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Chapter 719 The vicious dog is out of the cage

Chapter 719 The vicious dog is out of the cage


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 719 The vicious dog is out of

  the cage. The group buying housing distribution issue has been hot on the Internet for a long time, and there are voices of envy from workers everywhere.

  Jiang Qin also received many interview invitations from the media because of this matter, but he did not accept them, and only updated a sentence on Weibo.

  ”I hope that group buying employees can have work where there is home, and have home where there is work.”

  After the Weibo was sent out, other companies remained relatively silent on the matter and did not respond.

  Are you kidding? Who would buy a house for their employees?

  We are all in an employment relationship. How he lives and how he starts a family is none of my business. I am not his parents. All I want is his work results.

  However, no fool really said what was in his heart, but just pretended not to see it.

  During this period of time, the employees of Kuaidi and Bibi were obviously a little discouraged. They suddenly felt that they were fighting for something. After thinking for a long time, they found that their lives had not changed because of their efforts.

  However, changes do exist. For example, executives’ cars are getting more expensive, secretaries are getting sexier, stockings are being changed more and more frequently, and double-layer soundproof glass is installed in offices…

  To this end, Cheng Wei once again raised the KPI requirements and formulated a stricter reward and punishment system to spur employees to be proactive.

  It’s the second half of 2014, and there are more than 7 million undergraduate graduates. What does that mean?

  To put it bluntly, if you don’t do this job, there are plenty of people who will do it!

  So under this tough reward and punishment system, Bibi’s development has indeed accelerated again. Together with Kuaidi and Uber, the three companies’ service cities have reached 45 in a blink of an eye.

  As for Pintuan, it continues to keep a low profile in the taxi field. At the same time, it held several overseas market discussions in the first few days of July to prepare for new growth opportunities in overseas markets for group buying, food delivery and supply chain.

  This can be regarded as conforming to the spirit of the International Internet Conference and taking the first step of “Chinese Internet companies going global.

  ” “The boss is going to create foreign friendly companies.”

  ”I can’t sleep for foreigners…”

  After the news of entering the overseas market spread in the company, everyone seemed to see a ferocious black dog running wildly on the world map.

  The domestic group buying business ended its struggle as early as 2011, and the pattern of the takeaway industry has been fixed for two years. The growth rate of the two sectors has been very slow.

  Although the group buying in-store, daily specials and group takeaway under the group buying system can use the form of lowering unit prices and raising selling prices as new growth points to ensure rapid growth within five years, for Jiang Qin, the overseas market may not be a better choice.

  We can also cut the leeks of foreigners, right?

  So not long after the housing distribution storm ended, on a morning with the afternoon sun hot and dazzling, the third overseas market conference of the group buying was held, and Singapore, Thailand, South Korea and Hong Kong were finalized as business development areas.

  Guan Shen, Xing Xiangming, Dai Zhipeng and Zhu Jinfu were selected as team leaders, and they will each lead a research team to go to four regions to conduct market research.

  After 2008, China’s mobile Internet industry developed rapidly, and the operations and technologies of various industries have also become mature.

  At this time, several other Asian countries are still almost at the level of China in 2008, and there is a surging blue ocean everywhere.

  However, although the level is average, the Internet penetration in these countries is still very high. It’s just that there are fewer people and the industry development is not as fierce as in China.

  Jiang Qin hopes to use this to create a time difference and replicate the growth path of Pintuan.

  The humanities, politics and relevant regulations overseas are very different from those in China, and the preliminary research will definitely take a lot of time.

  In the past, foreign companies targeted the domestic market and wanted to get the biggest piece of the pie, but because of the unfamiliar climate and the lack of understanding of the degree of involution of domestic business, they could only end it hastily and leave sadly.

  Now, the identities have been reversed.

  Pintuan is a foreign company from a mysterious country in the East, so if you want to enter the market and build a local team, it does require a long preparation time and detailed market research to form a plan.

  ”I heard that the laws in Singapore are very strict. You can’t smoke outdoors and you’re not allowed to chew gum on the street.”

  ”Not only that, it’s said that you can’t even go naked in the hotel.”


  ”Really? If you go naked in a hotel and get reported by people from the building opposite, you will be dragged to the square and caned. Smoking and chewing gum will result in caning.”

  Dai Zhipeng glanced at his yellowed right index finger and shuddered. He quickly found Jiang Qin: “Boss, it is said that there is caning in Singapore. Smoking and chewing gum will result in caning.”

  Jiang Qin glanced at him and showed a wicked smile: “What’s wrong? Are you excited before we even get there?”


  Dai Zhipeng’s brain twitched after hearing this, and he didn’t react for a long time.

  Dong Wenhao came over and patted Dai Zhipeng on the shoulder: “The boss is so good to you. Feiyu wanted to go but the boss wouldn’t let him go.”

  Dai Zhipeng pursed his lips and said: “Boss Dong, is there anyone else who wants to go?”

  ”According to Lu Feiyu, if he hasn’t been whipped in public, it’s like he has come to this world in vain. The boss coaxed him and said that he would take him to try it when we really start to build the market.”

  Dai Zhiming took a breath of cold air: “It’s true that everyone has their own preferences.”

  Jiang Qin was reviewing documents. He looked up after hearing this: “How about this, you discuss it with Guan Shen. As long as she agrees, you two research groups can switch places.”

  ”Guan Shen… also likes whipping?”

  ”Guan Shen is a girl. She doesn’t smoke and won’t go out naked in the hotel!”

  ”Oh… I almost forgot. I’ll go and discuss it with her now!”


  The first step of overseas development was launched. The four research groups gradually took shape and became the pioneers of the new market.

  However, the business focus and energy of group buying are still in the domestic market.

  After the overseas market conference, Jiang Qin held a development meeting on Cloud QuickPass.

  At present, because the market share of Kuaidi and Bibi has increased rapidly, the market share of Alipay and WeChat Pay has begun to rise. Jiang Qin decided to lower the priority of WeChat Pay and put it in the “More Payment Methods” column with Alipay.

  There is no other trick, just the old trick, that is, to lower it.

  ”Boss, when we allowed WeChat Pay to access group buying, we got Cloud QuickPass to access the recharge terminal of Tencent Games. Tencent will probably take the same approach.” Wei Lanlan

  couldn’t help but say.

  ”It doesn’t matter. The overlap between takeout and game payment users is too high. Even if it is lowered, it won’t hurt Cloud QuickPass that much.”

  Game users are already heavy takeout users. Even if Tencent hides the Cloud QuickPass payment portal, players always need to order takeout.

  In this case, Tencent game users will not give up Cloud QuickPass, but WeChat Pay will lose a large offline market. Everyone knows who will be hurt.

  Jiang Qin actually knows that Alibaba and Tencent intend to restrict the development of group buying. It has been the dream of all major companies since 2012 to liberate the market in the field of life services from group buying.

  Group buying, community group buying, takeout, supply chain and online ordering, plus the taxi market and map navigation, who in the Internet industry would not be jealous?

  Group buying will not confront them head-on in the taxi market for the time being, but it will definitely hurt them a little, and it is also to remind Tencent that group buying is not a persimmon that can be manipulated by anyone.

  As expected, Tencent silently lowered the priority of Cloud QuickPass.

  After receiving the news, Jiang Qin sat in the boss chair in silence, and the cap of the signature pen in his hand was constantly unplugged and inserted.

  At this moment, Yuan Youqin’s phone suddenly called, pulling his thoughts back to reality.

  ”Jiang Qin, where are you?”

  ”In the company, just finished a meeting, what’s wrong, mom?”

  ”Your dad is at the airport.”

  ”Okay, then I’ll pick him up, just in time for my meeting to end.”

  Jiang Qin dropped his pen, left the company, got into his Maybach, and was taken to the airport by the driver.

  Feng Nanshu’s due date is coming soon, and perhaps in these few days, as the continuation of the bloodline, Jiang Zhenghong can’t hide his excitement.

  But when Jiang Qin found his father, he found that his father was rosy-cheeked and seemed to have gained weight.

  ”Dad, how… how did you achieve this effect by eating instant noodles?”

  ”What instant noodles? You invested in a logistics park and a customer service center in Jeju, and someone invited me to dinner three times a day.”

  Jiang Qin glanced at his biological father: “Then why do you send photos to my mother all day long, and say that you eat instant noodles again?”

  Jiang Zhenghong hissed and showed a serious expression: “This is the wisdom of a man. Don’t tell your mother, she will feel sorry for me because I eat instant noodles.”

  ”Is this also the wisdom of a man?”

  ”This is the way of survival for men.”

  After a while, Jiang Qin brought his father to the hospital, and Qin Jingqiu and Feng Shihua were there.

  Uncle seems to be a little irritable at work recently. There is no light in his eyes, and he has completely lost his previous happiness.

  Jiang Qin wanted to laugh when he saw Feng Shihua, thinking that his uncle’s mental state is really like the current workers. There are always seven days a week when he doesn’t want to go to work. When he thinks of going to work, he feels that life is bleak.

  (The foreshadowing is almost done, please give me a monthly ticket…or2)

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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