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Chapter 720: Being Tricked

Chapter 720: Being Tricked


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 720 Being tricked

  ”A bunch of trash!”

  Charas cursed angrily, threw the communicator in his hand on the sofa, paced back and forth for a while, and closed his eyes.

  Soon, a light golden light appeared not far from him, and an old man in a gray robe slowly emerged.

  Without waiting for the guy to speak, Charas walked up to him in a hurry, staring into his eyes and said aggressively.

  ”Your people messed up again! Why do you make me say again! Can’t you get some decent weapons!? Or do you have no one to use except those scaly fishmen?!”

  Arzu’s face was equally ugly.

  After all, he was not a true forerunner, but an apostle in the “Second Holy Temple”. He could not completely block human emotions and achieve purely rational thinking.

  But even so, he still patiently waited for this guy to finish complaining before expressing his dissatisfaction in a cold tone.

  ”I have to remind you that the sea is your territory. You have lived here for two centuries, and we have only been here for a short time. I can indeed help you solve some problems that are inconvenient for you to deal with, but you don’t think that we are as omnipotent in the sea as on land, do you? If that’s the case, why would we need you?”

  Charas’s expression was a little embarrassed.

  ”But even so…”

  This time, Arzu didn’t wait for him to finish his words and cursed.

  ”Don’t say ‘even so’ there. Do you really need me to explain it clearly? You are too slow!”

  Charas looked at Arzu who suddenly got angry in astonishment, and for a moment he forgot who was blaming whom.

  Taking a deep breath, Arzu calmed his heaving chest, stared at the stunned federal chief of staff and continued.

  ”The Alliance is trying to build a siege against us. We have less and less time left. We must open up our strategic space to the sea before the siege is formed. Research on the mother nest on the Celestial Court is necessary. What about the Coral City you promised me? Another two months have passed. When can we start our research!”

  Hearing Alzu suddenly mention this, Charas’s expression was also a little embarrassed. He coughed lightly and tried to explain.

  ”It will take some time… There are still voices of concern within the Federation. I have tried hard to speak for you.”

  He needs to use his friends in the north to help him settle some troubles, but this does not mean that he will completely turn to them.

  To put it bluntly, this is just mutual use.

  It is true that he longs to gain eternity while gaining power, but he has his own pace to do this, and this is the safest.

  ”Too slow.”

  Alzu shook his head, his face full of disappointment.

  ”I trust you and give you my greatest support. Whether you need technology or assistance, we will do our best to help you. We even provide you with our most precious ‘mind interference technology’. And what did you give me? Two months to play your boring official games? Do we have to wait until you take the presidency before we can start the next step?”

  Without waiting for Charas to explain, he continued with great sorrow.

  ”If I had a submarine or a warship, we would not have to use those ugly fishmen. Why did our plan fail? It’s all because of you! Charas! Because of your weakness and incompetence! You left my men alone again and again! If you had given them even a little support–”


  Charas finally couldn’t hold back his face anymore and interrupted his reprimand angrily.

  ”I have helped you to the maximum extent allowed by my authority. Do you want me to bypass the command center and order the Federation fleet to fire at the Alliance’s targets? No one will pay attention to such an order! This is not your place! There are no puppets whose brains have been hollowed out by Nago here. It is impossible for me to do whatever I want. I must

  do things within the scope of the rules-” “Doing things outside the rules within the scope of the rules? This is your most fatal flaw. You want all the benefits, but you are not willing to take any risks. If you really respect your ridiculous rules, you should not borrow our power from the beginning, but win the support of the majority like your beloved President.”

  Arzu laughed softly, walked in front of this dear ally, stared at the wavering pupils, and spoke slowly.

  ”I can see that your men have begun to doubt you.”

  Subconsciously taking a step back, Charas frowned.

  ”My men?”

  Arzu nodded, and his empty eyes suddenly cast towards the direction of the window, and continued to speak as if nothing had happened.

  ”That destroyer is heading towards the scene of the incident… Let me guess. First of all, he is definitely not going to help us. If he really intended to do so, he would not have waited until we were done fighting.” ”

  Destroyer? You mean Dongwen?” Charas looked at him in surprise and muttered to himself, “Didn’t I ask him to return to Anle Island and wait for orders?”

  ”It seems that I guessed right,” looking at Charas whose face gradually changed, Arzu just sneered at his ally coldly, “What a pity, Mr. Charas, it’s a pity that your official game is probably too much. You have no chance to become the president of the Federation, absolutely no chance, but you are not completely without the opportunity to hold the power you desire… How about considering the title of head of state?”

  Without waiting for Charas, who looked stunned, to speak, Arzu threw down the last sentence.

  ”This is your last chance, let me see if you have the courage to bear the consequences of your choice.”

  ”If you are a coward, I should change my ally as soon as possible, hehe.”

  As the words fell, the golden shadow began to fade gradually, like a wisp of dissipated green smoke blending into the air.

  Charas was startled and shouted.

  ”Wait, wait a minute!”

  The shadow didn’t wait for him, and didn’t even bother to listen to what he said. It disappeared directly in the room. No matter how he called, there was no response.

  ”This guy!”

  Charas clenched his fists.

  At this time, a drop of cold sweat suddenly broke out from his forehead and dripped onto the carpet.

  He was tricked!

  From the beginning, that guy had calculated that this group of mutants would definitely fail.

  And he, who didn’t fully trust the Torch, would definitely arrange a warship to monitor the final result as before.

  Now his men have begun to doubt his motives, and even began to doubt whether what he was doing was right.

  Just as the guy who pretended to be a ghost said, he no longer had the opportunity to be a fence-sitter and continue to speculate.

  This time, the suspicious eyes did not come from the centrists, but from those around him – the officers who supported him in this gamble.

  Now he had only two choices.

  Either confess everything to those who supported him and those who doubted him, and accept the punishment of the rules they set themselves.

  Or take advantage of the initiative in his hands and pull those who still supported him to take one last gamble…

  Charas felt his palms soaked with cold sweat.

  Just then, footsteps came from the door, and then someone knocked on the door.

  He spoke almost reflexively.

  ”Come in.”

  The door opened, and an officer walked in, saluted respectfully.

  ”Mr. Charas, the president hopes you can go to the presidential palace. Regarding the investigation of the “Golden Coast”, he has some doubts and wants to discuss with you.”

  Golden Coast?

  Charas was stunned for a moment, and it took him a long time to remember that it was the research ship that went to the Seaside Province to establish an outpost.

  Realizing this, he couldn’t help but want to laugh.

  At this time, these guys are still investigating that thing?

  But there were outsiders here, so he didn’t laugh out loud. He calmed his breath for a moment, turned to look at the officer standing at the door, and said politely.

  ”Please tell Mr. President that I still have some things to deal with. I will meet him before dusk.”


  The officer saluted again and turned to leave the room.

  The door closed.

  Looking at the quiet room again, Charas stopped for a moment, and finally walked to the sofa and picked up the communicator lying on it. He

  dialed a number neatly, his eyes no longer hesitated, and his voice did not hesitate at all.

  As the orders were issued one by one, he quickly completed all the arrangements that needed to be completed before starting this gamble.

  In fact, there was nothing to hesitate.

  Alzu’s evaluation was correct. He was indeed a weak and incompetent guy.

  But what happened was that the officers and war advocates who pushed him to the front were not “iron-blooded tough guys”. They were all fence-sitters who took one step at a time. He was not the only one who wanted benefits but did not dare to take responsibility. At least he

  had a little advantage over them, and he could still make some decisions when it was time to make them.

  There was no reason for him to lose this gamble!


  Ring Island Port.

  The ceremony to celebrate the water supply went smoothly to the end. Governor Channing read out the friendly statement of the Ring Island, French Fries Port and the Alliance in front of everyone, and Midnight Killing Chicken read out the administrator’s blessings to the local survivors on behalf of the Alliance.

  In the end, as promised by the Alliance, the fresh water supply pipeline was not affected by the sudden alarm.

  Clear water still gushed out from the end of the inverted hammer handle, just like the rock-solid order.

  The sudden alarm seemed like a misunderstanding.

  At first, the people surrounding the square were a little panicked, thinking that something big had happened.

  However, when they saw the band continue to play music and the ribbon-cutting ceremony continued, they gradually calmed down and immersed themselves in the atmosphere of the celebration again.

  The celebration ceremony ended.

  Midnight Killing Chicken, standing next to the fountain, grinned and looked at Governor Channing, who still had an incredible expression on his face.

  ”See, I said it was okay.”

  With a lot of questions in his mind, Channing saw that the Alliance’s corps commander seemed to know something, and finally couldn’t help asking.

  ”What was the explosion just now…”

  Midnight Killing Chicken pondered for a moment and said frankly.

  ”I’m afraid it was mutants.”

  ”Mutants?!” Channing was stunned, looked at him in surprise, and blurted out, “How can there be mutants in the southern waters?!”

  He had indeed heard of aquatic mutants with gills and scales, but that kind of creature did not really live in the sea, but built nests on the shore.

  The islands in the southern waters are far away from the coastline. Without means to drive away the alien species, even ships floating on the water are not safe.

  Looking at Channing with an unbelievable look on his face, Midnight Killing Chicken did not explain, but took out a tablet from his arms and handed it to him.

  Just now, the model worker had shared the footage taken near the submarine freshwater pipeline to his terminal device through the radio on the Rourou.

  Looking at the battle video broadcast on the screen, Channing’s Adam’s apple moved involuntarily.

  It really is a mutant…

  and there are so many of them!

  In the turbid sea water floated broken limbs and weapons, as well as aquatic mutants attracted by the smell of blood.

  In addition, there was a huge sea monster “Laken” rolling in the water, which seemed to be attracted by the aquatic mutants.

  Although the possibility of synthetic video could not be ruled out, these people obviously did not play the kind of tricks that could be easily exposed.

  ”There is nothing strange about this. The southern sea area is next to the Seaside Province. Since the Torch Church introduced that group of garbage to the Death Coast, it is not surprising that they spread anywhere.”

  Looking at Channing, whose eyes were glued to the screen, Midnight Killing Chicken suddenly seemed to remember something and continued.

  ”Oh, by the way, just two months ago, a group of mutants tried to attack our port, but fortunately they were spotted by us before they came ashore.”

  ”This… is really shocking news.” Channing looked at him in surprise, and the expression on his face became obviously unnatural.


  This is not a joke.

  The area where the explosion occurred is less than a hundred nautical miles away from the roundabout island. Since they can swim to that location, it is entirely possible that they can swim here.

  Although there are some defense forces on the island, and they can mobilize the reserve forces when necessary, if they are faced with a sudden attack by a thousand mutants, I am afraid they will not even have time to give guns to the boys. The

  consensus of the settlements in the southern sea area is to build defense forces at sea, and this is also the strategic policy established in the era of Shelter No. 70.

  That is, to place the Federation’s fortress on the sea outside the island, and to use a fleet built of steel to block the threat from the wasteland.

  It is precisely because of this defense mechanism that in the past two hundred years, almost no predator’s speedboats have been able to approach within 100 nautical miles of the islands.

  However, now, this defense mechanism seems to have failed.

  There have been two consecutive accidents…

  Looking at Governor Channing’s changing expression, Midnight Chicken Killer continued.

  ”And what’s even more intriguing is that on the same day, your marine patrols that were patrolling nearby waters disappeared… Of course, I’m not blaming you for not reminding us, our safety is our own business, but you don’t seem to know what happened there. If I remember correctly, that should be one of your patrol areas.”

  ”Two months ago… I remember there was an exercise,” Channing coughed lightly, “That time might have been a coincidence.”

  This sentence sounded like an excuse for the Federation, but it also seemed like he was convincing himself.

  ”It’s true that this possibility cannot be ruled out,” Midnight Killing Chicken paused and said, “But I think the Federation Navy should know what happened there, after all, the patrol team came back the next day, and the blood on the beach was not cleaned up at that time… Didn’t they warn you to beware of the threat of mutants?”

  Channing’s expression gradually became a little bit tense.

  ”No… Our main enemy is Shelter 70, and the main target of our vigilance is their submersibles.”

  After a pause, his expression gradually became solemn, and he muttered to himself while thinking.

  ”This is a bit strange… Why are mutants interested in the submarine pipeline?”

  ”I think you should pay more attention to why the fleet that is supposed to protect you chooses to ignore this obvious threat. It’s no joke to let mutants go ashore, especially those guys with scales. I heard that they have a worse taste in torturing their prey than those greenskins.”

  That’s all.

  Midnight Chicken Killer did not continue on this embarrassing topic.

  He knew that although Channing didn’t say it, he must know it in his heart. It is more important than whether a problem is properly solved or not, whether it is revealed as a problem. Otherwise, it has happened twice, and it is very likely that it will not only happen for the third or fourth time, but countless times when people don’t know.

  Without the approval of the command and the permission of the settlements in the southern waters, the federal fleet secretly acquiesced to the mutants’ military operations in the jurisdiction for some purpose.

  ”Of course, this is just a kind reminder. We have never placed our hopes on others for our safety. Regardless of whether the Federation’s fleet provides us with the necessary support, we will use our own methods to deal with those scaly guys.”

  After looking at the Governor meaningfully, Midnight Killing Chicken turned around and prepared to take the brothers of the Jungle Corps back to the ship.

  Looking at his back, Channing’s Adam’s apple moved, and after struggling for a moment, he finally couldn’t help but speak.

  ”Please wait a moment.”

  Midnight Killing Chicken stopped and turned back, casting an inquiring look at him.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”I think… we need to strengthen cooperation in the security field, which may be more urgent than cooperation in the economic field.”

  Squeezing out a slightly awkward smile on his face, Channing coughed lightly, and continued in an awkward tone, “If we are attacked by mutants, I hope to get your support… Of course, if you are attacked, the same is true. In addition, as long as we receive any alarm information, we will share it with you.”

  Since the Alliance has a way to lock the location of mutants and eliminate the danger before they attack the pipeline, it is obvious that they have established a patrol system that includes intelligence search and interception and attack.

  Whatever the reason, the two consecutive failures of the Federation Fleet have made him unable to trust those guys anymore.

  Currently, the Ring Island is exposed to the threat of mutants, and he needs to add a firewall for the local survivors.

  A more reliable firewall.

  In exchange, he can share the intelligence network of the Ring Island with the Alliance, and the early warning signals received by other islands will also be received by the French Fries Port at the same time.

  In a sense, this is equivalent to the two sides sharing the map vision and verbally signing a joint defense agreement.

  Although the Ring Island does not have its own army and fleet, the port itself can also be used as a military facility.

  Probably understanding what Channing meant, Midnight Killer Chicken’s face showed a surprised expression, then he smiled heartily and agreed immediately.

  ”No problem! If the opponent is a mutant, we will take action anytime and anywhere, not to mention that you are our partners.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Of course, we are 200 nautical miles away from you. If we wait until the attack occurs before rushing over, it may be too late. I suggest that you build an 800-meter-long runway next to the island, whether it is made of concrete or steel. If our plane can land next to your island, we can support you as soon as possible.”

  Channing nodded and said, taking note of this advice.

  ”I will arrange it as soon as possible.”


  At the same time when the Jungle Corps evacuated from the port of the roundabout island, the Federation destroyer, which had learned about the situation from the Alliance’s plane, continued to move forward towards the sea where the battle took place.

  Some things cannot be explained clearly on the communication channel, and must be confirmed with one’s own eyes.

  There was silence in the bridge.

  Whether it was Captain Dongwen or his officers, they were all silently staring at the endless sea in front of them.

  In fact, whether it was the captain himself or his officers, they had heard that their friends in the north had been helping them to solve some troubles.

  However, what they did not expect was that the one who took action was actually a mutant!

  What was even more difficult for them to accept was that the incident happened only a hundred nautical miles away from the roundabout island…

  ”There must be some misunderstanding…” The adjutant said with a cold sweat, “No matter what… the top leaders would not use those guys.”

  There is always a better way.

  If it really doesn’t work, it’s not impossible to let the federal fleet take action.

  Dong Wen didn’t say anything, his eyes were still fixed on the waves rising and falling in the distance.

  At this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank slightly, and he saw a mutilated arm suddenly appearing among the surging waves.

  Soon he found that there was not just one…

  a mutilated corpse rose and fell with the waves, and the blue scales and skin revealed their identities.

  The alien species attracted by the smell of blood chased and bit their corpses, ignoring the warships that were close at hand.

  The adjutant standing next to Dong Wen swallowed his saliva and squeezed out a sentence from his throat with difficulty.

  ”… Mutants.”

  And not just one or two…

  so many corpses, at least a thousand!

  Realizing this, cold sweat could not help but drip from his chin.

  If these mutants were allowed to swim more than 80 miles southeast along the pipeline, the consequences would be disastrous…

  Dong Wen stared at the tragic scene on the sea silently, and then glanced at the flashing signal on the sonar screen.

  It was a “Laken”.

  It seemed to have sensed the mind interference signal sent by the warship. It was twisting its injured body and fleeing towards the north.

  A dozen strange-looking submarines were chasing behind it. They should be the toys made by the Alliance. Although the condition of these submarines was not very good, they should have suffered some damage in the previous battle, but they did not seem to let go of the prey that swam to their mouths.

  Dong Wen had promised to support them in the previous communication with the pilot. He looked at the adjutant beside him and ordered.

  ”Launch the torpedo.”

  After a pause, he said again.

  ”Also, use the trawl net to catch a few mutant corpses.”

  The adjutant nodded seriously and saluted.


  As the combat order was issued, a torpedo was thrown from the launcher into the sea and rushed towards the target locked by the sonar.

  Without any suspense, the torpedo hit the target easily. The exploding air column and flames instantly tore apart the huge body, and only one shot sent the wounded Laken away.

  The Union’s submarine made strange movements, gesturing with its mechanical arms, as if to express its gratitude to them. After

  instructing his adjutant to send them a communication sound wave to indicate that they were welcome, Dong Wen walked out of the bridge alone and went to the deck of the destroyer.

  Just at this time, a speedboat with a federal flag came from afar and slowly approached his destroyer.

  Dong Wen glanced at the man standing on the speedboat and recognized the guy’s name. He seemed to be called Mu Da, and he seemed to be the captain of the maritime patrol. Just

  as he was looking at the man, the man was also looking at him, and then he glanced at the trawl net thrown into the sea.

  As if he had made up his mind, the man called the speedboat to get close to the destroyer and climbed onto the deck by grabbing the ladder on the hull.

  Dong Wen did not stop him, but just watched silently.

  ”Great harvest, it seems that you have a lot of spoils. Fortunately, you found the problem in time and didn’t let these swimmers swim to our island.”

  Muda walked in front of him, squinting his eyes and looking at the blood-stained sea. There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

  ”The residents of the circular island are waiting for me to go back and tell them what happened here. How about giving me one? This way I don’t have to cast the net myself.”

  Dongwen didn’t take over his words, and said after a moment of silence.

  ”It seems that you seem to know something.”

  ”Did I hear it right? Are you asking me? It turns out that the person who has been watching next to me is me?” Muda looked at him with a surprised expression and said with a smile, “Or we can just change the boat. You drive my speedboat and I drive your destroyer.”

  Although it was just an exaggerated joke, the captain seemed to take it seriously. He thought seriously for a moment and said,

  ”It’s not impossible.”

  ”Come on.”

  Muda laughed and looked at the vast sea in the distance.

  ”More than a thousand mutants are marching straight into our territorial waters, and our fleet is watching and applauding them… You know everything, and you still want an answer from me. I realized two months ago that I can’t count on you at all.”

  Dong Wen was silent for a long time, and sighed.

  ”I’m sorry, brother.”

  ”I’m not your brother,” Muda glanced at him, “You don’t have to say sorry to me, but you should say it to the more than 100,000 survivors on the circular island, and the millions of residents in the entire federation. They are the ones who spend money to support you… Of course, they also support me.”

  Perhaps out of shame, the captain slowly closed his eyes.

  Seeing that he hadn’t spoken for a long time, Muda continued.



  ”Tell me the truth,” Muda continued, looking at the captain who was looking at him, “Are the people who blew up the ocean current power station really residents of Shelter No. 70?”

  Dong Wen was silent for a while, and slowly spoke.

  ”Probably not.”

  Muda stared into his eyes.

  ”Is that you?”


  Dong Wen shook his head, and without waiting for a moment, he sighed and said.

  ”…But it doesn’t make any difference.”

  Mu Da frowned.

  ”What do you mean?”

  Without answering the question directly, the man said meaningfully.

  ”We who should have put out the fire acquiesced to the flames that had already been lit, hoping that it would take care of the troubles that we were not convenient to solve ourselves. At that time, I should have noticed that sooner or later, we who hesitated would become trouble.”

  Mu Da couldn’t help asking.

  ”So why did you do this?”

  Dong Wen said calmly.

  ”Because there is only one chance. If we are not decisive, the survivors of the Federation will never unite to pull those guys who pretend to be gods off the altar. And once their managers come back and take out the weapons placed in the shelter, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will never come again.”

  ”What about now? Are we more united?”

  Mu Da stared at his eyes intently, and seeing that he couldn’t say a word for a long time, his eyes gradually showed disappointment.

  ”We have hands and feet, so we need someone else to shit for us, and then someone else to wipe our asses for us. Just because you hid it from me, I hid it from you.” After

  chewing his lips for a long time, he squeezed out the last half of the sentence in disappointment.

  ”…How can you let me convince myself to continue to believe in you.”

  Dong Wen looked into the distance, not wanting to look at the disappointed eyes, and gently straightened the officer’s hat on his head.

  ”The reason I said this is because I think it’s not good to do this. I don’t expect you to continue to believe in me… But please give me another chance.”

  Mu Da could feel that the words were not spoken to him, but more like to the survivors of the roundabout behind him.

  The disappointment and ridicule in his eyes gradually faded, and he asked in a serious tone.

  ”What else are you going to do?”

  ”Make up for the previous mistakes.”

  When he said this, Dong Wen paused for a moment, took out a thumb-sized card from his arms, and handed it to the patrol captain.

  This is a memory card, which saves the recording of his conversation with Charas, as well as an audio recording he made after that.

  It contains some things that everyone in the federal fleet knows a little bit about, but dare not say it out loud.

  He knows that this thing alone cannot convince everyone.

  But he believes that at least some guys like himself can be convinced.

  Muda looked at him puzzled and asked.

  ”What is this?”

  Staring into his eyes, Dong Wen said solemnly.

  ”Take it to the port of Anle Island and hand it over to the person waiting for me there.”

  Looking at the memory card in his hand, Muda was silent for a moment and looked at him and asked.

  ”Why don’t you go by yourself.”

  ”I’m going to North Island.”

  Looking at the north direction, his eyes gradually became firm, and his voice no longer had any hesitation or hesitation.

  At this moment, he seemed like a real captain.

  ”There has been a crack in our cabin.”

  ”Before this crack expands to an irreversible level, someone must stand up and correct the mistake that has been made!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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