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Chapter 710 Li Zimu’s Choice

Chapter 710 Li Zimu’s Choice


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 710 Li Zimu’s Choice

  ”Miss Li”

  stood in the dim moonlight, looking at the cold-faced woman in front of him, Tang Chen was stunned.

  He never expected that Li Zimu would suddenly become so strange, so strange that he seemed to have completely become another person.

  ”No, it’s okay.”

  He opened his mouth and forced a smile.

  Tang Chen felt that something big must have happened, which made Li Zimu so “concerned”.

  He wanted to ask, but before he could say anything, he saw that the curtain in front of him had fallen down again.

  As the curtain fell, the front became empty again.


  For a moment, the smile froze on his face.

  Tang Chen stood there in a daze for a long time, then turned around silently and walked away step by step.

  But after walking a few steps, he looked back with some worry.

  A little light came through the gap in the tent, and there were a few flickering flames a little further away.

  The night was crowded with a few dark clouds, and there seemed to be night insects chirping in the depths.

  Soon, Tang Chen, who didn’t know what his mood was, just left.

  Li Zimu, who had just been very indifferent to him, walked back to the table and sat down, looking at a piece of mother-and-child jade on the table, with a very struggling expression.

  She didn’t mean to treat Tang Chen like this.

  It was just that what Wei Changtian said in the afternoon made it difficult for Li Zimu to care about Tang Chen.

  At this moment, she was thinking only of Chu Xianping.

  ”Chu Xianping, he may have betrayed the enemy.”

  ”But he should still believe in you now.”

  ”There is something I need you to do”

  ”No matter what method you use, get as much information as possible from him”

  ”I know this is a bit difficult for you, so I won’t force you”

  ”If you are willing, then do it.”

  ”If you are not willing, then don’t do it”

  ”Go back and think about it carefully, and give me an answer tomorrow morning”


  Recalling every word Wei Changtian said to her again, Li Zimu bit her lip and clenched her hands tightly.

  The situation now is already very clear.

  No matter what the reason, Wei Changtian and Chu Xianping no longer trust each other, or have already stood on the opposite side.

  Then all of them need to make a choice.

  Dashu, Daning, Freemasonry, Tongzhouhui, Tengu Army, Kuilong.

  Even Xinfeng, Dajue, Daqian, Dahui. Even

  if many people don’t know about this now, they must make a clear decision in the future –

  that is, who should stand behind Wei Changtian and Chu Xianping.

  Faced with such a difficult problem that will be doomed if the wrong choice is made, Li Zimu doesn’t know how others will choose.

  But for her,

  one side is her lifesaver and the other side is her beloved. She actually has the answer to which is more important.

  The hesitation just now was not because she couldn’t choose, but because she felt too guilty about the other person.

  But no matter how painful and guilty she is, since things have come to this point, she still has to take this step.

  ”I’m sorry”

  closed her eyes, and a tear fell on the back of her hand.

  Li Zimu choked and murmured, letting the tears run down his cheeks, and slowly took the mother-and-child jade in his hand.

  The cold wind outside the tent whimpered, like a panting trapped beast, “whoosh” rolling over the endless army camp.

  Thick cold air and choking dust drifted down behind the wind.

  ”Sir, why do you think Miss Li won’t stand on Chu Xianping’s side?”

  In another dark tent, Yang Liushi and Wei Changtian were already lying on the bed preparing to go to sleep, and they were having a “bedtime chat” session.

  ”Aren’t you afraid that she will not only not help you, but will tell Chu Xianping all these things?”

  ”Heh~ She won’t.”

  Yawning, Wei Changtian turned over, looked at Yang Liushi’s eyes close at hand and replied: “At most, she is unwilling to lie to Chu Xianping, but she will never betray me for Chu Xianping.”


  Yang Liushi blinked and asked in confusion: “Did you give her the Puppet Pill?”

  ”That’s not the case.”

  Wei Changtian pouted: “But she’s not stupid, she knows that going against me will definitely not end well.”

  ”But Miss Li really likes Chu Xianping.”

  Yang Liushi argued in a low voice: “For the sake of their loved ones, many women will do stupid things.”

  ”When I was in Fengqi Pavilion, many sisters around me were deceived by sweet words.”

  ”Those men were mostly poor scholars, or businessmen who couldn’t make their business, and they were the most eloquent.”

  ”Many sisters believed them and were willing to become prostitutes to help them pass the imperial examinations and do business.”

  ”When these men took the money, they swore that they would redeem the sisters and marry them as their principal wives after they passed the imperial examinations or made their business big.”

  ”But what happened in the end?”

  ”Even if someone really passed the imperial examinations or made a fortune, they would still break their promises in the end.”

  ”I have been in Fengqi Pavilion for five years, and I have never seen a man who came to fulfill his promise.”


  When Yang Liushi thought of what she had seen and heard in Fengqi Pavilion from Li Zimu, she went off the topic and sounded a little angry. It was obvious that she was very disgusted with the behavior of those “scumbags”.

  Wei Changtian did not interrupt her. He listened to her until she finished speaking, and then said with a smile:

  ”What you said is not wrong.”

  ”But don’t forget, Li Zimu is not your sisters.”

  ”Don’t say she was deceived by a man. It’s good enough that she doesn’t deceive men.”

  ”Look at Tang Chen, isn’t he being deceived by her now?”

  ”But I didn’t say that Chu Xianping deceived her.”

  Yang Liushi pulled the quilt and explained in a low voice: “I just want to say that once trapped by love, no matter what kind of woman she is, she may do stupid things.”

  ”Even if Miss Li knows that she should not be an enemy of the young master, what if Chu Xianping deceives her with sweet words.”

  Suddenly, Yang Liushi’s voice stopped abruptly, as if she understood something.

  Wei Changtian smiled and followed her thoughts and said:

  ”See, you also said it was a lie.”

  ”If Chu Xianping is sincere to Li Zimu, then he would never involve Li Zimu.”

  ”On the other hand, if Chu Xianping intends to use Li Zimu to deal with me, then he is not sincere.”

  ”Don’t you think Li Zimu doesn’t understand this?”

  ”So, no matter what, Li Zimu will at least not do anything to harm me.”

  ”At most, we will not help each other.”


  ”I see.”

  After hearing this, Yang Liushi finally understood why Wei Changtian was so confident.

  She hesitated for a moment and asked softly:

  ”Sir, do you think Chu Xianping is sincere to Miss Li?”

  ”I don’t know about that.”

  Wei Changtian smiled and said, “I’m not Tang Chen. It’s too easy for Chu Xianping to hide his thoughts from me.”

  ”But I don’t need to know, as long as Li Zimu can see it.”

  ”Besides, whether he is sincere or not, it’s not bad for me.”

  ”Yeah, that’s true.”

  Yang Liushi nodded in agreement, and her long hair scattered on the pillow also moved.

  ”If Chu Xianping is sincere, as long as Miss Li is still with you, he will be afraid when he acts.”

  ”And if he is fake, Miss Li will not be entangled anymore.”

  ”Yes, that’s the truth.”

  He yawned again. Wei Changtian was really a little sleepy now.

  ”Okay, go to sleep.”



  Finally, the “bedtime talk” between the two came to an end, and the tent was completely calm.

  On the other side, Li Zimu, who had received a reply from Chu Xianping, was staring at the rice paper in her hand in a daze.

  Just now, she sent a message to Chu Xianping, which was something like “The young master seems to be suspicious of you. What happened between you and the young master? Do you need my help?”

  Of course, Li Zimu said this just to further strengthen her relationship with Chu Xianping, so as to gradually determine her true purpose from the latter’s reaction.

  Chu Xianping’s reply was only one sentence.

  Or just one question.

  [Zimu, do you believe me? ]

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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