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Chapter 721: Plans always fail to keep up with changes

Chapter 721: Plans always fail to keep up with changes


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 721: Plans always fail to catch up with changes.

  North Island, Presidential Palace.

  The sky outside the window has turned a little yellow.

  Standing in front of the desk, Mongo did not look at the map on the wall, but stared at the declaration on the desk that was only a finger thick.

  Or more accurately, it was a code.

  Four months ago, they were loyal to Shelter 70, and now they are only loyal to this code signed by everyone.

  In fact, if there was no damn war, it would not be a bad thing for the residents of Shelter 70.

  Although they have lost the unlimited authority inherited from their fathers, they can also remove the unlimited responsibility given to them by the ancient oath.

  In the future, there will be no distinction between blue jackets and ordinary survivors. Whether they were former members of Shelter 70 or residents of the island, they will bear common obligations and responsibilities as members of the federal citizens.

  In the future, no one will blame the blue jacket for repairing the road crooked because they fell on the way to work. The blue jacket no longer exists. Everyone has to be responsible for the road under their feet, and everyone has to make careful choices for their future.

  In fact, they should have done so long ago. They have received the same education for a century. If there is still a difference in knowledge and experience between the first generation of vault dwellers and the wastelanders who have been sinking in the wasteland for a century, they are already the same kind of people as the fourth or even fifth generation.


  there is always a gap between ideal and reality.

  He thought that this road would be full of ups and downs, but he didn’t expect that just a blink of an eye would make them step into an abyss of no return.

  It was really a blink of an eye.

  A perfect excuse for war can make them, as victims, morally invincible and skip over arguments that may not have a result after years of disputes. With this perfect opportunity, they can let the conservatives and radicals put aside their differences and reach an agreement immediately, and let the Federation, which is only one step away from the final step, appear out of thin air.

  And he doesn’t need to do anything, just neglect for two seconds when he should be suspicious, so that the radicals who are clamoring for war will blow the flames that have already been lit more vigorously.

  Anyway, the Ocean Current Power Station has been blown up, why not use its remains to do something meaningful?

  For now, let’s just assume that it was done by Shelter 70.

  After all, if it was a hot-blooded soldier or even an officer who did something stupid, the survivors’ enthusiasm for establishing a new government would undoubtedly be greatly reduced, and many people’s efforts for this would be equivalent to wasted.

  After the war is over, if the residents of Shelter 70 are willing to open the door and cooperate with the investigation, it will not be too late to overturn their case and settle accounts with the real murderer.

  He admitted that he did think so at the time.

  And now…

  he only regrets in his heart.

  There were footsteps in the corridor outside the office, and it seemed that it was not a person.

  Mongo moved his eyes away from the code with countless signatures and looked at the door of the office. He

  saw his chief of staff, Charas, standing there, followed by two soldiers wearing silver-white exoskeletons.

  ”Mr. President, I heard you were looking for me?” Charas walked into the office with a smile on his face without any remorse.

  Mongo stared at him intently and spoke after a moment.

  ”Do you have anything else to say?”


  Looking at the pair of upright eyes, Charas was speechless for a moment, but soon he burst into laughter.

  ”What can I say? I don’t want to say anything… I should be the one asking you this question, Mr. Mungo, do you have anything else to say?”

  Looking at Charas who was laughing, Mungo said calmly.

  ”You violated the declaration we signed together. You not only betrayed me, but also betrayed everyone. From now on, I will remove you from your position as Chief of Staff of the Navy Command, and you will no longer be my Chief of Staff-”

  ”Is that all you have to say?” Charas shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, “Isn’t it too late?”

  Mungo looked into his eyes.

  ”The fate of the survivors of the Southern Islands Federation should be decided by all the survivors, not Shelter No. 70, nor you and me.”

  Looking at the president without avoiding, Charas’s mouth curled up a mocking smile.

  ”You are too naive. This war has been going on for four months. If the citizens of the Federation knew that this was a scam from the beginning to the end, our Federation would collapse immediately! They invited us in here, and they will drive us out of here in the same way.”

  There was a trace of sadness in Mongo’s eyes.

  ”Do you think this is naive?”

  Charas’s eyes gradually turned cold.

  ”Yes, I think so, and I think your naivety will lead us into an abyss of no return. We have always been in the wasteland. Some idiots think that our wasteland has ended, but the fact is that we have never left this damn wasteland for a second! Never!”

  ”The other side of the sea is full of hyenas who eat people without spitting out bones. If we all have the same naive ideas as you and come into contact with them with the rules and regulations we set ourselves, we will be gnawed to pieces without leaving any residue! Everyone will!”

  His voice became louder and louder, and the muscles on his face twisted with it. In his roar, he unconsciously brought a hint of hysteria.

  However, soon, he suddenly calmed down, took a deep breath, and spoke slowly.

  ”The survivors in the southern seas don’t need a president. That kind of thing can be discussed after the wasteland era ends. By then, they will ask me to give them ten of them. At least now, they need a stronger person with greater vision, ability and sense of responsibility to lead them to continue on… I and those who support me think so.”

  When he said this, Charas’ eyes suddenly showed a trace of disappointment, looking at the old friend who once trusted him so much.

  ”… In fact, you are not without a chance. If you did not summon me a few hours ago, but sent someone to shoot me, things would not have developed to this point.”

  ”That will only lead us to another kind of hell, it’s useless…” Mongo shook his head and looked at his friend standing in front of him. Suddenly, there was a trace of pleading in his eyes, “We have all made a mistake once, there is no second chance… Stop it, my friend.” The

  disappointment in his eyes gradually faded, and Charas didn’t know why he was not even interested in disappointment, but only felt a little bored.

  He thought this guy would struggle, but he didn’t expect that he would only beg for mercy after waiting for a long time.

  What a poor guy.

  Maybe Alzu is right.

  There is no need to use those subtle means to deal with this group of sheep. As long as you are a little bit tougher than them, you can lead them by the nose.

  Finally, he looked at the poor middle-aged man with pity, and then he took the pistol handed by the soldier and loaded it neatly.

  ”It’s too late. My supporters have entrusted their lives to me. I praise their loyalty. I won this bet, and I won without suspense. I will continue to walk with them until the end of the wasteland era.”

  ”As for you, just go to hell and regret your declaration.”




  A sudden gunshot broke the silence on the Glory destroyer, and the flashing gun flames shook the hatches on both sides of the corridor with a buzzing sound.

  Twenty-seven sailors suddenly mutinied, captured seven logistics personnel on the ship, and under the leadership of Captain Surrey, quickly occupied the cabins and gangways near the broadcasting room, and exchanged fire with the sailors who came after hearing the news.

  The two sides occupied the two ends of the corridor respectively, using the cabins and hatches on both sides of the corridor as cover to pour fire on each other. The whole corridor was filled with sparks from bullets and the roar of gunfire.

  ”Stop! Are you… fucking crazy!? Ah-ah–”

  The adjutant, who was shot in the arm, fell to the ground in pain, and was pulled back to the bunker by the sailor leaning against the corridor door.

  Looking at the bullets whizzing in the corridor and the flashing gunfire on the opposite side, his eyes widened with disbelief.


  He never thought that such a thing would happen on his ship!

  ”You are crazy! And the captain!” The man squatting on the opposite side of the corridor, who was changing the magazine of the rifle, roared, “Why don’t you listen to Mr. Charas’s orders!”


  The adjutant closed his eyes in pain, as if regretting his trust in the past, and shouted desperately at his former subordinates.

  ”What benefits did that guy promise you!”

  Without a trace of hesitation.

  The man roared back at him.

  ”A greater federation!”

  The noisy gunshots drowned out his hoarse roar. As more and more sailors surrounded them with weapons, the mutinous sailors gradually lost their advantage from the initial advantage.

  Although Captain Surrey occupied the broadcasting room early, the expected broadcasting sound of the sailors did not sound.

  Instead, the sailors loyal to Captain Dong Wen fought bravely and recovered the controlled corridors one by one under the leadership of his adjutant.

  Obviously, the captain had anticipated the incident and cut off the power supply of the broadcasting room as soon as it happened to prevent Captain Surrey from inciting more sailors to join their crazy plan.

  The battle soon came to an end.

  With the surrender of the two sailors guarding the hostages and the rescue of the seven captured logistics personnel, the area controlled by the rebels had been compressed from the entire rear half of the cabin to only a narrow corridor and a broadcasting room.

  Including Captain Surrey who led the mutiny, there were only three rebels left.

  Seeing another rebel being shot and falling, the adjutant pressed the wound on his arm and shouted loudly behind the bunker.

  ”Surrender! You have no chance! Accepting the trial of the law is your only way out… As long as you confess your mistakes! Maybe there is still hope of survival!”

  ”Then where is the hope of the Federation? Relying on you weak guys?” Sari, leaning against the iron gate with his left hand on his bleeding thigh, shouted loudly.

  The adjutant stared at him with wide eyes.

  ”What hope? What are you talking about!”

  ”What… am I talking about? Look at what you are doing!” Sari cursed, “Take the bodies of mutants to North Island? Do you want to tell the survivors there that it was actually a group of beasts with spears who blew up our power station?”

  The adjutant roared.

  ”I haven’t investigated and I can’t say for sure! But there is indeed someone in our group who became blind when he shouldn’t have blinked. This person is likely to be Charas and his accomplices… I also trusted that guy, but the fact is that he deceived all of us, and he intends to make up more lies for his own selfish desires! Wake up, how long are you going to hide it from the survivors who trust us!”

  ”Hide it? Hahahaha! What they lost is just the truth, don’t you see what they gained! For a century, we have never been so united–”

  Captain Surrey’s voice has not fallen yet.

  A deafening roar suddenly came from under everyone’s feet, and everyone, whether standing or sitting, was knocked over by the sudden movement.


  The creaking sound of steel breaking came along the wall, followed by the sound of water rushing in through the cracks in the hull.

  The adjutant who barely climbed up from the ground changed his face instantly, feeling the tremor coming from the wall, his eyes were full of horror.

  The sailors behind him were the same, holding on to the shaking hull and retreating backwards, their eyes full of fear.


  Someone took advantage of their confusion to launch a torpedo!

  They were hit!

  ”Retreat!” The adjutant yelled, pushing the soldiers behind him and urging them to run towards the gangway.

  At this time, Surrey, who was forced into a desperate situation, loosened his left hand that was pressing on the wound, and stood up with a grin on the wall.

  ”No one can judge me!”

  The face that had lost too much blood was twisted with a hint of fanaticism.

  Facing those cowards who kept retreating, he limped out of the broadcasting room and put the muzzle of the gun to his bloody chin.

  Although it was a pity that he failed to seize control of the Glory, such a result did not tarnish his mission.

  The mission in his heart.

  ”For the Federation!!”

  With veins popping out of his neck, he yelled and pulled the trigger. In a burst of fire and blood mist rising into the sky, he was swallowed by the surging sea water…

  on the bridge.

  Looking at the gradually capsizing hull in the thick smoke, Dong Wen slowly stood up with the help of the console, with a trace of surprise on his resolute face.

  He had imagined that there might be spies of Charas on his ship, after all, even he himself was a supporter of that adult.

  He even thought that the supporters of that madman would stop him from returning to North Island with evidence at all costs, and even betray his oath under the federal flag to launch a mutiny…

  However, what he didn’t expect was that the madman would order the federal fleet to kill each other for the sake of victory…

  There was no doubt that it was a torpedo fired by friendly forces.

  The flames burned on the steel, and the surging waves were like boiling water, dragging the towering ship into the bottomless abyss.

  When a systematic error occurs, it is often not because of one or two wrong decisions made by one or two people, but because the vast majority of people, when making decisions from their own standpoints, instinctively choose the worst option from the three options of upper, middle and lower.

  It is also for the same reason that when a systematic error has become a fact, one or two actions to correct the error become as insignificant as the one or two errors themselves.

  This is the case with the Ocean Current Power Station.

  It is also the case with the “Golden Coast” that sank to the bottom of the sea.

  Including other cargo ships, research ships and crew members on board that are infinitely close to the truth, and even himself.

  ”…It seems that Mr. Chalas has made up his mind.” Dong Wen took off the hat on his head and placed it on the console of the bridge.

  This road may be more tortuous than he imagined.

  Just when he was about to spend the last bit of his life, a sound wave signal suddenly appeared in the communication sonar.

  The source of the sound wave seemed to be very close to them.

  After a slight pause, Dong Wen reached out and pressed the on switch on the console and picked up the headphones and put them on.

  At the same time, a noisy sound came from the headphones.

  ”This is the Dolphin… Got it, please reply…”


  In the sea area ten kilometers away.

  A submarine slowly surfaced, revealing the steep bridge.

  Looking at the smoke rising in the distance and the steel hull slowly sinking into the sea, the captain standing in the bridge said calmly.

  ”This is the Cold Night, the Glory has sunk, requesting the next instructions.”

  A voice came from the communication channel.

  ”The command center received it. After the mission is completed, return to Beidao and wait for orders.”

  The captain asked.

  ”Aren’t you going to meet at the port of Anle Island?”

  After a brief silence, a reply came from the communication channel.

  ”The plan has changed… There was a little accident there.”

  ”Got it.”

  After the communication ended, the captain standing in front of the console looked at the heavy-hearted officers behind him and issued an order to return.

  The bridge exposed on the sea surface slowly sank.

  However, at this moment, the captain glanced at the sonar screen from the corner of his eye and frowned slightly.

  Is it an illusion?

  In the sea area where the Glory destroyer sank, the echo signal received by the active sonar seemed to flicker.

  The flicker was only for a moment.

  The captain stared at the screen with a frown for a while, and when he saw no new abnormalities, he withdrew his gaze from the screen.

  Perhaps it was the clutter reflected from the wreckage…


  Wasteland OL official website.

  During the peak period of logging in and out, the forum was as noisy as ever.

  Especially the brothers of the Jungle Corps, they rushed to the forum as soon as they logged out, and started chattering.

  ”MMP! This NPC is such a fucking jerk, he even steals heads!”

  ”Not only does he steal heads, but he also honks and taunts after he’s done!”

  ”That’s right! That’s too fucking much!” ”

  Be content, you guys, at least you saw a monster. We didn’t even see the shadow of a monster. We just wandered around the port and went back. (Squint eyes)”

  ”At least you showed your faces in the new map PV! We only showed our crab butts. We couldn’t see anything except the explosion at the end.”

  ”No, we didn’t show our faces either. We were wearing helmets and goggles.”


  ”It looks like Mosquito has taken all the credit. (Funny)”

  ”By the way, I’m the only one who’s curious. Is that Laken delicious? (Funny)”

  ”Uh… it was blown up by a torpedo from the NPC, and I didn’t pick up the corpse. How about I give you the coordinates and you go take a look?”

  ”It’s okay for me to go there… by the time I get there, I’m afraid there won’t be even bones left. But then again, aren’t you curious to try it? (Funny)”

  ”How can we eat in such a hellhole?!”

  Today’s big news is undoubtedly that the South Sea has taken the lead. The Jungle Corps, on behalf of the Alliance and French Fries Port, paid a friendly visit to the Ring Island.

  In a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, the two sides jointly issued a joint friendly statement and promised to cooperate more closely in more areas.

  The Governor of the Ring Island, Channing, said that citizens of the Alliance are welcome to visit and invest in the island, instead of just staying in the port to do business.

  To put it in a more popular way, ”

  Wasteland OL” has opened a new map!

  Although the entire Ring Island covers an area of ​​only 30 square kilometers, equivalent to four “Wake Islands”, in the past two centuries, local survivors have developed and utilized these 30 square kilometers to the extreme, just like the residents of Shelter No. 100 who have lived in the “Well” all their lives. The

  highly intensive industrial model and highly automated production methods of the Ring Island are inferior to even the most advanced factories in Boulder City.

  Of course, if we compare productivity and production costs, that is another matter. At present, the extensive industry of Dawn City is the fastest and cheapest. At least two-fifths of the Alliance’s [industrial output value] is supported by the factories there.

  Both sides have a lot to learn from each other, whether in the field of engineering or sociology.

  In particular, both sides are societies jointly established by shelters and wastelanders. Although there are differences in the routes, there are many similarities in the development trajectory.

  In this process, there was also a small episode. A group of “little fish people” swam to the vicinity of the submarine pipeline and prepared to destroy it.

  Fortunately, as early as two months ago when the submarine pipeline was just started, the players in French Fries Port were already on guard against the threat from the Death Coast.

  Fifty W-2/H seaplanes took away all the thousands of aquatic mutants who were driven to the sea in just one round of bombing.

  After seeing the Alliance’s strong combat effectiveness and determination to maintain regional order, the Governor of the Ring Island immediately added a joint defense agreement on the basis of the friendly statement.

  In the future, the Ring Island will not only lend the port to the Alliance’s military ships, but also agree to build an airport next to the Ring Island for the Alliance’s air force to use.

  All these achievements are not only due to the submarine freshwater pipeline, but also partly to the Torch Church and the federal authorities.

  After all, if those guys were not so troublesome, the residents of the Ring Island would never trust a group of outsiders who had just been here for less than two months.

  As for now, after using 0.8 silver coins per ton of fresh water, the residents of the Ring Island can only say that the agreement they signed with doubts at the beginning is really good.

  In a sense, they, like the Moon Clan members who fled to French Fries Harbor, have unknowingly become part of the alliance…

  Lightning Mage Professor Yang: “Hey, seeing you making money is more painful than me losing money. TT”

  What can I do with Ye Ao: “It’s boring, it’s a crappy game. I can’t even get an appointment after two years of reservation. When I get in, I’ll blow you all up! (Angry)” Quit

  Smoking: “Fuck, it’s been two years, is Brother Ye Ao still collecting New Year’s money? (Surprised)”

  Night Ten: “Brother Guang, just let him in. The red name system has been out for so long, isn’t it reasonable not to test it? (Funny)”

  No Family: “Forget it. If you don’t get the closed beta qualification, you can at least post spam on the forum. If your account is banned, you can’t even get on the forum. (Funny)”

  Midnight with an Umbrella but No Knife: “Brother, why are you so… Skilled.”

  No Family: “Ahem… I heard about it, too.”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Strongly request that Baiyue Company go public! Damn, if these guys keep snowballing, they might be able to buy the entire alliance!”

  Fang Chang: “You’re exaggerating. In fact, many of our businesses are done with money borrowed from the Alliance Bank. Do you think we can borrow money for any business? But if we can go public, of course I will support it with both hands. Although we make a lot of money, we also spend a lot. If we can go public to raise funds, we don’t have to increase the debt ratio to expand the business. (Squinting smile)”

  Edge Paddling: “Fuck, isn’t your business big enough? How else do you want to expand it? (Shocked)”

  Fang Chang: “What’s the point? Not to mention the Golden Gallon Port project, just talking about the southern waters, the submarine we plan to build The fresh water transmission network has only one pipeline in operation so far, and the only customer is Ring Island. Relying on this one pipeline alone is far from enough to solve the living and production water needs of millions of survivors, and we need to build more. ”

  Edge paddling: “How much money can you make just by selling water?”

  Fang Chang: “Of course you can’t make much money just by selling water, but the trust relationship we have established by ‘helping local people solve water problems’ can bring us more benefits. Especially the locals are well-educated survivors, and many of them are as knowledgeable and experienced as the experts in Camp 101, especially in the field of ‘ocean land transformation’ where they excel, and these talents are exactly what we need or even urgently need.”

  Edge paddling: “666!”

  Fountain Commander: “Good guy, you This is a good poaching. (Surprised)”

  Fang Chang: “Tsk, how can it be called poaching? Which wall of their house did I dig? They need fresh water, I give them fresh water, they need electricity, I give them electricity, and I even provide their social idle people with overseas employment opportunities, and the price is just some things that the locals can’t use temporarily or even have extra things… I prefer to call it a reasonable allocation of resources.”

  Ye Shi: “Oh my god… The Survivor Daily should invite you to be an editor.”

  Edge paddling: “66666!”

  Debt big eyes: “MMP, other people’s corps leaders can make a fortune with their brothers, but our corps leader can only deduct 6.”

  Construction site boy and brick: “That’s right! Our corps leader is too lame!”

  Edge paddling: “? ? ? Damn, I invested money,

  so what if I deduct 6.” Debt big eyes: “? When did you invest secretly?”

  Lao Bai: “I pulled brother Edge to invest, it was two months ago. (Grinning teeth)”

  Debt big eyes: “? ? ? Damn! ”

  Midnight Killing Chicken: “Speaking of which, the Governor of the Ring Island also promised to build an 800-meter airport runway next to the island, where the air force brothers can stop in the future. This can be regarded as one of the benefits brought by the pipeline. (grin)”

  WC Really Has Mosquitoes: “After all, water and electricity will depend on us in the future, so it doesn’t seem too much to borrow the road to park a plane. (squinting smile)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Isn’t 800 meters too short?”

  WC Really Has Mosquitoes: “Not short, for W-2, 300 or 400 meters is enough. By the way, I heard that a new model will be released soon, you can look forward to it. (funny)”

  Fang Chang: “In short, since the effect of infrastructure is good, we will still focus on infrastructure in the next stage. As long as all or most of the thirteen islands of the Federation are connected to the fresh water and electricity supply network starting from French Fries Port, even if we do not station troops there, we can gain control of the area through indirect economic means.”

  Lao Bai: “Like Silver Moon Bay?”

  Fang Chang: “Almost the same. ”

  Although the Hump Kingdom requested the Alliance to send a garrison to Silver Moon Bay and even offered to bear all the expenses because of the frequent irrational behavior of the Xilan Empire, there is no follow-up on this matter for the time being. The

  Alliance is recently reconstructing the military system, abolishing the original combat organization of 10,000 people and restoring the army, division, brigade, regiment, battalion, company, platoon, and squad sequence organization of the Human Alliance era.

  Of course, this mainly involves the NPC Corps, and the player Corps can still call their own Corps Leader BOSS or Boss according to their preferences.

  In this way, Fang Chang painted a pie with a group of forum friends, depicting a beautiful blueprint for the future of the Southern Sea, while instigating them to rush to the tower and persuade A Guang to open the first casino in the Valley Province – oh no, the stock exchange.

  In fact, if you don’t take into account that the Southern Sea is right next to the Torch Church, it is indeed a place with unlimited investment potential, and the various businesses of Baiyue Company are definitely low-risk and high-return.

  However, just when he was drawing the pie to the key point, a shareholder of Baiyue Company suddenly jumped out.

  Tail: “Shock! Big news! Σ(°Д°;)っ”

  Quit smoking: “What’s going on?” “

  Luo Yu: “?” “

  Tail: “Neighbors of French Fries Port! Fighting!” (ω)”

  Lao Bai: “……?” “

  Fang Chang: “? ? ?” “

  Ye Shi: “Oh my goodness, A Guang flipped the table. (Funny)”

  In less than a minute…

  the entire forum was boiling instantly! –

  (Seeking monthly tickets brothers TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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