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Chapter 723 It Was Me Who Overturned the Table

Chapter 723 It Was Me Who Overturned the Table


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 723 It turns out that I overturned the table

  ”It’s okay that I overturned the table again…”

  Shelter 404, B4 floor browsing room.

  Chu Guang, who had finished a day’s work, leaned on the sofa and flipped through the posts on the forum. As he flipped through them, he felt a burst of laughter and tears –

  ”Oh! Pass it on! Fang Chang made money too quickly and was sanctioned by the planner!”

  ”Hahahaha! Justice from heaven!”

  ”Wait, Awei, aren’t you also a shareholder?”

  ”!! Giao!”

  ”I would like to call it… efficient resource allocation! (funny)”

  ”Brothers of the Death Corps! Give the marginal brother a wave of 666!” ”

  ??? What does it have to do with me!”

  ”It doesn’t matter! It’s more comfortable to see you lose money than me make money!”

  ”Fuck! Is it so real?”


  Having two identities does have many benefits for him, especially the identity of a planner, which can give him unlimited power outside the rules of the game.

  However, this is not entirely a benefit. Few people realize that the responsibility that is equal to unlimited power is also unlimited.

  Therefore, in addition to rational analysis, there is always another kind of humorous voice on the forum. For example, he actually blew up the building in Boulder City, he was the mastermind behind the human disaster in the province of Borneo, and he even started the civil war in the Federation.

  If this explanation continues, let alone the “Three Years War” being started by him, I’m afraid he might have crashed into Mount Buzhou.

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the pen holder, giggled non-stop while holding his stomach. Chu Guang couldn’t help but stretched out his index finger and flicked it on the forehead.

  The latter let out a strange cry and fell into the pen holder. Not long after, he put his hands on the edge of the pen holder and looked at him pitifully.

  ”Woo woo…”

  ”Okay, stop pretending to be pitiful, do something for me.”

  Knowing that this guy would not feel any pain at all, Chu Guang ignored his pretending to be pitiful, and continued after thinking for a moment.

  ”…Send a message to the players who have obtained temporary permissions for Shelter No. 70 through the official website task system, so that they can set off to Shelter No. 70.”

  Although he was a little disappointed that he failed to win sympathy, Xiao Qi still obediently did the task assigned by Chu Guang.

  Previously, the entrance to Shelter 70 had been under the blockade of the Federation Fleet, and even a nuclear-powered submarine would have difficulty sneaking in under the watchful eyes of the public.

  Those thirteen ships were serious warships, and the weapons they were equipped with were probably modified weapons from starships, which were very different from the “warships” of the Xilan Empire that could fight with civilian cargo ships for hundreds of rounds.

  If the deflector shield is the “shield” of a starship, those ships are very likely equipped with the “spear” of a starship.

  Shelter 70 was opened in the 100th year of the Wasteland Era, when the Post-War Reconstruction Committee had been separated for nearly fifty years.

  Considering that Shelter 70 and Shelter 117 have been exchanging information, they must have known about the Legion.

  In other words, the original intention of the Federation Fleet was probably not to deal with the predators in the wasteland, but to build it with the Legion, which controls a large number of starship cores, as the imaginary enemy.

  Both sides have powers that have never come into contact with each other.

  That is why Chu Guang and the local players have been cautious when they come into contact with the islands in the southern seas.

  A stream of data flashed across Xiao Qi’s eyes, and after a moment, he raised his head and said,

  ”They are already on their way.”

  ”Already on their way?”

  Chu Guang glanced at the IDs that were still spamming on the holographic screen with a little surprise.

  That’s OK.

  There are more and more self-aware little players.

  It saves him from worrying about these trivial matters.


  The setting sun sinks into the sea, and the sparkling waves gradually fade away with the sunset. The darkness has already enveloped the turbulent sea.

  On the beach of the Death Coast, at the border of Haiya Province, an old man in a gray robe is standing quietly, letting the sea breeze blow his robe.

  Staring at the waves that bid farewell to the dusk, Alzu’s face covered with ravines gradually climbed up with a hint of excitement and joy.

  Even though he knew he should restrain his emotions as a human being, he couldn’t help laughing out loud.



  Their layout in the southern seas was worth it.

  After being forced into a corner, the half-hearted ally finally realized what the real trump card in his hand was.

  When the southern seas are completely under the influence of the Torch, they will be able to open up a wider strategic space to the south!

  Even let the Torch’s Heaven cover the entire ocean!

  Without waiting too long, a weak signal came from afar.

  This time, Arzu did not turn a blind eye, but gladly allowed the signal to access his sea of ​​consciousness.

  Looking at the figure of Charas appearing in front of him, he nodded with a smile.

  ”Congratulations, Mr. Charas.”

  Charas looked at him expressionlessly.

  ”It seems that you already know.”

  Arzu said in a happy tone.

  ”Of course, since there are supporters of you and your manifesto on the North Island, there are naturally believers of us. Even the fact that you can sit on the presidential throne so smoothly is not without our support and operation behind the scenes.”

  Charas snorted without commenting on this ambiguous statement, but continued to speak concisely.

  ”We encountered a little trouble.”

  Alzu said softly.

  ”Anle Island, right?”

  Charas nodded and continued with a serious look.

  ”That’s right. Not long after we started the rebellion, the vice president delivered his inaugural speech and established a new authority. We moved quickly enough, but they were not slow either. Apart from the governors of Ring Island and Sandbank Island who remained neutral, Li Minghui still won over four other governors.”

  ”But the battleship ‘Sea Edge’ is in your hands.” Alzu said softly, “I heard that its main gun was removed from a starship.”

  Charas said patiently, “Yes, but that doesn’t mean it is invulnerable, especially if the threat comes from the bottom of the sea. The trouble now is that Coral City and Shelter No. 70 are closer to Anle Island than to North Island. If they manage to take control of there–“

  ”Don’t worry about that. Our people can breathe even underwater. They don’t stand a chance. You just need to focus on dealing with the fleet of Anle Island. The battlefield under the sea can be left to us.” Before he could finish, Alzu interrupted him. Charas

  was stunned for a moment, and soon realized what this guy had done while the Southern Islands Federation was in chaos, and his brows gradually frowned.

  ”You guy…”

  Alzu continued casually.

  ”You promised to lend us the scientific research facilities in Coral City. Now you are just cashing the check in advance, or… are you kidding us?”

  ”I did promise, but I didn’t say to let mutants appear there.”

  Charas narrowed his eyes and stared at him, with a warning tone, “Listen, your people better not do stupid things around there. I’m not kidding. Forcing in without electricity will only destroy the place!”

  Alzu laughed and said softly.

  ”Don’t get excited. I didn’t let those scaly beasts in. I don’t want that place to become a ruin. They are just guarding the door for you for a while—”

  But at this moment, he suddenly stopped talking halfway through, and the relaxed expression on his face froze involuntarily.

  Noticing the change in his expression, Charas vaguely realized something and asked hurriedly.

  ”What happened?”


  Arzu muttered with a flickering look in his eyes, and before Charas could continue to ask, he waved his index finger and hurriedly ended the communication.

  Almost at the same time when the communication ended, his wrinkled face twisted together, and his dry hands supported his forehead, cursing at the reef on the beach.

  ”…A waste that is more likely to cause trouble than to do good!”


  In the deep and dark seabed, a towering nuclear fusion-powered submarine was clinging to the edge of the kelp forest, moving quietly and silently on the rugged reef.

  Two hours had passed since the Dolphin crew salvaged Dong Wen and other members of the Glory, and their location had also moved from the southwest section of the southern waters to the south-central area.

  In the submarine’s bridge, Chen Jianhong put down his coffee cup, looked at the dark sea outside the porthole, and squinted his eyes with a smile.

  ”It’s just ahead.”

  This area of ​​water is located between Anle Island and Coral City, and is the route he most often runs.

  It’s no exaggeration to say that he can drive the submarine to the door of Shelter No. 70 with his eyes closed.

  Tail, who had just returned to the line, looked out excitedly and made a gesture of looking into the distance.

  ”Oh, it’s so big – damn, why can’t Tail see anything!”

  Rourou, who was squatting on the side, covered her mouth and laughed twice, and didn’t forget to tease.

  ”Maybe it’s because it’s a settlement that only smart people can see, and stupid people can’t see it.”

  Tail’s eyes turned when he heard the words, and he quickly looked at Rourou and said with a smirk.

  ”Hey, then, Rourou, tell me what the settlement looks like?”

  ”Uh–” Unexpectedly, Rourou got himself into trouble. Rourou got stuck for a moment, but soon said wittily, “How should I know? I’m just a bear.”

  Tail looked at Rourou in surprise.

  ”… Good fellow, Rourou has become smart.”

  Rourou couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

  ”I wasn’t stupid before, okay!”

  Looking at the noisy man and the bear, Zhimahu standing next to them couldn’t help but smile, and Sisi’s mouth also curled up a smile.

  Although he didn’t understand what the two were talking about, Chen Jianhong noticed the girl with short hair looking out and immediately guessed what this guy was looking at, so he waved to the crew sitting next to him, signaling him to turn on the main searchlight on the bow of the submarine.

  A beam of dazzling light shot out, lighting up the dark sea nearby, and also scared away the fish and crabs crawling under the reefs.

  As the beam of light swung, a huge underwater settlement soon came into view, causing Ah Wei, Rou Rou, and a dozen of the jungle corps’ power animals to stare with wide eyes.

  It was a small city standing on the seabed.

  A bunch of transparent domes in the shape of light bulbs wrapped the metal structure inside, and the “light bulbs” were connected by pipes, spreading from the giant dome in the center to the surroundings like a spider web.

  The entire settlement was like a large building block, consisting of airtight modules stacked on a three-dimensional structure to form a three-dimensional settlement.

  Colorful and charming corals dotted around it, making this settlement on the seabed particularly dazzling from the outside.

  It was hard to imagine that this settlement was built in the years after the end of the prosperous era…

  Not only were the players fascinated, but even the crew members in the bridge also showed nostalgic looks, looking at their hometown that they had not returned to for four months.

  Chen Jianhong narrowed his eyes and said with a hint of longing in his voice.

  ”…You came at the wrong time. If it was four months ago, the scenery here would be more beautiful. Do you see that central dome? That is the square of Coral City. The four fluorescent screens in the middle shine the light on the dome at the same time, and even project it onto the sea.”

  Trying to imagine that scene, Rourou swallowed his saliva involuntarily, and a “giao” escaped from his furry mouth.

  The same was true for the tail standing next to him, with shock and expectation written all over his face.

  ”Even more amazing…”

  Sisi pondered for a moment, and suddenly had an idea and spoke.

  ”If the reactor of the nuclear submarine is connected to the power system of that settlement… can this settlement be restored to operation?”

  Chen Jianhong was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile.

  ”How can it be that simple…”

  The reactor of the submarine is specially designed for nuclear submarines.

  Not to mention whether this method can be implemented in operation, even if it can be implemented, there will probably be various compatibility issues.

  Seeing Captain Chen’s answer, Sisi could only give up the idea of ​​sneaking into the new map to find out what was going on, and said helplessly.

  ”Okay, I just asked casually.”

  Maybe the dog planner hasn’t finished making this map yet.

  Just as the two were communicating, the sonar system in the cockpit suddenly detected abnormal noise from the direction of Coral City.

  And the noise came from more than one place, and was gathering rapidly towards the submarine.

  Walking quickly to the side of the control console, looking at the graphics fed back on the sonar screen, Chen Jianhong’s face suddenly changed.

  ”There’s something going on in the direction of Coral City!”

  Upon hearing this, the bored model worker suddenly showed an excited look on his face.

  ”Federation submarine?”

  Several other players from the Jungle Corps beside him also showed eager expressions on their faces.

  ”No… the outline is similar to a human shape, and the surface has scaly material…” After locking one of the noise sources, Chen Jianhong pointed his index finger on the screen, locked the camera on that noise source and zoomed in on the image.

  When they saw the blue-skinned monster appearing on the screen, almost all the crew members couldn’t help but exclaimed.


  Chen Jianhong’s expression became more and more solemn, and he said after a moment of silence.

  ”…These guys probably took advantage of the chaos of the Federation fleet to sneak in.”

  The crew member sitting in front of the console swallowed his saliva and said nervously.

  ”Should we turn off the searchlight?”

  Chen Jianhong was about to give an order when the model worker standing next to him interrupted the topic.

  ”No, just point the searchlight at them. Those guys are afraid of light, especially when they are underwater! You keep going, and leave the rest to us!”

  He patted Captain Chen on the shoulder, strode to the door, and shouted to the brothers in the bridge, “Brothers! It’s mutants! Get ready to restock!”

  ”Ahhh!” The brothers of the Jungle Corps roared excitedly, and rushed to the door under the stunned gaze of a group of NPCs.

  Tail, who followed the booing, also wanted to sneak in, but was caught by Rourou who was well prepared.

  ”Awei, calm down, we don’t have diving equipment, and we might be gone the moment we go out.”

  After calming down the restless Tail, Sisi looked at Captain Chen Jianhong and continued.

  ”Friends from the Jungle Corps will buy time for us, and we will take this opportunity to rush over.”

  Chen Jianhong nodded, but a trace of worry still appeared on his face, after all, there were at least four or five hundred units estimated on the sonar screen.

  ”Are they okay?”

  Sisi smiled.

  ”Don’t worry, they just fought with those guys during the day, so this number is not a problem.”

  Seeing her say that, Chen Jianhong put aside his worries and looked at the crew sitting in front of the console and gave an order.

  ”Target Shelter No. 70! Full speed ahead!”


  Just as the engine power of the Dolphin nuclear submarine was increased to the maximum and it was heading straight towards Shelter No. 70, the aquatic mutants stationed in the Coral City area also discovered this big guy who suddenly broke into their territory. ”


  A mutant priest roared intimidatingly, calling on a group of scaly minions behind him to pick up their weapons and kill the submarine.

  Although their flesh and blood bodies seemed a little weak when facing the federal destroyer that combines search and destruction, when facing the unarmed cargo submarine like the Dolphin, the thermite bombs and other homemade explosives in their hands can still pose a certain threat.

  Just as the “fishermen” rushed towards the shining light, a series of thin water columns suddenly rushed towards them like locusts, and instantly shot the dozen fish in the front into sieves.

  The fishmen stopped their forward momentum in panic, and looked at the reefs close at hand against the dazzling searchlight.

  They saw nineteen huge iron crabs standing there, pointing their thick and long gun barrels at them.

  Looking at the faces full of fear through the observation window of the cockpit, the model worker holding the joystick with both hands had a grim smile on his face.

  ”Your opponent is my grandfather! Cub!”

  He had not had enough fun in the previous battle. He had only chopped a dozen fish when the goblin army’s small planes snatched the heads.

  This is the middle section of the southern sea area, which is far beyond the combat radius of friendly forces. There is no need to worry about being disturbed.

  However, as soon as he finished his pretentious words, he heard the ridicule of his teammates.

  ”Old devil, if you don’t add “we” to your words, it makes you look like that bastard.”


  The laughter in the communication channel made the old model worker blush and cursed and turned off the microphone.

  ”Fuck! You are the only one who talks too much!”

  While he was talking, the “king crabs” that jumped out of the front hatch of the submarine were fighting with these mutants with scales.

  During this period, some cunning guys wanted to leave the battle to intercept the submarine, but they were caught up by the 19mm harpoon and only half of their bodies were left.

  The terrifying power was so terrifying that even mutants were terrified.

  However, these guys were different from those that the players had seen before. They did not panic because of the temporary casualties.

  It seemed that they realized that they could not get close to the submarine without getting rid of these iron crabs. They roared and turned around, and went behind the players to try to avoid the lights shining directly into their eyes.

  The battle between the two sides was about to break out. The waving chainsaws and the flying harpoons set off a bloody storm in the deep sea.

  Mutants were constantly dying, and the shocking blood flowed wantonly, almost dyeing the entire water red.

  However, even so, the 19 surrounded Jungle Corps players still felt an unusual effort.

  These guys –

  are completely different from the previous ones!

  They did not rush up and greet them with harpoons, but used tactics to try to divide and surround them!

  ”Everyone be careful! These guys are different from the ones who attacked the submarine pipeline before!”

  ”What’s the area -”

  Before the player finished speaking, the sparks of the explosion jumped from the armored shell, and along with the large bubbles, it was blown into a pile of scrap metal.

  A mutant carried a thick and long launch tube in his hand, and laughed hoarsely and dullly at the iron crabs that were emitting bubbles.

  It was from there that a small torpedo was fired that shot through the crab shells.

  Judging from the explosion, it was probably the ammunition rack that was detonated.

  ”Damn it!”

  A player roared in anger, wielding a chainsaw and charging at the mutant, chopped it in half amidst its panicked squawking.

  Looking at the attrition mark on the team list, the hardworking player’s heart sank slightly.

  Less than 5 minutes after the two sides came into contact, they already had a casualty!

  There were hundreds or even thousands of mutants in front of them, and they had no support…

  This battle might be harder than they imagined!

  But even so, there was still no fear on his face, and his eyes were burning with fighting spirit.

  Compared with a group of minions standing there stupidly for him to chop, it was indeed more interesting to have an evenly matched opponent.

  ”Come on!”

  He stepped on the rudder hard to avoid a torpedo coming from the side, turned over and smashed the chain saw in his hand, chopping a mutant who tried to stick thermite on his back into two pieces.

  Driven by the instinct of survival, he became more and more proficient in operating this thing.

  At this moment, he seemed to have really turned into a crab.

  Although he was not operating this thing through a neural connection device.

  The already blood-thirsty Voldemort roared excitedly.

  ”Show me what you can do! Let me see what else you can do!”

  Across the heavy armor and the vast sea, the passionate roar was destined to be heard only by him.

  But even if they couldn’t hear the shouts of the fight, the crew standing in the bridge could still feel the fierceness of the fight through the pictures captured by the camera.

  Looking at the armored vehicles that kept exploding under the searchlight, the crew members fell into silence.

  Chen Jianhong’s Adam’s apple moved, and he couldn’t help looking at Sisi beside him and asked.

  ”Are they…really okay?”

  At the current speed of the Dolphin, those guys were probably thrown off.

  However, this also means that those warriors who jumped out of the cabin wearing iron crabs can only pray for good luck…

  Sisi was silent for a while, and thought of a suitable statement without violating the player’s rules.

  ”From the moment we stepped out of the shelter, we have been aware of our mission. Death is just a kind of return for us.”

  Chen Jianhong’s Adam’s apple moved, and he didn’t speak, but continued to look down the porthole.

  The crew members of the Glory sitting in the lounge saw the fight through the TV in the corner of the ceiling, and their hearts were heavy.

  Those guys…

  They had met once in the daytime, and in the northwest waters of the roundabout island.

  Some people saluted silently, and some people couldn’t help but clenched their fists on their knees.

  It is their duty to protect this ocean.

  But now it is others who are fulfilling the obligations that should belong to them.

  This guilt made many people bow their heads…


  The bloody battlefield gradually faded away, and the searchlights could no longer illuminate the seaweed forest where the fighting was going on.

  The Dolphin slowly sailed to the top of an underwater canyon and dived into the bottomless abyss.

  When the submarine bypassed a T-shaped rock pillar and entered a huge cave structure, concrete walls soon appeared on both sides of the submarine cabin.

  Looking at the structures on both sides, Chen Jianhong’s face was filled with a hint of pride, and he said in a nostalgic tone.

  ”…This is the backup entrance of the shelter, and it was also the engineering entrance used when the shelter was constructed. I heard that people at that time closed the entire cave that was hundreds of meters wide and several kilometers long, drained the seawater inside, built a buffer gate, and then laid steel bars and poured concrete in the internal space… Generally speaking, only the residents of the shelter know about it.”

  He did not see how the magnificent project started with his own eyes, but he heard his father tell the story of that time.

  Sisi nodded and suddenly had an idea.

  ”How do you distinguish the residents of the shelter? I’m suddenly a little curious.”

  Chen Jianhong: “Generally speaking… if one of the parents is a shelter resident, the child born in the shelter is a shelter resident, or if both parents are shelter residents, it doesn’t matter where they are born. Isn’t that the case with you?”

  ”Oh, we haven’t given birth yet, so I don’t know!” Wei Ba suddenly interrupted.

  Sisi’s face turned red involuntarily, but after being together for so long, she had long been accustomed to Wei’s outspokenness, and just coughed lightly.

  ”We don’t have this kind of situation.”

  ”That’s right, I think someone mentioned that you are the kind of shelter… frozen hibernation, right? So you are the ‘first generation’,” Chen Jianhong touched his nose and suddenly said with emotion, “That’s good, you can at least live in peace for a hundred years. We have found the mines ahead for you… Of course, it’s up to you whether to remove them or not.”

  Sisi glanced at him.


  Chen Jianhong nodded.

  ”Unlimited power and unlimited responsibility… but you don’t have to take real responsibility until an irreparable problem arises. Before we came out of the shelter, we didn’t realize that the position of manager itself had a huge bug. After all, when the shelter was designed, managers were just managers, not that complicated. I guess people in the Era of Prosperity didn’t think so much about it.”

  Sisi said after pondering for a moment.

  ”I don’t think this is a bad thing in itself. What does it matter if the administrators can do a good job?”

  ”Then who defines this ‘good’?”

  Chen Jianhong looked at her meaningfully, laughed and said, “If Charas wins, the pipeline you built will be a noose around the necks of the citizens of the Federation. If the guys on Anle Island win, it will be an olive branch of friendship.”

  ”Pipelines are pipelines, and business is business. Objective facts are difficult to tamper with. Once they are changed, they will be full of loopholes, but there are many ways to interpret them… Do you believe that if Charas wins, even mutants can become friends of the Federation? Those things that not only eat people but also perform living sacrifices are bad enough, right?”

  Tails clenched his fists and stared at his eyes intently.

  ”Oh! Although that’s what you said, we won’t let them win!”

  Chen Jianhong said with a smile.

  ”I’m just giving you an example. Our development paths are similar, but in fact, there are still big differences. When I reported to Dawn City, I met your manager. That gentleman is a smart man. He has learned from almost all the failures or successes of the shelters you have encountered. He has kept every manager’s log. Perhaps your future will be different.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Also, never underestimate your opponents. Those guys are not completely without a chance. Especially the battleship is a big trouble for you. We calculated that the main gun only needs 2 to 3 rounds to overload the shield core of the aerospace frigate. We built it to guard against the Legion, but we didn’t expect that the Legion didn’t attack here for a century, but used it on our own people first.”

  The people standing in the bridge exchanged glances. This is incredible information.

  The Iron Heart seems to use the “frigate core”. So the main gun of the battleship was removed from the aerospace frigate?

  But how did they solve the problem of friction resistance of kinetic weapons in the atmosphere?

  As the group was talking, a steep concrete wall suddenly appeared in front of the bridge, blocking their way forward.

  Rourou was stunned for a moment and whispered.

  ”No way?”

  Looking at this talking white bear, Chen Jianhong pointed to the top of his head and said with a smile.

  ”It’s up there.”

  At the same time as he finished speaking, the submarine that had stopped moving slowly floated up.

  After a moment of waiting, the bridge emerged from the water, and the scenery in front suddenly became clear.

  This is a cave in the deep sea. There is an open space just above the concrete wall. At the end of the open space is a huge gear-shaped metal door.

  It is like a button, firmly locked on the thick rock.

  Looking at the scene outside the porthole, the tail group standing in the bridge opened their eyes wide, with incredible expressions in their pupils.

  The same is true for the crew members in the bridge, with excited expressions on their faces.

  Most of them were residents of the shelter, as well as residents of Coral City. The huge metal door was like a road sign at their doorstep.

  ”Finally back…”

  Chen Jianhong smiled with relief, and shouted to the people in the cabin, “What are you waiting for! Turn left 90 degrees! Move the door closer, we’re going home!”

  With the concerted efforts of everyone, the submarine quickly approached the edge of the concrete “port”.

  At the same time, the people in the shelter also noticed them, and the broadcast above the square soon heard a surprised voice.

  ”Dolphin? Great, you’re still alive!”

  With his feet on the shore, Chen Jianhong used his index finger to drill his ears and finally adapted to the air pressure outside, and shouted with a smile.

  ”Hahaha! We’re doing great!”

  After a pause, he looked back at the tail group who had just landed and introduced them.

  ”I’m sure you won’t believe it, but just two months after that incident, friends from Shelter No. 404 found us. Remember Baiyue Province? They came here by airship and built a settlement there.”

  A cry of surprise came from the broadcast.

  ”Baiyue Province?! How did they do it!”

  It’s not difficult to land there, but if you want to stay, you can only endure continuous losses and casualties. Shelter No. 70 also tried several times in the early years, but after several serious casualties, the colonization operation was forced to stop.

  Although the resources on land are necessary, the cost is too high.

  ”They… I don’t really understand how they persisted. Anyway, they are our neighbors now. By the way, their hometown is in the River Valley Province, where they established a survivors’ alliance! I went there to see that the locals are very enthusiastic, especially to us shelter residents. I even saw… Forget it, it’s hard to explain in a few words. You open the door quickly. I brought you some local specialties.”

  Chen Jianhong originally wanted to talk about Sun Yuechi, but that matter was endless.

  Anyway, he brought that issue of “Goblin Observer” with him, and they had plenty of time to talk about this topic when they entered the shelter.

  A hearty voice came from the radio.

  ”No problem, we are powering up the main door of the shelter! This door hasn’t been used for a long time, and the air pressure in the buffer chamber also needs to be balanced, which may take some time. By the way, ahem! The beauties in Shelter 404… can you add a contact number? Wait, does your VM have a chat function?”

  ”We modified it a long time ago, but I’m afraid our operating systems are different, so I’m afraid we can’t exchange those methods with you.”

  Not liking the frivolous tone, Sisi politely rejected his proposal, but soon remembered that this was in the game, and couldn’t help but regret the side quest that might have been missed.

  ”Well… what a pity, my name is Lin Nuo, at least please allow me to show you around here.” The broadcast didn’t pester, but it didn’t seem to give up completely.

  Chen Jianhong cleared his throat and shouted.

  ”Okay, Alin, stop occupying the radio to chat about personal matters. How long do you have?”

  ”Ten minutes… This door hasn’t been used for a long time. By the way, who are those people behind you? I remember that there weren’t so many people on the Dolphin. Are they also from Shelter 404?”

  The voice was obviously suspicious.

  Knowing that this matter could not be concealed, this guy probably went to compare facial data. Chen Jianhong coughed lightly and took the initiative to confess.

  ”They are the crew of the Glory–”

  Before he could finish his words, there was a noise from the other end of the radio, as if a hand had snatched the microphone away.

  Then, a cold voice came.

  ”Let them go.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode