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Chapter 716 An Shishi Knows

Chapter 716 An Shishi Knows


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 716 An Shishi Knows

  ”You can read it in about half a year.”

  Xiao Youran nodded, and then asked, “Xiao Xu, are you still writing books now?”


  ”But you haven’t published a new book for a long time.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled, “What a coincidence, I just plan to start a new book recently. The manuscript will be ready in two days. I will show it to you first, and you can help me check it.”

  Xiao Youran was surprised and happy when she heard it.

  She was surprised because Xu Xiuwen said he was going to start a new book.

  She was happy because Xu Xiuwen asked her to help check it.

  This shows that he trusts her very much.

  Xu Xiuwen did not tell Xiao Youran that the new book would be written by someone else.

  He planned to show it to Xiao Youran and listen to her opinion.

  Song Siyu, who was on the side, listened to the conversation between the two and did not interrupt.

  She had also read the novels written by Xu Xiuwen, but she was not as obsessed as Xiao Youran.

  She even liked him playing football on the court more.

  After watching TV for a while, Xu Xiuwen said, “It’s getting late, you two should go back early.”

  Xiao Youran wanted to stay, but since Xiao Xu said so, it would be unreserved to stay.

  she had to agree.

  Song Siyu knew that even if she stayed, she couldn’t eat meat or drink soup.

  So she agreed very straightforwardly.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “I’ll take you back.”

  Without waiting for the two women to refuse, he got up and walked towards the door.

  The two women didn’t refuse.

  After going out,

  the three of them walked side by side.

  Xu Xiuwen walked in the middle.

  Xiao Youran walked on the left, because the left side was the position of the atrium, and when she held Xu Xiuwen’s arm, she could be closer to his heart.

  Song Siyu naturally fell on the right.

  But she didn’t hold Xu Xiuwen’s arm like Xiao Youran did, as if she was afraid that others didn’t know their relationship.

  She knew that if she also held Xu Xiuwen’s arm,

  it would be seen by others.

  She didn’t know what kind of speculation would be.

  So she didn’t do that.

  On the way to send the two women back, the three of them didn’t speak.

  The atmosphere was surprisingly quiet and harmonious.

  An Shishi in the dormitory saw Xiao Youran and Song Siyu coming back together without quarreling.

  was secretly surprised.

  She wanted to know what method Xu Xiuwen used to ease the relationship between the two.

  She didn’t ask immediately. She

  planned to ask when they met tomorrow at noon.


  An Shishi thought to herself, what should I wear tomorrow?

  Black or purple?

  Xu Xiuwen seemed to prefer purple…

  The next day at noon.

  Xu Xiuwen drove the car to the roadside of the west gate of Jiaotong University.

  He leaned against the passenger door and waited for An Shishi.

  Soon, An Shishi arrived.

  She put on makeup today, but it was very light. If you don’t look closely, you can’t even see it.

  But she did put on makeup.

  The eyebrows were drawn and looked a little thicker.

  The edges of the beautiful big eyes were also lightly painted with eye shadow.

  The red and tender lips were painted with light lipstick, making the surface of the lips look very moist and attractive.

  An Shishi is beautiful.

  In fact, her facial features are of the pure type. She

  is the same style as Xiao Youran.

  It’s just that An Shishi often tends to be sexy and mature, whether it’s makeup or clothes.

  Today she wore a black coat with a blue and white striped shirt inside.

  The hem of the coat just reached the knee, revealing her slender calves wrapped in black stockings.

  On her feet were a pair of women’s short-heeled leather shoes.

  This outfit was mature, but it also made her feminine charm even more attractive.

  Xu Xiuwen was also dazzled by it.

  An Shishi walked in front of Xu Xiuwen, turned around like a butterfly, and then asked with a smile: “Honey, is it beautiful?”

  ”It’s beautiful, I thought I saw a fairy.”

  An Shi chuckled, “Honey, why are you so sweet?”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said: “Sweet mouth? Why don’t I think so, I’m telling the truth.”

  An Shishi laughed even happier.

  She took the initiative to step forward and took Xu Xiuwen’s arm, and asked: “Honey, I’m hungry, let’s go eat.”

  ”Okay, then get in the car quickly.”

  Xu Xiuwen personally opened the car door for An Shishi.

  An Shishi chuckled again, said thank you to her husband, and got into the car.

  After getting in the car

  An Shishi asked, “Husband, what do you want to eat?”

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head and glanced at her up and down, “You.”

  An Shishi acted like a spoiled child: “Husband, I’m serious, what do you want to eat for lunch?”

  ”I’m serious too, okay, with you, I can eat anything, what about you?”

  ”Me too, as long as I eat with my husband, it doesn’t matter what I eat.”

  The two smiled at each other.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Then let’s go to East Street. There seems to be a restaurant that is very popular recently. Let’s go and try it.”

  ”I listen to my husband.”

  An Shishi turned around and fastened her seat belt. Xu Xiuwen

  drove to East Street.

  After lunch.

  Xu Xiuwen and An Shishi returned to the car.

  At this moment, there was still a long time before the afternoon class, enough time to do something.

  Xu Xiuwen noticed that An Shishi’s eyes had a tendency to be drawn.

  At this moment.

  An Shishi’s cell phone suddenly rang.

  An Shishi said, “Honey, I’ll take the call.”

  ”Okay, you take it.” Xu Xiuwen didn’t care.

  An Shishi picked up the phone.

  At first, she was still smiling.

  But the smile gradually disappeared.

  In the end, there was only worry and disbelief.

  Xu Xiuwen naturally noticed it.

  An Shishi said to the other end of the phone anxiously, “It’s impossible! I called my mother yesterday, and she said she was living well at home.”

  When Xu Xiuwen heard the word “my mother”, he immediately guessed something.

  On the day Xu Xiuwen sent the two sisters to school,

  Liu Ruo also hid in the trunk of his car and came to Jinling together.

  No one knew about this except him.

  Xu Xiuwen thought that he couldn’t keep it a secret for long, but a few months passed in a blink of an eye.

  An Shishi didn’t know that Liu Ruo had come to Jinling.

  He was secretly surprised.

  Now it seems that he can’t keep it a secret anymore.

  But it’s reasonable.

  An Shishi quickly said, “I’ll call my mother now.”

  After that, she hung up the phone and called Liu Ruo.

  The call was quickly connected.

  An Shishi couldn’t wait to ask, “Mom, where are you now? My uncle just told me that you haven’t been home for the past few months? He also asked if you came to Jinling with me! What’s going on?”

  Liu Ruo said something.

  An Shishi didn’t play the phone louder, so Xu Xiuwen couldn’t hear clearly.

  But An Shishi got anxious all of a sudden.

  She shouted into the phone, “Mom! What do you mean by that?”

  Then the phone was hung up.

  An Shishi sat in the chair like a fool.

  Xu Xiuwen was already very sure that An Shishi knew about Liu Ruo’s affairs.

  He asked knowingly: “What’s wrong, Shishi? What happened?”

  An Shishi said anxiously: “My uncle wants to find my mother for something, but he can’t contact her. He said that my mother has not been home for several months, and he thought she came to Jinling with me, so he called to ask me just now. But how could my mother come to Jinling with me? And my mother has not been home for several months, how is this possible? I clearly spoke to her on the phone yesterday, and she said she was doing well at home and asked me not to worry.” ”

  Auntie is not at home?”

  ”Yes, my uncle said he hasn’t seen my mother for several months.”

  ”Then where is your mother?”

  ”I don’t know. I asked her just now, do you know what she said? She actually said that she was indeed not at home and asked me not to look for her.”

  Xu Xiuwen reminded obliquely: “Shishi, don’t worry, things are not urgent.”

  ”How can I not be anxious? I don’t know where my mother is. She has disappeared for several months. What if she was kidnapped?”

  ”Auntie can still answer your call, she must not have been kidnapped. Don’t think the worst.”

  Xu Xiuwen just saw that An Shishi was too worried, so he comforted her.

  As a result, An Shishi noticed something all of a sudden.

  She turned her head and looked into Xu Xiuwen’s eyes.

  In this kind of thing, Xu Xiuwen, as her man, would not be as worried as she was, but he would not be so calm.

  Especially his tone, as if he was very sure that her mother was safe.

  An Shishi asked uncertainly: “Husband, do you know something?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t expect An Shishi to be so sensitive.

  He hardly said anything, but she still found something wrong.

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated.

  He promised Liu Ruo not to tell An Shishi and her sister about her.

  But An Shishi is his woman after all.

  Seeing her so worried.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t want to lie to her.

  That’s why he hesitated.

  It was this second of hesitation that was caught by An Shishi.

  She was suddenly more certain of her guess.

  An Shishi said, “Hubby, you must know about my mom, right? Can you tell me soon?”

  Xu Xiuwen saw that An Shishi had guessed it, so he had to admit it, “Shishi, I promised Auntie not to tell.”

  An Shishi’s tone became heavier, “I’m her daughter, can’t you even tell me?”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Auntie said that you and Shuishui have both been admitted to college and have someone to rely on, so she is relieved. She wants to live for herself in the rest of her life, so she won’t let me tell you.” An

  Shishi couldn’t help but say, “Isn’t she kidding? Does she think she’s still a child? She’s still living for herself. If you don’t know, you might think she’s filming a TV show.”

  An Shishi could say that about Liu Ruo.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t say it, even if he just agreed.

  He didn’t answer.

  An Shishi saw that Xu Xiuwen didn’t want to say it.

  She rolled her eyes, suddenly came up, and tempted, “Good husband, can you tell me? As long as you tell me, I can agree to one of your requests, any request.”

  Xu Xiuwen was immediately tempted.

  But thinking of the promise he had made to Liu Ruo, he still didn’t agree.

  But his hesitation had been noticed by An Shishi.


  More than ten minutes later.

  An Shishi blinked and asked, “Husband, can you tell me now?”

  Xu Xiuwen was very helpless at the moment.

  If he said it, it would seem that he was the kind of person who would only tell it after getting benefits.

  But he really wasn’t.

  He never thought of using Liu Ruo’s news to ask An Shishi to do anything for him.

  Because he knew that as long as he wanted it, An Shishi would try her best to satisfy him.

  But if he didn’t say it,

  it would seem like he would not admit it even if he put on his pants.

  An Shishi’s move held Xu Xiuwen back.

  He hesitated and said, “Shishi, don’t force me, I promised my aunt…”

  Hearing this, An Shishi suddenly covered her face and sobbed.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t bear to see a woman cry.

  What’s more, it was An Shishi.

  This girl who only had him in her heart and eyes.

  In fact, An Shishi had always made the most sacrifices and tolerated the most.

  How could Xu Xiuwen bear to see An Shishi continue to cry?

  Xu Xiuwen sighed and said, “Okay, Shishi, don’t cry first, I’ll say it’s all right.”

  An Shishi immediately put down her hands and smiled, saying, “Really? My husband is still the best.”

  Xu Xiuwen saw An Shishi’s almost changed expression, and he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but he was not angry.

  He was thinking about the words in his mind.

  ”Shishi, what do you want to know?”

  An Shishi said immediately, “Where is my mother now?” Xu

  Xiuwen hesitated for a moment and said, “Jinling.”

  ”She is in Jinling?” An Shishi was extremely surprised.


  ”Then take me to find her! I want to ask her in person why she secretly ran to Jinling without telling me and Shuishui!”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head and said, “I can promise you other things, but I can’t promise you this one.”

  An Shishi’s expression suddenly became a little ugly.

  ”What’s going on? Why did my mother come to Jinling? And how did you know about my husband?”

  ”Shishi, do you want to hear a story?”

  ”What?” An Shishi asked with a frown.

  At this time, still want to hear a story?

  But An Shishi knew that Xu Xiuwen was not a person who couldn’t distinguish the important from the unimportant.

  Since he asked this, he must have his intention.

  An Shishi nodded and said, “Okay, then you tell me.”

  Then Xu Xiuwen told her some of the things he knew.

  Some of them were known to An Shishi.

  Some of them were unknown to her.

  When she heard Xu Xiuwen say that Liu Ruo wanted to get rid of her husband, she wanted to be free and happy, and wanted to live for herself completely.

  An Shishi was silent.

  She used to think that although her parents had a bad relationship,

  Liu Ruo had her two sisters.

  The three of them were still happy when they were together.

  But now she knows that those ordinary days were torture for Liu Ruo.

  Just for her two sisters.

  Liu Ruo endured for eighteen years.

  Now they have all been admitted to university and have a home.

  So she plans to get rid of the tormenting days.

  Does An Shishi have the right to blame Liu Ruo for being selfish?

  She knows she is not qualified.

  Liu Ruo has paid and sacrificed enough for them.

  The only thing that An Shishi can’t figure out is.

  Even if her mother wants to get rid of her father’s shadow,

  she can tell her two sisters.

  Is she still afraid that her two sisters will disagree?

  An Shishi is not 100% sure whether An Shuishui agrees or not.

  But she would definitely support her mother’s decision.

  Even as a daughter, she looked down on that kind of father.

  Compare Xu Xiuwen with her father.

  If Xu Xiuwen is the sun that brings light to her.

  Then her father is a rat shit.

  Apart from spoiling the whole pot of porridge, he is of no use at all.

  Compared with her mother.

  An Shishi knew that she was very lucky.

  They both grew up in the small village of Liujia Village.

  But she not only walked out of the village and was admitted to university, but also met a man who deserves her love for a lifetime.

  And her mother was not only trapped there for decades, but her marriage was also extremely unhappy.

  If Liu Ruo could tell her her idea earlier.

  An Shishi would definitely find ways to help Liu Ruo leave Liujia Village and come to Jinling to live with her.

  ”Shishi, are you okay?” Xu Xiuwen saw that An Shishi was too calm and cared.

  An Shishi looked over and forced a smile, “I’m fine.”

  Xu Xiuwen thought she couldn’t accept it, so he explained for Liu Ruo, “Shishi, Auntie has had such a hard time these years. Now she has the courage to start a new life. We, as her children, should support her.”

  An Shishi nodded and said, “I know. Although I am surprised, I support her. I am just worried about her. She has never left Liujia Village. If she comes out rashly, will she be unable to survive? Where does she live? What does she eat and drink? Oh, I am really worried about her.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Don’t worry about it. I am your husband and Auntie is my mother-in-law. How can I ignore her? I have arranged a house for her. The environment and location are good. I also gave her some money, which is enough for her to use for a while. And Auntie now has a job and can support herself.”

  An Shishi was moved and a little resentful.

  She felt that Xu Xiuwen should not have kept it from her.

  If he had told her earlier, she could have helped instead of knowing nothing and playing at school all day.

  An Shishi suddenly asked, “Husband, can I go see my mother?”

  Without waiting for Xu Xiuwen to refuse.

  She added, “I can promise not to disturb her. I am content just to watch her from a distance.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “I can’t promise you that. But I can take you to the community where she lives.”

  An Shishi was a little disappointed, but she became interested again when she heard that she could go to the community where her mother lived.

  ”Okay, let’s go quickly.” An Shishi couldn’t wait.

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said, “Okay, then I’ll take you there now.”

  Then Xu Xiuwen drove An Shishi to the community where Liu Ruo lived.

  An Shishi carefully observed the environment of the community.

  She found that it was indeed as Xu Xiuwen said.

  The houses here are not bad.

  And there are no complicated entertainment venues and some dangerous people around.

  It is safe for

  my mother to live here

  . After looking at the community for a while,

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Okay, let’s go back.”

  An Shishi nodded.

  Then she took out her mobile phone and started texting Liu Ruo.

  In the text message, she did not say that she knew everything, but said that no matter what decision Liu Ruo made, she would support it.

  After putting down the phone.

  An Shishi turned to look at Xu Xiuwen: “Thank you, husband.”

  ”You’re welcome.”

  ”Hubby, knowing you is the luckiest thing in my life!”

  Xu Xiuwen had just said this to Xiao Youran.

  He said that he didn’t feel anything when he went out to make Xiao Youran happy.

  But when he heard someone say this to him in person,

  his heart was warm.

  Soon the car drove to Jiaotong University.

  Before getting out of the car, An Shishi said: “Hubby, how about I go to see you tonight?”

  Her eyes were so sticky that they could be drawn.

  Xu Xiuwen was very tempted, but reason told him that it was not possible.

  ”Youran and Siyu might come over tonight…”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t finish, but he knew that An Shishi should be able to understand what he meant.

  An Shishi nodded and said: “Okay, then I’ll go back first. Goodbye, husband.”

  Then she came up again, hugged Xu Xiuwen’s neck, and kissed Xu Xiuwen.

  After the kiss

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly muttered: “It doesn’t taste right.”

  Hearing this, An Shishi suddenly laughed.

  She laughed forward and backward, and couldn’t stop at all.

  Xu Xiuwen also reacted.

  Suddenly her face froze.

  Worried that Xu Xiuwen would be angry,

  An Shishi hurriedly got out of the car and ran away.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at her mischievous back and couldn’t help laughing.


  The next day.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly received a call from Hang Fei.

  Hang Fei had already gone to Shanghai to film.

  Xu Xiuwen was a little surprised to receive his call.

  He thought it was about the crew.

  Xu Xiuwen had already notified the Qiao Luoxin sisters and asked them to fully cooperate with the crew in filming.

  After the call was connected, Hang Fei explained the situation.

  It was not about the crew, but about another director of the company.

  Li Guofeng had a car accident and is now in the hospital.

  Hang Fei said that he would fly back later and asked Xu Xiuwen to go see Li Guofeng first. In the morning, Xu Xiuwen took leave

  and went to the hospital where Li Guofeng was to visit Li Guofeng.

  Li Guofeng was lucky. The car accident did not endanger his life, but only caused a fracture in his right leg.

  will be fine after a few months of rest.

  Facing Xu Xiuwen who came to visit, Li Guofeng felt very sorry.

  Originally, according to their plan, after Li Guofeng joined the company, they could start preparing for the filming of the next drama.

  But now that he is injured and hospitalized, it seems that it can only be postponed.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t care much. Instead, he comforted him to take good care of his injuries, and there would be many days for them to work together in the future.

  Hang Fei flew back in the afternoon.

  Xu Xiuwen also met with Hang Fei.

  One of Hang Fei’s words made Xu Xiuwen take it to heart.

  Hang Fei said that Li Guofeng’s car accident was not necessarily an accident, and it was very likely man-made.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly thought of the last time someone came to the crew to make trouble.

  Later, he learned from the team leader He Jiang that someone paid a group of gangsters like the long-haired man to come and make trouble.

  But he couldn’t find out who it was.

  If the two things are related.

  It can be seen that someone is behind him.

  Xu Xiuwen took it to heart.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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