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Chapter 707: The Gray Wolf Who Doesn’t Play by the Rules

Chapter 707: The Gray Wolf Who Doesn’t Play by the Rules


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 707 The Gray

  Wolf Who Doesn’t Play by the Rules Fang Chang’s concerns are not without reason.

  The premise of besieging a point and attacking reinforcements is that the besieged defenders still have a trace of resistance.

  For the nearly 3,000 imperial soldiers surrounded in the “Kraba Market”, whether they have this thing is obviously a mystery.

  But compared to simply capturing a prince, he actually has a bigger ambition…

  Lowell Camp.

  Killing Dagger, wearing an exoskeleton, found Lacy, who was sitting on an ammunition box fiddling with LD-47, and got straight to the point.

  ”Here comes the job.”

  Putting the new toy aside, Lacy jumped off the ammunition box and bowed his head.

  ”At your command, sir.”

  Killing Dagger didn’t waste any words, and directly took out a tablet and stuffed it into his hand, and pointed his index finger to open the map and the battle plan listed next to the map.

  ”About 3,000 remnants retreated to the Kraba Market. They requisitioned the houses and all available bunkers in the market, and used the remaining ammunition and individual anti-armor weapons to build a new defense line around this area. The good news is that they drove away the civilians in this area, and we can use all the supporting firepower we can. As for the bad news, we haven’t seen it yet.”

  ”But even so, you still can’t underestimate the enemy. I don’t want a group of drowned dogs to suddenly regain confidence in the midst of fighting. You need to do as we say, step by step. First, surround this market, and then put pressure on the besieged troops from the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast to force them to break out…”

  The index finger pointed at the map, and the Killing Dagger paused and continued.

  ”…We speculate that they will not go directly to the north. Both the east and west are good choices. In order to reduce uncertainties, we need you to exert more pressure on the west and make some feints appropriately, so that they can choose the east as the main direction of the breakout as much as possible.”

  Laxi frowned and looked at him puzzled.

  ”Why let them go? I can catch them all for you.”

  The Killing Dagger said patiently.

  ”This involves the second step of the plan. We hope to intercept them when they retreat and drive some of the deserters to the positions outside the settlement. Taking advantage of the support of the 10,000-man army outside the settlement, we will eat up the people who escaped to the outside of the city and the 10,000-man army lying outside the city.”

  This method is a variation of the siege.

  After Alayyang, who was stationed outside the settlement, dispatched a 10,000-man army to the trenches on the front line, there was no new action. It seemed that he intended to let the fleeing soldiers in the settlement organize their own forces to break through, and the reinforcements were mainly for cover.

  It seems that General Alayyang did not intend to sacrifice more soldiers for this stupid offensive plan, which just further proved that this attack itself was an accident.

  Just like the 1,000-man team that “landed on the beach” in French Fries Port.

  Laxi showed a surprised expression on his face. On the one hand, he was surprised at the plan of the alliance brothers, and on the other hand, he was surprised at their appetite.

  That was a whole 10,000-man army!

  And they are the most elite trump cards of the empire!

  However, he did not show any fear on his face. After a brief thought, he asked a question that was insignificant but curious to him.

  ”Since you want to let them go, why not let them go directly from the north? Isn’t it closer there?”

  Killing Dagger was stunned, looked at this guy with a strange expression, and asked back.

  ”If it were you, would you run directly to the north?”

  Laxi was also stunned.

  Why not?

  Regardless of the confused expression of this guy, Killing Dagger looked up at the sky and continued to speak hurriedly.

  ”It’s getting dark. We judge that they will choose to rest for a night and hold their positions until the dawn of the next morning. Generally speaking, that is the most relaxed time and the most suitable time to break through… This is the plan. If there are any new changes, we will notify you. Now we need you to act immediately.”

  A trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes. Laxi reached out and picked up the rifle next to the ammunition box and nodded seriously.

  ”Leave it to me.”

  Looking at Laxi who turned and walked towards the camp radio station, Killing Dagger suddenly remembered something and called him again.


  Lacy stopped and looked back.

  ”Anything else?”

  The Killing Dagger pointed at the tablet in his hand.

  ”We want to keep a few people alive. There are others. If anyone surrenders, try to keep them alive… Remember, living people are more valuable than dead people.”

  Lacy nodded slightly.

  ”As you command.”


  Kraba Market.

  This is the largest trade market in Jingallon Port. It is located in the center of the northern city. It consists of hundreds of thousands of shops and stalls, surrounded by rows of square houses.

  Usually, these stalls are filled with colorful food, spices, textiles, trinkets, and livestock tied with ropes, and even some waste electronic products and mechanical clocks shipped from other places.

  Not only the poor and citizens will patronize here to buy daily necessities, but some big businessmen and small nobles dressed in luxurious clothes will also come here to stroll when they are in a whim, looking for some rare good things or picking up bargains from people who don’t know the business.

  It is no exaggeration to say that as long as there is something in the Xilan Empire, whether it is cheap red clay or toys produced in Ideal City, you can find it here if you spend some time.

  Usually, this market will be busy from dawn to sunset, and today is as lively as ever.

  The only difference is that the bustling crowd has changed from merchants shouting and hawking and customers picking and choosing to a group of “grey wolves” fleeing in panic…

  ”Stop! What are you doing!? This is my house, you can’t-ah, it hurts!”

  A man in his thirties was grabbed by the arm and thrown out of the door by a soldier. He was chased out to the street with his two wives and six children who were in dishevel.

  Judging from the clothes and appearance of this family, although their status is not high, they are definitely not snakes, rats, insects or birds.

  But this makes no difference to a group of defeated soldiers who have just suffered a defeat.

  Without listening to the angry man’s argument, the soldier directly raised the muzzle of the PU-9 submachine gun to the man’s forehead and yelled.

  ”This is not your home! Leave now! If you don’t want to get into trouble!”

  The cold touch made his heart feel like it was falling into an ice cave. He felt his hands and feet were cold, and his lips were trembling and he couldn’t speak.

  There was another house not far away.

  An old woman held a soldier’s leg tightly and begged for mercy, but was kicked into the door.

  Not long after, there was a burst of gunfire, and then a group of soldiers carrying a machine gun crossed the bloody threshold.

  The man was completely shocked, and a warm feeling flowed down his trouser legs to the ground.

  Glancing at the man who was scared to pee his pants, Dilip was too lazy to even speak, and walked straight over the threshold into the house.

  The guard following behind him reached out and grabbed the man’s collar, pushed him to the ground, and threw a sentence coldly.

  ”This is for your own good.”

  ”Get out!”

  The man didn’t dare to stay, and stood up, rolling and crawling, not bothering to brush off the dust on his body, and hurriedly left with his family.

  The whole market was in a mess, and the dusty residents didn’t even have time to pack their luggage before being pushed out of their homes.

  A group of people were huddled on the muddy road two streets away from the Klaba Market, looking at the unfamiliar streets around them at a loss.

  A mother with a look of shock was running around looking for her lost child, a well-dressed man hesitantly reached out and knocked on a nearby door to ask if he could take her in for a night, and someone unbuttoned his shirt for a piece of bread that was so hard that it could knock out his teeth…

  Children who were separated from their relatives curled up on the ground and cried bitterly, devout believers put their hands together and prayed, and some people sat on the ground and muttered in despair.

  ”What should we do?”

  ”How long will they stay…” A man with a dusty face muttered in a low voice, “If they don’t leave, will we just wait here forever?”

  The old man next to him sighed, his face full of worry.

  ”…We can only wait.”

  At this moment, the fate of everyone seemed to have temporarily become the same, no matter what shape of label was attached to them.

  Looking at the street that gradually merged into the dusk, some people hummed softly while rocking their children in their arms, some sang along, and some closed their eyes to enjoy the moment of tranquility and equality, weaving a song in the noisy chaos…

  They were actually quite lucky.

  Most of the soldiers here were defeated for the first time, and they still regarded them as the people of the empire. If they lost a few more battles, it would be hard to say what would happen.

  The defeated army retreating to the Kraba market finally completed the construction of the defense line before dusk, and at this moment, gunshots were heard from all directions.

  They found that the people surrounding them did not seem to be the devils summoned by the alliance, but the militia composed of local people.

  This also made the wolf soldiers trapped in the market extremely angry.

  In their view, this was undoubtedly a betrayal.

  Fortunately, the combat effectiveness of these militias was not very strong. Although they tried to launch several feints under the cover of mortars, it did not have any obvious effect, so they retreated and changed to encirclement, firing a cold gun from time to time.

  But even so, no one dared to relax.

  The big crab that rushed around left them with too deep an impression. No one could guarantee that the crabs would not follow the militia outside in the next round of attack…

  The sky gradually darkened.

  The green double-blade flag still did not flutter on the roof of the Governor’s Mansion, but Prince Dilip, who was trapped at the moment, had no time to dream unrealistic dreams.

  Glancing at the signalman who was still debugging the radio, he waved his hand to signal the guard to come to his side and gave a word.

  ”I’m hungry, get me something to eat.”

  The guard nodded quickly and asked the accompanying servant to prepare food.

  After a while, a bowl of turmeric paste with beans was brought up, and a small dish of onion juice and two sesame cakes were placed in the basket that was presented together. The

  guards guarding the room swallowed their saliva involuntarily, but Prince Dilip frowned.

  ”Why are they all beans?”

  The servant who brought the food said with a bitter face.

  ”My lord, this is all they have in the kitchen…”

  Dilip’s eyebrows were twisted into a hemp rope.

  The sesame-sprinkled cake was okay, with a buttery aroma, but beans were for livestock, not for human consumption.

  After hesitating for a long time, Prince Dilip pushed the food away with disdain.

  ”Go search other houses, I want meat.”

  The servant dared not say a word, and the guards beside him nodded and saluted.


  Watching the guard leave, Dilip noticed that the other guards in the house were swallowing their saliva, so he ordered the servants to share the food with them.

  Looking at the guards who were wolfing down the food, he couldn’t help but curl up a little bit of his mouth.

  A group of inferior people who don’t know how to be decent.

  The frustrated sense of superiority seemed to be found from other places, and Prince Dilip felt much better.

  Coincidentally, at this time, the radio was finally repaired, and the communication with the rear command center was finally restored.

  Overjoyed, Dilip immediately ordered the signalman to call the rear command post, then snatched the phone and shouted before Alayyan could speak.

  ”What the hell are you doing! Why didn’t I see a single shell after calling for artillery fire for half a day!”

  There was a rustling sound in the receiver, but no response.

  Seeing that Alayyan was intimidated by his momentum, Dilip took a deep breath and continued in a gentle tone.

  ”Because of your poor support, there is a little problem on the front line now, but it’s not a big problem… Anyway, I need reinforcements, give me another 5,000 people and 12 artillery pieces, as well as more anti-armor weapons and explosives. I don’t know where the alliance got an iron lump from. Damn, we should ask the legion to borrow a few tanks!”

  Alayyan waited patiently for him to finish explaining everything, and then calmly replied with only two words.

  ”Come back.”

  Dilip was stunned for a moment, and then his whole face flushed.

  ”Are you ordering me!”

  There was another long silence in the communication channel.

  Seeing that there was no response for a long time, Dilip’s originally angry mood suddenly gave rise to a trace of panic. It was not

  until this moment that he truly realized his current situation.

  He was not playing a sandbox game of war games with His Majesty in the palace, but standing on a real battlefield, and was even surrounded by the enemy!

  If this guy left him alone –

  Dilip’s lips trembled, and after waiting for a long time, he finally squeezed out a plea from his dry throat.

  ”Save me.”

  There was finally an echo on the other end of the radio.

  ”…At five o’clock tomorrow morning, I will try to launch a round of artillery fire on the city area near the Klaba Market to cover your breakout from the encirclement. There is a 10,000-man team outside the city to meet you. Listen, this is your only chance to not be captured by the Alliance and come back alive.”

  Dilip nodded tremblingly, carefully remembering every word on the radio.


  Alayyan paused before he finished speaking.

  ”…In addition, it is not ruled out that our enemies deliberately leave a way for you to lure you out of the position, and then put you in their pockets and catch you all in one fell swoop. Remember, send people to make a few feint attacks before leaving to test the firepower, and don’t take the easiest way.”

  As the voice fell, the communication was hung up.

  Prince Dilip felt his back soaked with sweat, and he sat down on the chair with his whole body exhausted.

  Looking at the last piece of sunset light gradually sinking into the roof outside the window, he seemed to be staring at the hope that was about to fall into darkness, with despair in his eyes.

  I hope I can survive tonight.


  At the same time, in the command post more than ten kilometers away, Alayyan slammed the phone on the table, and then sat on the chair with a painful look on his face.

  The officers around him were silent, and no one spoke.

  It was the best outcome to save that idiot Dilip. If not, it would be good for him to die on the way to break out.

  At least don’t be captured by the alliance.

  Otherwise, the enemy will have another bargaining chip in his hand.

  As for the remaining nearly 3,000 Grey Wolf warriors…

  they can only leave it to fate.


  The long night finally passed, and a touch of white was printed on the dock of Jingalon Port.

  However, it was not the first ray of sunshine in the morning that tore off the last trace of tranquility at night, but the deafening sound of artillery.


  The artillery positions of the Grey Wolf Army roared, and 100mm grenades rose into the sky and fell towards the city near the Klaba Market.

  Facts have proved that General Alayyan is a good man.

  All day yesterday, he was testing the maximum range of the Alliance’s artillery, and after completing the test, he dispersed the artillery outside the effective range of the port artillery position.

  However, in contrast, this distance is basically close to the range limit of the Empire’s 100mm howitzers.

  One by one, “Brownian motion bombs” were scattered in the city, only two-fifths fell around the Klaba Market, and even one-fifth fell in the market.

  As for the remaining two-fifths, no one knows where they will fall.

  ”My God… these guys really don’t regard the survivors here as their own people.”

  Standing on the wall of the Lowell Camp, the Killing Dagger looked at the billowing smoke rising from the city in the distance with a look of surprise.

  If Dawn City didn’t look like this, he almost didn’t remember whose territory this fight was on.

  ”It seems that there are indeed people in the Klaba Market that they are willing to take back at all costs.” Looking down at the survivors who were blocking the doorway under the wall, Kidney Fighter said helplessly, “Someone go explain to them that when they encounter this kind of indirect firepower… this broken wall is actually useless, and it is more dangerous to gather together.”

  To put it cruelly, a grenade hit the roof. Although it is 80% certain that the family will die, most of the fragments and shock waves can be buried by the wall.

  From the perspective of minimum casualties, the safest thing to do at this time is to stay at home instead of crowding on the street.

  Especially since the Lowell Camp is a strategic location after all, even if it is not the main attack direction of the Gray Wolf Army today, it is hard to say what will happen tomorrow.

  Killing Dagger sighed.

  ”I’ll try.”

  Although he felt that there was no point in doing so…

  At the same time when the Gray Wolf Army’s artillery team launched an artillery attack on the northern urban area of ​​​​Golden Gallon Port, nearly 3,000 defeated soldiers trapped in the Klaba Market also began to break out.

  The soldiers of the Gray Wolf Army, holding rifles, gathered along the edge of the building, and launched a fierce attack on the militia outside the Klaba Market in units of hundreds from the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast.

  The gunshots echoing inside and outside the market were like firecrackers, and the bullets whizzed around like a torrential rain. The

  wooden stalls were pushed down on the street as a shooting shelter, and soon they were riddled with bullets.

  Soon a group of soldiers wrapped the broken bricks and soil blown away by the shells with bed sheets and piled them on a two-wheeled bucket cart to make a temporary shelter.

  One person pushed the bucket cart full of obstacles and charged forward, and nine people followed behind, firing and charging forward desperately.

  From time to time, someone was shot and fell, but soon someone else took over.

  Driven by the desire to survive, the soldiers of the Gray Wolf Army were like hyenas forced into a corner, bursting out with amazing fighting power, and for a time they beat the militia that outnumbered them several times and couldn’t raise their heads.

  Seeing the hope of escaping, Prince Dilip, who was hiding on the second floor of a civilian house, excitedly stuck his head out of the window and yelled at the soldiers in the market with his hoarse voice.

  ”Go! The way home is ahead! What stands in front of you is just a bunch of cannon fodder! Hopeless trash! Cowards who betrayed the empire! Use the rifles in your hands to tell them who is the real hero–!”

  Fortunately, there were continuous gunshots and artillery fire all around, and the soldiers leaning against the bunker could not hear his roar, otherwise it is hard to say whether someone would not be able to help but raise his head and shoot him.

  Satish, the thousand-man commander who was commanding nearby, happened to hear it. His eyebrows twitched fiercely, but he could only pretend not to hear it with the anger in his chest.

  Damn it!

  Who caused them to be trapped here!

  Just as he was cursing, new news came from the front line.

  A team of 100 people had successfully penetrated the defense line deployed by the puppet army on the east side and opened a passage to evacuate outside the settlement.

  Listening to the good news reported by the frontline officers on the radio, the centurion took a deep breath, returned to the downstairs of the civilian house where Prince Dilip was, and shouted loudly to the window on the second floor.

  ”…Sir, our soldiers have opened a gap in the east! Please come down quickly, we will cover your retreat!”

  Prince Dilip was about to respond, but suddenly remembered General Alayyan’s warning before, and quickly swallowed back the words that had already come to his mouth.

  ”No! I won’t go there! That’s the alliance’s trap! Have you forgotten how strong their firepower was yesterday? How could they let us go so easily! This must be their conspiracy. They deliberately let us out from the east, and then catch us all in one fell swoop!”

  Hearing this willful speech, Satish almost vomited blood.

  To be honest, this analysis is indeed reasonable.

  If he were the commander of the other side, he would also consider using the tactic of “surrounding three and attacking one”, but shouldn’t this be something discussed before starting the breakout? !

  Now that the defense line has been opened, everyone has seen the hope of escaping, and you say you don’t want to leave from here? !

  What a joke!

  This guy really treats his men as a war chess in a sandbox? !

  ”We have no choice!” Satish shouted at him, suppressing his anger, “In order to open this line of defense, we have left at least more than 500 brothers behind. Even if it is a trap, now we can only take a gamble and rush over! This is the only chance! They can’t capture everyone!”

  ”Captain Satish, I say it again! This is an order! The soldiers who have broken through the defense line continue to move forward, and the rest of the people break out towards…towards the north! If you refuse to obey orders, wait for His Majesty to punish you!” Prince Dilip shouted fiercely, his pale face full of panic and madness.

  To be honest, he didn’t know what to do.

  When he was playing chess on the sand table, there were no bullets and artillery fire flying everywhere. Every wrong decision could cost him his life.

  Perhaps the only thing that made him better than an amateur was that he knew that it was better to do anything than nothing at this time.

  Just do what Alayan said.

  If he lost

  , he could still blame that guy. He was now extremely regretful. He shouldn’t have asked Alayan for the 5,000 men to attack the Governor’s Mansion.

  However, it was too late to say anything now.

  The plan was not on the track he expected from the beginning, and every unexpected order made the situation worse.

  If only the enemy could allow him to press the pause button and think carefully…

  It would be better if he could take another look at the cards in his hand.

  Satish looked at the prince standing on the second floor in despair, stumbled back two steps, his lips trembling for a long time, and finally snatched the phone from the signalman’s hand and shouted in despair.

  ”The units that have broken through the defense line continue to advance! The rest of the units will launch an attack on the defense line on the north side of the market! At all costs, rush over!” There

  was no point in doing anything now.

  Offering loyalty to His Majesty would at least save his family.

  Now that things have come to this, he could only give up…


  On the east side of the Kraba Market.

  The continuous gunfire suddenly died down, and it stopped without any warning, like a candle extinguished by a breeze.

  The remnants of the Grey Wolf Army, which had already pried a gap in the encirclement, suddenly gave up the offensive.

  Except for the centurion that had already broken through the encirclement and was still desperately moving forward, the remaining soldiers turned their guns and killed the north side of the market.

  They seemed to tear the defense line apart for the sake of tearing it apart, and had no intention of rushing through the defense line that had already been broken.

  Without the support of follow-up firepower, the centurion that broke out of the encirclement was quickly captured, with a gun pointed at the back of its head, and squatted on the ground with a dusty face.

  The defense line on the east side of the market that had been penetrated was closed again under the hesitant movement of the militia.

  This strange scene was beyond everyone’s expectations.

  If he hadn’t been standing on the front line, Laxi wouldn’t have believed it.

  But even if he had seen it with his own eyes, he was still stunned when he heard the report from his subordinates on the intercom.

  ”…Are they really heading north?”

  ”Yes… They have concentrated all their forces to break out to the north! Damn, these guys are crazy!” The noisy gunshots and rapid breathing came from the other end of the intercom, showing how intense the battle was.

  Laxi immediately asked.

  ”How are you doing? Can you hold on?!”

  Frontline officer: “It shouldn’t be a big problem! Although they are numerous, most of them are exhausted… Should we let them go?”

  Laxi was relieved, pondered for a moment, and decisively ordered.

  ”Hold the position! Hold it at all costs! The brothers of the alliance want the lackeys of the empire to roll east, and we must not let anyone go north!”

  The frontline officer replied firmly.


  and hung up the communication.

  Lacy then instructed his subordinates to withdraw the brothers who had filled the gap in the eastern defense line of the market.

  He knew very well who gave him the power in his hands, and he knew even more clearly that if he wanted the alliance to support him, he had to show the value that matched it. And to do this, completing orders was even more important than victory itself.

  He was eager to prove himself. Even

  if he had to fight to the last drop of blood, he would twist the necks of those hyenas back from the north!

  He still didn’t believe it.

  These guys really wouldn’t go east even if they died!

  However –

  although “the master’s order” was more important than victory itself, it was impossible to say that Lacy had no doubts in his heart.

  Looking at the market entrance with the door wide open not far away, he was silent for a long time before mumbling in a voice that only he could hear.

  ”I said they would retreat to the north…”

  At the same time, on the wall of the Lowell camp, the murderous dagger who was overlooking the battlefield through the four-rotor drone also had a confused expression on his face.

  He saw with his own eyes that the remnants of the Gray Wolf Army trapped in the market broke through the defense line on the east side of the market.

  However, before he could send a signal to intercept the third and fourth hundred-man teams that had been lying in ambush nearby, he saw that the group of “grey wolves” suddenly gave up the breakout and attacked the north side of the market.

  What kind of operation is this? !

  ”It’s unscientific…”

  He kept repeating in his mouth, his eyes full of incomprehension.

  However, just as he was about to report this abnormal situation to the temporary command center in the rear and request the next step, the situation under the drone camera took a new turn.

  It seemed that they could no longer bear the continuous casualties. The remaining grey wolf soldiers gathered all their strength and launched a final round of fierce attacks on the defense line on the north side of the market.

  The last burst of dense gunfire was somewhat desperate, and both sides paid a huge casualties for it.

  However, the militiamen who held on there still tried to maintain the defense line. After

  several consecutive breakouts without any progress, the remaining more than a thousand “grey wolves” finally collapsed and scattered on the solid defense line.

  But even so, they still did not choose to withdraw from the east side of the market, even though the militia surrounding the market had left a door there for them.

  They dropped their weapons, raised their hands and walked out of the bunker in despair, no matter how their superiors shouted, they could not stop…

  even after finding that scolding was useless, their superiors also raised their hands and walked out.

  Not only did the Killing Dagger fall into silence, but even Fang Chang and Lao Bai, who were far away in the temporary command center, were also stunned after hearing the news from the front line.

  This trump card that they had placed “high hopes” on…

  was actually surrendered like this?!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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