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Chapter 71 Cleaning up the battlefield

Chapter 71 Cleaning up the battlefield


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 71 Cleaning up the battlefield

  North gate of the outpost.

  The strong man with his feet on a wooden bench and a hemp rope around his neck begged for mercy with snot and tears.

  His name is Badger.

  But at this moment, he looked as pitiful as a tapeworm.

  ”Please, don’t kill me. I’ve told you everything you want to know. You’ll let me go if you say so!”

  The players next to him couldn’t bear it anymore and whispered.

  ”Isn’t it too tragic?”

  ”Yeah… this guy has surrendered, maybe he can become our companion.”

  ”It’s a bit of a pity.”

  However, Chu Guang’s expression did not change at all because of the strong man’s begging for mercy.

  There is no prison cell in the outpost to keep the prisoners, and it is even more unrealistic to lock them up in the shelter. And it is foreseeable that no merchants interested in slaves will pass by here throughout the winter. Keeping these three prisoners will only waste food and bring hidden dangers.

  As for the intelligence?

  What he asked was almost the same as what he had guessed.

  Chu Guang never promised that he would spare their lives if they told the truth.

  For all these looters, hanging is the most merciful punishment for the unscrupulous things they have done.

  ”Go to hell and repent.”

  Seeing that there was no hope of survival, the expression on the strong man’s face was instantly distorted, and he cursed.

  ”You scum! Liar! I will not let you go even if I go to hell! Wait, the leader will avenge me, he will hang you on the street lamp, and let you watch your compatriots being slaughtered and raped–”

  Before he cursed more nasty words, Chu Guang, who was too lazy to listen to nonsense, kicked down the bench under the strong man’s feet.

  With a click, the man named “Badger” ended his sinful life on the gallows of justice at the outpost of Shelter No. 404.

  The makers of the gallows [Ward Foot Foot Who Laiwen] and [Yaer I Want to Go to the Toilet], watched from a distance with their eyes wide open.

  None of them thought that the gallows they made on a whim for the atmosphere would actually come in handy one day.

  Looking at the corpse hanging there, the two of them turned pale, but not too pale.

  After all, this is a game.

  It’s just that the expression of the hanged man is too curious.

  Just like a real dead person.

  ”This game always makes the strange details particularly realistic.”

  ”What a sin, Amitabha.”

  Standing not far away and watching, Teng Teng felt a little emotional.


  She is a casual player and doesn’t enjoy the fun of fighting. Of course, this is also related to her intelligence attribute and her short legs that can’t run fast.

  She gets depressed when she thinks about it.

  Is this reasonable?

  It’s not reasonable at all!

  ”It’s okay! Sister will protect you!”

  Yaya, who was standing next to her, smiled and wanted to put her hand on her shoulder, but accidentally put it on her head.

  Teng Teng’s head was full of black lines and her fists were clenched.

  ”If you touch me again, I’ll punch you.”

  Yaya quickly let go and explained in panic.

  ”Eh? No, I didn’t mean it. I was thinking–”

  ”Okay, okay, I’m tired of talking about it.”

  The players nearby chattered, discussing when the next wave of attacks would come and how much stronger the attack would be than this time.

  After confirming that the man on the gallows was dead,

  Chu Guang looked at the two players closest to him, took out five copper coins from his pocket and threw them into their hands.

  ”Take these three bodies to the morgue, strip them naked and throw them together with the bodies of other looters.” ”

  Wait until the generator is assembled and send it to the active substance extractor for refining.”

  The two players came to their senses and nodded immediately.

  ”Yes! Sir Administrator!”


  It didn’t take long to assemble the generator.

  There were many big guys among these players who had good hands-on skills. Even if they couldn’t understand the words on the manual at all, they relied on their understanding of the generator structure and a few pictures to grope and install all the parts.

  The whole set of power generation equipment is divided into two parts, one is the carburetor of firewood, and the other is the thermal generator driven by gas.

  The former has a very simple structure, which is essentially an airtight column with a cover on the top.

  As the wood is fed in from the top, it is further dried during the slow settling process, and finally cracked by the internal heat and partially burned in limited oxygen.

  In this process, a large amount of heat is generated, and a layer of hot charcoal is formed at the bottom of the airtight column, which reacts with the steam produced by pyrolysis and other combustible gases to eventually form a mixed combustible gas rich in hydrogen, methane and carbon monoxide.

  This is actually not a particularly advanced technology. During World War II, the German army used similar firewood vaporization equipment to power some tanks in the absence of fuel.

  Generally speaking, 3 to 4 kilograms of firewood is equivalent to 1L of gasoline, and the specific consumption depends on the type, density and dryness of the firewood, which cannot be generalized.

  However, it doesn’t matter how much it consumes. Now the outpost is the least lacking of firewood. Just arrange someone to clean up the waste and stuff the wood in.

  Through this power generation equipment, the outpost can be stably provided with a maximum of 10KW of electricity. Even at full load, the consumption of firewood per hour is less than 10 kilograms, which can be said to be very cost-effective.

  The generator started to operate successfully, and the nearby players cheered.

  Their outpost finally had electricity!

  Many tasks that were previously impossible to carry out now had the conditions to start.

  ”I’ll go dig some wires!”

  ”Can wires from two hundred years ago still be used?”

  ”Those protected by insulating materials should be usable. If they are not usable, it doesn’t matter. We can just melt them down and make them again. I’ll try to see if I can make a transformer and a voltage stabilizer. Then we can use the electric furnace to make steel.”

  ”Big brother, you’re awesome!”

  Chu Guang was very happy listening to the conversations of the players.

  The active substance extractor, which was covered with a thick layer of dust, finally started working, refining the corpses sent into the furnace into active substances.

  Ten corpses were used to recover about four units, and the active substance deficit caused by a certain small player was finally made up.

  ”The battle is over? Did we win?” Xia Yan, who was waiting by the elevator, asked hurriedly, looking at Chu Guang who was walking towards them.

  Chu Guang replied casually.

  ”If I didn’t win, it wouldn’t be me.”

  Xia Yan continued to ask.

  ”Are those people from the Blood Hand Clan?”

  Chu Guang glanced at her.

  ”Do you know?”

  ”You don’t need to know. They are the most famous in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.”

  Xia Yan made a helpless expression and reminded him.

  ”You’d better be careful. There may not be many people coming this time, but they are not as weak as they seem. Before, a businessman, probably wanting to take revenge or something, hired a team of 20 mercenaries from Boulder City. Guess what happened?”

  ”I don’t like to guess, just tell me.”

  ”Well… in the end, only one person escaped, and he had a broken arm,” Xia Yan took a deep breath and said, “The equipment of that mercenary team is still good, and the combat quality is also pretty good. There are even two professional soldiers who retired from the Boulder City Militia. But fighting with predators is completely different from fighting with alien species, especially in urban areas.”

  ”They buried iron can mines and bait bombs on the road, lured the gnawers from the subway entrance to the shops along the street and locked them up, and even tamed mutant hyenas… According to the person who came back alive, the battle was like a nightmare. They faced a group of gnawers who could shoot, lie down, provide support, and launch sneak attacks.”

  Whether it’s a DIY iron tube rifle or the most advanced assault rifle, hitting the vital point is just a matter of one shot. Even if it didn’t hit the vital part, at most it would be another shot.

  The mercenaries in Boulder City are not regular troops, so they can’t use very good protective gear. Most of them use wire keels and steel plates to protect their vital parts. Only a few wealthy people can afford exoskeletons and full bulletproof armor.

  ”Maybe those mercenaries underestimated the enemy.” Chu Guang said casually.

  ”Maybe, people in Boulder City look down on the countryside a little bit.”

  ”For example, you?”

  Xia Yan looked embarrassed and hurriedly explained.

  ”Well, of course not me.”

  Chu Guang smiled and didn’t care.

  Although I haven’t been to Boulder City, it’s not difficult to understand this sense of superiority just by looking at the longing eyes of the survivors on Beth Street when they mentioned it.

  After all, it is the only “city” in Qingquan City and the only “orderly place” left in this area.

  People living there, even if they are penniless, are still superior to people outside.

  ”Come to think of it, why do I feel like you’re not very scared?”

  ”What’s there to be afraid of? You even tore the crawler apart with your bare hands, how can you not beat them? Plus, you have so many people here,” Xia Yan looked at Chu Guang strangely, as if he didn’t understand why he asked such a strange question, “Why are you so nervous? Judging from the gunshots, there are only about seven or eight people at most, and it’s in an open area.”



  That makes sense.

  Chu Guang didn’t know how to refute for a moment.


  Late at night.

  In the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, an abandoned tire factory.

  Looking at the man crawling on the steps, Bear, who was leaning on the chair, said in a lazy voice.

  ”How’s the situation with the badger? Have all the spoils been brought back?”

  According to the tradition of the tribe, whoever wins the spoils has the priority to enjoy them.

  After bringing them back, everyone will enjoy them together, without distinction between you and me.

  Generally, if a survivor’s base is captured, the looting team will usually stay there for a while, spend some time to have some fun, such as having a party to play cat and mouse games, and looting some spoils.

  As the leader of the clan, Xiong can be sympathetic to his subordinates.

  But seeing that it was already dark, it was impossible that they had not returned yet.

  ”…There is no news yet.” The man crawling on the steps put his forehead to the ground, not daring to move a millimeter.

  ”No news yet?”

  The centipede-like eyebrows frowned, and a trace of displeasure appeared on Xiong’s face. He said impatiently, “I remember they set out in the morning.”


  ”Too slow.”

  Xiong said with a gloomy face, staring at the man under the steps, “Send someone over, if you meet them on the road, urge them to hurry up. If your people arrive and they haven’t set off yet, come back and tell me.”


  Looking at the calamus walking out of the tent, Xiong touched his beard on his chin, feeling inexplicably irritated.

  How could the survivor base of 30 people have been tossed for so long and still not come back?

  Is there an accident?

  But this possibility is very small.

  Shaking his head, the bear decided not to think about this problem and stood up from the chair.

  Even if the other party is a hard bone that cannot be chewed, with the badger’s alertness, it will definitely escape back.

  There is only one possibility for no news for such a long time, that is, they forgot the time while playing, or it took some effort to loot the spoils.

  The bear was no longer worried and felt much more relaxed.

  Especially when he thought of the almost broken “toy” lying in the room, his rough and ugly face couldn’t help but squeeze out a chilling smile.

  This winter should not be too boring.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode