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Chapter 718 Water!

Chapter 718 Water!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 718 Water!

  [From today, the submarine fresh water pipeline is officially connected to the water, and the water tank on the island has been refilled. According to the water supply agreement signed between the Governor’s Office of Ring Island and the French Fries Port City Hall, the import price of fresh water is only 0.8 silver coins per ton! The price of domestic and industrial water on Ring Island will be restored to the price before the destruction of the Ocean Current Power Station, and there will be no monthly water use limit. ]

  [The Baiyue Strait Branch of the “Survivor Daily” reports for you! ]

  Recently, the “Survivor Daily” also opened a branch in French Fries Port. Although the newspaper is not big, it only has a small wooden house of 20 to 30 square meters.

  The president is a girl from the Moon Clan named Misa, who was a teacher before the Xilan Dynasty launched a purge of the Moon Clan

  . After learning about the “Survivor Daily”, she decided to open a branch in French Fries Port to report local interesting news and promote cultural exchanges among people of all ethnic groups, while also helping her fellow Moon Clan members improve their literacy rate.

  Some things do not have to wait until the literacy rate is high before they can be done. On the contrary, it is precisely because of this that people will have more motivation to actively learn knowledge.

  As for the admission principle of the “Survivor Daily”, it is also quite loose. As long as you swear to speak on the side of all survivors, you can get the recognition of other branches and the Dawn City Headquarters. You don’t need to stamp a rubber stamp personally granted by the manager to be considered “orthodox”.

  Of course, if one day a branch no longer stands on the side of the survivors, the Dawn City Headquarters and other branches will issue another statement to expel it from the team and no longer reprint or quote any news from the newspaper, which can be regarded as a kind of exit mechanism.

  If it is for profit or publicity, this kind of management and exit mechanism is of course problematic, but in the words of the manager, the alliance is not the only newspaper.

  If all the “Survivors” withdraw one day, or only the one in Dawn City is left, it means that its historical mission has ended and it should go to the museum for retirement, and people at that time will naturally find something new to replace it and continue on.

  Since there are no paper mills or printing houses in French Fries Port, the “Survivor Daily·Bayue Strait Branch” is temporarily outsourced to the printing house on the Ring Island. Some fishermen, sailors, and dock workers who frequently travel between French Fries Port and the Ring Island occasionally bring newspapers back to the island from the shore.

  Therefore, even if the “Survivor Daily” is not sold on the Ring Island, the shadow of this newspaper can still be seen on the dock.

  ”0.8 silver coins?! Damn it, they sold us 1 silver coin!”

  Looking at the newspaper in his hand that seemed to be able to squeeze out water, the repairman standing on the dock widened his eyes and couldn’t help cursing.

  Because of frequent visits to the shore, the residents of the Ring Island are no strangers to silver coins, and can easily convert the latter into money in their pockets.

  ”After all, the people who operate the water tanks and faucets also need to make some money,” the middle-aged man squatting next to him grinned and said with a smile, “Do you expect them to work for nothing?”

  ”I’m not saying that they can’t make money, the problem is that this money is too easy to make!” The repairman shook his head, closed the newspaper in his hand, and stuffed it back to where he picked it up. It’s

  time to go to work soon.

  Recently, there have been a lot of orders from French Fry Port and Golden Gallon Port, and the factories and ports of the roundabout island have become lively again.

  In order to improve the efficiency of loading and unloading, the port office even reinstalled the gantry cranes that were almost rusting in the warehouse, and sent some of the guys who were moving boxes on the dock away, asking them to go back to work in the factory.

  And these old technical workers who lost their jobs along with the large ocean current power station finally have work to do again.

  To be honest, if there are no more jobs for them on the roundabout island, they all plan to try their luck at French Fry Port.

  I heard that they are also upgrading the port automation there, and the salary is not low. The only risk is safety.

  The middle-aged man squatting next to him smiled, threw the towel on his shoulder, and stood up with the repairman.

  ”Anyway, even if it’s 1 silver coin, it’s much cheaper than before! And there’s no limit on the amount of water… The days of taking a bath once a day are finally back.”

  This is a tropical area.

  Not taking a bath for a day is enough to kill you, especially if you work at the dock.

  Not long after the two middle-aged men left, a group of idle young men also wandered here from the settlement, and happened to squat in the place where they squatted before.

  Not everyone found a job in the factory. Although the dock no longer needs them, they still habitually come here to hang out.

  After all, many of their friends still work here, and occasionally there are some interesting ships passing by here.

  Anyway, they are not in a hurry to make a living as they receive relief money. It’s better to find an interesting place to be in a daze.

  ”Hey! There’s something here!”

  A sharp-eyed young man quickly found the newspaper stuffed under the ladder, pulled it out and unfolded it, and shouted to his companions beside him in a boastful manner.

  ”Look what I found! The newspapers brought back by the sailors!”

  Hearing this surprised shout, the young men who had just squatted in the shadows immediately stood up and gathered around with interest.

  ”The latest issue of the survivors’ daily newspaper, the newspaper from French Fry Port! Let me see what it says… Wow, the submarine fresh water pipeline is officially running!”


  ”No wonder my mom said yesterday that the water bill has been reduced… After all this time, this is what happened!”

  ”Well, I knew it yesterday.”

  ”I heard that the pipeline will pass through the minefield… Will it affect the ongoing war?”

  ”War? If you didn’t say it, I would have almost forgotten about it.”

  ”This war has been going on for so long, and I haven’t seen anyone from Shelter 70.”

  A group of young men gathered in front of the newspaper, talking about the news in the newspaper, and the topic quickly changed from the submarine pipeline that had just been running to the bar advertisement on the third page of the newspaper.

  There are the most densely packed color illustrations in the entire newspaper. Although they are not particularly exciting, they have a fatal attraction for these young men at the age of turmoil, just like the cigarettes and alcohol of the old guys.

  However, not everyone is interested in those unnutritious advertising illustrations. For example, Suni, who is sitting here, is thinking about other things.

  A few months ago, he produced canned herrings in the cannery on the roundabout island. Later, a series of things happened, and the canning production line and the automated loading and unloading equipment at the port were forced to close. He went to the port to do odd jobs at the call of the Governor’s Office.

  Now that the trade on the roundabout island has resumed, the automated equipment at the port and the production line of the factory are no longer loss-making goods, and the Governor’s Office hopes that they will return to work in the factory.

  He always feels like a convenient and easy-to-use machine, being led around by the nose.

  It’s not a pretentious thing.

  Seventeen or eighteen years old is an age of wild imagination. If you don’t waste your thoughts on beautiful girls, you can only think about the question of “where you come from and where you go”.

  When he saw the news of the completion of the submarine freshwater pipeline in the newspaper, he was immediately filled with emotion. Especially when he learned that the survivors of Coral City participated in the design of this pipeline, he felt even more so.

  It’s great.

  While the people of the roundabout island were still busy with the confusing war and being led by the nose because of inexplicable things, the most unlucky guys had already walked out of the disaster a few months ago and started a new life.

  He also wanted to live a more meaningful life…

  He finally made up his mind. He suddenly raised his head without warning and looked at the guys gathered in front of the newspaper and said.

  ”I want to go to Jingalon Port.”

  The guys who were talking about the news fell silent, and only the cooing of seagulls was left on the dock for a while.

  A fat boy with a sunburned face stared at him for a long time, and when he confirmed that the expression was not a joke, he suddenly widened his round eyes.

  ”What the hell are you doing?!”

  Golden Gallon Port?!

  The difference between that place and the French Fries Port next to them is not just a few words, but another continent more than 2,000 kilometers away!

  A wasteland that is more like a wasteland than the Seaside Province!

  There is neither unemployment benefits nor insurance, and even the most basic life safety cannot be guaranteed. In addition, the oldest and most primitive slavery in the history of human civilization is still being practiced.

  In that kind of ghost place, killing a person is as common as killing a fish.

  The exclamation broke the silence at the scene. Seeing that his friends were looking at him like a madman, Suni hurriedly explained.

  ”Wait, don’t laugh at me in a hurry… Remember the ship before?”

  A freckled and muscular young man was stunned.

  ”You mean those thighs-wait, aren’t they in French Fries Port?”

  A few months ago, when the cargo ship from Golden Gallon Port docked at the port, the graceful figures on the deck lived in the dreams of many adolescent boys at night.

  They were sitting on the dock drinking beer, even sitting in the same position.

  When they heard “that ship”, they immediately understood which ship he was talking about.

  ”But there are more big ones in Golden Galleon Port – cough, I mean, the whole wasteland is undergoing huge changes, people outside are moving for a better life, but I’m wasting time here!” Suni coughed hard, looking at his companions who were looking at him seriously, “Don’t you think this is a waste?”

  Everyone exchanged blank glances, turned to look at him, and became more convinced that this guy must have something wrong with his brain.

  ”What’s wrong with that?”

  ”It’s actually not bad to watch them laugh here.”

  ”I agree,” the fat boy with a tanned face nodded, “Just watch the wasteland, if I really go there… I’m afraid I’ll be stewed into soup.”

  ”I can’t explain it to you clearly,” Suni sighed helplessly, looking towards the direction of the port in despair, “I learned so much knowledge, not to move boxes at the port, nor to put cans on the assembly line, those jobs can obviously be handed over to machines… Let me be frank, I’m not actually needed here, but I feel that I might be needed there.”

  The companions looked at each other, and this time they seemed to understand.

  Good guy.

  After all this time, this guy wants to pretend to be a god among the natives in the wasteland.

  By the way, he will cheat a few beautiful girls.

  ”Then… what kind of job do you want to do?”

  He wanted to persuade this whimsical guy again, but the freckled face stared into his eyes seriously, but he didn’t expect that this guy had even thought about what to do after going there.

  ”Teacher.” Without avoiding the inquiring gaze, Suni answered without hesitation.

  Everyone was surprised again.


  ”What can you teach them?”

  ”You can’t even find a job yourself!”

  ”Language, arithmetic, even physics and chemistry, everything taught in school,” Suni counted on his fingers, looking at everyone and said, “Knowledge that is not used in the factory may be used there. I heard that many people there haven’t even learned to cook with fire. Besides, the newspapers have written before that teachers are needed there, and anyone who can read will do. The Alliance… those friends in the north of the strait, they plan to set up a school in Golden Gallon Port to teach literacy, and the salary is paid in silver coins! It must be one or two thousand a month!” Everyone

  looked at each other. They didn’t expect that he had planned for so long and even knew the salary for working there.

  Knowing that his friend was serious, the freckled face didn’t say anything else, but just stretched out his hand and shook his shoulder.

  ”I won’t persuade you to give up this idea again, but that place is a wasteland. You must think clearly before getting on the ship.”

  Seeing that someone finally understood him, Suni breathed a sigh of relief and said with a relaxed smile.

  ”I’ll discuss it with my family.”

  As he was talking, a whistle sounded from the direction of the port, and a huge cargo ship was seen approaching the dock slowly.

  The young men sitting on the steps subconsciously looked up over there, with surprised expressions on their faces.


  ”Those people are back?”

  Also looking at the dock, Sunny’s eyes suddenly brightened, and his dark eyes were full of rosy clouds.

  What a coincidence.

  Just when he made up his mind to set foot on the wasteland, the sea breeze that brought dreams blew into this lonely port again.

  Maybe this is God’s will…


  Welcome! Friends from French Fries Port! Friends from the Alliance!”

  The dock of the roundabout island port.

  Surrounded by a group of soldiers wearing exoskeletons, Governor Channing walked to the front of Midnight Chicken Killer with a smile on his face.

  However, after seeing the appearance of the commander of the jungle corps, the smile on his face was somewhat difficult to hold back.

  This guy was full of prosthetics, not only with a huge chain saw and gun barrel welded on his arms, but also his entire body was replaced with steel.

  Others wear exoskeletons on their bodies, but this guy seems to have moved his head to another place.

  With so many prosthetics, will his brain really not be damaged?

  Not knowing what the NPC in front of him was thinking, Midnight Killer smiled naively and extended his right hand to the Governor.

  ”It’s a pleasure to have a deeper cooperation with you! Our manager asked me to say hello to you on his behalf!”

  After shaking his hand, Channing quickly released it and continued with a bright smile on his face.

  ”We are the same. We are very happy to cooperate with you! In addition, please allow me to take back what I said before… I didn’t expect you to really gain a foothold in that incredible land. We have tried many times in the past century and failed.”

  This is what he really thinks.

  If he was more concerned and worried about the arrival of the Alliance two months ago, now he can only say that it is really good.

  The water supply agreement brings far more than just hundreds of millions of tons of fresh water to the roundabout island. The currency swap clause attached to the agreement has made nearly half of the factories on the island that were closed due to the war resume operation!

  Especially recently, French Fry Port and Golden Gallon Port are both engaged in infrastructure construction, and a huge market is opening up to all allies of the Alliance.

  The profits earned from exporting industrial products and equipment not only solve the financial pressure brought to the Roundabout Island authorities by unemployment subsidies and war taxes, but also make the subsidized coal-fired power plants turn losses into profits because the silver coin-priced coal mines are cheaper!

  It would be even better if these blue jackets on the shore could solve the problem of electricity together.

  Of course, he had already negotiated with the CEO of Baiyue Company about this matter.

  Soon, a submarine high-voltage cable will climb to the island along the water pipe. At that time, they can shut down the coal power plant and use silver coins to do more things.

  As for the Tianting and the mother nest on the seabed, although it would be best if they could be solved, life would continue even if they could not be solved.

  Besides, the River Valley Province has already had a successful case of solving the mother nest problem.

  They didn’t have to use the Torch Church’s method…


  After shaking hands with Governor Channing, Midnight Kill Chicken followed him to the square where the port and the dock meet.

  Here is a marble fountain, and a hammer symbolizing order stands in the center of the fountain.

  The statue of this fountain was completed in Dawn City, sent to French Fries Port by a cargo airship, and then transferred here by a cargo ship.

  As a blessing for the water supply of the submarine water pipeline and as a symbol of friendship, the Alliance presented this “never-ending fountain” to the local survivors.

  The fountain is connected to the submarine freshwater pipeline. As long as the freshwater from French Fries Port is still being sent to the island, the water in the fountain will not dry up. At

  the same time when the two of them boarded the port, the two hundred players from the Jungle Corps gathered on the deck also followed the two of them to the port of the circular island. The

  shiny armored “K10” iron wall exoskeletons exuded a blood-stirring light in the sun, just like the scorching sun walking on land.

  The port was crowded with onlookers, and the densely packed lattice buildings along the coast of the circular island also opened their windows.

  Whether it was young men and girls, whether it was old people or children, they all cast curious glances at the neatly-moved and well-equipped troops.

  Even some operators sitting in the crane operating table stopped their work and looked over there.

  It was the first time they saw an army on land, and the first time they saw combat exoskeletons with such thick armor and so many in number.

  Although the federal navy is also equipped with exoskeletons, most of them are for underwater operations, and only a few sailors are equipped with combat exoskeletons with bulletproof plug-ins.

  Even the combat exoskeleton designed for close-range firefights is still as small as a toothpick in front of this walking chariot.

  The scratches printed on the paint are like medals. These ruthless people are real warriors who have walked down from the battlefield and have experienced countless battlefields!

  A pair of eyes can’t help but bring a little admiration and respect, after all, the direction these people are walking is where they once escaped.

  However, even if they have enough capital to show off, these “iron men” did not show off their power.

  They didn’t even bring weapons, nor did they make deafening footsteps. They just wore the alliance badge and jungle-colored paint, and walked forward in an orderly manner.

  Compared with the grim sense of killing, the survivors standing on the harbor and watching felt more safety and reliability.

  No one doubted that they came with the purpose of peace!

  The players of the Jungle Corps stopped at the entrance of the dock, stood in a row in front of the fountain, and did not move forward.

  It was not only the residents of the Ring Island who were watching this army. Channing was also looking at this tiger and wolf army armed to the teeth with steel, and secretly admired it in his heart.

  No wonder the empire was not their opponent.

  I’m afraid these people didn’t even use their full strength when they fought back.

  However –

  Channing’s eyes fell on the “shabby” cargo ship behind these soldiers, and he couldn’t help but sigh softly in his heart.

  What a pity.

  Although their power on land is strong, their power at sea is still a shortcoming, which is obviously not enough to compete with the navy of the Southern Islands Federation.

  The reason for making such a comparison is not that he has any second thoughts, or wants to take the elders and villagers here to separate, but just thinking that it would be better if this big tree could be taller and stronger. In

  that case, the strategic value of the Ring Island within the Federation can also be higher.

  The fear is that these people are a potential threat to the Federation, but the threat is not that big…

  However, although Channing was a little disappointed, he did not show that insignificant little problem on his face.

  He is a person who is easily satisfied.

  In general, he is still very satisfied with this ally.

  As the Jungle Corps landed, the band on the shore played welcome music, and the ceremony entered a critical link.

  Looking at the leader of the Union Corps standing next to him, Channing performed a standard Federation etiquette with a smile on his face and said solemnly.

  ”May our friendship last forever!”

  Midnight Killing Chicken also put his right fist on his chest and said in a muffled voice.

  ”May our friendship last forever!”

  Witnessing this historic moment, the crowd surrounding the port burst into warm applause, whistles, and excited cheers.

  The staff on the square threw the pre-prepared ribbons and fireworks into the air, and the music played by the band pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

  There was a festive atmosphere in the port, as lively as a festival.

  At the same time, the hammer standing on the fountain sprayed water, and a faint rainbow fell along with the dripping water.

  Everyone’s eyes were focused on the rainbow, and excitement and anticipation appeared on every face.

  The days of water shortage were finally coming to an end!

  And tomorrow will be better!

  Channing and a group of port officials also clapped with smiles on their faces, and the worries and concerns in their hearts fell along with the spray.

  However, at this moment, a shrill alarm suddenly sounded above the port.

  The atmosphere of celebration and the sound of music stopped abruptly like a punctured balloon. The band’s players and drummers stopped their movements and looked in the direction of the alarm in astonishment.

  The survivors surrounding the port were the same. They all showed panic and confusion on their faces. They looked around in a crowd, not knowing what happened.

  Generally speaking, the alarm will only be triggered when the ships of Shelter No. 70 attack fishing boats, cargo ships or underwater facilities in the nearby waters.

  But this is a circular island on the edge of the southern waters. Except for special circumstances such as exercises, the alarm here has not sounded for a long time. So much

  so that most people have forgotten that they are still fighting without thinking about it.

  Governor Channing was also confused, looking blankly in the direction of the alarm, not knowing what was going on.

  Just when everyone was panicking, only the players standing by the fountain showed eager expressions.


  Is this a job? !

  The plot CG has been out for a while, and don’t wait until the promotional PV of the new map is made. The new players and cloud players who don’t understand the situation still think they are the NPCs.

  All the players were eager to go back to the deck and pick up their weapons.

  They couldn’t wait to show off their skills to these guys who had never seen the world!

  At this time, a staff member from the port office ran over and whispered a few words to Channing in a hurry.

  Channing was slightly stunned, then his face changed instantly, looking at the leader of the Alliance Corps standing beside him, and said in a serious tone.

  ”Our patrol team patrolling the sea near the minefield detected an explosion signal… That area of ​​water seems to be the area where the water pipeline passes through.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”We suspect that the ships from Shelter No. 70 may have attacked that location.”

  As he spoke, he couldn’t help but glance at the fountain, only to see that the water spraying out showed no sign of stopping.

  The water was still pouring out continuously, seemingly unaffected.

  Looking at Governor Channing, who looked as nervous as if he were facing a great enemy, Midnight Chicken said with a hearty smile.

  ”Don’t be nervous, it’s a small problem.”

  Channing was stunned for a moment, suspecting that he had heard it wrong, and couldn’t help but repeat the question.

  ”Small problem?”

  Midnight Chicken nodded, smiled and explained.

  ”We expected this situation to happen two months ago. While you are making a fuss, maybe the problem has been solved.”

  After a pause, he looked at the stunned staff on the side, quietly pointed in the direction of the band, and continued in a low voice.

  ”Can you please turn off the alarm and let them continue to play…”

  ”We are recording a video.”

  Channing: “……?”

  Staff: “???”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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