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Chapter 708: Retreating 100 kilometers is the bottom line of the ceasefire

Chapter 708: Retreating 100 kilometers is the bottom line of the ceasefire


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 708: One Hundred Kilometers of Retreat is the Bottom Line of the Ceasefire

  The battle at the Klaba Market was over. More than a thousand Grey Wolf soldiers all laid down their weapons and left the bunkers with their hands on their heads.

  They were covered in dirt and looked depressed. Most of them had wounds that had not yet scabbed over. There was no light in their eyes covered with dust.

  If they had lost to the Alliance, they would have felt better. However, looking at the militiamen who couldn’t even put together a complete set of clothes, they felt only shame.

  These militiamen drove them from the north of the Klaba Market to the east and stood in a long line at the entrance of the market.

  The survivors who were watching from a distance saw this scene, and their faces all showed a trace of disbelief.

  ”…Your Majesty’s army actually lost.”

  ”That was the invincible Grey Wolf…”

  ”And they actually lost to the Moon Clan.”

  In fact, it was not just the Moon Clan.

  It was just that the slaves in the Lowell camp were mainly Moon Clan people, so this militia team was naturally mainly Moon Clan people.

  The devout believers stared at the direction of the Klaba Market with their eyes wide open, muttering to themselves.

  ”God of the Sun.”

  This time, things might really change…

  Looking at the militia coming towards him, Captain Satish looked ashen, and after struggling for a while, he finally handed over his gun.

  The radio station had been seized, and it was meaningless for him to continue to resist.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that after the bare-armed man took over his gun, he took off the magazine and threw the gun back to him.

  ”Run east.”

  Satish was stunned.


  He was about to ask what he meant, but the man fired a shot at the front of his boots without saying a word, and the stones and dust that bounced up scared him.

  ”Are you crazy? ! ”

  Satish stared at him with wide eyes, asking silently, but he saw that the man in front of him didn’t seem to be joking, so he could only walk back in two steps and three steps, and then trotted.

  He ran from the center of the market to the east. No one stopped him until he saw the disarmed prisoners crowded at the east gate of the market. What

  on earth were they going to do? !

  Satish was filled with panic. It was obviously more terrifying to be uncertain about what was going to happen than to be captured.

  A group of “grey wolves” standing at the east gate of the market also looked at him dumbfounded. They obviously didn’t expect to be reunited with their superiors after being captured.

  The confusion of the group of people did not last long. A man carrying an LD-47 rifle walked up to them and pulled the trigger without saying a word, pointing the muzzle at the sky.

  ”Bang, bang, bang!”

  The prisoners crowded at the entrance of the market were like frightened birds. They were all startled by the sudden sound of gunfire and instinctively retreated. The survivors who were hiding in the distance and watching the excitement were also startled and hid back in their homes.

  The man looked at the group of prisoners with a grim smile, as if he was teasing a group of frightened sheep, pretending to aim the rifle with an empty magazine at them, and made a “thump thump” sound with his mouth.

  Looking at the crowd who were retreating in fear, he cleanly knocked off the empty magazine and replaced it with a new one, and then reloaded it with a click.

  What that action meant was self-evident –

  this time it was the real thing!

  There was no need for him to say a word. The panicked prisoners turned their heads and ran away with their backs to the direction of the Klaba Market.

  Bullets whizzed past their heads. The running prisoners had no time to think, or even to see if the people around them fell down. They just fled in a panic towards the outside of the settlement, driven by the gunshots of the group of stragglers.

  At the same time, Laxi, who was standing in the center of the Klaba Market, contacted Fang Chang, who was far away at the temporary command post at the port, through the headset hanging on his ear.

  ”According to your instructions, the captives are fleeing through the east gate toward the outside of the settlement. I have assigned a team of 100 to follow them.”

  An echo soon came from the communication channel.

  ”…Received, well done, I need you to take all the remaining people to the north of the settlement and wait for orders, our troops will support your attack there.”

  Although the plan was slightly off, there was still a way to remedy it.

  Confiscate the weapons of the captives and let them continue to run.

  At worst, they can be caught again when they run back to the position.

  Laxi said neatly.


  Although the intelligence showed that there was a whole team of 10,000 people waiting there, he was not afraid or timid at all.

  After the two battles he had experienced, he knew very well who was invincible, not the Gray Wolf Army, nor himself, but the “Iron Men” standing behind him.

  As long as those Iron Men were still standing behind him, there was nothing to be afraid of…

  After the communication ended, he immediately called a group of centurions under his command and ordered them to take their respective subordinates to advance toward the north of the settlement as planned.

  The Alliance provided them with not only various types of light weapons and ammunition, but also communication equipment for the ten-man team.

  It was precisely because of this that, although this group of guerrillas who had been put together temporarily were still very unfamiliar with combat experience, the communication barriers between the various levels of command had basically been broken, and the informationization rate was even higher than that of the Grey Wolf Army, whose radios were only sent to the hundred-man team.

  Even if the orders were not given clearly sometimes, it was just a matter of shouting a few more times. At

  least there would not be a situation where the centurion could not find his ten-man team, and the thousand-man commander did not know where his hundred-man team was.

  With just this one plug-in, their starting point was much stronger than many guerrillas, not to mention the automatic weapons shipped from the port… At

  the same time as the Avengers’ First Corps withdrew from the Kraba Market, a head was hiding behind the window on the second floor of a three-story house located south of the market center, and his eyes were nervously looking out through the gap in the curtains.

  Seeing that the thugs who occupied the market were evacuating, Prince Dilip slowly breathed a sigh of relief, not realizing that his back was soaked with cold sweat.

  It seems that the Sun Bull still favors him.

  Although he unfortunately lost this battle, fortunately these stupid traitors did not search the entire market, but rushed to other places.

  Not only that, the cowardly Captain Satish did not give himself away, allowing his existence to be concealed.


  he can take advantage of those people leaving and slip away without anyone noticing.

  The Alliance and those puppet troops don’t even know that they have been here…

  Prince Dilip left the window carefully and turned back to discuss the matter with the guards in the room who were holding their breath.

  However, before he could speak, he heard a flattering voice from downstairs.

  ”Yes, sir, it’s here…”


  North of Jinjialun Port.

  In a front-line position less than one kilometer away from the city, in an observation post covered with camouflage nets, the captain Manu was holding a telescope and staring at the direction of the distant city with a serious face.

  The bombardment of the settlement has stopped. In order to cover the retreat of the fool, they have wasted nearly 500 precious shells, but there is no movement in the silent city. He didn’t even see half a person.

  The adjutant standing next to him looked at him nervously.

  ”Prince Dilip won’t be in trouble?”

  Manu smiled coldly and said nothing.

  If that’s the case, it would be good.

  In comparison, he felt more distressed for the more than 5,000 brothers and sisters of the same tribe. They were all brave young men. Even if they had to die, they should die for meaningful things.

  I hope they can get out more…

  Just then, a group of figures suddenly appeared in the morning mist. They ran forward in a panic, and there seemed to be gunfire chasing them behind them.

  Manu’s pupils shrank, and he subconsciously moved forward a little closer. His index finger quickly adjusted the magnification of the telescope to see farther.

  ”It’s our people!”

  A hint of surprise appeared on his face, but he soon became alert again.


  There is a problem! There

  are too many people who broke out!

  Hundreds of possibilities flashed through his mind quickly, but no matter which possibility it was, he couldn’t imagine that the Alliance launched a counterattack against their position with less than a thousand troops.

  That was too magical!

  The “Iron Fist” rocket launcher provided by the Legion could even penetrate power armor!

  With some field artillery hidden in the position, the 100mm howitzer placed flat, and machine gun firepower, he was confident that he could stop the attack of the armored forces.

  But even though he didn’t believe it in his heart, he still made the worst plan and grabbed the walkie-talkie on the radio next to him and shouted.

  ”Attention, all units! Prepare for battle!!”

  The roar of calling for battle echoed in the radios one after another, and the piercing alarm bells also rang on the positions that were more than ten kilometers wide.

  The battle order was issued from the thousand-man team to the hundred-man team, and the soldiers hiding in the anti-artillery caves rushed into the trenches in groups of ten.

  Those heads wearing steel helmets were like mines buried in the earth pit, with shining bayonets hidden next to them.

  However, there was also a problem.

  The trenches were dug too deep!

  And it was not just a certain section that was deep, but every part of the entire front line that was more than ten kilometers wide, close to the front line. Only a few slopes blasted by artillery could reach the outside.

  But even so, it was very reluctant.

  Previously, these trenches were only used as shelters to limit artillery damage, and no one thought that the Alliance might fight out from the Golden Galleon Port.

  It was precisely because of this that no one cared about this insignificant little problem, and was even quite satisfied with this free trench.

  Now, almost all the imperial soldiers on the entire front line are facing an embarrassing problem –

  even if they jump up, they can’t see the people outside the trenches, let alone aiming their rifles at the target and firing.

  However, the machine guns and field artillery were not affected, and most of their bunkers were dug by the engineers themselves.

  But it was precisely because of this that their positions covered with camouflage nets were given special attention by the Alliance’s supporting firepower.

  Almost at the same time when the defeated army escaped from the settlement, a series of air-breaking sounds passed over the heads of the gray wolves in the trenches.

  Deafening roars resounded on the positions, and the raging shrapnel was like a storm, engulfing several positions with flashing gun flames in an instant.

  Looking at the artillery fire in front, the defeated soldiers who escaped from the city looked desperate, while the militiamen chasing behind them were greatly encouraged.

  They seemed to have seen the despair burning in the flames!

  What they once feared turned out to be such a vulnerable thing!

  Laxi felt as if a flame was burning in his chest, just like when he reached out to catch the pistol thrown at the crowd.

  That was the flame of ambition!

  The opportunity to become famous in one battle was right in front of him!

  He would become a new legend, and not just in the eyes of the Moon Clan.

  Those “Iron Men” had even paved all the way for him, and now all he had to do was just rush forward –

  he would defeat the so-called invincible gray wolf!

  ”Follow me and rush forward! Skin them! Tell those beasts who should stay in the cage!”

  He yelled at the top of his voice, his eyes full of excitement, and he raised the LD-47 rifle in his hand and fired forward.

  It looked like he had taken stimulants.

  Under the command of the roar, nearly 20,000 militiamen with white gauze wrapped around their arms charged towards the position outside the Golden Gallon Port.


  The shouts of killing shook the earth and mixed with the noisy gunfire and cannon fire.

  At the edge of the settlement, the [Prop Master] lying in the “King Crab” all-terrain infantry armor looked at the position where artillery fire roared in the distance, and a trace of envy appeared on his face.

  ”Oh my god, when will we do something big?”

  The [Sixth Old Man in the Corner] replied.

  ”It may be difficult to gather so many players.”

  The Prop Master laughed.

  ”It doesn’t necessarily need players.”

  The Sixth Old Man in the Corner looked at him in a daze.

  ”Are you going to die?”

  The two were chatting for a while when the voice of Brother Fang came from the communication channel.

  ”…What are you still hesitating about? Our friendly forces have already gone up. They now need the cover of armored units. Hurry up!”

  The two of them heard the words and immediately looked serious, and said in unison.


  At the same time when the temporary command issued the combat order, the alliance forces scattered on the north side of the settlement also launched an attack.

  Five “King Crab” armored tanks rushed towards the Grey Wolf Army’s position at full speed, firing as they moved forward. The two 20mm machine guns roared out long and thick tracers. The machine gun and field artillery positions were named one by one, and every firing was a bloody storm.

  It’s not just the “King Crab”. The same is true for the Alliance soldiers who followed the “King Crab”. Whether in terms of mobility, firepower or protection, they are more than one order of magnitude stronger than the Gray Wolf Army using the Legion’s obsolete equipment.

  As for the soldiers themselves, it goes without saying.

  Everyone standing here is an awakener of more than two times!

  The Gray Wolves buried in the trenches could only watch their own firepower points being disintegrated one by one without infantry cover. The rifles in their hands were like fire sticks and could not even pose a threat to the charging crowd.

  Some people climbed out of the trenches with great effort and tried to fight back with the Iron Fist rocket launcher, but the distance of nearly 200 meters was obviously beyond the effective range of this thing.

  Occasionally, one or two rockets sprang out from the side of the trench. I didn’t see what they hit, but the people carrying the rocket launcher were given special attention.

  The accumulated bullets pressed the Gray Wolf Army soldiers who tried to climb out of the bunker to fight back to the ground, and the continuous pouring of artillery fire suppressed the firepower of the rear support so much that they could not raise their heads.

  The eyes of Captain Manu standing at the observation post were red, half of them were angry and half of them were terrified.

  The Alliance’s armor was indeed terrible, but there were only five of them!

  As long as they could stop the charging cannon fodder, it would be impossible for the Alliance’s troops of less than a thousand to break through his position!

  However, what made him sweat anxiously was that the soldiers in the distant positions seemed to have their knees sawed off, and they buried their heads in the trenches one by one and refused to come out.

  Finally, he couldn’t bear it anymore, so he grabbed the walkie-talkie on the radio and yelled at the captain who was commanding the battle at the front line.

  ”What are your people doing! Those animals are about to rush into your faces, and you are still shrinking in the trenches, fire!”

  The noisy sound of artillery fire and gunfire came along with the radio, and the captain’s voice was trembling.

  ”Sir… my soldiers said that it’s not that they don’t want to fire, but that the trenches are too deep and they can’t see outside at all.”

  Hearing this, Manu almost spit out a mouthful of blood on the radio and cursed.

  ”Why didn’t you say it earlier?!”

  It was too late to say anything now.

  The cannon fire had stopped.

  The cannon fodders who had fought their way out of the city had chased the fleeing soldiers who had broken through the siege and had rushed to the frontline position under his command.

  At first, a fierce exchange of fire broke out between the two sides, but as several grenades exploded in the trenches, the Grey Wolf soldiers who couldn’t even stick their heads out quickly gave up their meaningless struggles and threw the useless fire sticks out of the trenches under the shouts and scolding of the cannon fodders.

  Cheers of victory resounded on the battlefield, but unfortunately they were cheers from the enemy.

  The collapsed defense line was like an avalanche, and the trenches were like falling dominoes, captured by the cannon fodders who were unstoppable.

  Manu’s eyes were wide open, his bloodless lips were as white as paper, and his hand holding the telescope wished he could crush the tube.

  He saw it with his own eyes.

  The pride of the empire came out of the trenches in droves, their heads covered in dust and their hands in their hands.


  It was a great shame!

  His men were being captured in an organized way!

  And they were being captured by a group of newly formed cannon fodder troops!

  Since the establishment of the Grey Wolf Army, there has never been such an outrageous thing!

  Seeing that the situation was hopeless and there was no possibility of a comeback, Manu closed his eyes in despair.

  At this time, his adjutant rushed into the observation post, panting and saying.

  ”Sir, the soldiers of the alliance have rushed up! It will be too late if we don’t leave now. Let’s retreat quickly!”

  Manu opened his eyes, and the turbid pupils no longer had the previous spirited spirit, as if he had suddenly aged by dozens of years.

  ”You go.” Looking at the anxious adjutant, he said in a trembling voice.

  The adjutant was stunned.

  ”Then you–”

  Before he could ask, his respected superior had already drawn his pistol, pointed it at his chin, and answered with action.


  The red and white were all smeared on the camouflage net covering the observation post, as well as the glory he had achieved in the past forty years.

  Although he would not die if he lost the battle, nor would he be captured.

  But he no longer had the face to continue living…


  The battle outside the Golden Gallon Port settlement was completely over.

  During this period, the Gray Wolf Army in the rear tried to launch several counterattacks, and even dispatched their only motorized troops and modified vehicles, but in front of the mechanized troops of the Alliance, those rags were not even toys.

  Power players equipped with power armor or exoskeletons could even stand and shoot with a 37mm “heavy cavalry gun”.

  In this sense, although they did not have the size and defense of a tank, they were no different from ordinary infantry fighting vehicles.

  The “Chimera” wheeled infantry fighting vehicle of the Skeleton Corps had a barrel caliber of only 37mm, and even the same ammunition.

  After leaving behind nearly a thousand corpses, the reinforcement troops who rushed to the front were forced to retreat in a panic, and a strange scene appeared on the battlefield – tens of thousands of people were chased by less than a thousand people, until the supporting artillery on the Yongliu River bombarded them, and the latter stopped chasing.

  The artillery positions at the port fired a round of smoke screens at the captured front-line positions, covering the third and fourth hundred-man teams that had entered the enemy’s hinterland and the militia led by Laxi to withdraw to the settlement in batches.

  What greeted them

  was the cheers of the local survivors.

  ”Fuck… Are we fighting in Dawn City or in Golden Gallon Port?!” Lost Mengxin had a surprised expression on his face, especially when he took a bouquet of flowers from a girl in a long skirt, he almost subconsciously took out money.

  Most of the survivors living in the suburbs were poor people with no clothes to wear, and those who had a clean piece of clothing were at least middle- and upper-class citizens.

  In other words, the survivors cheering for their triumphant return were not just the poor people in the suburbs who had received money, but also the citizens who had come over on

  their own accord. Under normal circumstances, they would never leave the area where they live at will. In

  addition to the bouquets of flowers, there were also flower crowns and wreaths, and even more exciting hugs and sudden kisses, which made the players feel embarrassed. The

  different classes of people here seemed to be completely different in their conservativeness. Seeing that the iron men seemed embarrassed to refuse, some passionate girls became more and more bold, and some even left their addresses in their ears during the brief few seconds of flowers and hugs…

  They were much more reserved towards the militiamen with white gauze wrapped around their arms. Perhaps because they were too familiar with them, or perhaps because of their faith or some bad rumors, although they were also very enthusiastic, they only threw petals at them.

  Laxi, who was walking in the militia, did not care at all about the “favoritism” of the survivors in the settlement.

  When it comes to “iron man worship”, none of the survivors who lined the streets to welcome him can compare with him. After all, he knows better than anyone how this victory came about and who gave him his power.

  The other militiamen were the same. On the contrary, some people who had been slaves for a long time were flattered by the petals thrown to them.

  They clearly remembered how much these people looked down on them before, and the eyes looking at them at this moment were clearly filled with fear and admiration.

  This spiritual pleasure simply surpassed all enjoyment.

  Many people have not finished their journey yet, but they are already looking forward to the next battle…

  In order to enjoy the support and cheers of the people for a while longer, and to share the joy of victory with his subordinates, Lacy specifically ordered his subordinates to walk slower.

  This undoubtedly prolonged the torture and suffering of the nearly 10,000 prisoners caught in the team.

  People threw saliva, mud and even sharp stones at them instead of flower petals.

  Their hands and feet were tied with a rope, and they could not dodge at all, or even raise their arms to block, and could only let the mess hit their faces and chests.

  Some people fell to the ground, and a group of nine people fell to the ground together, and then they were roughly pulled up by the militiamen who were holding them.

  Numbness, humiliation and despair were engraved on every face.

  Especially when the stones and mud thrown by the survivors were thrown at them, they were not only angry, but also incomprehensible and confused.

  Why did these people treat them like this?

  They were clearly ordered by His Majesty to rescue them…

  Why don’t they be good people, but must they become dogs of the Alliance?


  Inside the temporary command center of the port.

  Looking down at the good brothers who were cheering and welcoming them through the drone, most of the old players had expressions of envy and jealousy.

  Good guys!

  They commanded and dispatched for a long time, and these guys were so good at pretending.

  If they had known that the opponent was so bad, they would have worn their equipment and fought together!

  Staring at the screen in silence for a long time, Lao Bai suddenly couldn’t help but say.

  ”Don’t these people have any sense of shame?”

  Fang Chang said concisely.

  ”They don’t have the concept of a country. Like most survivor settlements in the wasteland, the concepts that are too advanced for the people here are not only ‘equality’, but also many other things. This so-called empire is actually more like a Brown Farm with a slightly larger area and a slightly larger population.”

  After all, this is not any country or region in reality. Using the experience of the real world to analyze it is like using “watermelon is round, bananas and watermelons are both fruits” to deduce that “bananas are also round.”

  According to the public settings on the official forum, long before entering the prosperous era, this planet had already lost its traditional boundaries and achieved a united civilization.

  Rather than saying that this is an empire that imitates the Legion to promote racism, it is better to say that this is a theocratic empire that borrowed an outdated textbook from the prosperous era as a Bible and borrowed some theories from the Willant people.

  Obviously, the rulers here are a group of “smart” guys. They collected the original text of “Animal World”, improved and packaged it, and gave birth to a set of “Thousands of Races and Thousands of Gods” such a weird theory.

  In name, thousands of gods protect the Borneo Province, but in fact, the totem poles are tied with iron chains. What protected Borneo Province for two hundred years was not the “Animal World” at all, but a naturally existing mountain range and a desert left over from the war, and perhaps some strange gadgets left by the first generation of survivors.

  According to Ms. Han’s research, the Sun-Carrying Bull was not always the head of the gods. Before that, it seemed to be a moon god similar to the Silver Moon Goddess in the Luoxia Province pantheon. This is also the most direct reason why the Moon Clan suddenly fell from the top of the pyramid and became “untouchables”.

  Under such circumstances, it is unrealistic to expect the survivors of Jingalon Port to offer loyalty to the Emperor like the survivors of Dawn City. They are a group of well-tamed sheep. Fang Chang knew from the first time he met Laxi that these people only wagged their tails to those who looked stronger and bared their teeth to those who looked weaker.

  Not to mention that the Grey Wolf Army launched an artillery attack on the city to cover the retreat of friendly forces, which completely pushed the local survivors to the opposite side.

  Now those captured drowned dogs have been stripped of their equipment. It would be a miracle to expect the locals to have a good face for them.

  Lao Bai shook his head.

  Not wanting to think about such a complicated problem, he went straight to the point.

  ”The reinforcements from Tiandu have been defeated, and the three-stage combat plan has been completed. What’s next?”

  This war was really boring, especially when he saw from the drone that a division of the opposite side was chased by their two companies.

  In the River Valley Province, the raiders were more capable than them.

  Fang Chang said in a gentle tone.

  ”One accident is not enough, but three consecutive surprises, I think, are enough to make the arrogant local emperor sober… if he doesn’t want to lose all his elite troops in a gamble that he can’t win.”

  This battle was won thoroughly. It

  even exceeded his expectations.

  In addition to the 1,241 people killed in the battle, nearly 10,000 people surrendered, and the 10,000th team of the Grey Wolf Army was captured as a whole!

  Some people were even captured twice in one day, once in the Klaba market in the settlement, and once in the position outside the settlement.

  In addition to the captured personnel, there were also weapons, ammunition and supplies left in the position, all of which were moved back by the militia of the First Corps of the Avengers.

  And those that could not be moved were also set on fire.

  After this battle, the Grey Wolf Army has completely lost the ability to continue attacking the Golden Gallon Port. And the lifeblood of that Wu Tuo Xilan was also in their hands.

  As for the prince named Dilip, it was a good sign.

  ”Don’t let anything unexpected happen again.” Lao Bai joked in a relaxed tone, “Those guys never play by the rules.”

  Fang Chang smiled confidently and said,

  ”Impossible, it can be seen that Wu Tuo is a layman in all fields, but only one field is his specialty. And now, this failure is no longer a crisis in the military and diplomatic fields for him, but a political issue concerning the authority of the royal family.”

  Perhaps it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to go upstream along the Yongliu River and enter Tiandu in one fell swoop. The empire might disintegrate because of this.

  But he had to seriously consider the advice of the administrator – do not take the initiative to escalate the situation.

  Once the empire falls apart and the province of Borneo becomes a situation of tribal chaos, not only will the legions take the opportunity to expand their influence in the region, but some dirty things will also take advantage of the chaos. And if the mess cannot be cleaned up in the end, the alliance will also lose the favor of some neutral forces.

  This is obviously not worth the loss.

  The emperor may not be sensible, but the “vassals” of the administrator must be sensible.

  Moreover, even if they have the ability to break through the empire, they have to consider the legions that are eyeing them, the “Congress of the United Nations” that is taking place in the distance, and the Torch that is brewing a world-class threat.

  Just as everyone’s idle chatter turned from the entire battle itself to post-war reconstruction and whether to publish a survivors’ daily report here, the radio station of the command center suddenly received a strange telegram.

  Fang Chang took the telegram and glanced at it quickly, then smiled and handed it to Lao Bai.

  ”See what I said?”

  Reaching out to take the telegram, Lao Bai caught a glimpse of the title at the beginning before he even read the content on it, and almost laughed out loud. ”

  Notice of Ceasefire from the Empire to the Alliance”

  ”That Wu Tuo is really too concerned about his reputation.”

  Fang Chang took the telegram back without caring.

  ”It doesn’t matter. The key point is to draw the ceasefire line first. Port Jingalon and its surrounding areas are already under our actual control.”

  ”As for apologies and compensation, we can talk about it slowly. Anyway, it doesn’t matter even if we can’t reach an agreement. It’s just convenient for us to support local forces and reconstruction.”

  After that, he looked at the NPC communicator who delivered the telegram and gave instructions.

  ”Reply to them.”

  ”Retreat one hundred kilometers is the bottom line of the ceasefire!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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