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Chapter 720: Unskilled Parenting

Chapter 720: Unskilled Parenting

2024-02-19 作者: 山前月古

  Chapter 720: Incompetent Parenting

  ”One day is 24 hours, okay?” Xu Xiuwen argued.

  ”That’s one day and one night. We agreed to one day.” Gu Pandi suddenly played a word game.

  Xu Xiuwen said helplessly: “Aunt Gu, aren’t you cheating?”

  Gu Pandi said: “I’m not cheating, but if you insist on thinking so, I can’t help it.”

  Xu Xiuwen saw that Gu Pandi had probably made up her mind.

  There was no need to stay any longer.

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said: “Okay, I’ll go now.”

  Gu Pandi was about to show a happy look.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly said: “I can go, but I have another request.”

  ”What request?”

  ”You must kiss me.”

  Gu Pandi’s face flushed.

  But before she could get angry.

  Xiuwen said: “You are still my girlfriend now. It’s reasonable for me to ask for a kiss before I separate from my girlfriend.”

  If they were normal lovers, of course it would be reasonable.

  But the key is that they are a one-day couple.

  They are a couple in disguise.

  Gu Pandi glared at him and said, “Don’t dream, let’s go.”

  At this moment,

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly stood up, put his arms around Gu Pandi’s waist and pressed her into his arms.

  After feeling the woman’s soft body,

  Xu Xiuwen immediately lowered his head and kissed Gu Pandi’s lips.

  Xu Xiuwen’s movements were too fast.

  Gu Pandi didn’t react.

  When she reacted,

  things had already happened.

  She felt the force of the hand on her waist.

  It was as if he was afraid that she would run away.

  Gu Pandi was very confused and didn’t push him away.

  After the kiss,

  Xu Xiuwen was afraid that Gu Pandi would be angry, so

  he left immediately. It was a long time after he left that

  Gu Pandi came back to her senses.

  She subconsciously touched her lips, and a series of complex expressions appeared on her face.

  After leaving Gu Pandi’s house, Xu Xiuwen had a smug smile on his face.

  He could feel that Gu Pandi’s attitude had greatly compromised.

  It seemed that before long,

  she might fall into the love net he had woven.

  Of course, he still needs to work harder.

  When Xu Xiuwen thought about being able to occupy Aunt Gu’s heart, his heart was burning.

  After going downstairs, Xu Xiuwen walked around the building and came to the parking lot behind Gu Pan’s house.

  He was worried that his car would be seen, so he deliberately parked his car here.

  Gu Pandi’s house is the innermost one in the community.

  There is a large open space behind it for parking.

  However, there are not many people with cars in the community, and most of them park downstairs of their own houses.

  So it has been empty for a long time.

  Xu Xiuwen parked his car here and basically no one would notice it.

  Xu Xiuwen drove to his home.

  After parking the car, Xu Xiuwen got out of the car and went home.

  He opened the door of his house with the key, and Xu Xiuwen stood at the entrance, holding the wall with his hands, bending over to change his shoes.


  There was a light sound.

  It might not be heard at ordinary times.

  But in the quiet night, it was very clear.

  At the same time.

  The headlights in the dark living room suddenly lit up.

  Xu Xiuwen subconsciously looked at the wall where the light switch was.

  Seeing Ning Wanqiu standing there, quietly watching him.

  Seeing Ning Wanqiu.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled naturally and said, “Mom, you haven’t slept yet.”

  ”Don’t call me mom! I’m not your mom!” Ning Wanqiu only said this one sentence.

  After hearing this, Xu Xiuwen was slightly startled.

  Ning Wanqiu had said this many times in the past.

  Every time she said it, it meant that she was angry.

  The reason why Xu Xiuwen was surprised was that he had just come back and it was impossible for him to make her angry.

  He suddenly thought of Xiao Youran’s previous statement that he would complain to Ning Wanqiu.

  Could it be that Xiao Youran said that she would not complain at that time, but secretly complained without telling him.

  Xu Xiuwen was still not sure, so he decided to wait and see first and test it out.

  ”Mom, who made you angry?”

  Ning Wanqiu frowned, her expression was cold, and her voice was even colder, “Why did you come back so late?”

  ”I suddenly missed you, so I came back to see you.” Xu Xiuwen said with a grin.

  ”Xu Xiuwen!” Ning Wanqiu raised her voice and scolded, “Why don’t you tell the truth!”

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned, “What truth should I tell? What do you want to ask?”

  Ning Wanqiu asked, “When did you come back today? Where did you go just now?”

  Xu Xiuwen had a bad feeling at this moment.

  Could it be that Ning Wanqiu knew that he had just gone to Gu Pandi’s house?

  Xu Xiuwen was still holding on to his fantasy.

  He argued, “I just came back. I didn’t go anywhere and just came back directly.”

  ”You dare to lie!” Ning Wanqiu was furious.

  She rushed to the balcony and looked for the clothes rail.

  Xu Xiuwen’s skin tightened when he saw this scene.

  The scene of Ning Wanqiu getting angry and hitting him with the clothes rail in the past was vivid in his mind.

  Xu Xiuwen could never have imagined it.

  He was already in his thirties.

  One day he would be beaten by his mother.

  If he told others, he would be laughed at.

  After Ning Wanqiu came to the balcony, she saw the clothes rail and was about to pick it up, but suddenly gave up.

  It was not that she was soft-hearted and didn’t want to teach Xu Xiuwen a lesson.

  But she felt that the clothes rod was hollow, so it wouldn’t hurt to hit someone.

  Her eyes suddenly turned to the clothes hanger.

  Their clothes hanger was made of iron wire wrapped in a soft leather.

  Although it was not as hard as the clothes rod,

  it actually hurt more when it hit the body.

  Xu Xiuwen was fine at first, but when he saw Ning Wanqiu pick up the clothes hanger, he panicked.

  He hurried back to the room and closed the door.

  Ning Wanqiu chased after him immediately.

  ”Hurry up and open the door for me!”

  Xu Xiuwen begged through the door: “Mom, I know I was wrong. Can’t you talk to me nicely? You are still a teacher, how can you hit someone!”

  Ning Wanqiu said: “This is my home, I am your mother, not a teacher.”

  Xu Xiuwen said: “But you just said you are not my mother.”

  Ning Wanqiu was speechless by Xu Xiuwen’s retort.

  She suddenly shouted: “Are you going to open the door or not!”

  ”No, I won’t open it even if I die!”

  ”Okay, you won’t open it, right! I’m going to find Sister Gu now, I want to ask clearly, what the hell are you doing!”

  The next second.

  Xu Xiuwen opened the door.

  ”Mom, don’t go to Aunt Gu!”

  After the door opened.

  Xu Xiuwen realized that he had been fooled.

  Ning Wanqiu didn’t go to the door at all.

  She just stood at the door.

  After seeing the door open.

  Ning Wanqiu took the clothes hanger and was about to teach him a lesson.

  Xu Xiuwen swallowed his saliva, suddenly hugged Ning Wanqiu, and begged: “Mom, I really know I was wrong.”

  Ning Wanqiu calmed down after hearing this and asked: “Do you really know you were wrong?”

  ”I know.” Xu Xiuwen nodded repeatedly.

  ”Then why don’t you quickly explain what mistakes you made again!”

  ”Uh…” Xu Xiuwen asked awkwardly: “Yes, Mom, what mistakes did I make? I don’t know.”

  Ning Wanqiu got angry again.

  ”Let me go, if you dare to fight back again, don’t come back in the future, I will treat you as my son.”

  Xu Xiuwen said with a bitter face: “Mom, don’t be so cruel.”

  ”You choose!” Ning Wanqiu gritted her teeth. Xu

  Xiuwen suddenly let go of Ning Wanqiu as if he accepted his fate.

  He turned around and lay on the bed, sticking out his butt and said, “Mom, spank me.”

  Ning Wanqiu almost laughed when she saw Xu Xiuwen’s behavior.

  But she immediately remembered that now was not the time to laugh, so she quickly held back.

  Ning Wanqiu urged, “Hurry up and tell me what you did wrong?”

  ”I don’t know what I did wrong.” Xu Xiuwen said in an innocent tone.

  Ning Wanqiu reminded, “You didn’t make a mistake, so you didn’t go home and secretly went to find Sister Gu? When you were a child, you went to find Sister Gu whenever you made a mistake because you were afraid of being spanked. If you didn’t make a mistake and felt guilty, why didn’t you dare to come back directly?”

  Xiuwen probably understood what she meant.

  It turned out that Ning Wanqiu didn’t know anything.

  She just knew that he went to Aunt Gu’s house, so she thought he made a mistake.

  Xu Xiuwen’s eyes rolled wildly.

  Ning Wanqiu guessed his thoughts immediately and warned him, “If you dare to play tricks on me again, I will beat your butt.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “It’s your child anyway, if you can bear it, you can beat it.”

  ”Don’t talk nonsense to me, tell me quickly!”

  Xu Xiuwen turned over, lay on the bed and looked at Ning Wanqiu, saying, “Mom, what do you want me to tell you?”

  ”Tell me about the mistakes you made!”

  ”I didn’t make any mistakes, what do I have to tell you?”

  Seeing that Ning Wanqiu was about to get angry again,

  Xu Xiuwen hurriedly said, “Mom, don’t be anxious, answer me one thing first, how did you know that I went to Aunt Gu’s house?”

  Ning Wanqiu’s anger subsided a little after hearing this.

  She glanced at Xu Xiuwen and said confidently, “Do you think I can’t find out such a small thing?”

  ”Okay.” Xu Xiuwen asked again, “Why didn’t you tell me directly when you were at Aunt Gu’s house just now?”

  Ning Wanqiu rolled her eyes at him, “When I entered the door, I saw the pair of men’s shoes on the shoe cabinet at Sister Gu’s house, but I was not sure that the person hiding was you at that time. It was not until you came back and saw you wearing the same shoes that I was sure it was you.”

  Many of the clothes and shoes Xu Xiuwen wears now are bought by his girlfriend and himself.

  It is normal that Ning Wanqiu doesn’t recognize his shoes.

  But I didn’t expect her acting skills to be so good. She

  obviously knew that there was someone at Aunt Gu’s house a long time ago, but she pretended to be very natural at first.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help asking, “Did Aunt Zhang tell you that I was at Aunt Gu’s house?” Ning Wanqiu

  nodded and said, “Yes, Sister Zhang told me that she saw you two shopping together in the afternoon. I didn’t believe it until I went to Sister Gu’s house in person and saw it, and then I knew that she was telling the truth.”

  ”Okay.” Xu Xiuwen was helpless.

  He secretly blamed Aunt Zhang for being a big mouth.

  Even if he saw him shopping with Gu Pandi, there was no need to tell Ning Wanqiu.

  Ning Wanqiu suddenly added, “In fact, even if I didn’t see the shoes, I would know that you are the one from Sister Gu’s house.”


  Ning Wanqiu glanced at him, and suddenly smiled and said, “I won’t tell you.”

  ”What? Mom, why are you still keeping me in suspense?”

  ”Haha, I won’t tell you.”

  Looking at Ning Wanqiu who was as naughty as a little girl, Xu Xiuwen really didn’t know what to say.

  Ning Wanqiu was thinking at this moment: I saw that there was a shopping bag in Sister Gu’s house with xxx. With Sister Gu’s personality, she would definitely not be willing to buy such expensive clothes, so it must be bought for her by a man.

  At first, she did think that the man who bought clothes for Sister Gu was the man who made Gu Pandi pregnant.

  But she immediately passed it up.
How could

  she expect a man who didn’t even show up when Sister Gu had an abortion to buy expensive clothes for her?

  And she had tried to test her at Sister Gu’s house.

  Sister Gu’s expression also hinted that it was not that man.

  Then she naturally thought of Xu Xiuwen. After

  all, although this dress was expensive, it was nothing to Xu Xiuwen.

  Adding Sister Zhang’s words and the fact that the other party was hiding,

  Ning Wanqiu was 90% sure that the person hiding was Xu Xiuwen.

  She didn’t expose it directly in order to give face to Xu Xiuwen and Sister Gu.

  But in fact, she was very angry at the time.

  ”Okay, tell me quickly!” Ning Wanqiu urged again.

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated.

  He now has two choices.

  One, admit that he made a mistake.

  Two, don’t admit that he made a mistake.

  If he doesn’t admit that he made a mistake.

  Then he won’t go home, but will go to see Gu Pandi first and accompany her shopping.

  Xu Xiuwen has to find a reason to explain.

  If the reason is not acceptable, it will easily arouse more suspicion.

  Even with Ning Wanqiu’s intelligence, she might not be unable to guess their relationship.

  Although Xu Xiuwen told Gu Pandi that he would solve the problem and that he had a way to make Ning Wanqiu accept it.

  But that cannot be done in a day or two.

  If Ning Wanqiu knew it now,

  let alone accept it. It was

  lucky that Xu Xiuwen didn’t have his legs broken today.

  So the first option was left, which was to admit that he made a mistake.

  it would be reasonable for him to go to Gu Pandi.

  After all, when he made mistakes before, he didn’t dare to go home, so he went to Gu Pandi to ask for help and say good things.

  It might be because of this that Ning Wanqiu didn’t think much about it, but just felt that he made a mistake.

  It’s not difficult to admit that you made a mistake.

  The key is what mistake?

  He secretly glanced at Ning Wanqiu and saw that the latter’s eyes gradually became serious.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly had an idea.

  ”Mom, I told you not to be angry.”

  Ning Wanqiu snorted coldly: “Whether you are angry or not depends on what mistake you made! Tell me now!”


  Xu Xiuwen sighed and said: “Actually…”

  Xu Xiuwen told the story of his cheating on Xiao Youran’s roommate.

  The more Ning Wanqiu listened, the more shocked she was, and the wider her eyes opened.

  In the end, she was so angry that her hands were shaking.

  She said in disbelief: “You and Youran are childhood sweethearts. You are together now. It’s ok for you not to cherish each other, but you actually cheated on her? And you can cheat on anyone else, but you have to cheat on Youran’s roommate! How could I teach you to be so outspoken.”

  Xu Xiuwen was unhappy, “Mom, you are too harsh, what outspoken, I am your son.”

  Ning Wanqiu said: “I don’t have a son like you!”

  Xu Xiuwen defended himself: “Then I didn’t want to, I was drunk that day, how could I control myself.”

  ”What happened?”

  Xu Xiuwen told the story of sleeping with Song Siyu again.

  Of course, he was very tactful and concealed Cheng Lu’s involvement in it. He just said that he was drunk because he had dinner with his roommates.

  After listening to Xu Xiuwen’s words.

  Ning Wanqiu’s expression looked a little better.

  Although being drunk is not an excuse, it is always easier to accept.

  Ning Wanqiu is not thinking about why Xu Xiuwen made a mistake, but how to solve it.

  Sister Zhang probably doesn’t know it yet.

  What if Sister Zhang finds out.

  She really doesn’t know how to face Sister Zhang in the future.

  Ning Wanqiu frowned and said, “What are you going to do now?”

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”Youran and that girl? Are you planning to keep cheating?”

  Xu Xiuwen curled his lips, “Why not, you’ve slept with them anyway.”

  Ning Wanqiu suddenly caught something and asked, “You and Youran also…”

  She didn’t finish.

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated for a moment, nodded and admitted it.

  Ning Wanqiu was so angry that she wanted to teach him a lesson with a clothes hanger again.

  But she held back.

  She said with a headache: “You and Youran have already done this, you must be responsible for her, otherwise I can’t cross paths with Sister Zhang. That girl…”

  ”Her name is Song Siyu.”

  ”I know her name is Song Siyu, you should quickly break up with her and apologize to her. If she wants compensation, you should try your best to compensate her. When you apologize, your attitude must be sincere!”

  Xu Xiuwen said: “Mom, don’t worry about my business.” Ning Wanqiu said: ”

  I don’t care, if I don’t care, you will make a mess. Listen to me, quickly break up with Song Siyu.”

  Xu Xiuwen said: “You can’t break up.”

  ”Why can’t you break up?”

  ”She likes me and is willing to be my lover. How can I have the nerve to break up with her?”

  ”What?” Ning Wanqiu shouted in surprise.

  ”You said she is willing to be your lover?”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said: “Yes, she doesn’t care about the status, as long as she can follow me.”

  Ning Wanqiu couldn’t help but look at Xu Xiuwen.

  Although she also admitted that Xu Xiuwen looked good and was quite outstanding.

  But it wouldn’t make a girl willing to follow him without a name.

  How stupid is this girl?

  Although she hasn’t met Song Siyu yet.

  Ning Wanqiu already had the first impression that Song Siyu was a bad girl.

  Ning Wanqiu said, “That won’t work either. Even if Song Siyu doesn’t care about her status, you still have to consider Yuran’s feelings. You can’t hurt Yuran again and again.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “What if I can make Yuran accept Siyu?”

  Ning Wanqiu: “What nonsense are you talking about? I know Yu Ran, she can’t accept this kind of thing.”

  ”That’s not necessarily true.”

  ”Don’t tell me nonsense. Even if Yu Ran agrees, will Sister Zhang agree if she knows? I advise you to deal with this matter quickly, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

  ”I know.” Xu Xiuwen said perfunctorily.

  Ning Wanqiu could tell at a glance that Xu Xiuwen was perfunctory.

  She was so angry that her teeth itched.

  But she couldn’t do anything about Xu Xiuwen. She

  couldn’t really break his legs.

  It wasn’t murder or arson.

  that case, it would be justified for her to kill her relatives for the sake of justice.

  It was just cheating, not to this extent.

  Of course, Xu Xiuwen didn’t know that Ning Wanqiu really thought about breaking his legs.

  ”Mom, I’ve already explained everything. What else do you want to know?”

  Ning Wanqiu glared at him and said, “You might as well not tell me. I’ll save you the trouble if I don’t know.”

  ”Forget it. I don’t care about you. You can handle it yourself. Xu Xiuwen, I warn you, you must not hurt Youran again. Are you willing to do that?”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said, “Don’t worry, I can’t bear to hurt Youran either.”

  Ning Wanqiu turned around and left angrily.

  She kept muttering, “It’s my fault for not educating my son well… It’s my fault for not educating my son well…”

  Xu Xiuwen heard it.

  His face was extremely embarrassed.

  After temporarily solving the problem,

  Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief.

  He also went back to his room.

  The next day at noon.

  Xu Xiuwen accompanied Xiao Youran for lunch.

  During the meal, he asked, “Youran, you didn’t tell Aunt Zhang about what happened between us, did you?”

  Xiao Youran was stunned. She didn’t expect him to ask this question, and then shook her head.

  She was not stupid.

  If Xiao Xu’s cheating was known to her mother, she would be furious.

  Maybe she would force her to break up with Xiao Xu.

  Xiao Youran felt that she had grown up.

  She can handle many things by herself.

  Just like this time.

  She wants to defend her love with her own hands.

  After school in the afternoon.

  Xu Xiuwen drove to the west gate.

  After a while, An Shishi came.

  After she got in the car, she smiled and greeted Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen asked: “Why do you suddenly want to treat me to a meal?”

  An Shishi smiled mysteriously and said: “Keep it a secret first.”

  ”So mysterious, even I can’t tell?”

  An Shishi nodded.

  Then she said coquettishly: “Okay, husband, drive quickly, let’s go to eat.”


  So Xu Xiuwen came to the restaurant she mentioned under An Shishi’s guidance.

  An Shishi intimately took Xu Xiuwen’s arm and walked into the restaurant.

  After entering the restaurant.

  The two found a place to sit down.

  Soon the waiter came over.

  Xu Xiuwen looked up and prepared to take the menu.

  He was stunned when he looked up.

  The waiter in front of him was none other than An Shishi’s mother, Liu Ruo.

  And Liu Ruo also saw An Shishi and Xu Xiuwen at this moment.

  But her expression did not seem particularly surprised.

  Xu Xiuwen immediately turned to look at An Shishi.

  An Shishi chuckled and asked knowingly, “Hubby, why are you looking at me like that? Order food.”

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help but ask, “How did you find this place?”

  After asking, he quickly turned to explain to Liu Ruo, “Sorry, Auntie, I really didn’t bring Shishi here. I don’t know how she found you.”

  Xu Xiuwen said all the truth.

  In fact, even he didn’t know the specific location of the restaurant where Liu Ruo worked.

  Liu Ruo shook her head and said, “Xiao Xu, you don’t have to apologize. I know it’s none of your business, and Auntie doesn’t blame you.”

  Hearing Liu Ruo say this, Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief.

  Xu Xiuwen asked again, “Shishi, how did you find this place?”

  An Shishi smiled smugly again, but didn’t explain.

  It was Liu Ruo who helped him solve the confusion.

  Liu Ruo said, “Yesterday morning, I went out to work, and Shishi suddenly came out of the guard room and found me. Then I brought her here.”

  After hearing Liu Ruo’s words, Xu Xiuwen immediately guessed what was going on.

  After An Shishi knew the community where Liu Ruo lived, she waited for her to come here.

  And they chose the morning when there were fewer people.

  So they were waiting for Liu Ruo.

  Although Xu Xiuwen did not personally take An Shishi to see Liu Ruo.

  But taking An Shishi to the neighborhood where Liu Ruo lived was obviously not a smart choice.

  Xu Xiuwen apologized and said, “Auntie, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have let Shishi know which neighborhood you live in. I didn’t think so much at the time. I just wanted to reassure Shishi.”

  Liu Ruo smiled gently, “It’s okay, Auntie doesn’t blame you. In fact, I have figured it out these days. How impulsive and naive my previous decisions and thoughts were. In fact, even if Shishi didn’t look for me, I was planning to look for her.”

  Xu Xiuwen felt that Liu Ruo might not be sincere.

  But she did not show an angry reaction directly, so Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”Okay, Xiao Xu, what do you want to eat? Order the dishes, and Auntie will treat you.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “Okay, then I won’t be polite.”

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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