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Chapter 709: Not bad, my son has made progress

Chapter 709: Not bad, my son has made progress

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 709 Good, my son has made it in


  The Imperial Palace of Xilan Empire.

  After living here for a few days, he didn’t even see the shadow of a soldier. McLen felt a little bored, so he dragged his adjutant around here.

  The adjutant’s name was Aaron. He was a civil servant with a resume of working in the Ministry of the Interior. His military rank was a thousand-man captain. About three years ago, he was sent to the Borneo Province to manage the interests of the Triumph City Civil Service Group in the local area. His understanding of the situation here was almost the same as that of the locals.

  When passing by a side hall of the palace, McLen saw a group of young men and women in luxurious clothes surrounding a sand table.

  The sand table was about ten square meters, with some wooden carved chess pieces on it. They were all tigers, leopards, jackals, birds and beasts with bared fangs and claws, and were pushed by two servants holding long poles.

  Seeing this, McLen couldn’t help but ask curiously.

  ”What is this?”

  ”War chess.”

  ”…Where are the soldiers?”

  ”The beasts on the chessboard are soldiers. Snakes eat mice, eagles eat snakes, lions and tigers are afraid of elephants, cattle under the scorching sun are omnipotent, and mice in the dark are invisible…” Seeing McLen’s strange face, Aaron laughed and pointed out the way, “Don’t underestimate this thing. It actually reflects the political philosophy and spiritual world of the survivors here.” After

  a pause, he continued.

  ”In addition, a standard chessboard must have twelve square meters, and the total weight of the chess pieces is six tons. It is not affordable for rich people. As for the assessment chessboard set under the steps of the side hall of the palace, it is even more amazing. It has a total of 3,300 square meters and a total of 1,000 chess pieces as tall as a person. I have been here for so many years, but I haven’t figured out how to play it.”


  ”It is mainly to select some military talents.”

  McLen’s eyebrows twitched and asked with a smile.

  ”Do they use this thing to select generals?”

  ”Partly, yes. At least a six-ton ​​chessboard can eliminate a considerable number of poor guys.”

  ”What about the rest?”

  ”This is our contribution,” Aaron continued with a beaming face. “We recovered some equipment left behind by the expeditionary army in Luoxia Province through the outlet of Silver Moon Bay. It only took less than 30 million dinars to help them build a professional army, and this army is now the trump card of the entire Borneo Province.”

  Hearing the word “expeditionary army”, McLen’s mouth twitched unconsciously.

  While talking, the noble children surrounding the chessboard also noticed the two people passing by and stopped discussing.

  One of them, a young man who looked of high status, stepped forward and nodded respectfully.

  ”Mr. McLen, good afternoon.”

  McLen looked at the greasy guy for a while.

  ”Who are you?”

  Seeing that the Willant man was talking to him, the man’s face suddenly showed a happy expression and continued.

  ”I am Manish, the second son of the Saisan family. I have heard of the general’s reputation for a long time. I wonder if I can learn from you about the art of using troops.”

  Aaron whispered beside McLen.

  ”He is the champion of the last exam and a disciple of Prince Dilip. If you are interested in their war games, it would be a good idea to let him teach you the rules.”

  McLen glanced at the young man, then suddenly grinned, said nothing, and walked away with his hands behind his back.

  Aaron followed him quickly.

  The nobles were not offended by the rudeness of the Willant people, but were happy, especially the young man who came forward to ask for advice.

  ”He just smiled at me.” Manish turned around and boasted to his companions.

  The young men and women in front of the sand table smiled and complimented him.

  ”General McLen must have seen the shadow of a five-star commander in you!”

  ”Sir Manish, you will definitely become a better general than your teacher.” A young girl wearing an emerald green dress and brown curly hair braided in a braid held her hands in front of her chest and said with shining eyes.

  Listening to the compliments of his friends, Manish smiled and raised his hands, pretending to be modest.

  ”Thank you.”

  ”I am still far from Prince Dilip…”


  The corridor of the side hall.

  Aaron, who was chasing after McLen, said helplessly.

  ”Can’t you treat them a little better? They are our nominal friends after all, and if you want to see your army as soon as possible, it is actually a good idea to build good relations with these princes and nobles. That Wu Tuo has been consciously cultivating the military literacy of the royal children.”

  McLen said indifferently.

  ”I am just communicating with them in the way they like. Don’t you find that they respect me more when I do this?”

  At first, he also reflected on whether he was a little too much.

  Especially when he thought of the survivors in the River Valley Province who died for their leader without hesitation, he was shocked.

  Respecting others can gain respect from others. Perhaps the attitude of the Weilant people towards other races is indeed a bit too arrogant.


  it is meaningless to do this here.

  Everyone here is thinking about how to use the authority in their hands to the extreme, and at the same time, to make up for the dignity trampled by the superiors from those who are lower than themselves. He saw with his own eyes that a duke asked out a count’s wife in person at a dinner party, and the count smiled and sent the two to the funny sedan chair, and then turned around and took the hand of another baroness. The

  entire Tiandu court is like a connected centipede. Some people are obviously wearing clean and tidy clothes, but they are more dirty than those who have no clothes to wear.

  Although he himself is not a good person, he has no interest at all when he thinks about joining this centipede.

  He has never been so pure and unselfish.

  At this moment, the communicator on Aaron’s wrist suddenly flashed. He immediately took out his earphones and put them on, and then his face changed.

  McLen was about to ask what happened, but he saw the familiar and thick beard, surrounded by a group of servants, walking quickly towards this side. It was

  completely different from when they first met. The angular face was full of panic, and the stumbling steps were like stepping on a single-plank bridge. There was only confusion and panic in the deep eye sockets.

  He was not wrong. It was cruel and cunning with strong appearance.

  Before Aaron could open his mouth to greet, the emperor of the Xilan Empire said first.

  ”General, save me!”

  Looking at Wu Tuo who was holding his arm tightly, McLen took a half step back in astonishment.

  ”What’s wrong with you?”

  Wu Tuo let go of his hand and hastily tidied up his appearance, but he still couldn’t hide the panic in his eyes. After a while of wandering, he said,

  ”… Let’s talk about it somewhere else.”


  Moving from the side hall to the meeting room in the backyard, Wu Tuo finally told the whole story in detail.

  In fact, when he first described the story, he was covering up, such as downplaying the cause of the incident, exaggerating the barbarity and rudeness of the alliance after landing in Jin Gallon Port, and being unreasonable in responding to the ceasefire agreement, etc.

  However, Aaron has his own intelligence system in the local area, not to mention that many people in the Gray Wolf Army were trained by them, so they naturally understand what the whole story is.

  Of course, the whole story is never the most important thing. The real key is how to solve the problem.

  Looking at the frightened emperor, Aaron coughed lightly and tried to comfort him.

  ”Please don’t panic, Your Majesty. I have a rough idea of ​​what happened… The Alliance’s reaction is indeed a bit out of line.”

  ”Out of line?!” Wu Tuo’s eyes widened, and he punched the armrest of the wooden chair angrily. “Golden Gallon Port is our most important seaport on the east coast, and there are millions of imperial citizens living there! You actually said this is out of line!”

  McLen played with the teacup on the table, not even looking at him.

  This guy can still sit here and yell. It seems that the Alliance really has no plan to expand the scale of the war, so he is naturally not as worried as when he first came here.

  If this guy drags him to escape, he can’t say whether he will panic.

  Aaron, who was sitting next to him, said to comfort him.

  ”Don’t get excited, Your Majesty… Have a cup of tea and calm down first.”

  He knew that this guy was not worried about the one million animals that could survive by eating dirt, but the gold stored in the port.

  Five hundred million dinars is indeed not a small amount.

  However, it is unlikely that this money is still in the port. There is no point in getting angry about something that has been lost. It is better to find a way to do something meaningful with the money that has been spent.

  For example, paying compensation.

  At least in his opinion, it is impossible to turn the tables with the current strength of the empire. The more he struggles, the stronger the opponent’s hand on his throat will be.

  Wu Tuo took a sip of the teacup and put it heavily on the table, as if he had vented the last breath of anger.

  Seeing that the frequency of his chest rise and fall had slowed down, Aaron slowly and methodically said all the words he had prepared.

  ”First of all, please accept this ceasefire agreement.”

  The meeting room was quiet.

  There was silence between the three people.

  McLen raised his eyebrows and glanced at Aaron, then retracted his gaze and silently played with the teaspoon next to the teacup.

  Wu Tuo stared at Aaron blankly, then glanced at McLen who didn’t look at him at all, and then looked at Aaron again and said.

  ”…Where are your troops?”

  Aaron took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and said softly.

  ”Each legion has its own battle plan. They hate unexpected arrangements, and it’s easy to invite them, but it’s hard to send them away.”

  Wu Tuo stared at him with wide eyes.

  ”Aren’t we the closest friends?!”

  Aaron looked back at him in surprise, as if he was surprised why he asked such a question.

  ”Your Majesty, of course we are, so we provide you with solutions to the problem, rather than letting things develop in the worst direction… Marshal does not want this regional conflict to evolve into a full-scale war, and you don’t want to see those people put all the planes, tanks and cannons on the shore, forgive me for being frank, they are actually more restrained than when they were in Luoxia Province.”

  ”But, Jin Gallen Port…” Wu Tuo was so anxious that he almost cried, holding the armrests of the chair tightly with both hands, like a child whose toys were taken away, “If we retreat a hundred kilometers, what if they continue to advance?!”

  General McLen, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke.

  ”Don’t worry about this, they will retreat, at least to the vicinity of the port. But from what I know about them, they may do some tricks, just like in the Falcon Kingdom.”

  Aaron looked at McLen curiously, as if he didn’t know what happened there.

  ”For example?”

  McLen said casually.

  ”They set up a citizen self-government committee to check the power of the nobles. It’s difficult to explain. You can ask Captain Cohen, who replaced General Krass and is now the governor of Luoxia Province.”

  Aaron continued to look at Wu Tuo, who looked desperate. Just now, he seemed to be just trying to use McLen’s mouth to say something.

  ”You also heard that it is unrealistic to expect the alliance to withdraw honestly. No matter how many times they flush the shit, it will not be clean. My suggestion is… set up a buffer zone in Jingalon Port, retain their sovereignty, but exclude them from the empire. This will at least prevent the dirty things they leave from impacting your authority.”

  After a pause, Aaron looked at the ashen-faced Emperor and continued.

  ”Of course, we understand the importance of the Golden Gallon Port to you. The empire’s finances depend on the gold contributed by that port, but gold is not the only valuable thing. If you don’t mind, we can help you build a similar port on the west coast of the Borneo Province, which is closer to Triumph City, and even help you develop some heavy industries that the empire lacks… Of course, in order to make the plan go better, we need some independent decision-making power in the local area.”

  Wu Tuo looked at him and said in a trance.

  ”…What’s the point? What I need is an army, not a craftsman.”

  ”I know what you need is an army, and we give you that kind of thing,” Aaron said with a smile, “Do you know why the Alliance can chase you around with just a few hundred people? Because they have something you don’t have… Their factories can produce rifles and cannons in batches. As long as you have factories, you are no worse than them.”

  To be honest, there are already enough slaves in Triumph City, especially those Willant people who have recently returned from the east after losing a battle are also thinking about how to make their lives better.

  After all, no matter how fast a slave fanned himself, he could not catch up with an electric fan or air conditioner, and physiological needs were something that could be easily satisfied.

  Although the Legion had some factories producing consumer goods in addition to factories producing weapons, their share of the total industrial output was very low, so the cost remained high. Most of the consumption was by officers, and it was difficult to benefit everyone like in the ideal city. It

  might be a good idea to let the province of Borneo help solve some of the low-end industries.

  There are both resources and manpower here. Even if the price of consumer goods in Kaixuan City can be reduced by 1%, the interest groups behind him can make a lot of money.

  By the way, this less intelligent younger brother can be armed a little bit, which can be said to be a happy ending.

  Wu Tuo fell into deep thought.

  After a long time, he loosened his ten fingers that were tightly grasping the armrest and nodded hesitantly.

  ”I’ll think about it…”

  Aaron knew that he was already tempted, but such a big thing had to be discussed with his officials and relatives for a while.

  But what constructive suggestions can those yes-men give?

  At most, they can help him to revise the grammar of the edict, so that a matter that was originally very embarrassing can be said in a different way, so that it will not be so embarrassing.

  So he was not in a hurry and said patiently.

  ”We are waiting for your good news… But to be honest, other things can be delayed first, and the ceasefire agreement should be handled as soon as possible. You are already at a disadvantage and cannot be reversed in the short term, so the longer it is delayed, the better it is for them.”

  Wu Tuo nodded slightly, got up and left the meeting room.

  The back figure looked lonely no matter how you look at it.

  The room became quiet.

  Looking at McLen who was sitting beside him in silence, Aaron smiled on his serious face and leaned back in his chair comfortably.

  ”We did nothing, but we got no less than our opponents.”

  Seeing that the nominal commander was speechless, he continued to speak complacently.

  ”See what I said? If you want to have a good relationship with them, you can never be more anxious than them.”

  McLen coughed lightly and reminded.

  ”But at least Bicester Town is outside the Falcon Kingdom, and we haven’t lost an inch of land.”

  Aaron shrugged and said with a smile.

  ”Who cares, they are not our vassals, but our friends.”


  Bad news always spreads faster than good news.

  Within a few days, the news of the Gray Wolf Army’s defeat on the front line was reported back to Tiandu, causing panic among the people of Tiandu.

  Some people said that the entire Gray Wolf Army was captured, while others said that the captured troops were actually a 10,000-man army, and the remaining four 10,000-man army still had the strength to fight.

  But no matter what, this group of greyhounds has completely disgraced the royal family, fighting the stupidest battle with the most expensive equipment.

  General Alayyang has also changed from a god of war admired by thousands of people to a clown spitted on by thousands of people. Some wolf boys and girls angrily threw his propaganda portraits out of their homes, but some rat and snake people picked them up and used them as clothing materials.

  The rumors spread more and more outrageous. I don’t know who said that the alliance planned to go up the river and fight all the way to Tiandu. It really scared a lot of people. The entrance of the settlement was crowded with fleeing carriages and ox carts.

  Fortunately, His Majesty’s edict was issued in time, and those rubbish who swarmed out of the city were called back, and all the rumors were clarified.

  […Due to climatic reasons, the suppression of bandits was not smooth, and the Grey Wolf Army was allowed to turn westward 100 kilometers and rebuild the defense line in the mountains and forests east of the Thousand Pillars City. It is necessary to dig deep trenches and build bunkers for defense.

  In addition, the Tiger Army and the Black Panther Army will bring 100,000 people to the front line in the north and south respectively, and form a three-sided attack with the Gray Wolf Army to encircle the enemy.

  At present, the banditry in Jinjialun Port is surging, and the people of the empire must not go there unless necessary. 】

  The edict seems to say everything, and it seems to say nothing, but it still makes two points clear-the “enemies of the empire” will not continue to advance westward, and 300,000 troops are already on the front line, ready to deal a devastating blow to the enemy at any time.

  The upper-class citizens and nobles know a little about what happened. His Majesty’s self-righteous decision has attracted the revenge of the alliance.

  As for the middle and lower-class citizens and most of the poor, they call the enemies from the sea “iron men”, and their attitudes are also strange and different. Some are curious, and some are indifferent, but most of them are mainly cursed.

  Originally, it was only His Majesty and the nobles he canonized who were riding on their heads. Now, there is another “iron lump” pressing on His Majesty’s shoulders.

  The order of honor and inferiority went down one more level, and the people who were already humble to the dust could only look down on themselves even more.

  However, in Jingalon Port, it was a completely different picture.

  The nobles and citizens welcomed and flattered these “iron men” to the extent that the “iron men” felt embarrassed.

  As for the poor people, they were relatively conservative.

  Except for those who were paid for digging trenches, demolishing houses and leading the way, they were secretly delighted and lined the streets to welcome them. The rest of the people were not only terrified and flattering, but also mostly indifferent and indifferent.

  People who eat dirt are still eating dirt, and there is no change. And those who can eat beans for a few meals are complaining about the rise in feed prices. The price of a pound of black beans finally broke ten in hesitation. Life is really getting harder and harder…


  ”Wasteland OL” official website.

  Today’s forum is as lively as ever.

  Since the mutant slime mold nest in Qingquan City was resolved, the slime community meeting has made more and more progress under the chairmanship of the administrator. With the establishment of two save points in Binghai City in the Far North and Yunxia City in the Far East, many players have tasted the sweetness of map development and brought back distant stories and information from there to the official website. However,

  compared with those fragmentary observations on the road, the big news made by the Burning Corps in the Borneo Province is naturally much more exciting.

  Five hundred people took down a settlement with a population of more than one million.

  The population of this settlement is almost more than the total population of the Alliance!

  As usual, today it is still Brother Fang who brings a new day of fun to the friends who are moving bricks, playing ash, going to the book, and brushing ruins in the Valley Province.

  Fang Chang: “Telegram from the imperial capital! They agreed to retreat 100 kilometers, but also mentioned that they would send more soldiers to the front line unless we completely withdraw from the Borneo Province. In addition, they asked us not to leave the Golden Gallon Port, either return to the sea or stay in the settlement. This is their bottom line, otherwise the temporary ceasefire agreement will be invalid. As for the specific ceasefire agreement, it will be discussed and signed by Duke Galawa who is in Dawn City.”

  Quit smoking: “What the hell?”

  Tail: “Huh!?”

  Night Ten: “Good guy, are these guys so brave? (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Can this be tolerated?!”

  Irena: “I definitely can’t tolerate it. When the airport is built, we will beat them! (Funny)”

  The post was covered with dozens of floors in an instant, and the whole forum was filled with a happy atmosphere.

  A few people were posting in the post, and most people were fanning the flames, instigating them to fight all the way west to Tiandu and capture the old emperor alive.

  Some people just wanted to watch the excitement and wanted to join in the fun at the front line.

  Midnight with an umbrella but no knife: “Iron juice, do you need mercenaries? My garbage man is too greedy. (crying)”

  Debt Big Eyes: “Brother, look at me, I didn’t raise that idiot, I mainly want to help the local survivors who are suffering. (funny)”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “???”

  I Want to Be Quiet: “Be a human being. (sweat)”

  Fang Chang: “Calm down, we are civilized people, we still have to abide by the rules, we know how to fight and where to fight.”

  Fountain Commander: “Actually, I think it’s okay even if you don’t follow the last one, anyway, they can’t see it, and if they see it, they probably pretend not to see it. (squinting smile)”

  That’s more like a harsh word to save the face of the empire.

  Just like the previous “notice”.

  Lao Bai: “We think so too, but we don’t plan to make trouble for the time being. Jingalon Port is in a mess now, from the Governor’s Mansion to the Klaba Market in the north of the city, there are ruins everywhere. We plan to rebuild part of the city, buy some industries and so on, and then support a local force to take over the municipal and police agencies… At present, Brother Fang Chang is doing this, I don’t know much about it, and players who are interested in life professions can ask him. (grin)”

  Fang Chang: “Well, the land characteristics of French Fry Port are not suitable for industrial development. The maintenance cost of industrial facilities is too high, but the planting industry can get a growth acceleration BUFF. Especially some tropical and subtropical crops, the feedback from local residents shows that the growth is encouraging. Therefore, we adjusted the initial plan and planned to put the secondary industry in Jinjialun Port, and focus on the primary industry along the Baiyue Strait. ”

  Knife spares life: “Good guy! DNA moved! (Funny)”

  Ward foot foot who Levin: “Do you need us to build a Laiyang branch!” ”

  Old White: “You must welcome it. There are many minerals here, but the electricity bill may be a bit expensive. (Grinning teeth)”

  Borneo Province is rich in mineral resources. A large amount of garbage generated by the de-urbanization movement more than two centuries ago has either rusted and weathered, or buried in the soil layer or under the mountain.

  Resources will not disappear out of thin air, but will exist in a different form. For example, “mines” similar to the Red River Alliance are everywhere in Borneo Province.

  In addition, there are abundant human resources in the local area. Although the education rate is a bit low, some labor-intensive industries do not actually require a high education threshold.

  Fang Chang: “…We are not in a hurry for heavy industry. We plan to start with the textile industry. I checked the import and export accounts of the port. Textiles are one of the main export goods here. There is no shortage of raw materials or workers. Production equipment can also be bought in Boulder City and Dawn City. It is not too troublesome to transport it through Silver Moon Bay.”

  Teng Teng: “By the way, the electricity resources there are very scarce. I’m afraid we have to use foot-operated sewing machines…By the way, do we still have those things here? (Confused)”

  Ye Shi: “Of course we have them. Why are there electrification in the prisoner-of-war camps? Dawn City has just replaced kerosene lamps with electric lights. It’s only been a few months. (Funny)”

  Sisi: “Ahem, although I’m not an expert, I think you should consider the local people’s food problem first. The fertile soil of Jingalon Port is mostly used to grow cash crops such as cotton, sugar cane, and spices. The staple food of the locals is mainly imported from the plains in the west through the inland port of Yongliu River… If this goes on, they may have to eat dirt every meal.”

  Tail: “Oh! Tail thinks so too! That dirt is too bad, it almost sent me away last time. (`-д-;)ゞ”

  Quit Smoking: “Fuck, have you eaten it? !”

  WC Really has mosquitoes: “Irena: I lost. (funny)”

  Irena: “Although I’m angry, I feel that I’ll lose if I refute at this time. (funny angry limited.jpg)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Hahahaha.”

  Fang Chang: “We will pay attention to this issue. We have discovered the problem of general increase in bean prices in the past two days. At this stage, we are considering importing some food from Silver Moon Bay to solve short-term problems. In the medium and long term, it should be feasible to replace some cash crops in the plantation with corn fields or rice fields.”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “By the way, what about the more than 10,000 prisoners? How do you plan to deal with them?”

  Fang Chang: “I was about to say that the Empire hopes that we will return those people as soon as possible, for the sake of more than 10,000 families behind them. However, we plan to postpone the release of the prisoners until the formal signing of the ceasefire agreement. During this period, we may arrange for them to do some work, such as the Kraba Market renovation project or something. We can’t support so many people for nothing.”

  Fountain Commander: ” Labor reform is indeed a good idea. Who knows, maybe they can take some things back home. (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “I hope so. But to be honest, I don’t have much hope for the self-consciousness of the locals. The few guys who are worth training are all warlord-like talents. If they take a step forward spiritually, they can probably reach the early days of Boulder City. If they take a step back, they will be pure plunderers. And don’t even mention assimilating them. If they stay there for a long time, they may become like Big Eyes and lose all their moral integrity.”

  Debt Big Eyes: “Fuck, they got shot even when they were lying down?” “

  Tail: “Got it! I’ll tell Dolly right now, and then take advantage of the opportunity to take away the lovely Miss Dolly! ヾ(ゞ)”

  Sisi: “? ? ?”

  Fang Chang: “Haha, if you can do it, just try it. I’m still quite confident in myself… By the way, Awei, where are the people you let go from the port area before? Is there any way to contact them?” “

  Tail: “Oh, Sisi left them a radio. If they haven’t broken it, there should be no problem! By the way, do you have anything to do with them? ”

  Fang Chang: “Well, we want to invite them to have a chat.”

  Just as the players were chatting enthusiastically, Chu Guang, who was sitting on the B4 floor of Shelter No. 404, drinking Coke and peeking at the screen, also had a face full of relief and emotion.

  A long time ago, when the Corps system just came out, he had imagined that players would use the Corps as a collective to spontaneously spread the seeds of civilization.

  Although they were still a little unfamiliar with it, and their motives and starting points might not be completely consistent with his own, it was still similar.

  He knew very well that it was not advisable to have both, and the result of being too controlling and wanting everything was often that nothing was obtained.

  He only expected one thing from these players, and at present, they were doing very well and were improving little by little.

  Chu Guang extended his index finger with relief and rubbed Xiao Qi’s little head.

  ”Not bad, my son has made progress.”

  Xiao Qi: “……??? ”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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