressed down by the machine guns on the roof of the Governor’s Mansion and could not move. They either wailed in pain or crawled forward with difficulty.

  There was no shelter around to cover their continued advance.

  There were only corpses of friendly soldiers all over the ground…

  Rifles in the city fired towards the Governor’s Mansion, but they had no effect on suppressing the long-prepared firepower point.

  The soldiers of the Alliance welded steel gun shields on the machine guns, not to mention the heavy armor they wore.

  Seeing that the first 100-man team was almost wiped out, the commander cast his eyes on them behind him and shouted loudly.

  ”Quick! Charge forward!”

  Looking at the insurmountable position and the friendly soldiers who were beaten and crawling on the ground, Kapil’s eyes flashed with fear.

  However, the order to attack had been issued. If he dared to hesitate for a moment, what awaited him would be a more tragic end than death. After

  all, this was the path he chose.

  Kapil gritted his teeth, trying to overcome the fear in his chest, and squeezed out a roar from his clenched teeth.

  ”For the Empire!”

  Amid the sporadic roars, he emptied his mind, howled desperately and rushed out of the bunker, leading the ten comrades behind him.

  However, he finally mustered up the courage and just took the first step, he was blown away by the mortar shell that landed not far from him, lying on the ground like a rag.

  The same was true for his teammates behind him. More than 20 years of sweat and pride all turned into a pool of thick blood, sloppily smeared on the broken bricks on the ground…


  Kapil and his men were not the first wolf people to shed their blood for the Empire in this battle, and it was also obvious that they would not be the last.

  A new round of artillery fire landed in the slums 600 meters in front of the Governor’s Mansion, engulfing the Gray Wolf Army soldiers who were squatting near the mud houses and firing, and those who had just crossed the bunkers to launch a new round of assault. There were

  still a hundred houses that had not been demolished in time.

  However, the residents who lived there had already taken the demolition money and evacuated. The remaining ones were guys with guns, so the Alliance could open fire without scruples.

  At the same time, the machine gun fire points deployed on the roof and walls of the Governor’s Mansion began to vent fierce firepower. The bullets seemed to be endless, and the gunshots kept ringing. The

  pride of the wolf tribe fell in groups, and in a blink of an eye, another team of 100 people was pressed to death on the battlefield covered with broken bricks and blood plasma.

  The tracers were like a torrential rain, and the lives of soldiers here could almost be counted in seconds.

  The rat guy who had sworn to the “Iron Men” did fulfill his promise – let the Empire’s soldiers fight on broken bricks.

  At this moment, the 1,000-man team responsible for attacking the Governor’s Mansion encountered the dilemma of being shot at. They had left more than 500 bodies, but apart from consuming some of the Alliance’s ammunition, they did not achieve any results.

  ”Damn it! I remember this is a slum!”

  The centurion hiding behind a mud house cursed as he looked at the machine guns that continued to fire.

  He had a bandage wrapped around his forehead and was wearing a steel helmet that he had just picked up. A shrapnel had scratched his forehead and almost killed him.

  The original plan was that they only needed to rush through a street, and at most they would only have to pay two or three hundred casualties to engage in close combat with the Alliance soldiers.

  However, now, a street that was only a few steps wide had been stretched into a 600-meter road of death.

  Not only did they not have the cover of armored units, they even had very few artillery fire that was essential for attacking the enemy. Instead, they were dizzy from the Alliance’s artillery and machine guns.

  ”We have already suffered more than half of our casualties! Fighting like this is no different from sending ourselves to die. We need artillery cover! Repeat! We need support!” The centurion grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted again after finding a signalman carrying a radio.

  He had been calling for artillery fire more than ten minutes ago.

  Prince Dilip promised him personally that the artillery bombardment from the rear was being prepared and would soon fall on the enemy’s position, and urged him to launch an attack as soon as possible.

  However, seeing that his men were almost done firing, the shells still hadn’t fallen, and he felt like he was being bullied.

  The rustling sound of the electric current sounded for a while, and then a voice with a hint of embarrassment came from the receiver.

  ”I’m dispatching… Damn, what is that idiot Alayyan doing! I’ve been shouting for artillery for a long time, but I haven’t even seen the shadow of a shell…”

  Listening to the nonsense coming from the telephone line, the centurion felt a tingling sensation on his scalp, but he couldn’t say anything to this guy.

  He swallowed his saliva and reminded him with a trembling voice.

  ”My lord… where is your direct artillery team?”

  The firepower of the alliance was too strong, and the shooting was so accurate that they would have to retreat back to the cave after firing a few shots. It was indeed difficult to support them.

  If all else fails, let trucks with artillery assault the city, and directly set them up at the front line and fire straight at the direction of the Governor’s Mansion. This is better than just waiting here.

  He was about to make this suggestion, but there was silence on the other end of the radio, and then a vague answer came.

  ”…Something went wrong when we were countering the Alliance artillery before. We can’t contact them for the time being, so we can only let that idiot Alayyan figure out a way.”

  Hearing this, the centurion almost vomited blood.

  They were still squatting in the trenches for a long time, and the six artillery pieces that General Alayyan assigned to this idiot were fired by the opposite side.

  Countering enemy artillery without the help of front-line scouts to correct the firepower…

  This guy must be crazy.

  Even if he guessed where the Alliance artillery position was, did this pig know where his shells fell! ?

  ”Lord Dilip, if this continues, even if we have more people, it won’t be enough…” The centurion gritted his teeth and said, “Please allow us to retreat first–”

  Before he finished speaking, the guy on the other end of the communication channel jumped up like a mouse whose tail was stepped on, and screamed.

  ”No retreat! You are soldiers of the empire. Now is the time for you to be loyal to His Majesty. Are your oaths just paper for wiping your ass!”

  ”It’s only 600 meters! Charge up! I want to see the double-sword flag flying on the roof of the Governor’s Mansion before dark!”

  Hearing the unrealistic order, the centurion could no longer suppress the anger in his chest and shouted loudly into the intercom.

  ”Lord Dilip! This is not your backyard! This is the front line! This is the front line! The machine guns of the Alliance are right in front of us. We can’t even push past 600 meters, let alone 600 meters! Why don’t you come to the front line and see what it is like here!”

  ”I say again, no retreat!”

  Prince Dilip yelled hysterically in the communication channel. He refused to believe that such a short distance could stop a thousand-man team.

  It was only 600 meters. Even if there was one person per meter, they could still rush over with more than 400 people. As long as the machine gun fire points of the Alliance were shot down, the remaining four thousand-man teams in his hands would instantly crush the defenders in the Governor’s Mansion like a tsunami.

  Without waiting for the centurion to quibble, he continued to yell.

  ”And are you pigs?! Who told you to run into the Alliance’s gun hole? Why don’t you use your brains to get through the alley——”

  ”There is no house here! The Alliance has already demolished this place! How many times have I told you that there is no house here! They even moved most of the building debris away!” The centurion roared, no longer caring about status.

  Morale has been extremely low, and the soldiers lying behind the bunkers have even lost the courage to stick their heads out and shoot at the Alliance.

  In this situation, if he orders them to go up and die, I am afraid that before all his men die, he, the centurion, will be killed by the mutinous soldiers.

  Prince Dilip, who was holding the phone, widened his eyes. He could not believe the offensive tone of the other end of the phone, nor could he believe the news he heard.

  He was not deaf.

  Although he had not been to the front line, he heard reports from the front line from the beginning of the battle, saying that the Alliance evacuated the residents near the Governor’s Mansion and demolished their houses.

  However, in his original conception, even if there were no intact houses left in that area, there would definitely be a lot of building debris and undulating earth slopes left behind.

  Although they were not as good as trenches, they should be able to cover the infantry’s advance.

  It should be like this…

  ”How is it possible…” Prince Dilip’s voice trembled, and his tone was involuntarily filled with a hint of panic.

  The centurion roared in anger.

  ”What’s impossible! Bombarding with artillery, blasting with explosives, hitting with hammers, and even pulling down the beams with ropes, don’t you know what kind of rotten houses those poor guys live in?! Do you think their doghouses are made of concrete like the Governor’s Mansion?! If you leave them alone, they will collapse on their own!”

  ”These maggots, cunning rats… How dare they, how dare they stand on the side of the alliance! I’m going to kill them!”

  Prince Dilip let out a painful groan.

  Even though this was his first time walking from the sandbox to the real battlefield, he knew that the feeling of failure would spread among the soldiers like a plague.

  Although he racked his brains and couldn’t think of the next countermeasure, he knew that he couldn’t hesitate any longer and had to do something before the front line collapsed!

  Once the defense line collapsed,

  the consequences would be disastrous!

  ”You retreat first… let the second team take over. Wait, hold on for a while before the second team goes up, and make

  sure to maintain the front line!” Hearing the submissive tone, the centurion finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the heart that was hanging in his throat finally let go.

  Although the guy’s orders were vague and he could even change his words twice, he could probably understand what he meant.

  As long as they could retreat and rest, it would be fine.

  Praying silently for the friendly troops who were heading up, he hung up the phone, pushed away the signalman carrying the radio, and shouted at the front line.

  ”Hold on! Friendly troops will soon replace me–”

  The second half of the sentence that was not finished solidified in his throat. When the centurion cast his eyes to the flank of the position, his whole face was full of fear.

  A giant crab four or five meters high was moving its mechanical legs full of metal texture, bypassing a row of collapsed ruins and killing them on their flank.

  What the hell is that? !

  The centurion’s face was blank.

  Two thick gun barrels or gun barrels stretched forward from the top of the pair of solid and powerful claws, aiming at the group of wolf warriors who were crawling behind the dilapidated houses and shacks not far in front of him and could not move.

  Because the scene in front of him was so shocking, the Y-2 drone, the “Hellhound” unmanned vehicle, and the dozen soldiers armed to the teeth with exoskeletons that followed closely behind the giant crab seemed negligible.

  Before he could react, the two gun barrels spurted out thick and long tongues of fire, pouring fierce firepower at his subordinates!

  ”Bang, bang, bang!”

  There was no time to even scream.

  Dozens of soldiers hiding behind the bunkers were instantly crushed into fragments and meat paste along with the bunkers in front of them.

  Shells continued to fall from the receiver, clanging and banging on the ground, and the pieces of broken bodies fell together.

  The dazed expression turned into horror, not only the centurion commanding on the front line, but also the soldiers squatting behind the bunkers and firing.

  They had never exchanged fire with such a brutal guy!

  The bullets fired by the Eviscerator rifles were like tickling it, and had no effect at all. In front of the continuous output of the gun barrel, their bunkers were as fragile as paper.

  The soldiers carrying the Iron Fist rocket launcher were suppressed by the accumulated firepower and could not raise their heads, or they were identified and shot in the head by the drones flying over their heads.

  The alliance deployed far more than just one “King Crab” on the battlefield, although most people’s attention was taken away by the eye-catching big guy.

  Six “King Crab” amphibious all-terrain infantry armors, covering six groups of mechanized infantry, launched attacks in six different directions. In

  just a few breaths, the flank defense line of Prince Dilip’s 1,000-man team was torn open like an avalanche. Unable

  to suppress the fear in their hearts, the soldiers squatting behind the bunkers ignored the shouts and threats of their superiors, dropped their weapons and turned around to flee.

  The embarrassed look was like a panicked mouse.



  ”Devil! The Alliance has summoned the devil!”

  Not only the defense line under their feet was defeated, but also the defense line in the deepest part of their hearts – the self-confidence and arrogance that came from nowhere.

  At this moment, they only hated that the Wolf God had given them two legs so that they could not escape from this hellhole faster.

  The atmosphere of despair and fear followed the fleeing soldiers and collided with the 2,000-man team that was running to the front line with their chests and heads held high.

  No one could believe the scene in front of them until the ferocious “king crabs” chased their friendly troops and killed them in front of them…


  Just when the ace of the Xilan Empire was beaten and fled, the [Prop Master] who led the 300-man team to attack the flank of the position found that his six mechanized teams had actually changed from flank interspersed troops to front-line troops. The imperial army that was

  bitten on the flank by them did not even put up a decent resistance, and threw down their weapons and turned around to run.

  As a result, they had planned to sneakily annihilate this thousand-man team, but ended up running into another thousand-man team that came to reinforce them.

  These wolf soldiers who came to reinforce them were also ruthless people. They perfectly demonstrated what it means to hit a steel plate with your head. They engaged in a firefight with the players of the alliance in the alley without any preparation.

  At first, the prop leader planned to let each team withdraw and pull these stubborn wolf destroyers to the position of the Governor’s Mansion held by the second team to harvest them, but they couldn’t stand these guys who were too weak. They dared to rush up without even an armored unit that could pose a threat to them. When they found that they couldn’t chew the hard bone in their mouths, they began to flee backwards in a swarm.

  The opponent almost fed their heads into their mouths. If they didn’t take a bite, he was afraid that he would be buried by his teammates for a week.

  Seeing that the reinforcements on the front line of the Xilan Empire also began to collapse, the prop leader reached out and pressed on his helmet and shouted loudly in the team channel.

  ”Attention, all units!”

  ”Use the line on the map as the boundary, everyone continue to move forward! Fire freely! Don’t save ammunition, beat him up! Don’t go home until you empty your magazines!”

  He was responded to by excited shouts.

  ”Got it!”

  ”Brothers, charge!”

  ”For the Alliance!!!”


  As the attack order was issued, the “King Crab” all-terrain infantry armor immediately threw away the crab legs, crossed the low shacks under the cover of the infantry, and rushed forward.

  Everyone was blood-thirsty.

  Especially the intelligence players riding in the belly of the mechanical crab, almost everyone held three-digit heads in their hands.

  The four-rotor drone flying in front provided them with a top-down bird’s-eye view, and they only needed to pull the trigger towards the place where there were people.

  20mm armor-piercing incendiary bombs combined with high-explosive bombs, even without aiming, just rush forward and it’s done.

  The imperial soldiers who were blocked in the alley were beaten dizzy.

  At first, they could see where the tracer was coming from, but later, they couldn’t even see the person because he was pinned to the ground.

  ”Hahahaha! My Urgot is killing like crazy!”

  Hearing the strange laughter in the team channel, several players who were advancing in coordination with the side cast envious eyes at the guy with his butt sticking out.

  ”Damn it, get down and let me play for a while!”

  The intelligence player rolled his eyes.

  ”Get out! Do you think you can get on this thing by pressing F? I was trained in Dawn City for a few days!”

  As they were talking, a Iron Fist rocket launcher suddenly came out from a nearby alley and hit one of the mechanical legs squarely.

  Perhaps because it was too pretentious, even the heavens couldn’t stand it anymore. The jet of metal happened to penetrate the power component of the mechanical leg, causing the crab to lower its body and lose its balance and crash into the mud house next to it.

  The imperial soldier carrying the rocket launcher was quickly shot into a sieve, but the big crab lying on the ruins seemed to be drunk and couldn’t stand up.

  After all, it was a test machine that had just walked out of the laboratory. Its overly avant-garde design made it full of too many uncertainties.

  Even if this thing could walk even if three legs were broken in the test, it couldn’t withstand the complex situation on the battlefield.

  Seeing the imperial soldiers coming to kill him, the intelligence player who was still pretending to be pretentious a second ago suddenly shouted in panic.

  ”Fuck! Sons, come and protect me!”

  The players who were already helping him set up the guns twitched at the corners of their mouths when they heard this nonsense.


  For a moment, they suddenly wanted to test how hard the armor of this thing could be…


  On the other side, the north wall of the Governor’s Mansion.

  Seeing the group of Gray Wolf soldiers retreating like a tide, the player sitting on the machine gun position simply turned off the safety and complained with a gloomy face.

  ”Oh my god, these guys are too vulnerable.”

  When they heard that there were more than 5,000 people on the opposite side, almost everyone thought that there would be a fierce battle next, but they didn’t expect that the combat effectiveness of these so-called “elite” was so poor.

  However, it can be seen that these guys tried their best.

  The correction shells kept falling near the Governor’s Mansion, but they were soon hit back by the Alliance’s counterattack.

  They tried to use the human wave tactics to break through the machine gun firepower of the Governor’s Mansion, but were blocked by several 10mm machine guns.

  Normally, with the continuous casualties of his subordinates and no progress in the battle, the commander on the front line should have some idea in his mind and realized that there was something wrong with his fighting style.

  Since the supporting firepower cannot be used, then push the artillery to the front line as direct firepower, or dig more fortifications and build more machine gun positions on the front line. Even if it is to turn a quick-decision raid into a seesaw battle of continuous consumption, it is better than letting the soldiers rush forward without artillery cover.

  But they don’t do this, as if they are in a hurry to reincarnate, and they must fight this battle to a conclusion as soon as possible.

  Not only did the players holding the machine guns not figure it out, but the [Free Sniper] guarding the Governor’s Mansion also didn’t figure out whether these guys came to fight or to fertilize…


  On the other side, at the port of Jingalon Port, there was a lot of noise in the temporary command post.

  The battle reports from the front line were floating like snowflakes, and the command channel was even more noisy.

  ”…This is the Governor’s Mansion. The enemy’s front-line troops have collapsed! Should we continue to defend here? Or chase them?”

  ”This is the 300-man team! We have engaged in a firefight with the enemy units that came to reinforce! No enemy armored units were found, only a small number of anti-tank weapons… It should be a team of 1,000 people, or maybe two. We plan to empty the ammunition and come back.”

  ”…Damn, we have an idiot here. An ‘Urgot’ has a broken leg! The coordinates have been updated on the map. Request support as soon as possible!”

  ”How many times have I told you, don’t give your equipment random nicknames! Use the official numbers!”

  ”This is the 400-man team. We have sent a team to reinforce. Hold on!.”

  ”I’m so hungry, when will we have dinner?”

  ”Who’s at the port? Ask the NPC in the logistics department if we can add some dishes.”

  ”…The enemy reinforcements were defeated! Damn, these animals retreated faster than my six legs. The brothers from the 400-man team don’t need to come! We’ll find some fellow villagers to help tow that unfortunate thing that has broken down-”


  ”Fuck, what are the beasts in your team doing? Do you need to hire people for such a small job?!”

  ”This is the Governor’s Mansion. Our reconnaissance team has observed that the Gray Wolf Army is gathering in the direction of the ‘Kraba Market’! The target is five kilometers north of the Governor’s Mansion. They seem to be planning to reorganize their forces there! It is estimated that there are still two to three thousand teams.”

  Although the communication channel was noisy, the feedback on the front-line battle situation was still relatively clear, and Fang Chang basically had a general understanding.

  After all, even if the battle situation was a little urgent or even a little complicated, these beasts would not talk nonsense in the command channel.

  Lao Bai looked at Fang Chang and said casually.

  ”What do you say? Do you want to eat these two or three thousand people directly? Or leave it to the rookies in the Lowell Camp to deal with.”

  At present, nearly 20,000 slaves have received simple training, at least knowing how to fire, when to fire, and how to occupy the target and move forward.

  It was undoubtedly a dream to expect them to defeat a well-trained army on the front battlefield, but as cannon fodder, it was not a problem to deal with a group of defeated soldiers under the support of the alliance’s artillery fire.

  At least they could give it a try.

  However, unlike Lao Bai, Fang Chang did not focus on the two or three thousand people who retreated to the area around the Kraba market, but instead focused on the trenches outside the settlement.

  ”…Do you think there will be any big figures from the Xilan Empire among these two or three thousand people?”

  Looking at Fang Chang who suddenly spoke, Lao Bai hesitated slightly and frowned.

  ”Why do you say that?”


  Staring intently at the strategic map unfolded on the holographic screen, Fang Chang pinched his chin with his index finger and thumb and fell into deep thought.

  According to the intelligence observed by the scouts under Brother Sha Bi, the Gray Wolf Army stationed outside the settlement has made new moves.

  Although it is unknown why the general named Alaiyang made such a series of stupid moves, the guy has obviously noticed the troubles of the friendly forces and tried to make some remedies.

  A team of 10,000 people was gathering in batches towards the position outside the settlement, seemingly intending to pick up the defeated friendly forces on the front line.

  At this time, Fang Chang suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

  ”Even the highest commander of the Gray Wolf Army is afraid of the identity… what do you think it might be?”

  Lao Bai thought for a moment and said in an uncertain tone.

  ”Royal relatives?”

  He didn’t know much about the organizational structure of the Xilan Empire. After all, this strange survivor force was completely different from any survivor force they had seen.

  However, since this so-called elite empire was the elite directly under the emperor of the Xilan Empire, it was obviously unlikely that the person who could make this “Imperial Guard Commander-in-Chief” nervous was a small character like a eunuch. Even

  if it was just for show, he had to try to save him, at least so that the person or the forces behind him could not find fault.

  Maybe Alaiyang doesn’t really care about the life or death of this “VIP”, but they can just take advantage of this…

  Realizing Fang Chang’s plan, Lao Bai looked at him in surprise.

  ”Do you want to surround the enemy and attack the reinforcements?”

  ”I do think so, but it depends on whether they give us this opportunity. After all, these guys have always been beyond our expectations. I seriously suspect that this time will be the same…”

  When he said this, Fang Chang paused for a moment, put his hand to his ear, and ordered the Killing Dagger stationed in the Lowell Camp.

  ”Notify Laxi.”

  ”Tell him to get ready to work.”

  (It’s the end of the month, and I shamelessly ask for a monthly ticket. Considering that the updates have been as steady as an old dog this month, please vote for me, brothers. QAQ)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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