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Chapter 721 Christmas Eve Gift

Chapter 721 Christmas Eve Gift

2024-02-19 作者: 山前月古

  Chapter 721 Christmas Eve Gift

  Xu Xiuwen took the menu and ordered four dishes and a soup.

  After ordering, Liu Ruo walked away.

  Xu Xiuwen turned to look at An Shishi and said, “Shishi, why didn’t you tell me? It was so sudden that I was not prepared at all.”

  An Shishi suddenly put away her smile and said, “Okay, husband, stop acting.”

  ”What do you mean?” Xu Xiuwen looked confused.

  An Shishi blinked and said, “You took me to the community where my mother lives, didn’t you want me to find her by myself? Why are you pretending to be so surprised?”


  Xu Xiuwen had nothing to say, so he had to touch his nose to hide his embarrassment.

  He wanted to pretend.

  Unexpectedly, An Shishi saw it directly.

  In fact, when he took An Shishi to the community where Liu Ruo lived.

  He was already prepared for An Shishi to find Liu Ruo.

  He even did it on purpose.

  In this way, he would not break his promise to Liu Ruo, and he could also make An Shishi feel at ease.

  He knew that An Shishi would not feel at ease as long as she could not see her mother.

  This was killing two birds with one stone.

  But he didn’t expect An Shishi to be so smart and see through his intentions at once.

  An Shishi smiled faintly, “Okay, husband, I won’t tell my mother, don’t worry.”

  Xu Xiuwen simply stopped pretending, “It’s good that you mother and daughter are reunited.”

  An Shishi suddenly came over, kissed him on the face, and said, “Thank you, husband, you are so considerate.”

  Soon the restaurant served the dishes.

  Liu Ruo was still at work, so

  she couldn’t eat together. Xu Xiuwen and An Shishi had to eat first.

  Liu Ruo is now very familiar with this job and is very busy in the store.

  An Shishi felt a little distressed when she saw it.

  She suddenly thought of something, turned her head and looked at Xu Xiuwen, hesitant to say something.

  After seeing it, Xu Xiuwen asked, “What do you want to say?”

  An Shishi suddenly shook her head and said, “Nothing.”

  Xu Xiuwen frowned, “Do you still want to hide it from me?”

  An Shishi explained, “I don’t want to hide it, I just don’t want you to worry about it.”

  ”Your business is my business, I am happy to worry about it, tell me quickly, otherwise I will be punished by the family law.”

  Hearing the family law, An Shishi blushed.

  She was still hesitant and looked a little nervous: “Husband, I want my mother to change her job.”

  Xu Xiuwen frowned immediately.

  An Shishi immediately noticed the way Xu Xiuwen looked at her.

  She explained: “I don’t think it’s shameful for her to be a waitress, I just think she’s too hard. I didn’t have the ability to let her live a good life before, but now I know my husband, I want my mother to be more relaxed. Do you think I’m too selfish?”

  Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief, “I don’t think you are selfish, but I think this is the attitude you should have. If you are indifferent, I will think you are selfish.”

  An Shishi breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”What job do you want your mother to change?”

  Xu Xiuwen actually thought it would be difficult for Liu Ruo to change her job, because she had no diploma or academic qualifications, and she had no special skills.

  It seemed that she could not do anything else except working in the service industry.

  An Shishi shook her head and said: “I don’t know, I just have this idea, but I don’t know what she can do?”

  Xu Xiuwen thought for a while and suggested: “Why not let her go to work in my company and arrange a leisurely position for her, the kind that doesn’t require her to do anything.”

  I thought An Shishi would agree without hesitation.

  Unexpectedly, An Shishi refused.

  ”Honey, don’t. My mom doesn’t know anything. It’s not suitable for her to work in your company. Besides, people will think you are nepotism, which is not conducive to your management of the company.”

  An Shishi was able to think of this for him.

  Xu Xiuwen was a little touched.

  At this time, An Shishi suddenly suggested: “Honey, what do you think about letting my mom open a small shop?”

  ”Open a small shop?”

  An Shishi nodded, “Yes, open a small shop, don’t look down on my mom, she is very good at math and very fast at calculating.”

  ”I don’t look down on my aunt, but opening a shop requires not only accounting, but also many other things.”

  As soon as Xu Xiuwen finished speaking, he noticed that An Shishi showed a disappointed expression.

  Xu Xiuwen felt a little reluctant, so he added, “Don’t be disappointed in a hurry. Although opening a shop requires knowing a lot of things, I think my aunt is so smart, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

  An Shishi immediately showed a surprised smile.

  Xu Xiuwen put his hand on An Shishi’s thigh and patted it gently, saying, “But opening a store is not a trivial matter. Whether to open it or not, and what kind of store to open, not only do we need to discuss it, but we also have to consider Auntie’s opinion. Let’s talk about this later, okay?”

  An Shishi was very excited and ignored Xu Xiuwen’s hand.

  She said with a smile, “Thank you, husband.”

  After An Shishi finished speaking, she picked up another piece of meat and almost put it to Xu Xiuwen’s mouth.

  Xu Xiuwen ate it with a smile.

  If it were any other man, as long as he said he would talk about it later, it would probably be perfunctory.

  But An Shishi never doubted whether Xu Xiuwen was perfunctory to her.

  This came from her understanding of Xu Xiuwen’s character and her unconditional trust in him.

  Xu Xiuwen did not think of perfunctory An Shishi.

  He thought An Shishi’s proposal was not appropriate at first.

  But after thinking about it carefully, he felt it was feasible.

  Liu Ruo didn’t know how to open a store and didn’t know how to operate it.

  She didn’t know how to do it.

  There were many people who knew how to do it.

  She could find someone to teach her, or even spend money to learn it.

  Most people don’t open a store knowing everything before they open one. They just slowly explore and accumulate experience.

  And he still remembers Liu Ruo saying that when she was in school, her grades were always among the best.

  This shows that Liu Ruo is smart.

  So it’s not impossible to open a store for Liu Ruo.

  The key is what kind of store to open?

  You have to choose the right direction.

  This is about whether or not he can make money.

  Of course, with Xu Xiuwen’s current wealth, even if he doesn’t make money or loses some money

  he doesn’t

  care. But since Xu Xiuwen is going to worry about it, he has to worry about it to the end.

  Try to ensure that Liu Ruo can make money by opening a store and have a way to make a living.

  After dinner, because Liu Ruo still has to go to work.

  Xu Xiuwen drove An Shishi out for a ride.

  After Liu Ruo got off work

  Xu Xiuwen drove the two of them to Liu Ruo’s residence.

  It was obvious that this was not the first time An Shishi came.

  Because after she entered the door, she didn’t look around, but walked to the bathroom naturally.

  In the evening.

  Liu Ruo cooked a meal at home.

  The two who had already eaten accompanied Liu Ruo to eat a little.

  An Shuishui also called.

  I learned from An Shishi that

  she had told An Shuishui about Liu Ruo’s visit to Jinling.

  An Shuishui was also surprised at first.

  But soon accepted the reality.

  The mother and daughter talked on the phone for a long time.

  It is worth mentioning that

  none of the three mentioned An’s father from beginning to end.

  It can be seen how much of a failure An’s father has done as a husband and a father.

  Xu Xiuwen did not think that the An sisters were too heartless.

  Living in that kind of environment, it was not easy to grow up physically and mentally healthy and to be admitted to a key university.

  It was also required that the two of them pay so much attention to and care about An’s father.

  It was simply unrealistic.

  Especially An Shishi.

  She could be regarded as being sold to him by An’s father.

  100,000 yuan!

  There was no one in the entire Liujia Village who could offer a higher gift than An Shishi.

  So Xu Xiuwen didn’t think there was anything wrong at all.

  In the evening.

  An Shishi also told Liu Ruo about her and Xu Xiuwen’s ideas.

  Liu Ruo was surprised.

  She was a little hesitant, a little reserved, and a little worried.

  Xu Xiuwen knew her thoughts completely, and smiled and told her that she didn’t need to consider anything else, and he agreed to open a store.

  Liu Ruo was relieved.

  She was really afraid that her daughter would insist on asking Xu Xiuwen to pay.

  She was afraid that this would annoy Xu Xiuwen and affect their relationship.

  After knowing that Xu Xiuwen also supported it, she felt relieved.

  Afterwards, Xu Xiuwen had a long and serious chat with Liu Ruo and knew her idea.

  Xu Xiuwen meant to rent a storefront and open a small shop or a small supermarket.

  Small shops like this usually don’t lose money, it’s just a matter of how much they earn.

  The key is that he takes care of An Shishi and An Shuishui.

  He doesn’t need to spend Liu Ruo’s money.

  So Liu Ruo just needs to make enough money to support herself.

  But Liu Ruo was not interested in opening a store.

  Xu Xiuwen asked her what kind of store she wanted to open.

  Liu Ruo didn’t answer directly, but went around in circles and told him about the situation of the restaurant where she was working now.

  Xu Xiuwen probably heard it.

  Liu Ruo seemed to want to open a restaurant.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly thought of Mu Zhilan.

  He and Mu Zhilan hadn’t met since the last night.

  But he had promised to introduce Mu Zhilan to a job.

  An idea suddenly flashed through his mind.

  At night.

  Xu Xiuwen and An Shishi stayed at Liu Ruo’s residence for the night.

  Xu Xiuwen originally wanted An Shishi to sleep with Liu Ruo at night.

  He slept in the guest room alone.

  But An Shishi took the initiative to ask to sleep with him, and said that Liu Ruo already knew about their relationship and would not say anything.

  Xu Xiuwen had to agree.

  Perhaps it was to repay Xu Xiuwen.

  At night, An Shishi tried her best to make him happy.

  Xu Xiuwen was indeed happy.

  But seeing the tired An Shishi, he still felt a little distressed.

  Finally, he hugged An Shishi tightly.

  The girl also hugged Xu Xiuwen with a satisfied look on her face and fell asleep.

  And Liu Ruo, who was in the next room.

  Xu Xiuwen and An Shishi made a lot of noise.

  Naturally, she also heard it.

  Some of the sounds made even her blush.

  She wanted to go over and remind her daughter to keep her voice down.

  But she was embarrassed to go over, afraid of disturbing the two.

  She had to endure it.

  At first, she was just uneasy.

  But gradually.

  She felt a little uncomfortable.

  After a long time.

  Liu Ruo secretly got out of bed and took another bath.

  The school football match of Jiaotong University started again in full swing.

  The Department of Plumbing, led by Yang Baishan, made it all the way to the top 8.

  But unfortunately, they met a strong opponent, the Handicraft Department, in the quarterfinals, and were beaten 1:4. Unfortunately, they lost.

  Yang Baishan was lost on the court.

  But he found his place in love.

  He and Qian Yue reconciled.

  Maybe it was because of what Xu Xiuwen said that day.

  Yang Baishan no longer cared why Qian Yue didn’t bleed.

  He was willing to believe that it was Qian Yue’s first time.

  So, the two of them stuck together again.

  In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the final of the football match.

  As expected, the final was won by the Engineering Department.

  That is, the team that defeated the Department of Plumbing Engineering.

  So Yang Baishan always said that he was the runner-up, and it was just bad luck that he met the champion in advance.

  The days of student life always passed quickly.

  After Xu Xiuwen’s pua last time.

  Xiao Song, who should have been as hostile as fire and water,

  maintained a strange balance in their relationship.

  The two have been competing secretly, but there has been no direct confrontation.

  They both seem to intend to win the competition by winning Xu Xiuwen’s heart.

  So Xu Xiuwen also had a rare happy time.

  During this period, Xu Chengwei invited Xu Xiuwen to his house for dinner twice.

  Both times Xu Xiuwen declined.

  He probably guessed Xu Chengwei’s thoughts.

  It is estimated that as long as he goes, Xu Chengyi, who is suspected to be his biological father, may also be there.

  Xu Xiuwen feels that his current life is very good.

  He does not need a father.

  So he has been looking for excuses to refuse Xu Chengwei’s invitation.

  In a blink of an eye, it was the day before Christmas. Just

  after getting up this morning, the doorbell rang.

  After Xu Xiuwen opened the door, he received a “gift”.

  The person who gave the gift was the owner of a nearby fruit shop.

  Xu Xiuwen has lived in Jiaotong University for four years, so of course he knew the owner of this shop.

  The owner told him that this gift was ordered in advance by someone and asked him to deliver it this morning.

  Xu Xiuwen asked who ordered it in advance.

  The owner said that he didn’t know the name, but he only remembered that it was a very beautiful girl.

  There are so many beautiful girls around Xu Xiuwen.

  With just this one sentence, he couldn’t guess who it was.

  After the fruit shop owner left, Xu Xiuwen closed the door and returned to the living room.

  He opened the box of apples, and a small card suddenly fell out of it.

  The small card read: “Xu Xiuwen, I can’t spend Christmas Eve with you today. I hope you are happy and remember to think of me.”

  Note: Your little baby Yue’er.

  Seeing this note, Xu Xiuwen didn’t have to guess.

  It turned out to be sent by Bai Yue’er.

  Looking at the content on the card, the handwriting seemed to be written by Bai Yue’er herself.

  In fact, he forgot to send apples to Bai Yue’er.

  But Bai Yue’er remembered it.

  Obviously, he was not in Jinling, but he ordered apples in advance.

  If Xu Xiuwen was not moved.

  In addition to an apple, there was also a small box in the box.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t care at first.

  After he tore off the outer layer of wrapping paper of the box,

  he was stunned when he saw what was inside.

  It was actually a watch.

  It was from Vacheron Constantin.

  Vacheron Constantin is a luxury watch brand.

  Each of its watches is not cheap.

  If the one in his hand was real, it would cost at least 200,000.

  If it was given by other girls,

  Xu Xiuwen would definitely think it was a fake watch

  because they couldn’t afford it.

  But Bai Yue’er got a lot of money from the company.

  She could afford this watch.

  Xu Xiuwen took it and looked at it carefully.

  As a non-professional watch appraiser, he didn’t see that it was a fake.

  Xu Xiuwen basically thought that this watch was a real watch.

  He was a little amused. He

  didn’t know whether to say that Bai Yue’er was careless.

  Such an expensive watch was just handed over to the fruit shop owner casually.

  What if the owner opened the box and took a look, found that it was an expensive watch, and embezzled it?

  But the girl’s kindness touched Xu Xiuwen deeply.

  At least at this moment, he wanted to fly to Shanghai to spend Christmas Eve with Bai Yue’er.

  But he soon calmed down.

  Not to mention that the crew had a filming plan today, Bai Yue’er, as the heroine, could not get away.

  He had already promised to spend the holiday with Xiao Youran today.

  Xu Xiuwen sent a text message to Bai Yue’er.

  Tell her that he received the gift and was very happy. After she finished filming the drama, he would take her out for a trip and spend some time with her.

  Bai Yue’er replied the text message quickly.

  He could feel the girl’s excitement even through the text.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at the watch in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and did not choose to wear it. Instead, he put the watch back into the box and put it away.

  Xu Xiuwen spent the holiday with Xiao Youran in the evening.

  Xiao Youran also gave him an apple in person.

  The next day was Christmas.

  In the morning.

  Xiao Youran was still lying in bed and didn’t want to get up.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly received a call.

  It was an unfamiliar number.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t intend to answer it, but after thinking about it, he answered it.

  After the call was connected.

  Xu Xiuwen was soon stunned.

  Because the caller was Huang Bao.

  He was the man who accompanied Gu Pandi to the hospital to pick up Gu’s mother and donated money to help.

  Xu Xiuwen made the donation without expecting gratitude or return.

  So he never showed up in front of Huang Bao.


  Huang Bao was able to find him.

  Xu Xiuwen was quite surprised.

  On the phone, Huang Bao kept thanking Xu Xiuwen, and said that he had come to Jinling and hoped to meet him.

  After hesitating, Xu Xiuwen agreed and made an appointment for a meeting place.

  Put down the phone.

  Xiao Youran asked in a daze: “Xiao Xu, who called you so early?”

  Xu Xiuwen said: “Someone you don’t know very well.”

  ”Then why did he call you?”

  ”I don’t know, we’ll know when we meet.”

  Xiao Youran suddenly sobered up a little.

  She opened her eyes and looked over, “Xiao Xu, are you going out?”

  Xu Xiuwen said apologetically, “Youran, I might be out for a while.”

  Xiao Youran pouted and asked, “When will you be back?”

  ”Not sure, but it shouldn’t be later than dinner time at the latest.”

  ”Then I won’t see you for the whole day?” Xiao Youran was already unhappy just thinking about it.

  ”I’m sorry, Youran, or I won’t go?” Xu Xiuwen asked tentatively.

  Xiao Youran sighed and said, “Forget it, you still go, I don’t want you to delay your work because of me.” Xu
Xiuwen smiled when he heard it.

  He stretched out his hand and scratched the tip of Xiao Youran’s nose, praising, “My Youran is getting more and more sensible now, I really can’t help but like you.”
Xiao Youran smiled shyly,

  and at the same time grabbed

  the quilt to cover half of his face.


  Xu Xiuwen got up and washed.

  After finishing the preparations, Xu Xiuwen suddenly thought of something and said to Xiao Youran on the bed: “You continue to sleep. If I finish early, I will call you. Otherwise, you can eat by yourself at noon.”

  Xiao Youran said: “I’d better go back to school to eat at noon.”

  ”That’s fine.”

  Xu Xiuwen was about to leave, but after thinking about it, he walked back and kissed Xiao Youran.

  Xiao Youran was obviously a little surprised, but more happy and surprised.

  Leaving Jiangning Garden.

  Xu Xiuwen drove to the place where he and Huang Bao agreed to meet.

  When he arrived, Huang Bao had already arrived.

  Xu Xiuwen casually asked: “Have you had breakfast?”

  Huang Bao shook his head.

  ”Let’s go. It happens that I haven’t eaten either. I’ll take you to have breakfast.”

  Huang Bao agreed after hesitating.

  Came to a nearby beef noodle restaurant.

  Xu Xiuwen ordered two bowls of beef noodles.

  During this time, Xu Xiuwen didn’t say anything, but simply asked about the situation of Huang Bao’s mother.

  Huang Bao said that her mother had undergone surgery, the surgery was very successful, and she had been discharged from the hospital for the time being, but she still had to continue to take immunosuppressants.

  After hearing this, Xu Xiuwen smiled and said congratulations.

  Huang Bao was very excited and kept saying thank you.

  If Xu Xiuwen hadn’t pulled him,

  he might have knelt down in front of other customers in the store.

  After finishing the noodles,

  he came out of the store.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Find a quiet place to sit for a while.”

  Then Xu Xiuwen drove Huang Bao to the company.

  After arriving at his office,

  Xu Xiuwen asked, “Huang Bao, how did you know that it was my donation?”

  Huang Bao did not hide anything and explained the situation.

  It turned out that after Huang Bao knew that someone had donated money, he decided to thank him in person.

  He pestered the doctor until he got impatient.

  Finally, Huang Bao found Xu Xiuwen’s phone number from the hospital.

  However, Huang Bao thought that he must thank him in person, so he did not call immediately, but waited until his mother’s condition stabilized before running to Jinling alone.

  Huang Bao suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to Xu Xiuwen three times.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t have time to stop him, so he didn’t stop him.

  However, from Huang Bao’s kowtow, it can be seen that he is a person who knows how to be grateful.

  Xu Xiuwen still appreciates this kind of people.

  Huang Bao said that he not only came to thank Xu Xiuwen, but also said that he would definitely pay Xu Xiuwen back.

  Xu Xiuwen waved his hand and said no.

  Huang Bao insisted on paying back the money.

  When the dispute was still going on.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly asked, “Do you have a job now?”

  Huang Bao was immediately embarrassed.

  He finally said, “My benefactor, I will definitely find a job as soon as possible and work hard to make money to pay back the money.”

  Xu Xiuwen looked at Huang Bao’s figure, thought of his identity as a veteran, and suddenly his heart moved.

  Xu Xiuwen asked, “Let’s not talk about the repayment for now. Although your mother has completed the operation, the subsequent expenses are not small. You should work hard to make money and take care of your mother first.”

  Huang Bao looked embarrassed.

  He knew that Xu Xiuwen was telling the truth.

  Although he said he would pay back the money, he had no ability to pay back the money in the short term.

  At this time.

  Xu Xiuwen took the initiative to ask, “What kind of job are you going to find?”

  Huang Bao shook his head: “I don’t know, let’s find one first. I’m not picky and can do anything.”

  Xu Xiuwen asked: “I do have a job here, I wonder if you are willing to do it!”

  Huang Bao was stunned, and his eyes flashed with surprise and gratitude.

  But he shook his head: “Benefactor, you have helped me a lot, how can I keep asking you to help me.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled.

  It seems that Huang Bao is not a person who is greedy.

  He was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said directly: “I won’t say nonsense. If you are willing, I will arrange for you to work in my factory. The job position is security guard, and the salary is the same as that of normal employees in the factory. If you are willing, just nod your head, and forget it if you are not willing.”

  Huang Bao saw Xu Xiuwen’s face and knew that he was serious.

  Although it is just a security job.

  But for Huang Bao now, it is also a good choice.

  At least being a security guard in the factory sounds very stable.

  And in his current situation, what he needs most is stability.

  It is really hard for Huang Bao to refuse.

   A small preview, the next Shura field will be. There are a lot of participants, it’s a bit exciting, if you have a weak heart, it is recommended to skip it

  (end of this chapter)



Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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