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Chapter 718: One-Day Couple (Part 2)

Chapter 718: One-Day Couple (Part 2)


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 718: One-day Couple (Part 2)

  Gu Pandi was about to say no.

  But she didn’t know what she thought of, and finally didn’t say it.

  The female clerk asked Gu Pandi about her clothing size.

  Without waiting for Gu Pandi to answer,

  Xu Xiuwen took the lead to tell the female clerk.

  The female clerk was obviously a little surprised.

  She couldn’t help but look at Xu Xiuwen more, and then looked at Gu Pandi next to her.

  Good professional quality made her always smile.

  ”Two guests, please wait.”

  Soon the female clerk took out a skirt.

  Xu Xiuwen handed the skirt over and said, “Go and try it on. I think this skirt is very suitable for you.”

  The skirt that Xu Xiuwen liked was a black knitted skirt.

  The skirt is a high collar shape, and the hem is slit.

  It’s a bit thin to wear alone in winter, but whether it is worn with a coat or a down jacket, it is casual and elegant.

  The key is that it really shows the figure.

  If it were a woman with a bad figure, she might not have the confidence to wear this skirt.

  But Xu Xiuwen knew that Gu Pandi could handle it.

  When Gu Pandi saw that the skirt was slit, she hesitated.

  But since the clerk had brought the clothes, she felt embarrassed not to try them on and let others work for nothing.

  She took the clothes and turned to walk towards the fitting room.

  After Gu Pandi changed her clothes, she came out of the fitting room.

  Xu Xiuwen looked her up and down.

  This knitted skirt seemed to be tailor-made for Gu Pandi.

  After she put it on, her beautiful figure was fully revealed.

  Xu Xiuwen decided on the spot, “I’ll take this one.”

  Gu Pandi walked to the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror.

  The effect on her body was indeed very good.

  She was also quite satisfied and did not object.


  Xu Xiuwen came to the counter and took out cash from his wallet to pay the bill.

  Gu Pandi was about to refuse, but the female clerk had already accepted the money.

  She didn’t say anything.

  At this time,

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly asked the female clerk, “Beauty, do you think this skirt is suitable for my girlfriend?”

  Gu Pandi was stunned.

  She was very panicked.

  How could Xu Xiuwen really dare to tell others?

  But she was also very curious about how the female clerk would answer.

  The female clerk smiled and said, “Your girlfriend is very beautiful, and this skirt suits her very well.”

  Gu Pandi’s heart beat very fast.

  Her heart beat fast not because she was praised.

  It was because the female clerk actually believed that they were a couple.

  She couldn’t help but think of what Xu Xiuwen had said just now at home.

  She felt a little strange.

  After that, Xu Xiuwen took Gu Pandi to continue shopping on the street.

  He bought several clothes for Gu Pandi.

  Gu Pandi accepted them all in silence. In

  a blink of an eye, it was noon.

  The two had lunch at a restaurant near the shopping street.

  After lunch.

  Gu Pandi took the initiative to suggest continuing shopping.

  Xu Xiuwen thought she was in the mood for shopping, so he naturally wouldn’t refuse.

  However, when they were actually shopping, he understood Gu Pandi’s intention.

  Because he bought several clothes for Gu Pandi in the morning.

  He paid for them all.

  Gu Pandi also wanted to buy things for him in the afternoon.

  Gu Pandi picked carefully, just like buying clothes for her husband.

  Xu Xiuwen was not unhappy at all, and accompanied her with a smile on his face.

  At this time,

  Gu Pandi took a fancy to a coat.

  She asked the female clerk to get one for Xu Xiuwen to try.

  Xu Xiuwen tried it.

  This coat has a very mature color, but the style is relatively novel and will not make people feel old-fashioned.

  Gu Pandi looked at Xu Xiuwen and nodded gently.

  looked quite satisfied.

  She suddenly noticed that Xu Xiuwen’s collar was not fixed, and subconsciously stepped forward to help Xu Xiuwen fix his collar.

  The intimate behavior immediately attracted the puzzled eyes of the female clerk next to her.

  Xu Xiuwen saw it through the mirror.

  He suddenly asked, “Beauty, what do you think is the relationship between us?”

  This female clerk was not as mature and experienced as the one he met in the morning.

  A trace of panic flashed across her face. She

  was relieved when she noticed the faint smile on Xu Xiuwen’s face.

  She looked at Xu Xiuwen and Gu Pandi carefully.

  There are only three types of relationships that can lead to such an intimate behavior.

  Mother and son, siblings, and lovers.

  She directly ruled out the two possibilities of mother and son and lovers.

  The female clerk said confidently: “You have a very good relationship as siblings.”

  Although Gu Pandi didn’t care on the surface, she was actually listening.

  She was relieved but also a little disappointed

  when she heard that the female clerk thought they were siblings.

  She was shocked herself.

  Did she want others to think they were lovers?

  Xu Xiuwen laughed out loud when he heard this.

  The female clerk was stunned, “Am I wrong?”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head and said, “You guessed wrong, she is my girlfriend!”

  Gu Pandi was immediately angry and embarrassed.

  ”Don’t talk!”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t care, and continued: “We are in a sister-brother relationship. She is a few years older than me. Do you think we are a good match?” Of

  course, the female clerk could only say that they are a good match.

  Xu Xiuwen said thank you, then turned to Gu Pandi and said, “Wife, did you hear that? She said we are a good match.”

  Gu Pandi’s face turned even redder.

  She had to change the subject, “We bought the clothes, you go get the invoice.”

  Xu Xiuwen also took off his coat and changed back into his own clothes.

  When the female clerk handed him the packed new clothes.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly said, “Beauty, let me tell you a secret.”

  ”What?” The female clerk spoke subconsciously.

  ”In fact, we are not a normal couple. She is a rich woman, and I am a gigolo kept by her.”

  The female clerk was dumbfounded.

  Gu Pandi was also dumbfounded.

  Xu Xiuwen took advantage of the female clerk’s lack of reaction and directly dragged Gu Pandi away.

  Leaving behind the confused female clerk.

  The female clerk calmed down.

  Thinking of the money for buying clothes just now was paid by the woman.

  In addition, the woman is older than the man.

  And the man is so handsome.

  She did not doubt Xu Xiuwen’s last words at all. She

  just sighed in her heart: No wonder I can’t meet handsome guys, it turns out that they are all kept by rich women.

  She also wanted to support a handsome guy.

  At this moment, the female clerk began to realize the importance of making money. In

  the next ten years, the female clerk began to work hard to make money and then support a handsome guy.

  In the end, she really did it.

  This is a later story.

  Xu Xiuwen pulled Gu Pandi out of the clothing store.

  Gu Pandi finally came to her senses.

  She coldly shook off Xu Xiuwen’s hand and said, “Are you crazy? You dare to say anything?”

  Xu Xiuwen saw her face and didn’t care. He asked with a smile, “Are you angry?” Is

  Gu Pandi angry?

  It seems not.

  The cold color on her face is a disguise to protect her.

  Otherwise, she really doesn’t know how to face Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “I’m joking with her, Aunt Gu, don’t be angry, okay?”

  Xu Xiuwen actually acted like a little milk dog on the Internet in his previous life, and acted coquettishly around Gu Pandi.

  Gu Pandi saw Xu Xiuwen’s appearance and his tone. She

  was very uncomfortable.

  But I have to say.

  This trick works very well on women.

  Gu Pandi couldn’t hold it back any longer.

  couldn’t help laughing.

  She also realized that she shouldn’t laugh, so she rolled her eyes at Xu Xiuwen and turned to leave.

  Xu Xiuwen knew that she was no longer angry, so he chuckled, “Aunt Gu, wait for me.”

  Two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

  Xu Xiuwen was almost unable to walk after shopping.

  He begged for mercy, “Aunt Gu, please let me go. I really can’t shop anymore. Can we find a place to sit for a while?”

  Gu Pandi turned her head and looked at him.

  Her eyes were full of doubts.

  As if to say, you are so young and your physical strength is so poor?

  Gu Pandi said, “I won’t shop if I buy another one.” Xu Xiuwen

  asked, “Why do you have to buy another one?” Gu

  Pandi didn’t explain. There happened to be a men’s clothing store next to her.

  Gu Pandi walked in directly.

  Xu Xiuwen had no choice but to follow.

  After entering the clothing store.

  Gu Pandi took a fancy to a wool sweater.

  Xu Xiuwen took the wool sweater into the fitting room to change clothes.

  The fitting room of this clothing store has no door, only a curtain.

  Xu Xiuwen was just halfway through taking off his clothes.

  The curtain of the fitting room was suddenly lifted from the outside.

  Then Gu Pandi rushed in.

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned and subconsciously asked, “Aunt Gu, how did you get in?”

  Gu Pandi said anxiously, “Don’t talk!”

  She rushed in so hard that it was difficult for her to stand steadily.

  Xu Xiuwen reached out and hugged her in time to let her stand steadily.

  In the narrow fitting room,

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly remembered the ridiculous behavior he and An Shishi had done in the fitting room during the first semester of his freshman year.

  It would have been better if he hadn’t thought about it.

  After thinking about


  Xu Xiuwen was suddenly irritated.
Gu Pandi was not angry after being hugged by Xu Xiuwen.

  Because she knew that Xu Xiuwen was worried that she could not stand steadily.

  But when she noticed something

  her face froze.

  But this was not the time to be angry.

  Gu Pandi whispered, “Don’t talk, there are people outside.”


  ”Sister Zhang!”

  Xu Xiuwen even thought about who Sister Zhang was.

  But he reacted immediately.

  Gu Pandi was talking about Zhang Ruoshu.

  Even Xu Xiuwen, who had always been fearless, couldn’t help but get nervous when he thought of Zhang Ruoshu being outside.

  He didn’t tell Ning Wanqiu when he returned to Langya.

  If Zhang Ruoshu saw him secretly going out shopping with Gu Pandi again,

  it would be difficult to explain clearly.

  Xu Xiuwen asked, “Why is Aunt Zhang here?”

  Gu Pandi whispered, “How should I know? Stop talking.”

  Xu Xiuwen shut his mouth tactfully, still holding Gu Pandi in his arms.

  Gu Pandi didn’t care about these at the moment.

  After Zhang Ruoshu entered the store, she looked around.

  She didn’t find the person she was looking for.

  Zhang Ruoshu couldn’t help but wonder.

  Did she see it wrong?

  But she clearly saw the child Xu walking into the store with Gu Pandi.

  She didn’t see anyone go out just now.

  But she had already searched the store. She

  didn’t see the two people.

  The only place she didn’t look for was…

  Zhang Ruoshu’s eyes suddenly turned to the fitting room.

  But she immediately shook her head and gave up this crazy idea.

  How could Xiao Xu and Gu Pandi hide in the fitting room together?

  Absolutely impossible!

  Zhang Ruoshu thought she might be dazzled.

  Think about it carefully.

  Gu Pandi and Xiao Xu have nothing in common.

  How could they go out shopping together?

  If it’s Xu Xiuwen and Jiang Ruoyu, it’s possible.

  At this time, a female clerk came forward to greet them and began to take the initiative to introduce the current main recommendation.

  Zhang Ruoshu waved her hand and said, “No, I’ll just take a look.”

  Then she turned and left.

  In the fitting room.

  Xu Xiuwen and Gu Pandi both breathed a sigh of relief.

  Zhang Ruoshu was standing outside the fitting room just now.

  The distance between the three of them was not even more than two meters.

  The fitting room didn’t have a door, only a curtain.

  She only needed to lift the curtain to find the two of them.

  If she was seen shopping together, she could still explain it.

  But if they were caught hiding in the fitting room together with their own hands, and the posture was so intimate.

  They couldn’t wash it off even if they fell into the Yellow River.

  Gu Pandi looked outside through the gap in the curtain.

  After confirming that Zhang Ruoshu had really left.

  Gu Pandi gradually calmed down.

  Then she remembered something.

  Her expression froze.

  She quickly shouted in a low voice, “Let me go!”

  Xu Xiuwen held her without letting go and said, “Aunt Gu, don’t go out yet. What if Aunt Zhang didn’t go far?”

  Gu Pandi said, “Then you can’t…”

  Her cheeks flushed and she hesitated to speak.

  Xu Xiuwen reacted immediately.

  He quickly explained, “I’m sorry, Aunt Gu, you smell so good, I can’t help it… I can’t help it…”

  Xu Xiuwen let go of Gu Pandi.

  Gu Pandi leaned to the side, but didn’t go out immediately.

  The two stayed in the fitting room for a while.

  The female clerk at the door of the fitting room saw Gu Pandi suddenly enter the fitting room and didn’t come out, so she couldn’t help but think a little more.

  But she didn’t urge her.

  After a while.

  Xu Xiuwen came out with Gu Pandi.

  The female clerk couldn’t help looking them up and down.

  Xu Xiuwen and Gu Pandi were both embarrassed by the female clerk’s eyes.

  Xu Xiuwen said directly: “I want the clothes, you go to get the invoice.”

  The female clerk stopped thinking after hearing this and went to get the invoice happily.

  Gu Pandi lowered her head to tidy up her appearance.

  Xu Xiuwen said: “Auntie Gu, I’ll go to pay.”

  Gu Pandi hurriedly said: “I’ll pay.”

  Xu Xiuwen did not insist.

  Gu Pandi quickly walked to the cashier.

  After buying this dress.

  Neither of them wanted to continue shopping.

  Mainly because they were worried about being caught by Zhang Ruoshu.

  Gu Pandi said: “Xiao Xu, let’s go back.”

  She thought Xu Xiuwen would not agree.

  She had thought that in order to persuade Xu Xiuwen to agree, she could make some promises or concessions.

  But Xu Xiuwen did not mean to object at all.

  Xu Xiuwen said: “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

  The two walked towards the parking space.

  Just after walking a few steps, Xu Xiuwen suddenly saw someone selling candied haws on the roadside.

  Xu Xiuwen turned around and asked, “Aunt Gu, do you want to eat candied haws?”

  Gu Pandi gently refused, “No, I don’t like sweet food.”

  ”Try it, it looks delicious.”

  Xu Xiuwen walked over quickly and bought two strings of candied haws.

  He handed one of the strings to Gu Pandi.

  Gu Pandi hesitated for a second and finally took it.

  Continue to walk to the parking space.

  Xu Xiuwen ate the candied haws without saying a word.

  Seeing that he didn’t look at her, Gu Pandi looked at the candied haws in her hand again and couldn’t help but taste it.

  The sour and sweet candied haws stimulated her taste buds.

  She suddenly felt dizzy.

  At this time.

  Xu Xiuwen on the side suddenly exclaimed.

  Without waiting for Gu Pandi to ask what was wrong.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly took her hand and ran.
















  After taking two sets of photo booths,

  Xu Xiuwen handed the bag to Gu Pandi.

  ”Aren’t you going to keep it?”

  Xu Xiuwen said with a smile, “I’d better leave it with you, so that you can look at my photos when you miss me.”

  Gu Pandi immediately rolled her eyes.

  After getting in the car,

  Gu Pandi asked, “Where are we going next?”

  Xu Xiuwen asked with a smile: “Aunt Gu, you are not opposed to being my girlfriend now. I see that you are very devoted. You will take the initiative to ask me where I am going next!”

  Gu Pandi blushed and denied: “Who is devoted? I am just fulfilling my promise. Don’t think too much.”

  ”Okay, okay… I won’t think too much. Hehe, Aunt Gu, I will take you somewhere.”

  ”Then drive.”

  Gu Pandi did not ask him where he was going.

  Then Xu Xiuwen drove to his junior high school campus.

  Gu Pandi was a little surprised to see Xu Xiuwen bringing her here, but she didn’t ask much.

  Xu Xiuwen parked the car and led Gu Pandi to the wall next to the school.

  That’s right.

  It was the place where he climbed over the wall with Xiao Youran last time.

  Xu Xiuwen climbed up the wall first, and then stretched out his hand to Gu Pandi who was still standing below.

  Gu Pandi hesitated for a moment, and then imitated his posture just now and climbed up the wall.

  This kind of thing is obviously not what she should do.

  But she still did it under Xu Xiuwen’s instigation.

  After doing it.

  Her heart was beating fast, she was a little excited, but also felt stimulated.

  After arriving at the school.

  Xu Xiuwen took Gu Pandi to stroll around the school.

  Xu Xiuwen told Gu Pandi a lot of things.

  Among them were interesting things and embarrassing things when he was in junior high school, as well as things that happened with Xiao Youran and Jiang Ruoyu.

  Returning to junior high school, he seemed a little sentimental, and his tone became different from usual.

  Gu Pandi listened very seriously, without any impatience.

  When they walked to a certain place.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly thought of something, turned his head and said: “Aunt Gu, do you remember when I was in junior high school, one day I didn’t go home at night and my mother was very angry?”

  Gu Pandi thought about it seriously and remembered.

  She joked, “I remember, if I hadn’t persuaded Wanqiu that time, your butt would have been broken.”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said, “Yes, if it wasn’t for Aunt Gu’s help to persuade my mother, I would have been miserable. Hehe.”

  ”You were really disobedient at that time. You didn’t go home all night, and your mother was so worried.”

  ”I was rebellious at that time, but I won’t be now.”

  Gu Pandi said, “You are not much better now than then.” Xu

  Xiuwen understood what she meant.

  He smiled and said, “That’s different.”

  Gu Pandi didn’t continue to ask.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t continue to talk.

  Seeing that it was getting late.

  Gu Pandi said, “Let’s go back.”


  Gu Pandi said, “I mean you go back to your home and I go back to mine.”

  ”That won’t work!” ”

  Why not?”

  ”You agreed to be my girlfriend for one day, and it hasn’t been a day yet. Aunt Gu, you won’t go back on your word, right?”

  Gu Pandi stared at Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen was not timid at all, and looked back at her with a smile on his face.

  Gu Pandi snorted, “Forget it, come if you want.”

  After returning to Gu Pandi’s house.

  After entering the door.

  Xu Xiuwen asked: “Aunt Gu, what do you want to eat in the evening? I will cook for you.”

  Gu Pandi was stunned, “You cook?”

  ”Yes, it’s not the first time you have eaten my cooking.”

  Gu Pandi smiled and said: “Forget it, I can’t do such a thing as asking you to cook when you come to my house. You can watch TV and wait for dinner.”

  ”Then I won’t be polite.”

  ”Fake politeness.”

  Xu Xiuwen chuckled.

  Gu Pandi started to prepare dinner in the kitchen.

  Halfway through, when she turned around, she suddenly found Xu Xiuwen standing at the door.

  She was stunned for a moment and asked, “Why are you here?”

  Xu Xiuwen said: “I thought about it, I’d better come and cook with you, otherwise it will be too lonely for you to cook alone.”

  Gu Pandi suddenly fell silent.

  Is it lonely to cook alone?

  Of course it is lonely.

  But as a woman, she has long been used to it.

  Now suddenly a man said he wanted to cook with her.

  Gu Pandi was suddenly touched.

  She didn’t want Xu Xiuwen to see it, so she pretended to be disgusted and said, “You are still in the way here, I don’t need you to accompany me.”

  ”I won’t go in, I’ll just stand here, I won’t be in the way.”

  Gu Pandi heard this and said softly, “I don’t care about you.”

  Soon dinner was ready.

  Gu Pandi’s cooking skills are naturally needless to say.

  The fragrance in the room is enough to say it all.

  Gu Pandi brought two bowls of rice, handed one of them to him and said, “Eat quickly.”

  The tone was not very good, but not bad either.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t care, smiled, took the bowl and chopsticks, sat down and prepared to eat dinner.
While eating,

  Xu Xiuwen kept making Gu Pandi happy in various ways.

  Although Gu Pandi said that he talked too much, the smile at the corner of her mouth still betrayed her.

  Halfway through the meal.

  The door of Gu Pandi’s house was suddenly knocked.

  The two were stunned.

  Then Gu Pandi became nervous.

  Xu Xiuwen was also a little nervous.

  He suddenly thought of Uncle Jiang.

  Could it be that the person knocking on the door was Uncle Jiang?

  He could be considered to be trying to get Uncle Jiang’s girlfriend.

  So facing Uncle Jiang, he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty.

  Xu Xiuwen was nervous himself, and seeing that Gu Pandi was also nervous, he had to pretend not to be nervous and said, “Aunt Gu, don’t be nervous. Go see who is knocking on the door first.”

  Gu Pandi calmed down a little after hearing this, then stood up and walked behind the door, looking outside through the peephole on the door.

  After taking a look, Gu Pandi was completely panicked.

  Xu Xiuwen thought to himself, “Who can make Aunt Gu so panicked?”

  Gu Pandi walked back to him quickly and whispered, “It’s Wanqiu outside the door!”

  This time, even Xu Xiuwen was panicked.

  ”Why is my mother here?”

   Thank you for your support, voting and rewards.


  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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