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Chapter 715 The rising sun from the dock is illuminating the harbor

Chapter 715 The rising sun from the dock is illuminating the harbor


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 715 The rising sun from the pier is illuminating the port

  . The official website of Wasteland OL.

  The forum is as lively as ever.

  This place has become the most informed information distribution center in the entire wasteland. Although its scale is not as large as the endpoint cloud of the ideal city, it spans the territory of two worlds, which the latter cannot catch up with even if they take a warp spaceship.

  No Family: “Big news! A new ‘Shadow Port’ has been added on the southern border of Jinjialun Port and Xilan Empire! The key landmark ‘Abandoned Ship Town’ Hotel, the abandoned freighter stranded on the beach is it! Talking to the bartender can trigger the smuggling mission! All the unused Xilan coins can be used there!”

  Flying Pig: “666!”

  Come to a spicy bar: “Boss! Is there a level requirement? (color)”

  No Family: “No! Just be careful of your kidneys! If you are not sure, you can bring two power-related animals. Of course, one iron can of our Burning Corps is enough! (grin)” No Family: “Ah!

  By the way, the people of the Empire will go there at night. Friends who are interested in smuggling should try to go there during the day! Or train a few NPC agents to go for you!”

  Soon after the post was posted.

  Active professional players in the Jinjialun Port area flocked in, and the post was covered with hundreds of floors in just over ten minutes.

  Lao Bai, who had been confused by Fang Chang’s riddle for a long time, finally saw the post and couldn’t help but complain to the cattle and horses group.

  ”… Damn, that’s what happened.”

  Fang Chang: “You finally found out? (Laughing with sidelong eyes)”

  Lao Bai: “But don’t we need to control smuggling?”

  Fang Chang: “It depends on what the goods are. The crops in Jin Jialun Port are mainly cash crops, which can’t be eaten. At this stage, the goods coming in are what the locals need, and they are also what we need. Losing a little tax revenue can export the accumulated inflation to Xilan, which is acceptable to the new authorities of Jin Jialun Port.”

  In the market model of the classical era, the flow of inflation is the same as the flow of money, and the opposite of the flow of goods.

  The reason why the alliance can spread inflation to all the allies is largely because the silver coins flow from the hands of the managers into other people’s pockets. And the allies of the alliance are willing to pay for this insignificant price for some greater benefits. It’s

  not just in the game, but also outside the game. The participants in the “Silver Exchange” are not only players, but also some cloud players who follow the trend. The exchange rate of silver coins and other currencies also reflects a similar supply and demand relationship. Every auction can cause the price of silver coins to fluctuate greatly, and it can be clearly seen that this supply and demand relationship is reflected in the items at the auction.

  The same is true for the Golden Gallon Port. Not only is there money in the treasury of the Emperor of the Xilan Empire, but there are also a large number of nobles and private banks who are ready to sell the Xilan coins in their hands. And “shadow ports” like Jiaotou Bay provide them with a channel.

  The people on the other side receive Xilan coins and can provide them with goods that are piled up in the empire but urgently needed in the Golden Gallon Port. And they can use these goods to exchange “new money” linked to silver coins – gallons – from those laborers, factories, shop owners and other groups.

  The Emperor of Xilan thought that the implementation of the embargo would cause the Golden Gallon Port to collapse, but he may have forgotten that the force is mutual.

  There are too many villages, settlements and even noble estates around the Golden Gallon Port, and the Golden Gallon Port is needed to digest the piled-up and single-variety goods. The

  Golden Gallon Port is only facing the inflation of the Xilan coin, and they are facing a more serious deflation.

  If they can’t sell the piles of goods, they can only pour them into the Yongliu River. In order to prevent this from happening, the local nobles will definitely try their best to open up the import and export channels of the border, whether it is bribing the border troops or using their authority to exert pressure.

  The embargo was announced when the royal authority had been damaged by the defeat of the Gray Wolf Army. To a large extent, the emperor did something that hurt the enemy by a thousand and hurt himself by ten thousand.

  Once a new interest group is formed locally, the two armies on the border may become warlords who “are not subject to the orders of the king when they are away from home.”

  If this game is really that real.

  Fang Chang: “…That Jiaotou Bay should be a new one. In fact, some people have been doing this business since the ceasefire. According to my observation, the most bustling water ports are mainly along the northwest coast of Yongliu River. It is mainly the area actually controlled by the Black Panther Army. At night, all the ships floating on the Yongliu River are flooded.”

  Fang Chang: “Some nobles in Jingalon Port send their Xilan coins there to exchange for two-headed cattle, sugar, sand and gravel, flax, spices and other goods. However, the transportation capacity of inland ports is limited. If Jiaotou Bay can develop, it may help us dump Xilan coins faster.”

  Kuangfeng: “What if your Xilan coins are used up? ( Curious)”

  Fang Chang: “By that time, the reconstruction of Jinjialun Port will be almost complete, and the survivors of the Xilan Empire will be interested in things other than waste paper.”

  Ye Shi: “MMP, I should have followed you guys if I had known. (Funny)”

  Lao Bai: “By the way, are you still in Dawn City now?”

  Ye Shi: “I haven’t been there for a long time. As soon as the save file of Binghai City was opened, Kuangfeng and I went there.”

  Kuangfeng: “To be precise, there is also the college NPC named Jiang Xuezhou and Jiujiu. (Squinting smile)”

  Fang Chang: “We are really a million miles apart. (Laughing and crying)”

  Ye Shi: “Small problem, at least we are still on the same planet. (Funny)”

  Kuangfeng: “+1.”


  There may be a vacuum in order, but there is one thing that will not.

  That is power.

  Once a vacancy occurs, it will be immediately filled by a new one.

  Whether good or bad.

  Even if there is only a momentary gap…

  On the second day after the first “Investment Promotion” dinner of Jinjialun Port came to an end, the entrance of Jinjialun Port City Hall was surrounded by people.

  The man in the exoskeleton walked to the door, turned on the speaker of his helmet, and shouted to the crowded crowd.

  ”Everyone, be quiet, don’t push.”

  ​​”According to our rules here, there is no order of precedence in bidding. The entry qualifications, review standards, and procedures have been posted on the notice board. After reading, go to the door to get a number and wait for your number to be called. Any interested individual or group can participate! Anyone!”

  At this time, someone on the periphery of the crowd quickly shouted.

  ”Master! Can the pigeon tribe be involved?”

  ”I said, anyone!” [半岁蹉跎] looked at the surging crowd and shouted, “Also, don’t call us masters! The alliance doesn’t have that thing!”

  The crowd crowded at the door of the city hall suddenly burst into warm applause and cheers. Some people looked unhappy, but they could only bear it for the sake of money.

  Looking at the young man who bowed his hands and thanked him profusely, Half-year-old Cuotao smiled and waved his hand, but then he suddenly came to his senses.


  Is this guy a pigeon?


  In just one day, 37 infrastructure construction projects received nearly 200 bid documents, and more than half of them were from professional players in Silver Moon Bay and Golden Gallon Port. It

  took three full days to complete the background check and capital verification.

  During these three days, Fang Chang found more than a dozen players who had worked in municipal departments or served in administrative positions in large companies from the Burning Legion and players in the nearby area. While guiding the 200 newly recruited civil servants of the Golden Gallon Port City Hall to familiarize themselves with the business, he completed the review of the more than 200 bid documents.

  Excluding more than 100 companies and individuals with unqualified qualifications or serious false reporting, a total of 22 infrastructure projects were finally found. The

  remaining 15 projects are mostly heavy asset projects, such as the reconstruction of main roads and the construction of port freight railways and civil railways. Without a certain level of strength, even if you are jealous of the considerable subsequent benefits behind it, you can’t eat it.

  Although the Golden Gallon Port Bank does not fully implement the “100% reserve” system, and it does not need to prepare 1 silver coin for issuing 10 gallons, the printed banknotes should not deviate too much from the silver coin reserves, otherwise it will cause systemic financial risks. The method

  of printing a lot of money and lending it to contractors, and forcibly feeding thin people into fat people, does not work here.

  The fragile local economic conditions do not have the basis for “spending money in this life for the next life”, and the survivors who are already eating dirt can’t suffer any more.

  So, Fang Chang, the chief CEO of Baiyue Company, pulled a discussion group on the forum and summoned all the shareholders of Baiyue Company to hold a shareholders’ meeting. After explaining the project situation, a vote was held and it was finally decided that Baiyue Company would fund these 15 heavy asset projects.

  This approach is actually exactly the same as the approach taken by Shuguang City when it was engaged in infrastructure construction.

  That is, the powerful collective holding company of the shelter will gnaw down the most difficult and necessary bones, and when the cake is big enough, the manager will slowly distribute the cake to other local survivors so that the latter can also eat their fill.

  And those “cow and horse groups” that have grown into behemoths will follow the army or caravan of the alliance, walk out of the alliance’s territory, and create new profit growth points in the wider wasteland – such as Ideal City, Luoxia Province, the Stone City before the reform, and even the Free State and Falcon Kingdom with which they are not on good terms. In

  fact, both French Fries Port and Golden Gallon Port are products guided by this model, but the strategies implemented by players in the two places are quite different due to different specific circumstances.

  When all 37 infrastructure projects of Golden Gallon Port are completed, the total economic volume of this port may even exceed Silver Moon Bay and become a new trade hub on the Borneo Sea.

  After all, Silver Moon Bay is backed by a kingdom of a million people, but it is itself a settlement of a million people, and behind it is a feudal dynasty known as a thousand tribes and a thousand gods.

  In this sense, the 37 infrastructure projects and hundreds of spontaneous civilian projects of all sizes being carried out in Golden Galleon Port are equally important to the alliance that is trying to unite the survivors in the wasteland as the port and submarine pipeline construction projects being carried out in French Fries Port.

  The latter is a visible bond.

  The former is invisible but real…


  The sky in June is like a child’s face. The port was still covered with dark clouds one second, and the scorching sun was hanging in the sky the next second.

  It was just after seven o’clock, and the whole port was as hot as noon. Even the seagulls around the masts cried out that they were about to die of heat.

  Palu, who was on duty, yawned and prepared to go to the duty booth to stand for a while.

  It seemed to be about the same time last time, or maybe a little earlier.

  He just yawned while standing here, and when he opened his eyes, he yawned the Governor and the Emperor. The sly Mandar became the police officer of the port area. The former sheriff was even more amazing than Harry, and became the sheriff of the entire settlement.


  It was undoubtedly a new word for Jingalon Port.

  After all, it was well known that except for the real guards in the port area, there were no patrols in other places. Unless there was a murder or the cats and dogs of the nobles were lost, no one would care even if they reported it to the authorities.

  Girls from rich families would never walk into the alleys, and the population of those poor families was always changing. It was a thankless job to count how many people there were in each family this year, how many people there were next year, and how the dead died.

  They were like grass growing on red soil, and the spring breeze blew one crop after another. Now finally a group of guys who treated them as human beings came, which was really a bargain for them.

  Palu felt that this was somewhat due to his yawn.

  After all, if he hadn’t been lazy, the city defense army might have discovered earlier that a group of vicious guys had landed at the port, and General Alayan of the Gray Wolf Army would not have suffered that defeat outside the city. It would

  be great if he could drive away the alliance by yawning again. After all, it was very annoying to be bullied by a group of “snakes, rats, insects and birds”.

  He just wanted those masters who were arrogant on weekdays to call him police officer or sir politely, and he didn’t want to be equal to those lowly people who were born low.

  For example, before, he could teach those servants a lesson with the butt of a gun at will, but now if he did it and couldn’t explain why, those “iron men” would go to ask his dear Sheriff Mandar, and the latter would have ten thousand ways to make him suffer after being scolded. It would

  n’t work to be bad.

  Those iron men were very smart. They never went to them for anything, but only to their leaders, and they were directly holding their weak points.

  That is why, although he has no feelings for this post, he still has to pretend to enforce the law impartially.

  Fortunately, the port is as peaceful as ever today. The construction site is dusty, and people are coming and going on the road. The busy people have no time to make trouble.

  Whether it is the businessmen shuttling on the docks or the workers carrying boxes between the warehouse area and the docks, they are all racking their brains and working hard to get two more “gallons” in their pockets. Even the seagulls flying in the sky are busy snatching the fries from the iron men and the bears they raise.

  If he hadn’t recalled it carefully, he would have almost forgotten what happened here more than a month ago…

  Just then, a ding-ling sound came from outside the duty booth, and a bicycle with a police license plate braked suddenly at the door.

  A man swung his legs and turned over to get off the car, and a young man in a police uniform pushed the door and stepped into the duty booth in a hurry, stuffing a thick briefcase into the arms of Palu who was yawning.

  ”Please send this to the branch office on the north side of Knights Road, next to the station. They need it urgently.”

  Seeing that it was almost time to get off work, Palu couldn’t help but ask.

  ”Why should I go?”

  The young man’s name is Bashak. He looks a bit like a Yorkie and is a newly recruited guard.

  Although his colleagues in the Security Bureau have a good opinion of him, saying that he is not only warm-hearted, but also agile and serious in his work, to be honest, Palu doesn’t like this young ratman very much.

  One reason is naturally because of his identity, and the other is that he is a little too enthusiastic about this new job and has no dignity as a guard. Are you

  so anxious to get praise from those iron men?

  ”You are about to get off the night shift, and your family lives there, so just help me bring it on the way,” the young ratman smiled and clasped his hands together, “Please, please, I’ll bring you breakfast tomorrow!”


  Although Palu rolled his eyes speechlessly, he still reached out to take the sealed file bag and walked out the door when he thought about getting off work early and having a free breakfast.

  Looking at Palu walking away, he shouted.

  ”Don’t you ride a bike?”

  ”I don’t know how to ride that thing.” Palu snorted, feeling that this guy was showing off the benefits he got from the Iron Man, and his voice was a little unhappy.

  What are you so proud of?

  That bicycle is not yours!

  Bashak didn’t care, and said with a hearty smile.

  ”This thing is very convenient. It is said that the guards in Dawn City also ride this thing. They have one more battery than us! If you are free someday, I can teach you! You won’t be afraid of falling if someone teaches you.”

  ”No need.”

  Palu turned his back to him, waved the file bag in his hand impatiently, and walked away from this street at a quickened pace.

  Everything here is changing.

  Whether it is the things on the street or the people on the street, when he wakes up occasionally, he always feels that he has been abandoned by everyone.

  In the past, Tulip Street was inhabited by nobles and ladies in long dresses, but now even annoying rats have mixed in.

  It’s called Axin, the family over there.

  Palu looked at the mansion that once belonged to the Weilant people not far away, and his eyes unconsciously showed a trace of disgust and disgust, as if he was looking at a piece of cake that was bitten by a mouse. The

  Weilant people earned their property through hard work and courage, but it was taken away by a rat who did petty thefts. I really don’t know what’s good about this so-called order.

  If there is a choice, he would definitely prefer to return to the era of Governor Nihak. People at that time were much more polite than now…

  Quickening his pace and leaving the fallen Tulip Street No. 1, Palu soon crossed the Knight Road that separated the rich area from the poor.

  It was a circular road around Tulip Street.

  Previously, the city defense army loyal to the Governor and the Alliance broke out a bloody battle here, but now there is no trace of the battle here.

  The houses full of bullet holes and the streets blown up by shells were completely demolished.

  Recently, the Alliance has been building a lot of buildings here. Not only did they demolish the roads that were destroyed by the bombing, but they also turned up the roads that were originally in good condition, leaving several nearby streets covered in dust all day long.

  The security substation near the station construction site that Bashak mentioned is nearby.

  As he walked over there, Palu glanced into the pit surrounded by the isolation belt and saw several shirtless workers carrying thick and heavy pieces of wood and pillowing them on the ground.

  He had seen that kind of wood in the port warehouse area. It seemed that the cargo ship rented by Baiyue Company had pulled it from the French Fry Port.

  Jin Gallon Port had never imported this kind of thing before, and he didn’t know what the workers were using it for, so he cleared his throat and shouted in a tone.

  ”What are you doing?”

  The busy workers ignored him, and his shouts could not be heard in the clanging sounds.

  The workers who had just finished work and were taking a break nearby looked up and saw the police uniform on him. They thought he was here to check, so they explained.

  ”Sir, this is the Alliance’s construction site. We have a construction permit.”

  The expression of respect and fear made Palu look a little comfortable. He nodded pretentiously and continued.

  ”Ahem! It’s good to have a permit… You have to do a good job of the Iron Man’s construction site. Don’t be lazy or you will be in trouble if we catch you!”

  Although he didn’t like the Alliance, he would never dare to find trouble on the Alliance’s construction site.

  Several men showed innocent expressions when they heard this.

  ”How dare we, officer?”

  ”Yes, the foreman is very strict!”

  ”And don’t even talk about being lazy… We can’t even work a little longer. Each shift can only work a maximum of ten hours a day. If you work more, not only will the performance and wages be counted on the head of the next shift, but you will also be fined!”

  Palu was stunned and didn’t understand why he would be fined for working more.

  But he didn’t ask in detail, just coughed and asked about another thing that he was more curious about.

  ”What are you building?”

  ”Railway!” A worker replied with a smile.

  Palu was stunned for a moment.

  ”Railway? Why build that thing?”

  Several workers looked at each other, not knowing how to answer. But one of the young men who looked smart suddenly had an idea and shouted.

  ”Make the port more modern.”

  ”Modernization?” Palu muttered to himself, “I have never heard of this word.”

  ”Coincidentally, we don’t know either, it’s those iron men who are talking about it! Anyway, we just know that this thing can transport things!”

  The young man just finished laughing and someone next to him followed up with a sentence, “It doesn’t matter if you haven’t heard of it, you can earn wages anyway!”

  Palu couldn’t help asking.

  ”Where are you going to take the goods?”

  A tanned worker replied.

  ”The ones buried underground are for transporting people, and the ones around the port are for transporting goods. That’s where other construction teams are working, and it’s not the same project as ours. You have to ask them where they’re transporting the goods.”

  ”Take people?!” Palu’s eyes widened, his eyes full of disbelief. Just these few sticks can pull people away.

  Seeing his shocked look, the young man smiled and said.

  ”Yes! I heard that the car runs very fast on the track. In the future, people living in the suburbs can also come to the port area to work!”

  Palu opened his mouth and couldn’t help asking.

  ”Then…how much is the salary? How much do the ironmen pay you per month?”

  Speaking of the salary, the dark-skinned worker grinned and said with a smug smile.

  ”2200 gallons!”

  ”2200 gallons?!”

  Hearing this number, Palu was surprised again and secretly calculated it in his mind.

  Isn’t this…

  exchangeable for 55 kilograms of corn? !

  Recently, many citizens of Golden Gallon Port have learned the skills of cooking corn and cornmeal from the iron men. Imitating the diet of those iron men has become a new fashion for the citizens of this settlement. The price of corn has also risen from the initial 1 gallon to 2 gallons. It

  is equivalent to 20 gallons per catty.

  But if you buy coarse grains such as black beans or chickpeas transported by water, you only need about 8 gallons per catty!

  As for Xilan coins, they rarely appear in the stalls frequented by citizens. It is said that only some bigwigs can use them.

  Palu couldn’t calculate how many kilograms of beans 2200 gallons could be exchanged for a while, but he only worked 1800 gallons a month.

  The income of these coolies is higher than his!

  ”Why is there so much!? I remember that the recruitment…isn’t it written as 1600 gallons?” Palu couldn’t help but ask jealously.

  The workers laughed again.

  ”That’s the basic salary! In addition to the basic salary, we also received a bonus of 600 gallons last month!”

  ”The foreman told us that as long as we work fast and well and get the approval of those iron men, we can even get a bonus as much as our salary!”

  ”I’m done, do you want to rest for a while?”

  ”Let’s go back together… I’ll buy some steamed buns later.”

  ”I’ll buy some fried beans on the way.”

  ”Where did you get the wine?!”

  ”Hey, I’ll tell you secretly, those iron men never finish drinking…”

  A group of people seemed to have rested enough, climbed up the ladder from the pit, and returned their work hats to the rack beside them.

  Palu looked at them blankly, as if he saw something different from those sweaty young men, but he couldn’t tell why.

  In the past, there were many people who did hard labor, but he had never seen anyone who could still laugh after finishing work.

  No –

  to be precise, he had never seen the slaves finish their work, let alone have the opportunity to think about what to eat after work.


  the world has really changed.

  Palu left with a worried look on his face, and went to the branch of the Port Guard Bureau next door. With the reminder of his colleagues, he found the director of the branch here.

  He knocked on the door of the office and walked in. Fortunately, he saw that the director sitting there was about the same age as him, also in his thirties.

  Moreover, the lighter skin color showed that he was a citizen who rarely exposed to the wind and rain, and his well-educated temperament made him look more like a decent cultured person.

  Palu subconsciously put on some humility, slowed down his pace, and handed over the file bag in his hand with a friendly smile.

  ”Bashak asked me to bring it.”

  The director glanced at him and said in surprise.

  ”So fast?”

  As he said that, he quickly reached out to take the file bag from Palu, tore off the seal and took out a thick stack of documents inside, and took it in his hand and roughly flipped through it.

  After a moment, he nodded approvingly.

  ”Yes, thank that guy for me later. I will write a letter to your branch office to thank him for his cooperation.”

  Although he felt a little jealous, Palu still forced a smile and nodded.

  ”I will tell you.”

  He paused and asked a question.

  ”By the way, Director, can I ask… what are these papers?”

  The director took a sip of tea from the cup, moistened his throat, and said concisely.

  ”Household registration documents.”

  Palu was stunned.

  ”Household registration?”

  ”Yes, at the request of those iron men. Recently, many refugees have swam over from the Yongliu River. According to them, there was a famine in several nearby villages. The Governor’s Office asked us to build an identity authentication system for local residents as soon as possible, at least to register their names, ages, genders, and the streets where they live, etc. People in your port area are all people of status, but it’s much more troublesome here. There are shacks everywhere, and some guys working in the port don’t go home for several days. Fortunately, you cooperated.”

  As he said, the branch director sitting at the desk pinched his eyebrows with a headache. It can be seen that he has been worried about this matter for a long time.

  Palu was stunned after listening.

  He did hear a little rumor that the Governor’s Office planned to issue something called an ID card to the residents of Jingalon Port.

  At that time, he was still glad in his heart that these iron men were finally going to do something really good, such as helping them to completely distinguish the rat people from the crowd, but he didn’t expect that only these things were registered.

  ”Just… register these?” Palu couldn’t help asking, looking at the branch chief with hope, hoping to hear words like “I almost forgot” or “I remembered” from him.

  However, to his disappointment, the man just looked at him blankly.

  ”That’s all, anything else?”

  ”Nothing…” Palu suddenly felt a little lost, and turned and left the office with a confused look.

  He actually expected to have a horse on the certificate.

  Although the horse tribe is not a particularly noble tribe, it is still much better than those snakes, rats, insects and birds…

  Palu left the police station and dragged his tired body towards home. The rising sun made his neck and back a little hot.

  Muttering and cursing the mouse that stole his time to go home, he unconsciously quickened his pace so that he could go back before the street got hot.

  However, just as he stepped past the door, the eight o’clock bell came from the direction of the port, startling a group of seagulls lying on the eaves.

  Palu’s old face couldn’t help but blush.

  It was only then that he realized that he had arrived home much earlier than usual today…


  Just as the sun at around eight o’clock gilded the Golden Harbor with a layer of golden color, the sky on the west coast of Borneo Province was still dim.

  A towering cargo ship was slowly approaching the newly built concrete dock, and connected to the dock was a group of shacks growing densely like moss on the yellow land.

  A man in a neat military uniform was standing on the deck, looking at the port bathed in the morning light with a smile on his face.

  ”West Sail Port, West Sail City, and even the fertile and rich Nasit State adjacent to it… Everything here is our spoils, and also the spoils of your father, Mr. Benoit. Pick a good angle to take a picture of it, and remember to let the morning light just shine on our bow. I like the glittering feeling.”

  Penny, who was standing behind him, sighed helplessly, took a few pictures of the port and the bow, and then shook her hair that fell on her shoulders and said.

  ”Then we may have to stay on the deck for another hour… And, respected Governor Huye, you don’t need to teach me how to take pictures. I know how to make your ship big and beautiful. How about I give you the camera and you take pictures for me?”

  The man was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed heartily a few times, but did not reach out to take the camera.

  ”You are worthy of being Mr. Benoit’s daughter!”

  ”Then I’ll leave it to you!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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