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Chapter 713 The Night That Decides the Fate of Golden Galleon Harbor

Chapter 713 The Night That Decides the Fate of Golden Galleon Harbor


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 713 The Night That Decides the Fate of Golden Gallon Port

  The evening sun gradually sank into the sea, and the sparkling golden light gradually went away against the tide.

  A young man wearing a sapphire blue shawl and a devil silk dress walked straight out of the reservoir area, and the most luxurious hotel in the port area just caught his eye.

  The name of the hotel is “Triumph”.

  It is said that the owner here is a local citizen of Golden Gallon Port.

  After the Alliance seized control of the settlement and confirmed the ownership of the property, it returned the hotel located by the harbor to its original owner and replaced the business license.

  In order to thank the Alliance for its generosity and celebrate the liberation of Golden Gallon Port, the owner immediately changed the name of the hotel from “Empire” to “Triumph”.

  It is said that the guy actually wanted to change the name to “Alliance” at first, but was rejected by the City Hall on the grounds of “not using misleading signs”.

  Dalia didn’t care about the origin of this hotel, but what interested him was the Alliance’s attitude towards this port.

  Obviously, the soldiers of the Alliance will not withdraw from here after the war has reached this point, or even if they do, they will not withdraw completely.

  After investing such a huge cost, even if they do not intend to directly incorporate this place into the Alliance territory, they will at least establish a puppet government with indirect control in the local area.

  Otherwise, they have no need to distribute food to the locals, but should directly rob the pockets of these survivors like the Willants.

  Or at least rob those nobles who are fat and oily.

  And from the current performance, Dalia can almost conclude that the Alliance is not just untying the shackles of the slaves and leaving them alone, but intends to seriously govern this land.

  If this is true, then this settlement with a population of over a million will undoubtedly usher in a huge opportunity for development, and it may become the second Silver Moon Bay!

  As an armed merchant with his own cargo ship and private guards, if he does not even have this most basic business sense, he might as well sell the ship and go home to farm.

  However, he cannot only consider the benefits of one thing and ignore the objective risks. It will be meaningless if the money earned cannot be taken away.

  Doing business on the shore is completely different from doing business on the sea. The latter is a one-time deal. At most, you need to check the weather at sea and deal with alien species and pirates who are not strong. The former needs to constantly deal with the complicated local forces.

  Especially in a place like Jinjialun Port.

  This was once the largest population trading port on the coast of the Borneo Sea. The local situation may be more complicated than he imagined.

  He needs to figure out two things.

  What kind of order does the alliance intend to establish in the local area.

  And –

  to what extent can they do it?

  He believes that it is not just him who is curious about these two questions. All the merchants who dock here are full of curiosity.

  It happened that the Jinjialun Port authorities prepared a welcoming dinner for their guests from afar at the Triumph Hotel.

  It is said that important people in this settlement will appear at this banquet.

  He can take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to observe…

  and walked onto the red carpet at the door of the hotel.

  He showed the invitation letter in his hand to the waiter standing beside him, who bowed slightly and made a gesture of invitation to the inner door.

  ”This way, sir.”

  Dalia always felt that the waiter had an unusual temperament, so she couldn’t help but ask curiously.

  ”Are you a noble here?”

  The waiter was slightly stunned, then smiled gently.

  ”Of course not, I am a servant of a noble… But those ‘Iron Men’ returned my freedom, and now I am employed by this hotel.”

  ”Iron Men…” Chewing on this word repeatedly, Dalia continued to ask curiously, “Do you know that they are actually members of the Alliance?”

  The waiter nodded slightly and continued to speak politely.

  ”I know, but I’m used to using this name, and many people here are actually the same.”

  Dalia stared at the waiter’s eyes for a while, trying to find the mark of slavery in his eyes, but unexpectedly found that there was no such thing. The waiter’s eyes

  did not dodge, but just responded to his gaze in a casual manner, without excessive flattery or respect to the dust, just like one person looking at another person.

  Dalia couldn’t help but show a trace of surprise in his eyes.

  On the way from the reservoir to here, every local he met hung their heads. Even an accidental eye contact would make them flee in a hurry.

  Even though most of them were born freemen.

  It can be seen that the master the waiter once served must have been a remarkable person, otherwise even the servants in the family would not have received a good education.

  At least in the province of Borneo, this self-esteem is extremely rare…

  ”…You give me a completely different feeling from others. It seems that your former master must have been a remarkable guy.”

  Hearing this, the waiter smiled and said softly.

  ”I am very grateful to Governor Nihak for cultivating me. Whether he did it for show-off or for some other purpose, it was he who taught me to read and write. As for whether he is remarkable, please allow me to reserve a negative opinion. This is different from whether I thank him or not.”

  Dalia said with a smile, amused by this interesting statement.

  ”You shouldn’t be a waiter here. You should go out to sea on a boat and make more money outside.”

  The waiter nodded slightly.

  ”It’s less than a month before I get my freedom. I plan to start with the work I can do well. Maybe I will consider your suggestions in the future… We have been talking for too long. Can I take you to the banquet hall?”

  He was not the only waiter at the door, but the banquet was about to start.

  Realizing that she had interrupted his work, Daria smiled and said.

  ”Please take me there… By the way, my name is Daria. Can you tell me your name?”

  The waiter nodded slightly.

  ”Of course, my name is Zayed.”


  Daria silently remembered this name in her heart.

  It seems that this land is not completely hopeless.

  A million faces are not all in the same desperate look. There are still faint flames emitting a faint light like fireflies.

  Following Zayed’s footsteps to the banquet hall, Daria saw that the spacious hall was almost full of guests in gorgeous clothes.

  Faces of all kinds gathered in the luxuriously decorated banquet hall, and people gathered in groups of three or five to chat with each other.

  He noticed two familiar faces.

  One of them was Bugara, the sausage tycoon of Silver Moon Bay. All the sausages in the Camelback Kingdom were produced by his meat food processing factory!

  The other one was even more amazing, he was Ikabu, the president of the Silver Moon Bay Merchants Association! The textiles produced by his industry accounted for 30% of the market and 23% of the textile exports in the entire Camelback Kingdom. Because of the huge tax contributions, he was received by the King of the Camelback Kingdom and was awarded the title of Honorary Knight.

  Dalia’s face showed a surprised expression.

  I didn’t expect this guy to be here too!

  He just knew it now!

  What surprised him even more was the content of the conversation between the two.

  While he was still hesitating, they seemed to have started thinking about investing in building a factory here? !

  ”I heard that Baiyue Company plans to build a steel plant and a cement plant here.”

  ”Oh? Who told you that?”

  ”I just went to Knight Road and saw a recruitment notice there. A worker is paid 1,500 gallons of oil a month.”

  ”1,500 gallons… doesn’t that mean 150 silver coins?!”

  ”It’s cheap, isn’t it? In Dawn City, I guess even a dog wouldn’t even look at this salary, but it’s already a high salary for the locals. If the import tax is not very high and the supply of materials in the port is stable, this money can be exchanged for more than 100 kilograms of corn. I’m afraid they don’t even eat that much dirt in a month.”

  ”Hiss… now that you mention it, I suddenly feel that the salary is too high.”

  ”I’m afraid the Alliance will implement their labor law here as well.”

  ”It’s not impossible, but they will probably refer to the actual local situation. Dawn City hasn’t been using the current rules for the first day… and if they really have to follow the Alliance’s laws and pay them 7,200 gallons a month, I bet they will immediately exchange all their wages for food.”

  ”Haha, that’s a disaster… But with a monthly salary of 150 silver coins, if they can spend one-third of their income on clothes, beds and curtains, I’m afraid it will be a considerable market.”

  ”Are you planning to open a textile factory here?”

  ”Why not? This is the origin of linen and dyes. The embargo of the empire may be a problem, but it should be better when the ceasefire agreement officially takes effect.”

  Although eavesdropping is a bad behavior, Dalia still listened carefully to every word of their conversation and was tickled by the business opportunities.

  He is engaged in grain import and export. It may be difficult to expand his old business on the shore. He will definitely not be able to beat these big guys who have been working in their respective fields for more than ten years.

  But at this time, he thought of a person-

  the waiter he saw at the door of the hotel just now.

  The fight between the first and second industries will definitely be extremely fierce, but the tertiary industry, especially the service industry, seems to be ignored by no one for the time being.

  He doesn’t have much capital, but taking advantage of the fact that there is not much hot money in Golden Gallon Port now, it is more than enough to invest in one or two hotels.

  If there are so many big guys who are optimistic about the future business prospects here, it seems to be a good idea to make money from those big guys.

  Dalia’s mind can’t help but become active.

  Maybe after the banquet is over, he can talk to that interesting guy…

  Not only the merchants of Silver Moon Bay are chatting on the spot, but also some local merchants and those nobles living on Tulip Street.

  Maybe because they were dragged out of their homes some time ago, although many small and medium nobles are still forcing themselves to smile and maintain their dignity, a considerable number of nobles whose interests have been damaged have written the word “dissatisfaction” on their faces.

  It’s not entirely dissatisfaction with the alliance.

  There are also those “new nobles” who are “making trouble”.

  For example, the militia leader named Lassi was drunk before the banquet started, like a baboon who couldn’t find his own home.

  What’s more hateful is that Sheriff Bihari, who was just a dog of Governor Nihak, now has a new owner, and his nose is almost up to the sky!

  As for the port area sheriff Mandar and his like, there is no need to mention them. The way he shakes his dog’s tail is simply disgusting.

  They are really blind!

  Don’t you see who is of truly noble bloodline!

  At this moment, a gentle clapping sound suddenly came from the center of the banquet hall.

  ”Please be quiet for a moment. Please allow me to take up some of your precious time before the banquet begins.”

  Hearing that voice, everyone turned their eyes to the center of the banquet hall, and saw a man in a blue coat standing there with a smile on his face.

  Whether it was his handsome face, the intellectual elegance that was inadvertently revealed between his eyebrows, or the iconic coat on his body, they immediately became the focus of everyone’s attention.

  The residents of the shelter are all very good-looking, but apart from those ladies with burning passion in their eyes, most of the guests’ eyes are more focused on his coat.

  Shelter No. 404!

  Looking at the young face and the familiar clothes, Dalia couldn’t help but ignite a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

  The highlight is finally coming!


  Looking at those pairs of eyes focused with anticipation, Fang Chang finally felt a little bit of the fun of the manager at this moment.

  People were eagerly waiting for him, paying attention to every word he said, pondering over every word he said, and betting all their hopes and fortunes on him.

  This made him feel even happier than the balance of his bank account.

  He felt that he was holding a huge power in his hands.

  Under the influence of this power, he could not only turn dung into gold, but also turn gold into dung, and even turn the dream he had last night into reality –

  of course, this was just an exaggerated metaphor.

  Since he got the helmet, he hasn’t had those bizarre dreams for a long time.

  ”… Welcome to Golden Gallon Port. This is a banquet prepared for you. You are the hosts of this banquet. I don’t intend to take up too much time.”

  Using a self-deprecating phrase as an opening remark, Fang Chang cleared his throat in front of everyone and continued politely.

  ”I only have two things to say.”

  ”Our original intention for coming here has not changed. We want to establish a long-lasting order in Golden Harbor, and it must be a normal order. Otherwise, the blood shed for this will be meaningless. Of course, we will not overly blame the local survivors for eating the same rice as us. We only make the most basic requirements on matters of principle. As for what kind of life they want to live in the future, this is a question that the locals should think about for themselves.”

  ”Secondly, order is empty talk if it can’t fill people’s stomachs. While establishing a new order, we will focus on economic development. After all, only by making the lives of local survivors affluent and letting them regain hope for the future, will hospitals and schools spring up on this land, and the order we establish will have real meaning.” “To this end

  , the new authorities have approved a series of 37 infrastructure plans, including road construction, bridge construction, drainage facility repairs, and shantytown reconstruction. The specific project plans have been posted on the bulletin board of the City Hall. Interested friends can go to the Government Affairs Hall for consultation. If you don’t understand, you can come directly to the Governor’s Office at the port to ask me.”

  ”The total budget for the project is about 1 billion gallons, and it is expected to leverage a market of tens of billions… After all, there are so many people in this settlement. Even if you can make each person earn 55 more gallons a day, and take half of their annual income from their pockets, it will be enough.”

  Fang Chang noticed that when he said this, even those local nobles and gentry who originally had dissatisfaction on their faces couldn’t help but show moved expressions at this moment.

  Although they are pedantic, it does not mean that they have never learned arithmetic. Ten

  billion gallons!

  In other words, it is one billion silver coins!

  Although the Xilan Empire does not use silver coins as its main foreign exchange reserves, judging from the attitudes of those merchants in Silver Moon Bay, the widely recognized exchange rate between dinars and silver coins is 3~5:1.

  In other words, this market is worth at least 3 billion dinars! It is even more amazing than their majesty’s local deposits!

  After counting on their fingers to finish this math problem, almost every noble showed an expression of disbelief on their faces.

  After all, even if all the livestock in the entire settlement were sold, and all were sold at an average price of 1,000 dinars, they would definitely not be able to sell at such an astonishing price.

  No –

  it is better to say that even the fraction of 3 billion is not enough!

  Fang Chang knew very well what these guys were surprised about. It was nothing more than calculating the childish addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, trying to understand something they had never seen with shallow cognition. Of course, a million animals cannot be sold at a sky-high price of billions of dinars, but that’s because a group of idiots sold people as animals.

  In fact, anyone’s needs can become the soil for another person’s creativity. Proposing needs and solving needs are almost the main line of human reproduction and civilization. Even in the most extreme case, the value created by a debtor whose needs are castrated to only food, clothing, housing and transportation is far from that of a slave in the hands of a feudal lord.

  If it is a worker with dignity and education, he will even find ways to improve the tools and methods of production by himself, thinking about making himself more dignified… Even if this guy eats a lot, uses a lot, and even has no less demands and problems.

  Of course, Fang Chang does not intend to explain so much to them.

  The aversion and resistance to progress is a talent flowing in the veins of the feudal aristocracy and conservative forces. Whether it is the progress of productivity or anything else, after all, the superiority of their needs comes largely from the suffering of another group of people. No matter how much he explained, it was all nonsense. They had ten thousand ways to argue, such as the Sun-carrying Bull was the truth of all things, and the sages of the prosperous era said so.

  The respected manager never explained anything to the slave owners who had lost their slaves and the slaves who missed their masters.

  When the sun rises, the cold night will naturally dissipate. If one time is not enough, then try a few more times. There will always be a ray of hope in the ashes. After

  a pause, he continued.

  ”…In order to show support for the new authorities’ infrastructure projects and to support infrastructure projects in French Fries Port, Baiyue Company has decided to set an example and invest a budget of at least 20 million silver coins to introduce a steel and cement production line from the Alliance respectively, and to invest in the construction of a steel plant with an annual output of 500,000 tons and a cement plant with an annual output of one million tons in Golden Gallon Port.”

  ”We sincerely hope that the lives of the local survivors can get back on track as soon as possible. At the same time, we also look forward to the future Golden Gallon Port to play a more important role in the wasteland… and a role that is more than a positive one!”

  Looking at the guests who were listening attentively with bated breath, Director Fang showed a relaxed smile on his face and continued in a relaxed tone.

  ”That’s all, nothing else. I’ve been talking about this for so long that you must be tired too… Enjoy the banquet, my friends from afar!”

  ”By the way, the fine wines at the banquet are all treasures that Governor Nihak has kept for his majesty, even though he is still in prison praying for his majesty to rescue him. But to be honest, compared to those things that make your head spin, I recommend the delicacies on the dining cart. Although those things are not delicacies from the mountains and the sea, they are just some common things in our hometown…”

  As the voice fell, a waiter had already appeared on both sides of the banquet hall with a dining cart and opened the silver round cover.

  Roasted duck, braised pork wrapped in red bacon sauce, mapo tofu sprinkled with pepper and chopped green onions, as well as sizzling grilled shrimps, grilled meat, scallops and oysters grilled on charcoal, etc., in addition to all kinds of fruits, steamed products, and cakes.

  For players, these foods will definitely not be unfamiliar. You may find them by taking off your helmet and taking a walk downstairs.

  As for the survivors in the wasteland, especially the survivors in this uncivilized land, they were really shocked.

  It was not only the food itself that was surprising. It could be seen that the ingredients used in these foods were common things, but the methods of processing the ingredients were unheard of.

  A dazzling array of delicacies appeared in everyone’s sight, and the tempting aroma lingered in everyone’s nose.

  It’s not just technology –

  even their remaining pride in the spice town was completely defeated by the bottomless food culture.

  Director Mandal swallowed his saliva.

  Compared with these things, Prince Dilip was eating pig food!

  The same was true for the drunk Lassi. When he saw the dazzling array of delicacies, he rubbed his red nose as if he had seen heaven, and even sobered up a lot.

  Compared with the merchants in Silver Moon Bay, it was obviously the local old nobles and wealthy gentry who were shocked.

  Although one meal was not enough to change their attitude towards the Alliance, after all, no one here lacked this meal, but the endless rows of dining carts still made them doubt the sense of superiority they had for decades.


  were just common things in Dawn City?

  Even ordinary people could enjoy them? !

  Confusion appeared on their faces, and they even doubted themselves.

  What were they?


  Once upon a time, they could still comfort themselves by saying that although the Alliance was strong in soldiers and horses, it was short of supplies and did not have a group of slaves to serve them, so they did not know what enjoyment was.

  But now they found that, let alone compared with the managers of the Alliance, their lives were not even as good as the most ordinary survivors of the Alliance…

  ”What a boast… Ordinary people can afford it. If you have the guts, don’t buy cattle from the Boro Province! You moles will starve to death…”

  Of course, you are not allowed to buy cattle from the Luoxia Province!

  A wealthy businessman from the cattle tribe cursed in a low voice that only he could hear, and his mung bean-like eyes kept glancing at the dining car, wanting to take a closer look at what kind of meat that round and strange thing was.

  Except for the distinguished guests from Silver Moon Bay and the new nobles from Golden Gallon Port who had already gathered around the dining car, almost no noble moved their noble legs.

  It’s not that they were not curious about what those fancy-looking foods tasted like, but they were waiting for the servants to bring the plates. It wasn’t

  until they found that they had to get the food themselves, and until a few people couldn’t stand the soul-stirring aroma, that some people condescended to step forward and reached out to take the plates from the long table covered with a white tablecloth.

  An earl with a net worth of hundreds of millions of Xilan coins was in a skeptical mood. He clumsily used a fork to scoop a piece of braised pork that was as soft as soup into a spoon, and then slowly put it into his mouth.

  The shock written in his eyes at that moment was like looking at the palace of His Majesty, and also like the survivors of Qingquan City seeing the towering Pioneer for the first time.

  Fatty but not greasy, melts in the mouth, soft, glutinous and sweet…

  What kind of meat

  is this ? !

  A lost expression appeared on his face, and also on the faces of many people with the same identity as him.

  I always feel that I have lost…

  Satisfiedly admiring those faces with different expressions and those people who were wolfing down, Fang Chang took a bottle of champagne from the tray handed by the waiter.

  This is one of the treasures of Wu Tuo Xilan, produced in the distant Triumph City.

  Those Willant people are really good at making wine.

  He raised his glass to the guests from a distance, but it seemed like he was paying tribute to another distant friend, and gently touched it with the beam of light that sprinkled from the ceiling in the center of the banquet hall.



  The banquet officially began.

  The buffet on the first floor was mainly for NPCs, while the second floor was open to players who were active in the port area. Shareholders, employees and personnel of Baiyue Company’s cooperative units could enter for free, and individual players could pay 50 silver coins for tickets.

  Just as the guests were having fun, the tomato scrambled eggs came out of the kitchen and sat down on the chair tiredly, cursing.

  ”Damn, I’m so tired.”

  He was a level 30 physical system and was exhausted. If he wasn’t an awakener, he would have been exhausted to death. To be

  honest, this place is indeed a civilized saline-alkali land. The local survivors’ understanding of food is to mash the ingredients and cook them into a paste, and then throw the main ingredients that can be added into the pot and stew them. The richness of the content and the taste of the food depend on the economic ability of the head of the family. Generally, the richer the family, the weirder the food and the richer the taste.

  This is also the case for hotels that mainly serve foreign guests.

  Although the locals ate with gusto, the brothers of the Burning Corps all said that they couldn’t stand it. After staying here for a long time, they would rather eat luncheon meat than go out to eat in restaurants, or they would go to the canteen of the camp near the port save point for every meal.

  In order to improve the food of the local garrison and to inject a little alliance shock into the locals, Fang Chang called him over to teach the chefs here to cook.

  As a result, just to teach those dozen or twenty clumsy fools how to cut vegetables, he almost got high blood pressure.

  He somewhat understood the feeling of the brothers of the cattle and horse group teaching the militia to fight.

  When several senior apprentices saw him sitting down, they hurried over to rub the shoulders and back of the old man, and even the owner of the Triumph Hotel ran out with a smile and poured him a cup of tea in person.

  ”Thank you for your hard work, sir… Oh no, sir, hehe.” He suddenly remembered that these people didn’t like the word sir, so he changed his words temporarily.

  The “Iron Man” uncle personally taught his chef to cook. If the news spreads, his Triumph Hotel will be popular until the next year or two.

  Moreover, he has opened his eyes during this period.

  It turns out that a few ordinary foods can be played with so many weird tricks. Just a piece of pork can be made into hundreds of dishes.

  Not to mention that these Iron Man bosses paid to rent his hotel, even if they didn’t pay to use his kitchen for free, he felt it was worth it!

  Scrambled eggs with tomatoes took a sip of water and couldn’t help but complain.

  ”How did your previous guests eat it? Just those things?”

  The boss was stunned for a moment, touched the back of his head in confusion, and didn’t understand what the question was.

  After holding it in for a long time, he finally said something aggrieved.

  ”Sir, before… before we didn’t serve it raw.”

  Scrambled eggs with tomatoes: “…”

  Good guy.

  It turns out that it’s okay to cook it!


  With the clinking of glasses and the mess of cups and plates, the banquet came to an end unknowingly.

  One by one, the guests walked out of the door of Triumph Hotel with bulging bellies. Their silly looks, which were almost full, were enough to show their satisfaction with the food.

  Sitting by the window on the second floor, watching the guests leaving the hotel with bulging bellies, Rourou couldn’t help but mutter.

  ”If these guys eat less, more people will be full.”


  Wei Ba subconsciously pulled the skewers out of his mouth, but when he saw Rourou’s eyes fall on the window, he quietly put it back.

  Holding the teacup and blowing gently, Si Si put it back on the tea tray.

  ”No, more people will starve to death.”

  ”Can’t we?” Rourou withdrew her gaze from the window, and Zhimahu, who was staring at the moon in a daze, also looked at her curiously.

  Si Si said casually.

  ”Even managers can’t do it. Maybe planners who can directly adjust the data can do it, but we obviously can’t do that kind of thing.” Rourou

  asked puzzled.


  Si Si thought for a moment.

  ”Have you ever fed a groundhog?”

  Zhimahu raised his hand with a smile.

  ”I have fed it! It’s so cute.”

  Rourou nodded, but confusion and bewilderment were still written on her furry face.

  Sisi put some sugar in the teacup and continued.

  ”Those guys are not small or cute at all. They are the most ferocious to their own kind. Even when there is enough food, they can fight for food. If the most capable one is not full, the other marmots have no chance to snatch the tourists’ food and can only wait for the breeder to feed them.”

  ”And humans are far more cunning than other animals. Even if we distribute food to every local survivor like the breeder, there will definitely be a taller, fatter, and stronger person who will use coercion, inducement, or even methods we can’t think of to take the food away from other weaker ones.”

  ”No matter what kind of production relationship is established, we have to choose between the formal result and the substantive result. Either we use “correctness” to regulate their overt behavior and let them test the edge of the vague rules, or we set a clear rule and let them give full play to their instincts within the scope of the rules.” Rourou still

  didn’t quite understand and muttered.

  ”Can’t we have both?”

  The two things don’t seem to contradict each other, at least in her opinion.

  Isn’t it enough to just write all the right things into the rules?

  Just like Kelly, she attached magic to the bullet.

  Sisi couldn’t help but hold his forehead when he heard this. He was having a headache about how to explain this profound question in popular terms. Wei, who had swallowed a mouthful of delicious food, burped comfortably.

  ”Burp——! Rourou is already an adult. Not bad, not bad. It’s true that only children do multiple-choice questions. But the reality is another matter. This is a game. A Guang won’t give you that kind of good thing for nothing. Maybe the price has been quietly paid when you made the choice.”


  Looking at Wei, who looked serious, and Rourou, who looked stunned, Sisi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said.

  ”Yes, that’s it.”

  Speaking of which, games are really a great invention.

  No wonder primitive people learned to dance around the campfire first, compared to the calendar and arithmetic…


  It’s not just the NPCs who are full of food and wine, the players are also full of greasy food. There is even a long queue in front of the toilet on the second floor. Some guys who can’t help it simply go to the first floor.

  The appetite of the awakened is quite amazing, especially for the fourth-stage physical and strength systems. Although their metabolism is not exaggerated, they can even eat half a cow if they really eat.

  As for the extra mass…

  they can only be discharged continuously through the powerful digestive system.

  In the banquet hall on the first floor, Fang Chang, who was slightly drunk and struggling on the edge of being disconnected, waved his index finger and boasted to Lao Bai beside him.

  ”This meal at least attracted hundreds of millions of silver coins for our plan. After those guys return to Silver Moon Bay, this number may be multiplied several times… By then, not only the source of building materials for the Golden Gallon Port, but also the French Fries Port will be solved.”

  Lao Bai joked as he helped the staggering guy walk to the save place.

  ”Gallon Port makes money and spends it in gallons. You want to take it home after each parting, right?”

  Fang Chang smiled and moved his neck.

  ”That’s right! Well, of course it doesn’t include us… It’s just that what we want is not a pile of useless paper, but something more valuable. Why not turn them into something more valuable and take them back? Not only will the locals not hate us for ruining their majesty’s business, they will also be grateful to us!”

  Lao Bai said jokingly.

  ”In the past, you would have sold all their kidneys.”

  Fang Chang rolled his eyes.

  ”What nonsense, I haven’t sold them, thank you, and even if I have considered it, I only considered the renewable ones. And when did this idea become my idea? Aren’t those bastards clamoring on the forum every day to sell the skin of meat and garbage and the kidneys of the physical system to make money? I just contacted a buyer for them while doing the task.”

  Of course, in the end, because the buyer also accepted the business of the plunderer, they were treated as wild monsters and brushed.

  That was a long time ago.

  After a pause, he burped and continued.

  ”Actually, compared to the ‘foreign merchants’ attracted from Silver Moon Bay and the professional gamers active in that area, I would rather spend the more than 100 billion Xilan coins piled up in the bank. If we always rely on those sneaky little tricks, I’m afraid we won’t be able to spend them all when the empire goes bankrupt.”

  ”Secretly?” Lao Bai looked at him in confusion.

  If I remember correctly, the empire should have imposed an embargo on them, and no goods could be imported from the inland port of Yongliu River.

  ”Don’t you know?”

  Fang Chang also gave him a strange look, and then buried his head and muttered to himself.

  ”I thought you knew.”

  At the same time as the two of them walked towards the save point, on the ceasefire line between the Alliance and the Empire, a group of sneaky figures were taking advantage of the cover of night to quietly approach the position of the Imperial Army…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode