Switch Mode

Chapter 72 What the hell?

Chapter 72 What the hell?

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 72 What the hell?

  It’s getting dark earlier and earlier recently.

  It was just past 6pm in the wasteland, and the whole urban area and forest had already gone dark.

  In order to prevent sneak attacks, the players set up torches outside the walls of the base, placed trip wires in the woods, and hung warning bells.

  In a little while, it will be dawn in reality, and many people have to go to work during the day. In the end, only 20 players stayed, and the other 30 chose to go offline.

  However, among the 30 players who went offline, half of them said they were free in the afternoon and would come back after noon.

  It was just right to rotate with the players who were online in the “first half of the night”.

  Chu Guang, who temporarily took Xiaoqi back to the shelter to charge and sent off a group of players, sat on a chair in the resident hall, opened the system panel, and confirmed his points.

  Counting the 100 points rewarded for completing the generator side quest, his current reward points have reached 122 points, just enough to buy a high-level blind box, two intermediate blind boxes, and two lollipops.

  In addition, as Chu Guang expected, with the completion of the last side quest, he really triggered a new quest to open the B2 level of the shelter –

  [Quest: Eliminate the Blood Hand Clan entrenched in the abandoned tire factory in the north of the shelter.

  Type: Side quest

  reward: B2 level authority of Shelter No. 404]

  ”… Solve the threat of external forces, and then you can open the next level of the shelter, is that what you mean?”

  It’s quite reasonable.

  I hope I can find some good things on the next level, at least not like the B1 level, which is bare except for 100 culture chambers and a computer.

  ”System, open the administrator’s allowance!”

  The light blue holographic screen changed out of thin air, and three options appeared in front of Chu Guang.

  Without any hesitation, Chu Guang selected a high-level blind box, two intermediate blind boxes, and threw the remaining two reward points on the primary blind box.

  With a slight shake, the alloy door embedded in the wall opened.

  When Chu Guang saw the big guy on the conveyor belt, he was stunned.


  is a weapon?

  I saw a square-headed, long-handled war hammer, standing upside down on the conveyor belt. The

  silver handle forged from alloy was about one person tall, and the hammer head was a bright silver metal arc, about the size of a human face. The

  hammer body was inlaid with two circles of sunken metal grooves, one in front and one in the back, and the steep carved texture connected the two circles, which looked quite sci-fi.

  However, even if Chu Guang used the method of empathy to try to understand the taste of the first generation of managers, he really couldn’t associate this thing with weapons. Did

  he want him to fight with a hammer?

  It would be fine if he changed it to an axe or a javelin, but if he rushed with such a heavy thing, he would be shot into a sieve by the gun!

  Walking forward, Chu Guang held the handle of the hammer with a strange expression. He thought it would be very heavy, but he didn’t expect to lift it up with his hand.


  Although the weight was not light, it was not as heavy as imagined, about 20 to 30 kilograms.

  Chu Guang tapped the hammer with his finger, but he didn’t feel that it was hollow inside.

  Could it be made of aluminum alloy?

  Or titanium alloy… or some special material he didn’t know about.

  At this time, Chu Guang suddenly noticed that there were three touch buttons on the hammer handle.

  Out of curiosity, he stretched out his index finger and touched one of the buttons.

  There was only a slight buzzing sound, and before Chu Guang could react to what was going on, high-intensity airflow suddenly gushed out from the four sides of the hammer body and gushed backwards.

  A huge thrust pushed the hammer forward.

  Chu Guang, who was holding the hammer with both hands, almost lost his grip and almost hit the alloy door with a hammer. He was so scared that he quickly released his index finger from the button.


  Is this hammer equipped with nitrogen acceleration?

  There’s something!

  Chu Guang was thinking this with a look of surprise, and a translucent light blue holographic window popped out from his field of vision and floated next to the hammer.

  It’s like a label.

  [Item: Nitrogen Power Hammer]

  [Description: Through the special force field to interfere with the nitrogen flow rate on the armor surface, it can achieve defense, attack, maneuver and other functions.

  In A mode, a vortex nitrogen flow can be formed on the top of the power hammer, thereby covering the umbrella-shaped defense surface with a maximum radius of 1m, offsetting and reducing the kinetic energy of the flying props, and has a good defense against light weapons.

  In B mode, nitrogen can be compressed in the front of the power hammer to form a 2~3mm thick nitrogen armor, and the nitrogen armor will be released after contact with the target.

  In C mode, a high-pressure nitrogen flow can be sprayed to the back of the power hammer to provide directional acceleration.

  This product is recommended to be used with assault power armor. B mode can have a good destructive effect on light armored targets, obstacles, and bunkers. ]

  [Note: Since there is no built-in gas storage device, it cannot be used in vacuum and underwater environments without nitrogen. ]

  According to the instructions provided by the system, Chu Guang tried it briefly and finally figured out how to use this thing.

  Simply put, this hammer has a certain device built in that can interfere with nearby nitrogen molecules.

  A mode is equivalent to defense mode, which can add a shield in front of the hammer.

  B mode is equivalent to charging, which can instantly release the nitrogen compressed on the armor surface while hammering the target, producing shock wave-like killing?

  C mode is roughly equivalent to inserting a thruster behind the hammer, which can be used whether it is held running or swinging to hit people.

  In addition, the nitrogen-powered hammer is powered by a micro cold fusion battery, which is located at the front end of the hammer handle inserted into the hammer body.

  According to the fluorescent mark at the end of the hammer handle, the current power is full. As long as it is not turned on all the time, it should be able to be used until the equipment is scrapped in theory. However

  , it is actually impossible to turn it on all the time.

  According to the manual provided by the system, continuous use will cause the circuit components in the equipment to overheat, and the warning light will trigger a protective power off after flashing for three seconds.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but sigh in his heart after playing with this power hammer in his hand for a while.

  Technology beyond the scope of cognition is really no different from magic.

  Let alone how this thing controls nitrogen molecules, the micro cold fusion battery at the end of the vertical handle alone has reached the realm of science fiction movies for him.

  At least Chu Guang can’t imagine the principle behind it.

  Take it apart and study it?

  It’s not impossible, but what’s the point of doing so?

  If its raw material is helium-3, it can only be mined on the moon. If a certain material used in it adopts some unknown process, then the speed of reverse engineering may not be as fast as starting from scratch.

  After all, scientific research is not about miracles, nor is it about opening blind boxes. If we can recruit some talents from other shelters in the future, we may be able to restore some pre-war technology.

  As for now?

  Of course, it’s OK as long as it can be used.

  In addition to the nitrogen-powered hammer, the two intermediate blind boxes also opened a box of antibiotics and a treatment needle.

  But what surprised Chu Guang the most was the two primary blind boxes, which opened a bottle of soy sauce and a bag of salt.

  Oh my god.

  He was mentally prepared to add two more lollipops, but his luck exploded in a strange place?

  Chu Guang didn’t know whether he was profitable or losing…


  Six o’clock in the evening of Wasteland time is exactly six o’clock in the morning in reality.

  Although many people are still lying in bed at this time, it is just the opposite for players of Wasteland OL.

  Playing games all night did not make them feel tired at all, but they felt refreshed because they had slept for nearly 12 hours.

  Especially the battle with the predators, it was so exciting!

  Almost as soon as they went offline, the official website became lively. Not only were the posts in the forum flooded, but the spam area was also full of chats.

  Spare someone’s life: “Oh my god, it was so fun to kill people this afternoon! Hahaha, I have to go to the construction site in the morning, guys, wait for me to come back.”

  Quit Smoking: “Afternoon?!”

  Spare someone’s life: “Ahem, afternoon in the game! This game is so realistic that I forgot all the time. In reality, it should be the wee hours of the morning! Shit, brother, you’re guarding the official website so early?”

  Quit Smoking: “TT”

  Lao Bai: “I feel sorry for Quit Smoking, brother. I can’t help but want to lend you my account.”

  Quit Smoking: “Can I!!! (Excited)”

  Ye Shi: “Sure thing, other people can’t see anything when they wear it, and they laugh at you for being stupid. I won’t explain it now. If you explain too much, you’ll think I’m crazy. Why bother? Those who understand will understand, and they’ll get slapped in the face when the public beta is released. (Funny)”

  Ye Ao Nai Wo He: “I’m dying of laughter, and you’re still slapping me in the face! Just pretend to be a pig head!”

  Ye Shi: “Wait, I’ll apply to be a moderator right now.”

  Irena: “Ye Ao Brother is here too. Have you bought a house on the official website? (Funny) ”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes”: “I knew you were all on the forum! I’m here to brag about it, the battlefield environment of this game is so damn real! Compared to those orphan games that look like light pollution, a real battlefield should be like this, bullets whizzing around, and you don’t know if they hit you, and you don’t see anyone, anyway, it’s fun and that’s it!” ”

  Lao Bai”: “Hahahaha, the battlefield atmosphere is solid.” ”

  Ye Shi”: “The case is solved. After all this time, it turns out that you, the cook, are wasting bullets. I was wondering why the manager’s face was so black in the end. (Funny)”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “What’s wrong with the cook? You know what, I rushed over with an axe and knocked one down! After I was done, I found out that I was shot in the leg, and it really didn’t hurt at all.” “Fang Chang

  ”: “Scrambled Eggs is a physical system, how do you feel?”

  Compared to others, Lai Ri Fang Chang always focuses on game intelligence.

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “Recovered very quickly! I didn’t feel anything else. Oh, if it was a perception system, it would be great. If not, strength system will do.”

  Fang Chang: “Is that so… I see.”

  Trash Picker Level 99: “Be content. I just found out I couldn’t get my finger into the gun after I got it. QAQ”

  Ye Shi: “Hahahaha!”

  Fang Chang: “Well, this is indeed a problem. How about you break the frame in front of the trigger?”

  Trash Picker Level 99: “Wait until I buy a gun. Damn, I have to pay back Brother Mosquito first. TT”

  WC Really Mosquito: “Good brother, don’t panic. How about you try a crossbow? I’ll make you one when the store opens. It’s cheap! (Funny)”

  Trash Picker Level 99: “I’d better use a javelin!”

  Irena: “(Funny)”

  The forum was filled with a happy atmosphere.

  After teasing Jun Jun, everyone started another thread and discussed countermeasures against the predators.

  Some cloud players who didn’t get the game qualification also participated in it, throwing out some bad ideas here and there, which made a certain screen peeping planner dumbfounded.

  Fire attack is fine.

  Even water attack has come out.

  Is there any reservoir nearby? Where can I get so much water?

  Of course, there are some reliable ones among them. For example, there is a little player who is very smart and actually thinks the same as him.

  His ID is very domineering, called [Fountain Commander], and the reservation sequence is 661. Looking at the speech records, he was lured here from other forums by forum friends when he was bragging.

  ”…If you don’t have the advantage in equipment and can’t win the street fighting, the best way is to drag it out until the land is frozen for thousands of miles and the roads are blocked by heavy snow. At that time, it will not be about equipment and tactics, but about supplies, logistics, and morale…if Wasteland OL has this setting.”

  ”Hypothesis, I mean hypothesis. I heard from you that these looters do not produce, are warlike, and make a living by plundering. Then where do they get their food, clothes, and toys from? If they just take advantage of the situation occasionally and extort passing merchants, it will definitely be unstable and may not be enough. It’s okay in spring, summer, and autumn, but in winter, how can there be any merchants passing by?”

  ”Then there are only three possibilities. Either they are thrifty and know how to tighten their belts to make a living, or they have a stable and long-term meal ticket to support them.”

  ”The former is unlikely. The other party is a bandit. If he really has this discipline and knows how to live, he would not be a carefree mountain king. Even if he doesn’t farm, he will become a warlord!”

  ”If it’s the latter, then it’s easy. It’s unrealistic to clear the fields at home, so we can cut off their supply lines! Winter is still long, and the supplies in the village will run out sooner or later. Without the support of meal tickets, how long can a group of rabble last?”

  ”The other is that the system brushes it. Many games are actually like this. The AI ​​has lost all its mines but still mindlessly rushes to attack.”

  ”If this is the case, please ignore what I said!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode