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Chapter 717 Completely Transformed into the Shape of an Alliance

Chapter 717 Completely Transformed into the Shape of an Alliance


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 717 Completely Transformed into the Shape of an Alliance

  ”Time flies so fast…”

  There are awnings on the beach in front of Yiren Tavern.

  Looking at the sea breeze blowing in her face and the slightly tilted sunset, Irena, who moved a small stool to sit on the beach, wiped a handful of roasted greasy lizard thighs, with a look of comfort and satisfaction on her face.

  Not far away, the Elf King Fugui was drinking tons of beer, competing with the brothers of the Jungle Corps to see who could drink more… This agility-oriented rookie has never won.

  Boss Yiren, who was standing behind the bar, finally faced his special hobby honestly, and put on the maid outfit designed by Teng Teng Hut with a group of beautiful Moon Clan girls. What was

  surprising was that the guys who were making a fuss thought it would be very eye-catching, but they didn’t expect that this guy’s women’s clothing was unexpectedly good.

  Especially last time, a sailor who didn’t understand the situation actually mistook the owner of this shop for the boss’s wife, and even teamed up with a few vicious accomplices to perform an old-fashioned drama of a hero saving a beautiful woman. The joke made the players who were drinking here laugh from the game to the forum…

  The war two thousand kilometers away and the war close at hand seemed to be non-existent, and there was only a faint smell of the sea in the quiet evening breeze.

  Lao Na threw the remaining lizard bones to the wild cat that had wandered here with the ship at the door of the tavern, stretched her body and stood up from the bench.

  The Elf King Fugui, who had drunk a lot before night, burped and called out to him with his hands on the table.

  ”Going back so early?”

  ”It’s not early, it’s almost time.”

  Almost as soon as the voice fell, someone who stood up leaned to the side and was just held up by his arm.

  Looking at the power-type animals who were laughing, Irena skillfully freed her right hand to clasp her fists and said with a smile.

  ”I’ll drag this guy to the save point, you guys continue.”

  The hard worker laughed.

  ”Thank you for your hard work.”

  Irena smiled as a black line appeared on her head.

  ”MMP, how many times have I told you, can you change your nickname?”

  Few people responded.

  Upon hearing this, there was a commotion.

  ”Okay, old man!”

  ”Take care.”

  ”Give my regards to the nun!”


  Rolling her eyes at these bastards, Irena cursed and carried the old king towards the save point.

  This is basically the daily routine these days.

  Take the mission to clear monsters in the woods, hand in the mission and go to the beach to drink, carry this guy back to the save point before dark, and then go to the forum to post nonsense and brag. It’s

  as stable as going to work.

  Because life is so comfortable, if he doesn’t think about it carefully, he doesn’t even notice that it has been almost two months since the brothers of the Burning Legion went to the Borneo Province.

  In the past two months, although his daily life has not changed much, the changes in French Fry Port can be described as earth-shaking.

  The shacks that were originally crowded on the east side of the settlement have become rows of wooden houses with small courtyards. The

  wooden shelves hanging on the door of the house are no longer just dried fish, furs or clothes, but also some emerald green vines with colorful fruits and vegetables hanging on them.

  The Alliance Biological Research Institute has expanded its business scope in the local area, not only collecting clues about the activities of the mother nest in the area, but also cultivating high-yield crop seeds suitable for the environment of the area.

  For example, watermelons, grapes, tomatoes, etc.

  Many Moon Clan girls have also gained an extra income. As long as they take a seed from Chen Yutong and plant it at their doorstep, record the growth situation regularly and report it to the Biological Research Institute, they can get extra money from the latter.

  Of course, they also have to prevent seagulls or other birds from stealing.

  The diligence of these new immigrants makes even the power-type animals ashamed. This is the first time that players have seen people who are as capable as them.

  Although these NPCs do not have the same strong physique as the players, nor the rich experience and knowledge of the survivors of Coral City, they have the talent of doing three jobs.

  Some young girls with good physical strength process fur in the fur factory during the day, and work as waiters in the bar after work to serve tea, pour water and wash dishes. They also have experimental crops entrusted by the biological research institute at home, and take odd jobs such as washing clothes, picking up garbage and collecting oysters when they are free.

  Although the laws of the alliance strictly limit the working hours of each employee, they do not limit the maximum number of jobs a person can do.

  It seems that they will feel guilty when they take a break and enjoy life for a while.

  In the words of the survivors from Coral City, they wish they could finish a year’s work in the first few months, so that they can do the work of the next year in the remaining months.

  However, it is precisely because of this hard work, and the players who unconsciously imitate the managers have more ideas of “cultivation” than “exploitation”. These poor people only took two months to live a life that their fellow Moon people in the Borneo Province dare not even think about.

  In addition to the changes in residential areas, other areas have also changed a lot.

  For example, the sawmills and slaughterhouses that were originally scattered in the settlement were all moved to the beach where the imperial soldiers and aquatic mutants landed.

  That is, the new area west of French Fries Port.

  Since [Qingdeng Gujiu] and other professional players moved all the small workshops there, the air in the whole French Fries Port has become much fresher.

  There are no more flying sawdust and animal fibers in the residential area, and the greasy smell on the beach has also decreased a lot.

  According to the plan of the French Fries Port City Hall, the new area where small factories and workshops are clustered will be the “industrial area” of this settlement.

  Although French Fries Port is not suitable for the development of heavy industry, it would be too extreme to say that there is no trace of industry here.

  Taking into account the price of raw materials, the added value of products, transportation losses and the operation and maintenance costs of facilities, some light industrial facilities such as salt refineries, sugar factories, breweries, wood processing plants, and food processing plants still have business value here.

  If the rough wood can be processed into boards and then shipped to Golden Gallon Port for furniture, it will be much more economical than directly loading the unprocessed rough wood to Golden Gallon Port.

  The same is true for fruits, game and fish.

  Canned food or other non-staple food products can not only be sold to Golden Gallon Port, but all merchant ships passing through the Baiyue Strait will be interested.

  After the industrial zoning was formed, the city hall of French Fries Port imitated the industrial zone management method of Dawn City, and made detailed regulations on the production methods and employment rules of production units, and also made arrangements for taxation.

  With fiscal revenue and clear powers and obligations, the French Fry Port City Hall used tax revenue as collateral to borrow money from the distant Dawn City Bank to improve the infrastructure of the new city.

  For example, two concrete docks extending to the deep water area and a road from the industrial zone to the core city of French Fry Port were built by the Niu Ma Group using prefabricated steel, concrete panels and cement produced in Golden Gallon Port.

  In addition, the Niu Ma Group’s airship also brought prefabricated parts produced in Boulder City from Dawn City, and assembled a small gantry crane and a freight track from the dock to the port warehouse for one of the freight docks in the industrial zone, greatly improving the efficiency of cargo loading and unloading.

  Here we have to brag about the technicians brought by the Dolphin and the “crab-style” amphibious engineering armor they improved on the basis of the achievements of Shelter No. 100.

  The cattle and horses equipped with this thing are simply like a tiger with wings, and the dock is growing forward at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye.

  Later, the import and export channel of French Fries Port was also moved from the beach in the center of the settlement to the beach in the industrial zone in the west along with the small factories and workshops that moved away. In order to facilitate local residents to go to work there, the French Fries Port City Hall set up a transportation office and opened bus routes and passenger ship routes to the new district.

  The distance of five or six kilometers is not too far. There is also a military base in the northwest highlands to monitor the alien species in the forest and the coastline that has been fenced. The north side of the coastal highway has been reclaimed into fenced orchards, farms and plantations. As long as you don’t walk at night, you don’t have to worry too much about safety issues. Therefore, some brave Moon Clan girls choose to ride bicycles to and from work.

  As for the earliest wooden pier in French Fries Port, it has become a paradise for fishermen and tourists as planned.

  In addition to the facilities that have been built, there is also an ocean current power station located on the seabed at the bottom of the strait, and a solid hydrogen energy storage facility on the shore is still under construction.

  However, these two facilities are not under the responsibility of the Niuma Group, but were bid by a new energy development company located in Dawn City.

  Speaking of this company, it has some origins with the Islands Federation in the southern seas.

  The name of this company is Guangwei Energy. It was established less than two months ago, and the founder is Huang Guangwei, a survivor from the southern seas and a resident of Shelter 70.

  When he first arrived in Dawn City, he was sent to the police station by the guards because he knocked out the former manager of Shelter 70 with a punch, and was fortunate to be on the headlines of the Goblin Observer.

  But that was a long time ago.

  Now Mr. Huang has completely adapted to the life of the Alliance, and like the former manager of Shelter 70 who was punched by him, he chose to contribute to the Alliance’s reconstruction of the wasteland in his own way.

  Objectively speaking, the reason why French Fries Port has developed so fast is largely due to the help of these survivors from Shelter 70 and Coral City.

  For some difficulties that players can only overcome with strength and experience before the 21st century, they have provided more constructive solutions.

  And some professional players working in related fields have also learned a lot of things they have never seen from these solutions.

  Whether it is engineering experience or sociology.

  Both sides have benefited a lot from the contact over the past two months.

  In addition to the improvement of industry and infrastructure, the area where players live has also undergone significant changes.

  The most typical one is probably the “coastal commercial street” near the old pier.

  Originally, there was only the Yiren Tavern, a place for drinking, but now there are many bars, hotels and various restaurants here.

  Some of them are opened by professional players, some are merchants from Dawn City and Silver Moon Bay who are optimistic about the future of French Fries Port, and some are even bosses who came from the Federation’s circular island to invest.

  Every evening, this place is full of lights and wine.

  Not only players who have returned from missions will drink and brag here, but also those federal fishermen who fish nearby and captains and sailors who happen to pass by this sea area will be attracted by those thirsty thighs and come to this street to drink two glasses of iced beer to quench their thirst.

  Of course, it’s not that no one has had crooked ideas, such as some ideas about things other than food and beer.

  However, seeing the Alliance flag flying on the French Fry Port City Hall, most of the wastelanders still kept their sanity.

  Needless to say, some merchants and sailors from Silver Moon Bay have seen the ruthless people of the Alliance, especially recently there was a big guy who was beaten up by the head.

  Some wastelanders from afar were forced to suppress their evil thoughts under the threat of force after seeing the numerous awakened people.

  The lobby of a hotel not far from Yiren Tavern.

  Looking at the short skirt passing by the table, a sailor with drunken eyes couldn’t help but sniff hard, and looked at his companion sitting across the table drunkenly.

  ”Are the girls here from the Borneo Province?”

  ”Yes, I heard that they seem to be the Moon Clan… from the land across the Baiyue Strait.”

  His companion was obviously also an LSP, and he was the kind who had been holding it in at sea for many months.

  Since stepping into the door of the hotel, this guy’s eyes have never moved away from the girls holding trays.

  The pitch-black hip skirts perfectly outlined the graceful figures, and the black stockings were the finishing touch, not only covering the flaws of the legs, but also making the well-proportioned long legs look even longer.

  To be honest, the blue moles were really good at aesthetics. No wonder even the misers in Ideal City and the nerds in the academy were so fond of the design of Dawn City.

  Even these wastelanders who had no interest in the prosperous era would occasionally miss the distant era in their dreams.

  ”They are from the Borneo Province… I thought they were from Silver Moon Bay.”

  ”That’s normal. Whether it’s the Sunset Province or the Borneo Province, they are all those who escaped from the Great Desert two hundred years ago.”

  ”This… I’m hearing this for the first time.” The sailor muttered, reaching out and touching the back of his bald head.

  He had been to Borneo Province, including the most famous Golden Port, but the girls here and there gave him a completely different feeling.

  Whether it was their complexion or their mental outlook.

  The companion sitting opposite him burped and said drunkenly.

  ”Burp… I actually heard of it for the first time, but the residents of the shelter said so, so it should be like this.”

  ”After all, no one knows more about the incident two hundred years ago than them.”

  The night was gradually getting late.

  A group of sailors carried unfinished bottles of wine and walked towards the dock in a listless manner. The noisy sound could be heard even on the deck hundreds of meters away.

  Although they could stay overnight on the second floor of the hotel like their boss, their boss would not pay for their room bill.

  In order to save the money and drink a few more bottles at the next port, they would rather go back to the ship and hug the moldy pillow for a night.

  But just as everyone was walking towards the dock, a group of conspicuous figures walked from the dock to the shore against the crowd.

  ”Oh! French Fry Port has changed a lot!”

  ”Yes, it has completely changed compared to the last time we docked here…”

  A man and a bear stacked together, stretching their necks to look in the direction of the settlement, with two pairs of eyes, one small and one big, flashing with excitement.

  The sailors around did not react much to the combination of this man and bear, and they did not even find it strange that the bear could talk.

  After all, the manager of this group of guys can even tame the Death Claw at the top of the food chain, so it seems that it is not surprising that his residents can tame a polar bear.

  The group walked to the shore and searched for a while before finding the Yiren Tavern hidden in a row of bars.

  After saying hello to the young lady who was cleaning up the mess at the door, Wei Ba jumped off Rou Rou’s shoulder and ran to the bar. Yi Ren

  looked at the familiar group of people with a surprised expression on her face.

  ”A Wei? Rou Rou?”

  ”Oh…oh! Good evening!” Rou Rou smiled and waved her paws. She was too embarrassed to say that she had come to see Boss Yi’s women’s clothing after seeing the post on the forum.

  A Wei, who was following her, was much bolder. He came closer and stared at her for a long time until the latter blushed in embarrassment, then touched his chin and said with satisfaction.

  ”Not bad, not bad…it’s perfect enough to pay extra.”

  Zhima Paste, whose cat ears were shaking on his head, also encouraged with a smile.

  ”It suits you very well.”


  Yi Ren laughed dryly with a bit of a headache, and her index finger was wrapped around the fake hair hanging on her temples.

  Although she tried things that she would not dare to try in real life under the instigation of a group of dogs, she was still not used to accepting compliments from others.

  ”Congratulations,” Sisi, who followed the two men and the bear into the tavern, reached out and patted the man on the shoulder, “It’s a good thing to be loyal to your hobbies. It’s no big deal. You don’t have to care about other people’s opinions.”

  After a pause, the corners of her mouth involuntarily curled up into a mischievous smile, and continued, “By the way, do you need to–”

  Before the guy finished speaking, Yiren said with a cold sweat.

  ”No, no need.”

  At this time, the Moon Clan girls who were busy in the kitchen of the tavern also noticed the tail group, and put down their work and surrounded them.

  Although they have been away from their hometown for some time, many people still miss their compatriots there, especially some people whose relatives are still there.

  A pair of expectant eyes surrounded the group in the middle, and there were also the maid outfits that had not been changed in time.

  ”Um… May I ask how is the Golden Gallon Port now?”

  ”I heard that you also took down the Lowell Camp? Is that true?!”

  ”Any news about the people who escaped from the port with us?”

  ”Is my husband… still alive?”

  Before she could even exclaim “Is this heaven?” Ah Wei was instantly confused by the barrage of questions. “Giao… There are too many questions for me to answer.”

  Seeing her troubled expression, the people around her finally quieted down, but the expectation and anxiety in their eyes did not change at all. Looking

  at Sisi next to him, Wei put his fist to his lips and cleared his throat, speaking in a reliable tone.

  ”Ahem! First

  of all, the slaves in the Lowell Camp have been liberated, not just the Lowell Camp, but all the slaves in the entire Golden Gallon Port have been liberated!”

  Hearing this, almost everyone showed a surprised expression on their faces, and the two girls who seemed to be sisters even hugged each other with tears of joy.

  It seems that their relatives should be in that camp.

  After all, most of the people imprisoned there are people from the Moon Clan.

  Tail paused and continued.

  ”…At present, the Empire’s army has retreated beyond the ceasefire line. The Burning Corps is helping the local survivors to form a new authority and rebuild a new order that is more equal and harmonious. The local survivors are also very cooperative, and the settlements are full of busy construction sites.”

  ”In short, the changes there are still quite big. Rourou and Zhimahu were stunned when they first saw it. They thought that Si had read the map wrong! According to my observation, the future development there may not be worse than that of French Fries Port. I’ll take a look for you first. After the situation stabilizes, you can go back and take a look yourself.”

  Hearing that their hometown is getting better little by little, everyone’s eyes are filled with hope.

  However, when they heard the last sentence, many people’s faces still showed a hint of hesitation.

  Perhaps the experience during that period left too deep a trauma in their hearts, or perhaps it was because of the sensitivity of outsiders to identity recognition.

  Even though they have been working very hard and trying to repay the people here, the kindness and grace that only appears in fairy tales still make many people feel that this is just like a dream before death. Maybe after waking up, they are still on that narrow and damp ship, and the wasteland is still the wasteland… Even the ship that took them away from Borneo Province was a dream given by the gods.

  They are worried that they will never come back after they go back, and they are even more worried that these people who pulled them out of hell will send them back there…

  From those pairs of eyes with inferiority and reluctance, Tail keenly noticed something, and whispered another sentence behind.

  ”…Of course, of course, I didn’t say that you should not come back if you go back. This is already your new home, and no one will drive you away.”

  A girl from the Moon Clan suddenly came forward and hugged her, closed her eyes, and said sincerely and earnestly in her ear.

  ”Thank you.”

  ”No, you’re welcome. Although it’s a bit strange to say that at this time… Actually, there’s no need to thank me specifically. If you must thank someone, just thank the others. I’m just joining in the fun.” Tail’s face turned red involuntarily, and he scratched the back of his head in a rare embarrassment.

  The girl let go of her shoulders, took a step back lightly, shook her head gently, and a gentle smile appeared on her face.

  ”…Thank you for caring about our feelings.”

  After saying this, she paused and looked at the moonlight hanging in the night sky outside the window, as if looking at her hometown reflected in a silver plate.

  ”The people there are finally living a normal life… Knowing that they are living well, I am already very satisfied.”

  At this moment, the pleasant sound of wind chimes came from the door, interrupting the homesickness lingering in the tavern.

  A burly man wearing an exoskeleton walked in, and his modified prosthesis rubbed against the door frame, making a clanging sound.

  Seeing the man at the door, Wei Ba greeted him happily.

  ”Oh! Brother Ji! What a coincidence, you haven’t logged off yet?”

  Midnight Killing Chicken said with a simple smile.

  ”Just online. I heard that you have arrived, and I didn’t see you on the forum, so I guessed that you are still online, and you are here.”

  Moving away from the guy who suddenly hugged Awei just now, Sisi looked at the Killing Chicken brother curiously and asked.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  Midnight Killing Chicken said shyly.

  ”I just want to rent your boat. We plan to go to the port of the roundabout island tomorrow. I wonder if it’s convenient for you.”

  When he heard that he was going to the roundabout island, Wei Ba immediately guessed what it was about and said excitedly.

  ”Oh! No problem! By the way, is the water going to be connected?”

  Midnight Killer nodded with a smile.

  ”Yes! It’s finally connected!”

  The two-month construction period has ended. Just yesterday, they tested the pressure valve and the operation of various components and confirmed that there is no major problem.

  When the submarine fresh water pipeline is officially connected, the influence of the Alliance on the Ring Island will completely surpass the Torch Church.

  Facts have proved that in the matter of uniting “normal people”, it is much easier for the builders of order than the destroyers of order.

  Sooner or later, the survivors’ settlements in the southern sea area will become the shape of the Alliance. After a

  pause, he continued.

  ”And it’s not just fresh water. After seeing our construction speed, they also plan to invest in a new ocean current power station and a submarine transmission cable here. They will provide the necessary technical support. Brother Fang said that we might as well take this opportunity to issue a friendly statement and let us take our equipment to the island for a stroll and come back. The other side also agreed.” Sisi said


  ”It seems that burning coal all the time is still a bit tiring for them.”

  ”After all, except for the crazy people in Torch, who would refuse a better life? Moreover… recently, the islands have been quite dissatisfied with the decision of the federal authorities on whether to end the wartime state. They may also want to take this opportunity to find an ally.” Midnight Killing Chicken smiled and said, “We originally planned to take an airship, but after thinking about it, we decided to take a boat, which is more friendly.”

  Putting down his arms, Sis smiled and nodded.

  ”No problem, leave it to us.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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